Miracle Healing Service with Pastor Benny Hinn!

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[Music] praise the lord welcome to this healing service let's give jesus a mighty praise in this place tonight hallelujah [Music] welcome to this service with pastor benny hinn welcome to the presence of the lord and believe god for your miracle tonight nothing is impossible with our god he's the same yesterday today and forever he said i am the lord that heals you say you are the lord that heals me tonight believe god for a miracle in your life in your marriage in your finances whatever your need is god is able and he's going to do exceeding abundantly above all we can even ask or think according to ephesians 3 20. can we give him another mighty shout of praise tonight he has broken every chain their [Music] hallelujah hallelujah he has broken every chain there is healing in his neck jesus christ [Music] amen we crown you king of kings and lord of lords you're worthy [Music] the mighty god emmanuel is shall reign he shall reign forever wonderful amen he shall reign he shall reign we give you a mighty praise tonight you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy lamb of god praise your mighty name blessed be your name hallelujah the word says he inhabits the praises of his people and in that glorious presence of the lord there's healing there's deliverance there's whatever we could possibly need in the presence of the lord hallelujah so you don't have to leave this place or if you're watching on social media you don't have to leave this service without a touch from the presence of the lord amen pastor benny i know is going to share the word with you and according to second timothy 3 16 that the word of god is god breathe say god breathed in other words when you and i hear the word of god when we listen to it when we speak the word of god we are literally receiving the exhale of the spirit of the living god hallelujah praise god so really tonight you're going to receive heavenly oxygen into your spirit man tonight and into your body amen can you give god a mighty shot of praise for it come on let's worship him hallelujah amen thank you jesus thank you lord just worship in the spirit hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord [Music] your face [Music] your eyes your grace about your grace worship jesus your face [Music] is [Applause] your grace lift your hands let's pass the lord's sides i see [Music] is [Music] we've gathered today in your name to glorify you and we want to glorify with all our hearts bless your people lord who are here in the studio and those all over the world [Music] minister to them your grace [Music] your mercy your power and we will give you the glory and so we cry with our hearts all the glory all the honor all the majesty and the praise and dominion and power belongs to you wonderful heavenly father wonderful jesus wonderful holy spirit and we welcome you among us you said lord where two or three are gathered in your name there you are in the midst and i pray today that you'll meet every need this is your heart for your people you long to heal your people you long to touch your people you long to bless your people you long to minister to your people and so lord touch your people there are people here tonight and around the world that need you so much lift your hands and tell him how grateful you are to be his child we worship you we worship you we worship you hallelujah at the lamb of heaven blessed be your holy name forever and all of you watching invite your friends now invite everyone to join us because this is a night of triumph and victory and we don't gather just together we are here because we want the lord to minister to us and to you of course and we need to hear his word because that's what keeps us strong in the faith amen and we as believers have a a tremendous responsibility because it's not just about well let's just have church no no no you know the more we meet like this the more we're transformed into his image so we have something way more than just well let's just get together no no it's not about getting together the christian life is more than just well i'm going to be with the saints tonight you know a lady a lady came to to her pastor one time she said i'm bored so he said what are you bored with well it's the same sermons you preach the same thing same songs same ultra calls i'm bored so he said what are you looking for well i want to have the assurance of heaven i want to be forgiven i want peace and joy in my life and the pastor said what else is there and i'm thinking to myself what else is there that man doesn't know the bible the christian life it's not about heaven and joy and peace and the assurance of salvation it's about being transformed into the image of jesus day by day that's what makes christianity exciting so okay peace joy you know the assurance of salvation that's just the start that's just the the beginning of the christian life but when you get to to get to know the lord and your life is transformed day by day as you spend time in his word and with the lord well then it changes everything because then you see the change in your life i'm not gonna get to heaven and see how much i missed on earth did you hear what i said let's not get to heaven and discover how much we missed here you you can stop playing i'm going to talk to him now because you know god's word oh i just want to shout but i'm going to behave myself i really am going to behave myself there's such excitement in my soul i want to shout but i'm afraid i'm going to mess up gregory's hair because if i shout your hair will fly a little bit yeah we don't want to do that to you brother are you all right back there you're jumping up and down chad was just getting a little excited back there god bless them listen listen the christian life is so exciting you know what i don't just say it so you can say amen the christian life is really exciting when when you really know what the bible teaches can i give you can i give you the whole bible in five minutes shall i are you sure okay she she says please well you know it's a it's a love story it's a love story and and while uh i'm talking make sure to invite your friends to join us just get some message to them you people know how to do that online i have no clue how to do this i'm still in the dark ages when it comes to the computers i uh i have to have somebody help me anyways now the word of god can i shout it's okay so i'll do it when you're not even aware of it by the way how many have not been here before with us this is first time oh so nice to have you and you are pastors right all the preachers as well now people are still on the way i hear so yeah because of the weather all these lightnings and thunderings welcome to florida i lived in california for 21 years and we didn't have thunderstorms there we just had earthquakes i don't know which is better i'll get to the bible i'll get to the bible i'm just waiting for you to tell your friends dear lord one time i went through an earthquake it was scary i ran out of the house i almost ran out of the house yesterday with all the thunders it thundered so bad i thought jesus was coming yesterday i'm telling that thunder hit so hard i said this is it we're going home i'm just being funny with you okay now the bible the bible you know what is what is so amazing to me what is so amazing is the more the more i read the word the more amazed i am by them by the word so i mean when you look at the word of god and and please hear this now you have got to tune in like get your spiritual ears really awake it's more than just the written word the bible is a spiritual book it's not a normal type of reading when i read a book i can read a book maybe one time and then i'm done with it the bible i can't stop reading it i read it over and over i've been doing it for the last 50 years of my life almost do you know that next year it'll be 50 years for me in the kingdom yeah okay so i'm gonna come i'm gonna calm down myself i just had to do something okay but after 50 years i'm more i'm really having a hard time being quiet i'm i'm going to shout sometimes i'm but you know what i'm going to come there and shout right in your ear anyways anyways but 50 years in the kingdom almost 50 years and the bible to me has become so i know we say life changing but these are not the right words it's way more than life-changing because you you hear those words all all him all the time about things that really don't change your life but the bible if you look at the word let me just say this if you look at the word here's here's what what you see you start with the story of creation then the calling of abraham isaac jacob the story of joseph you're almost done with the whole book of genesis these are headlines and then with exodus they come out of egypt god gives them the law build the tabernacle god was among them were done with that book then you go into an amazing book called leviticus and that book to me to me oh there's so much in that book about the sanctified life every offering deals with what jesus accomplished for us then you go to numbers and there you see the journeys of israel all the temptations and the rebellion and then you get to deuteronomy and there you see a most remarkable book that the jewish people read continually that is the book that transformed the life of king josiah that is the book that they read when ezra came and then nehemiah they read that book in one day to the whole nation because in it is really the headlines of all five books in that one book it's quite a bad one it's the hebrews of the of the old covenant the book of hebrews is all the headlines of the whole bible in one book the whole the whole bible from genesis to revelation is in hebrews the whole story of redemption is in hebrews it's amazing