Sunday Service with Pastor Benny Hinn!

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yes give him a big god bless you of course and we are here we are here in orlando florida with a group of wonderful people and wonderful pastors and i want you to get ready to receive from the lord you know so amazing these words i just said are really amazing to receive from the lord just think about just for a minute guys the lord we're talking about the lord not the queen of england the lord not the president of the united states the lord the god of glory is gonna speak to us can you please lift your hands and thank him for the privilege to hear his voice and to hear from him straight from heaven what a god we serve what a wonderful lord we serve and to him only to him belongs the glory in his name jesus what's his name saints one more time please that's the sweetest name in heaven and on earth and i want to prepare you because i know that some people men may not understand what i'm about to say i'm glad you're with me because i think we are living right now in a moment where we need to get into a higher plateau what i mean by a different plateau is you know as as believers we have to be reminded of the privilege we have to be god's people yeah you heard me right god's people because not all are god's people and to be chosen to serve this amazing lord i get very amazed often when i read the word now because when i was young i did not really understand the depth of god's love [Music] the story of scripture is a god looking for a people and his love for those people even when they rebelled over and over and over again [Music] think about this he said to them and i'm just going to paraphrase he said you know he said if if a wife leaves her husband and marries another and then she decides to leave the second husband and go to the first would that not be an abomination in that day it was for a lady to go and marry someone and then go back to our first husband abomination god says he says you have played you israel my wife you've had many husbands you've gone from husband to husband to husband to husband he said but i'll gladly take you back what an amazing god so he said in the natural if a wife leaves her husband and just marries one man to go back to her first husband would be an abomination but god says you've had many husbands you've gone from one to another to another i'll gladly take you back that's love i don't understand that love but that's love and you see example after example after example in scripture yes yes he's a holy god and we can't play games you know we can't treat him like he's a next-door neighbor he's god almighty and because of his love we cannot disrespect him because he is please hear this his wrath is as perfect as his love that's why we fear him now some people don't really believe that well that's what the bible teaches anyway so whether they believe that or not it doesn't really matter god's wrath he's a consuming fire god's wrath is as perfect as his love you really cannot love someone you don't fear you cannot love someone you know fear i loved my dad because i feared him i honored him i revered them if you don't revere your papa you're not going to love him that's not real love so when you revere the lord it's because you love the lord and when you love the lord it's because you reveal the lord we will all stand before the judgment judgment that's a very very scary word judgment seat of christ i remember one time when i was in dallas i was in court to testify against a man who took money away from people unjustly and i walked in and that judge did not smile at all and the people in that court not one smiled the jury stared at me like focused at every word they heard every word i'm told later that they convicted that man because of much of what i said and he was truly a criminal but i remember that judge looking at me as i was under oath that was not a very easy moment for me listen i'm talking about god i'm talking about god almighty every one of us will stand before the judgment seat of christ that places great responsibility on us to live the life holy clean righteous faithful so we need to love what he loves and hate what he hates be holy for i'm holy he said well that's not possible with our own strength you all know that but the holy spirit gives us that desire first of all and then he he gives us that enablement now nobody will be perfect look nobody is perfect of course but when we strive that's all god wants when we strive that's all really he wants he knows we're going to stumble we all do kathryn kuhlman said one day she said when i see him i'm going to say lord i tried i tried with all i had i tried so the christian life is dependent on yielding yielding to the lord that really is all so simple and that's all we have to do is to yield to the lord so tonight i'm going to minister on what i feel is so important right now i just read yesterday yesterday something that was shocking about america there are more atheists in america today than evangelicals just released in the pure research would you like to know what the number is now yeah the number of atheists now they they they say that atheists are three separate groups they kind of put them all together those who are atheists totally then then agnostics and then there's a third group which and i thought about called spiritualists they they believe in some force but not god the god of the bible so they made it very clear that these three groups do not believe in the god of the bible they don't believe in the god of the bible 35 of americans today do not believe in the god of the bible 35 jim out of 300 million the number of evangelicals is lower than that today in america this is pure research this is not me talking this is accurate stuff they've done research on so there's more atheists in this country than evangelicals right now so what does this say to us we better wake up and be the witnesses we need to be for the lord our time is running out you know that right so my message tonight is very important because i want to show you the strength the power and the authority of the word of god i want to teach on the authority of the word of god because see god's word today is being questioned even by so-called evangelicals it's being questioned is it really the bible or they may or they may some some of them actually said that they don't believe parts of the bible so you have groups that may believe one part and not the other well that's not believing the bible if you question one part one day you're gonna question something else so god's word god's word is so important to us now way more important than maybe five years ago or maybe four years ago because today's uh evangelicals especially the youth are dismissing so much of what we grew up believing for example that's another shocker that a large number of young evangelicals do not support israel today they don't support the jewish state well you can't read the bible and be an anti-semite you just can't you can't read the bible and hate the jews they are god's people they're his ancient people all right maybe they are not into the kingdom yet many of them fight the name of jesus but the bible makes it very very clear one day he will reveal himself to them [Music] and they will weep and mourn as