EULA - COMPLETE GUIDE - 3★/4★/5★ Weapons, Artifacts, Builds & Comp Showcase | Genshin Impact

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hello youtube frogs mr slimes here to bring you another guide video this time on eulog the newest character releasing engine impact those of you who have missed my pulse link in the description for my previous pull video and we pulled c6 hula and r5 pines if you want to check out you know how it went but today we're going to get into the guide video on yoola there's a quick run through of my eula level 80 out of 80 which is currently two blood stained two pail flame you can see the artifact sets here i'm running an off-piste sand piece because i have energy research on this piece we're gonna be using a physical damage goblet one of my best pieces i guess that i've been um blessed with and we're mostly going to be using a crit chance mask for the serpent spine in particular we're going to be switching to a crit damage mass because we're going to be over capping on crit rate if we do serve in spine with that being said i'm going to be using this crit damage mask you guys can see here that the crit rate is exactly a one to two with this crit damage so 13.2 divided by 2 is 6.6 and the attack percent is around the same so it's pretty pretty good comparison if i swap these two for the serpent spine and you'll see that my stats are as follows ignore the attack because this is going to be variable based on the weapon um but we'll point out uh all the details we're going to be covering around 70 crit rate and 80 of the tests we're gonna be 69.9 crit rate with 165 crit damage our energy recharge is on the lower side but it's like the bare minimum your q is not gonna be refunding properly with 120 i recommend a little bit higher i would recommend around 130 under 40 uh 160 feels really good but it's hard to get that and then the physical damage is going to be dependent on weapon as well okay this is these are all the stats that we're going to be using hovering around 70 for all these tests all level six and we're going to be testing you guys been checking out my youtube community posts which i've been trying to post like relatively frequently you guys will probably see that um i am testing out one two three five star weapons one two three four five six seven eight four star weapons and two of the three star weapons yes i invested a crap ton of weapon crystals in order to enhance these up but i think this gives you guys the best practical view of all these weapons in action as much as you know you can do calculators and optimize all this stuff nothing is better than seeing the numbers in front of your face albeit you guys might not have the same artifacts that i do but you can still see with these same exact artifacts how does each weapon perform in the corresponding uh tests that we're going to be doing okay a quick run-through of yula she is what i would consider a nuke dps she is fairly consistent probably 75 physical damage 25 crow damage her talents her normal attack scales as it normally does uh for any claymore user the e has two phases there's a press damage and a hole damage right so we'll be going into my personal recommendations on rotations later but we see that press and hold damage are 205 percent and 344 percent and withholding the e you have a physical res decrease and a cryo risk decrease and i want to point out that if you do manage to get these res decreases off of getting two crimp heart stacks it applies before this whole damage occurs i actually tested this out and i was surprised because you can see that the whole damage here is 344 the skill damage from the q is 344 as well so i thought they would be doing the same amount of damage but it turns out hold e actually does more and it's because the cryo res decrease applies first before the hold and damage applies okay so the passive talents we have roiling rhyme if two stacks of grimhart are consumed upon unleashing the holding mode of eyesight vortex a shattered a lightfall sword will be created that will explode immediately dealing 50 of the basic physical damage dealt so this is basically saying uh when you do combo wise for the e when you hold e and you consume two stacks you do additional damage that's basically what this talent does right and then this one is really important so this actually fits in with the rotation with her when the q is cast the cooldown of her e is reset and eula gains one stack of grim heart so this is very important and i'm going to be putting on the screen uh the rotation that i'm going to be using for testing this is very important for most if not all the tests i'm going to be testing q at zero stacks and q with full combo full combo is around 12 to 14 stacks of damage that's about what you should expect when you're doing a full combo and this is the way that i do the full combo so i initiate with an e q hold e so that means i start with a tap e the press damage e then i press q and then i hold e and when i hold e i already have two stacks so the first e gives me one stack when i press q this passive gains me the second stack and the e is reset so i do eq hold e that's two stacks of grim heart which allows me to consume it and gives an ice world brand that deals crowd damage to nearby opponents so all this consumed at the very start of the queue to give the maximum boost the damage as possible because we get the physical and the car reduction immediately when we start and then i do a normal attack sequence of one two three hit four sources of damage i dash cancel the fourth one and then i do one two three hit again and then i can i finish it as much as possible if possible but for most of the tests you can only do n3 times two for most of these tests which gives you four plus four stacks plus the hold e which is the ninth stack and then plus additional passive stacks from the isotype vortex okay so around 12 to 14 snacks give or take all right now forest broken pines i have additional attack speed i actually get an n3 plus n4 so i get the n4 on the very last one you'll be able to see in all the clips okay so that's the test methodology let's go through the constellations easier to see six if you are a dolphin whale player and you're considering getting constellations what do i recommend