DON'T WASTE YOUR RESIN! Efficient Resin Spending Guide | Genshin Impact

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hey what's up guys i thought i should make a quick and short video talk to you guys about some mistakes that people make with resin spending and i seem to be getting the same questions a lot about these things and i just want to clarify it to make sure you guys don't waste your uh resin and don't waste your primo gems if you do resin refill it can get expensive and you could be wasting it or using it inefficiently i just want to kind of make a fast video basically telling you guys how you should be using it but obviously it's a game so play it how you want also i've been working on my abyss guide but i don't think i'll get it out before ghani release and i do want to make videos on gun you first so that'll be delayed a bit that being said let's get right into it so the first thing we're going to talk about is your character leveling uh ascending and all that stuff now the reason i say don't waste your resin is because almost every resource in this game comes from resin right mora xp apart from like battle pass and events like if you buy the 10 battle pass um but you know even more for free to play players you're getting the majority of your mara your xp books and just about everything from spending resin so you want to be efficient with how you use them especially as i said if you aren't really doing resin refreshes uh if you don't spend pretty much items on it so because of that i want you guys to know a few things first of all it's not worth leveling characters all the way unless you have excess materials what i mean is as you'll notice when i go through characters a lot of my characters are ascended but not leveled and there isn't really a point in leveling them all the way unless you just have extra resources now to show you guys what i mean if we go here you'll see my ning is level 80 out of 90. right i ascended her and the reason i send it here is because you get bonus uh sorry you get bonuses from ascending right you see this geo damage bonus increase and base stat it is really nice especially the geo damage bonus will really really add up especially on a main dps like ninguang and that's why i ascended her and actually and i cannot stress this enough the most important part of leveling your dps up leveling a character past 6 out of 70 ascending them is the talents you get because like the scaling you guys can go check the scaling on your dilu galt but at level 8 it gets much higher you can see if i get it up again all these scalings go up same thing with my e same thing with my normal attacks obviously and your normal attacking constantly with the luke and this dps increase on like every hit really does add up and does matter so that is the main reason why you would level a character but for talents obviously you don't need to level like past the ascension thing you just gotta send you can upgrade your talents and leave them at 80 out of 90 or 70 out of 80 or whatever but the reason i don't get her to 90 is because if you guys look here if i use all my purple books right all 87 it's only enough to get her to level 86 and getting her 86 costs almost 400 well 350k maura which is an insane amount so the amount of resin i'd need to spend to get these xp books and to get the mora is huge for barely any uh increase to show you guys how little a level increases we're going to get my dilute to level 88 just for this video um oh this is a lot of xp books i don't want to do this but whatever um so i spent like 76k mara there i think and a bunch of like 20 xp books and i got a base attack increase of five which isn't bad but the point is like it's just not worth leveling your characters before you do other stuff what do i mean by other stuff well ascending your characters is super important your main priority when using resin is ascending your dps and making sure that your supports are level 60 out of 70. for just about every support at least 60 out of 70. now why if you guys don't know this when you do a send a character past 60 so to 70 but you don't actually need to level them you unlock their second talent and for some characters uh well for most characters honestly their second talent is really really good if you look at some of my under level characters right she has the first passive but she doesn't have the second one because uh she is only level 20 out of 40. i ascended her once but i did not ascend her uh past 60 to get this other talent so definitely something you want to be prioritizing with your resin i would leave most supports at 60 out of 70 and then if you want for your dps characters you can level them past it obviously i ascend my characters to 80 out of 90 usually because i'm ar 50 plus and then i just won't level them past 80. uh now obviously these two characters i did a bit but uh i don't think it's worth it honestly unless you have a ton of resources to spare the only thing i want to say is for supports usually six out of seven is enough uh but leveling them past that lets you not only level their talents further like you'll see my ventilate is eight and i want to get it higher but also for some support characters that are like burst supports that do a lot of damage right like venti does a lot of damage official does a lot of damage like jean lee is a burst support they might want to be leveled further so that their burst does deal more damage when you use it right you want albedo to be dealing damage leveling him doesn't matter that much but one it lets you upgrade your talents further which is a big deal and two you do get um where is it you do get a bonus from ascending obviously which is nice it does add up but it shouldn't be your number one priority it should be dps and then supports the 6070 and then after that you can focus on leveling them if you want if you already have good artifacts which should be prioritized above leveling now on the contrary though leveling weapons is really important now not only will ascending weapons increase their attack but every level every time you level them five times or like 80 to 85 85 to 90 their secondary stat will increase and it'll just give you so much more base attack so much more damage because not only is base attack important but also the secondary stat and uh just overall leveling your weapon it gives you much much more dps than leveling your character uh like once they're ascended as you guys can see if i were to get my string list from 80 to 90 and this is already once it's already ascended i do get a