Ben Shapiro VS Bill Maher: ALPHA BATTLE Analysis

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across the board yes but i you can't be a i said that we're only opposed when you're democrat you're only opposed to incivility when it's donald trump but but suddenly maxine waters anti-maxine because ben you can't walk into a room and see an elephant in a mouse and not know which one is bigger but it's not an elephant in a mouse it's two but it is really 600 officers to protect me at berkeley yes it's an elephant in an elephant ben shapiro is a sharp dude what do i mean by shark what do people usually mean when they call somebody sharp they're intelligent and they have strong social skills so he jumps into the hornet's nest at bill maher's show he's known to be very conservative and bill maher's known to be very liberal and i want to break down this interaction because both of these guys are very socially savvy and they both employ a lot of very advanced moves that i want you to understand why because i want you to up your social game i want you when you're challenged by somebody who maybe has a different belief system than you you need to be able to represent yourself maybe you're just making an argument at the workplace you're trying to figure out how you're going to get the manager to give you the schedule you want this is going to help you be able to handle those things effectively so let's dive in here and break it down i know i uh i appreciate it i always say this to conservatives that come on our show i'm a little jealous of their guts because they have more guts than the liberals liberals don't go on conservative shows they don't come on this show sometimes okay that's nice so bill maher he's trying to make it a nice atmosphere he's not trying to come out here like you're the enemy he kind of threw him a bone there like you know i congratulate you for coming on the show even though you know you have different views i like that that's a nice way to do it so i appreciate because you know the crowd is not with you i i got that impression here and but yeah we should but we and let's be civil right that's the tone of the day i'm a fan okay so i'm a fa well okay so what happened right there he says let's be civil and ben says okay i'm a fan i'm a fan of being civil but bill interprets that as i'm a fan of the show and so listen what he says let's see if i'm a fan well right that's the tone of the day i'm i'm a fan okay so i'm a fan well let's see if i'm a fan see each other's fan at the end of this all right but i just want okay so what's the important thing there ben shapiro knows he misinterpreted what he was saying but what if he would have stopped there and said no no no i meant i was a fan of being civil not a fan of your show then he looks like a jerk right i'm not a fan of your show so even though a lot of people their jerk reaction would be to jump on that be like no i didn't mean i'm a fan of your show he knew i gotta take that misinterpretation even though a lot of people watching this on the show and people in the crowd will think i meant i'm a fan which is not what he wanted to communicate it was better to live with that misperception and misinterpretation of what he said than to go back and sound like a jerk that's actually a really powerful thing if you're a if you're a conservative aren't you really team trump well it depends on on what so what i've called myself is sometimes trump okay the people said there's never trump and then there's always trump sometimes trump meaning that when he does something that i like i cheer and when he does something that i hate which happens then i boo okay so what's his answer so bill's trying to categorize him and say listen it's so polarized at this point that either your democrat or your republican either you're for trump or against him and what does he say he doesn't say no i don't believe that he doesn't say no that's not necessarily the case i see it differently he gives an example of what he is so it's much less combative so as opposed to putting bill on the defensive by saying you're wrong he says here's what i am but what he considers himself flies in the face of what bill presupposed that he was so a really nice way to bring up a dissenting opinion if you're a conservative aren't you really team trump well it depends on on what so what i've called myself is sometimes trump okay the people said there's never trump and then there's always trump sometimes trump meaning that when he does something that i like i cheer and when he does something that i hate which happens then i boo and i'm booing as loudly as you are when he does something that's really bad but listen you're very upset about the supreme court nominee i am very pleased about the supreme court nominee as a conservative right he's doing a lot of things that i like in terms of policy now that doesn't mean that i'm cheering his character because i think that it is very difficult to cheer donald trump's character nor do i think it's appropriate so there's been two times where he has said things that are commonly not accepted or or i should say enjoyed by the republican party he said i'm not cheering trump's character and earlier if you heard he said that if trump does something he doesn't like he's booing just as loudly as him so what he's trying to do is build common ground there although he threw in the clear descent you know i like the supreme court justice nominee you clearly don't he also threw in some common ground which once again couches the descent so you're able to say the same thing you're able to communicate your same opinion but you're doing it in a nice way that makes people like you now i'm sure some of you are watching i don't care if they like me it doesn't matter well it should because if you can accomplish the same thing by expressing the same views that you hold true in a way that is more relatable and more palatable to people you should do that more people are going to like you you're getting all the benefits of being a likable person but see i don't even know what the republican beliefs are i mean you're a young guy but you certainly remember two years