BEST Baldur's Gate 3 Optimization Guide | Max FPS | Best Settings

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what's up I'm troubleshoot welcome back to another video in this quick guide I'll be showing you how you can optimize Baldur's Gate 3 for the best possible performance and of course visuals that is a very important thing with this game it's not too demanding for what it is so you can make it look even better without losing too many FPS and in fact even making a bed without further Ado this video is not going to cover optimizing Windows pretty much at all instead in the description down below you'll find a Windows 10 11 and in video optimization guides to get even more out of your PC instead we'll just be diving right into the game now it doesn't really matter what platform you have this game on the in-game settings are the same for all of them for me I have this on Gog good old games they gave me a key to this probably about a year ago now but I just never got around to it so a huge shout out to them I'll have a link to the Gog store down below I don't think I have my affiliate link anymore but anyways we'll fire up the game itself and get to optimizing it for the best performance on the main launcher you'll have the option between Direct X11 and Vulcan your performance may vary between these usually whatever's selected as the default is the best and in this case it's DirectX 11. you can try Vulcan if you're on AMD or with your current option set whatever it may be you may find that Vulcan is more performant for you choosing between these two really depends on what your system is and how it fares with the game itself we'll fire it up and of course you may notice the first time upon launching this you'll be prompted to update your graphics driver if you are head across to your graphics driver Distributors website and download the latest update upon firing up the game head across to the options section and inside of here we can get to customizing so first of all at the very top head across to the video Tab and in here we have some very basic options obviously select the graphics card that you'll be playing your game on if you're on a laptop or a computer with multiple graphics cards you'll likely see an integrated GPU and your actual gaming GPU select the most powerful one in your system and you're off to the race display monitor aspect ratio should match whatever your display is and resolution now if you find that you're losing FPS and you're trying to claw it back changing the resolution here isn't the best option instead set this to your native display resolution or at least a compatible one otherwise your game will be needlessly blurry the refresh rate should absolutely match the highest possible or best refresh rate for your monitor once again this depends on your monitor you won't be able to change this depending on your display mode instead make sure you have full screen selected here when you do so you'll be able to customize the refresh rate right above just a quick note this game doesn't have a built-in FPS counter instead you'll need to use something like MSI afterburner or of course the steam overlay to get an FPS counter in the corner looking down further vsync this should absolutely be disabled at all points unless you're getting a really bad screen tearing with the top and the bottom half of your monitor don't seem to match up as in the example on the right hand side the same goes for your frame rate cap you'll usually want this enabled later on and capture something slightly less than what FPS you're getting in game but for now leave this unticked as we'll be comparing our FPS when we're actually in the game the maximum frame rate can only be customized when the frame rate cap is on and after this optimization guide I'd highly recommend capping your FPS to a little bit below what you're getting at the maximum point that way there'll be a tiny bit left for the rest of your PC to use this could be especially important if you're recording with something like OBS and your streams or recordings are lagging scrolling down we have a gamma correction section but you can change the brightness of your game if it's too dark and scrolling down further quality Now the default preset that has picked for you is probably actually really good if it's set to the higher end you may want to set down to medium and see what kind of performance difference you're getting at the medium default settings here the performance is actually really good especially for higher end graphics cards head of course on lower end you may want to choose one of the low options such as low for now I'll leave it on medium for a game that looks actually really good and performs just as well you can leave most of these settings where they are except for texture filtering which you can actually raise as it's usually a very cheap operation to do on Modern graphics cards while it'll make Textures in game look a lot better the animation level of detail can also be cranked up usually for very little performance impact but it can actually raise the quality of the game quite a bit the slow HDD mode should only be used when you have a really slow hard drive instead of playing it off an SSD this will use more RAM and vram as a load more textures and things like that into memory that way it doesn't need to fetch them at a very slow rate from your slow hard drive Dynamic grounds you can leave on unless you're getting really bad CPU performance that's dragging down your entire game now that being said obviously not everyone has a super powerful graphics card and you may need to lower some of these options so the most important options in this General section for FPS will be model quality detailed distance instance distance distance distance and texture quality the last one here texture quality this option will mainly impact your vram usage the higher this option the more vram you need this game isn't too demanding when it comes to textures so having this on medium on a four gigabyte vram graphics card is probably pretty good you can of course lower this to see what kind of performance you're getting on much higher end graphics cards you can raise this and it'll definitely add to the crispness of the game as you can see in the preview images on the far right but we can get that through other means which I'll show you in a bit I may even Savor some FPS along the way scrolling down further to lighting this section is very simple the shadow quality you'll want