for the only son it says many jews that are getting saved the majority are not they they actually some of them fight us and oppose us but that doesn't change the promises of god about them no it doesn't so when you hear that the young people in in many churches today are not pro-israel that's troubling to me because that says they don't know the bible they're not reading the bible because if they read the bible they cannot be anti-israel or anti-jewish they just can't i grew up in israel and i was not jewish we were born as christian people greek orthodox people my family so we did not see ourselves as arabs or jews we saw ourselves as greek orthodox and i was in catholic schools and we were in our own little surrounding you know yeah we spoke the language we had to in at home we spoke arabic in school french fluent french french because it was a french school and on sunday we would go to the greek orthodox church and i was an ultra boy in church and i did not know much about israel even though i was born there i did not really know how important israel was to god i had an argument one time with a with a young boy in school i was only about 10 and this kid and i got into a little argument because he said that jesus was jewish and i said no he's catholic and we got into it that's what i said because no one told me jesus was a jew living in israel so i got home i said to my dad i said is it true jesus is a jew he said yes and then he gave me the biggest shock of my life he said so is mary i thought for sure mary was catholic like really she had to be catholic you know so that was the first time in my life when i was 10 that someone told me like this boy jesus was jewish and then my father would add to it it shocked me even more that mary too is a jew so when i got saved i began to read the bible which now i have on my ipad because my eyes are not what they used to be so uh i preach from the ipad it's easier for me to expand the letters you know so i don't have to see what's because my bible bible which i still have is marked so heavy and colored so heavy sometimes if those lights aren't bright i can't see what i just colored what it was colored years ago anyways but you have to see and understand what this book is all about when i began reading the bible i began to see the god of israel and his love for his people and his love for us you and i that he would send his wonderful son jesus to down a cruel cross what love is that and here we are privileged to be his people and one of these days we will judge the world that's a big one for me we will we will judge the world and angels too like really we cannot judge the world yeah that's what it says and the bible says that god has given us all things it says all things are yours everything is yours the nations the world life everything is yours what generosity is that what kind of love is that [Music] seated in heavenly places wow knock knock hold it people say that don't even think about it we me you seated in heavenly places with the lord and we didn't die did we we didn't pay the price did we no he did and he wants us next to him on the throne hmm wow too much to handle for my brain but that's what the bible teaches and we believe it [Music] look royalty you are royalty do you get it well you say amen but i don't think you really get it you are royalty you're higher than queen elizabeth of england who could ever be or any king and queen you are majesties why because he loves you what did you do nothing for believing you got it now that's mind-blowing you got religions that say you got to do this and do this and do this and do this and if you don't you're punished by some god and they know even they don't even promise you salvation to get to heaven you got to beat yourself and work this and do that whatever pray so many times a day on the cross jesus said it's done he didn't say do he said done and all i need to do is believe the done work that's it that's simple exactly and yet people are rejecting that simplicity and turning to other religions in this country i i just don't i don't get it so they're going from the simplicity in jesus to something that says do do do do do do or you die they're rejecting the done work of calvary and they're trying to do something for whatever reason i don't know it doesn't give them no promises of eternity of any sort or life so yeah we are more responsible than you realize because the bible has a warning [Music] if israel rejected the word given by an angel how much of sorrow punishment shall he be that rejects the gospel the simple message of salvation once you lift your hands and thank god that you heard it and accepted it i want to pray for you that god will prosper you out of your socks i'm telling you i feel a strong lion-like anointing right now prosperity is not a problem with god when his people obey him it's not a problem with god when his people listen to him in the mighty name of jesus people i'm telling you i'm sensing it you better stretch your hands towards me too [Music] i agree with you your days of death and lack are coming to an end say amen your days of lack are coming to an end say amen your days of living in debt are coming to an end say a man [Music] now listen to me keep playing i am a testimony when oral roberts came to preach for me in this city years ago and he told me to read luke 6 38 and i did sitting next to him on the couch in the office after a sunday morning service where he was he was preaching for me here at occ and he said benny how many times did god say give i said one time he said how many times did he say receive i said i don't know he said read it again and i did and finally he took my fingers and he began pulling on them he said jesus said receive seven times it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaking together running over shall man give to your bosom i said dude one one more time and he did he said what do you want god to do for you i said i wanted to pay off my home where i just moved into heathrow here on close to lake mary i said i want to pay off that house he said tell god and then he said this he said write it on the envelope ask god to get you out of debt so i wrote on that envelope reluctantly lord get me out of debt amen and then oral said now next sunday you tell the whole church to do the same thing till their faith begins to believe it all right i did it was difficult some of them didn't like what i did that sunday morning i said please write on the envelope that you're you're in debt and you want out and ask god to do it for you this went on for a few weeks and then the lord said do you believe it i said yes he said now praise me that i will bring you out of that so i said lord and i wrote it lord i praise you i am coming out of that sunday after sunday about six months or so later a man named emil tennis who still lives in this city i just sold his business in fort myers he said want to take you out for dinner okay as we're sitting having dinner he has me an envelope i had just gone to matamoros at that time and i promised that sweet men down there to support those children with a seed of thirty thousand dollars and we just gave that 30 000 to those orphans in mexico and amble hands me an envelope with a check of 300 000 the exact amount to pay off the house i was