Total Eclipse (Fall of Hyperion) | Full Action Adventure Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're not picking up anything on our monitors they're nowhere any luck with repairing the stress fracture on the shuttles portside wing hello hello mother no I just kidding yeah listen mom hold on listen you hear that yeah answer sound to me relaxing yeah yeah it's not my choice to work 60 hours a week but if I don't it I know uh-huh mom mom listen now you say hi to dad for me and I'll see you both real soon okay yeah I love you too the sky should be a beautiful spectacle to behold according to astronomers here at the world's famous Griffith Observatory the meteor showers should be visible throughout most of California both day and night nASA has released a statement saying and we use the space station Hyperion originally created to study the Earth's atmosphere to gather new information about these meteor clusters 4k CHP nightly news I'm Ken stone on location at Griffith Park keep watching those skies back to you Lindsay and we're all how was that very nice Brian yeah I think you had something right in your teeth right here Kimmy I asked you twice there was anything relax you look great right now we are covering meteor showers Sam earth-shattering stuff well again it's a slow news day you can't expect anything to just yeah well one more fluff story like this and I'm gonna start creating my own news to be something to set on fire a bank to rob anything in ther than this Sam hunter yeah it's your lucky day satellite just slammed into the San Gabriel Mountains alright looks like we got a story [Music] more I got here a little early is that Andrew but I've turned 27 this year he was a great kid and one hell of a soldier about your proposal yes my sources on the hill tell me that it's not going to go through even if the bill manages to reach Graham she's most likely going to veto it of course she will we're just not pouring money into defense like we used to now you know that and I know that there are too many domestic reforms on the table this isn't going to change Richard look she listened to you she took your findings into consideration so did Congress they decided to limit the cost growth and major weapons programs there's just no way to justify these kinds of expenses anymore you people are not listening I'm telling you I don't have the tools to respond to the increased threats we're facing I have silos filled with antique missiles and you're asking me just to sit on my hand let it go make do with the budget that you have look I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you this I'll see you at the meeting [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is where the president goes on vacation yeah you've been here before not exactly open to the public how did you wind up being asked to do this I already told you I was a chief designer on the Hyperion project what do you need me for I'm just a programmer before things get started I'm gonna need you to lay low let me do the talking no problem I wouldn't know where to start dr. Brighton yes mark Hutchinson Homeland Security this has been framing one of my research assistants the others are inside look everything I've read on this points to bad I get that what I don't get is why we're only finding out about all this now I'll explain everything at the meeting I was told the Department of Defense would be sitting in on this mmm just a natural disaster or an act of war the military is here because of Hyperion shall we gentlemen this way gentleman is John Brighton and Ben Freeman from NASA dr. Brighton is here to advise us on both the meteors situation as well as Hyperion madam president gentlemen I apologize for interrupting your time away I felt a critical that you'd be brought up to speed immediately we have a situation dr. Brighton it's good to see you again John ma'am I'm sorry it has to be another present circumstances let's have it okay at 10:30 a.m. Pacific time NASA tracked and verified a large group of meteors known as the Lai 9 is cluster this cluster is currently in a collision course with earth its projected point of impact is the Southern California coast line putting Los Angeles in immediate danger of multiple meteor landfalls and you have confirmed the data with the esa oh I'm afraid so they're sitting on it pending are bringing you up to speed however the meteors are only part of the problem the space station Hyperion is currently in geosynchronous orbit over this region right in the path of the meteors and why am I only now finding out about this Oh meteors enter our atmosphere all the time most burn up before they ever make landfall our systems originally plotted them on a course that was nowhere near Hyperion then what happened well sir the best we can figure is the data and our systems may have been tampered with the show of falls trajectory are you sure it was tampering dr. Brighton not just another error on NASA's part that's enough gentlemen let's keep our focus on the matters at hand please dr. Brighton you just said that the meteors should have burned up long before they made landfall correct yes but because of the deterioration of the ozone layer and the upper thermosphere in the last few decades many of the smaller meteors are now getting through intact as for the larger ones how large we estimate the largest as being the size of several city blocks and how many meteors are we talking about hundreds cluster is huge and from what we can tell from satellite imaging they're all expected to make impact within