Benny Hinn LIVE Monday Night Service - July 23, 2018

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Jesus me the Lord she's a speed [Music] the kingdoms of my I want you all to stand now please everyone come on all to Jesus I surrender to him I've seen let's sing it together as a as a as as a song of surrender I will and trust him in his presence daily device it says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all two cheese's [Music] they speak [Music] [Applause] or two cheese's [Music] and nice [Music] holy spirit now I'd welcome now in the studio welcome in our lives after hands and welcoming with me come on sense Oh [Music] this way all these field [Applause] [Music] and father [Music] there's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the Thursday [Music] holy spirit [Music] spirit of the Living God fall fresh on each one of us tonight how we are so hungry so thirsty for a fresh in feeling [Music] without your power was so empty without your mighty presence were all so empty and bound up your declares where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty [Music] now for Jesus sake and in His Holy Name fill every one of us [Music] eyes closed hands uplifted now [Music] for fresh [Music] spirit of the Living God [Music] to me [Music] film [Music] Shh [Music] with azib lifted everywhere melt me tell them now now [Music] spear [Music] fresh [Music] and he comes when we worship Jesus and he fills us when we see Jesus he shall glorify me the scripture says he shall glorify me the Lord said he shall not speak of himself he shall testify of me it's Jesus it's all about Jesus John declared and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him is called faithful and true and John also the scribes had seen dressed in a robe a white robe and his name is called the Word of God Jesus and as Stephen describes that moment in his life when he said and I see the saw man standing at the right hand of God wonderful Jesus we've come tonight to love you to worship you to magnify your name the invisible image God Himself the son of the highest the king of kings and Lord of lords the sweet Rose of Sharon and bright and Morning Star the one who is altogether lovely absolute perfection absolute darkness glory to the lair the Lamb of God wonderful Lord Jesus [Music] glory to them there [Music] glory to the lair [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] to you [Music] I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood his name is called the Word of God and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation's and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords after hands and thank you king of kings Lord of lords sweetest Jesus sweet to see wonderful damnable always wonderful precious blessed son of God blessed Jesus wonderful Jesus wonderful wonderful chasers [Music] my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me that's what he said to us and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand what a promise he gave us and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand o people lift her hands and thank him for that promise thank you for that promise he said to us that thief cometh not but to steal and kill and destroy but I am come that they might have life that they might have that more abundantly I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the Sheep I am The Good Shepherd and know my sheep and am known of mine Jesus Jesus Jesus there is something [Music] with two hands and call him master [Music] Savior Jesus like the fragrance after the rain [Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] level heaven and [Music] and kids that's away but there's something [Music] everything those in service [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] but there [Music] to manage every [Music] that's my soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he he touched me [Music] the joy that floods my soul small thing [Music] Lord I believe all things are possible now lift your hands and declare your faith Lord I believe Lord I believe [Music] everything is possible all things are possible Oh lord I believe [Music] lord I believe [Music] all the our possible [Music] a declarative thou should believe you'll see the glory of God one more time with hands uplifted and eyes closed just gently now [Music] lord I believe [Music] possible [Music] lord I believe [Music] got sure people I know a right [Music] and now believing for that miracle in your life whether it's physical whether it's emotional or spiritual and with hands uplifted now I want you to receive it as you sing the Lord I receive [Music] I receive [Music] even now just receive it all of these are possible [Music] we see [Music] I see [Music] I'll see my miracle now [Music] hallelujah just worship him now forget yourself forget your troubles just see the master Jesus [Music] to store now [Music] transmissibility link [Music] he'll do [Music] audition around the world they obey them your inheritance your precious possessions [Music] for Jesus [Music] justice for now that heaven is another instrument [Music] those synced body place your hands on that sickness even as you continue to worship as I pray the Lord only heal you and I come in faith and I trust wonderful father I come in Jesus name [Music] I step into my office and I rebuke every sickness in this room I rebuke every disease whether here or around the world I command that sickness to be gone in the mighty name of Jesus begone [Music] in Jesus name every one of terrains receive their healing that an only is in this role one more time Alleluia [Music] someone to my right a few minutes ago received a healing for your right ear you had troubles with your right ear you began to feel great warmth on that area and now you can hear me crystal clear someone also with a lung condition has been healed I rebuke that problem in the name of Jesus you feel that numbness that's right that's the power of God Almighty like electricity rushing through you a blood diseases has been healed in this room a blood condition I rebuke that in the name of Jesus a muscle probably in someone's left leg had just been healed every one of you now lift your hands and pray in the spirit out loud holy holy holy are you and two more is just left [Music] someone's two mothers has been healed the skin allergy has just been healed some of you feel that electricity through your body some of them feel like a warmth began coming on you earlier during a war ship that sinus is just cleared up there on the balcony you felt that beautiful anointed come on you a bone condition has been healed Oh everyone pray in the Holy Ghost someone been to the doctor they told you you need any surgery no you don't the Lord has healed that knee the pain just left pick up if you'll just pick up that leg you'll find no pain whatsoever no pain whatsoever right now you've been worried about it you ever felt like you're gonna sit down because III kept you standing too long as we worshipped but now the pain has left you check it out it's gone it's completely gone that hard normal is also gone that the lucuma I'll rebuke it in the mighty name of Jesus I rebuke that glaucoma in the mighty name of Jesus some of you getting healed now if God is healing your body pray out loud in the spirit people pick up the key James pray in the spirit people of God a jaw at somebody's jaw was healed you've been wanting to go to the dentist to see why you had the pain that it's totally gone if God is healing you now and you know it don't wait for me to call out the healing just get out of your seat and come stand way over there on the left if God is healing you everyone lift your hands and pray in the spirit if God is healing your body in this studio and you felt that anointing on you some of you felt a beautiful numbness others felt like a warmth others maybe you didn't know what you felt but do you know it's gone the prom is gone get out of your seat now don't wait another second and come line up over here to the left everyone keep praying in the spirit come on no matter what the problem was even if I did not call your problem get out of your seat now and come stand here to the left everyone right now keep praying in the Holy Ghost there's people getting healed now there's people been getting healed get out of your seat come walk around and come over here to the left don't wait don't stay that's it otherwise you could lose their healing you've got to come whether I pray for you or not it doesn't matter what matters is let God see you standing there to firm their healing sometimes people are ield even while they start walking sometimes they can heal even while they just start walking just to get that step of faith if God is healing you to get out of that seat and you come over here I see a film on someone's a left eye like a film like a that's been blocking your vision in your left eye and you just felt a warmth go right through there and God is healing that that vision People of God everyone praying the Holy Ghost Jesus all glorious I give you the praise accept that miracle accept it now accept it now don't just stand there just lift your hands and just accept it it's it's it's a love gift from heaven it's God's love gift to his people you in your home's accept it it's God's love gift to you that miracle that really is his love gift he loves you as many as touched the mermaid hole that woman that touched the hem of His garment he did not even know she was back there but because of his love she was healed why would the Lord heal that man at the Pool of Bethesda who didn't even know his name because of his love he loves his people if healed them don't you think he's gonna heal you his own child if healed a man who did not even know the name Jesus in John 5 he went to the man and said will thou be made whole and the man did not even know the Lord's name he said what I can't get in the water because before I get in somebody else gets in and the Lord said get up and walk take me over you're better walk and the man did not even know that Jesus was the son of God when he when he obeyed why would the Lord heal a man who didn't know his name because of his love if he would heal men like that don't you think he would heal you and your loved ones once you lift your hands and pray for your loved ones maybe you don't need a healing but they need a healing [Music] that woman there there's tremendous rolling on her tim bring her here what was wrong with her that glaucoma right there come here darling come here tell me again what happened what happened I'm not making out what you're saying come closer you had I what now I had eyes laughter's and a transparent film covering my eyes incited stress depression because of my eyes your eyes were were they were causing you problems what did the doctor say they don't know they said I'm fine but I was suffering I knew something was wrong what happened tonight I felt Jesus touching mice somebody just say praise the Lord take your seats take your seats holy Holies will lift our hands before you that's close its glory Sonia bring you back holy holy holy holy that's the one holy holy Lord God Almighty [Music] everybody goes oh you're pregnant c-section because I don't know is going to give me a normal delivery are you are you're Christian yes are you born again yes the dead Jesus anointed me say to just started attacking me well honey Satan is a loser no no he's a liar he's allowed stretch your hands and pray for her in the spirit real gentle their holy holy darling darling look at me look at me no you're not looking at me look at my eyes I'm telling you as a man of God the devil lied to you the devil lied to you you're not gonna have a problem with your child look at me don't no no no forget what the devil told you forget what the doctor told you forget if the whole world told you Antonia under there Nanak open your eyes and you guys play in the spirit back behind me Josh you and Tim now you trust the Lord it's gonna be alright and father I rebuke that problem in your eyes and I asked you to heal her completely completely now you're gonna be alright smile smile who came with you bring her here come here darling is she precious mummy what do you want God to do for you it looks like you don't want anything do you oh that's so sweet pardon God what he's done everything in your life oh you love the Lord now Lord user and bless her live oh that's a beautiful memory oh that's a beautiful anointing on you pick her up bring your clothes the beautiful tears are just running down your face my goodness you know there's a very special there's a very very special few chocolates giving you you know where do you guys live Lord we dedicate this life what is your name Simone Lord will dedicate Simone to you do you have other children Oh in there not come yeah pardon well