Bermuda Tentacles (Dark Rising) | Full Action Movie

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it's amazing I never seen anything like that during a mr. president nice sophie is ready for your haircut sir you tell her unless she's planning for my assassination it's not a good time right why are we wait until we're on the ground we can always get that together before the photo ops I'll let her know mr. president reminds me of my blue-collar days it's great yeah can you ask the pilots if they can take us the puffers please the crew you okay sir yeah down a little n ik I have some ibuprofen sir three what's going on up there get the positive level of flame I think it's about time we get our friend get strapped in mr. president thank you we are flying over the Bermuda Triangle after all [Music] mr. president the bomb is equipped with atmospheric and pressurization controls as well as oxygen recycle esli have plenty of air to breathe maximum cross death is 20,000 feet - laughter for seven days that transmits only we can pick up so we'll be monitoring you every second of the way and you've got diminishing my [Music] [Music] [Music] will refuel or will you find out what's going on yes sir hopefully this won't take too long [Music] morning sergeant Oliver soldiers good to see you again sir we have a situation were you and your second accompany me to the bridge of course sir you guys hang loose until I find out what's going on yes sir we are in the process of locating that signal as we speak captain Oliver and team report yeah Addie's chairman Larry chief Oliver is present as you requested good morning chief Oliver morning chairman I know you've been gone on a long rotation and you and your men are certainly in need of a break but we have a situation of the utmost urgency and we need your assistance yes sir whatever you need sir the President of the United States was jettisoned from Air Force One in his escape pod at oh five 17 hours this morning you and your team will coordinate with Admiral Hanson and CP Oh Vincent you will rescue the president I'll call her Albert personally and inform them of your new orders yes sir bring the president back alive son yes sir you had one chief Oliver you were asked to run this operation by the JCS not by me so please take note this is still my operation I know that you are a risk taker and risk taking often ends up with an unnecessary loss of life as you and I both know there will be no risk taking on this mission without my orders this is the President of the United States you will follow my orders to the letter failure to do so will result in your immediate court-martial do we understand each other yes captain Phillips have dr. Zimmer and lieutenant Plummer meet us on deck immediately there's a chief Oliver assemble your team and meet us on the deck as well dismissed your team still prepped and ready to go yes very good [Music] hey Rivas Oh or she still has it in for you huh yeah well the feeling's mutual I'm just glad we got the call you'll be fine Hey get your tea let's go [Music] [Music] see nothing whoa careful dr. Sabet Tia patch Bhatia but of course a very extravagant embodiment non scientific name please dr. tubeworms at home they seem to possess some sort of bioelectric Genesis which is contrary to any of the species in its respect to Philemon a they would appear to be surveying us at the moment tell me about it do they seem hostile I don't know they're worms but they do seem angry keep seeing this verb etre brevis barking look you get the team portside let's go let's go let's go it's not good going out there say if that thing makes a move bless its ugly ass to hell [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the Attilio Sam's have any effect on suggestions Zimmer we need air support now get us airborne [Music] [Music] [Music] captain Phillips come in damage control weapon systems are our first priority I want to keep some aircraft up there get the tankers airborne to refuel and recall the rest dr. Zimmer I want a complete assessment of what those things were turn to attack at East chief Oliver you still have a job to do z-bo Benson we've established an approximate location of the president's pod at 7,000 meters deep now that's well beyond the maximum crush capacity okay the structural of the hull seems to be fully intact but there may be a compromise and the oxygen recycler we estimate that there may be as little as four hours of oxygen remaining now it's gonna take you three hours to safely descend to that depth in the diving bell upon your arrival you'll deploy with the fluorocarbon liquid ventilators you don't have much time gentlemen so if you're not up the task I expect you to be forthcoming now we can handle it Admiral Hanson yes lieutenant Plummer perhaps we should use the prometheus DSRV to prototype forgive me this is lieutenant Plummer from the Office of Naval Research she's an expert on physical oceanography and marine electronics engineering she will also be your mission advisor can you tell us a little more about the previous it's a prototype deep-sea piloted submersible