the next 12 hours when does this start well hard data indicates that several satellites already been knocked out of their orbit by the advanced debris from the approaching cluster meaning that it's already begun mark we're going to have to inform the public set up a press conference also how many casualties do you estimate if the bulk of the meteor impacts are concentrated into populated areas we could be talking casualties and numbers and the hundreds of thousands own state of emergency declared immediately we'll have to evacuate Los Angeles I'll not have American lives lost on my watch gentlemen all right first things first I'm gonna call the Governor of California maybe he can coordinate all the counties within California we have three regional offices out there I'll put them on red alert I come out here when I want to be alone with my thoughts comes my nerves I wanted to ask you about this in private John what about the space station well it'll likely suffer extensive damage as the bulk of the cluster makes contact we found the error in our system when it was too late is there any way to save the crew there's a shuttle dock there but it's out of commission due to a fracture and its left wing we had planned to send a repair crew up in three days to fix it we aren't able to launch anything before then how many on board twelve assume we still have direct contact with Hyperion yes ma'am did they know the situation already yes they do get their families on the phone patch them through to the station let them say their goodbyes [Music] Mission Control this is superior can you make it to the shuttle and detachment we've recalculated the trajectories hyperion impact is imminent I'm sorry Jim Hyperion this is Houston Hyperion come in do you copy can we just watch the meteor shower from home no because if we were at home you'd be wasting your time playing some video game you've missed the whole thing would you meet your sister out of the car please mom when is this all supposed to happen what time is it 7:30 I so don't see what the big deal is how often do you get to watch a meteor shower your dad and I came up here 16 years ago to watch one Lucas you were just to Sara you weren't even born yet must have been nice shut up Lucas with any luck a meteor I'll hit you right in the head mom will you tell him to quit whoa my fellow Americans in the last six hours our country has experienced a terrible loss 12 heroic men and women ladies and gentlemen the President of the United States my fellow Americans in the last six hours our country has experienced a terrible loss in three two this is Ken stone reporting live from the San Gabriel Mountains just north of Los Angeles we're here with local construction worker Russ Jackson Russ can you tell us what happened yeah I can I was about to take a dip of my pool and then all of a sudden I hear this noise you know like that freight train coming and I look up and and this fiery hunk of junk falls out of the sky into my head over here Sam what's going on I don't know hold on yeah this is Sam what the hell happened to my live feed something bigs going down president just went lives of the nation bigger than this I think it is this something about meteors and space station dams guys fall wow I've never seen some wow that's cool that's awesome Wow your dad would have left yeah you would have come on let's go oh my god get in the car now did the families get to say their goodbyes yeah you know this wasn't your fault right those astronauts were counting on me to bring them home it's completely my fault you couldn't have seen something like this happening no one could have look we still have FEMA homeland security and the military counting on us to tell them where and when these meteors are gonna strike and I need you to stand to the radar and set us up a secure line why I'll explain everything later just get it up and running and be discreet it started you president grin released an official statement concerning the mandatory evacuation of residents at Los Angeles County running additional meteor land Falls occurring over the next five to ten hours hey I was listening to that we watch this astronauts die mom now there's people getting hurt all over the place well what if something else happens mom like what well they're warning that those explosions we saw were meteors they could fall anyway Lucas stop well they could right do you know what the chances are of a meteor falling in front best place I could come up with on short notice you couldn't find any other place in his compound to do this hey he said stay under the radar look this whole facility is crawling with security cameras Secret Service you name it at least down here it's private so we're up and running give me a minute all right let's see what we got here looks like a maintenance connection somebody installed for tacker repair work just secured tx3 land connection with heavy-duty firewalls this stuff won't even be on the consumer market for ten more years I P address that can't be traced and a signal that automatically scrambles and reconfigures itself every five minutes and the best part is nobody else on the network and see us we're completely invisible excellent now can you tell me why I'm doing this I need you to hack into the Department of Defense I just said one of our systems analysts used into a diagnostic on our database for the night of July 22nd July 22nd three months ago the NASA mainframe indicated an imminent impact between the meteors and Hyperion the only time we ever registered anything like