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and wait a minute wait a minute no you can't ask me a question you can't answer the question oh you can't ask me a question honey i can't answer so don't even strong what attracted the father of the orlando terrorist to your candidate he's a mentally ill individual pardon me what attracted him to your candidate and your answer was he's mentally ill i am no his mentor stop smiling and smirking like it's a funny thing yeah kamala harris is now in single digits she was the wonder girl of the democrat party you'll know cnn jeff zucker held a breakfast for her introducing her to new york city bigwigs but now the wonder girl of the left is a failing candidate in single digits there's a flavor of the week every day in the democrat party we had one candidate that we loved and we had kept at the top and that was president trump democrats have nothing of the sort all right kaylee mcinnady thanks for coming in thank you hey karen watch your mouth yeah karen's supposed to be some i guess slang for a bossy middle-aged white woman i don't know you don't even look middle-aged you look younger than that but um what's your response to the mayor of chicago yeah my response is that i'm very upset about the violence in the streets of her city you know she's focused on words but instead she should be focused on action because you know right now this weekend what we'll see is hopefully not but what we've routinely seen are double-digit numbers of people dying in her city so she needs to focus on securing her streets i understand the truth hurts the president's written her a letter and offered her help and she needs to take it because it's inexcusable when children die and the democrats run streets of chicago mayor light light uh mayor lightfoot excuse me should be focused on that the lincoln memorial defaced how does that make much sense the place where the march on washington began that mo that momentous occasion in the history of civil rights that memorial was to face last night that doesn't honor the legacy of george floyd it doesn't and certainly not the burning of saint john's church he started out his presidency pretty much the first words out of his mouth where i want to be a president for all races and religions brian lanza put out a statement last night denouncing all racism on behalf of the administration as they've continually done today he told the new york times i don't want any of this stop it he looked in the camera in 60 minutes and said cut it out he's done this four times if it were up to you tell you what to do if it were up to you anna or the leftist he would spend every day of his presidency standing on top of trump tower with a megaphone saying i am not a racist but he's not going to do that he's done it four times already he's going to work for the american people and he's not going to be baited into these traps you are trying to lay and the left are trying to um kaylee in a previous life before you were press secretary you worked for the campaign and you made a comment i believe on fox in which you said president trump will not allow the coronavirus to come to this country given what has happened since then obviously would you like to take that back well first let me note i was asked a question um on fox business about president's travel restrictions i noted what was the intent behind those travel restrictions which is we will not see the coronavirus come here we will not see terrorism come here referring to an earlier set of travel restrictions i guess i would turn the question back on the media and ask similar questions does vox want to take back that they proclaim that the coronavirus would not be a deadly pandemic does the washington post want to take back that they told americans to get a grip the flu is bigger than the coronavirus does the washington post likewise want to take back that our brains are causing us to exaggerate the threat of the coronavirus does the new york times want to take back that fear of the virus may be spreading faster than the virus itself does npr want to take back that the flu was a much bigger threat than the coronavirus and finally once again the washington post would they like to take back that the government should not respond aggressively to the coronavirus i'll leave you with those questions and maybe you'll have some answers in a few days did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about michael flynn unmasking the president obama's spokesperson oh not a single journalist has posed that question okay so i would like to lay out a series of questions and perhaps if i write them out in a slide format maybe where visual learners and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity so number one why did the obama administration use opposition opposition research funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt to surveil members of the trump campaign number two why was lieutenant general michael flynn unmasked not by the intel community entirely but by obama's chief of staff by the former vice president joe biden by susan rice by the treasury secretary i mean this is extraordinary and you know if it were political appointees in the trump administration i can guarantee you i'd have questions in my inbox right now but apparently obama's spokesperson does not why was flynn's identity leaked in a criminal act it is a criminal act to leak the identity of michael flynn to the press but it happened where are the questions to obama's spokesperson because my team would be running around this building should this have happened under the trump administration why did the doj sally yates learn about the unmasking from president obama so much for going by the book as susan rice said three times thou doth protest too much susan rice and then finally question number five why did james clapper john brennan samantha power and