amazed that god answered so quick my wife and i paid at home like that off because i believed a man of god named oral roberts who said tell god and i did he said write it on the envelope i did and now the lord said praise me now i did it happened i've had this happen in my life over and over and over and over and over again i am asking god to get you out of debt it's time i said it is time to be debt free i want you to lift your hands and thank god it's gonna happen for you it's gonna happen for you and to you no more living in debt and paying interest to some whatever company or people that your money do including your house including your condominium you will own that house you will own that condominium it will be paid off by god's power supernaturally father we agree in the name come on people we agree in the name of jesus that the seed they sow today will trigger such a harvest they not seen like before lord the seed they sow just like i did in matamoros years ago the seed i showed lord you gave me 300 000 back for the 30 000 i pray you'll do it for them i pray you'll do it for them in jesus mighty name ron lewis was in my cr was in my conference one time in dallas texas the lord said give him the offering the whole offering sixty thousand dollars i did i didn't feel good after that at all when they told me what the offering was i rebuked myself for giving ron lewis that sixty thousand dollars in their offering in dallas a man the following wednesday came up to david palmquist and said i just sold the piece of property for 6 million the lord just spoke to me to give a tithe to pastor ben hinn's ministry we gave that thing on saturday to run loose and by wednesday i had 600 000. oh my god lives my people my god reigns and your god reigns lift your hands and thank him he'll do the same for you he'll do thus people do you believe it or not then lift your voices and thank him he'll do it for you in your homes here [Music] and i want you to sow a seed that will make you mad that will really hurt you and get you all stirred up when i give that sixty thousand to run loose i was not a happy man i wasn't at all i got in my hotel room and i rebuked myself for giving it but god came through for me the flesh did not want to do it at all and i learned the lesson that night and i've learned it a long time ago and i'm and i've learned over and over if it doesn't hurt it doesn't work if it doesn't hurt it just does not work so i want you to hurt a little bit tonight let your faith really kind of get ooh in there and you'll see the miracle come how many of you in this audience and you represent people in their homes need a financial miracle like in the next let's say seven days come on in the next seven days i believe in seven days turn around it's happened to me it's people it's happened to me seven days it's happened to me i was buying a piece of property here in orlando for a city road i didn't have fifty thousand dollars to my name and the lady who owns that property mrs burrower said if you come up with fifty thousand dollars i that land is yours and i did not know where the money was coming from i we we sowed seed not knowing where it was coming from i go down to miami pray for a man named floyd mincy who was dying with his kidneys shutting down a man named bill swat took me down said you got to pray for for this man he shows up to our church exactly within days with that 50 thousand dollars i had a a quicker than seven day miracle lord seven days come on people if you believe it i do for you lord this offering will trigger a seven day miracle in jesus name you believe it then sow that seed sow it now while i'm talking while i'm talking you just go right on that platform where it says benihan ministries and so on where it says donate okay you do it right now you can go to you can text it bhm 4577 so simple so simple and watch what god will do with you and i want you to do something i want you to wave it to the lord now maybe you can do it with your whatever but take that credit card and just wave it to god or wave something maybe your hand in your homes give him a wave offering it works in israel all right precious saints of god i want you to take your bibles and i want to minister the word and i'm going to ask everyone in their homes to have your bible open or the bible on your phone will be fine too and the word that i have is so important because it's your destiny it's your it's your eternity it's how you finish i'm not gonna ask you all to go learn hebrew like i am to know the word and the mind of god but i am going to ask you to read your bibles because without knowing the word we will die spiritually and father i pray in jesus wonderful name that you'll speak to your people and let them hear this message for your glory wonderful lord by your spirit i pray they'll hear this message in jesus name all right i want you all to go with me to the gospel of john and we're going to read together chapter 10 and i'm going to begin reading at verse 34. all right if you're already i'm going to begin jesus answered them is it not written in your law i said your gods if he called them gods unto whom the word of god came and the scripture cannot be broken say of him whom the father has sanctified and sent into the world thou blasphemest because i said i am the son of god the lord had just declared he is the son of god and they questioned it and they said you're blaspheming and so he said is it not written in your law i said you are god's if he called them gods unto him the word of god came and the scripture cannot be broken now there's two things he said here about the word number one the word of god meaning it has no human origin number one number two it cannot be broken so in answering the jews on whether he's the son of god the lord used the scriptures and in that amazing reply he mentions the word of god and he mentions the scriptures and he said they cannot be broken meaning something very important number one when you think about the bible it has no human origin it's the word of god the word of god means man did not write it god wrote it and they were inspired to follow what he was saying to them you have to understand what i just said now if you watch programs and i don't recommend you do if you watch programs that question the bible they will talk about the writers who wrote it and this and that and they place questions in people's minds about the origin of the bible no you see the lord said to his disciples he said the holy spirit will bring everything i say to your remembrance think about this it was at least 40 years maybe more before any of the gospels were written how do they remember what he said by the spirit he said he will bring all things to your remembrance so someone like a matthew or someone like a john mark or someone like a john or someone like luke who most likely heard it from someone else we don't know that for a fact many believe luke was one of the disciples of paul the apostle possible maybe not it doesn't matter it's just what they wrote was given by the lord himself all scripture all scripture is embraced by the holy spirit inspired by god almighty how can moses remember every word of mount sinai that he wrote in genesis in exodus in leviticus and numbers how could he remember every word god had spoken to him on