back when they were beliefs were completely the opposite of what they are now they were first ones free trade okay so what happened that was a quick thing okay so bill was probably queuing up he was getting some rhythm to go into a whole big thing he starts it out by making a joke so you clearly remember at least two years ago when the beliefs of the party were completely different than what they are now but as opposed to shapiro letting him just roll into that he immediately stops him and asks for clarity which ones which threw bill off the the whole tirade he probably had queued up that he was ready to go we'll watch that again how do you turn on a dime so quickly in a couple of years well i mean obviously it's been very frustrating to me to watch so many republicans do exactly that i've been incredibly critical of republicans who have suddenly become fans of vladimir putin or have suddenly become fans of of tariffs i think all of that is idiocy so what did he do there he just spent a lot of time building that common ground listen it's hard for me to watch these things happen that he doesn't agree with it's hard for me to watch this and then the vladimir putin thing that's a hot button for a lot of people on the democratic side so he brings that up to even build that bond and a hot button which he knows is going to have a big impact it's smartly it's smartly worded but again i think that with regard to judges with regard to taxes with regard to middle eastern policy particularly iran and israel i'm much more of a fan of president trump than i certainly would have been of hillary clinton or barack obama by the way i didn't vote for president trump in the last election because of my concerns about him okay so you would not vote for and that's another thing he ends it so he was a sandwich he starts it with i don't like this this this this either just like you don't and i didn't even vote for trump at the end so he's sandwiching it with things that are going to build that rapport and agreeable and in the middle he's putting in the true descent democrat under any circumstance or some circumstance i mean i would say some circumstance but the democratic party would have to stop being insane meaning that they would actually have to approach something like moderation in terms of policy see that was a mistake in my book so he said i don't know he must have got a little worked up or something or maybe it was planned i don't know why but he says the democratic party would have to stop being insane so that is such even if that's his belief that's just such a a a flamboyant statement that it's just gonna make people mad democratic party would have to stop being insane meaning that they would actually have to approach something like moderation in terms of policy and also present a face that doesn't look like people shouting down people at gas stations or entering restaurants and trying to throw them out okay well if you're talking about the civility thing why don't we start with the republicans stop saying lock her up did you see what happened right there he just got charged with emotion all of a sudden boom look at it look at the look at the look of the face look at the seriousness the whole vocal tonality changed you don't think that's the worst and it got the crowd worked up the way that you speak these words what they're saying is important but the way they deliver them do they sound like they believe themselves do they sound convincing it's always interesting to me when you see people maybe you've seen this at your own workplace there's someone who actually is more qualified to give an answer maybe the ceo is asking a question and there's somebody who's very qualified but when they speak up with their answer they sound timid their vocal projection is bad they say i think it's this and this and then there's some guy who really doesn't know much about it but he's a confident guy maybe he's a sales guy and he says no i saw out there this and this and this this we're gonna do this so many times that guy is gonna get heard versus the guy who's actually more qualified so when these guys are debating the way they are speaking their vocal tone their vocal presence their vocal strength has a huge huge impact on that if you when you talk people don't necessarily want to stop and listen maybe it's hard for you to keep people's attention or maybe when you're talking you know people kind of walk away from you you don't feel strong when you talk i'd encourage you to go to or you can just uh click up here in the left corner and click on the card and it'll take you there i've got a video there that'll talk to you about how you can get your voice all dialed in so you can get that kind of reaction that builded with the crowd right there bridgement of civility i don't think it's i mean and it's not just lock her up he talked about locking comey up he talks about locking journalists up there's a guy who said lock tim kaine up how about we stop to lock them up shouldn't the civility argument start there before we care about who gets their entree well it isn't just about who gets their entree so he actually one of the things shapiro does really well he keeps his cool because he's got an answer queued up for this that's also emotionally charged but he didn't try to talk over him he's not getting all mad yeah trying to talk he sounds very calm and collected and now when he got the final thing someone's entre he makes a joke on that he actually downplays that term but he grabs it and uses it that's an advanced thing a lot of people when they're sitting on something and they really want to talk once the other person stops it's just diarrhea of the mouth but not only does he not do that but he incorporates the last thing bill says as the first thing he says that's so quick on his feet is that who this entree well it isn't just about who gets their entree is that who gets harassed by the way i'm not going to make excuses which is more important well i think that all of it is important if you're going to ask me i think but there's nothing at the same time can't wait can we just say incivility is bad across the board yes but i you