pretty big base attack increase and a secondary stat increase which is is pretty nice overall once again for this obviously i recommend focusing on dps weapons the most uh like having my wolf scrapestone have this much bass attack on the character that i use the most is really nice because then all my hits will deal a bit more damage and it adds up a ton over time well after ascending characters you need to ascend and leveling your weapons there are a few other things that are maybe as important or a bit less i'd see something that's about as important as leveling your talents obviously if you guys don't know leveling talents increases your damage a huge amount if your support character is 60 out of 70 getting your talents up is way more important than leveling them so i would definitely do these uh these these talent level up material domains whenever you can like on the day that corresponds to whatever material you need or on sundays where you can choose whatever you want and obviously if you guys don't know on sundays you can choose which material now it used to be random which uh mat you'd get but now you can literally choose which one you want so definitely farm these on sundays if you want and if you guys don't know leveling your talents does do quite a lot like the damage increase is pretty huge so it's definitely something you want to be doing now a lot of you may have known what i said so far but i'm gonna go into some things that i get asked a ton and basically more of my opinion and why and i'm gonna justify my position so first of all people ask a lot if you should farm artifacts at ar 40 or 45 and most people say 45 but i'm gonna tell you guys why i think farming before 45 is actually efficient so obviously at 45 plus you're guaranteed a 5 star and 40 uh before 45 is roughly a one and three to get a five star from my testing and i did about 150 runs until uh before 45. so on paper definitely waiting for 45 to use like your fragile resin and to just grind artifacts is worth it however what i've noticed is if you do all the other stuff from ar 40 starting at air 40 like you do world bosses you get your talent materials weapons uh you know just that stuff you you'll end up being maybe ar 4243 and then you'll you'll have your boss mats you'll ascend you'll have ascended your dps your weapons whatever but then you'll have extra resin you'll be ar like 43 let's say and you'll have two levels where you should be grinding artifacts because first of all if you want to do abyss before 45 you need good artifacts and second of all even if you get a bunch of four stars right let's say you don't get enough five stars those can still be used as artifact fodder to level your artifacts in the future because you will need a lot of artifact xp it's really hard to level up your artifacts also um i don't know if you guys remember one of my first videos but my first luke video i actually recorded at like ar 42 ish i had a pretty good five star and four-star set that i was using at ar-4243 and i was able to clear uh some of the deeper floors of abyss before even hitting 45. so yes obviously if you want to you can wait till 45 right but my point is you need a lot of artifact xp look at how many plus 20s i have you need a lot of stuff you can throw in right so even if ar-40 is not the most efficient i think it is still smart to farm at ar-40 because you're gonna get some good five stars but you're also gonna get a bunch of four stars you can throw into your artifacts once you're 45 but obviously at 40 prioritized world bosses prioritize whatever else you need that you can you know you can basically prep before 45 but after that i would still do uh i wouldn't be scared to do anything at 40. i would just save my like fragile resin till 45. now speaking of artifact domains i want to talk to you guys about uh basically resin efficiency on which artifact domains you should be farming now yes you guys know and if you watch my channel i say this a lot you should be prioritizing your dps first this isn't nothing new so if you are running duluk and you don't spend much time on anyone else obviously go for his set first but what if you need two different dps's for abyss what if like you run child main dps but you also have a sub dps right because your child is like c0 so you need to swap to like you know a backup dps what should you do well obviously the main rule is prioritize whoever you're using the most whichever dps is more important to you however if one of the domains gives you two sets that you that you want i would recommend doing that one first so for example uh there are a lot of good sets on kaching and i don't want to get into her artifact sets and make like a debate on which one's the best but thunder fury and thunder suiter are both viable options on her now i used to not like thunder suiter because of how it worked in the old abyss 12 but in the new one it's actually viable um so so i think both of these sets are good uh on specific characters so if you do need both of them or if you want one of the two let's say you want to build kaching and you have no good artifacts and you're like okay i'll do this domain and whichever one i get better substance on i can consider using like for example you go in you want thunderstorm as your main goal but you can use thunder fury as well if you don't get any good thunderstormer pieces um it basically makes it so that you don't have to spend as much resin if you find a good set like you're just getting thunders with artifacts and no thunder fury you could be like okay well i'll use thunder souther or something like that also some domains uh have artifact sets that are good on multiple characters for example noblesse oblige is just honestly like one of the best sets in the game it's used on almost every support character like at least the two or the four piece set they're both super good and usually one character on my team will have four piece nobles like pretty much always or at least at least a two piece on like one or two characters so some domains where you need a ton of artifacts are very smart to farm and domains where you need both sets are also very smart i personally dislike maidens and think that noblesse is usually better but on low investment healers on like barbara or in the early game maidens can be good and verdessen is like one of the best sets in the game very very good for animal characters so um stuff like this can be efficient for you the best example is probably this domain because of how good both of these sets are so to sum up what i'm saying let