Benny Hinn LIVE Monday Night Service - August 6, 2018

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we magnify your name holy Lord we magnify your name we magnify your name if I everyone standing everyone standing come on majesty let's worship six unto cheese [Music] Kingdom please Oh [Music] his hand so it's all stop [Music] of Jesus [Applause] like Jesus [Music] so it's all lift up on high linearity fire nice Jesus [Music] we worship [Music] Jesus who died [Music] so EXO lift up on high [Music] we magnified [Music] worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus a guy Jesus Jesus who died Jesus [Music] codify on [Music] Oh [Music] glorify [Music] Jesus name above all names beautiful save glorious eyes closed hands up lift his name is Jesus name beautiful sale [Music] glorious [Music] emanuelle God with us [Music] blessed within living world [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] just a whisper now Jesus Jesus name above all names beautiful sale glorious more [Music] blessed Redeemer [Music] living [Music] just eyes closed now hands uplifted for a minute we're so thankful were speechless when we think about your love so grateful give us their understanding please give us their understanding heart to begin to comprehend the depth of your love for us that you would choose to become human to take upon yourself our sin and our death oh sweet is Redeemer we give you all the praise all the honor all the majesty all power and glory belongs to You Lord Jesus now and forever and we mean forever if you are the prize Savior I stand I stand in awe of you tell him now I stand I stand live two voices [Music] holy God [Music] to you all praise I stir [Music] I stand I stand [Music] I stir [Music] in all of you [Music] I stay [Music] you are beautiful beyond description [Music] too marvelous for war too wonderful for comprehension has nothing ever see infinite wisdom who can tell the depth of your love you are beautiful via disgrace [Music] this device lifted instruments Hyster [Music] live the game single again I stir [Music] Jesus what a wonder you are you are so gentle all people lift your hands and lift your voice and bless him and the Holy Ghost right now out loud come on bless him and the Holy Ghost ever [Music] what a wonder you are small befitting a failure like an tomorrow you are so gentle so pure and so can you [Music] like the bright morning star Jesus keep bringing the Holy Ghost please what a wonder you are everyone keep praying in the spirit sweet as cheese are what a wonder you are you are so gentle so gentle or your and sokar only you shall like the price Morningstar [Music] what a wonder you all keep praying keep praying keep telling him how much I love it Jesus what a wonder you are you are so gentle [Music] Puran can you shine like the bright [Music] Jesus sweet Jesus what a wonder Jesus you're the sweetest name of all Jesus you always hear me when I call Jesus you lift me up each time I fall the sweet sweet ass name of all come on telling Jesus [Music] you're the sweetest name of all your weights near me when I call Jesus you lift me up each time [Music] don't whisper that to him Jesus with a sweetest [Music] Jesus [Music] always here when I call she's you lived me each time I fall you're sweet [Music] two hands stay along with you one more time Jesus you're the sweetest name of all [Music] Jesus [Music] you always hear when I call [Music] she says [Music] you lived near [Music] each time I fall you're the sweetest [Music] you're the sweetest [Music] you're the sweet [Music] glory to the land for you're worthy to be praised the lamb upon the throne this is the time to forget yourself this is the time to forget your disease this is the time to forget who you are and your trouble this is the time to forget the sorrows you've experienced the pain you've known this is the time to forget the rejection it's time to forget everything and just focus on Jesus my peace I give unto you he said to us not as the world gives my peace and the peace of God at passeth all understanding shall fill your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus always and only in Christ Jesus now see him forget all about me and all about you and worship Jesus hands up lifted now glory to the lair glory tell him now [Music] glory to the lab [Music] come on into the lair [Music] for your glory [Music] to be you're the LA upon [Music] our boys employers you're the LA [Music] for [Music] you know [Music] you're the everyone [Music] mr. whisper now glory [Music] glory to the Lamb of God [Music] nice clothes as to respond [Music] worthy [Music] you're there [Music] on to you [Music] see him at God's right hand as your worship [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you there infection right now in the name of Jesus [Music] someone with an infection in your ear causing a lot of pain in your ear we're losing some of your hearing but you feel that heat on there now that's the power of the Holy Ghost touching your body in life [Music] same to same key as a lady here with a blood disease you feel now like electricity going through your body that's the power of God healing you I rebuke that blood disease in the name of Jesus there's someone else with a hip injury God is healing that now you've been feeling pain almost the whole night as you came here and you just felt that pain just leaves and a blessed warmth the gentle warmth on that part of the body every one of you it just as you worship one more time now [Music] place your hand on that part of the body afflicting you it doesn't matter what is wrong with you God will heal you that's his blessed promise place your hand on that part of the body that's in pain or sick if the sickness is all over the body tends to split your hand anywhere on the body in faith believe in God as I pray the Lord's and heal you and I come now in the name of Jesus father and I step into my office and I ask heal your people the word declares he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities chastised for our peace with the stripes we are he I rebuke that sickness now in the mighty name of Jesus every one of you right now lift your hands receive your healing and pray out loud on the Holy Ghost a heart condition has just been here asthma is being here and injuring someone's neck caused by a car accident has just been healed if you'll move that neck the pain is gone completely somebody's shoulder somebody shoulders are being healed also move those shoulders move those arms up and down some lady here with a muscle condition especially in the left leg your muscles there's something wrong with your muscles but you feel the electric power of God going through that leg everyone keep praying in the Holy Ghost Jesus I worship you Jesus I worship you Jesus I worship you the gum disease has just been healed I give you the praise someone to my left where the gum disease is has been healed everybody pray in the Holy Ghost come on People of God the skin some skin injury I think it's an injury on the skin it is som something infected there right now I see it as an infection in the skin getting healed I rebuke that now in the mighty name of a Lord Jesus a stomach problem stomach condition I don't know exactly what is wrong with the stomach but I see that person with pain and you keep throwing up I commanded to go now to go now in the mighty name of Jesus I give you praise Lord for this sinuses are clearing up thank you lord I give you praise some of you feel that electricity some of you feel that blessed warmth of the Holy Spirit some even feel like fire on your body some just know that you just know you'll heal like that woman with this your blood in the Bible you just know you're healed you feel it in your body everyone here that knows God is touching you physically if you know if you feel that an order for healing get out of your seat come line up to my left over here everyone that's getting healed just get out of your seat come line up to my left but don't get too close to me under the anointing just go around me here on the side if God is healing you and you feel that anointing on you get out of your seat now everybody keep ringing the Holy Ghost get out of your seat now don't wait in that seat otherwise you could lose that healing let's eat nap and come stand over here to the left but don't get that close to me don't get that close to me please not under the awning now if God is healing you and you feel the anointing you get out of that seat and you come stand over here to the left everyone else lift your hands and keep praying in the spirit if God is healing you also that knee injuries been healed that knee injury has been healed you pick up that leg you'll find the pain has gone somebody with a growth someone with a growth I think that the growth is on your leg there's a growth on somebody's leg also just completely disappeared o people of God pray out loud in the Holy Ghost as that healing begins to move as the miraculous begins to flow pray in the Holy and played for me behind me I'm the God that he'll be of the Lord or Allah quickly come on Bruce I'm waiting for you pick up the pine sound my brother [Music] you've got his healing you get out of your seat you come stand here to the left don't wait for a minute some will be healed even as you move out some will be healed as you move out of that seat don't wait for me to call out the healing don't wait for me to call out the healing if you feel the anointing get out of your seat given your homes if you feel the anointing thank God for it to rejoice in please send me a message now you can do it on email pastor Benny Benny in the world we can send me a message on email pastor Benny at Benny Hinn dot all that God is healing you to your homes those getting healed in this auditorium in this studio you get out of your seat in a minute don't stay that's don't stay that seat for a second you can hunt up that's it and come stand right here become the king you are the god that's he lets me [Music] you sent your word and healed my disease you are the Lord by the key one more time [Music] that's about it fling me you are the Lord my he had a heart attack years ago [Music] you are the Lord become picking up just a second my heel or bring him here people lifted as a prayer come on you all that he lets me you are the lord green for sir my healer you sent your words healed by disease now brother how bad was that what's wrong with your heart don't stop playing that song Justin bar failure December of 2011 I walked in a hospital on Christmas Day the doctor gave me two years to live my wife and I took authority over it guys that anointing is marvelous that anointing is marvelous well she helped the men up and helped them up to you are able you're able I know you are able I know my lord you'll refrain here them to carry me you can't come under this annoying team you can't come under the sonority and not to receive it whether you just can't [Music] Jimmy come here now you are the god that he loved me so one more time you walked into the hospital December of 2011 on Christmas Day the doctor told me you let me go after four days and said you've got two years to lose to make plans for your death my wife when I took hands and and just rebuked the deathless no but what what happened here why I had congestive heart failure my heart were totally failed you gotta play those high Kings they are Jim that's it