that mountain he did by the spirit how about deuteronomy how could he remember every detail repeating that to the newer generation the younger people who were not there when they left egypt they were born in the wilderness a lot of them so number one it's not the word of man it's the word of god it has no human origin number two it's eternal it cannot be broken meaning the truth of the bible are eternal truth in in in in the psalms in psalm 119 and verse 89 we read forever o lord your word is settled in heaven how long forever forever o lord your word is settled settled cannot be changed settled in heaven so when you read the bible you can stick your life on what it declares what it declares and i'm going to say a few things to you later about what they are discovering today in the city of david confirming what i'm saying even the very gutter that david found to defeat the jebusites they found it in the city of david mentioned in the scriptures and so much more names of individuals in the book of jeremiah on coins mentioned in the bible exactly as the bible mentions them found on coins and so much more archaeologists today in israel use the bible as a guide to find archaeology to find certain things the bible mentions are there and when they dig they're there they're there now this i believe god is using to show the world and the unbelievers his word is true now here we find forever o lord your word is settled in heaven clearly stating that the bible is not the product of time forever lord your word is settled in heaven it's not the product of time it's eternal the eternal mind the eternal counsel of god so that means when time and the world passes away the world will not pass away because god's blessed word is not the product of time it's eternal it cannot pass away matthew 24 35 says heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away that's strong heaven and earth will pass away god's word is more powerful than anything you see in your eyes here in your ears creation itself is a lie the bible is true because everything will pass away but the word of god eternal and so we read again in psalm 119 verse 160 the entirety of your word is truth every one of your righteous judgments endures forever i have a burden in my heart i really do almost want to make me cry i have a burden in my soul for the young people throughout the world for the weak in the church that are not reading the the bible because they don't understand the power that is in god's word more important than prayer is the word because without the word you can't pray anyways so if i teach on prayer i'm not doing anything to help you if you don't know the word because if you don't know the word you may be praying to some devil you can teach on prayer all you want but who are you talking to if you don't know the bible you don't know the lord how can you talk to one that you don't know how can you pray to someone you have never known the bible reveals him prayer doesn't the bible reveals him and then you can talk to him now when prayer and the word are together there's power there's fellowship god reveals himself through his word through his word so anyone who prays and doesn't read the bible is in danger of being deceived by a devil because there's no bible in them yeah religions pray but to who we talk to our wonderful redeemer in prayer and it's the word it's the word that triggers prayer and triggers fellowship when you read the bible prayer is born not the other way around so god's word declares clearly clearly heaven and earth will pass away not your word now the entirety as i just read the entirety of your words psalm 119 verse 160. the entirety of your word is truth no no there is no such thing as well i found a mistake in the bible i found some contradiction no it's it's not a contradiction it's translation how do i know it because i know it i made a decision three years ago to become a student of hebrew university i'm in class every monday afternoon with the most amazing professor of biblical hebrew you'll ever meet in your life professor sigal zahar amazing woman amazing teacher of the bible no she's not a christian but she knows the hebrew scriptures and i wanted to do it for myself not that i can teach it i wanted to know i wanted to find some answers because i became troubled when i read certain things in the old testament that just didn't line up with other scriptures in the old testament example absalom being in hebron for 40 years it didn't make sense 40 years was the whole thing about the entire season of david's reign was 40 years so absalom could not be in hebron that long and i read every commentary i could find on it 40 40 and they had no answer in the in the commentaries on that no answer whatsoever or where you read certain things in the scriptures and in the new testament that are troubling for example in matthew it declares that it's in jeremiah that jesus rode on the donkey but it's not in jeremiah it's in zechariah it troubled me i said okay i'm going to find out i'm not going to wait i'm not going to ask nobody questions i'm not going to read no more commentaries i do sometimes but a lot of times they really don't answer my questions and my professor told me and solved my problem not that i had one but i had to have answers as a christian as a minister of the gospel she said here's what happened she said the hebrew the original hebrew was translated into greek the septuagint and all bibles from thereon were translated from the greek to english and other languages even hebrew bibles are translated from the greek septuagint which was translated from the original of the originals she said i'm going to send you the original of the originals i said please and she did you can't get it today on a an app it doesn't exist and i read it and i sold my own eyes arba not arb four years not 40 years and the translation said 40. even hebrew translation said 40 even the king james bible said 40. but the original said four i said ah it's a translation problem not inspiration it's translation there are no mistakes in the word of god it cannot be it cannot be so when i read this the entirety of your word is truth every one of your righteous judgments is truth it endures forever so i'm not asking you to go and study hebrew if you want to i'll do you wonderful things will do wonders in your life but it's a difficult language because the hebrew has a lot of vowels dots and dashes and you name it that could change the meaning of of a word even a little dot in one letter could change the the whole sentence that's the difficulty of people it's very very technical technical this is my third year and i'm really getting good at it for my personal walk i don't know if i'll ever teach hebrew i don't know i don't really care to but i want to know before i get to heaven so i don't have to ask god i'll have the answer on earth i remember catherine gomez saying the saddest thing will be for many christians when they get to heaven and find out how much they missed on earth there's so much for us to find out now the word of god oh so marvelous so the bible is true from genesis 1 1 to the last verse in revelation and here's something here's something the lord jesus accepted the absolute truth the absolute authority of the scriptures in the old testament because when