I want to bless oh you want me to bless the baby is it you know already if it's a boy or girl another girl where's your husband at work two hours drive how did you know about here tonight I usually come here with my family but I saw it on Facebook and the Lord told me that you should go there and I just send the angels to give you a message that please I want you to touch us today he did and you came two hours drive now Lord I thank you you come stand here next to baby oh girl such friends was the lord I thank you Jesus your presence makes me whole I thank you Lord for a whole baby come on agree with me we agree Lord for absolute health David you haven't helped me call out the healings I want you there the Lord just told me to get you over there let him do the job check the lease for me one by one David now Lord complete health for the child there's another one coming you're gonna have three children it's a boy yeah the Lord just oh my boy the third one will be a boy you've been asking him for that no pardon well the Lord just told me that he's there's a girl but after the girl you can have a brother pastor etc nolle also told me that and he told me too if I come close do you tell you that you know he's he's a friend he's a family yeah some pastor told you the same thing I am Not sure I know him but it's okay headset finale is his name well he knows the Lord's voice too so now Lord bless this family and bless the precious family not only with a healthy little girl anointed little girl and a beautiful little boy would you bind people just for a minute just lift your hands and put in the spirit for them oh it is Jesus yes it is Jesus [Music] it is Jesus in my soul for I have touched the hem of His garment and his blood have made me whole now the Lord is talking to me about your children you have a gift for writing your gonna grow to be a writer are you ready you're gonna write beautiful books and your sister that's about to be born be beautiful senior and the little boy that's coming along believe it or not will be a pastor one day get ready for it on in the name of Jesus each on the baby that said there's a baby energy Josh its share come in and help come on come come come come quick [Music] you girls you can go now no no I didn't do it lift your name thank him come on guys the Lord did it just lift your hands and thank you come on come on you too darling people just say praise the Lord now David what happened to the gentleman you tell me about eight months he's been dealing with ulcers has not been able to move properly just been in severe pain tonight he felt the power of God touched him the pain completely left him and he believes he's healed and how bad was the pain I couldn't eat I couldn't work you better be open when that alonein hits you better be ready for it pick him up goose pick him up goes sometimes user hits like this pick him up just get back here I didn't ask you to leave pick him up ah you stay right here that annoying you feel like what if it on you man what if it on you look like a methylene over me why need sensation over me that's the power of Almighty God my brother you guys don't know the privilege you have you you you you you don't know the privilege you have to see this you don't you have no clue what's going on you better understand the privilege the God God is giving you pick him up who came with you what is it what is it mom get down here don't clap please don't connect the Lord Allah does something mighty in this man there's a call on that boy there's a mighty call on him that's why there's only strong like this lift your hands put in the Holy Ghost for him come on out loud pick up the key one more topic of the key twice but I said be the Lord God Almighty who was in it that's the path that's the glory of God that glory of God is only some idea somebody please don't sing when I tell them what to what to play just play it quick somebody's been praying for your son real hard who is it you where's his father passed away what did your husband do he did not have a relationship with his dad but what did your husband do like for living work for the city well that's somebody back there in your history and I think it's your husband's history rather than yours was a saint and the prayer of that someone I don't know who they were man woman I don't know that the laws are show me but that someone's prayer was in heaven is out lived that person and God is answering it now pick him up [Music] do you know what I'm talking about young man do you know what I'm talking about yes or no well then tell me let God lead you please Jim tell me no pastor you had a pastor praying for you and what she went home to be with the Lord the pastor is home with the Lord and well then it must be that man I saw in your history but somehow I seem connected to your dad I'm not sure why I see that but it doesn't matter what did a man tell you he told me to pray pray for his son his son that pastor's son you mean pardon a female or a lady pastor who's in heaven now well whatever she prayed will be answered within the next 90 days and God healed you God healed you to prepare you for a ministry receive it all of you put in the Holy Ghost from corn we are standing on holy ground quick in its presence there is joy beyond measure at its feet peace of mind can still be found if you have any Jesus is the answer reach out and claim it just played behind me please now lord meet every meet in your life every need in our life in Jesus name pick him up is this your first time here is this your first time here second time it's your first time here so so one more time about your problem physically remind me all diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and he said that there was another explain that to some people you may not know what that is ulcerative colitis starts in the intestines and it's bleeding ulcers and it it causes you not to eat it causes severe pain in you and you lose a lot of blood in the process and it's open sores in there that tear the inside of your intestines and if if they can't take if they can't do nothing for you they give you antibiotics and they do the best that they can but they say there's no cure for it they said there's no cure he said there was no cure for it but I didn't believe well because the great physician can fix anything so now you felt the part of God yes when God healed you here can you describe it was the worship you know if you ever felt you go into the mountains and it's hard to breathe and it felt very hard to breathe and I felt a hard pressure on my chest and begin to get warm and hot and it's sensation went all the way down to my lower intestines and I was standing in line I began to fill my body become numb and just like a presence of all over my body is an ointment all over me just begin to burn lord I thank you for the healing now use him mightily and bless his future in the glorious name of Jesus let me hear an amen your son will never be the same again like this is like big and I'm talking like big in glory this is a big moment in heaven because that pastor or and I for some reason I still see someone connected to his dad who was also in heaven that that has been prayed for him I suppose years ago but God had planned tonight for him and here it comes for the first time and God not only heals him but God has put him on the new path for his destiny pick him up you know that the Lord just rearranged your destiny tonight right what's what's your name by the way Ezra nan sort of like the city of Nazareth well Nazareth god bless you hallelujah say thank God for Nazareth all right you can go now and you'll never be the same again somebody say praise the Lord you can change the song now just let's go did you Lorien have one Lorraine about a year ago she discovered give me a mic for him please give me another mic for him let me have that blue mic there come on guys would please somebody get me that mic this is Lorraine together for himself a small man about a year ago she discovered that she had a tumor didn't know whether it was benign or cancerous but cost her tremendous pain she said tonight she felt the pop and then a pool the tumor is gone and the pain is gone I call that tumor thank god it's gone somebody say praise the Lord all right Hal put up have Lori not bring her close a little closer here god bless Lorraine thank you lord pick her up kids thank you Lord Jesus breaks every FATA you know the old songs I'm playin on guys Jesus breaks you know that old song I'm gonna be all three of you not many of you know the song deal well I'm an old-timer I guess this is this is Mike please the blue Mike this is Velma for about three years she's been suffering with painful bone spurs in her neck and in her back tonight she felt the presence of the Holy Spirit come on her she's feeling it now - David David your good brother so what did you what are you what are you feeling on you now I just feel the presence that he tore here because the Lord just healing you Don it that's right I put up that was a that's a great anointing I see on her they're coming straight from the ER she was actually vomiting in the parking lot forgive me for wording it that's all right so bluntly but but she had an ulcer you were in the hospital like today what brought you here um my friend Devon and Emily invited me and they told me it was a good experience to come and are you saved well we're gonna fix that tonight who's who's with her her boyfriend came with coming a boyfriend I think you need that more than she does brother come and stand right here how are you kiddo I'm doing well what is your name ray now this is your girlfriend you're okay but she she wasn't okay today so you were at the ER for I have a well they think it's a bleeding ulcer it comes on and off normally I take really good care of it but for the past week I couldn't get out of bed throwing up couldn't eat still can't eat but as soon as I got here I literally the pain just disappeared and it was burning like I could feel the outer I could feel my stomach burning pretty much and when did you feel it burning it was burning pretty much after I started throwing up I came in here and you were throwing up outside yeah yeah and the Lord healed you now you feel better that's the first time in days that I feel like I can walk around without feeling kind of like hopeless throwing up and constantly drinking something and keeping it down I have hopes of eating now so that makes me happy well we'll give you something to eat tonight ooh and this is your you're a friend and you guys don't know the Lord where he does but you're not totally there yet you're not saved like born again okay how about you did you give your life to the Lord yet well he's in already now I want to tell you something both of you and let your leaders in there the love of Jesus what's your name Jessica that's my daughter's name yeah it's a very good name the love of God is so and what's your name right guys the love of Jesus is so great that it fulfills every part of you and once you experience it then you'll know what I'm talking about because when I was young hush Heavenly when I was young someone once told me you know Jesus loves you I had no clue what it he was saying today I have a much better understanding because I know the Bible but most because I've been a Christian a long time now without Jesus Jessica life has no meaning like zero meaning you know because people do use you people abused you friends come and tell you how they care for you nobody really cares very few people really care in life even family members they come and they go you know there's only one person that is always there and it's not your mom or dad and not your brothers or sisters not even your boyfriend only the Lord and to know the Lord is a daily experience it's not like meeting a historical Jesus and that's about it no no it's like a daily walk what he makes life worth living and when you fall he picks you back up when you're hurting he heals the pain it's really a real precious life so when you give your life to the Lord it's not about a religious prayer it says come into my heart and then thank you for giving me the assurance to get to heaven and now I'm going to just go and enjoy myself and whatever you know the Christian life guys is the most exciting life you can have if you know how to live it and knowing how to live it means you have to come out of the world that's the thing people don't want to do because in the Bible it says come out from among them and be separate says the Lord then I will receive you and then I'll be a father to you it's it's not possible to know God if you're surrounded by the world because God isn't one the world around you so are you ready to commit yourself to the Lord today and begin your life anew okay and I know you've given your life to the Lord but it's