fifteen fifteen percent ingestion fashion it's supposed to be up over 50% that's 15 percent take your seats you have to understand how dangerous 15 percent of that heart pumping the strength of a heart they say you die at 14 you know when it goes down to 14 percent your heart can't handle that what happened here I just felt the presence of the Lord all over me worries you start to worship tonight and then I felt all those tingling and warmth and tingling father in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] that'll Iannone is strong on you be made whole my brother be made whole now in his holy name [Music] my case [Music] is this his wife and something happened to you two oh you came with him pardon seen him go through so much you know believe in God we come over and over here believe in God for His healing tonight what he believed he's been healed he's a pastor - he could breath of the Spirit something might happen with him right now they want to do more surgery as a pacemaker and they talked about a heart transplant but he's believing God hey Philip pick him I would gentleman Jim help him - now you come here close join hands with your wife to thee we ascribe glory now I want y'all to stretch our ends tourism hi keys please Jim the soggiest everything matters under their Nona you know and we decree as the church tonight in the mighty name of Jesus that this man of God will not have surgery that the surgery has taken place now it already took place that he's made whole [Music] watch [Music] never again this pastor suffer would that congestive heart I always thought trains and pray with me in the spirit for him but God will strengthen his body strengthen his life give him a long life come on pray in the spirit with me in the name of Jesus [Music] a long life a long life to the we strive power and majesty holies [Music] either their bus to thee we ascribe glory heavily Saunders to the where scribe Arnold what were you sitting but someone in your area has had troubles with their back don't change the song gentlemen somebody very close to where you're sitting no no no there's somebody else that has troubles with our back and the Lord just heal them stand up show me what you were sitting again oh that's front row there was someone right in that neighborhood there right in that area would stand up and claim it brother get down here are you are you swipe are you were them the lady's with him come down with him [Music] pick up the wife young man with the tattoos come tell the people what God did for you last two weeks ago to the [Music] you look great tell him your name first Nazareth tell them what God did for you Nazareth God healed me I am was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and explained that to them ulcerative colitis are all sirs in your lower intestines and they're bleeding ulcers there's tears inside your small intestines and they just begin to tear open there's really no cure for that all they do is they give you antibiotics for it and just hope the best for you what happened two weeks ago well two weeks ago I purpose in my heart pastor to come out here just like naming the commander when he came out seeking the man of God I knew I had to come out seek the man of God because they got 90 nights here and I wanted to be here and God told me I needed to be here when I came here I came expecting gada humne and when I came here I was up there and I was worshiping the Lord and all of a sudden as I began to worship and praise God I began to feel the sensation the power and the anointing in my chest run all the way straight down to my lower intestines and since then you've been to the doctor I've been to the doctor there's and then following endoscopy colonoscopies they need to be taking place but as far as now there's been no pain I can eat as I write that the things that I want to eat and I've been having all trouble with my stomach can we give the Lord oh my - Hannah place in having no trouble for the last two weeks now but now you still have your waiting for the tests to be done or to be completed yes sir make sure you let me know what happened yes sir I promise it's a deal I promise best okay and the law is gonna put him in the ministry I told you that already you're ready to preach thank God somebody say praise the Lord now you're the one also god bless you Nazareth you're the one who was healed last week but what did you receive another healing or what happened tonight again well come closer both of you what happened tonight I had a very severe pain in my left leg because of pregnancy but you said like God is healing the muscle condition in the left leg on your left I was the one and then I had a gum disease the doctor told me that I need to do $16,000 thing and I said I cannot afford it so Lord he heard that too but you know after I receive my healing from God here you can see a change in me I can how I was your more lit up yes I was very scared of giving birth I was very scared of my eyes because I had floaters I had a pain film coming out of my eyes my things or whatever and tell the people what was wrong with you - Lisa two weeks ago my eyes were all messed up like I had a lot of floaters in my eyes the doctor said it's normal to eight out of ten people have it I said but I don't want to have it I need a way out and then I had a thin film covering my vision so I couldn't see I I have to rub my eyes but I was scared if I'm gonna rub them more more floaters are going to come and then I used to see blurry vision but when I was here God told me to lift up my hands my hands were on fire and he told me to play put it on your eyes I put it on my eyes and then he said my daughter you're healed your eyes are healed and from that day onwards never again I had that problem again here on this platform the Lord gave me I said here in front of everybody that the doctors have given me a date for 27 of September for a c-section but I canceled it in the name of Jesus and the next time when I went to the doctor two days ago like later my baby was I in a head down position I was getting like the natural pain which a woman should have which was a good sign like the braxton-hicks which I was not having before and then I was anemic doctor told me my blood was 10.00 but the next day it was ten point eight zero and my husband he had h pylori it's like bacteria in your body it is there but if it's more you can get cancer you can get ulcers he went to the doctor the report was negative - now your husband that was in here if I recall [Applause] so we'll wait God healed your husband at work two weeks ago somebody say thank you lord so your husband yes and today I believe God that when my time is going to come I'm going to give birth like Hebrew women and it's gonna be normal delivery no complication no emergency the baby is blessed this baby is blessed my mom is there she's blessed - and my husband and we all are blessed and lon come here mommy come here [Music] we want God to do for you [Music] hmm you're from Pakistan or what you want God to do for you your daddy is quite sick he lives in Pakistan no he's in Pakistan yes in the name of the Lord Jesus grant o request your father's name is George we send the word of healing to George lift her hands and agree with me we send the word of healing to George even now what he's in Pakistan here is the anointing of the Holy Spirit on you there is a blessed Holy Ghost I know it's marvelous now all of you set your hands to is this lady a healthy deliveries and a healthy child [Music] a healthy child a beautiful child say we decree it with a church decree the healthy child a beautiful child an anointed life that will serve the Lord Jesus we the church declare it decree it and seal it in Jesus name to the ascribe glory heavenly sound rose to the scribe honor heavenly to the that anointing is flown through now we scribe don't move girl I wanna Majesty holy holy hole is the Lord to the only to the we ascribe all the glory this child was so lured to the was cried honor ecology feeding on over now to thee we ascribe power and majesty holder there's the Lord were you feeling Manya you felt something on the stomach area earlier describe it good talk Martin I know you cannot talk [Music] to the to the u.s. glory [Music] you know the Lord you don't talk I'll talk now the Lord was performing a miracle in your womb he's gone he's going way above your request way beyond your request in fact the Lord tells me to tell you anything you're asking for now we will do it lift your hands and thank you memory to the which gradually [Music] to the somebody is right here look what I'm pointing you feel two great heat on he just came on your idea are you the one come here [Music] that anonymous honor is spreading [Music] why do you wanna go that's Gloriana Cadell yo leo people just left her hands down [Music] that annoying honor is is coming on some of you right back here ask for it [Music] what's happening to you give you the Holy Spirit of God it's in this house [Music] to who the [Music] we ascribe glory get this girl over here to the [Music] I don't know what's happening but you need it you have prayed for a much deeper experience in God is granting it as we walk through the door we felt this presence real heavenly Bruce are you are in the ministry who's with you you came hmm you came alone please don't move behind me Ellen don't move behind me guys it's it's too holier don't move you came along from where Nexus everybody does but California how long is that an hour and a half and what are you asking God to give to you tonight why did you come what experience are you believe in God for he's been opening doors next week I live to hunt us to share the gospel not to work what of Mexico to go minister for seven days the college universities they keep sending me papers to fill out papers to fill out I have a word for you Shh don't be confused look at me go what's your name grace God has not chose him the wisdom of men nor has he chosen the mighty or the noble to serve him he has chosen the weak things the base things the things that are not to bring to nothing things that are I have a word for you you're not supposed to go to that University if you do they'll destroy you and they store what God wants to do with you they will remove the pliability out of you though somewhat well you can prepare for ministry not to be educated to serve the world over in this world does not deserve you only the kingdom of God hear me now only the kingdom of God will give you fulfillment not the world so you know why you're confused because you're not supposed to do it if you are there'll be peace in your life but now there's confusion what is this tell you you know why God is using me because I had no education when I started I think some people are so educated God cannot use them because there's too much in the way I am NOT putting down education education is good for some people but not others like us I had Catherine come in and wake make one statement change my life and this is when I thought okay this this is it she said I'm stupid enough to believe what God said he meant when she said that I said that's what I want I was standing at the bus stop that God lead you Bruce I was standing at the bus stop in Toronto Canada with money to go pay for my college education I was not thinking about the ministry I was 20 years of age my mom and my dad wanted me to be highly educated in the