that was set to be free and cleared for duty this month now it would take a quarter of that time to reach that depth and given these circumstances we should consider it but it also is not equipped with any type of armament CPO Vincent when are the subsurface assault vessels scheduled to arrive within the hour and then an extra thirty minutes to prep and deploy Admiral all right let's do it lieutenant Plummer tell the Prometheus crew to run prep and diagnostics immediately yes Admiral chief Oliver when the SS a visa rived to provide escort you will launch all due respect Admiral I don't think we have time for that we don't know when these things are gonna strike again duly noted and I appreciate your concern but without a security escort the mission is jeopardized and more importantly so is the president's life we will wait we'll be standing by awaiting your orders Admiral Hanson very well dismissed see if he opens it dr. Zimmer come with me I want to know what the hell it was that attacked my fleet all right gear up you got a job to do [Music] hums left over three hours this is ridiculous we gotta wait for Vincent's equipment I almost got a point though those things attack us down there screw it is highly maneuverable soldiers I'm lieutenant commander drew Barclay I'll be piloting the prometheus make stow your gear onboard now thank you sir all right I need gunnery teams to coordinate choose one organism and concentrate their fire same with the air assets light helicopters fixed-wing pick one kill it and move on to the next I'm first gonna round down here I'm taking that sub out right now we will not be able to defend ourselves down bitching will never get his equipment aboard of those things attacking us we're just gonna lose more time you want to come I appreciate the company if not that's fine too just to be clear Admiral Hanson will probably have me court-martialed for going against her orders which means she probably court-martial everybody else who comes along the hell with it I'm with You chief I'm ready to rock let's do this yes lieutenant are you sure this is the right thing to do ma'am our job is to save lives regardless of the consequences or what may or may not be the protocol now that is the president of the United States of America at the bottom of that ocean so if it means saving his life I'm willing to suffer the consequences Prometheus preparing for lunch alright rebus get the coordinates hoping we got so ready to roll alright captain Williams yes it's you right let's do this guy's you don't have to do this what's enough team there are a lot of underwater currents as well as other variables that can affect this ship systems you're gonna need me for this plus there's no telling what we might find down there right did you see that it seemed to be communicating when one gets injured it retreats to the rear and the others continue with you it's very sophisticated Cpl Vincent what is the sitrep on getting those SS a visa bored [Music] still leaders let's go we just lost the Super Stallion esse vs if [Music] sir the prometheus is launching to come in for me just watch go ahead what are you doing why is that sub watching we're kind of commander Barclay ordered it sir bridge bridge the prometheus is launching Admiral Hanson the officer of the deck says if the Prometheus has launched Rhys for me how do I respond don't respond I've got to say something do not respond the army to please respond I see again prometheus later spawned killer chief Oliver you will respond and comply by immediately returning the through mediate Hey we all know what we're doing damn right hey what the hell still be President let's go save the president now this is all nothing you and the Admiral don't have such a good working relationship do you no ma'am we do not what's going on between you two chief because if I'm in the middle of it I'd like to know what I've gotten myself into all right three years ago she was stationed aboard the USS Harry we got a call the rest one of her Tomcats that had gone down over Afghanistan the Intel was her Intel shaky we were almost to the coordinates that we were last given and Admiral Hanson decided to pull from the mission we were so close that I instructed my team to go on we lost radio contact and the LZ turned out to be a trap we took some casualties one of which was my best friend and there was it down Tomcat not more than two clicks away from us that Moe Hansen would had her act together then maybe the pilot my team and my best friend still be alive I'm sorry the loss of life is truly regrettable but what she did call the mission you continued on had you taken orders your friend and teammates might still be alive you don't understand what we do sir you got something coming in starboard side in its big 30 not all right full throttle ahead full throttle [Music] [Music] that's attracting be sure about this systems down you're Connor all right sir it looked like it's moving give it a few seconds we power up now reliable to attract more of those things we've got less than three hours to find this power the Gulf