so if you get c1 you get a 30 physical damage increase when the grim heart stocks are consumed this is basically during the queue right when you consume the stacks during the queue you get basically the full duration of the queue and gets all these stacks so if you do c1 30 physical damage depending on how much physical damage you already have i have 127 so 30 boost here is about 15 damage so on average i would expect if you're doing a physical damage cup with two blood stained two pill flame then c1 gives you about a 12 to 15 damage increase if you have a hundred percent physical damage then 30 percent damage gives you 15 so 50 is i i think the cap that you get from this c2 is what i would view as uh beneficial to energy recharge so if um you want to get c2 this helps her get her old back faster because when you do the eq hold e combination the hold is on cooldown for a massive amount of time if you want to improve the energy recharge you can continue pressing e every four seconds instead of 10 seconds which is what a hold e is so that's a pretty significant difference right 4 seconds to 10 seconds that's just for energy recharge and then obviously plus three levels plus three levels c4 is additional damage below 50 hp it's less consistent than c1 uh but it's additional damage right and then c6 is obviously big q right this is to maximize the q damage if you want to show off and do a million damage or 4 million damage or if you want to achieve like you know world record space then that's what you would do for c6 if i'm going to recommend constellations i think that c1 is a great place to stop at c2 if you're feeling really frisky and then none of this is necessary until c6 so c1 c2 is okay for energy recharge and then c6 for the big damage between these not worth the additional like thresholds of money in order to get it so yeah that's my opinion on constellations all right so before we get into the testing i'd like to briefly go over her attack rotation there's a lot of extensive testing that went into this but i'm not going to bore you with that in this video okay quick notes before we get into it each normal attack that you see here including the ones that are split into two that you see here all count as individual stacks so the full rotation can give you one two three four five six seven stacks you do the full rotation right you do the first three you get four stacks plain and simple second the e can provide up to four stacks the first is from the skill damage the second and third are from the ice world brand damages which you can get two of if you have two grim heart stacks one that says it right here and the fourth one is this one if two stacks of grimhar are consumed upon using your e a second light fold sword will be created that will explode immediately this counts as a stack so that's up to four stacks with the whole e okay so the combo for zero percent attack speed is as follows e q wasd cancel and four hold e and four pops this grants you two grim heart stacks from here and four five stacks hold e up to four depending on how min max you are uh and then n4 is another five stacks so up to 13 to 14 stacks um depending on your mechanics your precision with executing this combo so the two important notes one is the wasd tap canceling right after the queue this removes the end lag of the queue and allows your auto sequence to start right away the second is to hold e to cancel the first n4 the better you execute this the easier it is to 1314 stack now the last thing which i did not mention is incredibly difficult both in practice and field is delaying the second and fourth after your hold e to wait until the holy gets all four stacks most of the time your first auto from the second m4 will overlap min maxing this is really difficult but it gets 14 stacks at zero percent attack speed i was unable to do this after many hours alright so the sequence that you may be seeing on the screen uh will demonstrate my attempts and you'll be able to see 13 to 14 stacks now in these demonstrations i use a level 20 sword so i don't kill the regis fight that's where you see the damages alright so if you have the song of broken pines remember to auto three times in the beginning to access three sigils so that when you post queue and you auto the force digit will come right away and you get your attack speed so that's a smaller reminder uh the general attack sequence that i just described is available all the way up to 24 attack speed and which there's a different sequence eq wasd cancel n3 hold e4 and 5 which can get up to 15 stacks 14 is the usual for that one i'll probably be making a follow-up video on mastering you look quote which goes over the combos and playstyle rotations and details like and comment below if you'd like to see that all right so on the testing keep in mind for simplicity i'm not using any of the combos i described i'm using a simple eq hold e rotation so i can see the auto damage post resistance shred from the whole e okay all right that is the details we will be starting off with these three star weapons first comparing debate club versus skyrider greatsword and then we have energy recharge weapons sacrificial greatsword and vivonius greatsword and then we'll be moving on to ftp weapons prototype archaic versus the snow tomb star silver after that we have the kind of bp star glitter shop weapons black cliff slasher versus the serpent spine and then we have unique weapons r5 lithic blade which we won't be able to get many party stacks because she is from monstat and then in my recommendation for supports i'm gonna pair her up with diana for the test wise she is also from monstat so at most you can get two stacks but i'm actually only going to do it one stack test because i find that most of the supports that she deals with are all from monstat but i'm gonna add john lee because he's a universal support if you do have him um that he can fit on onto almost any comp and he is from liya so that's gonna be a one-stack lithic blade test and i know you guys are like why did you level up this weapon listen i was baited by my twitch chat and now it's here so i might as well test it if you saw my tweet i regret leveling this up but you know we we have it already at r5 level 80 so i'm going to throw it into the test