things of men and I'm standing at a bus stop in Toronto Canada I can go to the spot that happened on Sheppard Avenue and I saw the bus come down and a voice said to me go home I thought am I losing my mind go home and I see the people going on the bus I couldn't even move my froze like I couldn't go nowhere and the voice became firm go home I got so scared I didn't know what to do when I went home and my mom said back so soon so now I'm not going she was very upset what do you mean that I said I'm not going to college exactly one week later God touched my life at Catherines meeting exactly a week later had I gone to college I would not have gone to see Kathryn Kuhlman what a mess my whole life there are people that are not called to serve the world were served prince of the kingdom of god others in this studio and people watching at home God is using them where they are they need that education to get in through the door to become witnesses I understand that understand that but when it comes to certain cause of God mm-hmm don't do it there's a high call for you girl you want to go to Honduras and Minister the gospel and be a missionary or something like that or just Minister the gospel you're waiting for the Holy Spirit to tell you he's telling you now through me what are you waiting for that's why you came tonight and call the colleges because I think the eight in the night earth at last the deadlines to make payments but then he said no what come here tonight even if I praise the one I come there pastors and I told him that well can I able to go they say yes they don't know that I may confuse my mom she had she told me she had a dream and she woke up and she told me you're gonna go pitch to the nation's I don't know why I don't feel like you're gonna go to college well your mom told you the same thing and here I'm revealing what your mom said see now I was wondering why that a woman who was a experienced but I didn't realize the anointing would spread on this girl in this one I don't know her story I'm sure we'll find out sometimes now lift your hands and dedicate your life to service now the longer I serve him the sweeter he grows give him your body give him your mind give him everything everything normal confusion Lord no more questions about her future all is settled now were not controlled by humanity's deadlines for our life the tree what I said don't be controlled by men's deadlines you are free all things are yours lift your hands and thank him all things are yours don't let men put you in a spot so you have to do this by this time all you lose you lose nothing you lose nothing all things belong to you you are in charge they are not in charge of your life God is in charge of your life all right now all is well all is cleaned up all right now listen to me heaven has chosen you and you have no choice now but to choose heaven well wait wait did you want to set your I said heaven has chosen you you have no choice number two choose heaven if heaven shows you you choose heaven look at someone tell them just what I said to tell somebody here say heaven has chosen you you have no choice now but to choose heaven hallelujah do you go to seed come on and pick up pick up the dear lady holy holy holy are you lord now I'd like to know before I send you to seat what were you feeling health or up to can you even tell us well then it was holding me something was going on inside me holding you like to the ground holding you well it belongs to you and none other you take your mommy back now no thank the Lord darling I didn't do anything somebody say praise the Lord it's what what happened to the girl you know tonight is not just about physical healings bring a clothes here bring your clothes and don't let her mess the carpet bring your clothes it's about spiritual experiences in the spirit tonight just spiritual experience and the Holy Ghost help her up bring her closer you know I want you all to lift your hands and sing the song Holy Spirit thou art welcome in this place just gently come on [Music] that's right that's marvelous on you don't touch her [Music] bring that lady here bring her here in addition [Music] come on Saints [Music] for in your presence there's healing divine no pick up no other power that's glory you can heal [Music] well move it up their holy spirit big enough I give you the praise I give in a place I give you the praise I give you all the praise I've got on your girl bring her here quick quick quick come up [Music] I give you all the praise okay help him back comforter helper back bring that girl here what happened to her for in my presence Susanne what happened to her what happened to doll that you tell me I have scoliosis what happened tonight how's Italy oh just over and over again I felt my spine just like it was hot let me check it out check it out bend down bend down no bend down like stand up and bend down and touch your toes wait wait step so high yeah it's like an s-shape so I had to do I got an orthopedist and everything and I have to I wear a brace I 18 hours a day or I try to wear it 18 but and so once you get to 15 you have to have a surgery where they put like what they put a rod in your spines are they they act like oh I don't see the twisting I know I can't I don't have it as bad as other people who have it like at 50 once they get the surgery you can't really like bitten down like I said you know when you you can't really bend down as easily I can right now but like while I'm standing it it's hard to stay in for a long time because my back will get so what happened to tonight well I told you that my spine was like I'm tired I heard that part but can I feel like I'm being healed so but you can you tell a difference I can't like I was standing there and I kind of stood straighter or was I don't know I feel like I was standing straighter and when you were telling us to just like let all our sadness go and just to forget all of it I almost fell over but oh my god so what happened I love it is this your first time here your mom brought you up so happy times before I'm so glad you came what's your name my name is joy joy you are a joy my dear I don't think I'll ever forget you Father thank you for this thank you for this there is the annoying girl there's the anointing one more time Saints come on holy speak [Music] [Music] bless your heart come come come closer now lord I thank you for this holy holy holy are you Lord and I thank you for this the entire future probably arrange it now rearrange it please save you [Music] holy holy holy are you lord complete rearranged the future [Music] this is a pastor and his wife thank you for what you're doing with them thank you for touching them [Music] thank you for the anointing that future is brighter than you knows as the Spirit of God brighter than you know what happened to the really Tosh how'd the Lydia and the girl help joy up have the young idiot at sinus how bad was it it blocked now it's cleared Lord [Music] pick up the key Bruce play gentle pickup the lady [Music] no more no more no more no more in Jesus name how about their Tosh Tosh what was wrong with your back you're in a car accident letsa go and I've been having tremendous pain I'm not seeing God right now or nothing at button in the spirit but when I was up the praying I couldn't hardly stand up and everything in my back got really numb I came here to pay for my stepdad tonight because he has cancer he's dying in two weeks and I think I got it instead we believe he will not die Devon agree we believe he will not die father in the mighty name of Jesus I pray now before heaven when I command that cancer to be gone in Jesus mighty name that healing come his way for your glory and honor pick her up help her up in the mighty name of the Lord whom I serve the cancer will not kill that man No you will not kill that man she stands in proxy for that gentleman in the name of the Lord Jesus it's your daddy said right your stepdad will live in the mighty name of the Lord lift your hands up putting the Holy Ghost come on what happened to the girl come on let's go [Music] begone keep praying in the spirit Saints [Music] keep playing this first one come on Tosh come on come on it's Hill [Music] the places [Music] that's stomach condition goes goes goes goes in sees as a name Blayne cookie is guansu come on what happened to him [Music] keep playing the spectrum on thank you Lord for mercy thank you Lord for mercy quick quick quick Payne thank you Lord for healing I give you all the praise and all the majesty bring her back here all the praise and all the Majesty with a praise Lord come hallelujah you know the God that healeth me quickly come on everything in the instrument I wanna hear you are the god that he led me [Music] well it's so you are in a car wreck Oh what more than ten times in her life she's been in a car accident dear God so you've had troubles with your body and pain joints you've been in ten accidents plus how can anyone be in that many accidents in one lifetime and and and and as a result of those accidents you had discs on my neck and my lower back I need problems and so water so last summer I sprained my ankle really bad and I fell down and you know just cuz what happened tonight well during worship it hurt more which was funny the left I've been in physical therapy but it hurt more there was more sharp pain but then when you were starting to pray then I just felt like kind of a cooling effect and then I kept on testing and I was like oh I know there's people with cancer and stuff it's just ankle but no I just felt cooling so much that I came down today yeah well how about the pain well it's gone company they've gone you don't feel no pain bend down touch your toes check out everything pick up your legs [Applause] somebody say praise the Lord but the anointing of God oh man help her up help her up now something help him back help him back she she's a little a little drunk in the spirit this this lady in just a little bit something mine is gonna happen in this in this studio are you ready okay quickly just quickly that that that lady yeah I'll go to me darling now let them all go go back to their seats please they can all go back to their seats what's your name mayor really what's wrong with you Joe everybody in Jesus name such answers Gloria oh man you go to your seat though and the mom can go with her come on guys to bring my pop it back please gentlemen thank you lord I thank you for what you're going to do this night in this studio I thank you what you did already but now Lord what you have for us is a is a surprise to you be all Majesty to you be all glory to you be all honor to you be all the praise and the people of God said Amen now ladies and gentlemen I want you to take your Bibles all over the place here of course things are not over because what is gonna happen after I'm in Easter the world is going to be quite dynamic here because see it's not all about physical touch and physical healings it's about change lives and the Lord already has moved and touched his people many of them physically others spiritually others otherwise but I am expecting shut your phone's please thank you I'm expecting something quite miraculous to happen to your spiritual life tonight now I don't think you heard what I said spiritually I know you heard what I said with your with your ears audibly but I want to say it to your spirit man the Lord is going to