Ben Shapiro Leaves Liberal Professor SPEECHLESS In An Epic Debate

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I know it's actually the reason and Michael I assume the reason you're asking and it's a very important question because it really does go to I think your point which is what this court decision is is its case that proves too much it's a the the argument that's being made in the case is that basically the state can encroach on any religious behavior whatsoever so long as it doesn't encroach on religious opinion and that's the problem with the case in and of itself and I think that the point that you're making Michael is the people who use this case as a case against the exercise of religious freedom in the public square in terms of action are the same people in large part who are saying that the state has no right to regulate for example gay marriage which is which is a completely illogical position so you have to believe that either the state has to make provision and make room for religious liberty in exercise or you have to believe that the state has the power to basically compel whatever behavior it seeks so long as it doesn't affect opinion okay now I think we've made everything that here let me assure you that the issue of same-sex marriage is going to return so we will be able to reaffirm and have the power to regulate your religious behavior if the government feels that it violates its morality that's really the central conflict that we're talking about here and the problem is that as the government decides that it can regulate particular behaviors and this is the point that I was making the very beginning as the government decides it can regulate particular behaviors religious the sphere of religious liberty is going to shrink to exactly what Chief Justice Wade said there it's going to shrink smaller and smaller and smaller until the only thing that you can do religiously speaking is think about your religion and maybe pray in your own home well so you're what I mean you're attributing that to weight but it's what Thomas Jefferson said and I say that not because Thomas Jefferson wasn't in fact a deity but I but to call attention to the fact that this conversation goes way back in America's history we have struggled with it for an incredibly long time and and if you look for example at this opinion what wait did say is he talks about the government being able to regulate behavior that is real relevant to social duties and order and which is a malleable term and this is what I think those Jefferson and Wayne are wrong you know I mean let me just break in I think you're being slightly paranoid I don't know who you're talking about in America you can change your religion you can have no religion you can do they smoke peyote you can smoke peyote as a religious right for goodness sakes man move to Egypt move to Pakistan move to Saudi Arabia then you can complain and I I for one think America is a fantastic country and and you know as a liberal right you that's what you say about me and you're like most liberals are self-hating Americans right I love America and I teach American religion and I will stand up for what we have what we have built great culture with great religious liberty but you will shut down my business if I don't serve a cake to a gay wedding but you'll shut down my business if I don't serve a cake to a gay wedding I can assure you we'll be getting to shutting down be an example result I'll give you an example of that example that exact example just a second yeah we will have those some examples coming up but follow-up dr. wahlmann you just said he'd been shouldn't complain because we're not Egypt or Saudi Arabia would it be a doggone right wouldn't it be a good idea to in the preservation of Liberty to have a heated debate about the nature of those rights because the same argument could be made for any given homosexual couple or any given far left couple or many other or any non-muslim faith in the United States that they don't live in Egypt or Saudi Arabia either so therefore they shouldn't complain well you know yeah but I don't think liberals were the complainers for me I thought liberals were the complainers in this country I don't know the doctor dr. Wellman brought up the idea that Ben shouldn't speak out No you know I love the fact that Ben is is controversial and he he does well because he is controversial that's that's why we like to hear him but let's get to the facts a little bit you know religious rights and religious liberties are not being compacted in America you know and I but let me go back to what Michael asked what can you change the place of example I think that was wrongly decided you think you say you so you actually agree with me that a shop should be allowed to reject service to a gay wedding I think so the interesting question is it applies no wait wait wait you like to interrupt it's a it's a public for-profit business and I think there is non-discrimination should go on there and they should not be allowed to discriminate against gay people I assure you we will have a specific example that we'll be getting to later on that so I'm drawing the line save those thoughts for later and as a follow-up to Valerie I assure you as a self-professed whiner conservatives do a lot of complaining too believe me all right in the Hobby Lobby case which is expected to be handed down from the Supreme Court on Monday the Obama administration seeks to enforce an ACA the Affordable Care Act mandate that would compel owners Barbara and David Greene to provide certain kinds of what they consider to be abortifacient birth control is the Obama administration