it's going to be in there it's going to be compared with all the other weapons just all right just bear with it okay anyways so for the five star weapons we have r5 wolf's gravestone r5 skyward pride and only r1 broken pines yes i do have four copies with broken pines but for the sake of this video test i'm only going to stick with r1 because if i refine it to r5 then i can't do composition tests later with r1 weapon and i want to be able to do that so for the purpose of this test i'm going to stick with r1 and i will do the calculations for you on average if you do upgrade to r5 how much damage boost is going to be skyward prime is going to be a singular test wolf's gravestone is going to be two tests so we're going to be testing the q damage with no wolves gravestone proc and q damage with the wolf's gravestone process you can see what the damage difference is if you manage to proc it albeit the proc is relatively inconsistent because it only can occur every once every 30 seconds so the uptime is less than 50 but still when you manage to do it you can time it to getting a big prop okay those are the weapons choices test methodology i want to give you guys a run-through of how i'm going to be testing all these weapons so you guys can see my team comp here i'm going to be running three crowd units on this team just for my purpose of energy recharging i have to press q in this video like 20 to 25 times with all the weapon tests i will be using quit rate food but please keep in mind this does not affect the damage output okay this just increases my consistency of crit rate to make it easier for you guys to see the crit damage numbers which is what we're going to be comparing with everything okay so that's why when you see if you guys see a food buff at the bottom it's because i'm using a crit rate piece not only do i have this crit rate food but i'm also using double crow on my team and for the later part of the test i'm going to be using diana e to apply cryo before i do my full combo to guarantee that i'm at 100 crit why am i guaranteeing that i'm at 100 crit because my mind when i don't crit and i have to reset it wastes so much time please understand that i'm doing this to save my time and also it doesn't affect the damage output so if i had food buff with the 20 crit in the 15 crore i will be at 100 crit so the clips that you'll see from the weapon tests will all be crit damaged weapons and mr cope will be able to much more easily compare the two in terms of damage output okay sound good all right let's get into testing alrighty for the test the first weapon that we're going to test out is the debate club so with the debate club i'm gonna switch over to it these are our stats we have 1.8k attack 69.9 crit rate 165.8 crit damage 120 recharge and 108.3 physical damage bonus so those are the stance here let's see how she performs all right so for a three star weapon i would say the debate club is not that bad um 81 000 full combo damage we don't have any remnant to compare to so 81 000 is a pretty like standard amount of damage you can see that the three-star weapon with those stats performs that well you can basically full combo right during the duration of all let's see skyrider greatsword all right obviously with the skyrider greatsword our base attack is lower so we're at 1600 attack because the debate club has 32 attack passive but keep in mind that the skyrider greatsword is very efficient on hit normal charge attacks increase attack by 10 for 6 seconds max 4 stacks during the queue you'll be able to get up to 40 attack which is fairly massive for a three star weapon every single thing about this weapon is synergistic with how eula performs 1.6k attack same 69 crit rate uh 165 point crit damage 120 recharge and 148.4 physical damage bonus the full combo with the full passive is able to break 100 000 damage that is very massive over the debate club so if you do have the skyrider greatsword it is a very efficient free-to-play weapon to use and also it doesn't aesthetically look that bad you see like the the color scheme fits pretty decently it is still blue scheme so consider the skyrider greatsword i think it's a very solid three star choice and you'd be surprised at how well it performs in comparison to the four stars so that's the three star comparison you guys can see that both of them maintaining basically the same amount of stacks if you have 40 attack with the proc it should be slightly over the debate club because the debate club has the same base attack but 32 percent right so you can view that with the debate club with 1800 the skyward greatsword with proc will be slightly above 800 maybe like 1850 about so those are the two three star weapons let's get on to the four star weapons we're going to begin with the energy recharge weapon so sacrificial greatsword up first at r5 level 80. now with these sacrificial great sword stats you can see that the sacrificial greatsword has high base attack at 497 with lower recharge so we have 1887 attack 69 165 same crit rate crit damage energy recharge is now at 150 which is higher and more what i recommend let's see how she performs so we can see that with this sacrificial great sword our q full combo is doing 84 499 damage all the minute details for the normal attacks happy holiday will be also shown but i'm going to be comparing full q damage because that's what people are looking at we're looking at massive damage output yeah you can see that sacrificial great sword is a little bit stronger than the debate club but it is about fifteen percent weaker than the skyrider greatsword at full prox so with the energy from the sacrificial great sword i'm personally not really a fan because the cooldown on the e is already very low right you're just doing just hold duration it's four seconds and then while you're doing cooldown of the whole e you're gonna be in your q form anyway so i don't see the need to reset it because holding the e reduces the amount of attacks that you can do overall so consider that let's move on to fuvonius greatsword so with the fevonius greatsword we see that our base attack is 100 lower than the weapon but the energy recharge is about doubled with these stats our attack goes down to 1700 attack but our recharge increases to 176.6 recharge so with the