to me but now you get to joshua possessing the land then book of judges then ruth for second samuel and right down to malachi and then you come to the new testament but why are you reading it most people do not put the the reason why my son-in-law michael asked monday he said explain to me something because i was talking like this to him i said it's all about the seed the seed who's the seed jesus if you connect the seed in other words he's in adam he's in noah he's in abraham isaac and jacob he's in the tribe of judah and then it is in king david and you keep going it brings the whole bible together it's all about jesus every bit of it you can give that overview [Music] dear lord but there's something about if you start looking for the seed where is he and the whole bible is now one book because of the seed and when you read the bible i'm almost done so just be patient when you read the bible like i said earlier i can read a book a christian book because i don't read anything else i i don't think we christians should read anything outside christianity so when you read a book you can only read that book one time and sometimes not even have half of it because the majority of what's in that book you can't really use only what is biblically based can touch you but the stories don't really matter and whatever else they their opinions but the bible a book a christian book you have you can read one time maybe twice and then you're done with it it's back on the shelf for the rest of its life but the bible you go back to it over and over and over because the the the the scriptures are not men given by men they they they they man is not the originator of scripture it's god almighty i'm studying hebrew i've been studying hebrew now for three years with the most amazing professor hebrew university and i'm a student of hebrew university i've been telling that for the last whatever i'm finding something about the hebrew language i never knew even existed it has a punch it has a pow that the english language doesn't have it's quite remarkable now listen here we go the minute that word gets in you like that i mean it really penetrates your your spirit the transformation will start and the transformation will start and you'll know it when you begin to hate your sin that's when you know it started and the second thing you'll hate the world everything in you says i don't want it that when when the transformation begins the first thing you hate is your sin anyone who loves their sin is not transformed and then you hit the world you want nothing to do with it nothing whatsoever you're not interested in the politics of it or anything else to do with it then it it it shows you're being transformed into a heavenly citizen because you're no longer connected to the earthly matters the earthly things like your affections now are on things above because the world has had such an impact on you jesus just makes you bubble up all over the place the joy of the lord in your being cannot be described i don't know what it's like to be on drugs thank god i've never been on drugs but i can tell you there's no high like the most high that's what my friend maddox used to say i mean when i'm in the bible i don't know how to tell you this i feel like i'm about to float peace that passeth all understanding joy unspeakable and full of glory sometimes i'm weeping reading the genealogies and i never used to be reading the genealogies i reading all the little details i never used to weep with imagine i love reading i i'm just now i'm saying all this to stir you up a little bit i want you to love the bible more than you love your wife or your husband or your life or your kids say amen i want you to love the bible more than you love yourself love it love it love it with all your being i read the word every once through from genesis to revelation every four months like a train and i retain every bit of it i don't know how but i got that kind of brain and i'm amazed by the genealogies for the first time in my life i weep reading the genealogies because i see how the holy the holy spirit is always pointing you to jesus even through the genealogies and the such details sometimes we just ignore them that are really really powerful powerful why am i saying this because we're about to see the lord we're about to stand in his holy presence we want to know him before we meet him yeah he's real to all of us he's real more real than life itself but imagine getting to heaven and discovering that you've missed a lot on earth imagine that [Music] and imagine getting to heaven and not being rewarded for things you could have been rewarded for on earth there's a big difference between the thief on the cross and paul the apostle the thief on the cross cannot say that i might know him and the fellowship of his sufferings to be conformed into his image he couldn't say that he got into heaven by the skin of his teeth that man on the cross but no rewards this is what it all starts and we god's people have a responsibility to get to know the lord he's made himself available to us you know the angels the angels don't know god they can't i know this has gotten somebody thinking here the angels have no capacity to know him why because he's revealed by the holy spirit the angels are not filled with the holy ghost not one angels not one angel loves jesus they can't [Music] and not one angel is loved by god no what does it say for god so love the angels not one place and i can assure you he has not counted one hair on any angel that that's to me is remarkable no angel ever looked in and and said i love you lord but we do it not one angel ever heard god say i love you with an everlasting love but he does with us so that puts us in a very responsible place to get to know him now here's something amazing everything the angels know about god they know by watching him dealing with us can i say that again why do they cry holy holy holy because when they see him dealing with us holy because they they can't understand why god will love humanity when when god heals holy when god saves holy and they rejoice at the salvation of a sinner yet they have no capacity to know his heart and they desire to look into the things of salvation that gives us an amazing responsibility get to know your lord you know it's amazing to me that the god we serve the god we serve has chosen you before the foundation of the world before your mom and dad chose you god chose you before god created angels he chose you before god created heaven he chose you before god created the world or anything or the universe he chose you there was a time there was no heaven no earth no angels no nothing there were no planets no stars no moon no sun nothing god in the beginning god see and and he chose you before you knew his name he knew your name and wrote your name in the lamb's book of life and said mine forever mine it's awesome you read romans 8 and ephesians chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy without blame before him in love that to me is amazing so if god chose me before the foundation of the world and if he said his love on me and you before the foundation of the world then there's a lot about me i still am finding out how god sees me i'm still finding it out and the more i see it the more the flesh dies and the more i want to be like him so lift your hands and let's sing that song as the deer painted for the water so my soul longing for the can you stand up here in this studio and i just want you sweet people in your home just forget your troubles and forget all the problems and let's just worship the lord let us focus on the lord right now because he's all right now we need come on [Music] the you are alone are my hearts desired to [Music] she you are alone on my hearts desire and i long to worship you just real gentle on the instruments not just heavenly as the deer painted before the water so my [Music] you alone you are my [Music] lift your instruments gentlemen i see are my hearts [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] may my spirit desire i just want to praise you lift my hands and say love you everything in the instrument there greg everything and i just want to please is [Applause] [Music] my me just want to praise [Applause] is i just want to praise [Music] me [Music] i sing praises to your name for your name is grace see praises to your days is [Applause] oh [Music] you deserve the glory and the honor you deserve the glory and the [Music] we honor our hands in worship and we bless your holy name you deserve the glory [Music] and the one lord we lift our hands in worship and we bless your holy name [Applause] oh you are [Music] so great [Applause] oh majesty worship his majesty unto jesus [Music] be all glory honor and praise eyes closed and hands uplifted now [Music] on to jesus [Music] jesus [Music] flows from [Music] of cheese [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus name above all names beautiful savior glorious lord [Music] beautiful [Music] glorious [Music] is [Music] jesus glorious lord god [Music] blessed [Music] and i stand i stand in all of your [Music] is [Music] i stand in all of your [Music] is [Music] tonight with your presence deeply touch our life [Music] send us out of this place transformed thank you lord for what you'll say to us and the things you'll do heal i pray your sweet people who are in desperate need for that touch from all over the world in jesus holy name amen please be seated two weeks ago we had a amazing night and amazing miracles took place we have so many testimonies right now of the healings had taken place throughout the world and uh i expect the same tonight that god will heal you i'd like uh you to come back please and sing down from his glory for me and uh very anointed people i love it are you doing it live all right i'm so glad it's all yours down