and Friends infringing on the rights of these business owners hold it hold it Valerie would you like to would you like to launch us off on that I'd love to because our system of jurisprudence for a for insurance they do not choose to pay for there's nothing prevent someone from getting health insurance that covers abortions or abortive fashions or anything else in and and this is sort of the point I think is that when you look at the board imposition is being thrown around a lot you know can't no imposition that you that people are imposing their beliefs on others there's only one group in this country that is using the government to impose their beliefs on others at the point of a gun and that is not Hobby Lobby Hobby Lobby is involved in a consensual relationship between the employer and the employee churches are involved in consensual relationships between themselves and their constituents the government is not involved in a consensual relationship when it tells a business that it will revoke its license and it will come to there and it will come to their front door if they remain open and it will forcibly shut down their business there's only one person in one group that is coming to the coming to the party here with a gun and the only put the only group I mean you said we're concerned with long guns liberals love guns far more they just love guns that are being used by the government against conservatives let me know I think those let me dr. Wellman let me add something to the conversation kind of very much related absolutely but it's related so you'll be able to jump in right afterward no problem the Little Sisters of the Poor religious order of women devoted to caring for needy elderly people now face the possibility of millions of dollars in fines unless they give in a similar situation unless they provide for their employees free coverage for sterilization contraception and what they see is abortion inducing drugs should government be able to compel these women to act in violation of their convictions is this the Hobby Lobby case well there's Hobby Lobby as well and I'm adding a little I kind of I think we're making a mountain out of a molehill okay bear with me so there's I think 25 types of contraception that that this insurance covers and I believe in the case there's four that are problematic for Hobby Lobby this could be simply simply dealt with and solved with the government simply saying yeah we understand we'll pay for those for salt okay so let's just get over ourselves I mean come on and and and if they don't do that they're dumb i and but they're dumb yeah they haven't done that by the way I don't think then that that's a perfectly in other words for people rather than suing Hobby Lobby and compelling them to pay for the Bordeaux fashions if President Obama want their employees would choose like they would that the question in hobby lobby's whose freedom is being infringed upon employees freedom is not infringed upon when they enter into a consensual relationship with an employer that includes certain types of health that consensual of course who is forcing them where is the guard where is the gun who is forcing them where is the chain who is locking them that the gun language no but no this is it the reason that I use the gun language is because it is vitally important for people to understand that every government measure at the end of the day has it must be compelled by force that's what government measures are for there is a vast difference a huge difference in terms of personal liberty and freedom between the government compelling behavior and a company saying that we are not going to provide certain types of coverage and if you don't like that you can quit or buy your own coverage there's a vast difference guns the whole issue health insurance health insurance is an earned benefit it's not given for free to employees they earn it should your employer be able to decide how you spend your money one second earn earned from home okay I may think that I earn twice the salary that I get from this radio station that doesn't mean that I have an earned benefit from the radio station for twice what they're willing to pay me it's always a consensual relationship for your health care well first of all I I do because it was to negotiate in the contract that I signed and which in which I voluntarily engaged and if I don't like that I can quit tomorrow let me just introduce a third case they're all related it'll be just just fine there's a similar case still in the courts from Washington state where the state Pharmacy Board after initially allowing for religious exemptions came under pressure from former governor Gregoire to mandate that pharmacies and pharmacists provide plan B regardless of religious convictions that Act was widely seen as targeting Ralph thrift way in Olympia and its owner Kevin storm ins to individual pharmacists also felt that providing Plan B would violate their religious freedoms they're also involved in the suit was the state Pharmacy Board correct in trying to compel Ralph's pharmacy despite the fact that there were multiple pharmacies within a short time that were offering the same thing but the thing that was requested Plan B obviously and it's outrageous and and so much of this is outrageous and I want to go back to a point that a ban is made and who's made so wonderfully forcefully
Channel: Crysta
Views: 6,383,848
Rating: 4.7422733 out of 5
Keywords: Ben Shapiro, Liberal Professor, Speechless, Epic, Ben Shapiro debates, Ben Shapiro owns
Id: _QBDgwtO_Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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