lower attack but the higher recharge means that we can loop our q much faster than other weapons and also bonus weapons you guys understand have team utility as well right so not only am i having massive amounts of energy recharge which allows me to loop my q which you know consistent dps is where the q comes from if you can proc it every 20 seconds 80 energy cost is a massive amount so favonia is a great sword if you're not looking for big damage but more consistency bonus is definitely an option and uh let's see how it performs with the fevonius greatsword we see that the damage is much lower right the q full combo does 70 187 damage albeit is even lower than three star weapons but we have to take into account not only are we lacking base attack and none of the passive increases the base attack we are able to loop our q much more effectively than the other weapons i would say probably 1.5 to 2x more efficient on the q up time so if you are not looking for big damage numbers then consider fivonius for general team utility and also refund of the old back i would in comparison to the sacrificial great sword i would actually use the fevonia's great sword more just because favonius weapons have always been a staple for high-end gameplay when you're trying to refund your cues all the times for your entire team eula doubles as both a battery for the team as well as herself in this case so uh if you're not looking for massive damage output more for refund then fivonius is not a bad choice with that being said let's move forward to more of the damage based four star weapons beginning with the prototype archaic we have 2088 attack so this is not only high base attack but also attack percent and the passive is a little bit of an extra hit maintaining the same crit rate at 70 165 recharges back down to 120 and physical damage is 108 you can see that the q full combo did 93 488 damage which is albeit lower than the skyrider sword but still consistent damage the passive we saw did 12 184 damage and this occurs every 15 seconds so you can view it as an additional 12k proc when you queue standard weapon as always has always been the standard does decently well better than the both the recharge weapons so far weaker than the skyride or greatsword because it doesn't have passive proc it doesn't have physical damage now let's move on towards the snow tuned star silver which is the other f2p weapon that i chose to use not using white blind just because i think these two options are much better and this one you get from one of the dragon spine quests so our stats are lower attack 1887 same crit rate same quick damage 120 recharge the physical damage bonus is increased slightly to 139.8 percent let's see how it does you can see that the passive which is components affected by crowd said though 200 of the attack we got 10 and sixty 563 damage this occurs every ten seconds so it's about roughly the same as a prototype prototype was 12k every 15 snow tuned is 10k every 10 seconds so it's slightly more efficient and also i mean it aesthetically looks pleasing with her and also the q full damage did 97 259 damage which is slightly more than the prototype archaic the reasons probably because physical damage bonus 31.5 is a decent boost while we're lacking attack we do gain more in the physical damage bonus department but we can see that the trial damage the e and the q initial damage both the crowd portions did less but that is because instead of attack percent we have physical damage so we're increasing the physical output which is 75 damage but we're sacrificing some of the cryo so consider both of these options are both fair now let's move on to the star glitter slash bp black lift versus serpent spine let's begin with the black lip slasher with the black lift slasher we noticed that our attack goes down tremendously but our crit damage goes up to 216 still maintaining the crit rate with this type of build we're going to be seeing more general damage because we're doing higher crits in general so let's see how this performs keep in mind with the black low slasher we are having zero passive stacks because we're not killing any additional enemies if you had two to three stacks you'd be getting 24 to 36 attack buff at r1 which increases massively at r5 um so the damage output that you're seeing from the black lift is the bare minimum that you'll be seeing and it still performs fairly well so we see that the q full combo in the clip it was 89 884 damage but i believe that i missed one stack because i'm comparing the damage to all the other numbers it's definitely lower than i would expect so if we increased it by one more stack of the q just on average it should be around 95 to 96k so it's on par with the prototype and the star silver i would assume that it is supposed to be stronger than the arcade because you can see the normal attack and the e and q are all stronger but the q full combo should be stronger as well that's the backless slasher the consistency i would say is lower than the star silver but if you can maintain the passive stacks it's going to outperform all right moving on from the black lasher to the serpent spine now serpent spine um if we've been if you guys uh know this weapon is incredibly strong for a four-star weapon probably one of the strongest in the game for four-star weapons the reason is because of the passive so the passive gives percent more damage which is not attack percent it's not crit damage it's on the same column as additional damage so additional damage is anything physical elemental all damage is calculated on air so you can view the 108 physical damage as being buffed by this so with five stacks which is what we'll be testing we're going to be doing 30 percent more damage now with the serpent spine i highly recommend that you have a shielder and down is a perfect one so uh with the serpent spine in order to be fair we're going to switch over to the damage mask this is the only time i'm going to be switching to this uh with these stats we will be maintaining roughly the same exact crit rate at 70 crit damage is about the same as the black lift slasher so everything looks pretty solid here and with that our attack still maintains about 700. so let's see how this performs with the max passive stacks thirty percent