good to rededicate so why don't you join hands both of you and and just pray this after me close your eyes Jessica just simple three dear Lord Jesus I know you love me and I thank you and I thank you for dying for me on a cross and I thank you for shedding your blood for my salvation and right now I give you my life I surrender I want to know you really know you I want to walk with you I want to know your love and your power so right now I give you my life come into my heart live your life in me wonderful Jesus you are my Savior forever man say Amen now you guys let the Lord healed you I'm glad a lot has touched you I want you all to stretch a range towards me pray in the spirit Lord right now that healing and on in flow through Jessica here it is bring your closer closer here you felt that go through you what did you feel I feel like ting the power of God tingly I like that she felt easily putting the girl up here again a little closer I don't want your head touching the you feel a little queasy yeah that's the power of the Holy Spirit look at him looking at her can I pray for you too come here kiddo our Lord touches life touch his future bless his life minister to him let him know your reality we've know your love in Jesus name that is a beautiful experience she's having that's a beautiful experience is Harry watch is yours and she'll never suffer again with that problem in her body never again I claim her for the kingdom of God I claim her for the Lord Jesus Christ and I claim her forever to belong to Jesus cleanser purifier and protector you said these that thou has given unto me I have lost none this is yours completely yours just step aside a minute what not you boys you use the clothes Lord close this close thank you lord make your presence so rich and so real now to her that'll really experience you not just your power not just that beautiful tingle she felt more than that your reality pick her up did you feel that huh yeah you can cry it's alright what did you feel was beautiful and he described it have you ever experienced such love you know what God was doing when why don't you were on the floor he was hugging you you see some people Jessica belonged to him and some don't and those that belong to him know it and those that don't have no clue and you belong to him you know I read a scripture earlier I didn't know I was reading it my sheep hear my voice and no man can pluck them out of my hands you're one of them girl not many can say that they think they are hairs but they're not because it's all talk it's empty talk when your ears you know it so I have I have a good word to tell you for sure I'll see you in heaven somebody say praise the Lord now you can give the Lord Almighty come on sex what I just did well only those of you in the Spirit will understand so this is Jared and Kalyn and this is a husband and wife who both received miracles Jared was healed with a lung condition in Chicago when you were ministering at Pastor Dan Willis this church oh just listen yeah and tonight she also had a member you good she also had a tumor that disappeared tonight give the Lord that good hand I prayed you know these are precious miracles tonight every one of them now you would heal in Chicago a few days ago please remind me of what I had a problem with my lungs I couldn't breathe for a long time and doctors were trying to prescribe me inhalers and stuff like that and I just kept praying and I kept saying you know I'm gonna be healed and that night I started to feel fire all over me I felt it up and down my arms and all over my chest and now tonight she started feeling similar to the same thing she just started feeling a lot of but you guys live where do you live we live in South Dakota so what are you doing here only God knows that because I mean we went to Chicago to come to the event and then after that we ended up in New Jersey visiting my family when you were in yeah yeah and I tried to go to that too but I guess the the directions said that you were gonna be in Cranford so I went to the wrong Church and I missed out on it then a couple nights ago I was praying and I said you know I'm really upset I didn't get to go again and then God told me go on the website and go look and see where he's going to be and I looked and it said you were in California so I saw that this is what I live yeah so I looked and I said well I doubt it's close to where we're gonna be and I looked in the GPS and it was only 40 minutes away so and you're this is your wife and you had no it's gone you you felt it go now earlier I said a tumor was gone and I think this is would you you rather than the other lady so special and so a father in the mighty name of Jesus use them both I thank you for this precious and anointing that's here Oh sweet Holy Spirit sweet heavenly Drive I give you praise both that's colori on that husband and wife stretch your hands and pray for them in the spirit I want to hear you pray in the spirit people that is so precious well God is doing tonight lord I thank you for this marvelous miracle bless them I thank you that tumor is gone in the name of the Lord all of you yes pray out loud with you and come here in the mighty name of Jesus be healed come on stretch arise with this camera with me be made whole in his might in him what the Lord is doing for these sweet people your that you've seen here gonna do for you be made whole in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name be healed from the top of your head to the soles of your feet be healed now in Jesus holy and mighty name keep praying Saints another few moments and I rebuke that sickness in you I commend the disease to leave you a command that arthritis to go heart disease go cancer go diabetes go every disease go in Jesus name be gone out of the people of God in Jesus name now help them up gentlemen Chad come on we need your help quick come up now I want you guys to to make sure to take her to a doctor have have everything checked because there's nothing wrong with you but what God is about to do with you is even bigger than a physical touch doesn't use you I don't think you're here by accident what's your name Gerald Jared okay Jared and Kaylin lord I ask you to use Jared and Kaylin and I declare their life is set in the Holy Ghost the life is established in the Holy Spirit they will find the path the right path to righteous living and ministry in the holy and mighty name of Jesus I cover them with protection in the blood of the Lamb in Jesus name receive that new destiny for your life both of you that's glory on them come on people pray for the minute pray in the spirit for these kids here that's the glory of the Lord that's the glory of the Lord marvelous anointing here tonight they are goodness gracious aren't you glad you people came now keep praying for them let me prepare for the four this is Maria now there was some a plumbing issue that caused the pipes the way I want you to put it for these kids don't stop playing with these kids while he's talking to me that's just a plumbing issue she drink contaminated water without even knowing it because of that something got into her system the doctors don't even know what's wrong with her she has been unable to stand for long periods of time but tonight she said she felt Jesus touch her and she's been standing and she drank some he drank something in that water and was contaminated what happened to tonight I'd like for you to pray for me well the Lord just did it without me even laying hands on your lady in Jesus name thank you for the anointing Oh hallelujah hallelujah pray in the Holy Ghost just another moment Halper yeah the answer I give me a minute you know I just pray pray all of you eight kids you two right there stand up you yeah no no no no the ones behind them and their girl there do you know you're destined to serve the Lord come here I'm gonna pray for you two in a minute okay so the Lord will not miss you out come stand there is this your first time here probably not or they say first time we join hands kids there's a great destiny for you were you from Bakersfield lord I thank you for what I see come on praying the Holy Ghost people and I need you to pray a little louder huh glorify your name and all the earth glorify your name oh my Jesus Jesus keep praying Saints come on glorify your name Jesus I give you the praise shed get here come on quick pick him up we declare your majesty quickly Jesus Jesus I give you the praise for what you're about to do with these lives give me the praise for your gonna do with these lives come on people pray in the spirit I want to hear you gentlemen come here and the one next to you come here [Music] over there kids come on Jim I will get to hear that instrument come on but Bruce lift it up please [Music] and we explained that you are mighty lift up your name there for you are holy we sing it again Ilana glory in adoration we bow before your fro and we explain I want to hear the organ that you are mighty lift up your man for you are holy we see it again get ready brother for a magnificent future in hey donation we bow before your throne come on people keep rain and we explode that you my tea lift up your name Lord are you singing again everything in the Jegs we bow before your throne and we learn [Music] are you guys together back there okay come on get up here we bow before your throne your majesty we proclaim your name is exalted I will heal hopeful organ Jim for your land magnificent you Victor [Music] it's known Flavia [Music] and we exclude let's go Jim that you that guy that guy lift up your name [Music] we see it again [Music] next before you bring a customer pick up the key Jim and we [Music] but you are my day [Applause] [Music] singing again hey kids come here both of you a donation we bow before your with a Claire your majesty we proclaim your name it's exhausting give me guys Victoria to speak about power easier [Music] that you are mighty lift up your now then I'm gonna get them again pick up the guys pick him up in a duration we bow before you dear God it's the same guy holy holy holy Lord God Almighty quickly pick him up they him to him they hold him pick up a pig pick it up holy holy holy the him to him to him to him guys [Music] God Almighty in the knowledge-intensive letter our song shall rise to be sing it when this age [Music] my singing I wanna hit the piano come on those hi Keats holy [Music] and his life shall rise [Music] holy God in three versions [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy holy holy [Music] all the other shall praise thy name in earth and sky and see only thou art Olli there is none hey Louis Louis area ever more shall be holy holy holy all the sand said dory casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea seraphim's and Sharon think about falling down before the art and art and evermore shall be holy holy holy is the Lord and so Lavinia holy holy holy is the Lord we give him [Music] hardly baby Harvey is the Lord worthy give our people Internet surprising worthy worthy is the Lord bigots Olaf you man ha [Music] is the Lord that's how are these kids we came here don't you love this I love it you're worthy taking all my life it's serving you the great it's thinking all my life it's serving you I want to serve you Lord I want to serve you lord the greatest thing in all my life is serving you the greatest thing in all my life I thought man he can hear me it's loving you guides us Lori their greatest thing in all my life wah-wah it's loving you that's colonial on these people I want to love you more and bring bring bring that girl here bring her here and that one over there bring her with the glasses the glasses three no hey guys devil coming Oliver cats it out come on man Casa de Tejada ha pick up the key because the king the greatest thing in all my life someone will bring that girl here the greatest thing in all my life is loving you I want to love you more I mean I want to love you love you love you more they cleared its thing it's alright alright come not hey Josh josh Josh get over here Josh get over here stay right here hey lady lady lady lady lady no need to scream at the devil go out of her in Jesus name hold it down hold her down come on boys not you'd have it Lois go on let's go BAM Blaine praying the Holy Spirit Shh step aside step aside girl in the name of the Lord whom I serve come out of her come out of her oh yes you will yes you will bring the spirit what quiet quiet quiet devil whatever quiet lady listen I'm talking to the lay down I'm talking to the lady that one I'm talking to the lady what is your name lady you're I'm talking to the lady what's your name honey ah ELISA yeah I am I'm I'm gonna help you honey are you spiritual are you sure hold her down okay honey we're gonna help you we're gonna help you okay stop stop stop stop don't bring this birth