from his glory [Music] [Applause] i [Music] became my savior down from his glory everliving story my god and save your king and jesus is his name born in a manger to his own a stranger a man of sorrows [Music] tears [Applause] my breath my sunshine [Applause] became [Music] and all gods awesome tiffany i believe you have a song i want to hear it now tiffany my dear you work at uh is it i work at uh epcot epcot epcot yeah with the voices of liberty so um and then sometimes i get to come i'm so glad you're here because we me too we've missed you the last few weeks well we're singing and talking a lot about jesus and there is this wonderful song that they found um some people found these writings of fanny crosby that hadn't been uh put to music so some people put it to music and it talks about our the character of jesus and it's simply called jesus some of the younger people may not know the name fanny crosby but fanny crosby was a blind woman and she wrote a lot of the beautiful songs we've sung blessed assurance jesus his mind is one of them and so many others and she wrote that song i've not heard that one yet that is precious precious wow lord speak to us speak to your people lord through your word today let them see how important it is today to listen to this wonderful word from heaven that you've given us in jesus name and jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many and now let's go to verse 11 and 24 but first verse 11 and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many and then verse 24 of the same chapter for there shall arise false christs and false prophets shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect notice how many times the lord is warning us about deception in this one chapter only so four times in just one chapter the lord is warning us against deception and i think anyone who shrugs off that warning or treats it lightly is doing so at the risk of his own soul the greatest danger in the end times which we are in is not sickness it's not poverty and it's not persecution it's deception so if anyone says it cannot happen that person is deceived anyone who says it cannot happen they are deceived because the lord said it can you know we're we're all warned take heed lest you fall every one of us so in in recent years especially in this country and other countries there's been a lot of talk about signs and wonders some have been biblical and the majority bizarre bizarre and dangerous because what what you what you see and what you hear those signs and wonders movements you hear and look at let me just say this signs and wonders do not determine truth they they don't determine truth because truth is already established it's the word and just because someone has a ministry of the miraculous or the prophetic which is becoming more dangerous here all the time it does not mean that those signs and wonders prove that they are living in truth so the god's word makes it clear that truth is already it it's here it's it it's established it's called the word look at john 17 17 sanctify them through thy through thy truth thy word is truth and you all know psalm 119 verse 89 if you don't i'm going to show it to you because god's word says forever o lord thy word is settled in heaven so signs and wonders can be dangerous when people don't know the word because when they don't know the word they can believe a lie and paul the apostle in 2nd thessalonians chapter two and verse nine i like using my eye pads now because my eyes are not what they used to be you know so i can expand it and all that uh second thessalonians 2 beginning at verse and verse 9 through 11 it it says even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish why because they received not the love of the truth they rejected the word of god the established word of god so people that don't want to know the bible will end up being deceived by signs and wonders that are lying signs and wonders because here it says that the antichrist will use lying signs and wonders in verse 9. it says even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders they're not truth or based on the word paul says there are such things as signs and wonders that are satanic they look that they are of our faith but they're not so the enemy sends that person or whoever they are to deceive your innocent people and innocent young people that don't know better i may get in trouble for this but i don't care the prophetic today is become bizarre real bizarre in many cases maybe not not all cases when when when we had the church here occ i had prophets come and in the beginning it was all right they most certainly were used of god some of them went off later i was watching william branham a few nights ago on youtube and i uh happened to uh talk to uh chad and he just asked me some questions about him well i did not know william branham so i can't really talk about him except that he had a powerful ministry now there are certain borders that i don't think we should cross because they are not biblical and here's what i would say anything that exposes you to danger is not of god if it exposes you to danger in other words someone says your phone number is well why are you telling me my phone number so someone can can can write it down and call me or here's your address well why are you telling me that so they can come to my door so i i i did not have problems with it when i was young but i do today because now i i know the bible way better than i did back then and i just don't see it in the word i don't see god exposing his people to danger and and it's not connected to our redemption when prophecy goes outside redemption i don't want it the borders are it must be in the realm of redemption meaning anything outside with redemption we must not accept so someone says so and so will win the election what has got what has that got gutted with my redemption it's political it's not biblical it's not scriptural and they like to use other things like what god you know revealed to to israel about cyrus and this and that yeah but that dealt with israel's redemption it had to do with the redemption of israel and god yes gave the prophets whether it's jeremiah isaiah ezekiel details about who would be king in babylon and who would be king in assyria and so on and so on for for what purpose to protect israel and to fulfill his plan of redemption for the jewish people but in today's world people go a little too far with it and they get out of the borders of the bible so i would simply say to you study a word get to know it way better than you ever have before and look for all that in there someone sent me a message well elisha the prophet knew everything spoken in the house of the king of syria i said yeah to protect israel because they were his redeemed people it's still redemption but i see no redemption if you tell me my address or my phone number or my bank account i don't want anyone to know it including you i'm going to understand what i just said because that is something i just don't see in the bible i'm becoming more and more baptist as i get older i i just said that just wake you up i'm becoming more biblically based than when when i began because the the the charismatic renewal as as much as i loved being in it was not biblically based in some areas in some areas it wasn't controlled it was like a river with no borders did you get what what i just said uh people in the baptist churches know the bible way more than the charismatic people or even the pentecostal people because they are focused on the bible not on the gifts not on anything else outside what they believe is not in this in the word of god i disagree with them naturally on the fact what is about the gifts because they are in god's word but the beauty is they are so into the word rather than into manifestations i'm going to understand what i just said say amen so you know some of them were my friends still are jerry falwell came to my 25th uh celebration of ministry he and i became good friends and he one they said to me in a sweet way he said you know benny he said when i look at your meetings from the beginning right through your worship nothing different than our church but he said when those healings begin it's downhill from there i said why you have such problems with the healings he said because i don't really agree with that he said why then he said why do they fall do you touch them somewhere on you know somewhere on the whatever i said i don't even sometimes even touch them he said yeah that also bothers me but that he just couldn't accept people falling i said well frankly i don't even know why they fall oh come on i said i really don't know why they fall one day i'm going to ask god why why why did it fall so that's the only difference when it came to what i believe and what they believe is the healing ministry and what they what they said is that i'm too demonstrative like why do you throw your coat on people so because i like it what else to say like just me this is just me you're not going to change my personality i i i like being wild when when i was in the when i just got into the ministry cbc had a program in canada and they invited malcolm muggeridge some of you don't even know the name or do you how many know who that man was anybody here nobody wow he was a british gentleman who was an atheist and became a great christian philosopher and you can look at my malcolm mukherjee he was a very amazing man and so he i was in my early 20s he was already in his 60s or 70s and the fella the that was doing the interview he looked at me with malcolm said you know sitting next to me was very proper very proper you know and i'm all wild even in the way i was talking that day and the guy said why is he so calm and you're so wild i said just because i'm me and he's him god will not change my personality just because