Best ASA Single Player Settings to Enjoy and Beat the Game ► Ark Survival Ascended

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in this video I'm going to show you some of the best Arc survival ascended settings to use for your game for single player especially for newer players to really get the hang of everything and have a good enjoyable experience to actually go ahead and beat the game so to set up your single player world we're going to go to create or resume game we're going to select the map we want in this case we only have the island but in the future there'll be more you can use these settings for all maps we're going to go ahead and go jump into game rules now the first thing we're going to do is actually choose a difficulty here and you're going to select hard and that's going to be your Baseline we are going to change it to make some things easier in it because easy is a little bit too overpowered and doesn't really let you fight bosses the way you should so select hard here to get all the defaults then under the player tab over here you're going to see the things we changed was water drain food drain and stamina drain they drain at 0.7 this means they drain a lot slower so that you don't have to drink you don't have to eat and you don't get tired as fast cuz I find I find that a little annoying on default settings so I set this down to be a little bit slower if you hate it you can set it it down even more or back to the original one harvesting damage has also been changed to three so that we Harvest three times as much resources when we're doing player damage so this is when you're using a hatchet or a pickaxe or a mining drill all that stuff moving on to the creature tab what we've changed here is the food drain to 0.7 this makes it so that when creatures are knocked out and you put food in them to tame them they will actually get hungrier quicker which means they will eat food quicker which means they will tame quicker this also does affect your own creatures making more hungry so you will need more food but don't worry we've got that covered because these settings that you're going to have a ton of food scrolling down you'll see the creature harvesting damage has been set to five I think the default was 3.2 so creatures are going to harvest a lot more as well which is great it's actually the settings are made for you to rather use dinosaurs rather than just getting all your resources with a pickaxe and a hatchet using a dinosaur you will get a ton more resources playing this way none of the other settings have been changed but you can see and match to yours as well moving on to to structure I've only changed the disabled structure placement Collision to on this means that like if you're Place building too close to a cliff and like your foundation goes into the wall it will still let you build it if you have this off you will not be able to build it so like the environment will block you in certain cases turn this on if you don't want any restrictions to your building you just want to build wherever you want I like to build wherever then we're going to move on to the world tab over here you'll see our XP multiplier is two originally in my video I made lost year I had on four but it was a little too much people were getting to like level 100 in like the first two days it was it was a bit bit bit too much for like a new player I think even though it's on two you will still level up really quickly though so don't don't mind that our taming speed multiplier has been set to four if you feel like it's too quick you can set it down to three if you want it to be faster you can make this higher your Harvest yield multiplier has been set to five this changes how much uh resources are in like a tree like how much wood you can get from a tree how much Stone you can get from a rock Etc I decided to turn on speed leveling so that you can actually level movement speed on your characters as well as your creatures I also turned it on for flyer speed leveling so I can fly faster because I don't like being limited to just normal speed it's so slow after playing Arc survival evolved for so long it's it's hard to suddenly not walk quickly moving on you'll see maximum difficulty is set to on what this does it forces the maximum creature level to be 150 now the big reason with difficulty in this game is that if you have your difficulty lower than one it actually changes the level of the creatures that you can find as well as the quality of the loot drops so you think maybe like 0.2 is going to be easy it's actually not like you get level 16 dinosaurs and the worst loot drops you can find and then when you go fight the bosses you don't have the right stuff to handle that fight so that is why we have it on one and maximum difficulty so that you can always find level 150 dinosaur max level which allows you to get the actual creatures to beat the game I don't think anything else will change here but you can see all the numbers and stats just just to make sure yours match moving on to rules in rules we have no major changes to be honest I don't think I changed a single thing here yeah this was all this is all default you'll also see at the very last one here use single player settings is turned on this makes it uh this adds like an extra multiplier to all of the sets that I've shown you today so that you have a fostter experience if you turn this off it's probably going to be a lot slower than what you've seen me add here today let's go ahead and move on into advanced settings over here so there's a ton of advanced ones you can see they divided into all different groups first one is PVE now the first thing I changed here was cave building I've turned it on cuz I like the option to building caves you don't have to build in caves if you feel like you're cheating but if you want to build in a cave there you go you can I've also decided to add on allow cave Flyers so that I can fly in a cave if I want to again it's something I probably won't do but I like to have the option to do it if I want it especially in my single player world non-permanent diseases I've turned on because I don't want permanent diseases after like persisting through death you still have the disease this is just more of a personal preference but you can just match all of these and make your own assumptions or changes if you feel like you want to going on into PVP nothing has been changed here because it's a single player world it's it there's no PVP so we're going to go straight on into the world tab now that in the world tab you'll see here the first thing I changed is the day time speed to 0.5 this actually increases the length of the day which is kind of weird because in the previous game the like you had to go higher to make the time longer now you have to make it shorter to make it longer I don't know it's it's weird the wording here says lowering this value increases the length of each day so I want the days to be twice as long as the night so 0.5 and the nighttime at one you'll see nothing on the left hand side has been changed as well you can make sure yours all match Harvest Health I have set to 10 now this actually makes it harder to break rocks and trees which might sound annoying but it actually means each Rock and each tree each metal node gives you way more of the resources from that node so if you're struggling to find metal nodes or Crystal or something you only have to find like a few and harvest them and still get like a lot from it you just have