an impact alert we thought it was a glitch so what did they find Defense Department override somebody with clearance at DoD killed our alert and dumped all our tracking information so long as no one checked up on it like I did it would look like a system dinner what are we talking about here terrorists I think someone over there knew that the Hyperion was gonna be hit and blinded us to it so we wouldn't find out until it was too late I need you to hack into the DoD system get me some proof you know this is a class 1 felony right like in prison death I'll take full responsibility how hard is this gonna be let's find out a meteor has pierced the hull of ayperi killing all 12 astronauts on for president Graham has just held a press conference purging Los Angeles residents to evacuate the city in a timely fashion doesn't even seem real you know there's no way we're gonna make it back to the city so we're not going back to this city I gotta make a phone call to an old friend this is Brighton hey sorry to bother you at a time like this John I wish I could say it was surprised to hear from you damn it what is it sorry it's just a heavily guarded firewall I got it covered what are you doing you don't want to know hello Ken this is really not a good time for me to talk look what's happening to LA what what does this have to do with the Hyperion you know I can't tell you that why not why not spill top-secret government information to a television journalist in the middle of the greatest natural disaster of the 21st century that why not not even for an old fraternity brother get your story somewhere else let me know if anything breaks I make no promises fine hey John yeah good luck with uncovering this thing whatever it is I'm good luck trying to cover it and listen be careful out there I always am who is that it's John Brighton old frat buddy from Notre Dame works at NASA now did he tell you anything of course not anything up next the Hyperion tragedy the Hyperion tragedy that's what they're already calling it I've already got a graphic and theme music for it yes and they'll have the usual the usual Diagnostics when a meteor struck the Hall diagrams animated sequences or the crew members were when they died all of it and why NASA didn't know this was gonna happen until it was too late they say more meteors are supposed to fall in LA in the next few hours big ones this is insane there's no room in journalism for sanity can you know oh yeah and here we aren't a news fan in the middle of the desert chasing out meteors I see your point well you can always go back to anchor in the 6:00 a.m. news nice safe desk job I'm serious we getting in over our heads on this one we wouldn't be good at our jobs if we stopped long enough to worry about that right all right let's do this step on it right mm-hmm okay okay okay Sara so there's something divided with your sisters up in the door I it's Jean okay gently gently gently yeah Lucas she's breathing she's hit her head really badly I don't know but yeah you gonna be all right help me get her in the truck sweetie you're gonna be okay get on the other side saying this is unlike anything we've ever covered this whole city's on fire okay I can do this Brian pull up right here [Music] it's too ok CHP News officer can you tell us what's going on here is step back was anyone hurt I repeat you need to step back until you crashing down we're so frightened to my window and it was raining fire did you get that Massoud a guy Ryan are you doing don't you see what's going on here look I was just eating people had no warning didn't see it coming what can I do can I help people we need help down here [Music] damn anything look this isn't like NASA system that runs on an X 17 fortress mainframe this is the real deal one wrong move and I'm shut out completely X 17 I thought NASA's defense systems was the best there was and has flaws the Department of Defense is in a league of its own I'm running into software I thought was still in development can be done though right maybe encryption just takes time to decode and it's gonna take a while the prison is calling a meeting in five minutes about what the meteors are still falling from the cluster yeah this is Brighton are you a guard yeah I'm still here No why the hell wasn't I briefed earlier we just found out ourselves but who else knows no one first I'll call you back who was that Houston they're still tracking Hyperion and and that looks like our problems are just beginning you keep trying to get through that firewall [Music] hey Frank this is Braden listen I need you to work with our security techs in Houston find out if there are any security flaws that would allow someone to hack into the x17 mainframe your arm should feel better tomorrow just wait out here for now okay how's my sister we'll run some tests on her hopefully she'll be fine okay thanks okay hey you awake I am now sorry I just hate hospitals yeah me too buddy how's your sister I don't know mom's with her they bandaged me up and told me to wait out here how does your honor fine they gave me some painkillers so I can't feel much of anything right now thanks for helping us out back there it's your thing you don't have to stay if you don't want to I just want to make sure your sister's okay so where's your dad and all this mess see you around he died two years ago sorry it's okay yeah cancer he spent a lot of time and yeah hospitals yeah in addition to the damage sustained by Hyperion during the bulk of the meteor strike it also appears the force of the multiple impacts was