listen I'm talking to derivative or not you what's your name on it the lady one more time your name that Lisa okay okay okay srimant oh yeah yeah now you want the devil to leave you say yes okay okay okay now devil you heard her uh-huh you heard her she she doesn't want you so get get out of him yes you will yes you will yes you will no she's not yours stop stop the blood of Jesus is over you Kauai is quite quite quite quite quite I'm talking to a Lisa now Shh you're gonna leave her tonight in Jesus name Shh now I want you all to ask pray pray in the spirit now guys get the kids out of there get the kids out of there get the kids out of there Patricia jamia worse Patricia take the lady to the back you and that leader right now because there's more than one devil in there take her to the back room come on guys pick her up go take her to the back room and cast the devil there's like four of them in there out of oh oh yes oh yes the devil is a liar hallelujah did you did you hear that lady say help me yeah now all of you stand up and join hands we're going to believe God for deliverance tonight that before the night is over she'll be free now I want I want [Music] Shh now because see if we had more time we'll be dealing with that demon but sometimes you have to let those Holy Spirit do is do it this way because there's more than one devil in there now some of you may have never seen this before the demons manifest when the presence of God is like this so father we agree come on in Jesus name that woman tonight will be free we declare for her life not home in the mighty name of Jesus now I want you Tim and and and and Josh and Chad to come here Jim I don't know where Tim went okay Steve you can help us pick up all these kids and put them right behind me here and if you kids can just move this way come on move this way God did not bring you here by accident pick up the young man and his wife pick up these people here that's the God floor is on this woman help help help what what's wrong with you my dear what was wrong with you your arm what was wrong with your arm put it back no you better help him because she's drunk in the spirit you guys go right here both of you just stand behind me pick her up you know if you can't stand because that anointing is very strong on you right now so what what's wrong with your arm I couldn't put it okay then then then do it now you couldn't do that huh you you could not do it before well what caused the problem I didn't know well where the pain would wake you up there Lord well oh you holy this year this year what through the periscope you were praying my daughter got healed of cancer of the breast your doctor was healed your daughter your daughter was healed of cancer I thank God for periscope she can't stand up right now so let her let her alone let alone us that's power on her now before we sit down I mean I didn't plan all this I don't know how long I've been praying for the sick for bit before I I've got a willow Lord that leader I wanted here to come here are you guys together come here Lord we praise you Lord we praise you lord the real gentle Jim there's an amazing life for you really amazing like I see please step aside my dear step aside I don't want to say in anybody in the doorway there's an amazing future and you're about to walk into a strong ministry she is your spine no tell me she's like your spine you're backing and there's a strong calling on her for prayer like real intense and and God is waiting really for the reawakening of your ministries both of you it's almost like it's been maybe not dormant maybe not sleepy I'm not meaning that but it's almost like a brand new resurrection of ministry coming to you and I see incredible strength of prayer in her and I see tremendous manifestations of the Spirit are about to flow through you you're gonna need her this is your wife of course and she'll be a backbone like a strength to you so get ready this could happen literally within the next three or four months for both of you and I don't think you're here by accident I think I've seen you before I'm not sure I'm sure I have because I you you are familiar so Lord oh I remember that's a long time ago they used to help with our book tables she said years ago that's like we're talking ages ago yeah I remember I know you you've grown a little older proud of you Wow well get ready this there's something really precious coming your way and you know the Lord is about you know as he said in the scriptures is he's going to do a quick work in the last days and we're about to move in it like fast so Lord fulfilled that dream and vision you've given them about their ministry and future then let it be with substance let it be with strength let it be with incredible power in Jesus name both an anointing is just coming on him already in the name of Jesus in the name of the Lord step aside there you kids come a little closer come little closer receive the anointing for your tomorrow in Jesus name receive it receive it receive it in the mighty name of the one I serve watch them watch them there's a strong call on this kid oh whoa whoa whoa you feel that I can tell you that this studio is gonna be too small in the next few weeks God has a plan that is going to be amazing amazing lift your hands I'm praising what he's doing and about to do so I want to pray over that into the camera right there and everyone pray in the spirit really loud III I pray for your children right now I pray for your grandchildren right now and I believe when I expect in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus God may use your kids all of you pray in the spirit on the Lord's gonna use your sons and daughters the Lord's gonna use your children in Jesus mighty name for his honor and majesty and glory and governor use your children I declare it over all of you right now lift your hands and receive it I declared over everyone in this studio and beyond the studio in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus God's people said amen now all of you take your seats and help these kids up and this lady I don't think is gonna be able to walk too well so someone come and help her I need two of you teleports come on so live how do people have come on kids that's Oh watch it yeah helper helper to her to her seat somebody say praise the Lord praise God from whom all blessings oh you you bring him back here what is it you feel on you it's what you feel the fear of God well helping bad kids come on hallelujah Oh people lift her hands and thank him for his mercy thank you Jesus praise God from whom all blessings flow big organ sound come on people lift lift your hands praise God from whom all blessings flow singing we'll be here below [Music] Harvey heavenly host lifter boy's father and the people said oh man now it's 9:30 so I'm gonna minister for about 45 minutes is that okay with you because what I'm going to share from the world you know I goodness gracious I've been ministering to the sick for two hours and something thank you Lord for your mercy to you with a praise and the majesty and God's people said amen now I'm going to tell you that we're going to be back here in two weeks but I don't know after that because I don't think the studios and were able to handle what's going on so God is providing us with a beautiful building that we believe we're going to end up using just minutes away from here beautiful building seats more than we see it here and we're just going to let the let God lead us let me hear any man because see people people need thank you Jim thank you Bruce you did such a fabulous job tonight with me because people need their knowning like this and how many of you felt it strong we need the gifts of the Spirit in operation let me have a big Amen so tonight tonight you probably solve things maybe some of you hadn't seen before maybe you heard things you ain't heard before but these are the ways of the Spirit and the Lord wants to do what the Lord wants to do and we're gonna let him do it I said we will let him do it now all of you know we're gonna be back I'm gonna be back here on August 6 what's the date yeah now later in just a few moments we're gonna take the offering I'm gonna do the offering early number minutes of the word an electrical home but I want you to right on the envelope if you're coming back so we don't have to call you save me a little money please and-and-and we need to understand the reason why I'm in the studio for now anyways it's because we can go on TV and touch a lot of people and what it's happened here tonight and what happened here two weeks ago and even before that it's gonna be seen on networks that want this which is to me amazing like you've got all of Europe all of Italy you've got now uplift and other networks were talking to that really want to air this some of them wanted life but life is not easy for me I'd rather not do it live because you know you don't know what happens and I have so it's better to just clean things up you do you don't one on so but who knows what God will do with this only God knows what he'll do with this and of course this is will be seen on love world so I think love world and uplift and all over Europe and others now we are talking to but we start August 6 with a new daily this is your day for a miracle focused only on healing the Lord's made it very clear to me not to air anything but the miraculous and the word no interviews none of that stuff because that's not my call my call is one thing what what you saw tonight people need that say I'm in so we start on on day star in August we start on God TV in August we start on uplift all three networks all in August and it's gonna be very very exciting I called Marcus Lam I said you know I want to be on now we're starting with with they start twice a week at first but all the the others are daily and and Marcus said well I'm gonna give you a bonus run and he said because we believe in you and your ministry because you know I kind of wasn't sure where the Lord was leading a few months back but you know we all move one step at a time let me hear an amen and we have to follow the Lord and do what he says not what we want to do so I'm gonna just quickly give you in Scripture let's go together to two proverbs 11 and then I have a magnificent message before you all go home I am just overwhelmed with what the Lord has just done in this room tonight so grateful aren't you so grateful I mean grateful for God for that beautiful girl over there that just you'll never be the same again Jessica I'll never forget your name either what a mighty God we serve and the young man up there that his mom came down what a precious anointing tonight and it's because of what God is doing I'm so grateful proverbs 11 I want to read verse 24 and 25 there is that scattereth and yet increaseth and there is that withholdeth more than is meat or more than they need all back it tends to poverty the liberal soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himself this is one of the most wonderful promises in the Old Testament it says something powerful the liberal soul shall be made fat the one who gives the liberal solder the giver and the word fat here means anointed rather than like factors we think of big anointed and he that waters will be watered also himself this is a principle of God's Word that giving can never be lost when you sow seed it cannot be lost concede multiplies and the Bible says you have one person that scatters and it's always increasing you have you have another one who holds back and it's always in trouble giving means living if you give you live the reason the Dead Sea is dead because it doesn't give anything it receives and doesn't give so giving brings increase all the time all the time and you cannot see a harvest to tell you that go for seed any form but will tell you that of course but but but here's what I think we're coming into what we're coming into is a day of great harvest rather than just harvest because the Bible in Ecclesiastes 11 says if you if you cast your bread on the water you'll come back but then it says this it says so a portion of seven and so a portion of eight for the know it's not what evil will be on the earth meaning when you sow seed you protect your future from harm and an inverse to of that amazing chapter it says increase the portion to seven or to eight because you don't know what's coming down the road and what is amazing about this chapter are likely to turn with me to it because you're gonna see something maybe you have not seen before it's the assets 11 verse 1 through verse 6 it's asked a stye bread upon the water for thou will find it after many days meaning that you you give the gospel to the nation's bread is the gospel water it's nations and you and you'll be blessed after days many days give a portion to 7 and also to 8 