can't be a that we're only opposed when you're democrat you're only opposed to incivility when it's donald trump but because ben you can't walk into a room and see an elephant and a mouse and not know which one is bigger but it's not an elephant mouse it's true but it is really yes threatening okay so this is this is great suddenly maxine waters anti-maxine so what he's saying i mean clearly you can pick up on this but what he's just saying is both parties are guilty the same thing so why are you making a huge deal out of it when republicans do it or people on the republican side do it and democrats don't and now bill maher's saying well it's not equal it's a mouse and elephant and listen how he responds to this ben you can't walk into a room and see an elephant and a mouse and not know which one is bigger but it's not an elephant in a mouse it's two but it is really yes threatening to lock up 600 officers to protect me at berkeley yes it's an elephant and an elephant so he brings in a personal example and you can see his emotion went up when he was doing that too and here's the thing when you react to somebody emotionally is a very important concept when you iraq react to someone emotionally it shows that they're having an impact on you and typically they have higher status in you and it shows that you're knocked off your kilter it's not a good look but when someone you're talking to is getting emotionally charged and you're debating you need to keep your emotion near the same level otherwise it's easy for them to roll over you just have too much energy so he raises his emotion and brings up a personal experience i had to have 600 people which makes it even easier to get momentum behind you when you bring up an instance that flies in the face of what they're saying and also is personal to you 100 officers to protect me at berkeley yes it's an elephant and an elephant yes it's an elephant an elephant in two thousand thousand times romney that he's gonna put y'all back and change about black people this stuff pre-existed you notice tonality and note that he continues to talk over him with a quick clip when you talk over somebody if you're going to do it slowly it's going to be easy for them to jump back on it but he keeps going so fast it'd be really hard for bill to try to come back from there yes it's an elephants and elephants in 2000 romney that he's going to put y'all back and change about black people this stuff pre-existed but that was terrible that didn't come from the president at berkeley it came from the vice president when he was saying the mitt romney the cleanest person ever okay was the guy who's going to put y'all back in chains to pretend incivility started with donald trump no not instability i'm talking about the level to which it's at where you're agreeing with you do you really think donald trump respects the rule of law i mean if somebody knows i think the constitution itself is a pretty damn durable document thank god i i've read your tweets like about he's just got nice one-liners for everything he says like there's rarely something that bill says that he just kind of has to accept is true and that he's wrong he's always got something quick pamela harris yeah but you would vote for trump over her yes tell me why okay so okay that's a high status sign from bill maher because clearly he disagrees with this guy so a lot of times when people are talking to someone they disagree with they're never giving him a fair chance to talk they're always trying to move him around talk over him dictate the tempo but bill says tell me why and then sits there and is quiet and has quiet body language i like that i mean that means that he's open to debating facts i haven't seen that much of bill maher but the stuff that i've seen he seems pretty open-minded it's not like he's only in there to lay down what he believes like he's open to new perspectives and i think that his body language that move right there shows that i like that to the social fabric and i also didn't think he was going to govern conservative because i didn't see a lot of indicators of that he's governed a lot more conservative than i thought he was going to and as far as the damage to the social fabric if he's already done it i'm not actually mitigating against the damage to the social fabric by not voting for him in 2020. so ben shapiro does he sound confident to you is he believable it sounds like he believed and he's thought these things through quite a bit someone comes up to him and says yeah but ben what about this do you think he's gonna be like oh i never i never really thought about it that way no he's thought these things through which makes him ready for anything when he's talking to someone has a different view or is trying to attack him or make fun of him or talk trash in any way he's ready a personal story about talking trash i was actually out on a first date just the other day here in dallas texas and these three guys sitting to the right of us were getting sauced up and they decided that they were going to try to talk trash to me to make me look bad in front of her if you want me to tell you the whole story you can click right here there's a video well break down the story but more importantly tell you how i handled it so you know you can be confident if someone ever talks trashed you in public or at the workplace if you want to check out that vocal power boot camp to get your voice strong so people listen to you talk you can click right there i'll talk to you soon
Channel: The Charisma Matrix
Views: 5,485,429
Rating: 4.4321418 out of 5
Keywords: bill maher, ben shapior, shapiro maher, the ben shapiro show, ben shapiro bill maher, real time with bill maher, alpha, alpha battle, body language, versus, high status, social status, high value, communication, barron cruz, baron cruz, charisma matrix, charisma, supreme court, high status men, body language analysis, ben shapiro best moments, high status humor, high status body language, fox news, white house, us politics, democrat, republican
Id: kIeeoeZr2vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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