enough to knock it off at stationary orbit it'll go into reentry within the next five hours do we know where Hyperion will land projected data indicates a target area of about 300 miles so there's a 50/50 chance it could fall into the Pacific Ocean or somewhere in Los Angeles I want every branch of the armed forces mobilized now any survivor that is still inside the Los Angeles City Limits needs to be evacuated immediately yet those civilians out of there we don't have the manpower to instill a mandatory evacuation of nine million people in the next five hours we need to be realistic about this if I may make a suggestion yes I believe we can shoot down the space station before it crashes Oh Madam President ballistic missile may be our only option how is that an option instead of one giant piece of metal raining down on the earth we would have hundreds of smaller ones that would cause just as much damage and maybe more falling debris is at least my concerns dr. Brighton you know full well what's on the Hyperion the core Hyperion is powered by a sizable thermonuclear core if that core was damaged in the meteor shower and an impact explosion could disperse lethal amounts of radioactive fallout similar to a large nuclear blast potentially but the system has many built-in fail-safes that could have been damaged in the media strike we don't want to take any chances here we're talking about contamination levels possibly greater than those experienced at Hiroshima look States emergency resources are already running low blowing it up it's only gonna make matters worse or start to brighten at that station with the crash in Los Angeles and detonate most of Southern California would be uninhabitable for the next thousand years we're taking out a potential threat and turning one potential threat into hundreds do you know the damage heated metal can cause when it's going faster than the speed of sound it can penetrate armor ten feet Vic all we need is a president's executive order to lunch Madam President if the fail-safes work the core is not a threat I don't think we can take that risk John are you certain that you have the ability to eliminate it completely yes ma'am I want a full scenario briefing in the Situation Room 20 minutes this meeting is over sorry mark I need a moment of your time look I'm sorry I just had to get out of that madhouse for a moment can we talk about it at the meeting it's a private matter sure what is it John I just talked to one of our guys at NASA we were able to trace the IP address as a laptop that hacked into our system why are you telling me this because the system at NASA was an X 17 mainframe it susceptible to hacking only from the inside I'm not following the IP address of the computer that hacked our system matches the address of Ben Freeman's laptop and I think someone at DoD hired him to do it now I instructed him to break into the Department of Defense wait a minute you're telling me that your research assistant hacked into the mainframe at NASA and you've now authorized that same research assistant to break into the Department of Defense are you insane what are you trying to prove here John is someone tampered with our data sir someone who wanted to see Hyperion go down if they hadn't blinded us we could have prevented this tragedy months ago I'm gonna need concrete evidence I'll get it I hope you're wrong win this one Brighton Hey how is she sir is gonna be just fine minor concussion and some stitches it's okay Lucas she'll be fine pres thank you so much I don't know what we would have done without you I'm just glad I could help today's been hard on everyone family of three a wonderful night was it you I don't know what you're talking about was it you was what me NASA mainframe they said it had to be an inside job and then they pinned your laptop IP address that's the one that hacked in from the Department of okay okay I needed the money they paid me a mint to hack the mainframe but I didn't know what it was for I tell me why do this I can't tell you you don't know what you're doing [Music] Brighton knows look he just locked me out of the basement my laptop is down there calm stay calm project Olympus you whose best was know all the time and they blinded us they wanted Hyperion in the path first meteors son of a [ __ ] many sources are already calling this the worst natural disaster in American history NASA officials and the White House have both confirmed the more meteors could hit the city in the next several hours we're now going live with senior correspondent Greg Albright to run through how state and federal governments are conducting the evacuations and planning on the city's recovery Greg and we're out that's good nice not at the moment wounded are being taken to a medical center down the street really bad ones will be airlifted out hey that would be the perfect follow-up piece hey what do you think Kin Kin what do you think Ryan Ryan don't turn on that camera but if we're going to the Medical Center tonight this is Brian just don't turn on the camera okay fine get me some b-roll page on that right back here five years of age to get my hands on a really great story life's mistake or in a tragedy everywhere guaranteed pewter and now I've got it and so what's the problem exactly those are people Sam their family human beings they're not soundbites I mean do you think that woman wants to be grieving on national television for a child I don't want to be one of the bad guys you're not one of the bad guys hi how do you know that because bad guys wind up being producers