he was tempted he answered with scripture meaning he accepted the authority of scripture now here's something even more more amazing and remarkable to me that even satan accepted the authority of scripture so when the lord said it is written the devil didn't argue so if satan accepted the authority of scripture how dare some pastors question it think about what i just said if the devil accepted the authority of the bible how dare preachers and people question it that to me is remarkable the lord even told us in matthew 5 17 and 18 not even one jot not even one tittle will pass away now a jot is the smallest letter or letters in the hebrew language like the lily yod so small the lily yod a title is smaller than even a yolt sometimes it's the it's like a karma like a little curl in hebrew at the end of certain letters you see little curls here and there the lord said even the titles cannot pass away that's strong that even those little tiny little dots and dashes and curls cannot pass away and i understood why when i began studying hebrew because one day she's teaching me uh and we learn it from scripture she's not you know i'm not reading books i'm reading the bible with her and she said notice this little dot at the end of this word and she said now whenever you see the dot it brings in the owner so what well she said example if you read horse seuss is the word for horus in hebrew she said if you read seuss and you see a dot it's his soos his horse it brings the owner of the horse into the word with a little dot it changed by the the way i just saw the bible so the lord clearly states not even a little dot can be removed now i see why it's amazing amazing so what the lord really said to us is that the scriptures are absolutely accurate full of authority not even one portion of the smallest letter can be altered or removed and the scriptures say in ii timothy go with me please and i want you to look at a very important portion chapter 3 verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god it's profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness okay we know that but we have to also understand what peter said about the bible so here paul says all scripture all the new testament all scripture is given by inspiration of god no human origin it's god and only god but then in ii peter chapter 1 this is marvelous marvelous and when you look at verse 20 and verse 21 which explains it it says knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation for the prophecy meaning the bible here called prophecy of the scripture for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of god speak as they were moved by the holy ghost so paul says inspired by the holy spirit peter adds no prophecy of scripture not one is of any private interpretation every prophecy meaning the scripture came not by the will of man but holy men of god spake speak as they were moved by the holy spirit so you can just see when john mark wrote the gospel of mark the holy spirit told him exactly what to write or when matthew did or when any of the other old testament writers whether it's moses or samuel or anyone else moved by the holy spirit to give us such accurate accurate truth so the psalmist in psalm 12 6 said this listen to this he said the word of the lord is pure pure word pure words like silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times this is psalm 12 6 the words of the lord are pure words tried like silver in fire purified seven times in that furnace it's tried seven times the purity the accuracy of scripture so when i look at the bible and i see what silver represents it represents the message the divine message if i look at fire it represents purity when i look at a furnace it represents humanity so here god almighty uses humanity the furnace to bring that blessed purified by the fire of the holy spirit the message through the furnace purified by fire seven times so the seven times means it's the work of the holy spirit you see and now i want to add one more thing i want to add second peter chapter three verse one and verse two he says this second epistle beloved i now write unto you in both which i stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance watch this now that ye be mindful of the words which was spoken before by who holy prophets that's the old testament and of the commandments of us the apostles that's the new testament so he says i want to remind you i want you to be mindful of the words spoken by the prophets and the apostles what is he saying to me he's saying that the new testament is also scripture matthew mark luke and john scripture book of acts scripture and now he adds something else that i believe is extremely very very important and that is verse 15 and 16 of the same chapter ii peter 3 15 16 and count that the long suffering of our lord is salvation even as our beloved brother paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned that's the ones who don't understand them and unstable anyone who doesn't understand the bible is unlearned and unstable they rest or pervert as they do the other scriptures to their own destruction so when i read verse 15 and 16 of 2 3 now the epistles he says are also scripture so in second period three one and two the prophets all they wrote they are the apostles all they wrote in scripture now saint peter 3 15 16 everything paul wrote a scripture that means every word in the bible is holy writ holy scripture now i want to just say a few things that i think are very very important to me right now 66 books 39 in the old 2017 the new 44 writers 1600 years most of them never met each other and when the bible came together it was one book think that huh so old covenant new covenant 66 books 44 men who'd never met each other most of them 1600 years it took to write the bible and not one mistake that is staggering impossible humanly but god is the one who's the author that when you read the bible today a question in genesis is answered in ephesians a question in isaiah is answered in colossians or one of the gospels with accuracy accuracy and what archaeology is finding but to me what is so amazing is fulfilled prophecy because fulfilled prophecy is so powerful 332 prophecies fulfilled in details when the lord jesus came to earth the first time amazing 32 of them fulfilled in one day on the cross hundreds more fulfilled when israel became a jewish state in 1948 impossible for that people to come back but they did because the bible says so and now when you ask yourself do you speak you know many people in america a lot of people in america came from other their forefathers came from other countries swedes and norwegians and italians and spanish and whatever how many generations before the language is forgotten not many i spoke arabic and i spoke hebrew do my children speak it no after only one generation jim your mum and your dad italians do you speak it not really does your son speak it no how about 2000 years hebrew the bible in jeremiah says that when the jews return they will speak the language they left with an impossibility humanly speaking for a language to come back alive it did today i'm studying it amazing the bible says so and so many more so many more things that the bible talks about that are happening today with perfection so when when the bible