BEST Optimization Guide | Dragon's Dogma 2 | Max FPS | Best Settings

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what's up I'm trouble shoot in this quick guide I'm going to be showing you the effects of different options in Dragon's Dogma 2 but before we get into our optimization guide if you can call it that this of course addressing the elephant in the room you'll need a seriously powerful CPU in order to play this game with good FPS on Steam deck at the time of recording this you can probably expect 15 to 20 FPS at most and Capcom is painfully aware of that as the FPS issue seems to stem mostly from CPU usage caused by NPCs and their presence in the area this is of course a massive issue for a game where NPCs are pretty much the whole point in playing it so while adjusting your graphics options may not result in a huge amount of performance for me it took me between 50 to almost 90ish so there's a handful of fps to be gained but again I do have a powerful system with a good graphics card and a really good CPU so my graphics card can get the legs to breathe however if you have a much lower end system or even a handheld then hanging around waiting for updates and possibly even mods in the future is something that you should definitely consider before you spend I don't know $100 on this game yeah anyways let's get into it I'll show you exactly what you can do in game for better performance should you choose to buy this game and hopefully run it but of course your mileage will definitely vary and of course the options in game do result in a little bit of performance gain it's not going to be as big as Hardware upgrades anyways let's get into it so that being said over the next few weeks to months this game's performance should hopefully be improving quite a bit but the steps that I'll be showing you here to optimize your performance in game should carry across to a much more optimized game in the future so without further Ado let's begin firing up the game with the default settings of probably mid to high on a 38 ETI at 2K I'm getting a solid 60-ish FPS in the second area of the game if I were to pause him head across to system followed by options followed by Graphics this is where we'll be starting as the display tab doesn't have much other than brightness first of all your display mode should definitely be set to full screen for the best possible performance screen resolution should match your display refresh rate should be set to the same as your monitor in my case 165 frame rate should be set to variable which is UNCA however you can cap it with a Max of 120 60 30 and that's pretty much it I'll leave it as variable vsync should be turned off Dynamic resolution off as well and then we have fality FX FSR 3 and dlss super resolution ution dlss will only be available to you on Nvidia graphics cards however FSR should be available on Nvidia AMD and everything else you can see a pretty good explanation of exactly what this does between quality balance performance and Ultra performance using the image on the right hand side it slowly loses detail further to the right we go but it uses less vram and of course your performance should increase drastically whether you want to use FSR or dlss is your preference if you have an Nvidia graphics card otherwise you're pretty much stuck with just FSR 3 it seems that for dlss we have an ultra option and for me it seems to be choosing probably performance for FSR 3 we don't have an automatic option but of course you do have the usual quality options as for which one you should pick usually dlss looks a little bit blurrier than FSR 3 however it is your preference I'll be setting it to dlss Quality but the performance should be practically the same as FSR that being said we can also change the sharpness here how sharp you want it to be is your preference usually around 4050 % is probably good enough dlss NV video reflex low latency is something you can enable if you want less input latency you can enable it if your GPU limited as then your GPU is running at 100% and you're not really getting any extra frames or you can set it to onpl boost if your CPU limited and your CPU is holding back your powerful graphics card I'm GPU limited so I'll be setting it to on then if we scroll down we have rendering mode which you can change between interace and Progressive however you lose this option if you have dlss set as well as anti-aliasing but that's pretty much a given if you're going to be using some kind of upscaling which I'd highly recommend at least at the time of release if not on quality then balanced for me I'll be keeping it on quality as we'll be playing around more with the settings rate racing can only be adjusted on the main menu and to be honest the difference is massive in this game if you have extra performance lying around and the ability to use R tracing you may want to enable it in a game like this image quality you can't play around with either unless you have DLS SS or FSR turned off and it does a similar thing where it lows the rendering resolution of the game but of course it doesn't use any AI to upscale you can downscale from a higher resolution or you can upscale from a lower one the midpoint being your native resolution again I'll be using an upscaler Ambience inclusion is pretty much your preference as the difference is massive SD faao has the most dramatic light and dark areas ssao loses quite a bit of information and detail and finally off loses even more detail scale especially on vegetation and of course your character too this is really a limitation of how your PC Works whether you need to disable this is your preference personally I'd be keeping this on almost no matter what as it adds so much information to the game if you're really clawing for performance you can come back here to turn it off but for now leave it on either on ssao or sdfa anti- aing you can only use if upscaling is disabled you have TAA FXAA and TAA and that's it you can turn it off but you'll see there's a huge amount of aliasing on