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able to come up with any actual metric for how exactly we'd go about doing that what do you do with for example Barack Obama whose father was black and not from the United States and therefore not having history with slavery and a mother who is white would his family receive slavery reparations how about Camille Harris whose father is Jamaican and mother is Indian does she receive slavery reparations from whom does she receive Slippery reparations from me my great-grandparents got here in 1907 long after slavery was over and lived their entire lives in the North where Jim Crow was not in effect it's it's almost impossible I think not almost it is impossible to come up with a fair metric for recompense enslaver ii ten generations after slavery Zend if you want the unhinged left thinks even lower Joshua Topolsky co-founder of the tech website the verge has sparked an uproar after a vile attack against conservative commentator and writer ben shapiro tweeting quote ben shapiro is the jew who helps other jews onto the train now Topolsky has now deleted the tweet but not because it's disgusting to compare shapiro who is jewish to a nazi collaborator for other reasons and in a follow-up he tweeted quote i deleted it because a mob on the right of the right-wing babies who are flooding my my mentions and it was frankly pretty annoying as were the DM death threats joining us now to respond is the Daily wires Ben Shapiro Ben we're always talking to when the left is in him unhinged and you have a special way of unhinging them but this was really I mean I keep saying a new low but this really is a new low I've never heard of this person before but I guess he's kind of big in the tech world where are we here I mean I've been called worse by better so clearly and totally bipartisan yet still Republicans in the house won't even bring the bill to the floor for a vote there Larry they don't agree with the pathway to citizenship and a half one question in all of this seriously just one question why not just secure the border and then put a pathway to citizenship why can't those happen at the same time why don't you answer my question instead of asking me back why I just explained you why they can't here's why they can't happen at the same time as you secure the border the border remains somewhat open people cross the border because they feel that if they get in before the deadline if they get in before the border secure then they are somehow included the pathway to citizenship no law right now but we can just trust the government then why are we just trusting the government to do the right thing now I don't understand why a piece of legislation makes them better at what they do I mean the government is not very good at what they're doing now why did you why does a new wording make them not suck because part of a root problem that I have I think that you can accept and tolerate people's behavior and that you know demonstrates non homophobia I think that it is ridiculous to suggest that just because you're not celebrating you know on the cover of Sports Illustrated somebody coming out of the closet and you think you know it's relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things because people should be able to live their lives the way that they want I don't really understand you know there are folks who are saying that that was a homophobic reading I'm still confused as to how it's homophobic simply to say that you don't think it's heroic move in today's America to come out of the closet the same whether it was maybe 20 years ago well we haven't had an ATF director for the last ten years we haven't had an ATF director for the last ten years because the NRA won't even the NRA won't even allow us to have a Surgeon General because because the guy wanted common-sense gun control the ATF is a little bit busy smuggling guns south of the border to the drug comment on the gun control debate they keep trotting out children as though we should be taking policy prescriptions from seven-year-olds you know it used to be in this country then when a president of the United States said I'm dealing with this issue because for example my 13 year old daughter cares about nuclear disarmament we laughed them we laughed it then we laughed them out of the public sphere Jimmy Carter comes to mind when President Obama walks out there with a bunch of seven-year-old and says I'm doing it because these seven year olds they care about gun control give me a break I mean if we're taking our policy prescriptions from kids who can't spell either policy or prescription we have a problem let me tell you something about safe spaces there's only one group of people one group of people who want safe spaces that are racist specific they're only one group of people that want safe spaces so they never have to hear from anybody of a different ideology or political persuasion those people are called fascists okay you've got a bunch of fascists damn fascists on this campus we're trying to shut down political debate and trying to closer themselves in this little cocoon of stupidity so they don't have to debate anyone or think about issues outside their kin so they can feel comfortable guess what life is about feeling comfortable life is about bettering