i'm saved he'll actually use it so i said i'm not going to become a malcolm muggerage i'm benny in and i'm just wild and crazy and i love it that's what that's what i said he he did not like the answer at all in occ i used to kick my shoes and jump on the organ and why that was wild times did you know that brother no you didn't know that i threw my shoe one day it it got caught in the lights and they had to get a big stick and get it down you all remember that guys right one time i was preaching with a sock stuck in my shirt the sock was i i said god i'm gonna bless you so much you're gonna bless you out of of your socks and a big sock came right out of my sleeve i mean wild things happened back then but my point is this we got to really get back to the world and stop believing things that aren't in the bible so sometimes when we don't know the whole bible and i did not know it like i know it today i'm much older now i'm a little different about what i see in the word and i'm becoming more and more in my opinion baptist if you want to come with that i'm fine but i still believe in the holy spirit thank god i do and the power of god but when i read the bible i don't see those manifestations people do i just don't and even some other things i don't want to get really into them but i think it is safer to believe god's word even if you don't understand it than to believe those signs and wonders it's much safer to believe the bible even if you don't really get it believe it because one day you will understand it including the genealogies so paul says very clearly that there are signs and wonders that are used by the enemy to deceive people and like i said let's go to john the gospel of john chapter eight we're going to look at verse 32 and here's what the lord said and ye shall know the truth of the word and the truth shall make you free signs and wonders do not guarantee freedom only the word gives us freedom when satan goes around looking for vacancy he's not looking for the gifts he's looking for the word if the world is in that man's life he will not come near him because there are people today with signs and wonders that have devils too balaam was one of them he was a a very gifted man in the prophetic but he was also involved in witchcraft i'm just now finished writing a book called the mysteries of the anointing that is being published by strength publishing and i'm it's amazing what the what god has shown me through the years about the difference in the anointing in you and the one on you there's a big difference between the anointing that resides in your heart that was there at salvation that has nothing to do with ministry or signs and wonders and there is another that comes upon you when you minister so if you read first john 2 27 and for zone 220 and many scriptures that talk about the anointing within you within you not the one that comes on you it talks about the the the anointing in you in first john 2 that will protect you from deception which you all need by the way you all need because in the early church there was a heresy called aryanism and even before aryanism there were other heresies that denied the deity of the lord and so he writes in his epistle and says anyone who does not believe christ came in the flesh is antichrist so he's now writing to the church pay attention he was writing to the church and he and he says he says the anointing which you have received of him abides in you and you don't need anyone to teach you because that same anointing teaches you and it's not a lie which anonymity is he talking about the anointing in you not the one that comes on you when you preach because the one in you is an abiding anointing and there are three clear signs in your life that will tell you you're anointed within number one hunger number two faith and number three love when you got saved the first thing that happened to you is you were hungry for the bible the second thing that happened to you is you believed you're saved and you knew in your heart jesus is alive that's called faith you didn't you didn't have to read one book from kenneth hagin or anyone else god gave you that faith supernaturally to know jesus is alive he's your lord and savior done and number three you begin to love him having never seen him it's called love so that tells me i'm a christian by the spirit without me even listening to one sermon i knew when i got saved 19 years of age george vanlee high school february 14 1972 will be 50 years exactly next february everything in me knew i was hungry for the bible i had to go get a bible how did i know i don't know i just everything in me was hungry to go find a bible never having really read it like that i went and looked for the bible i was so hungry to know the bible and i found the new testament and i began to to consume it every day that that hunger was given to me by god himself and everything in me knew jesus is alive and i went home that day with tears in my eyes saying i love you jesus these are the signs of a believer that's what the anointing inside of you does it keeps you hungry it keeps you in faith and keeps that love alive now as god almighty begins to trust you he will anoint you for a service he will anoint you to use you and all of us are anointed for service but if you walk away from the lord if you sin and walk away he'll be he'll be patient with you he will not leave you right away but if you keep sinning over and over and rebelling over and over he will pull his presence away from you and the hunger will weaken and faith will weaken you'll start to question things and your love for the lord will become cold and if you have those three things be alarmed if your hunger level goes down you're you're in danger what what happens to a baby when they're born what is the first thing they want food what happens when you get sick physically what do you right away what do you lose appetite why because your body is sick anyone who has lost the appetite for the word of god is a not well believer he's an ill believer he's actually sick spiritually are you learning anything so that anointing inside of you is what really matters but let's say you you you walk away from the lord and you sin and rebel the hunger will go down the faith will go down and finally the love and if you keep going away it'll all die but let's say god almighty anoints some a man for a ministry to preach or heal this or pray for the sick or whatever and and halfway years later he starts to sin follow into sin and the hunger goes down and the faith goes down and the love goes down the gift remains that's the danger the gift is without repentance because that anointing that comes on him when he preached is there for the rest of his life so it's possible for jesus to leave and the gift to stay the anointing on the office does not leave that's why they will come and say lord lord and say i don't know you how is it possible because when they started they knew him but then when they left the gift stayed but the lord was gone and and you make you may answer like how why would he say i don't know you because the the god we serve the the second he cuts you off it's as though he never knew you that's his nature he one he won't even mention your name he said i will he it's in the word if you leave me i'll not even mention your name on my lips he said that means i cut you off like you didn't even exist what what does it say about saul in second samuel one it says as though he was never anointed he was cut off that's the danger you know that's why i would say i don't know you depart from me you workers of iniquity who prophesied lord we did mighty things in your name i don't know you because they had the gift but not the lord i just wrote a book about that i've learned a lot from watching and listening years ago when i traveled as an evangelist i didn't stay in hotels i would stay with the preachers in their homes i was with the greatest preachers i think on earth and i got to know very intimately oral roberts and rex and duplessi and others i learned more about the the anointing from talking to oral roberts and any man alive and one day that's gonna shock you one day i said doc i was always calling doc i said now dog how can a man preach with such power and go have sex with a woman right after that he said the anointing so what say that again i was in shock i said did you say the anointing he said oh yes he said benny all of us have a weakness at least one he said but some of us have more than one but he said not a human being on earth lacks weaknesses he said every pastor every preacher has at least one weakness that nobody knows about except them i say say that again he said there's a weakness in your life and my life that no one knows only god okay i agree he said if you spend time with jesus that weakness shrivels it has nowhere to go it's under control so he said the presence of god shrivels it and he used the word shriveled like just no power in it he said but if it's if you're not in the presence of the lord it's loose he said do you notice when when these preachers preach they become intense yeah loud yeah he said that anointing that comes on them affects only their soul and body he said that that that anointing that comes on the preacher affects soul and body not the spirit at all so he said they preach with such power and such force and he said what happens that anointing stirs everything the good and the bad it's it it it causes not be strong intense focused all that that's the that's the good part but he said it also stirs all the dirt with it he said that's why preachers have fallen after their greatest moments boy just the lights come on because i began to think about people i knew who would preach with such power and then go and do something like that and i began to search the word of god and i began to ask questions more