Best 30 Cal? 300BLK vs 30-30 vs 308 vs 30-06 vs 300wsm vs 300wm

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing out at the rains today with heavy metal this is about to be a really fun video in this video we are doing a battle of the 30 caliber rifles against a watermelon I've picked out six thirty caliber rifles I know there's about a hundred of them and some of you guys are gonna be sad I don't have some 3-hundred wallet wing-wang you know that's your favorite caliber but these are all pretty common 30 caliber rifles we're gonna shoot one watermelon with each caliber hopefully we get a square hit because I only bought six watermelons but what we're comparing here today let me grab this camera and bring you closer so going starting from this direction we have a 300 blackout then we have a 3030 then we have a 308 then we have a 36 then we have a 300 Winchester short mag you can see how fat and stumpy that case is then at the end we have a 300 Win Mag so comment down below let me know which one of these is gonna put on a better show these are all LED tipped hunting rounds should be I don't know I was about to say similar but they're not similar some are gonna be going slow some are gonna be going fast some of them are gonna be going really fast but we're gonna turn on a bunch of cameras see what happens when we hit them hit the watermelons with all six of these rifle calibers should be a whole lot of fun let's see what happens and comment down below which one of these you've hunted with let's go check it out all right now real quick before I forget to tell you and get all excited let me show you all the rifles were gonna be slinging this lead out of we got a pretty sweet array over here this is the order we're gonna fire them - unless I forget we've got a cm mg resolute and 300 black count super sweet 300 blackout then we have a winchester model 94 I'll show you this one again once we get it out in the Sun it'll make them like that anymore then we have a cm mg endeavor in 308 super super sweet setup then we have my Remington 700 BDL another super super sweet rifle that thing is just slick got the iron sights then for the 300 Winchester short mag is my winchester xpr I just bought I don't even have a scope on it so I'm just gonna be eyeballing it and hope we hit that watermelon square but to be in the video lastly we have my Remington 770 this one's got a bow it's stuck on it sweet Nikon and yeah that's the 300 Win Mag without a doubt this is gonna be an awesome video keep your fingers crossed that I can hit most of these shots square so we don't have any spare watermelons but we'll load them up we'll get to shooting starting with that cm mg 300 blackout and we'll just run the table should be pretty cool alright here we go guys we're ready to party you can see we got a mass today out here at the range we've been doing all kind of hooligan stuff as you can see you're gonna have to check out the other videos for that but and actually let me show you where the watermelons are for this view there's a there's the watermelon I'm shooting right there we got some other cameras it's going to show you the slo-moes and the close-ups but first shot here it's with my cm mg resolute 16-inch barrel in a 300 blackout got that led nose soft tip in there first I'm gonna check the slow-motion camera because that will be a tragedy if that camera is not turned off and it's on so let's take this shot with the 300 blackout here hopefully we can hit it square in the center huh I didn't load it gotta load it yeah there's still water bailing bit sitting up there but uh let's go grab the thirty thirty I'm out of breath doing all this run around but I told you I was gonna show you this one in the Sun look at that winchester Model 94 look at that would rain if you want one like these one like this you're gonna be paying high a dollar these days this one's pretty old actually I think about fifty years old or something but I kind of get the feeling I'm out of breath I kind of get the feeling the thirty thirty is gonna do more damage than the 300 blackout let's check it out see what happens thirty thirty I got iron sights up there not mess with this one hmm I think that was about the same a little better let's step it up alright now my 308 CMM G endeavor absolutely my favorite hunting rifle stay tuned for lots more videos on this trying to catch my breath running around trying to set all these shots up but this is Saturday at a hundred yards and we're shooting at about 15 so I'm gonna have to hold a little bit off but yeah we should be able to slip that baby pretty good with this three away I think this is gonna be our best shot yeah yeah so that was the first one where the watermelon was completely blown away it's not even sitting there anymore let's get setup with the 30 out six all right now I've got my Remington 700 man that's a lot lighter than that 308 at the railway has long barrel eyes a long range 308 but this is my Remington 700 BDL this is another old one very very nice rifle I bought this from heavy metal see it's got that jeweled bolt who got the iron sights on this baby I was telling Paul I'll probably never put a scope on this one I like the good iron sights but let's uh let's see what the thirty-aught-six can do to a watermelon here man that's so much lighter alright well I kind of seemed to turn it to jelly too there's not a whole lot left well all we got left is the two Magnum calibers I'll set those up 300 Winchester short mag next I don't know what happened with the 30.6 but the slow-motion camera shut itself off so II the real-life me looking at him with my eyeballs 30.6 deer just about what 308 did just trust me but let's go to the 300 Winchester short Bank yeah no doubt that was 100 times more powerful than anything else we've thrown at those watermelons that literally threw watermelon like 30 40 feet up in the sky let's go grab the 300 Win Mag alright 300 Win Mag and i'm gonna shoot this one quick because my slow-motion camera keeps wanting to shut itself off so 300 Win Mag and i think that was the most violent maybe that made the watermelon shoot the highest up in the sky but let's uh let's go check out the watermelon damage over there alright so even though my slow-motion camera was getting a little bit Hankey we got everything on with slow-mo except for the 3006 but you're just gonna have to trust me it's pretty much the same as what happened with the 308 look let's get up here and take a look at some of this watermelon a lot of its turn to just mush so it definitely smells like watermelon like crazy over here but if some down on the ground over here watermelon guilts everywhere but remember we had six watermelons I don't know from that picture right there that you would be able to say yeah that was six watermelons I might guess to see if there's a piece in here we could actually take a bite out of that's the thing too you look at that right there that's just watermelon loose you can't even eat that we could probably take a bite out of that one right there I gotta take a bite out of it you uh you film a watermelon video you got to take a bite out of it or it doesn't count alright there's actually pretty good I got the seeded ones because they were cheaper seedless watermelons cost it more but that's actually pretty good the one piece that didn't get turned to absolute mush but thanks for watching the video today guys I don't know about you but that was a blast I got watermelon all over my hand that was a blast for me to shoot a bunch a bunch of awesome rifles we got to bring out to the range today if anything a whole lot of fun just to shoot those I'm super excited to get it so a scope on that winchester xpr and try that baby out but comment down below which one you thought put on the best show comment down below which is your favorite caliber and why a lot of people have their favorite because their dad if their grandpa handed them down one or they shot their biggest deer because with the caliber but out of all those I think my favorite pick would have to go to that 308 see MMG endeavor but always appreciate you guys watching means a whole lot to us a big shout out and a big thanks to the heavy metal channel you guys go check them out and subscribe don't forget to subscribe to the hootie-hoo channel if you haven't already tons more awesome videos coming on the way we'll see you on the next one whoo-hoo [Music]
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 150,650
Rating: 4.9087839 out of 5
Keywords: 300blk, 30-30, 308, 30-06, 300wsm, 300wm, 300wsm vs 300wm, 300blk vs 30-30, 308 vs 30-06, .308 vs .30-06, 30-30 vs 300blk, 300 blackout, 300 blackout vs 308, 308 vs 300blk, 300 blk vs 308, 30-30 vs 30-06, 30-30 vs 308, .30-30, 308 vs watermelon, best 30 cal, best 30 caliber, .30 caliber, 30 caliber, whoteewho, who tee who, .308 win vs .30-06, .30-06 vs 300wm, 300 win mag vs .30-06, 300 win mag vs 300wsm, 300 winchester short mag, 300 winchester magnum, .30-30 vs .308
Id: uhwRsWDhhXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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