to harvest it for a lot longer which is fine by me I also then set the resource respawn interval to 0.6 so that they the har like the harvested resources the trees that you break down they respawn a lot quicker my growth crop speed I set to five because I like to grow my crops really quick crop Decay speed I've set to three now here you can see it means higher numbers mean slower crop Decay so this is so that your crops don't like die out super fast the poop interal hasm changed the mating interval I've set to 0.3 I feel like this is a very fair one it's not like you're going to be breeding dinosaurs every like 10 minutes I feel like this is a very good time if you want your dinosaurs to mate more frequently you can set this number even lower to like 0.2 or maybe 0.15 that's up to you lay egg interval is set to one egg hatching speed is set to five and trust me this is like fine for T-Rex egg this took like six minutes I I'm okay with six minutes I feel like that's fair again if you want this Foster you can just increase this number on the right hand side the settings we've changed here are anyone can baby imprint cuddle not really necessary cuz it's single player but I turned it on anyway baby mature speed has set to five it seems like the baby's mature in like about like maybe half an hour probably more especially for a very high level like T-Rex will probably take you like maybe 30 to 40 minutes and you only have to imprint about every 8 minutes three times or so which in my testing was fine for me if you want this to happen faster you do have to manage like the cuddle interval as well which can be a little gimmicky but you'll see here the baby cuddle interval is set to 0.1 and then the baby cuddle lose imprint speed Z set to 0.1 as well and then our baby imprint stat scale set to 1.2 what this actually means is that if you imprint your dinosaur to 100% they will actually get 120% their of of like their stats increase so basically get a 20% increase to their stats which I think is super powerful already this is designed so that you don't have to get tons of M mutations to fight the bosses it just makes your dinosaurs stronger off the bat so that it saves you less work and less grind in the end game especially if you're a new player and you just want to fight the bosses without grinding mutations for weeks on end moving on into the wild Dino tab what we've changed here is the torpidity of the dinosaurs I've actually never had the setting before so it's going to be quite interesting it sets their topid to 0.7 so this is like 70% of what their topid would be which means that you can knock them out faster it means less Tran arrows to to knock them amount which I think is pretty cool cuz like there's never really been a setting for that moving on into the tamed Dino section we have changed several things here namely the health so stats per level the health we've set to 0.15 we've set the stamina to 1.2 we've set the weight to two we've set the damage to 0.115 now just so you know the default for damage and health was not one this is not like me scamming you making you have like low Health low damage this is actually almost more than double of what the original values are essentially what's going to to happen here is that you're going to get a lot more Health per level than you would normally a lot more stamina per level a lot more weight carry weight on your dinosaurs like if you want your dinosaurs to be able to carry more which I like them too they'll be carrying a ton more actually twice as much and their damage is going to be a lot stronger as well not like super crazy but a lot bigger than like normal settings would be which again helps you kind of like fight through the game as long as you've tamame them you've imprinted them and you've done the work you at least get rewarded you still have to like work for this we've done the same for those four stats so health over here in ad per level is at 0.1 stamina at 1.2 weight at two damage at 0.1 and then stat Affinity Health 0.2 stamina 1.2 weight two damage 0.2 and you can see here at the bottom nothing has been changed on the the low ends moving into the player tab we have changed a few things here actually two things just the weight I don't like having like low carry weights especially since I don't really have the mods that I would normally have in survival evolved in here just yet so I've set the weight to five this means every time you put a point into weight you get 50 weight instead of just 10 you can change any of these other ones if you want as well if you want to get double the health you just change this to two every time you put in a skill point it will give you double right now it's only affecting weight giving us five times as much and fortitude two times as much the rest has not been changed XP multipliers is all default to one on every single thing which is already affected by the two times XP multiplier that we have in the other screen so you still get two times experience but if you change a number here it's going to be two times like if you made this something else it will be two times this number which sometimes might be a little bit too much and then we go to miscellaneous the last one over here and I think the settings I've changed here are allowed raid dyo feeding if you want to tame a Titan ass Soul you're going to be able to keep it and feed it I mean I like to have the option I probably will never tame one never have probably never will to be honest but if I wanted that option it's there if you guys want to keep them too it's also turn that on moving on to the right hand side over here you'll see that we have crafting skill bonus increased to two so that if you're crafting with like a a higher crafting skill bonus with your skills on your characters levels and you're crafting a nice blueprint it will increase the percentage of the effectiveness of the item you're crafting this is something you'll be doing for for Saddles and weapons later on in the game supply Crate loot quality I've set to five because I like to get some good loot from those crates I don't like to be searching crates every single day for rubbish I want good stuff and this will mostly affect the things that you find in like the underwater caves caves in places where there where it's very hard to get to so don't expect like that white drop on top of the world to suddenly have good stuff this more affects the quality like like is it ascendant is it extraordinary and so on the same has been done with fishing loot quality set to five and then the platform structure limit set to 10 because I like to have the option of building as much as I want on top of a rft or anything that has a platform saddle I want to build a ton of stuff on it and then the show floating damage text if you want the numbers to show how much damage you're doing or how much damage is being done to you by enemy dinosaurs you can turn this on if it bothers you you can turn it off and those are all the settings that I recommend you use in the game I hope these helped you and thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: ConCon
Views: 85,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, survival, evolved, ascended, epic, graphics, comparison, then, now, eu5, new, best, setting, settings, visual, graphic, change, gameplay, smooth, smoother, better, newer, beginner, player, beat, single, game
Id: xXIg2CtdYbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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