bring a reality you've never had before I'm gonna say it again in a different way now so you can come and sit down please thank you I want you to hear this and I'm gonna say it very carefully a few years ago a lady was standing here in the studio and I was talking to her this was years ago but I've never forgotten it it's just something that you can't forget and she [Music] was a very elegant lady by the way I remember her a little lady and suddenly something happened to her physical appearance she became if I could say illuminated it's like her skin began to shine somewhat and I was kind of stunned looking and I tried to talk to her and she just went into a different realm and she didn't say much to me and then later she said the sense of his presence is sorry and she was experiencing a heavenly moment I don't know what happened after I did not see her after that in this studio I don't know whether she was somewhere she lived somewhere else I suppose she did because I never saw her again I want you to tell you something the Lord Jesus is about to manifest himself to many of you in a very tangible substance I don't know how to say it and what words to use except it's going to be a substance of the master you are going to see some of you are sitting here you are going to see in your life day by day soon the beginning for the Bible promised that you would be transformed into his image because I do not believe the acceleration of that miracle has taken place yet in us because when the Bible says that we with an open face meaning with no veil like Moses with an open face will be transformed into the same image from glory to glory you know you asked yourself the question am I really more like Jesus now than when I got saved has there been a transformation in my life that I can really see that people can see well it's not been something that is very visible yet yet it's coming but it's not there yet here's why because when God will begin to do it he's going to do it very quickly and he's gonna do it at a time when things on earth are going to be going backwards for the world in other words things are going to happen on earth that will bring great darkness when that darkness hits the world the light of God will manifest in your life in a way that the transformation will accelerate that what you had been promised is gonna actually start happening now I I believe that God Almighty and I wasn't planning on saying all this but I believe that God Almighty is going to put a desire in you and you're going to start to pray a certain prayer you've never played before and the prayer will be I want to know you but this will not be done a prayer that is cheap with no meaning you are going to so come into that place of such deep hunger to really know the Lord that you don't know Paul the Apostle came to that place in his life just before his death oh that I may know him and you think now wait a minute didn't you already do not know the Lord so what do you mean by know him what kind of knowing are you looking for that you don't have that I mean know him and in addition and the fellowship of a suffering that I might be conformed to his image so that image is what he was waiting for that he unseen yet in his own experience now the wonderful precious promise of God is quite simple that he is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle and he's coming to a church that will be transformed into his image now that is gonna happen because it's his promise we will receive the fullness of his image when we shall see him as he is it says we shall be like him but the process of transformation must begin on earth in the early church I say something here and I want you to listen to it real carefully in the early church the Apostles were so transformed that the Pharisees recognized it they saw these men and they said how is it possible that these ignorant men talk like that how is it that these men who are fishermen with no education can be so bald and then they and it says they recognize they recognized they've been with Jesus so while the Lord was with them for those forty days no no the transformation did not begin when Jesus walked with them in the flesh could not have because none of them changed when Jesus was on the cross they all ran they began to question is this the Messiah but I believe that change began when he breathed upon them receive the Holy Ghost and the change started in Peter and that change started in James and the change started in John and Bartholomew and all the others so that more and more as he stayed with them for for those forty days that's when they saw the change accelerate so by the time he ascended to glory they were more like him than they had been forty days before and the world saw that when you read the Acts of the Apostles you see Jesus in every one of these men every one of those in the Upper Room the women the devotion the love the service and then you begin to read how the Lord continued that after the coming of the Holy Spirit to transform those same men so the transformation did not stop with his ascension there was a a a period of 40 days when the change was very rapid there to be and then the Holy Spirit descends on the day of Pentecost and the change continues at a different pace and continued and continued and continued and now began to affect many in the early church and many like Steve others that we don't read their names in the scripture but we'll read their names in the historical books that were so transformed and so lit up with God's glory so much so that when Nero burned many of them and tortured made of them and many were fed to wild animals they were able to worship God that shocked the Roman Empire what was it about those believers that we lack today what do we lack today are we really Christians are we really new Testament disciples or are we just Christians by name with no fruit of the Christian life and the power that it must have I believe the true church is about to come alive and that church is gonna have one desire only to carry our cross and follow it absolute dedication absolute faithfulness total loyalty to the master I'm gonna be a little raw with you I hear about famous people Hollywood people who got up and said they were Christians Jesus as my savior they said to the public yet those same people still act in movies that are satanic in nature how can they be true believers in being movies that are not holy I have a problem with that because the true Christian is a true Christian all the time that he lives the life that the Bible talks about now this it's not necessary for me to tell you what's happening in my heart but I want something now in my heart and in my life that I am very serious about I want his trust and one thing I want to please him not pleasing men to please the master that is my goal in life right now and nothing nothing is gonna stop me from getting there and I pray the same divine desire will be born and birthed in every one in this room and everyone watching around the world because that is what God will do in you you cannot do it on your own it's not the work of man I cannot make myself desire it I simply ask the Lord to place that in me to to to birth it in me to give me that Holy Spirit desire that I would be like him one day then I will be one with him one day because that's the promise now the Bible tells us what a a Christian really is in 1st Corinthians 6:17 it says he that his joy to the lord is one spirit now I know many of us maybe are not there yet I'm not there yet so I'll give you some comfort to know I'm not there yet but that's my aim as it should be all of our aims so the scripture says in 1st Corinthians 6:17 that we are one he that is joined to the lord is one spirit meaning to become a christian is to enter into Christ and partake of his life and be his Vick his his living his living vehicle on earth I want to repeat what I said to be a real Christian is to enter into Christ Jesus partake of his life become his living vehicle on earth so that we would join and become one with him by the spirit not something we can we can do in the flesh that's not but the Lord is going to bring each one of us into a place where his tangibility is gonna cause it his reality is on a closet you're gonna experience his true substance and you'll see it and you'll know it every wannabe sitting here every one of you that is every true Christian and every true disciple of Jesus will come to the place in life where the Lord will manifest himself to you in a way maybe you've not had before in a way you've not seen before because he declared that he would come and fellowship with us that the father and the son would fellowship with us that he would manifest himself to us now that is going to happen in a in a very massive manner in our life in the coming days because the closer we come to the coming of the Lord the more real he will become in your life right now his reality is there but his reality is not as thick as it's coming as it will be the same reality the early church experienced we are going to experience even though right now he is real to all of us he's more real to us than to the crowds that saw him 2,000 years ago but that reality is just the beginning just the beginning of that tangible substance of his person that his person would be so real in our life now we've had moments in our life all of us well the person of Jesus was relying that woman I talked about I remember standing in Catholic women's meetings I thought I'd died and gone to heaven where the person of Jesus was more real than Kathryn Kuhlman the person of Jesus I'm not talking about that the atmosphere I mean the person the person of the Son of God was more real than Jim pointer who stood next to me more real than al parish in who was standing on the other side of me people I knew in Canada who were on that bus who came down to the service that the Son of God Jesus of Nazareth was more real to me than Jim more real to me than al it was a reality it's hard to explain except to say it's beyond words every one of us has had that moment I know you've had it you would not be sitting here today you would not be hungry for them today had you not had that moment and every one of you has had a moment in your life most likely after or maybe while you are getting saved when Jesus became more real than your parents or your friends and there's been many moments in life that you've had that happen I know it we all have but our reality is coming soon that will be daily not just here and there and when I go to church on Sunday morning or when I pray with someone no it's gonna be there all the time a daily reality and when that daily reality happens the acceleration of transformation will be very noticeable people will see the Lord in your eyes they'll see the Lord on your face you will become true extensions of the Son of God on earth you are already by promise but this will be more than that it will be the real life you live so to become a real Christian is to enter into that that place to partake of his life to be a living vehicle of the master so the Lord came to where we are when we got saved joining us to himself now time has come now that we partake of his life his strength to come to her he is and when we come to where he is we will partake of all he has gained all his accomplishments become my accomplishments I stand on earth as his Houston on earth as his