yourself get off your stupid pansies they've grown my wife is a doctor okay which means she's accomplished more in her short life then Hillary Clinton has in her entire life my wife is a doctor who takes care of people she never had any point in her life sat around thinking you know what I can't be a doctor until Hillary Clinton a corrupt old shrew becomes presidential nominee capitalism by nature is the opposite capitalism is the I give it i will starve unless i give you a good or service that you want the idea that that sex or gender are malleable is not true you have to be a boy to be a boy scout in the name Boy Scouts if you are going to dictate to me that I'm supposed to pretend I'm supposed to pretend that men are women and women are men no my answer is no I'm not going to I'm not going to modify basic biology because it threatens your subjective sense of what you are is you tend to demonize people who differ from you politically by standing on the graves of the children of Sandy Hook saying they don't seem to care enough about the dead kids if they cared more about the dead kids they would agree with you on policy okay you've got a bunch of fascists damn fascists on this campus we're trying to shut down political debate and trying to COI stir themselves in this little cocoon of stupidity so they don't have to debate anyone or think about issues outside their kin so they can feel comfortable guess what life isn't about feeling comfortable life is about bettering yourself get off your ass you stupid pansies when you say money in politics man again I ask you buddy roemer gave you four million dollars to start TYT what did he expect in return should he not have given you money was the money not speech it was just money I throws for the hooker I assume so are you the prostitute have this one when you take money from Al Jazeera's that make you a wholesome rosemary so I was house-sitting tonight that was an awesome conflation explain if it has nothing to do with culture explain to me why the single motherhood rate in the black community jumped from 20 percent to 70 percent in the same course of time that the civil rights movement has made such tremendous strides is America more racist now than it was in 1960 and if it is please explain to me how that happened being transgender is it's about the bravest thing you can do but she deserved the or five yes why are we mainstreaming delusion it's not the loo why would you call it delusion because Bruce Caitlyn Jenner I'll call him Caitlyn Jenner you're not being polite to the pronoun because it's respect okay forget about the disrespect facts don't care about your feelings it turns out that every chromosome every cell in Caitlyn Jenner's body is male with the exception of some of his sperm cells I was saying that the Boy Scouts have a standard you must be a biological boy to be a Boy Scout you have to be a boy to be a Boy Scout in the name Boy Scouts so you don't know what you're talking about you're not educated on genetics so let's do it from the genetics and back to the brain scans you cut that out now or you'll go home in an ambulance yeah that seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion no I know wait to be fair but you're not fair I'm sorry it's not rude to say that someone whose biological male is a male you're just someone who's biologically male is a male did I seem like a physical threat to anybody last time I was in a fight I was 14 years old I was two years younger than everybody else in my high school class and I was getting my ass kicked about what happened in Santa you accuse me of standing on the grave I've seen you do it repeatedly peers like I say how dare you I mean you can keep saying that but you've done it repeatedly what you do and I've seen you do it on the program is you keep saying to folks that if they disagree with you politically then somehow this is a violation of what happened in Sandy Hook and you have yet I really like to hear your policy prescriptions for what we should do about guns because you say that you respect the Second Amendment and you know I brought this here for you so that you can read it it's a constitution and I would really like for you explain to me what you would do about guns that would have prevented what happened in Sandy Hook I don't I reject state socialism personally what I'm referring to is specifically for example the term Givens worker cooperatives the most prominent example the Mondragon Corporation in Spain owned the the there is no investor or a Catholic capitalist group that owns the profits when the company turns a profit that profit is distributed among the workers some 80,000 employees it's a wildly successful corporate I mean is it a voluntary Association is there any cramdown happening no there's not then good its capitalist that's not that's not that's not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Yung Regis
Views: 591,336
Rating: 4.8402481 out of 5
Keywords: #funny, #benshaprio, #jokes, #compilation, #cool, #jakepaul, ben shapiro, ben shapiro show, ben shapiro joe rogan, the ben shapiro show, donald trump, president trump, ben shapiro interview, ben shapiro debate, daily wire, ben shapiro conservative, andrew klavan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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