when this amazing book called the bible gets into your life there's a few things you have to do to receive it and this is really important because you have to understand something about the bible it's spiritual it's a spiritual book there is something about the bible that's hard to explain because it's spiritual i can read a book any book and i can only read it once i don't want to read it twice but the bible i cannot stop reading i read the bible one time every four months from genesis to revelation in four months then i go back and do it again which is three times a year why i'm hungry i come right back there's a power that pulls me right back no other book does that it's spiritual and so much you find that you did not see before i've read the bible hundreds of times hundreds of times but every time i read something new something beautiful something is revealed i've not seen before june 2nd i began reading it for the for one you know so many times i read it but i said okay i'm gonna start again with genesis because i finished revelation june 1. this just we're talking only a few days ago so june 2nd i began reading it i am now almost done with second samuel this is july 9. you see how you do it i don't know i do it because i love it and i don't read chapters i read thoughts this is going to be a secret for you don't read chapters it's not the way to read the bible thoughts don't stop till the thought stops example genesis 1 2 11 is one thought 12 to 24 is a second thought because first is the story of man then the sword of abraham and then isaac and the thought stops with isaac chapter 28 then jacob than the children of jacob then joseph you're done with the book it's marvelous to me when i read exodus 1 to 11 you stop then you start with chapter 12 again another thought and it just comes alive chapter 24 another thought tabernacle and you get so much out of that beautiful book you can't believe it so the word of god says the lord said in john 6 63 it is spirit and life no other book can claim that so the first thing you have to do if you really want the bible to in have an impact on you you have to obey james 1 21. because james 1 21 says you cannot receive the word of god unless you do this here it is verse 21 james one lay apart all filthiness all superfluity of naughtiness or abundance of naughtiness and the word naughtiness by the way also means wickedness so lay aside let go of anything filthy and wicked and then receive with meekness the engrafted word the implanted that's what the word in grafton means the implanted word which is able to save your soul so you can't really read the bible until you lay apart all filthiness all superfluity and again the abundance of wickedness naughtiness so when i put aside all this filth out of my life called sin then i can receive with meekness the implanted word of god and when i receive that word and if it's i'm if i'm truly receiving it three things will happen to me and if those three things don't happen it means i'm not receiving it properly number one faith is born a supernatural force is born in my life word in power out faith is born and it's power absolute power that force of faith is very powerful and so you we we all know romans 10 17. it comes by hearing the word and david said that we have to exercise this faith in first chronicles you may want to write these scriptures down chapter 17 and listen this is important to know because you can't receive the word without that it says this therefore now o lord first chronicles 17 23 let the thing which you have spoken concerning your servant and his house be established as you have said as you have said meaning lord do what you said like mary said let it be done according to your word now i want to talk to you quickly look at me all of you you cannot receive the beauty of the word and the nutrients of the word without meditation meditation is chewing the cut like the cow it that food goes down in parts of the stomach of these cows and then they bring it back up and chew it again back and forth back and forth why to get all the nutrients out of the food how do we do that spiritually meditation so i'm reading exodus and i stop and i was looking at god telling moses to build a tabernacle but the order the order at first didn't make sense to me years ago the order is you build the ark then showbread tip offshore then the lamb stand then the skins and then the structure and then the altar of sacrifice and then you build the altar of incense and then the laver and then the priesthood and the garments i thought lord and i thought about this i had to think i had to chew it and then when i read besalil and building the tabernacle the order was completely different it was more orderly but i thought no god has a reason why he would give moses that order ark first and table of showbread second and lamb stand third and structure and then i should say coverage and then structure and then the altar of sacrifice and then the incense and then the labor and then the priesthood in their garments it's the life of jesus in perfect order he came from heaven he became the brother of life lord of the world he began building his church he died on the cross he began to intercede he cleansed them with the word he went to heaven as a high priest it amazed me that's what meditation does are you people getting this yes when you meditate it you you get the beauty and the strength and the and the and the nutrients the wealth of the world you're satisfied with meditation so when you do that faith is born like you can't believe faith is born the second thing that will happen to you which we all need especially today you will win over sin because the bible your word psalm 119 11 your word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee if the world is in me i won't sin so number one there's faith number two there's victory no wonderful thy word have i hid in my heart i won't sin and then the third thing cleansing ephesians 5 25 through 27 he will wash and cleanse us with the word in that precious john 15 3 i you are clean through my word and what is the what's the bible really about what is it really about jesus just jesus it's not about prophecy and poetry and history and so on it's the revelation of the son of god and only only the son of god and so when you love him you want to know his mind you want to know him psalm 44 7 says this it's so precious then i said lo i come in the volume of the book it is written of me that's it in the volume of the book it is written of me i am the book i am the book when you love jesus you want to know him all right it's the book it's the word it's the word and i love what the lord said you we you all know what i'm sure but it's good to remind you in john 5 and verse 39 search the scriptures for in them ye think you have eternal life but they are they which testify of me that's it [Music] a few days ago a friend of mine named steve bike passed away [Music] his wife missy asked me to conduct the service and i said to the audience i said now all you have is the word so we have when a loved one goes all we can rely upon and lead on is the world when my mom passed i was singing that's worshipping so was she why because we believe what the bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord and i said to my family