Stream runs through here if mr. Elfman will allow me I can navigate us into it we intermittently feather the palate at all let the current do the rest he's coming around Rivas can you feed me the encryption code all right guys I've honed in on the COS notation and programmed us up to take us there we'll use the Gulfstream to get us there margin of error less than 1% how'd you do that lieutenant well it's simply a matter of modulating the frequencies it's a compensate for the changes in the ocean as we descent temperature salinity half a dozen other variables but right now I suggest you guys hold on to something tight because we are in for it it's about to get ugly normos mutation of this highly unlikely they spent 30 meters central nervous system of in another sea very creature [Music] thank you actually no but I managed to get a more manageable piece of the specimen I will be in my lab now watch this you're telling me that these are appendages that are attached to something bigger how does this experiment tell you that elementary morons yeah you see where we inserted the catheters into the specimen these pathways are not dissimilar to nerves this deeper network of innervated wiring is congruous with the peripheral nerves of living organisms as we know it in your hands now in order to initiate the electrical impulse I just demonstrated it must originate from a central command center or a central nervous system if you know this organism and of itself it is not capable of producing the electrical discharge that we witnessed during those attacks what did you mean by here on earth this is clearly a non terrestrial organism aggro look at it but earlier you called it a rep tia rep Tia patch Padilla yes you called it a tuber until I die SEC did it yes it did display some rep Tia patch Mattia DNA but this is much more complex I mean it it is assimilated to a biomechanical organism from elsewhere other than our world I mean the components that make up this energy pathways are anything other in this world and you think that these are attached to something bigger below the surface I assure you that my hypotheses not mere conjecture that captain Phillips I want to run deep subsurface detection for massive organic life is that good work dr. Zimmer sir the water it's going shallow I'm reading deaths of seven fathoms what seven fathoms that can't be did you run Diagnostics on your equipment this ma'am everything's completely intact sir the saddle is a reading that were approximately seven pounds off the same plane as the pods encryption that can't be something must have broken during the attack we could be in an underwater cat room which explains why the system is reading us at seven fathoms it's reading off of a false bottom blue balance ballast [Music] check that instruments of reading there's oxygen in pressure reads 1.0 three atmospheres that's impossible that's normal aap we're over 7,000 meters below sea level look for yourself that would not make any sense unless it's being controlled somehow USS nemesis this is the Prometheus the FRP you come in nemesis chief Oliver what is your location we've landed in what appears to be an underwater cavern Admiral our depth however it uh now it appears to be within our perimeter approximately two klicks from our present location lieutenant Plummer yes ma'am chief Oliver yes Admiral nemesis out that was weird I could have sworn the Admirals into you and she has too much to deal with up there now look we have less than an hour to find that pod before the oxygen supply runs out and the president dies he's not already dead okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got it we're approximately two kilometers dead ahead okay pipe in what's going on out there fused with living tissue it's definitely something constructed man-made it's not terrestrial she's right something is definitely controlling the atmospheric pressure it's like an airplane graveyard yes we're not the first ones down here do you think anyone's alive down here let's hope so hey guys I think that light up there's the president spot it's possible could be some form of bioluminescence this could be an alien outpost that's right where we gotta go all right let's keep our eyes peeled for a place to dock first as far as we know it I'm sorry we don't have more time to explore this we have a job to do I know we've got 45 minutes Rivas is there any change in that signal no chief still dead ahead command imitating yes yes German lyrics are just hit on the bridge Oliver into fever on the we just received transmission from them that they had surfaced in this underwater cavern yes they've located the presents escape puppy can they set out on foot [Music] this is one hell of a junkyard you're trying I was all right the eagle has landed okay team suit up in your bio gear we don't know what some organisms are in this environment commander Barclay probably best to remain here with your son I'll be fine chief go do what you need to do all right [Music] [Music] that's what explained never meet a triangle this aircraft they were drawn here to power the city