to crank it down as that will greatly improve your performance with very minimal visual impact cloud and fog you can both leave on medium as they'll have very little performance impact maybe Funk you'd want to crank down but it shouldn't really affect your visibility in game fog is where fog is scrolling down to post processing this is where things get really interesting if you have an Nvidia graphics card and you have the dlss option available I'd recommend using this over AMD FSR both of these options here essentially render your game at a lower resolution and crank up the quality or perceived quality using artificial intelligence Nvidia dlss is designed specifically for NVIDIA graphics cards however mdfsr is compatible with all graphics cards not just AMD and even Nvidia as you can see scrolling between these two options the dlss option is usually much shinier as you can see in these screenshots here but for the most part the quality that you gain with these options is good and I'd recommend using it anyway for NVIDIA dlss I'd recommend choosing quality if you have a really high-end graphics card otherwise maybe balanced essentially the lower on this list you push this option to the more performance versus quality side the lower your in game resolution will be causing your graphics card to really be able to push out some super high FPS it'll use artificial intelligence to its best ability to crank up that lower quality but after a certain point you'll notice some very bad visual artifacts that may be distracting at a certain point having this unbalanced or quality is probably what you'd like if you have a high-end graphics card leave this on quality and forget about it for AMD FSR a good place to start is quality on super high-end graphics cards you can crank this up to ultra quantity though you'll notice a very small impact but it definitely is noticeable as you can see on the far right hand side especially with the rock texture pretty much comparable with pushing up the texture quality above but it doesn't actually cost anything in terms of vram obviously the further you push that down the more visual artifacts but the more FPS you'll be getting as well assuming you don't use dlss or AMD FSR for that matter we can push things the other way around we can render the game at native solution but instead we can use Fidelity FX sharpening this will increase the sharpness of pretty much everything on your screen making textures and things like that really pop and look super good then you'll have a sharpness slider right below this where we can adjust just how sharp in-game Graphics are but using a dlss and AMD FSR for that matter basically add their own sharpening filters and things like that so you definitely don't need to worry about the Fidelity FX sharpening however we do still have the sharpness slider enabled when we're using either of these options usually for dlss I'd recommend keeping this at about a third of the way up and for AMD FSR maybe about halfway or a little bit less for me I'll leave it right down here then anti-alias thing I'd highly recommend having this off completely especially if you're using any kind of upscaling like dlss or AMD FSR this will needlessly take away your performance and make the game more blurry just to get rid of jagged edges on objects using dlnss or FSR will completely negate the need to use anti-aliasing pretty much at all ambient occlusion is a cheap way of adding more depth to objects you can leave this on it's not too costly for performance depth of field this is mainly your preference and shouldn't really have too much of an in-game impact you can disable this completely if you like feeling that you don't need glasses however if you were to have this enabled you have previews on the far right hand side as well as the quality of the depth of field I definitely usually have this off as I like seeing what's going on but it's your preference entirely then finally God Ray's Bloom these two options are also your preference they really add to the graphic quality of the game without too much cost at all and I'd highly recommend leaving both of these turned on these are both relatively cheap effects and even though it does say raise it's not raid tracing finally subsurface scattering this has a very very minor impact on lighting and game as you can see on the yellow mushrooms to the left hand side of them usually you can leave this off or on you'll barely notice the difference between the two but the performance will slightly drop when this is enabled and with that that's really about it just keep in mind when you're scrolling up and down this here should you be using your mouse wheel whenever you hover over one of these and scroll sometimes it'll change such as this here very odd but anyways everything else is your preference the audio tab at the very top dynamic range if you have this set too high there'll be a big difference between loud and soft noises you can turn this down should you want explosions and things like that to not be so Jaric in the advanced section of audio we have occlusion quality which is essentially how audio muffles when it goes behind other objects this is usually a pretty cheap effect so leaving it on high is probably good unless you're really CPU limited running on a super low end CPU system in which case you can crank the stand for some more performance and with that we're pretty much done with the options here from here we can dive into the actual game itself the only thing I'd recommend playing around with really is the dlss or AMD FSR quantity when you're in game to see which one you prefer best for performance and of course visual Fidelity anyways that's a really bad for this super quick guide thank you all for watching my name's been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time ciao foreign
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 29,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 optimization, baldurs gate 3 optimization, baldurs gate 3 optimization guide, baldurs gate 3 optimization reddit, baldurs gate 3 settings, baldurs gate 3 best settings, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 fps, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 fps boost, baldurs gate 3 performance issues, baldurs gate 3 pc, optimization guide, dlss, fsr, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 tips, balders gate 3 fps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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