questions of people that will have been there and now finally i wrote a book just to help people understand don't worry about the anointing on you it's the one in you that god looks at because that's what's going to get you to heaven are you listening you're also very quiet means you're really paying attention you people here but that's when i decided years ago i said you know what i am not going to finish wrong i must finish well and there's only one answer the word just a word because the word triggers fellowship with god the word keeps my hunger alive the word keeps my faith alive and the word keeps my love alive and through the word i find out who jesus is and get to know him a lot better because i know his mind now and his nature through his word and he reveals himself through these amazing words in the bible amazing book the bible but now today people don't know the bible a lot of them aren't even reading it they know parts of it but that's dangerous to know parts of it because satan will then tempt you with the parts you don't know so let me let me talk about something here today are you people able to handle a little more can can can i go a little deeper okay there are mixtures today mixtures in the prophetic you have mixtures what do i mean i when when when someone pulls away from the lord they they allow pollution and that pollution mixes with the gift like example balaam he was a mixture he was involved in witchcraft and he was prophetic so in numbers 21 and 22 and 3 and 4 you you read about his life and and he starts by using witchcraft in prophecy but in the last prophecy in chapter 24 verse 1 it says in that one he did not use divination you can read it so he was a mixture of god and the devil another mixture was saul of tarsus in first samuel 18 he's prophesying under a demonic influence in first samuel 19 the holy spirit speaking through him but he is on the floor naked so what he was saying was of god what he was doing was of the devil mixture are you people getting that yeah so that mixture we we're seeing a lot of it today in the church where people are like you innocent people cannot really tell the mixture that it's not all god there it may be god here but not here so let's go to leviticus 19 all of us leviticus 19 19 and and jim get a microphone scenario get a microphone and read for me if you don't mind because this is very and yeah take take your mic with you or maybe you can bring your chair can can can someone help their gym get a chair put it right there for him and jim i want you to ask me questions i didn't think i would do that but i think we need to are you people learning anything all right now verse 19. i'm going to read that and then dear jim is going to read some other things for me watch watch this he shall keep my statutes i'm reading leviticus 19 19. you shall keep my statutes thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with diverse with a diverse kind thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee god says don't allow mixture he starts with you will not let cattle mix with other cattle you'll not sew different seeds together or garments together why because letting livestock breed with different livestock is like a ministry or a minister who is a christian but he's a he's aligned with a religion that is not christ-like livestock talks about what ministry today you see a lot of ministries mingling themselves with things that are not christ-like or other religions you you hear about interfaith that's unbiblical what fellowship has light with darkness none but they're looking for common ground common ground they want common ground so they they allow mixture so when god says thou shalt not let your cattle mix with other cattle he was not talking about animals only he was talking about ministries because cattle speak of ministries why because they were used as a sacrifice ministry unto the lord were were cattle's offered as an offering to god they were ministering with animal blood and so on number two mingled seed what is mingled seed truth and lies seed speaks of truth and lies and then he said do not mix garments what do garments symbolize lifestyle lifestyle you can't mix lifestyles all right you cannot allow biblical and worldly to come together in the way you you live your life i hope i'm stepping on people's toes today read between the lines yeah so we are seeing a lot of this in the church today three things we are we are saying number one preachers are mixing with other religions number two a mixture of truth and lies and number three lifestyles and god says no i feel conviction in the room now it's interesting about breeding when you when you well let me just say this when you mix it will not produce what you think it will produce in other words a horse and a donkey don't produce a horse they produce a mule and when you give birth to a mule a mule cannot produce anything did you did you hear that did you hear that so when you have a horse and a donkey give birth to a mule you've just given birth to nothing it cannot re reproduce itself today we have mixture like that we are giving birth to things that cannot produce after themselves we are bringing death with mixture i'm very troubled by this interfaith stuff because it's producing death you cannot produce a christian from someone who is mixed with christianity and some other religion you produce confusion king saul who had a mixture of spirits prophesied by a demon and by the spirit i just told you that and i want to just say carefully that what i am seeing today is a lot of mixture and mixture will bring disasters disasters oh wow so let's go to acts chapter 3. i think today i've reached the age i can say what i want and not care i don't have much time on earth and i'm here to please my redeemer not my hearers i'm going to preach what he has given in his word and let him do the rest let me hear an amen repent verse 19 acts 3 repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the lord so um some people are calling um these so-called revivals today or prayer meetings that are bizarre in nature uh that this is a new move of god of some sort now here's one thing you'll notice about the these false moves they don't preach repentance they don't even mention the word any ministry that does not preach repentance is not biblical so what they preach is signs and wonders prophecy all the stuff that goes with it to to get people's emotions involved but you don't hear the word repent no repentance is mentioned yet when you listen to what the lord said first repent the apostle said repent there can be no refreshing there can be no revival there can be no there can be no true move of god without repentance because he said repent and then you'll be refreshed by the presence of the lord wow all right if you if you allow mixture if you allow mixture and you focus more on the emotional because that's what what what happens with mixture they they focus more on the emotions of the moment and the and the emotion of the service and they they do crazy stuff i was watching lady prophesying a few days ago on video somewhere and she she moved her her head so hard and so fast i wonder how that head could stay on poor thing she would she was going crazy i'm thinking oh calm down lady i'm just getting tired of just watching you and i had to shut it off i couldn't even watch it i couldn't even watch it and i'm thinking what's going on what what's happening to the church that i grew up in that i saw the real thing and today i am i'm seeing stuff that is like bizarre i have sat in the greatest meetings in the history of the church when i was in katherine comey's meetings that woman really had the goods the power of god was so real i've sat under kori temboom one of the greatest sins that ever lived i sat in singapore and listened to david duplessi preach forgiveness that changed my life i sat with a man of god named oral roberts for 10 years in his condo and heard the real word of god from that man i'm into his meetings rex humbert has preached for me these men shook the world i've been with dr lester simrall in his own home and he's been to my meetings and others stable solid men and women i'm sorry i just i've seen the real thing i can't accept this stuff i just can't it's troubling to me when people allow mixture eventually it will become demonic i don't know if i should say anymore really go ahead let me just give you some safeguards some safeguards i'm going to give you four things that'll keep you safe if you want them first peter 5 5 is the first one it says uh likewise your younger submit yourselves unto the elder ye all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility for god resisted the proud and gives grace to the humble i think the first thing we need to do today is humble ourselves before the lord number two second thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 through 12. even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs are lying wonders with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved for this cause god shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness so number two love the truth because anyone who rejects the truth will be deceived because he sees you see it says very clearly in verse 10 they received not the love of the truth so for me to be to be safe in the future and for you to be safe one humble yourselves before the lord number two love his word his word not all these manifestations give you a little emotional thing that'll be gone tomorrow and mess you all up to with it number three psalm 34. and there's so little today that there's so little talked about about this psalm 34 11 through 14 come ye children hearken unto me i will teach you the fear of the lord what man is it a desirous life and loves many days that he may see good keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips from speaking guile depart from evil and do good seek peace and pursue it what must i do cultivate the fear of the lord simple really these are simple things we can all do we can all be humble before the lord we can all love the truth of his word and three cultivate the fear of god you know how many messages i heard about the fear of god when i was young hundreds hundreds when i went to maxwell rights church and and the catacombs we had many come in and teach the fear of the lord today you don't even hear about the fear of the lord we need it fear the lord only his saints there's no want to them that fear him fear means to revere him and you can't love someone you don't revere you can't love someone you don't revere you disrespect them how can you love them number four and this is today changing my life and i love it i don't want to even ever go anywhere else i'm reading verse 1 through verse 5. and i brethren when i came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of god for i determine not to know anything among you save jesus christ and him crucified i was with you in weakness in fear and much trembling in my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in the demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of man but the power of god what is paul saying make the cross central in your life there's really four things if you'll just do them for the rest of your life you'll make heaven and you'll see him smile you'll see the smile on his face as you enter glory be humble before the lord love the truth of his word cultivate the fear of the lord and make the cross central in your life bring back the cross to your home and your heart let's lift our hands and thank him we will be safe in his arms we will finish well we will do what is right we will not be deceived in the future nor will our children will see our life and follow our examples thank you lord your mercies are eternal protect your people lord from deception in this hour use what i have shared with them the best i could to remind them in jesus wonderful name hallelujah to the lamb of god let's all stand please it's at the cross at the cross when i first saw the light and wait till you take your mics you know when when when you fall in love with jesus you begin to love what he loves and hate what he hates you become extremely attached to him and to his word and everything in you begins to abhor the flesh and you cry with your being like you've never cried before come lord jesus you you you begin to call for the coming of the lord in a way it's hard to describe because everything in your being cries out for deliverance from this flesh from this body of corruption paul called it and he said who shall deliver me from this body and the angel is jesus already has at the cross [Music] it was there by faith it was me i received my sight [Music] where i first saw the light and the burdens of my heart rolled away it was there by faith i received my sight and now i am happy on the day and spear it off the leaving god afresh on me [Music] spirit [Music] fall afresh on me melt me lord [Music] me [Music] [Music] sweet holy spirit [Music] [Music] filling us with these blessings [Music] [Applause] this breathe upon me breath of god as i lift my hands to the spirit [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] upon me and surrender to your name [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] your holy come holy spirit we need you come sweet spirit we pray come in your strength and your power come in your own precious way how we need you today lord come [Music] holy spirit we all need you [Music] come sweet spirit we pray [Music] come in your strength and your power to come in your own precious way where the spirit of the lord is there is peace where the spirit of the lord is there is love [Music] that is come forth in life's darkest hour there is light in life there's health and power in the spirit in the holy spirit [Music] of the lord where the spirit of the lord is there is peace where the spirit of the lord is there is love there is comfort in life's darkest hour there's light and life [Music] health and power in the spirit in the spirit [Music] of the lord holy spirit thou art welcome in this place lift your hands and welcome because without him there is death with him there's life the blessed spirit of the lord jesus is with us and in us [Music] for all eternity he's the one who keeps us hungry he's the one who gives us that faith within [Music] he's the one who makes jesus more real than life itself gives us that love for him having not seen him yet we love him that's the work of the holy ghost and where he is there is liberty there is life and joy and fullness stability longevity [Music] this place [Music] this place [Music] our mercy and grace thy word will come in this place foreign your presence [Music] there's healing divine no other power [Music] our lives lord holy spirit thy [Music] mercy and grace us we're hungry we're thirsty within restore us sweet father revive us once again holy spirit [Music] this place holy spirit [Music] fine of a mercy and grace holy holy holy are you lord [Music] the elders and angels [Music] worship your life [Music] holy holy lord god almighty as we lift our hands before you a token of our love for you thank you lord for your presence [Music] lift your hands and thank you now holy holy holy lord god almighty [Music] holy holy [Music] as we lift our hands [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] holy [Music] lord god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] gracious father gracious [Music] we're so blessed to be your children we're so blessed to be your children as we lift our hearts [Music] gracious [Music] jesus christ [Music] precious jesus [Music] we're so glad that you've redeemed us and we lift our hearts [Music] crashes [Music] holy spirit holy spirit holy spirit come and fill our hearts a new as we lift our hands before you lord [Music] oh [Music] the presence of the lord is so rich right now just stand there for a moment there the core is alleluia as we worship the son of god [Music] forget yourself forget your troubles [Music] forget your sickness [Music] just see the lord now thou wilt keep him in perfect pieces by this still on day [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] heartless [Music] [Music] le [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] me [Music] heartland [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] just a whisper now please those second body the healing anointing is here i want you to put your hand on that part of the body that's afflicted or just put your hands on your body as i pray the lord and touch you wonderful father in jesus name [Music] your word declares he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities cheshire and church ties for our peace [Music] the stripes we are healed your word declares i'm the god that healed thee your word also declares [Music] i will heal thee of thy wounds restore health unto thee your word declares and the son of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings [Music] your word declares come unto me all you who labor i'll have you later and i'll give you a rest [Music] your word declares as many as touched him or made whole heal your people lord in jesus holy name that your mighty power the same mighty power that raised your son from the dead [Music] flow through that body i rebuke that sickness a disease [Music] and infirmity let's go now in jesus holy name it's your word lord it's your promise it's your promise your people have come believe in your promise touch them and hallowed i pray lift your hands and receive just whisper jesus [Music] whisper his holy name there is power in it heal your people lord heal every one of them all over the world that heart condition you just showed me be gone now in jesus name someone has been healed of a severe heart problem you feel heat all over you a left ear just opened up [Music] there's healing is happening all over the world and in this room everyone now in this room begin praying on the holy ghost lift your voices and put in the holy ghost worthy world is the lamb that was slaying jim singing for me it's very very gently behind as people pray [Music] i review that sickness in jesus name we must go now [Music] i command that cancer to go right now in jesus name someone has been healed of skin cancer i rebuke it it goes lower back you've had an injury in your back [Music] receive it now in jesus name arthritis on the shoulders especially in the right shoulder [Music] keep praying in the holy ghost people of god i see someone with a blood circulation problem getting healed [Music] you've had bad circulation god is just healing you now you feel tremendous warmth on your body you feel tremendous heat just rushing through you that's god's power right now [Music] cancer of the throat i rebuke that in jesus name i rebuke that in jesus name bone cancer too i rebuke that in jesus name [Music] very bad azam i command that as but to go in jesus name and the person i'm talking to is young there's someone younger 16 years old around there with asthma i command that asthma to go i see a young man short hair wearing a white shirt [Music] very serious asthma the lord is and he's in europe somewhere be healed young man be healed my brother in jesus holy name this is the day for your healing now take it in jesus name keep praying in the holy ghost pick up the key and sing it again pick up the key and the of of the song and sing it again keep praying in the holy ghost a skin condition completely healed there's a lady problem with your knee your right knee [Music] you're supposed to have surgery no you won't have it because god has just healed that problem the lord just healed that knee i give you praise lord [Music] keep praying in the holy