more damage from the surface fine at r1 our q full combo does a hundred and six thousand damage was the highest that we've seen from all the weapons so far the first normal attack also does 7.5 which is very massive both of the taffy and the holy are doing massive amounts 6k and 12.5 k which means that this weapon increases the entirety of euler's kit by a massive amount even more than the skyrider greatsword which is the three star weapon which increased the physical damage bonus the six percent more damage is also applicable to cryo right because it's all damage if you're doing a bp and you have eula definitely a super super strong choice to choose and i would say that it's like a no-brainer if you're doing four-star you don't have any five-star weapon surface spine is a go-to and with more refinements it only gets massively more stronger right so if we were to refine this weapon uh at r5 we would be doing 10 10 percent on five cents would be 50 more damage which is pretty insane right so that's a serpent spine uh those are the two weapons i would say both of these are all damage boosts and they are both very powerful i would say serpent spine is definitely the strongest of the ones that we have tested so far now let's move on to lithic blade with the lithic blade uh we are having higher attack let me change my team really quick because i want to demonstrate this with one lyria stack so the thing about the lithic blade is that the lithic blade because she's from monstant and a lot of our like common supports are from monster as well it's very hard to rack up the party member stacks from the passive here so in our specific case i'm going to change back to a crit rate mask these are the stats that we're maintaining 2 200 attack with 76.9 crit rate so the consistency of the damage is higher and we only have one stack here so let's see how we do on the damage the energy resource is the same and the physical damage is the same cool with the lithic blade we see that at r5 level 80 the q4 combo did 96 711 damage which is about the same as the black flip flash if it has the same amount of stacks but lithic blade was only at one second this is r5 i would say that lithic blade is just a generic stat stick that's usable for her you don't even need to consider the passive the passive is great with giving you attack percent and crit rate but even if you didn't have it it would still perform on par with all the other four-star weapons at r5 keep in mind right but if you had more lia stacks definitely see it more of a boost but because she's from monster and her supporters from onset i'm kind of leaning against this weapon to recommend i would just use it as a stat stick personally i also don't enjoy the aesthetic of this weapon you know because she looks good we want to have her look good right so i i might be inclined to recommend still like maybe the star tube snow silver so that is the lithic blade it's a unique weapon last four star weapon is the bell i mean the weapon aesthetically looks pretty pleasing right she has 20k hp 1794 attack still maintaining the same crit rate energy recharge she gets no buff from the passive except the 24 increased damage we're doing this weapon because we're completing the test okay it's not anyways let's let's move on with the tests okay well you see that is the bell being tested full q full combo did 75 587 damage which is lower than even the felonious greatsword which is the lowest so the bell on the q damage proc the least amount of all the weapons and the passive is nothing to write home about even at re refinement rank 5 the passive has a 45 second cooldown maybe one day when we have an hp percent scaling i don't know man i leveled it up it's it's it's what it is okay all right so those are all the four star weapons and three star weapons you guys can see here that the serpent spine eeks out at the top here at 106 000 damage uh the f2p weapons are fairly solid this one looks very good on her and also performs quite decently well despite the passive being you know only every 10 seconds i'd say it's just additional damage can't go wrong with it energy recharge weapons i would recommend favonia's greatsword over all of them for energy recharge 176 was what i was getting the energy recharging is massive the damage is obviously very very low second lowest only above the bell which is no surprise team utility very high highest damage f2p weapon star glitter i honestly between these two i think this one's more consistent but if you get more stacks for mobbing for example this is going to outperform let's move on to the five-star weapon so we're going to begin with the skyward pride r5 with the skyward pride our attack is 2000 attack higher base attack than uh the four-star weapons maintaining the same recruit damage our recharge is 154 percent with this weapon and with the passive we're increasing all of our damage by 16 so this is on the additional damage bonus after using the q the normal charge attacks creates a vacuum blade that does and sixty percent of attack as damage and this damage is physical damage so it also scales with physical damage cop and all your bloodstain pieces and all that stuff and kill playing pieces right this lasts for 20 seconds or eight backing place which is the duration of her q so it actually matches it very well let's see how it performs the additional vacuum blades from the skyway price does a massive amount of damage and we can see the q full combo did 9500 plus 99 667 damage so it does less than serpent spine less than the skyride of greatsword but we get an energy recharge and don't forget this is very important each of the passive vacuum blades did 8 659 damage and you have eight of them during the duration of q so eight of the eight of those passive blades gives you an additional 70 000 damage on top of the q full rotation this is at r5 so it's a very i would view the skyward pride as a well balanced energy recharge high base attack additional damage bonus weapon right because the vacuum blades are also potentially aoe you can see that the regis fine died relatively quickly right you can see like all the damage on top of everything means that you're getting a lot of blade damage and it's a jack of all trades weapon master of none i would say good recharge good