ten stone kid it's John Brighton I'm gonna need your help this whole thing was a setup look certainly help me earlier but now you need my help will you shut up it was him I don't get it someone in the Defense Department do that Hyperion was in danger this whole time they hacked our system it seems our data so we wouldn't see it coming they're gonna try to shoot it down but it won't work they want the missile defense system to look weak begins two and a half hours when does the military need launch confirmation within the hour Madam President excuse me for a moment so how are the evacuations coming that's all I can tell from these files I'm just gonna everything well why me John why can't you show someone there cuz I don't know who I can trust I don't know how high up in the ranks this reaches what am I supposed to do with this tell the world what about you if they know that you gotta get out of there back away from the laptop John I'll take that who are you calling Snell a number Ken stone I know who he is three two three five five nine one eight two seven this is God for you need a background on a Ken stone in Los Angeles we have a serious problem what is it he accessed the Olympus folder I just got off the phone with John Bryan from NASA you're not gonna believe this the whole thing was an inside job code name project Olympus the Department of Defense hacked into the system at NASA to hide the real path for the meteors and to blind everyone to the impending collision with Hyperion why would they do that I don't know John sent me some data before it was cut off I need you to make heads or tails of it before we report on it I'm on it no it's most definitely not the time for false nobility charm too much is at stake here who else knows about Olympus or another job just got the phone through my contacts at the State Department and says everything John sent you checks out looks like you got your exclusive and your peanut sir we are about to tell the world that the Department of Defense is responsible for the Hyperion tragedy god I hope this in some kind of hoax you and me both what you would do it's your career you're still whatever you decide I'm with you 100% you know are you aware the latest legislation being presented to Congress I'm talking about the missile defense renewal Act John it's in the interest of national security that had passed military and Department of Defense needed to be best as long as you and I remain US citizens we need this bill best you've seen the news too many senseless ground wars without the proper might to back them up thousands of people dying on both sides every day something had to be done why did you sacrifice Hyperion I feel over the country so much why do you let this happen it was imperative that we convince Congress to approve this bill I'm pragmatic to a fault John the sacrifices we made today will save millions of lives tomorrow those sacrifices let me stack up after a while I'll believe me John I know my own son died over there the last conflict that anyone else whether an astronaut a soldier or a citizen has to die for this is something that will eat away at May for the rest of my life but I've seen the projections John I visited the war zones the world needs its checks and balances put back in place or we'll lose everything as I said too much is at stake now before this gets any further out of hand tell me who you said the olympus files too this is agent country ex-marine interrogator served in the first Gulf War he's gonna help you to remember dr. Brighton Oh sir well Ken stones a reporter he works for kc HB los angeles contact the bureau in LA speak with agent Morris and only Morris I wanted to find this Ken stone and deal with the situation now look we found out who John talked to maybe we should let him go dr. Brennan's become a liability to this operation can't afford any further setbacks what if people start asking about him didn't do what you've been doing lie in the town now Mar sir I'll find Kent stone all right guys Circle up we know he's in the vicinity let's spread out and find it Oh or what I hope you doing what is it I'll shoot some b-roll of the fires and the rescuers he's two black SUVs both these government agent types got out so probably here the coordinator no no no no I overheard him they were asking about Kent they must know you talk too bright we gotta get out of here did they see I don't I don't think so it's good you think stick to the plan let's break this story Richard have you seen dr. bright and I need to speak with him presidents given the order to launch mark I'm afraid I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment as John said anything to you about Hyperion like what like that NASA discovered that there's a glitch in their system and it was traced to the Defense Department I figured he come directly to you with this yes imagined it I'm adding our best men look into it obviously there's an error in their assessment you can be sure we'll look into it further though Thanks how's the evacuation process going not so good then with the president informed the nation of the launch her speech writers are drafting an announcement now keep me updated on what is that gonna accomplish ramifications all that what what's wrong president is about to make an emergency announcement they're launching a missile to destroy Hyperion for crashes to earth Sam I've read those files those missiles are not designed to do that if it doesn't take the station I know she's about to assure the nation that IP Rhian isn't a threat we need to