ghost precious people of god jesus i rebuke that glaucoma in the name of the lord i rebuke that glaucoma in the name of the lord [Music] keep praying people of god and behind me just gently please you are the god that healeth me of the lord my healer pray in the holy ghost keep keep praying as you pray that that anointing is flowing as you pray that i know and it keeps flowing [Music] stomach complications there's a lady watching me with severe stomach complications you're supposed to go for some some tests and you feel right now like a like a warmth in your in your in your stomach area it's in fact it's going like in circles in there that's the part of god bringing healing to your body my dear receive it another muscle condition has just been healed many of you watching around the world many of you feel like fire on your body many of you feel heat rushing through your body some feel it intense others feel it just gentle heat that's the part of god gently again you're the god [Music] all of you here join hands together please join hands in this in the studio i i want to pray for someone bill johnson's wife benny [Music] that god would heal her i spoke with them on the phone a few days ago and i prayed with benny that's her name benny b and i you all know bill johnson in reading and lord we all agree for your healing lift lift your voices and pray in the holy ghost in the studio and all all of you pray heal benny johnson lord let these tumors disappear let healing be your portion [Music] walk into that room where she is now and heal benny in the name of the lord jesus i give you praise lord i give you praise lord and lord i pray for all that have sent me prayer requests even today can i as you continue praying can i get my phone quickly dear marie and turn my phone on and and i'm gonna go to my email right now [Music] if you have a prayer request you send me that prayer request now i feel the anointing for this pastor benny at benihan.org you send that prayer request now from all over the world and i'm gonna turn my phone on [Music] keep praying people and right now i'm on my email pastor bennybenihind.org and i want you to send me your prayer request right now so they're already coming from from from canada from toronto canada please pray and agree with me that my daughter marissa [Music] she's praying for her daughter [Music] praying for yourself we play we'll pray right now all of you that need prayer quickly send me a prayer request right now [Music] please pray in the name of almighty god for healing for the for deliverance from unbearable severe body pains [Music] the minute you can send me that email send it now lord in jesus name stretch your hands all of you towards my phone lord you see these prayer requests heal your people heal your people in jesus name the email that's pastor benny at benihan.org pastor benny bennett.org your prayer request will come right to my phone right now let's believe god while the anointing is strong here and then if god has healed you send me an email to testimonies at benihan.org testimonies at benihan.org lord in jesus name heal your people heal those who are sending their prayer requests right now for your glory i give you praise how many of you in this audience are sensing the anointing for your healing lift your hands to heaven lift keep your hands up lord in jesus name not one of them is going to leave with sickness not one of them will leave with any physical sickness in jesus mighty name take your seats please that anointing is still flowing and you can still send your email to me pastor benny bennyian.org keep keep stay with me and if god has healed you send it to testimonies at benihan.org and we had hundreds of people healed two weeks ago and this is gonna air it's it's gonna stay online for days and high numbers watch this service before i say good night i want to pray with you that the lord will will meet your financial needs too dear god i feel the anointing here and yes we will have meetings in orlando in a bigger place god willing soon so you people can i can attend and come and i can lay hands on people like i used to so the time is almost here i mean we we're gonna do it when the time is right we we haven't had meetings uh since covet started but now things are loosening up and much easier so but i want you i want you to just give me your attention for just just a few more minutes thank you when it comes by the way can we lift our hands and thank god for the anointing that's been here to him with the praise the god we serve has promised us i have not seen the righteous forsaken nor is seed begging for bread we trust god's word we don't trust conditions around us we don't trust men we trust the lord he is our source you cannot prosper truly prosper till you see god as your source not men the reason isaac prospered in days of famine in genesis 20 26 is because god spoke to him and said i will bless you i'm with you and when he sowed his seed he sowed his seed in the words i will bless you i am with you imagine a man sowing seed and when he looked all around him there was death when he looked all around him he saw famine and death and famine in our part of the world is true famine you cannot see anything alive it's desert and so he looked around him and saw desert famine no moisture on the ground but god said i am going to bless you and he looked at that dead ground and he ignored it he ignored the death his own physical eyes were looking at what he saw was the word i will bless you he put his focus on the words i will bless you and he knew then no matter what the ground looked like god would change the ground and he began digging in a desert believe me gerrard is desert that's by gaza down there and he began to sow seed in the desert that had at one time been fruitful but then the famine came and killed everything when he sowed he saw a miracle that desert became green at the right moment it became green he began reaping a harvest he was not sowing into the ground he was sowing into the promise i'm with you i'm gonna bless you and when he believed god's word a miracle happened an amazing an amazing miracle happened he reaped that year a hundred fold that is called supernatural reaping you can't reap a hundredfold in a desert during famine he did why because he did not see the conditions he saw the god of glory so when we sow from now on we have to be like moses and david moses saw god when he stood at the red sea he didn't see the sea he saw god now imagine if you were moses and you were standing looking at a big ocean in front of you and you looked behind you and you saw the egyptians coming to kill you you're trapped right not moses because he saw the invisible he did not see the red sea he saw the word that said stretch the rod he saw god didn't he he saw god and when he saw god the sea parted and the egyptians drowned because he saw god that kind of faith belongs to every christian david king david said yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death but he did not see the valley because the next words thou art with me you saw the lord the valley that's a dreadful place to be in but he never saw the valley of the shadow of death he said thou art with me he saw god and today we have to change our vision we we have to change the way we see things no we don't see the natural if you see the natural you will be you will be defeated and end up in debt and misery in the in the future people today are worried everybody's worried about the future not us because we know the promises of god i have not seen the righteous forsaken i trust that word i have not seen the righteous forsaken i trust that word i was looking and i'm doing a lot of thinking today about how the early church lived because i want to live like that what kept the early church so strong the one thing about the early church they did not seek wealth they sought jesus they sought the lord and none lacked among them the world seeks money and they're lacking all the time they have holes in their pockets the wealthiest people on earth are poor because they are not walking with god what's all that money good for good for anyways when you're dead someone else takes it you you cannot take it with you how sad to live just so you can make money evelyn roberts told me about a lady in california one of her neighbors that had a lot of money and the lady that cleaned oral and evelyn's home they lived in a condominium cleaned the home of this rich woman who was close by and i was sitting there one day with oral and evelyn and she said you know what she said we just heard something very interesting she said this lady who cleans our home she comes only once a week tomorrow's she was coming only weekly to their home in oro was in his nineties and dear evelyn you know in that old age and so this lady would come every week to just clean and wash dishes and so on she said she was telling us how this woman down here has a big house and every morning she was on a wheelchair and every morning this dear lady who cleaned her house and also cleaned orals in evelyn's home had to wheel her down her long hallway she had a long corridor and on each side were statues that she had bought and spent money on these nice figurines and statues and every morning she would have this lady wheel her down to kiss the statues because they're very expensive they were very expensive statues and she would cry oh i wish i could take them with me i wish i could take them all with me they're statues made out of stone some material how sad they die and they cannot take anything with them huh and evelyn said you know and evelyn and oral you'd be surprised they lived very very humbly their condominium was not anything very plush you know it was just a nice place clean place and uh you looked at oral and evelyn looked so peaceful so happy about their life they lacked