for thou know it's not what evil shall be upon the earth so when you give and you increase your giving you protect your future from financial harm then it says this adversely if the clouds before love rain they empty themselves upon the earth and if the tree falls towards the south or the north in the place where the tree falls there it will be meaning storms come look at me all of you everywhere look here you will never escape the storm of life because life means storms there's no storm free passage to heaven everyone is gonna have some problem and a lot of us will end up having financial problems because that's just life so the Bible says you cash your bread will come back increase your portion but the storm is coming and then it says this it says in verse 4 he that observes the wind will not sow and he that regards the clouds will not reap meaning don't look at it so verse one says so verse 2 says increase your seed verse 3 says the storm is coming and verse 4 says don't bother with it don't look at it don't pay attention because if you observe the storm you'll not so if you look at the storm you'll never reap why because the storm will come but you cannot look at it and then it gives us an amazing word it says in verse 5 as thou know it's not what is the way of the Spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child even thou knowest not the works of God who makes it all now Jessica is is is it's pregnant right or one of you was pregnant who was it earlier not just a sorry sorry Jessica darling I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not private saying that God loved you you're not even married sorry you know sometimes forgive me sometimes under the anointing I forget what I did so no I'm serious when when God is using you you forget afterwards what actually happened but those that girl oh she's she's up there now there is a baby growing in that you love there but she nor anyone knows how it's growing so God says watch this God says sorry about this desk I don't think I was private saying that here honey okay so you're free anyways anyways so God says throw your bread he'll come back increase your seat to protect you to your tomorrow the storms will come don't look at them and then it says this it says as you don't know how the wind blows and you don't know how the baby grows nor do you know how God works in other words you have no control over the wind you have no control over the baby growing nor do you control how the seed grows that's what it says so verse one so verse to increase your seed verse three that storms are coming verse four don't look at them verse five you don't even know how babies grow and how the wind blows therefore you don't have any say-so in how the seed works either because only God knows how the seed works and what is my job verse 6 verse 6 says in the morning so your seed in the evening don't hold back because you don't know which seed will prosper so amazing how it starts with so your seed universe 1 verse 2 says increase it verse 3 says the storms will come verse 4 says don't look at the storm verse 5 says you know you don't know how the wind blows and the baby grows and you don't know how the seed works and your job is just so in the morning and so in the evening because you don't know which seed will trigger the harvest so here God says to us twice in 6 verses your job is to sow and the rest is God's all we do is so that's all God wants us to do is so he takes care of the rest but when you sow don't look at the storm and I'm not done ministering you can't leave right now uh-uh uh-uh no one leaves this is unholy and disrespectful to the anointing that's in this room you cannot leave you do I'm gonna rebuke you because it's disrespectful to the anointing in this house let me hear an amen when I dismiss you you can go I'm not done and if you know if you don't you do not like the way I am don't come back I demand reverence for the holy spirit let me hear an amen you know what I call people who leave before they give thieves they only come to steal what belongs to the Sheep remember there's goats and their sheep sheep are God's people and goats are thieves all non givers are goats they come to steal the word all they want is God heal me god bless me all they want is what God can do for them and they'll do nothing for him that's not Christianity so let me finish our job is sowing that's all that's all God asked of assist so now listen listen what I'm about to share with you from the world is going to change all of you I said all of you are you ready for that can see what happened earlier was for the people who were touched what I am about to minister on the world is for all of you so take that envelope up come on let's press the envelopes and I want you to sow a seed in faith believing that all I said is gonna happen that God is gonna protect you from the storms of life financially the gardener bless your finances and protect your finances and in addition you're gonna have a harvest so multiple it's gonna come real quick because it says you don't know what seed will trigger the harvest so I want you all to give and so generously so something you haven't sown before you can't pay for the anointing your experience tonight think about what these people if they went to the doctor what they would pay for medication what would you pay for a miracle no way no price you've just seen a part of God in action in action God wants to bless you now financially not only physically so I'm gonna make sure you've passed the envelopes to everybody here and we're gonna give and then and then at the end of the meeting I really feel the anointing for this in fact in fact I'm gonna do it now cuz I'm feeling it now so I don't want to wait when you take the offering gentlemen you need to bring it to me because I want to lay hands on it okay so before you take the offering out or I want to I want to touch it I'm feeling that anointing on my hand if you believe that God is anointed me I'm telling you now I'm feeling the anointing on my right hand now this lady wants an envelope if you want an envelope you just lift your hand they'll give you one there's there's hands being lifted yeah okay i wanna i want to ask god to to multiply and bless your finances let me hear an amen bless your ministries bless your job bless your children's futures - alright so go ahead and and give them all an envelope and you make checks payable to benny hinn ministries and all of you watching me in your homes you do the same put the heaven on my face please thank you you use you so right online right now you do it right online right there you just go to our website been in ministries org and you can sow or you can do it you can text it in i think the information will be for you there on the screen if not just give it to me i think it is okay fine so he's telling me it's on the screen but if it isn't on the screen in case you just go to our website benny hinn ministries and you so right there because don't miss the anointing that's here because if you're so late that that and only we would have lifted so when the anointing is present that's the time to sell a man so you make your checks payable to benny hinn ministries and you sow a seed that means something to you you saw a seed that lifts your faith you sow a seed that that demands puts a demand on your faith so God can bless you and God will bless you and remember what it says in the scriptures if you increase your seed you protect your tomorrow so do it now so if you've been accustomed to giving 50 go up to 100 if you're accustomed to giving 100 go to 150 increase your seed to protect your tomorrow father I thank you in the mighty and awesome name of Jesus to bless your people as they sow that seed for your honor and glory and God's people said a mighty men okay now we're going to pass the offering Ambler offering banks in just a moment but but I really want you right now even as you sow your seed just pray in the Holy Ghost meet come on breathe upon the breath of God breathe upon me birth of God young man they are come here you come here and bring your wife with you as I lift my hands in surrender to your name it can become in most high you just stay right here with me yielding to the spirit no no what's that next to him Jesus I adore Jesus I adore what's your name [Music] Carlie Carlie like a Carlie like a car being leased Wow imagine being called car lease the lease of a car huh all my brothers names are blue blue cool except for mine I have a Joseph William how many how many brothers you have six brothers and one sister you have six brothers and you're one sister and what what is your name Monica Howard and your car lease what a name collies um the Lord has a surprise for you I know you work with Michelle Carell I heard Fred from Tim right because Tim told me you work with Michelle what'd you do with Michelle oh you look to church to Michelle oh you oh you go to Hillsong you you travel around I love it okay well I'm glad you know you reminded me because I am gonna be with the Michelle August 22nd for a passes and leadership importation will give you their leader but Brenda spirit come on abilities can we pass the offering while we let's let's do double what they call a double tasking level no no no I'm not gonna pray for you again you you've got it you know enough of the part of God brother anymore you'll blow up breathe upon me proud of God breathe upon me Spirit of the Lord now that's that your son we shall write that you border well God has not forgotten you I can tell you it's not for that innit I've seen you twice here now last time you said over there and he needs a healing from huh what moulds okay so I'm gonna pray for it for him tonight before we go the girls on the hill you what is your name again Graham your half well no your full Armenia's aren't you oh he's half a Mormon okay so I'm not done with you God is not done with you because he loves you give me five okay so so good news for you the laws and he'll you guaranteed I don't know when but he's just told me it's easy it's gonna heal you and use you to so get ready for that one okay Carlie now pass the offering and bring it to me no no don't take it I want to pray over it yes just collected and come just wait right here no no don't listen okay now you are destined for ministry look at his smile on his face he he like that like a lot and and the Lord the Lord spoke to me about you about two weeks ago I didn't tell you that but I told him that right you're not playing in the spirit I'm putting this word a little bit come on can see God has a plan for this kid you saw how he felt tonight no kissing he kissed his wife he got a happy and kissed his wife but it's oh it's okay it's okay it's okay you you can kiss her again I don't mind good man good man okay now all of you search your hands and say ministry say I I want you to say it seven times when I say one you gonna do it seven times okay one two three four five six shout it it's coming but you have to start on lower levels then you are going to take it up higher and you will be in full ministry the next few years it won't it won't be long because that's your call it's been in in your heart a long time with your wife with you by the way now not just you by yourself because when God calls in your merit he calls you guys together God doesn't separate you okay so get ready and I see supernatural manifestations so get ready for that okay that's it I'll talk to you later you go sit down bring me either the offering envelopes guys the greatest thing in all my life if serving you now Lord I switch ranks with these emblems in Jesus name increase your people financially and otherwise just including just blessing Lord bless em big time blessing in Jesus name no harm will come to the future financially in Jesus name and God's people said alright you can take it back beautiful are you ready alright thank you Jim take your Bibles I won't be long I promise you that oh what a mighty God we serve I want you to turn to 1st Corinthians 6 and Jim you can help me preach and I wonder if Tim can help me preach too if you got your Bible Tim did you hear me can you come sit down somewhere close with a microphone in your hand there's a there's a blue mic there for you you know he was a pastor by the way Tim was a pastor and now he's helping me well he needs yeah there's there's a chair look at this Luis is bringing your chair I never thought I'd see the day okay first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 you in a read for me Jim and then you're gonna read Galatians get ready to Galatians chapter 5 verse 16 I want to talk to you tonight about what it means to be in Christ Jesus and what it means to be in the spirit because we hear those two revelations in the Bible in Christ and in the spirit and and God cannot do what he wants to do with