let everybody know that she's wrong 12 heroic men and women were taken from us as the space station Hyperion was struck by a rogue meteor shower killing the entire crew in the aftermath that followed many of these meteors have made landfall in Southern California causing devastating damage killing many and my prayers go out to all of you I'm speaking to the American public and especially to the brave citizens of Southern California of Los Angeles who have already endured many trials and tribulations since this terrible disaster occurred regarding a matter of the utmost urgency the space station Hyperion was knocked out of orbit by the meteor strike and unless we take action it will make landfall in the Los Angeles area within the next two hours Hyperion is powered by a thermonuclear reactor which if damaged and the first wave of meteors could result in devastating radioactive fallout we intend to eliminate this threat with a ground-to-air missile strike and destroy Hyperion in orbit before it falls our objective is to protect Los Angeles and its citizens from further devastation we are asking that anyone still within this this time safe shelter and wait anything else stone is the only one the missile made contact with Hyperion as it was entering the upper stratosphere exploded yes and instead of destroying it completely just broken into little pieces that aren't burning up in the atmosphere they're hurtling toward the earth faster than before you make contact sooner than initially predicted so you got exactly what you wanted project Olympus was a complete success the missile system look weak a Congress passes their missile defense that and your friends at the defense companies get more taxpayer dollars you familiar with Greek mythology dr. Brighton see in Greek mythology my period was a tight now they believe the Titans with a very forces of nature an order for peace an order to be brought to the world the Titans are to be sacrificed so Iberian was cast down from the skies by Zeus and the Olympians for jerk de Lucas exactly if this is what it takes to convince Graham so be it a few lives sacrificed so the rest of the world can live in peace so our children can live in peace you think this is what your son would have wanted you think this is what your son died for my son joined the military out of family tradition I was a Marine my father was framed I want to talk I drew out I'd I should have sometimes I'm not sure what he died for hey Sam you sure this thing's gonna work oh yeah use that satellite phone all over the world signal all right yep go Kent and three two this is Ken stone with KC HP news we've been contacted by a source inside the White House claiming that senior government officials knew the path of the meteors three months ago the impending Hyperion disaster was allowed to happen in the fallout orchestrated by the Department of Defense and the US military through a top-secret program codenamed project Olympus what is it it's Morris this intercept a satellite phone transmission from 10 stone where is it I'll get him contact Casey HB give them the code tell them the United States government is taking control of all of their frequencies for emergency purposes don't buy it just get him off the air what purpose does the destruction of a Space Station the deaths of 12 astronauts in the unfathomable tragedy that occurred today in Los Angeles possibly served if these allegations are truth but what happened just happened we just want signal from the studio you mean we just lost signal I don't know look I can get Lucas out of the danger zone I'm not leaving my mom and sister here I think you should baby I don't have I'm staying okay okay look Russell I can't thank you enough for everything that you've done for us but you don't have to stay you should come well I'm gonna have to be a stir burgers Oh Lucas here that makes you promised I'd tell that I mean to keep that promise give me some beautiful footage oi someone good don't take any chances hey no wait hey you okay I did the right thing huh one of that story I think so yeah the station just called the government took control the studio claimed it was for emergency frequencies until the situation's over guess someone didn't like what we had to say guess not so we stand I'm Stan man we don't have to write we Sam look I'm gonna ride this thing out and keep on reporting til someone sees it and makes it right okay we got government agents searching for us and I don't think they're looking for a political debate we need to blow the top off this whole thing we can't do that on the run okay okay I guess we make our stand here now you come through for me yeah that'll be all gentlemen yes ma'am Richard what's the latest the missile hit Hyperion but I'm afraid it's not destroyed completely large chunks of debris have already begun reentry how large large enough that we recommend is for spending relief efforts until after impact how much time do we have we've got a fun and safe place to transmit from yeah can't stop reporting we were we're just taking a little break every time why would they be looking for you we ran a story they did a little too close to home you better get out of here I need to know how long until that wreckage hits and then I are at the town and we still can't find Ken stone [Applause] I'm not going anywhere without Sara mom Lucas you go with rest you need to get downstairs no miss Hanson I said I'm staying you go take care of your other patients I've got this one Jenny do it [Music] [Music] Madam President MUC yes what's the