representative to humanity when you speak he's speaking everything about you now is Jesus that and only that I want to read a scripture from Romans 8:17 it says and if children then heirs heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ now now this simply means that when I come into that union into that oneness into that fellowship I begin to inherit all that he has gained all his accomplishments become my accomplishments all that he is becomes who I am and I inherit the Lord Himself an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ Jesus now heir of God that's a big word for it says if children then heirs heirs of God him he says the word twice heirs heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ now now in Joel 232 euro you've gotta go there Holy Spirit please let them see this one lift your hands and ask God to help you Father let them see what I'm about to give them let them understand what I'm about to give them in Joel 2 32 says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered but there's something there's something you've got to see here and this is why I'm I'm gonna take my Tamil bread because I want you to I want you to grasp something so powerful joel 232 we've all read that we've we we know what it says but let me just reread it it shall come to pass who service shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered for in mount zion in jerusalem shall be deliverance as the LORD hath said and in the remnant in the remnant in the remnant whom the Lord shall call so there's something in this verse that I think we've missed they said now when you call on the name of the Lord you have to understand that the name of the Lord represents who he was who he is and whom he shall be forever the name of the Lord represents his accomplishments the name of the Lord represents all he is and he has done and to call on his name means to receive him and all he has done it doesn't just mean to call on the name it means to receive everything he did therefore his name is him his name is the person of him it's not just calling a name because the moment I call him he will call me it says so whom the Lord shall call the remnant the Lord shall go it says whosoever shall call upon the name of all of the Lord shall be delivered and then it says this for in Mount Zion in Jerusalem shall be deliverance as the Lord has said in the remnant whom the Lord shall call you cannot call on his name unless he has called your name you cannot be his unless he's yours you cannot call on its name without receiving all that he is and represents so deliverance is that a matter of calling the name deliverance is the result of calling the person and when the person comes deliverance comes with him and that only deliverance comes with him but also you immediately become his you can't call on him and not be his you cannot call on him and become his no one can call upon the name of the Lord and remain outside the master where you're not belonging to him you can't call on the name of Jesus unless you are here already he calls you before you call him he receives you before you received him a lot of people have called on the name of Jesus and nothing has happened to them many if called of the moan of death and he did not answer mainly have called in terms of trouble and he didn't show up for he never called them you can't call on him unless he has called on you he calls your name before you were ever called his name because it says the Lord the remnant whom the Lord shall call hallelujah as the Lord has said in the remnant whom the Lord shall call jesus said you didn't call me I called you you didn't choose me I chose you no man can come unless he's drawn by the Holy Spirit that drawing of Elizabeth is the calling I can't accept Jesus without first him accepting me putting my name in the book of life before I even know him it's called pretty predestination and predestined to be his saw you so now calling upon his name is to receive him all he has done to call on his name now watch this demands repentance now listen carefully repentance has nothing to do with repenting about a certain sin it's not repentance repentance is the giving of oneself the submission of oneself when you turn everything over everything over to Jesus you no longer belong to yourself repentance has not been clearly preached or clearly declared because repentance in your man and my mind has been well you repent of that sin while repentance means the giving of yourself completely the changing of heart and mind to say I will no longer live for the world I will no longer live for myself I will no longer live for others I completely and totally give my life over to the Son of God I completely give here before control repentance means turning everything over to Jesus meaning turning yourself to Jesus submitting your life to Jesus that is true Bible repentance and the Word of God makes it clear to refuse to refuse that repentance will bring destruction to the soul who refuses it because it says in John 3:36 he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him now wait a minute what does the Greek word believeth really mean it doesn't mean mental acceptance of a fact does believe that I mentally accept the fact that Jesus is the Son of God that Jesus even demons believe that that I believe he died for me uh-huh so do devils believe he died for you I believe he rose from the dead you're new you're no different than the devil there he really believes that because he saw it happen it's not the mental it's absence of a fact believe means complete and totally ill deadness the Son of God now see you have to understand that Jesus gave us an oath and a promise God gave us a promise in Jeremiah 31 in Ezekiel 36 that he would give us a new heart he will put a new heart inside of us a heart that will love him and know him and he also declared that he will give us a new spirit and put his Holy Spirit in us and promised to forgive all our sin and remember them no more now that's his promise that's his oath never once did he tell me he's looking for my help I told you a few weeks ago when Adam sinned not one time did he even say sorry not one time did he say forgive me when Adam sinned he hid from God telling God basically leave me alone that's what hiding means and when the Lord said what have you done he didn't say I'm sorry for what I did instead he blamed God he said it's the woman who gave me I didn't do it he blames God rather than asking God to forgive him so God said now since man is not looking for forgiveness I'll do the job myself I will put enmity between the woman and the serpent and I'll destroy Satan on my own without your help Adam and when Adam and his seed and descendants went into idolatry for later that children of adam became demon worshipers God still came to Abraham and said I will bless your seed Christ and in your seed Christ the blessings of the nations will be there he'll bless nations that means the gospel and I see we'll all the nations be blessed meaning they'll know my love of my gospel yet Israel continued to go backwards even after God gave that Prime Minister Abram then the people of Israel went back and back and back till they became literally became worshipers of demons bringing the demonic into the very temple of God in Jerusalem yet God would say through Jeremiah I'm gonna still do what I promised I'm gonna give them a new heart I'm gonna give you a new spirit I'm gonna cause you to walk with me I'm gonna cause you to love me I'm gonna cause you to know me I'll do it all not one time did he say I'm looking for you to help me so what is my responsibility as a Christian one thing and one thing only surrender that's how we cooperate with God I don't help him I don't assist him I yield to him I give him my life to do whatever he wants with it I do not work I simply surrender that's my work when the Bible says work out your salvation with fear and trembling it talks about surrender to the Lord with fear and trembling because the work is Jesus says this is the work believe on the Lord believe all I do to work is simply yield surrender give him my body here in my life don't try to help him Jesus never said on the cross to be continued by you here it is finished and you simply accept the finished work and surrender to the Lord that's it the vine does not need your help to produce grapes you just simply connect to the vine and like I said already what do you do just hang in there be connected to the life of the vine that's all you have to do surrender means death to who you are now the Bible tells me that repentance is that surrender it's the giving of oneself to the Lord completely and totally not asking how I repent I did that thing again you see the reason sin is committed over and over and over there has never been a true repentance never been giving that that one's life was never really given to the Lord completely and fully it's coming I said it's coming you will come to that place of repentance you will come to the place of surrender you will come to that place of absolute oneness with the Messiah and be transformed by his power guaranteed by God himself now the Bible tells me the act of repentance comes to focus in baptism because the first call of the gospel is baptism circumcision was the Rite of initiation in the Old Covenant baptism is the initiation into the new the minute I get baptized truly baptized I connect with the Lord and his work baptism is the doorway into his death and resurrection and I think we as the church have lost the meaning the real meaning of baptism true baptism is not experienced today no it's just people getting wet because baptism happens right after true repentance and when that repentance is real baptism is that outward the declaration outward reality of that repentance and so the Bible says in Colossians 2:11 and 12 it says in whom also you you are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ buried with him in Baptism wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who has raised him from the dead so the moment I am baptized I connect I I come into through the doorway into his death and resurrection and at that moment our sins are forgiven and remembered no more when God raised Jesus from the dead he declared that the penalty of our sin which the Lord Jesus had freely taken had been paid in for our sentence placed on him fulfilled the instant a sinner is united to Jesus he nor she this is awesome he nor she are no longer sinners in his sight for he and she now are identified with him in all the blessings of the New Covenant Manticore Alpha albicante me no no no we do we don't receive that because Jesus earned it in Jesus did it we receive that because were one with him now dynamically with him one with him just chimp down the intimate and I gotta say this because this is all connected to complete yield in us that will come the reason you sin and keep sinning and cannot control it the reason you keep confessing that same old dirty sin there's been no repentance no true oneness has begun with the Lord because the Bible says very clearly the judgment over our heads is removed forever I I love what it says in Matthew this is so marvelous that Jesus makes the statement in Matthew 26 27 I'm gonna pray over you in a minute because I believe God's gonna do something for your spirit man see the the anointing came on people's bodies earlier and people were healed