pretty much everything I'll definitely recommend keeping either TAA or FXAA and TAA enabled however of course if you're using upscaling this will be turned off by default anyways and your performance should be improved scrolling down further screen space Reflections add a ton of information to the game around water and reflective objects there's not going to be too much of this in most areas this option is a relatively heavy header if you choose to have this enabled however as it adds so much information to the game I'd recommend leaving it on and turning this off probably second last or in the same category as ambient occlusion above mesh quality has a very minimal impact on vram and processing load in your system all the way between minimum and maximum but of course you do see a very slight difference between the two for the most part you could drop this if you really need performance but it's not going to make too much of a difference performance-wise and of course how the game looks I'll be leaving this on probably mid texture filtering adds extra details to Textures in the game we can push it all the way between 16x and as a Tropic filtering and bilinear as the lowest option and you can see there's a minor performance impact between these two and it really comes down to what exactly you want the game to look like if you're fine with unfiltered textures you can leave this on low otherwise you can enable it at the cost of a few FPS but of course if you're someone who notices the difference then it's probably worthwhile enabling it personally I'll be leaving this on low and that's fine for me I'll take a few extra FPS texture quality has practically no difference between High High 2 GB and High 3 GB and the lower options here you'll start to see more of a difference especially all the way down to low low tries to use as little texture memory as possible being Z gigs even though it won't really be Zer gigs and you can see it drops the graphics memory down to 4.75 gigs of vram required I'd recommend keeping it on the high option on most graphics cards where this is possible but you can see we're using 5.6 gigs of vram and if you have a lower in graphics card you may not have this option available to you in which case I'd recommend probably medium .25 being the lowest you'll go as anything below that is just a little bit too low between 0.25 and 1 there's not a huge amount of difference and in fact there's probably even less between 0.5 and 1 but I'll be sticking around here even though I have a ton more vram available grass and tree quality by default is set to low high as crisper shadows and things like that but for the most part low is probably going to be fine throughout most gameplay resource intense effects such as fire and things like that if you choose to set this down to low you'll notice that a ton of these details seem to vanish I'd of course recommend keeping this on if possible but this is probably going to be one of the more CPU expensive effects especially when there's lots going on with busy combat Shadow quality costs us almost a gig in vram between Max and Min and there's not too much of a difference between these low is noticeably blocky mid has noticeably smaller blocks high looks relatively smooth and Max takes up another 500 Megs of vram for almost nothing I'd recommend keeping this on high at highest but of course if you're clawing for vrm you could save 100 to 200 by pushing this down to low high leaves things looking really good and that's probably where I'd leave it throughout gameplay Shadow cache if you choose to enable this it'll use 100 or so Megs more of vram but it may result in fewer stutters and things like that while you're playing the game I'd recommend keeping this on if possible contact Shadows adds more depth to the scene and comes at a small performance impact once again if possible you should leave this on but you can turn it off if it needs be that little bit of extra depth at the cost of a few FPS above 60 is probably most likely worthwhile keeping however if you're struggling to hit even 30 then you'll probably be lowering most of these options anyways motion blur is your preference I'd recommend keeping it on most of the time unless you suff up with motion sickness and things like that in which case you can disable it it may save you a few FPS but for what it adds to the game when things are flying around at speed it's probably worthwhile keeping it enabled Bloom is your preference and has almost no impact on performance it adds extra shine and impact to bright light sources like the sun keeping it enabled should add a ton of visual detail to the game at a very small cost depth of field is your preference once again having it off saves you a little bit of performance but it is a relatively cheap effect so keeping it enabled probably isn't going to make too much of a difference it's more just your preference I don't mind keeping it on in a more narrative game especially it's not too noticeable running around the world lens flare once again your preference very small impact between on and off personally I'll be leaving it on lens Distortion we can choose between chromatic aberration on and off there's a very small impact of what changes in this but you can see it around the edges of the image around here and here if you change between the options personally I don't see any difference and it's a very lowcost effect leaving it not is fine subsurface scattering adds more information to detailed textures like people and things things like that this comes at a pretty big performance cost for what it does I'd recommend turning this off motion quality I'm not entirely too sure what it has to do with probably animations of how things move in game Etc having this set to low May save in some extra CPU performance and it has a relatively largish impact on processing load as you can see I'll be leaving this on low that's pretty much all of the graphics options that we get the place that you'll mainly be gaining a ton of performance is dlss