that's not her in the casket that's just her earth suit that's just a shell she lived in paul called it the tent the tent heaven is real because the bible makes it real so when my heart will stop and it will one day as yours do i'll have a smile on my face because when i open my eyes he'll be there because his word says so i shall never leave thee i shall never forsake thee that's a mighty promise we all need so those people who are questioning the bible [Music] think what happens when they get sick and they're told by the doctor you have cancer your time is short where do they turn friends family comfort it doesn't work not one bit because death is knocking on their door but when you know the bible there's no fear of death there's no fear of death because you know what he said i have overcome the world though you are dead yet you shall live job said in my flesh shall i see god the worms eat my body in my flesh i shall see him the resurrection what guarantee do we have stories of people going to heaven and coming back it doesn't do the job it's the scripture he arose from the dead he was seen by 500 at one time he's more real to you and i than our skin because of his word his word it's all we have so are you facing cancer the word has the answer for you [Music] oh forget yourself [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] wonderful [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i love you [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] just a heavenly sound now [Music] lift hands and ask him to heal you [Music] lord you promised in your word whosoever shall call shall be delivered [Music] as many as touched you or made whole declared i am the god that healed thee he declared he was wounded for our transgressions bruise for our iniquities chastise for our peace with the stripes we are here and because of your promise i pray now and i believe with all my heart for the [Music] people [Music] those sick place your hand on that sickness even as i pray and you continue to adore him and worship him place your hand on that part of the body afflicted and as i pray you're gonna feel his holy touch in the name of jesus father heal your people i step into my office and i pray heal your people and i command every disease to leave every spirit of infirmity to leave every sickness to leave every pain to go in jesus name now in jesus name [Music] that same resurrection power that raised you from the dead flow through that body in your holy name lift your hands and receive now all over the world [Music] some of you feel intense heat some feel a gentle heat some feel a gentle breeze [Music] or a gentle electric sensation almost like needles going through you that's the part of god receive that healing now it's yours for the asking [Music] it's yours for the asking be healed in his holy name in jesus name [Music] as you're worshiping people are getting healed all over the world some in this very audience [Music] i command cancer to go [Music] i command heart disease to go i command diabetes to go and arthritis to go be healed people of god [Music] be made whole people of god it is your covenant right it is your covenant promise receive it now as you wish for jesus i receive my healing more dear jesus i receive by healing give him that sickness in exchange place that disease at his feet and be free from that disease and infirmity in the holy name of jesus [Music] in the glorious name of jesus great anointing that i'm sensing now [Music] glaucoma has been healed diabetes has been healed a woman from india watching now tumors are leaving another person you have three tumors on your body the tumors are leaving now everyone in this audience begin praying in the holy ghost out loud someone with severe arthritis in your leg has just been healed in the right leg a massive lump on someone's neck is going down a curvature of the spanish has been healed in a girl about 16 17 years old [Music] lung cancer i'll rebuke it in jesus holy name a blind young man watching me in uganda i just been completely healed your vision is being restored while i'm talking pray out loud in the holy ghost in this auditorium in this studio god is healing people all over the world right now severe pain in someone's head you were injured a few days ago in some accident that happened in your home god is healing that penis that's right even the bleeding even the you've had bleeding in the skull it just stopped right now and the pain in your head is just stopped you have been having pain a lot of pain in your head i give you the praise wonderful lord jesus a lady on a wheelchair i see a woman somewhere i think scotland or ireland or somewhere there in the british isles you've had troubles with your left leg for many years but you feel like like like like electricity going through it like warm electricity like like a liquid of warm electricity my dear lady you just just begin to move that leg stand up in your home stand up in your home and move that left leg you've not been able to move for a long time dear jesus i give you praise keep praying people of god keep praying out loud people of god in this in this studio i give you praise lord a neck injury has been healed and albert someone named albert says you i i see you with a brace around your neck you feel tremendous heat right now tremendous heat tremendous heat on on your neck pick up the key and play and play it again and please keep singing get hallelujah as they're praying in the holy ghost dear jesus i give you praise i give you glory i give you honor there's a little baby being healed of a breathing condition three four months years years old a little little baby and you've been praying that i see an african woman an african woman with a with a with a child that has tremendous problems breathing but the power of god is flowing through that baby and you can feel it on your hands my dear the mommy is feeling something on your hands lay your hands on that baby lay your hands lay your hands on that baby now please you your baby's crying and shaking and trembling that's the part of god he doesn't understand what's going on he's only a few months old but the breathing problem will go i promise you today literally within seconds as you lay hands and pray i give you praise wonderful lord jesus i give you praise a blood disease has been healed uh that's right that's right i give you praise wonderful lord god somebody named jimmy somebody named jimmy keep please keep praying the anointing is flowing strong pick up the key on hallelujah keep singing it keep praying i give you praise wonderful redeemer there's a man named jimmy and jimmy you've you've had your arteries clogged the doctors told you you need an operation of the heart you you need open heart surgery my brother you feel like like like fire is in you right now in your body you feel like fire is inside of you it's like working literally like in circles in your chest that's the mighty part of god clearing your arteries without the surgery i'm telling you god is clearing your arteries without surgery pick up your voices come on [Music] oh lord my god i give you praise a woman in need of a new knee a woman who needs knee surgery god is healing you right now you're watching me somewhere in australia or new zealand i see you you need no you won't