susan rice privately admit under oath they had no evidence of collusion while saying the opposite publicly it's a long weekend you guys have three days to follow up on those questions and i certainly hope the next time i ask some hands go up because obama's spokesperson should be asked those questions because president trump's spokespeople certainly would be yes chanel thank you kaley what is the president's position on victims families businesses uh as a result of these riots suing democrat-run cities would he support them if they were to band together and do so um i haven't spoken to him about that specifically but certainly what you're seeing is it is democrat cities uh where you're seeing all of these numbers increase when you look at i just noted to yamiche portland seattle philadelphia minneapolis chicago new york city these have all seen anywhere from a 33 percent spike in the murder rate to a 277 percent increase in one month alone in new york city it's appalling and it is democrat governors and mayors and lawlessness that they're allowing to prevail uh when federal forces come in the situation changes and it's so interesting to me to see democrats um who once disparaged to who ignored the violence i should say all of a sudden caring about it but let's not forget um what they said previously speaker nancy pelosi downplaying the violence rocking u.s cities ignorantly saying people will do what they do uh jerry nadler when asked about antifa he said that that was a myth that's being spread around washington dc it's not a myth in fact an antifa individual took the life of an innocent trump supporter in portland um you have rep ion ayana presley saying that she wanted unrest in the streets chris cuomo saying show me where it says protesters are supposed to be peaceful i'll give you an idea chris it's the constitution don lemon saying quote the rioting has to stop chris as you know and i know it's showing up in the polls it's showing up in the focus groups it's the only thing right now that's sticking so now all of a sudden 90 days later i from this podium have talked about law and order the president has talked about law and order repeatedly but because the polling has shifted now it's time for the democrats to deny what they said previously and all of a sudden focus on law and order um i'll leave you with this that's like the arsonist blaming the firefighter clear i heard you mentioned one thing you said was criminal and that was what the one thing that i've said that was criminal the leaking of his name and the very real questions that have been raised but if you want to start talking about wrong doing the administration happy to go through andy mccabe leaking to the wall street journal um and then lying about it happy to talk about james clapper lying before congress saying the nsa does not monitor phone calls that was inaccuracy to say the least if not a lie um john brennan telling congress that the bogus steele dossier played no role in the russia probe when in fact we know it did and was the basis of attaining fisa warrants so uh there's a lot of mistruths there that were said many of them under oath so i would point you to those and the many other real questions that i hope you all will pursue those people should be jailed the people you just mentioned i never said that those are your words not mine but perhaps you should look into it and get me some answers that is after all the job that is after all the job of reporters to answer the very questions that i've laid out and i hope you guys will take the time to do it it's important to point out though that my colleagues on the left their candidate had omar mateen's father sitting behind him who is pro-taliban who gave cover to al-qaeda and who was anti-gay who has said that gays deserve to be punished this is who hillary clinton had three rows behind her and siddique mateen says he was invited you could choose to believe hillary clinton's team who says he wasn't invited or you can believe sadiq who says he was invited who knows the real story we know 64 of people don't trust hillary clinton but it is unfathomable that she had a pro-taliban person anti-gay father sitting behind her first of all the clampane and secretary clinton have fully disavowed this individual and we trust her completely wait a minute wait a minute no you can't ask me a question you can't answer the question oh you can't ask me a question honey i can't answer so don't even strong what attracted the father of the orlando terrorist to your candidate he's a mentally ill individual president i get it pardon me what attracted him to your candidate and your answer was he's mentally ill i am no his mentor stop smiling and smirking like it's a funny thing i'd end with this you know i was asked probably 12 questions about the confederate flag uh this president's focused on action and i'm a little dismayed that i didn't receive one question on the deaths that we got in this country this weekend i didn't receive one question about new york city shootings doubling for the third straight week and over the last seven days shooting skyrocket by 142 percent not one question i didn't received one question about five children who were killed and i'll leave you with this remark by a dad it broke my heart a dad of an eight-year-old lost in atlanta this weekend they say black lives matters you killed a child she didn't do nothing to nobody was his quote we need to be focused on securing our streets making sure no lies are lost because all black lives matter that of david dorn and that of this eight-year-old girl thank ask you all
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Views: 1,045,227
Rating: 4.9243226 out of 5
Keywords: kayleighmcenany, kayleigh, top10, politicalwomen, slams, savage, Kayleigh Mcenany
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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