as oh what's coming now the anointing that's coming is going to bring the substance of Jesus into your life that's what I'm praying for Matthew 26 27 says this listen he took the cup give thanks gave it to them saying drink ye all of it for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins now you have to understand what this means a remission of sins goes back to the oath of God that he removed our sins you see we must believe we are forgiven we have to accept God's unlimited unconditional love and acceptance even though our minds they just won't get it we are forgiven so when the devil accuses you when he throws at you your sin throw the promises of God back right it's in his face because we are forgiven unlimited forgiveness and forgiveness I think the English language has a problem with that word because forgiveness in the English language means they cue the the excuse of a fault or an offence the removing of debt but but that's not what the word means the word forgive in the Greek means to dismiss forever to forsake forever to put away forever banished from the presence of God sent away it doesn't mean excusing a fault or an offense it means the removal the total removal of sin because his sin is a tyrant sin wants to rule but forgiveness frees us from that tyrant and his rule we are forgiven that sin is abolished that sin is removed in repentance there is the removal of sins so complete and so total but the Bible tells me in Romans 6:11 likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin and alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body because now you have the power to say no that you should obey the lusts thereof neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves to God because now you can as those that are alive from the dead your members is as instruments of righteousness to God because now sin shall not have dominion over you that is such a mighty promise that now the Bible tells me in verse 22 now being made free from sin we become servants of God and have the fruit of holiness unto everlasting life Hebrews 10:4 says the blood of animals could not remove sin but what do we see the promise of the psalmist said in 103 bless the Lord O my soul forget not his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities all their iniquities What did he say to us in Isaiah 44 22 oh this is so marvelous make sure to write those scriptures down please people of God what did God say about your sin he said in verse 22 of Isaiah 44 he said these words listen now I have blotted out as a thick cloud dyed transgressions as a cloud thy sins return unto me I have redeemed what did he say to us in chapter 43 and verse 25 of the same book what did he say to us I even I am he that blotted out thy transgressions for my own sake and will not remember thy sins what did he say to us in Isaiah 38 and verse 17 what did God say to you behold for peace I had great bitterness but thou has in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption for thou has cast all my sins behind your back what did Jesus do how did he deal with that in second Corinthians chapter five that's what the Bible tells me in verse eighteen oh it's marvelous and all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the Ministry of reconciliation to it that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them hath committed to us the word of reconciliation now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead be reconciled to God for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him what did the Lord say to us in mark chapter 3 verse 28 he is something that's so so powerful so incredibly mighty in mark chapter 3 verse 28 years where the master said and this comes from the highest authority verily I say unto you all truth I sell to you all sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme except one sin can never be forgiven he that blaspheme against the Holy Spirit has never forgiveness never forgiveness all other sins that is therefore now no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus but what do I do Lord what do I do master now don't you miss this don't you walk out of me when I'm giving you the heart of the message real gentle there Bruce will heavenly what do i do lord I come to that place what I spend enough time with him and pay the price called time in his presence to allow the Son of God to manifest himself to me because he will not manifest himself to me if I rush in and rush out today Susanne went to do her hair and makeup getting ready for tonight I took my iPad and I began to just talk to the Lord with him about half an hour because I've been in it every day now it doesn't it doesn't take long anymore for the master to show up because now it's a daily contact daily contact means no warm-up sessions daily contact means he's gonna show up much quicker than he did three four months ago because now it's an appointment it's a divine appointment with the Son of God that no but no one can disturb including your wife your husband and though you you've got to give him that time from about 1:00 p.m. till about 2:30 every day I'm locked in sometimes I start around 12:30 but for good about 1:00 p.m. and hour and a half gone now if I'm not able to then I choose the time when I can but normally it's around 1:00 in the afternoon a few days ago around 12:45 my phone rang it was an important person who was calling from Nigeria I picked up the phone and it was a very important matter that they brought to my attention that I really needed to deal with I hung up it was about 12:55 and you know sometimes the flesh gets in to interfere with your turn with God so I picked up the phone to call that someone in the United States to take care of it and it hit me this belongs to God now it can wait this time belongs to God the minute I made that decision and I'm missing some details there's no need for me to be all the details that's not important but I was to call someone in this country to take care of it I said no this is Jesus it's his time the second I did that before God Almighty he walks in the room instant I start crying the minute I hung up his presence became so real I was stunned how quickly it happened never let anyone steal that time from you it's more important than food Suzanne told me years ago she said God is going to visit you greater than he did back in the 70s said yeah but you know something sometimes God waits till you get things out of the way too many things interfere and he understands that whatever they are sometimes God just works with us he allows us to get this stuff out of our way it may take a little longer than he wants and I said all this is it I'm gonna I'm gonna this cuz I III can't I shall say I don't have the luxury of time anymore I don't want to die before I accomplished what I must accomplish I don't want to die I want to accomplish it first when I was young ladies Linda that I had a vision of myself you kids you know you needed to pay attention I just began preaching I had a vision of myself I was on my knees in my bedroom in Canada 48 crosswalk resident to be exact and I'm on my knees I just been in the ministry maybe days and I see the Lord I are had a vision it was very clear vision very vivid vision I can see the details even now while talking to you I saw the Lord staining white robe his arms outstretched like that I saw me Benny Hinn now there's two Benny's the one outside the vision is me looking at the vision and I see me in the vision but the Benny I saw was a crippled bound person I was stunned because the Benny I saw in the vision was a bent over like that literally every part of him was like bent and there was a brown ugly color around me an atmosphere that was not pleasant to look at and I saw the Lord on the other side I heard his voice Tom so he said he was saying come to that Benny but that Benny was too crippled then to bound up in that atmosphere of it looks like it was a demonic type of atmosphere so the Benny outside the flash Benny says please Lord help him you can see he can't move but the Lord inside the vision ignored me and all he said is come and suddenly I see this Benny in the vision struggling with all his mind to move but could not and suddenly something that was stunning to me I saw a muscle on his right leg move and the same muscle on the Lord's leg moved and every movement little that man made was copied by the Lord now he stood up straighter and began to come closer because with the Lord and he has something I gotta tell you the voice of the Lord the come gave him strength to do it in the voice of the Lord s strength to do it if the Lord had not spoken that Benny could not have moved at all but the come of the master strength in them I speak of myself in the third person because I could not identify with that man at the time and now suddenly he he got up and got straight children and and as I moved I remember and moved my right leg and he moved his right leg came close and I moved and he moved and the scripture came alive draw nigh on to God He will draw nigh unto you and then we met halfway in the room and now I'm straight and strong him free but something happened after that that's what I'm praying will happen now in this time in my life he put his arm around me and I put my arm around him and suddenly he and I became one that Benny disappeared and I came out of the vision because now the Benny disappeared and all he saw was the Lord I want it before I'm dead now you say what do you think what do you think was that brown what do you think was that atmosphere what part of your life I can tell you exactly what it was 2010 2011 2012 the worst years of my life I went through that I almost came to the edge of Hell itself it's all I'm gonna say about it I thought no way out it was hell on earth and I use it very fearfully and the and the and and the ugliness of that term I don't even I dismiss it now as though it never happened because really I might in my opinion yeah it's erased after all the Crusades are held and all the part of God I've seen I went through a season that nearly destroyed me but something happened in 2015 when I came out of the hospital and had a vision an individual I saw myself in front of the gates of heaven I saw a woman named Ginny Clattenburg playing the organ I was dressed in a white robe and I was in the middle of the line in this dream very vivid dream this happened shortly after I came out of the hospital and I saw the first person going to the gates of glory and when they get so chloro 'pn gene Clattenburg who i knew a lady in orlando is now with the Lord she played this beautiful crescendo as the gates opened and then I saw the Lord standing right by the gate and he did this and the next person in line was not allowed in and two massive men in white robes came which I would suppose our angels and pulled him out of the line and he was terrified he was screaming with such agony I could still hear it he was refused and she played a very frightening sound on the organ and then the Lord did this to the other person and they came in so now my turn came and I wondered is it gonna be this or that and as I got closer and closer I remember so vividly Jeannie Clattenburg looking at the Lord wondering what is it which what is it and I heard his voice I heard all those words so clearly and he didn't say anything now except one thing he looked at me said don't blow it Howard don't