need it anymore pick up the key and sing with all your hearts lifted instruments there's miracles all over the world right now it's miracles all over the world right now some of you are feeling such heat such intense heat on your black fire on you right now that's the mighty glorious power of the holy ghost that's the mighty power of the holy spirit deafness is just gone i see a man with deafness there's a glorious anointing here you that are being healed quickly get online right now get get online send me an email to testimony at testimony at i want to know what god has done for you how many feel they are only strong in this studio lord heal even them in this audience heal them in this audience some of you here have been healed just lift your hands and take take a deep breath just breathe it in just breathe it in i give you praise lord oh lord my god when i awesome wonder because they're still getting healed down there [Music] my god i see a man completely deaf you're somewhere in central america and somebody is translating what i'm saying to you there's a pastor next to that man and he's sensing the anointing but he doesn't know how to describe it [Music] i want the pastor next to you you're someone in central america is all i know i see a young man wearing a white shirt i see glasses i see short hair he's maybe in his late 20s early 30s [Music] completely deaf and there's a pastor next to him you have a yellow shirt on you my brother the pastor i'm talking has a yellow shirt lay your hand on that young man father everyone pray in the holy ghost in this audience everyone in this studio honest pray in the holy ghost out loud right now please heal that young man let that demon of deafness leave his body now let this devil go in jesus name be gone heal that young man something glorious happening down there there's something glorious happening i see a girl and i see you've had a miscarriage lisa [Music] when christ shall come just say yourself with showers i see a girl named lisa and i see you you you you've you've had a problem with your first pregnancy and you just prayed just now you laid your hand on your body and you prayed that god would give another child the doctors told you not to not to expect any other children no the lord says he has canceled what they said he's cancelled what they said you will have another child and it will be a little girl and you feel heat all over your body especially your stomach area that's right that lisa send me an email now testimony at and tell me it's you i'm talking to your name is lisa is all i know thank you lord thank you lord all right receive that in jesus name people i want you to lift your hands up high and pray everyone today that has been a part of this service is healed in jesus name say father we agree according to your promise we all agree as one everyone everyone who is with us now healed they are here in jesus name we declare it done for your glory please be seated i said earlier we're going to have communion and we will and i'm going to close with communion so let's pass the offering buckets i think you already have have you not okay and i want you to start having communion in your homes i do in my home i do oh it's precious that's precious what happens because communion reminds god of his sacrifice on calvary and then things happen to us so we're going to have communion and then i'm going to share something with the people here that i want them to pray for that i cannot share on television about this amazing invitation i just had that i wanted to pray for the people in that nation can we pass the elements please thank you thank you for my [Music] is [Music] now i [Music] is [Music] victory [Music] is i want you to lift the bread of the lord right now but i want everyone to pray this prayer after me first lord jesus i need and i surrender completely to your lord i give you my life my soul my all [Music] strengthen me today empower me today live your life in me lord oh blessed lord jesus i declare you as my redeemer forever my savior forever my lord and god forever use me lord be pleased with my life in these last days and now i remember your precious body broken for me [Music] i remember lord i want you to play for me glory to the lamb one more time just heavenly say dear jesus out loud to dear jesus i remember gethsemane and the house of caiaphas and the praetorium and golgotha oh how you suffered you took my pain my darkness my death my sin you gave me your life your love thank you lord and now i partake your broken body and i remember [Music] your death on the cross [Music] and as i partake [Music] i pray health is mine for your glory in jesus name partake by faith in jesus name [Music] and now lord i thank you for the blood [Music] that was shared in gethsemane in the house of caiaphas in the praetorium on golgotha's hill [Music] thank you lord for your blood and now lord will remember your sacrifice for us how your sweat became blood and get semi to heal our soul and emotions how they buffeted you in the house of caiaphas and pulled your beard off wonderful jesus and your face was disfigured [Music] that one of these days we look just like you glorious remember lord when the blood was shed from your forehead as they placed the crown of thorns upon your lovely head that our minds maybe the mind of christ thank you lord the blood that was shed from your back as they whipped you for our healing and health remember lord when the blood was shed from your hands that our work might be accepted ministry is accepted when the blood was shut from your feet that we might walk with you from your side that we might be yours forever thank you lord for the blood cleanse each one make your people whole holy name receive by faith in jesus name william thanks lord [Music] lift your hands and thank him in your homes and in this audience for his love and sacrifice thank you lord for your love and mercy to you by the praise may we serve you faithfully with steadfast love and loyalty unto the end and god's people said amen i'm gonna say goodbye to you watching your homes i'm gonna talk to the people here just for about five minutes and dismiss them thank you for joining us next healing service is a in two weeks exactly from now two weeks from tonight so those of you in orlando that want to come or the florida area central florida area you'll have to let us know get a hold of our ministry well there's not many seats here of course so you have to call to reserve and it's it's all on the on the website and soon we'll be able to put more people in here so you can come but now i'm going to say thank you for coming or being with me i should say and i'll see you in two weeks and this coming week some powerful teachings online so join me on monday and don't forget to join bhi our new institute 3249 students as of friday so it's growing greatly mostly our pastors and people in ministry that are with me well blessings and i'll and you can find more information online just go to benin ministries shalom amen somebody say pray you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 22,237
Rating: 4.9493213 out of 5
Id: JkyC4u7HehU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 59sec (6299 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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