nothing nothing he built an amazing university is still there but he himself he himself was a very simple man and often my wife and i would take food over and as we would say their their dvd is broken let's go buy them a new one and or they need to knew this so they knew that we'll go by it for them they had no luck preachers would come to his home and bless him no lack till today he went home he was so happy one day when he said to me he said you know what i just paid off my condo and he just from what people were blessing him with no lack i have not seen the righteous forsaken i'm talking now i have not seen the righteous forsaken david said that but i'm saying it now too because i've seen it in my own life and and i see these people i've not seen the righteous forsaken no receipt begging for bread and i pray not one of you will lack in jesus name lift your hands and say lord i will not lack for i believe your promise you said i have not seen the righteous forsaken nor recede begging for bread lord jesus no lack in my life not even for an hour amen well that's his word but one thing about or old one thing about isaac too but i saw it with oral roberts and others like oral they gave and they gave and they gave and they gave every time oral roberts sat with me on this is your day he always gave me a check every single time not one time he never showed up without a check in his hand every single time he he'd give it and i said doc you don't have to do this oh no he said i need the blessing i need the harvest and he'd hand me that check a thousand dollars every time every time he would come on this is your day he always had a check with him he was a giver these men knew the law of god and we need to learn the same thing giving will guarantee or receiving for the rest of your life people will bless you over and over you know i don't want to tell you my things and how the lord said don't let your right hand know what your left hand does but the lord spoke to me to support certain preachers that i'm still doing and some kids and but it's between god and i and a dear lady called me a few days ago who attends my class bhi out of the blue she said the lord spoke to me to give you 5 000 monthly and i and i just wanted to add to the list this is personal that i do i wanted to add to that list helping people that you know are up in age because i know that these preachers and i'm not going to give you names but these preachers that are up in aj they they can't travel and work like they used to i'm still 69 i'm still okay i can still kick and you know i'm still going but i'm sowing for my future because when i give that a preacher who's 88 or 85 and when i'm 85 somebody will god will talk to somebody i have not seen the righteous forsaken people and i'm thinking i need to give money to so and so a preacher another preacher i'm thinking about one or two extra and she called me just like that i said this is god i did not even i would not even have known to even tell her any anything i i didn't have her phone number didn't have nothing and she found a way to get that money to me on paypal and i had to call and say thank you why are you doing this she said god spoke to me to do it for one full year and i don't know why but i'm doing it not knowing i wanted to add to that list to support preachers people i have not seen the righteous forsaken or the seed begging for bread 50 years almost not one need that god has not met and i pray for you now in jesus name come on lift your hands and believe i pray for you and i pray for you right here not a day of lack for the rest of your life that money will come to you supernaturally from sources you're not expecting you're not expecting that god will give you that miracle on time every time not one day of lack in jesus name and god's people said now all you have to do is one thing so and the rest god does you you just sow and god does the rest it's so simple so let's do it now you that are watching me online you can go right now to benihin.org our website or simply on the platform that you're watching us on put it where it says donate donate and you can do it right there or simply text bhm 4577 i'm gonna kind of put something in your heart yeah you can still play i wanna build uh we'll we'll probably end up having healing meetings in a large building in orlando besides the studios and i want to be able to get equipment like i just bought that i can travel with them i can take them with me so when we have a big meeting we can do social media and zoom and all that in the big buildings but take the equipment from one place to another uh equipment that can be moved around you know and uh i don't know when when we will do that but that's coming because i think the day is coming in orlando i'm going to end up having maybe monthly meetings in a large place in a large place but we need to put those alive we need to go live with them because now the the doors on on love world and social media are massive we can reach people all over the world love world that i'm involved with has now launched in iran india and now israel coming up wouldn't it be wonderful to go live with the healing meetings all over the us and europe and canada and africa and now iran it needs the gospel now so that's coming that's coming so now use with people here have the envelope you can go ahead and sow also and uh the lord is so good i i i wanna in just a second say goodbye to you but all of you sweet people here if you don't mind staying i wanna do something really special and i only need like five extra minutes with you uh that i need to do and you'll see why in just a second but thank you for being with me today hasn't the lord been so good to us today yeah and how many how many believe god healed you tonight here really what happened a heart condition you do you do you feel god has healed your body thank the lord for it you you had open heart surgery put give give him my mind so i can hear him i don't think you'll yeah here there there yeah please go ahead sir um four weeks ago i had open heart surgery they went in and did the exploratory up through my arm to check out an aneurism yeah and they said they discovered that the widow maker was 90 blockage and the other veins were around 80 blockage um stubbing aneurysm and they my neck was all plugged up and thank god for wives that encouraged me to go to the hospital this was going on for months i thought it was heartburn it got to the point i couldn't wear glasses i couldn't have a hat on it hurt so bad it would paralyze me where i stood and i couldn't move and my son flew in from arizona i couldn't even get out of the car or walk to greet him in the airport until i had to go through procedure after procedure as far as being able to move and thinking it was a what happened tonight i've had my hands up in here just praising the lord and worshipping the lord i felt the fire of god coming through my hands listen i'm going to tell you something i felt the fire of god in my veins and this isn't new to me this was essential tonight though that what i needed um it's been hard to walk because of they took the veins out it was like somebody shot me with a shotgun i'm cut from here across and i've still they say that my doctor released me that did the surgery but now i'm scheduled to go in for the aneurysm thank god for jimmy inviting me here tonight jim sonero oh you told me about him hey he's my friend before i even knew him he mentioned he said there's somebody on the front row you're the one see the lord just hear you without even knowing it absolutely somebody say praise the lord so now listen one other thing i want to say one other thing i want to say about my wife suzanne you all read it somebody put it online and it just went everywhere she is fine amen suzanne is fine if there was something i would have put it on myself but i didn't want to make it any bigger than it was yes she was driving in the car and she blacked out ran into a tree and damaged the car so we said listen we need to go check to see what's going on and the they found some tumors but they were benign thank god she does not even need surgery and they said it's they've been there a long time and they think it was the result of the plane crash they've been there for years they said so when we had the plane crash in 1983 supposedly it it caused some things to happen because she the plane hit so hard and i guess that's what the doctors are saying that most likely that's what caused that because these tumors have been there a long time that it's not new so but she's doing well and marvelous and fine thank god and uh doesn't doesn't even need surgery from what the doctor said she went to the new neurologist and he said not even worry so but you know they're gonna watch her and uh but we were reading stuff that wasn't even true and i thought well i mean jesse finally and suzanne said once you put something online i said honey if i put any more online i'm going to keep keep it going and we're trying to kill that thing because it's not even the whole thing the whole truth but she's doing good and had there been a problem i would have been the first one to go online and say pray for susan but thank you for praying anyways that was so we can always use prayer thank them the lord say amen all right so blessings to you and if god is healed you please send me uh to testimonies because i'm going to share this later i'm so glad god healed you this is awesome so let's let's just say shalom say shalom love you guys love you love it i'll see you again next week all right you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 73,237
Rating: 4.9139099 out of 5
Id: Ji3fODh4SrU
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Length: 170min 41sec (10241 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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