you till you get there all of you you have to get to the place where your life is truly lived in the spirit before God can use you because work were coming to very dark days on earth and God and in need men and women he can trust with his power and you are people God wants to trust with his power so in in first Corinthians 6:17 Jim scenario we read what now one spirit not two spirits I want you all to point at yourself and say in my heart is one spirit not two spirits it's not the Lord and I it's the Lord see the Bible says that that you have become one spirit now I think for me to show you to show this to you I gotta show you something so can I get an empty glass from somewhere someone go to the back get me an empty glass and and I have a I have a bottle here and I need another bottle so get me another bottle because once people see something they won't forget it and I want all of your kids to really see this because it's important you grab it because see you are spirit say I'm a spirit I have a soul I live in a body so who are you you're a spirit right you're not a body you're not a soul say I'm a spirit what are you what are you and and you have a soul you what say you say I have one I'm not a soul I have a soul and I live in a body so never never again think of yourself as physical all the body is as the cover over you the real you is spirit and the spirit is the real you and that spirit is eternal and the soul is your personality you express yourself through the soul what is your soul your soul is your intellect your soul is your emotion and will so the soul is what I think what I feel and what I want that's my soul say my soul is what I think feel and want so that's the that's the real soul the soul is the expression or the vehicle that the spirit uses to talk through but you have a body because you live on earth you will not need one in heaven you can have a heavenly one in heaven so bring bring those two bottles and Tim I need you and Marie with you or in fact yeah fine Laurie come on with him and and come come this is your body guys this is your shell you live in is your body that's all it is as a shell so say my body is my earth suit that's all it is say it say that's all it is say my body is my earth suit it's my shell it's my tent that's what Paul calls the body the tent the tabernacle attempt so this is your body and when before you were saved your spirit was inside your body but he was dead dead and then the Holy Spirit came so this bottle symbolic of your spirit in this bottle symbolic of the Holy Word and always with mingled himself with your spirit can you separate these these waters now No so it is with the question life the minute you get saved the Lord and you become so United it's impossible to tell the difference so this verse you just read one more time you're going to read is 1st Corinthians 6:17 says but he that is joined to the lord is one spirit say i'm one spirit say i'm one spirit just like the water in this glass is united so am i united to Jesus because see the Lord said what he said I in them oh no no you don't have to say that was okay he said I'm them and they in me I am them and they in me well that's what happened when you got saved Jesus and you became one spirit now the Bible that's what it means by the way to be in Christ we in Christ means oneness total oneness no separation you cannot separate the believer from the Lord impossible now this amazing experience is only possible by the power of the Holy Spirit and so now Galatians 5:16 says haha now the Holy Spirit is the presence of God he's the presence of God in power making real making vital in us that amazing power that has been accomplished in Christ Jesus so Jesus the Lord accomplished that the power of God is mine so when when Jesus died on the cross he paid the full price for me and you to become United to him and to receive his power all paid for all paid for now you have to understand the amazing beauty of this that the only human beings that can receive this gift are the church you not the angels no angel is one with the Lord no Archangel is one with Jesus but you are and not only you but everyone who is saved but that doesn't mean that friends of yours or family members of yours will ever know what you know because only the elect can know Jesus like that only those who have been chosen before the foundation of the world you know what I said to Jessica here tonight I said you're you're his and and you that know the Lord you his sheep you know what I'm talking about now now now I cannot emphasize strongly enough the place the Holy Spirit has in making this real it's impossible for you and I to understand what it means to be in Christ all in the spirit without the Holy Spirit accomplishing that I I I just showed you what it means to be in Christ you and him are so United you cannot separate yourselves that's what it means to be in Christ and that's what it means to be in the spirit it's a oneness it's a unity so in the Old Testament the people of Israel lived under a shadow they had only the shadow we have the substance of the shadow this the shadow would be like my shadow all the hair is the shadow but the real person we have so God revealed himself in the Old Covenant through shadows through types so all Israel head is the shadow of what we got but we have the real substance that's why the New Testament is called a better covenant because Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and when he fulfilled it now it's mine now I can live it the the New Covenant is the Union the union of two parties that the Old Covenant Saints had no clue what it meant Israel had no idea what it means to be one with God because you know they they understood God to live in a tent they understood God to live in a temple but they had no clue what it means for God to live in them they only understood God being in a tent and nobody could get to that tent unless you're a priest or the high priest or the Holy of Holies so the whole nation of Israel all they knew is God lives in that tent and I cannot get close enough to it because if I do I'm gonna die so they had priests who represented them to God then when the temple was built the same thing they then they they knew God lived in that house in that building but nobody had a clue about one day God will no longer need the tent that God will not need that any temple because he's gonna live inside of you today we are the tent we are the temple and we can know oneness they had no clue or wouldn't I even I have understood what it's meant so in the Old Covenant all the understood is God is in the tent and in the house in the new God is in me that's why it's called a better covenant and so the prophets began to see this in Ezekiel 36 Jim and began to see it in Jeremiah 31 10 so Ezekiel 36 beginning at verse 24 through 27 Jim and Jeremiah 31 beginning at verse 31 and then on so I want you to read for me Jim Ezekiel 36 24 through 27 want you to read for me their team Jeremiah 31 beginning at verse 31 okay so let's begin Jim with Ezekiel 36 please and then we'll continue with your mine go ahead for I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all countries and we'll bring you into your own land keep going then I will sprinkle clean water upon you and you shall be cleaned from all your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanse you a new heart also alike ah a new heart will I give you and and a new spirit will I put within you and and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh and I will pour my spirit within you what will stop and I will pour my spirit within you put pardon me it's put I will put my spirit within you but you keep going I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and ye shall keep my judgments and do them that's amazing the God would say all you got to do is let me do it you have no part to play just let me do it I'm the one who will give you a new heart because you cannot get one on your own I'm the one who was gonna cleanse you and I'm the one who's gonna put my spirit in you and I'm the one who's gonna cause you to walk with me even if you don't know how oneness all you need to give him is your life in the Old Testament they had to build an attempt and had to keep all the details which was a revelation of Jesus himself think about how long it took Bezalel and the other two to just put it all together to come weeks not days they took years to build a temple so God can come and live in it yet God can duty with you in one second you had just surrender and he comes in and he fills your spirit with his spirit he becomes one with you like the water came together and now he will cause you to walk with Him that's what it means to be in Christ and then Jeremiah 31:31 says what behold the days come saith the Lord that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt which my covenant they break although I was a husband unto them saith the Lord now it's interesting that God led them out of Egypt by the hand he took them he was to them like a father brought them out like a husband took care of them but verse 33 says what but this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my law in their inward parts meaning your spirit will be full of the word and I will write it in their hearts and I will be their God they'll be my people and they will not teach watch this and they shall not and and and they will not teach no more every man his neighbor saying you know the Lord because all will know me from the least to the greatest he will do it on his own he will come and fill your spirit man with himself and you don't have to go to school to find God you're gonna find him the second he walks into your life from the least to the greatest now the heart is the spirit the heart is not the pump that pumps blood in you when God says your heart the spirit and so proverbs forth 4:23 says keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues or the outgoings of life so you must protect your spirits from pollution hear me now everyone protect yourself from pollution now I said something to Tim a few nights ago I'm reading my Bible now Tim lives with us by the way so I'm reading my Bible and I and I read first Corinthians chapter 1 and then I'm reading God has not chosen the mighty things he has not chosen the wise but he has chosen base things he has chosen weak things to bring to nought things that are and then I said Tim come up here and he came and said Tim you know people say well you know if God would save so-and-so think what so-and-so can do for God and and and God says I don't want so-and-so I'm not interested in anyone helping me do anything I don't want no wise and I don't want the mighty I want the foolish things of the world I want the weak things of the world I want the things that are nothing to bring to nothing things that are so what is God looking for he's looking for people stupid enough to believe the Bible it's looking for people who don't complicate the simplicity of the gospel that's what he's looking for God doesn't need your help all your wisdom or your education or your talent or law you have taught because all that to him is garbage he will not use it for God hath not chosen the mighty all the wise but the weak the base the ones that have nothing to offer but their love miss cumin stood one day and she said I have nothing to offer you but my lover said that's for yellen's but do people want say well I'm so smart I can I I can add to the kingdom you can add nothing I have so many gifts if God can only use me I can make him look better oh no you won't God is not looking for your gifts he's looking for your surrender I'll tell you the more gifts you have the less God is interested in you because when you have so much that you fill your life with you become how shall I say unplayable you become so full of yourself God doesn't even bother with you you have to become so simple like a child forgot to use you complete surrender complete surrender means everything you've learned everything you think you know has to become dung that's what Paul said he said all I've learned is dung that I may win the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus because Jesus is simplicity knowing that terror of the Lord we persuade men with simplicity don't let the devil take you from the simplicity of Jesus because it's simple to be used of God it's so simple most people miss it it's so simple it's so simple as to just surrender give me the chair put it behind me but his idea I are nor Kenneth Copeland I are Norco Gloria Copeland keep the chair back and I'll give it to American Chemical incomes to Michael Sadie in Tulsa you were there you were there he knelt in front of me and he said Benny teach me how to surrender and he was weeping I said I can't teach you how to surrender you just have to surrender I've been