and that ship that ship I don't believe it that's the USS Cyclops it has to be it was a cargo ship carrying coal vanished without a trace with the entire crew of 306 after March 4th 1988 in the Bermuda Triangle sure about that I studied all photographs and I guess this has been going on for a hell of a long time then I got the president signals or training right now [Music] let's take a left which right behind you [Music] all right captain Phillips I need you to find out where that ohio-class new cos yes USS Maine this is USS nemesis what's your ETA that sure as hell ain't no bioluminescence [Music] [Music] he's got a post alive [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on [Music] come on [Music] yeah I'm fine I'm fine what in God's name is this place what information do you have to say that there are aliens associated [Music] do you think what you're calling a strike force [Music] [Music] where's Reacher where's preacher preacher begin preparations for getting under way Cobb yeah all stations are ready to get underway copy that I don't handle the [Music] nice work commander thank you you too I don't think we met you tell the commander drew Barclay mr. president I want to thank you for your service yes sir my pleasure sir you you and your team for your sacrifice they all just like Toulouse better than my commander thank you sir but we're not out of the woods yes sir it was Jason [Music] we're at 30 knots sir [Applause] oh yeah whoo yeah good job good job not good [Music] brisk sir I say we go for it yeah yes [Music] yes [Music] maybe if is on board great go meet up get a chopper ready for the president's immediate evacuation again lieutenant Plummer and chief Oliver down here immediately we need a medic down here vista president welcome aboard captain can you fill me in on what's going on up here you follow me I'll fill you in I want you to bring me to the bridge first the bridge is gone soon we've suffered from serious damages I have bought it to evacuate well you've got new orders captain take me up to the Admiral yes mr. president so glad you're alright sir we have a helo ready for your immediate evacuation I'm not to ask you if you have any strategic submarines in your fleet we're awaiting the arrival of an ohio-class SSBN but sir we need to get you off this yacht going anywhere now lieutenant Plummer and chief Oliver I want you to tell the Admiral what invoice that we encountered down there and I need to contact Washington immediately sir it is of the utmost importance that we get you off this ship now I said I'm not going anywhere you're familiar with my record as a marine incumbent of course all right but you're saying need we both took the same oath and we both swore we would defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies both foreign and domestic I took that oath and a few others yes now we are in contact with an alien civilization for the first time in history and we're being attacked it's my duty to handle that attack brother why not thank you yes this is the first yes I warned you about taking risks this time you got lucky yes Admiral Admiral Anson we discovered these two worms are connected to something much larger yes dr. Zimmer arrived at the same conclusion what else did you learn there's a city at its core and a massive graveyard with ships and aircrafts they were being drawn into huge lightening panels that seemed to be powering the city most likely the tenants as well now there must be a limit to how much energy this creature can expel before it needs to power down a regenerate that would corroborate other specimen manifesting so we should direct an attack while it's in this recovery mode I believe so yes have a plan yes sir we will coordinate our subsurface search with the USS Maine and we will attack the creatures while they appear to be in recovery all right do you have any theories we don't have much to go on right now Admiral but we do know that they've been here for quite some time those energy panels were erected to fuel the city and sustain life by gathering machines powered by nuclear energy or fossil fuels and they're clearly hostile so I believe you're doing the right thing take the fight to it well still woman what the hell was that I believe my hypothesis is accurate jeepers right Admiral I suggest we attack all ships all ships authorized to engage authorised to engage mr. president I am not sure that we have any other options how long before that thing hits the coast approximately 55 minutes sir I'm authorizing the use of nuclear weapons contact the USS Maine you do realize mr. president that the use of nuclear weapons this closer the shoreline will likely result in a nuclear fallout please doctor people will die including us a huge portion of the land will become uninhabitable for years to come I'm well aware I'm also aware that is over seven billion people on this planet the salient race is declared untroubled war on us and in war there's always going to be casualties my job is to minimize that loss of life so if a small percentage lot of the entire world's population was parison