and FSR 3 I'll keep it on for now just so we can see what kind of performance we're getting in game and then I'll come back and enable upscaling so I'll save it okay and back to the game we've gone from 60 up to a high of 90 and back down to 65 is but it does feel a little bit better it's a little bit sluggish when we look towards people and things like that and looking off into the distance things are definitely improved so this is probably fine for me to play at but of course again I am playing at 2K let's see exactly what using upscaling does so we play on 1080 for for example and it uses AI to upscale if you're playing on 1080 it'll render it maybe 1,600 and step it up from them anyways system options graphics and we'll use either dlss or FSI 3 both of these should have once again pretty similar performance impacts I'll go with dlss quality and you can immediately see that there's a little bit more haziness over the scene but we've gained a handful of FPS moving up to 73 looking towards people and off into the distance we're now sitting at 80 that's actually a pretty big Improvement however the scene is definitely noticeably hazy let's see what FSR does instead setting FSR also to Quality looking back it looks very similar 76 is FPS so performance is practically the same and looking off into the distance once again 80 there's almost no performance difference it really comes down to the overall look of the image if you remember also for dlss pushes our quality all the way down to probably Ultra performance which is crazy if we head across to balance for example the next option down this is probably as low as I would go throughout normal gameplay and we're sitting at 73 is looking at people and of to the distance with no characters 82 is so 85 is so a small bit of FPS gained this game still does have quite a bit of optimization to go before it's truly playable on lower-end Hardware but for now if you're running newer upper-end Hardware it's probably going to run just fine and should hopefully easily run it above 30 FPS which is often times a console standard I'll be trying Auto just to see exactly what the difference is here and we're still sitting at 76 looking at people and off into the distance once again 85 is so practically no difference it's probably choosing balanced even though it seems to be Under reporting on processing load and vram requirements anyways I would assume Auto would dynamically change throughout gameplay dropping quality as more performance is needed when FPS drops but with you choose to use upscaling or not use upscaling at all is of course your preference personally the haziness that upscaling adds is just a little bit too much for me and as I'm running over 60fps I don't necessarily mind playing with dlss and upscaling disabled but of course a lot of people may not have the choice so that's really it there's not too much more that we can do other than optimizing your system for which you'll find links in the description down below for optimizing Windows your INF video graphics card Etc there's a handful of things that we can try but most of it comes down to the gamees developers adding more optimization in the future further tweaking and customizing it to run better on PCS and of course if the option is available Hardware upgrades there's only so much that we can squeeze out of existing Hardware without the game developers doing more on top of it in my case on a 3080 TI this runs perfectly fine obviously at 1080p if you're running a 2070 or 2060 it should probably run okay but I would think anything below that it may become a little bit more unplayable where you'll need to crank down a ton of options and see what you get out of it that being said let's see exactly what happens if we drop all of our Graphics options to our performance we're currently getting 66 is and 78 is into the distance so let's try just for fun dropping all the options we have accessible I'll turn off ambient occlusion anti-aliasing SSR lowering mesh quality texture filtering is already as low as possible texture quality down to zero grass and trees are low resource intense effects Shadow quality cash constant and shadows motion blur Bloom depth of field lens flare Distortion and that's pretty much all that we can do with everything lowered to the absolute lowest setting at 2K on a 380 TI we've moved up to 80 FPS so pretty much exactly what dlss or FSR does for us and of course the scene is noticeably more sharp in fact a little bit too much without any kind of anti-aliasing looking off into the distance once again we're sitting at atsh so the performance we gained here we can gain with dlss or F arm enabling upscaling once more to Quality we move up to 92 and looking at people behind us 85 is with dlss enabled having everything set down to the lowest possible setting it's more playable and if you really need to drop all of your settings you'll probably be using some kind of upscaling anyways which should fix the majority of issues you now know how to optimize the game for the best possible FPS at least at the time of recording in the future hopefully things should be improved and hopefully soon but anyways that's really it for this guide once again links in the description down below to other helpful resources thank you all for watching my name is been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time CIA
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 70,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon's Dogma 2 fps boost, fps boost Dragon's Dogma 2, Dragon's Dogma 2 low end pc, Dragon's Dogma 2, Dragon's Dogma 2 boost fps, boost fps Dragon's Dogma 2, how to boost fps in Dragon's Dogma 2, Dragon's Dogma 2 lag, Dragon's Dogma 2 fps drop while driving, Dragon's Dogma 2 settings, Dragon's Dogma 2 fps boost low end pc, Dragon's Dogma 2 fps boost 2024, Dragon's Dogma 2 settings for fps, Dragon's Dogma 2 fps boost pack, best settings for Dragon's Dogma 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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