asked by preachers I've been asked by people who sat with me in the middle of the night some of the most amazing pastors in America who don't want you to know about them some Baptist preachers big Baptist preachers very famous preachers who said to me tell me how you do this I said do what like what you do like why are the crowds coming what is it you have I said I have nothing oh come on I said I have nothing when I get up on that platform I don't even know what words will come out of my mouth I don't if I plan it I fail you can't plan what happened tonight there's no way you can plan what happened tonight so what did I do I surrender how just like I sit down I surrender I just surrender to the chair so did you tonight not one of you came in here tonight and check the legs are they strong enough to hold my body are the screws in right you just believed the chair will hold you up not one of you came and turned the chair upside down to make sure that thing works you just sat down that's called faith in a chair if you have as much faith in God you can shake the world with you just surrender just let go and let him carry you that's all I did tonight just surrender but you cannot surrender to someone you don't know take it back you can't surrender to someone who's not real the second is real let go and watch what he'll do with you you see you don't know how the wind blows you don't know what it's coming from what is going to if you fight it you lose if you want to know what it's going you lose you cannot control it or find it only one thing you can do spread your wings when you spread your wings it'll carry you to what it's going all I do is spread my wings how worship you can't worship without the result surrender and you can't surrender the worship because worship makes him real and when it's real you surrender because you can't surrender to the wind you only surrender to the real master you don't surrender to someone you don't see he is tonight when I came out he was so real to me I could feel him all over my body I think you did too I felt such a strong presence of a lord and I just let go that's what happens when the Spirit takes over your life now when you surrender to the Lord is a Christian not only when he uses you but when you surrender to the Lord as a Christian you begin to to do things you could not do before example in the Old Covenant it said love your neighbor as yourself that's all they could do is love their neighbor but in the new it says love your enemy I cannot love my enemy without the Holy Ghost I can love my neighbor but not my enemy in the Old Covenant he said love your neighbor as yourself that's easy to do but my enemy I want to kill him I can't love him that is my enemy but God says no no love your enemy well I cannot do that you of course you can't because the only one who can is the Holy Ghost and he loves your enemies through you are you listening Kathryn Kuhlman was was having one day a precious service Communion and Maggie heart nor had an enemy in church it was Easter and the presence of Jesus peak was so rich and so thick in the service that Maggie went to this enemy of hers and she said what a lovely dress you have today you look so wonderful Happy Easter I pray the Lord will bless you today and Catherine comes up and she says how come you're so nice to her I thought she's your enemy she said it's amazing what happens in the presence of Jesus it's amazing what happens when Jesus is there you love your enemies when Jesus is there well that's what it means and Romans 5:5 says the love of God is she'd abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit that not only are we able to love our enemies but we do good things to them to put things like you know what the Bible says you put hot coals on their head now the Bible says without the Holy Spirit you're not even a child of God in Romans 8:9 it's a if the Holy Spirit is in your life then you really a child in Galatians 4:6 talks about those were praying through you you can't play without him you surrender to a real person the Holy Spirit is not an influence the horseman is not some power he's a real living loving exciting person that you can know you can talk to and listen to and people to ask them all the time who's always with I say one thing Jesus unlimited the Holy Ghost is Jesus with no limit and I'm gonna say this you asked me to talk about this sometimes yesterday Jim just a little yeah I want to ask you a question no no wait wait Jim's right hey guys all of you that love Jesus and that young man who was crying earlier you all love to worship God right you you were singing right tonight can you people worship God if a lion was tearing your leg out if some wild animal was tearing you apart no you can't I don't know who you are you can't tell me you can worship God with some animal tearing up oh no you can't but 2,000 years ago it happened when Christians in Rome who were burning on crosses and being torn up by lions worshipped God the Holy Spirit made Jesus more real than the lion and the Holy Spirit made Jesus more real than the fire so they were able to worship God without the Holy Spirit David there's no Christianity think about these guys Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and the people who saw him raised Lazarus from the dead were never changed in fact they said crucify him now if someone came to your neighborhood and raised their dead you'd at least look into what power is in his life or or or Jesus opened the eyes of a blind man who never saw in his life and nobody bothered to ask is he with the Messiah is it possible maybe he's a messiah and so that man was healed said how is it that you don't get it when has it been heard on earth that a man could open the eyes of a blind man who was born blind it's an amazing thing he said that you don't even bother looking to see who that is and they rebuked him and threw him out how come nobody paid attention to say raising the dead is not some small matter opening the eyes of a blind is not just something to brush off you know why they brushed it off you know why they ignored it the Holy Ghost was not in their life without the Holy Spirit all the miracles Jesus did meant nothing now I'm gonna ask you a question and I've asked people that many times if you were there and you saw Jesus raise the dead cleanse lepers cast out demons heal the sick you were there watching him do it will it change your life the answer is no because it did not change their life in fact when Jesus died his disciples and apostles all or you know the whole bunch of them went home and began to question is it the Messiah how can you question if he's the Messiah boys when you saw him walk on the Sea of Galilee how can you question when he song calm the storm and you were all scared to death what manner of man is this how can you question if he's the Messiah when you heard God say this is my son and the cloud showed up how can you question if this is the Messiah when you saw Moses and he likes our talked to him and he became brighter than bright and whiter than white and you still questioned if he's the Messiah how can Peter deny him how can the others walk away from him one answer the Holy Ghost was not there without the Holy Spirit Jesus in the flesh could not change one of them they saw the miracles the signs the wonders and not one heart was changed because it's not by might and what Jesus did was mighty it's not my power and what Jesus did it's real power but by my spirit says the Lord knowing the Holy Spirit is the key to my life knowing the Holy Spirit is all you need for life he brings that new experience of the birth experience and you become one with Jesus and the longer you know him the deeper you're in the deeper you're in that deep until one day everything in your cries oh that I may know him and the Fellowship of his suffering that I might be conformed into his image I can tell you something for the first time in my life I think that's why you guys cried on the phone I really want to be one with him I'm no longer interested in just miracles science wonders feeling the anointing as marvelous as it is I do not want to disappoint him I do not want to miss it I don't want to blow it it's too late for me to blow it preachers today or inhale trophies of Satan already I know healing evangelists dying he died with AIDS and when he was dying he was screaming they're coming for me they're coming for me they're coming for me he saw demons coming and was screaming in fear while he was dying with one of the most powerful healing ministries back in the 70s always was on PTL big ministry crowd an arrogant man - I met him but when he was dying Linda he saw Devils I don't want to see Devils I don't want to be in the company of those that hear him say depart from me that work iniquity I never knew you why be in a ministry David and be rejected a guy came to my service years ago big evangelist at one time big to be on Phil Donahue show you remember Phil Donahue you some of the older guys do the young kids don't know what abdomin he was on Phil Donahue praying for the sick he was on Mike Douglas who you remember the name Mike Mike Douglas he pray for the sick on that mighty doctor so now we'll talk about the Oprah Winfrey of the past think about Oprah Winfrey having somebody pray for the second or fill those evangelists were preying on the sick for the sick in the morning on big networks in this country and one of them came to my meeting in Dallas Texas looked like Elvis Presley I'm not kidding you big cross gold cross his short open to his Tammy Steve Rock brought him to the back he said would you pray for him and I looked at this guy in a velvet red jacket and a silk shirt that went down to stomach with the buttons open he looked like a Las Vegas star oh brother birdie called me brother hen for us I said stop calling me brother hen I don't like that name commitment my mind my name Benny well brother Benny please pray for me that God would restore me I'm about to lay hands on him and I heard the Lord say don't touch my reject him pull my hand out scared me to death I see this guy before me and God is telling me don't touch him he rebukes me for wanting to pray for the guy and I see this fella crying and sobbing and I'm scheduling hands on him just God said I've rejected him I don't want her to reject me that we might be accepted of him I was reading it just last night whether we live or die that we might be accepted that's all aimer Phyllis your life would mean nothing if Jesus looked at you and said depart from me you people here your life would mean nothing if Jesus said I don't know you you precious Saints here if Jesus spoke those words you would not know what to do with yourself eternity is a long time don't play games with it holiness without which no man shall see the Lord now I'm not even teaching my message because I'm gonna tell you something I've never shared this with you but I'm going to kids when I began I was 21 years old I was amazed that God would use me because I used to stutter I couldn't talk and God healed me in Oshawa Canada December 7th 1974 and He healed me when I got up on the platform to minister and I didn't know I would be speaking that night I was with two friends of mine Stan Phillips he was a scientist from Britain and I began to tell Stan and his wife Shirley what God was doing in my life and he said would you mind coming tonight to our fellowship and share what she told us I said I can't even talk it took me two hours to tell them what I could have said in 10 minutes I'm sitting in that house guru and I can't even talk and the guy says he's crying in his wife's crying why don't you come tell the fellowship we were in what you told us I said I can't even talk it took me two hours to tell them what I could have said to anyone in ten minutes you have to come and tell us tell them so I walk into there I see kids a hundred kids that's all kids I'm scared to death to even talk I said no I don't want to do it I don't want to do it the man introduces me Pentecostal church or so Canada in the basement 100 kids Youth night when I get up I'm thinking how can I even talk and the second I open my mouth I felt the anomalous hit my tongue and I began talking so fast I had to tell myself slow down slow down slow now when I was finished talking I was like amazed the power of God hid the place people began falling and I could not say catch because I had no catchers because I didn't expect anyone to fall so now I am laying hands on these kids and as they're falling I'm trying to say catch catch and all I could say is touch touch no no I don't want to say touch God took hold on my tongue and rather than me saying catch I'm trying to have somebody catch them I was a touch touch no no no I don't say touch I wants a catch but I couldn't say catch I went home and I'm