blow it I'm giving you a second chance is what he meant you see the change in me that's why it was the beginning of the greatest change the change then happened that rapid nothing does because the rust must be removed and here's what I'm here to tell you since this is my advice to all of you don't invest time with people who will eventually turn on you don't invest time in people that you think will promote you don't invest time in people who have the means financially to help you because one day you'll find Jesus is no longer there you gave them the time that belongs to him you were investing time in them to gain something back with a position or influence you have no idea the dinners I had with preachers as a waste of my time and damaged my soul because they did nothing except use me are you listening use me that's all as long as the ratings were high you are okay as long as you produce for them they would gladly have dinner with you I spent so much time on relationships with people and I wasted my time because the relationship I really needed to build was not with them or the Son of God now it's different I don't care to have dinners oh I have some here and there very little really there was a time I was out almost every night somebody had to meet with me every night don't waste your time so you come to a place in your life and you say I have to regain my trust his trust I want to be trusted again and something has happened to me and this time I will not blow it and you better not blow it it's time to get back to the foot of the cross and really do what is pleasing unto you lift your hands and tell'em amateur level Faris Lord Jesus and all of you in your homes this is the time I totally Sun hasn't happened out of the meeting that I don't know how to present but it's happening I want the Lord to do something in your life that's never happened before to put in you a desire for holiness to put in your desire to love him to put in you a holy desire to follow him that all in life would be Jesus that your love for him would so intensify and so grow that all your life would be about is the son of God so stop spending time with people that don't really matter stop giving your time away that belongs to the Lord does time is all we have to give him our time is precious in His sight I want you to play that one more time but with the higher keys there Jim because he is the lover of our souls he's all we have in this life moms and dads will go brothers and sisters will go to friends they come they go they don't stay really the man of God named Danny chambers called me a few days ago I know it from him in years and their God he had such a word for me that was so true he said Benny there's a purpose to your pain a purpose to the pain you went through a purpose that's the first first thing he said before he could even say much he was quite a shall I say quiet on the phone not demonstrative at all his voice was soft and heavy you know pastor penny who is this you friend any chambers dandy how are you of a word for you from the Lord and then I stopped asking how are you the Lord told me to tell you this purpose in your pain and he also told me to tell you he's visiting you and your future will be much greater than you can ever realize just stay with it stay with it he said well I'm gonna stay with it alright so I told Suzanne when she came is sending the Lord is visiting me and they said the time for you to really pray for both of us cuz you prophesied this because this is your time as well not just mine the autism do something mighty in your life as my wife and the next few days I want I want a a premiering in your home what do you allow us to come I don't want it in the studio I want hand-picked people and you know and I want to come with Suzanne and I'll be there and we're gonna all get on our knees I want Nancy there I want you there I want you there I want some of you that have been with me a long time I want Linda there don't Patricia there that one Ellen there I want Phyllis there I want this bastard there Josh Allah I want you there and I want you there because we're gonna seek the Lord for our life when they get on our knees in that house and wait till he shows up I want you there Jim some of you been with us a long time you come we'll call you but when I just lift your hands and give him your life again just surrender I want Michelle there I want you there too yeah Varys Lord Jesus ruler Oh for nature o thou of God and man the Sun thee will I cherish the will I honour thou my soul's glory joy and Crown give me the praise beautiful Savior Lord of the nations son of God and Son of may glory and honor praise and adoration now and forevermore behind give you all the praise and we are committed to your cause Savior lift your hands and tell them that say I am committed to your cause Lord I'm committed to your cause enter your purpose now all of you begin to lift your voice in the Holy Ghost and pray in the Holy Ghost come on let the Holy Ghost pray through you right now because this is not the time to speak in English this is the time to let the Holy Spirit take over come on [Music] [Music] putting the Holy Ghost come on [Music] keep your seats keep your seats don't don't stand up just lift your hands and pray in the spirit [Music] lift your hands and tell them how much you love him in the Holy Ghost talk to him come on [Music] Malvika laughs APL Picanto mono mentim menta Quinta l'amour ELB ELB can't amana come on people lift your voice in the Holy Ghost come on [Music] I love thee my cheese's tis nah [Music] I love thee in life I will love thee in death and praise thee as long as vowel andest me pray and say when the death you light school hold on my bra my bra now ladies and gentlemen in just a few moments I'm gonna let you go home but before you go home I want to take just a few moments to talk to you if you'll allow me and then we're gonna receive the Lord's offering and let the Lord lead you Bruce and Jim I I believe with all of my heart you can stop in just a few moments I believe with all of my heart we are we're about to enter into the most amazing season in church history and the manifestation of the Lord is going to become so rich in your life and I'm talking about like visible manifestations of the Spirit we are going to enter that I believe beginning beginning beginning February 21st 2019 because because something is going to happen that date in Orlando Florida we're a hundred thousand young people will be gathered at the Citrus Bowl and Lou Engel and Mike Bickle and the ym people are now organizing it and they've asked me to come and Reinhardt Bonnke and sorello and others and I believe that God is gonna do something in that event that's gonna release something on America because Lou Engel has heard from God about the send not the call the send and they're gonna launch what is called the send from Orlando they came here a few weeks ago and met with me at the Renaissance next door and they told me the vision they had and Lou Engel said he said when Billy Graham passed he had a vision and he saw 200000 Mantle's fall on 200,000 young people they said the mantle of Billy Graham was split into two hundred thousand evangelists in America who will take the gospel with demonstration to the nations of the world and then he said we want you and bunky and more Cyril to release the anointing on the next generation then they're gonna hold massive events in hundred thousand stadiums hundred thousand seat stays all across the country and I believe that what Billy Graham's daughter said which is now on YouTube you can all watch it the Rafales departure was the beginning of the preparation for the coming of the Lord she said as my father went to heaven and her father went to heaven the same date Moses they say went to heaven she said that publicly she said that February 21st is the date that Jews believed Moses went to be with the Lord when God took him home she said here it is again the 21st of February and my father is on the Lord and she said like like Moses she said this publicly like Moses it's the departure for Moses and now the Joshua is about to show up the Joshua is about to come meaning the Lord Himself when she said that something happened in my spirit I sense something in my heart that she was right I'm here to tell you she is right and I believe the year 21st of February there'll be a year after Billy Graham went home on that date a massive event is gonna happen in Orlando I said to them why Orlando why did you choose Orlando well because God told us I said you don't know the history of that city you don't know that the most massive events were held in the 70s in Orlando that her dad sponsored my wife's dead at the largest church in America in the 70s called camera assembly Orlando out of Calvary they launched the Jesus festivals shook the nation it was out of Calvary charisma magazine was born so charisma magazine then start with Steve Strang it began with or Harlan Steve was only one of the kids in church Suzanne was on the staff of charisma because it was only a news in that door of a church that obey that her father launched I said to luminous as I said do you realize that Orlando Florida is the city or Kenneth Copeland prophesied in our church in 1983 when he came he said to to the thousands who were there he said out of Orlando Florida we'll begin the last move of the Spirit you were there you remember because he said that cannot Copeland prophesied that on our platform I so do you you people don't know what God told you Orlando cause it's been the seed has been sown already in that city over the many many years the three largest churches in the country were all in Central Florida a father's Church Quentin and which church in Winterhaven called straight on in Lakeland Florida there were the largest churches in America at one time there was what the move of God really was happening in Central Florida a lot of what we have today came out of that including many of the songs we sing were born in that move but I believe God is gonna launch something on that date and I'm here to declare your children will serve the Lord I said your children will serve the Lord they will walk with God lift her hands and declare it come on declared I want to hear you and in that move and because of that move three things and we need to prepare for it now so you all listen to me now well we need to prepare for the move the move of God is going to bring three things with it evangelism signs and wonders prosperity say come on evangelism signs and wonders prosperity say it again now that's what's coming now lift your hands and claim it come on claim it all of you claim it claim it climate climate I want you to claim it for yourself for your family for your loved ones now prosperity is coming and prosperity is no lacks ain't no lack say it again one more time charisma magazine just published an article about me this week about what I believe in prosperity and I told them clearly what I believe in they're all very happy now with me because I believe one time I went a little too far I did but God brought me right back to where I should be because prosperity has nothing to do with flying on a private plane prosperity has nothing to do with having money in the bank in a big house prosperity means no lack say no lack say it again and it also means having enough to do what God wants you to do so today we have