situation Los Angeles and the surrounding communities are still getting hit pretty hard so I'll have to wait until it's completely over before I can send in a helicopter to evaluate the damage I'll let you know as soon as I receive reports thank you Karen yes there's something you need to see what do we do now wait wait look Lucas I had no choice yeah you did but this is over we're gonna find them they're gonna be fine okay no you gotta trust me I do that's a bit think so how do you feel how many people you think are still up there too many you know that's gonna get as many people as I could up to this little mountain cabin I have and there supposed to be more time yeah well they screwed up who did people responsible for all this the ones that are chasing us we found out that someone in the government knew about this months ago and they didn't say anything hon do you think this will last I think it stopped you're right should we go out there you okay to walk yeah and I think so Elizabeth I can make it let's go [Music] be careful guys be careful [Applause] here for us [Music] [Music] where where they go they said they could move her somewhere where they go yes they probably found a way to move her somewhere safe okay come on anybody there okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wake up come on come on God [Music] [Music] [Music] we did get thanks but there's more people inside I think I need help hey inside there's some more people in Eastern oh no you know there's a better way for you to help those people now oh you get in front of that camera and you tell the world what's going on here I mean they'll come if they see it be everyone who has to show them it's a ride yeah we're gonna go live they can get us up running everything still works it shouldn't be a problem Sam you should call the station get us some air time to tell them to tap into an emergency frequency if they have to come on where is John Brennan wait what's going on I miss this man but I'm the one who gave you the disk and I was just following orders it's over son tell us where dr. brightness are we on yet weak signal everything's either shot to hell or shut down by the government just let me know more broad broad go this is Ken stone reporting live from a small town just outside of Los Angeles the fall of Hyperion was a tragedy of epic proportions but in my mind and in the minds of those people here the true tragedy lies in how our government failed us FBI nobody move and this transmission immediately mr. stone Brian don't turn that camera off this broadcast now our government failed to properly warn us and as our special agent more those same people sworn to protect us this is you're buying directly responsible for this deserve this transmission Ken look if he wants to shoot me during live broadcast he can I will shoot you mister stone he's trying to get us out in a way I figure it if the government won't help us we need to help ourselves this is a violation of national security sir you are endangering American lives false information so what happens when our leaders fail to lead when our government fails to govern this disaster could have been avoided but the people who had the power to stop it usually for their own advantage but for now people are dying and we need help as you can see our government is more concerned with covering up its own lives than it is with helping its own justice broadcast now mr. stone for Casey HP News I'm Ken stone siding off signals down you're gonna be fine John Kraft I can't believe you do this get him out of my sight take Godfrey with let's go poor we just gave should be enough to start a federal investigation you kill us you still fail and when the lid closed off of this whole thing and they caught you and your friends off to jail no matter where you go in this world I'll be there with a camera in your face broadcasting for everybody to see your cover-up Sofer I suggest you lower your gun and go get yourself a good lawyer all your weapons Russ I'm in [Music] [Music] mark please see that dr. Brian gets the medical attention he needs you can Madam President I don't know what they've told you they've told me all I need to know that thousands maybe millions of Americans were killed for your defense funds those allegations no more lies Richard from what I've seen the evidence against you is staggering you don't really believe oh yes I really believe everyone involved with Olympus will be tried for treason and I swear to you on this country by everything that I hold dear that I will bury you this close to [Music] hey guys we got more people trapped in here I need your help come on let's get him out hey kid you wanted to drink em leave it we've already got our story those people need our help as extensive as the damage was and with the countless lives lost it could have been worse by no means a Southern California lucky on this tragic day but Hyperion's core did not explode and a nuclear fallout was avoided so as we pull survivors out of the rubble and tend to the wounded at least we can still give them a whirl with you here a world where we can rebuild a world in which we can continue to live [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 957,944
Rating: 4.5706482 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Fall of Hyperion, full free disaster movies, Johnny Hotel Albergo, total eclipse movie
Id: 9I66lnhFLh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 23sec (5183 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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