passive senators is very well with her looks aesthetically pleasing high base attack and yeah just solid damage let's move on towards the wolf's gravestone so with the wolf's gravestone you can clearly see that my attack is off the charts 2667 attack with the wolf's gravestone maintaining the same crit rate crit damage recharge is still the same at 120 percent with physical damage bonus with this i'm going to be doing two separate full combo tests all right uh we're going to be doing a no proc test which is going to just be damaged without the 80 proc and we're going to be testing it with the 80 proc so in order for me to proc the 80 on the attack buff i'm going to be using rosario's q take down the damage just enough so the redis spine allows me to proc this before my q bursts all right so let's get with the tests q full combo without the 80 proc with 119 049 damage so that is very large damage but considering the skyward prides of vacuum blades it actually does less than the skyward price total damage with the passive blades because you really have to take into account in order to make a fair comparison with this weapon you really need to take into account the vacuum blades and it synergizes very well with her so with that being said it does it is weaker than the skyward pride without the 80 proc okay now with the 80 clock you can see that the damage jumped up to 173 000 damage with this proc this does more than the skyward part damage and i think that's expected right so the only problem is consistency of maintaining while also having to attack an opponent with less than 30 hp means that if you're doing a boss fight and there's nothing and you can't get it below 30 hp you're not going to have this 80 attack buff right and also this weapon does not give you the recharge so with everything said and done uh wolves grayson is great for a nuke damage weapon where you're going for the highest like damage proc possible or not highest but like a very high damage proc that's very that's very uh suitable but skyward pride um with the vacuum blades and at the same refinement with the energy recharge gives you more rotational ability so consider that with between those two weapons okay now let's test out song broken pints the the weapon that aesthetically is meant for her and also builds around her we have 2330 attack because this is the newest weapon which has the highest space attack in the game at level 90 it is at 741 at level 80 648. this brings us to same crit record damage energy which is 120 physical damage bonus is increased 127 with this right here uh and you can also see that the passive gives you eight 16 attack boost and if you do a proc here you gain 12 attack speed it allows you to get like an extra proc off in the uh q damage rotation which is actually it takes a little bit of like proper canceling to do but yeah you can you can get an extra stack which means your queue does a little bit more damage but also right it benefits so with this passive i want to mention one thing with rotation right you when you possess four sigils it will all be consumed so with this weapon it's a little different typically the rotation i would be doing is eq hold e and then n3 plus n whatever amount you can get right so that's a that's normal attack four sequence or five sequence depending on what you can get with this weapon you want to maximize the attack speed during her queue so what i would recommend is you do two normal attacks first and the sigils stay when you switch off the field you do two normal attacks first prepare right like do diona q or something and then you can do auto e and then press q and then hold e then you do your combo the reason why this works out is because you'll have three of these sigil procs that you'll notice in the clip of when i'm doing the damage and then three sigil procs which means that the very first auto that you do post q hold e procs you the whole buff that maximizes damage so again auto auto switch to your characters prepare and then when you're ready auto eq and then you'll have three out of the four then you'll proc it on your next auto and you'll be good to go cool so let's see how much damage we do so as you can see here that with the song of broken pines at r1 we did a hundred and twenty three thousand sixty five damage i don't think i got the last proc in so this could have been like 130k but realize that the damage even at r1 is still higher than the r5 wolf's gravestone without the 80 proc right very important to note that because this is it's inconsistent to get because it's not all the uptime right and also you require 30 hp so song of broken pines is eking out on top in terms of damage uh but obviously if you get the wolf's gravestone master probably do 173k so with the r5 song of broken lights i'm not going to refine it right now because i still need to do additional testing but if you get r5 you're going to get 32 attack which is 16 more here right you're also going to get 12 percent more attack speed right so this would be 24 and then your attack goes to 40 so at r5 you're getting 16 plus 20 which is 36 more attack and 12 attack speed at r5 so with all these buffs and your additional attack speed boost i would expect you to also hit 160 170k with the wolf's gravestone r5 proc so the r uh the r5 wolf's gravestone proc is going to do quote unquote more damage but broken pines at r5 i would expect to do 25 more damage so 36 attack buff will give you about 15 to 20 damage and then the attack speed will allow you to get one to two more auto attack hits in which would give you about 25 27 30 attack boost a damage boost so that's a pretty massive refinement boost i would consider especially with the attack speed so that's what it would be if you compared all these weapons together but yeah that should wrap up the weapon tests we've gone through over all of them here and we can see that the five stars jack of all trades good recharge nuke based weapon a weapon that is meant for her and also does consistent damage lacks a little bit of the recharge but eeks out with the damage massively uh compared to all the other weapons attack speed also is also very fluid with this weapon right the attack speed is a very big bonus with the broken minds especially at uh max refinement 24 attack means