that mentality that is not biblical because if you look at the Bible it says none lacked among them nobody lacked in Egypt nobody liked when they walked through the wilderness thing about Israel coming through that wilderness and nobody had a toothache nobody had to go shopping nobody had to go buy clothes God took care of them they had no lack say no lack now no lack in the wilderness that's a miracle and no lack for the animals - most people forget the animals hundreds of thousands possibly millions of sheeps and goats in this and that none of them lacked water not one animal lacked food so we know God took care of Israel but he even took care of the animals that came out with them no lack means no lack say no lack the book of Acts chapter 4 33 34 none lacked among them even during oppression by the Romans paying high taxes to the Romans nobody lacked so I am here to tell you that I believe with all of my heart we went a little too far back in the past and now we have to come to what the Bible says no lack jesus promised don't worry about tomorrow I'll take care of you you'll have no lack if God took care of Elijah he'll take care of you and Elijah had no car and no house and no bank account he had no lack the Lord Jesus did not have a house or even a bicycle he had no lack say no lack the Lord supplied his needs through women who took care of his clothing and food and where he lived now some of you lack you have debt that's lack you have financial troubles that's lack I'm here to speak that's coming to you in Jesus name no lack lift your hands and thank God no lack in your life none will lack among you whatsoever you'll have plenty and enough to do what God has called you to do now some of you some of you are called by God and blessed by God to do things other people cannot do Philemon was a rich man Gaius was a rich man in the Bible and so Paul says those who are rich you need to give to the gospel and do the good works don't put your eyes on your riches put your eyes on the gospel and God will bless you so rich people existed in the New Testament and the old David was so rich he gave a lot to the Lord and for the temple Solomon was the richest man that ever lived but he gave everything to God he was not a greedy man there will be rich among us of course always God will bless some of you more than he'll bless others for one reason to bless his kingdom to bless his children to bless his work on earth some of you have been blessed financially as it was in Bible days with like Philemon and others Philemon has a servant had a servant he was a rich man paul wrote a chapter to him called the book of Philemon others in the Word of God were blessed also but not all like that yet no one in the church lacked nobody lacked today many lack you know why they're not givers the church clearly was commanded to give to give to the Lord and they gave way more than we see people give today so much so that they gave property sold property in acts 5 not all of them had property to sell either but those that did it says those that had meaning some did not but those that have properties sold the property gave it to the gospel but the Bible says we give what we have not what we don't have now today we prepare for the revival three ways number one intercession number through number two witness number three giving I'm preparing my life for the future through prayer and intercession daily at 1 o'clock that's my time with God and now I'm spending time again at night not just at 1 o'clock i I do twice a day not just once a day so we have to prepare for the revival coming three ways number one prayer intercession number two witness talk about Jesus to everyone you know I got out of the car I see three people begging for money I stopped the car I got out I said why are you doing this so hot well they told me their stories I taught them about the Lord I took money out to give to each one of them I said now go please don't stay in the heat they thanked me I won't tell you what I gave them because I'm not supposed to don't let your right hand know what the left is doing but I give them enough that they did have to stay there now every time you do that you're witnessing everywhere you go now tell people jesus loves you just tell them just tell them go go up to someone in the mall says so the Lord loves you today just look at somebody's face you know but use wisdom find the right moment hmm you all have discernment don't you discern the moment justice certain the moment I've walked up to people Italy said Jesus loves you and they almost cry because they didn't expect me to say it but it was just a right moment just a right moment be a witness and thirdly be a giver because that will cause God to trust you with more are you listening the more you pray the more anointing the more you witness God will bless you with more doors will open and the more you give you can trust you with more money to be blessed beyond words so I want you all to would you please pass the envelopes and then I want you to do something wait wait here is what I want to do this go ahead and pass the pass the pencil I want you just a second to put this envelope up in there like that once you get it once you get it I'm gonna pray over the envelope I'm gonna ask God to multiply your seed sown in such a way you'll never lack again I feel the anointing for it say no lack speak on speaking say no lack say in the name of Jesus no lack in my life no lack in my future no lack for my children and grandchildren no lack for my family in Jesus name I declare no lack in my life now now you all have the envelope okay I'll wait til you all get an envelope come on there's people there that have no envelope please quickly get to them yeah thank you thank you there Bruce if you don't have an envelope make sure to put your hand up there's people there with no envelope come on gentlemen come on come on that's it hallelujah now listen what is the date two weeks from tonight what's the date look at your phone don't know what the date is gonna be xx xx good on the 20th we're gonna be back here I said on the 20th we'll be back here another healing service how many of you felt a strong and arlington idea it's gonna grow it's gonna get even stronger I want you to do something before you use so but first we're gonna pray okay but I'm gonna have you if you're gonna come back in two weeks please say so on the envelope I'm coming back that way I don't have to call you again make sure you put your name and all this on the front and on the back just say I'm coming back in two weeks if you're gonna come back and do is let me know but but wait wait lift that envelope to heaven come on now father I declare over every person in this studio audience and I declare over every person in their homes that they're gonna walk into a season soon when no lack will be the normal thing will be the norm but the lack they've known in the past will never be in the future that the future will be filled with abundance no lack and lord I pray they'll have enough not only no lack but enough to fulfil your plan to do your will to do whatever you ask them to do for you in Jesus name I declare it in Jesus name I declare it over my life and business and future and ministry in Jesus name Amen now now when you saw the seat tonight I want you to sow a seed that will stir your faith meaning don't give an amount you've given already in the past if you've been accustomed to giving 50 make it a hundred reviewing been accustomed to give 75 make it 125 increase the seed according to the Scriptures equal ease there's this 11:2 says increase the seed give a portion of seven also of eight because when you increase that seed something happens to your faith you put a demand on faith and God responds to faith God does not respond to the amount he responds to the faith it produces that's how God responds yeah I've heard it said it is through your need will move his heart your faith will move his hand it's time to move his hand and it's heart a man now would you all just before we so just lift that envelope and pray in the Holy Ghost come on pray over it in the Holy Spirit I mean pray over your ceiling on in the spirit in fact lay lay hands on that seed and just lift it up like that and pray in the spirit come on because God will do something with that seed he's gonna do something mighty through that seed watch what God will do with that seed now because prayer is now connecting the seed to the hands of God himself because he receives that it says in the book of Hebrews that God receives our our offerings he receives that hallelujah I said hallelujah I said hallelujah how many of you are gonna come back in two weeks just wave at me hey put it put it on the envelope that you're coming back then we'll know that you're coming back and don't have to call you to remind you okay all right let's pass the offering buckets and before you go before you go I really want to pray for your children I want to pray for your family because I really feel I need to so let's just go ahead and so when then we're gonna dismiss in just a few moments you see when you when you sit in the presence of God like we've said tonight you're gonna leave and find out that you received a miracle that you did not even know you had received you know what I say my goodness that problem is gone that pain has left me without knowing the Lord has a call on that young man's life over there young man with the beard young man the Lord has a call on your life are you aware of it yeah he is he's going to use you it's time to prepare you know him they came all the way from Sacramento you got to go back to Sacramento tonight come here there your wife bring her yet little boy bring him were you from Russia you live in Sacramento and you're Russian and you you hello what do you want what come come close why did you come all the way from Sacramento told me you came here I know why you're here now I know why you're here before you leave I'm gonna pray over you okay people of God praying the Holy Ghost for them right now out loud I want to hear you we declare your majesty quick we declare your majesty tomorrow's fine papa [Music] your name is exalted for your aim [Music] magnificent to you victorious your pal he's shown throughout the earth and we exclaim that you are mighty lift up your name for your holy singing again Lord all honor and glory in and already sure we bow before your fraud we declare your majesty we proclaim your holy name is exalted for your a magnificent you rule victorious your power is known throughout your and we explain that you are mighty lift up your Holy Name your holy we sing it again of honor or glory in a donation we bow before your throw I want you all to sample in the Hollywood for this may come on we declare your majesty lift your hands playing this wait everyone [Music] we declare your majesty now Union homes I want to say goodbye to you and dismiss you I don't know what's gonna happen here now but you and your homes god bless you thank you playing the holy ghost
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 58,967
Rating: 4.7330365 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Pastor Benny Hinn, Miracle Service, Monday Night Service, 8/6/18
Id: GmXl3DJ5NvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 22sec (11422 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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