those are the unfortunate consequences [Music] a 50-mile radius and the fly zone declare this is grounds you yes mr. president USS nemesis to USS Maine do you copy our nuclear weapon Roger that no weapon to attack USS Genesis the USS Genesis is gone [Music] let it go did we hurt him Anton heard velocity and course to put a dick to keep Patterson approximately 40 minutes we can't do a nuclear strike over the continent it is one thing to do it out to sea but over the country we don't have any choice doctor people will die millions mr. president so what about a strike to the center core of the spaceship point-blank what are you proposing to those Lightning panels we saw down in the city that's what's manufacturing the power for this thing right so if we hit it at its source can we produce some sort of conclusion yes it's very possible we can't just fire a missile into the core of that thing and hope to hit the city that you're talking about not from this up well it's not from a southern house we were doing a conventional warhead reportable launcher captain Warren flies me in and I deliver this strike point point well your best option mr. president it could work what do you think I'm not sure mr. president possibly it could be done what concerns me is the amount of time it would take to orchestrate it the ship would be that much further inland soldiers even know what you're doing don't you yes you've got 15 minutes got it sir yes sir move fast chief Oliver G yes lieutenant yes you were right about your decision see when I get back okay chief this is your standard 84 but what's the special modifications we've equipped around with a specially modified low yield conventional warhead no one's ever fired a thing like it before so we're set to tell you more about the daiquiri truth this I don't know let's see thanks guy you know I can fly this burden on my own captain a lot of my team today and there's no reason to add you to the category list a lot of missions together chief this one's no different yes sir don't worry one shot is all I meet 36 thank you sir [Music] you ready chief [Music] Foxtrot Romeo 133 you ready for takeoff here on one you're clear for takeoff go get em boy copy that [Music] my god you're inside that thing [Music] is gonna work yes how long did it take that tentacle to regenerate in your experiment two minutes the spacecraft is still in line with Cape Hatteras it's approximately 15 minutes out and the USS Maine is less than 10 minutes away airlock 1 the USS Maine is 10 minutes out what's your status we've only gained to the next 6 minutes and 30 seconds Admiral Admiral Hanson the spacecraft takes exactly two minutes to regenerate between attacks the same as dr. Zimmer's experiment with airhawk won the alien spacecraft is attacking exactly two minute intervals you must wait and help after the next attack you won't make it to the core with the time that you have left he's going to attack hatteras next time to wait that's a negative Admiral we're out of time cake batter is a next probable target we need to take the shot if he doesn't get this done we have to launch the news air hog one you will cease engagement immediately you must wait you don't have time the greater population density takes precedence if you fail the aircraft will go and attack Tampa or Miami and then we will be forced and fired nuclear weapons over a greater population Cape Hatteras isn't necessary is going in chief Oliver you will stand down I repeat you will stand down you don't like each other and we probably never will I understand that you blame me for the death of your best friend based on borders that I gave him three years ago but this more will and you will obey my orders you are to stand down until after the next attack and then you are clear to engage do you hear me if we wait if you go in now maybe you save 20,000 live but if you go in and you fail and if you are killed 10 million and I tell you millions of people will die and that is because you have left us with no choice sometimes you must accept a modern casualty rate in order to repent to the larger ones that is the way it is team Oliver gave Oliver do you copy cape hatteras has been destroyed it's gone chief petty officer you get in there and you destroy the hell out of that ship [Music] keep them apprised of how much time he has left chief Oliver this is lieutenant Plummer I'll keep you up on your time finally a wandering three-way entering the Fisher [Music] you see this trip one minute 25 seconds left don't worry we know you can do this shoot [Music] you have exactly one minute per second one minute left [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing air ha one do you read chief Oliver captain Phillips would you please call the USS me yes USS Maine this is the USS nemesis it didn't work [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
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Id: MFpssQb54OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 29sec (5429 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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