me give you an example let's say you run razer as a dps and you have supports that need a blast right almost everyone is going to need a bless in the long term now razer's best comp is a four-piece gladiator but glad is really hard to farm especially before ar like 55 where you're guaranteed a five-star because you need 40 resin to kill just one boss and then it's like are you gonna get wonders are you gonna get glad and then is it gonna be a five star it's not guaranteed until 55 so it's really hard to farm glad so if you can't get the four piece gladiator set a two-piece blood stain with a two-piece like gladiator is a very good alternative and so grinding this uh domain like almost excessively can be really good because then you can get like a perfect sub stat two-piece blood stain just by going for an ables because getting blood stained with amazing substance can actually just be better than like glad with completely horrible substance and if you guys think i'm exaggerating on the importance of noblesse if you guys look here i have 11 plus 20 no buses and another plus eight that i'm gonna level soon but yeah i run like a two piece or a four piece of the set on so many characters it's so important and so because of that i just have a ton of blood saying like by default and i have thrown some of these away i didn't keep them all but some of my blessing pieces are amazing and if i were to use razer more i just have like a lot of really good artifacts ready for them if you guys don't know by now there are three bosses that you should be doing every week now this is common knowledge but just make sure that you do this either as late as possible or once you've leveled like to the highest world level you can get in that week so for example on my free to play account i'm currently ar26 and i'm not going to do my bosses until i hit ar30 because i think i can get that before the week ends and so the thing is you can increase your world level basically every five levels and so because of that you'll get better rewards from these weekly bosses from your wolf your storm terror and your child boss if you unlock them all and so because of that make sure you do your weekly bosses once you've hit the highest world level possible for that week so if this video seems a bit less focused than my usual ones i just kind of want to um clarify things and make sure you guys don't fall in the common traps of like i can't farm artifacts until 45. if you choose to wait that's fine but like don't get baited by people saying it's like never uh do artifacts before 45 or always do this domain or like the thing is if you have other stuff to do before 45 sure go ahead and wait for artifacts but a lot of my artifacts actually my current some of my current deluxe artifacts are the same for my first video in october that i made at ar 42 i think 43 something like that so i still have some of the same artifacts i think one or two from back then and even if you don't get good five stars some sets like the verdescent venner is such a good set that you just can run a full four star set and it'll be better than any other option it'll be so good and you don't need to focus on like leveling your iridescent uh vendor on someone like sucrose who even with low investment as long as she has four piece for adescent which i don't have for some reason um she'll be very efficient as a support which is why i recommend after your boss materials after your talents all that stuff i do think getting artifacts at air 45 is smart especially because you can use all the forces you get as artifact fodder as level up material for your better artifacts that you will eventually get and one of the biggest things about farming at ar4 is that you can get four-star sets that are actually viable late game for example defenders will like the two-piece on albedo is a great option and theory crafters actually use it on albedo and other 4p sets like scholar and gambler are viable late game and there are also some five-star support sets that you can use as like four stars like ferdeson because you don't really need the bonus stats for them you just need the set effect for them to for like an animal support just so that it's efficient and obviously eventually if you have time if you have resin you can upgrade it but that last part is just my opinion like you feel free to wait till 45 if you want i just want to talk to you guys about resin priority and even if you do that the rest of this video still applies obviously um try to maximize resin efficiency especially especially as a free-to-play player or as someone who only does like the 50 refresh and the last thing i want to say is for mora and xplay lines feel free to do those pretty much whenever either early game or late game especially past the r45 because um at that point like you're gonna need more you're gonna need xp books and there's not really a good way to get them but yeah that about sums up guys i really hope this video helped you guys if you don't know i stream almost every night on twitch so come follow me link in the description if you want i will be working on a ganyu video soon as soon as she's out i'll do that so stay tuned for that if you guys are interested i'm gonna make a support video and a dps video best build all that i'm not sure if she's gonna be good or not guys i'll be honest in my review if she's not that great like i'll tell you but i'll still make a guide on her because people play characters they like right you don't have to play the best characters so i'll be honest and show you best builds all that stuff anyways hope this video helped you guys i know it was a bit shorter than usual not the same type of video i usually make but hey we're experimenting hope the video was informative uh like 85 percent of my viewers are not subscribed so if you want to sub i i appreciate it so yeah subscribe if you want to if you don't that's okay too and i'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 496,734
Rating: 4.9071126 out of 5
Keywords: resin, genshin, impact, resin pass, genshin impact 1.2, resin genshin impact, resin guide, spending, guide, don't, waste, your, traps, avoid, refresh, primogems, refill, fragile, domains, 4*, five, four, star, artifact farming, zy0x, ganyu banner, efficient, best, artifact sets genshin impact, mora, xp, leylines, ar45, ar40, 40, 45, noblesse oblige, how to spend resin, stormterror, genshin impact bosses, world level, ar 55, blizzard strayer, heart of depth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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