that you're attacking a lot more fluidly than you would than you not normally do which increases your damage output even with your normal attacks so that's where it ekes out over the skyward pride in terms of comparing with the vacuum blades because the vacuum plates do a lot okay so that's uh weapon test stuff all right let's go over artifacts that's really quick we have four to discuss pale flame blood stain gladiator no bless those are the artifacts that i would expect to see on your euler if you did build let's go over four pill flame first all right so for pale flame is the ideal build or the wheel build it's not practical though due to the difficulty of farming the good four piece if you do get here this maximizes your q damage during your e-rotation giving you 50 physical and 18 attack but when you're off the q and your whole e is on a 10 second cooldown or pill flame suffers this is mitigated with c2 because c2 gives you decreases the cooldown from 10 seconds to 4 seconds which is the tap which allows you to loop it consistently and maintain the four pale flame but it's still difficult to farm for good pieces okay so next is two pill flame two blood stain this is my highly recommended gear you always maintain 50 physical with this sacrificing 80 attack which is most of the time just eight to nine percent damage boost so it's easier to farm also with a higher likelihood of better sub stats because you can always mix and match right it's a two-two set so i would recommend this for anyone attempting to build her for the mid to end game so it's easier to farm with the higher likelihood of better substitute to choose from right so two two sets are always easier to maintain because you have more flexibility of choosing artifacts definitely what i would recommend for most euless let's move on to for gladiator so four gladiator is a set that i don't really recommend but you can still use it maintains the damage of the normal attack but you have a much weaker cue i'm personally not a fan but it's still usable i would prefer that you dropped two pieces of the four gladiator and added two blood center two pale flame that make it a lot more well-rounded that leads into the two two sets right so two pale flame two blood plus two gladiators the default general dps set can never go wrong with that replacing the two gladiator with two notebless increases your q damage but sacrifices a little bit uh of your normal attack damage this is also a default build because nobles is a highly farmed dungeon so consider that uh all in all though if we're looking at artifacts as a whole two pale flame two blessing is what i would recommend if you can't hit that prioritize at least one of those two piece sets and then go for a substance like crit damage crit rate and energy recharge okay all right so on the topic of artifact set recommendations let's go over main stat or real quick all right we're talking about sans goblet and circlit it should be no surprise the sans attack person i would value at the highest level but i also think that energy recharge is a very valuable stat on her so energy research timepiece with good subsets it's also a suitable viability right i recommend 120 to 160 recharge if you can get it so if you have like for example wolf's gravestone i feel like energy recharge might be a higher priority given how much attack percentage already has so consider those options for the sands uh for the cup physical damage bonus is the number one for sure uh even with two pale flame two blood stained if you do have an attack percent goblet i think it's fine with good substance right especially if you can maintain two paleo flame two blood stain because you're not suffering as much but physical damage definitely puts you a little bit further in terms of dps output and then the circuit print rate for almost every single weapon for the serpent spine in particular crit damage is okay but definitely i would recommend you try to maintain your crit chance to be relatively high because a lot of her damage comes from a q burst if that doesn't crit then you lose a lot of dps cool so that covers artifacts alrighty let's quickly talk about compositions with euler here so eula is kind of a greedy and new character so if i'm going to suggest comp building around her it's to refund her ult as much as possible because her ult is a significant portion of her damage in order to do that resonance is really important because it also grants her crit rate on top of it so right you don't need to force yourself to get a hundred crit rate um because with double crowd you get 15 as you can see here right if we activate double crown we get 15 uh extra crit rate against crowdfull 2 enemies which is really straightforward with eula double crown is necessary i would say so it's for a consistent copy if you're going for a nuke damage comp then you don't need double crown if you're doing going for nuke damage com then with bennett with xing yan you'd be okay but let's start with a consistent comp so diana is probably going to be the best friend for a lot of eula players who have her like for budget because eula was just given to us in the energy amplifier event like a week ago so with diana and you probably have fevonius warba or sacrificial hopefully so either of those energy recharge weapons helps diona refund energy back to yola so this is a great synergistic combo and then for a super conductor because a lot of enemies in this game have physical resist like ruined greaters rune guards age taha has one right the new the weekly boss has physical res pyro regis fine and crowded ratifying have 30 physical res i would say that the best superconduct teammate is official right uh with oz she has the highest uptime on consistently procking superconduct so definitely a fairly solid choice comp wise these three i would view as the core right um so double crown with facial very solid i would say that official is replaceable with beta support it's just that she has high energy costs for her q because her e is not very consistent right lisa is also viable as a super conduct support right we're looking for super connect supports here kaching is also doable as a sub dps superhero kind of support so you can run that as like a double dps right and then other characters that would