laying in bed shaken like scared I looked up I said Jesus what did you do - what did you do tonight a whole year of experiences with God that I wrote in good morning Holy Spirit and I'm laying on my bed saying what did he do tonight and he spoke he said be faithful to me that's all he said didn't answer me said be faithful to me and the clouds began coming three four thousand people came to hear me preach and I didn't even know what to say I didn't know hardly know the Bible all I talked about is the Holy Spirit the Holy that's all I talked about that's all I talked about and then I began knowing the Bible slowly slowly and a guy comes up to me says you need to go to Bible School because you don't know the word but a man came up to me named oh that precious man Oh superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Canada Bob Taittinger goblets Bob David Joe Bob said don't you dare go to school they'll destroy you he said what you have is way more than any preacher I know and then I heard a statement about deal moody these people came up to me said you made mistakes in your messages tonight he said people I'm using all my vocabulary for God what are you doing with yours so when they came and said go to school I said I'm using all I know for God what are you doing with with your with what do you know and Bob said don't you dare go to Bible School they'll destroy you so for me I didn't go and God trusted me the things that happened in my olivine is I would jump off platforms and destroy crutches and pull people out of wheelchairs and take theirs the braces off their bodies the crowds were wild Canadians became wild those people who are really supposed to required were all screaming and crying a woman in my service in Montreal Canada bent over like an arch God straighten her back in a minute Francis Scott who had no bones in her body no bones she was wearing a brace guys from her waist down I'm preaching in Sioux cent Murray Ontario and a woman comes up like this was this comes in sits give me your chariot she comes and sits on the platform behind me I'm in a high school in Canada and this woman comes up like this canes and crutches and she sits behind me and her leg goes up like that because there was a brace on it metal brace I'm thinking what do I do I'm trying to preach and this woman is behind me set on my chair I went up I said may I help you she she she she went my leg she talked like a man my leg I had no clue what her leg what was wrong with it and I was not too nice in those days I'm a lot nicer now I said take that brace off she looked at me I said come on take it off well she had pants over the place for her to take the brace off you had to take her pants down they'd take it off women came and surrounded her men lent them their jackets before 4,000 people are there and she took her pants down and the brace off nobody saw it because of all the ladies come then she put her pants back on somehow and all I heard this big scream like scream because the second the brace was off and she touched the floor God healed her legs they she had no bone in there her bones were gone because he had a brace surrounded here on the in on her tummy down both legs connected to two shoes when that metal thing came off the place went wild a lady on TV that had a daily program said you people need to go and see Benny Hinn and you didn't have a place big enough for the crowds the next night I've seen those miracles I have newspapers to show you one day I will Spanish Ontario Canada dear god I'll never forget that a group of Indians not Indians from India Indians from North America they don't smile those people up their lines in their faces big man big women massive people they're all sitting in Fermi just staring at me at a woman City playing piano who didn't even know how to play hallelujah take that chair back and I'm trying to sing I'm singing about myself nobody singing with me hundreds and hundreds of Indians like like real you know like Indians lucky you know cowboys and Indians real Indians North American Indians and a guy comes up with his wife I'll never forget that as long as I live he to 28 years old crippled he comes up on the you people don't make me agree this I was sponsored back then by the Catholic Church charismatic Catholics would have me and there were all Catholics behind me all those priests one of them before golem and one of them had a beard so long he went down to the floor I'm not kidding you when he said that look like a carpet and now now now this guy comes up and he says and his wife with him a little baby in her hands and a little girl you came to and there's an Indian guy he said you came to tell us that jesus heals you came to tell us that God can heal he said I'm a crippled man my wife has cancer we just lost our child and this child is is is sick and then he pulls the sleeve of the little girl and his blood all over the skin he looks at me he says you told the jesus heals prove it imagine being told that if one of those Indians I thought this is it I'm gonna die I got on my knees I said all of you preachers get on your knees every Catholic priests on his knees three Pentecostal preachers I'll never forget the scene all the Catholics were praying quietly and the and the Pentecostal was screaming at God that's a quiet man that's a god it's not deaf I got on my knees guys you better hear this you kids so God can use you one day I get on my knees I said Jesus I'm preaching your gospel not mine I'm preaching your word not mine I said Lord that man was me to prove it you foolish when I said you prove it will be a big thump I open my eyes the man his wife his kids piled up on the floor he jumps up and starts running all over the building he pulled his braces off threw his crutches and began running the wife began screaming because the the skin of her daughter was completely whole I've seen miracles [Applause] in all those years and I began OCC in two years we went from zero to 10,000 we began the Crusades and packed every stadium in 1996 because I got too involved with pleasing preachers I got caught in a web of politics I spent more time gaining the favor of preachers than the Lord and I began to notice the minister going down like that because without me know yet I was spending more time having dinner with those preachers who turned on me then Jesus will never turn on you divorce happened in 2012 Minister almost shut down those preachers that I spent so much time with working on began to make up their own stories about me weren't even the truth they just believed stuff that wasn't even there and just a few months ago I woke up and said where are they where's my mom at caller for prayer was my dad play for me First Lord Jesus was those friends Shh gently heavenly sound where are they was my brothers and I looked up and I said are you still there after all those years and I heard him say I have never loved you and I said can you trust me again he said time will tell why do you think I'm doing what I'm doing now I want him to trust me again and I believe Danny chambers told me on the phone he said that's a penny the Lord told me to tell you your future is greater than you've ever known on the condition don't blow it I'm being open with you I sense a new resurgence how many of you felt that mighty anointing tonight how many how many cents something is happening in the air put the reservoir I got a I got a the one thing I am think he trusts me again maybe not as much as later I just think I've started and nobody's about to steal that from me no one not you not the preachers tonight you know something happened I'm thinking my that devil really wants to stop this the air conditioning just broke just broke it's a brand new brand new unit just broke I called Irenaeus a trendy call those people quick call the company he called at 1:30 they showed up here at 6:00 and there and the guy said nothing should have happened there was nothing wrong with it I said I know exactly what happened the devil just messed with it I don't take any more for granted stuff happening I think just the devil comes in and start to stop it don't you let anyone stop what wait wait what God is gonna do with your life I have one piece of counsel I'm I'm not she's quietly Shh quiet don't interrupt lady don't interrupt would someone get her out that's the devil again see what happens when God is talking to his people the devil likes to make noise he's a loser are you listening to me guys she's outside boys not inside no devil can handle what's happening inside all of you stand up it's okay there's another one manifesting stand up all of you how that devil hates what's going on brother let's bring the Holy Ghost and join him out come on stand up a minute now [Music] now listen listen listen listen listen I mean I'm gonna give you a piece of counsel I don't care what time it is so don't look at your watch David don't make the same mistake I made kids back then don't waste your time with men who wanna suck your blood did you hear me there Jesus is the only one you got friends will come and friends will go Jesus will never go surrender to the master and and and and and what God is about to do amazing really amazing gained his trust or regain his trust are you listening to me I finally had to close my notes because I said Lord you know you have something to tell them and what he's telling you is quite simple don't give your life away to those will destroy it Jesus is the only one that will not hurt you Jesus is the only one who'll not stab you in the back fella sir I'm looking at you you see we spend so much time with the wrong people because we want to win their favor to help us go higher in ministry it's a lie brother it's a lie because all they really want is using you and when it's done they'll drop you in a second did you hear that Josh invest your time in the Lord not in men not in powerful men they'll soon all go away or fall apart I want everyone in ministry real that one God to use you I want you to do something Adam never really ask people to do I want you to come and and only those in ministry I'm not interested anyone coming that wants to be in ministry if you're really serious about this I want you to surrender afresh on your face before God and I mean on your face like flat-looking towards this and you're gonna kneel right here and then go on your face wait wait wait wait and you're gonna tell Jesus don't let me blow it I've already done this in my own home because I don't want to blow it I've hurt him too much already no more I've ignored him too much no more I've spent time with things that mean nothing no more if you come to my home every night I got worship music playing and my Bible in front of me because nothing else matters all that stuff you see on TV means nothing Unity entertainment oh no you don't don't know you don't you think you do you don't you can go to sleep with such peace when you have the Lord going to to sleep well you go to sleep in your bed and Jesus is there you woke up and he's there again surrender a real Christian life means it's like this if he died for you then live for him if he gave you his life give him yours I said to him today as the Lord you died for me then I must live for you not for myself and I I just I don't want anyone in this area just you can be on the floor any what you want and I want to just stretch my hands and say Lord bring in there come on let's go do it on your face Mary stay in your seat John your husband stable you see darling the Lord will it will accept you too please [Music] if you can't get close just do it work where you have space there's space behind me right here you come behind me come on give your left of the Lord the fresh tonight face this way kids face to face face to face the other way I want all of you that are on your faces right here back behind me turn around and face this way face that way [Music] face towards the temple right there that's it [Music] now father Faris Lord Jesus now father you see all these people before you prostrate or bowing before your Lord I want to say goodbye to those watching on TV this is too holy to be on onda on camera so I'm going to dismiss you all that are watching on social media but you do the same in your home but I can't allow this to be on on social media it's too holy but you in your homes who are believers you just get on your face to him give him your life afresh that's all really so I love you good night please McMurray backup except him and Josh and Chad you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 33,756
Rating: 4.8307953 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, Monday Night Service, 4/23/18
Id: 0JRqV_A14qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 21sec (11541 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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