be suitable in this last slot triple cryo is what i've been running so this is the team that i've been running right now and this comp i find is very effective because diana is your shield or healer for this comp rosario is a crit rate buffer with high crit rate on her q officials your super conductor and they all refund energy back to you so you're getting 15 cryo buff right so getting 50 crit rate uh and then the rosaria also gives at max 15 crit rate so at 70 crit you're already at 100 100 crit officials superconductor and uh that's all you really need for maximizing physical damage from her forgot to mention with eula c6 if you have ula c6 she also reduces physical res by 20 with her q um that's only available at c6 something reminder other options john lee i think john lee is a very suitable character he can fit on every single comp i think we've gone over this in my jolly guide but yeah with the geo shield on that is a shield that can reduce physical res right so john lee's e is one way that we can further reduce physical rest cc shield ability capability survivability etc everything is good about john lee fits perfectly into this comp um you don't need to worry about like shattering or ruining reactions because it's super conductive it's fine so that's johnny and then xingyan is also available you want to increase your physical physical damage the only way you can do this though is with her talent i only have her level one so i can't do it but yeah characters shielded by the sleeping favorites you'll fifty percent increase physical damage so you want to do that or increase damage go for it so other compositions obviously bennett right if you uh if you have c5 in it not c6 bennett you can attack boost for eula always a suitable comp this is totally fine any cryo unit is capable i would say that avoid chunking a little bit unless you want to do like a hybrid cryo physical uh because china will convert your auto attacks to cryo which is not the best interest because you're probably gonna be running a physical oriented comp k is also viable i would say that the usual supports that we'd be mentioning like show i would not use shin show with eula because i think that shin shou is so useful for all of your other comps electrocharger with kaching vaporize with huta or yam fae or freeze with ganyu i think shinsho was too valuable in other comps and is not really beneficial like you're gonna be shatter ula yeah so i would not advise shincho for this comp just so that you have more units right we're trying to use units because eula can use units that other comps don't use it's actually fairly efficient target i would leave not in this comp and then all these main dps i don't think would suit her play style rosario's great jean's great if you have especially if c2 for more attack speed buff buff on attack uh venti i don't really think senators as well with this comp i mean i think it would better to use sucrose to group than to use venti because i think venti would be a little too high for trying to get as many stacks on her q as possible so i'd avoid venti in this particular case superconduct uh double geo also works by the way i think oh yeah i forgot to mention albedo i think albedo is solid if you do decide to do a double geocomp like this for example and you're trying to rely on shielding i think this is viable as well if i were to recommend i would stick to double crown if not more right you can also do double crowd double electro so if you do have like fireworks tar tag units that you've invested in like beta fishing lisa for example you can run double electro double crop because that'll also refund your ult fairly efficiently right because double electric gives you orbs so something like this wouldn't be bad because diana's just social healer and i mean the refund capability is very high here so electrocenters as well for superconduct also gives refund and then cryo so i think that uh in order to get maximum eulo stacks shielders are very important down is very good dolly is amazing as always you can never go wrong with him cool so that wraps up party members with eula like uh i might have forgotten some right but if you're doing like new comps doing like esports base comps right doing massive amount of damage with eula you're going to be running benedictine for double pyro or bennett c2 right if you have those available and then finding superconduct somehow so that's the way you max my damage cool so yeah that's uh compositions all right let's do a little bit of a comp showcase i am actually going to use the skyrider greatsword for this i want to show you guys the potential of this weapon for any budget players that want to see i did post on my twitter of a 222k but let's uh demonstrate this i'm going to be doing probably two cops i'll be doing my triple crowd comp we're gonna be testing an abyss floor 12 right which is the toughest content in the game right now i'll probably also showcase uh bennett johnny damage try to do nuke damage and uh everything else involved all right so with this i'm going to be showcasing triple crop comp that i've been using right now obviously rosaria is replaceable with anyone but uh yeah this is just a showcase three star skyrider greatsword [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh now with [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] [Applause] all right youtube france i think that wraps up the guide video to yula here we covered basically everything we went over the weapons we went over the artifacts we went over compositions and we went over a showcase we also went over her attack rotation in order to help you guys out on how to optimize her play style took a look at everything all my thoughts are in this video so hope you guys enjoyed you guys very much for watching as usual if you guys made it to the end don't forget to like subscribe and uh yeah we're almost at 40k subs hopefully we can hit it soon but uh thank you guys so much for your support um and we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] take you
Channel: Xlice
Views: 557,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Abyss, Gacha, Xlice, #GenshinImpact, #原神
Id: O9Kp4k9aw50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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