Benny Hinn LIVE Monday Night Service - July 15, 2019

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[Music] hi do I [Music] [Applause] [Music] just gently himthey I put my trust in video Jesus in the dua [Music] [Music] father with all our hearts we say to you how we love you and we thank you for sending your wonderful son Jesus we thank you for sending the Holy Spirit who has made Jesus and continues to make Jesus so real in our life your presence so precious you love so tangible our worship so real thank you Lord for this your word declares for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son if you would send your son who can fathom that who can even understand that your love who can understand that but we thank you one of these days we will know the depth of that love give you praise and so tonight touch every single one who's come to the studio touch every single one watching in their homes bless your people strengthen your people encourage your people magnify your name in every life and so we've gathered tonight because we love you because we need you because we want to know your word in depth we want to know you and be loyal to you be committed to you love you forever and we ask you tonight Lord wonderful Heavenly Father Holy Father give us a love we've never known before for you give us a love we've never had your word declares your love is shared by your spirit in our hearts o precious Lord precious God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob we come tonight in Jesus we design and we ask you to give us that love give us that love we've never known a love that will never die truly unto death truly Lord absolute loyalty absolute faithfulness to you don't let us miss that glorious day don't let one of us be found asleep dear father Heavenly Father we love you if you praise through your son Jesus Jesus wonderful Jesus as hands are uplifted let your glory fill this house and we don't mean by the house the building we mean our life that you've already filled our house in Jesus sweet name let's ask him come on Saints let you can already feel this house let your praises fill my let each vessel r4r to you the sacrifice of praise Oh [Music] Jesus you alone [Music] oh Jesus - are you alone he [Music] here deserve the glory Jesus you wanna live devices to the Lord sense you are you're not worthy you deserve the glory Jesus you let you glory fill this high that your praises fill my heart let your praises feel my heart let each vessel offal up to you let me to that Salah for uh to you the sacrifice of praise the sacrifice of praise you along you alone are worthy you deserve the glory Jesus you [Music] [Music] Jesus you [Music] spirit of the Living God fall afresh [Music] spirit of the Living God [Music] melt me Lord Phil use [Music] me spirit are leaving [Music] sweet Holy Spirit sweet heaven leader stay right here we love feeling us your love hands for these blessings we lift our hearts improve without a doubt we'll vote that we have been when we [Music] this how hungry we are tonight to walk with you to know you in depths we've not known before multiple depths we've not been to before Oh dearest Jesus don't let us live another day without beginning that working us bringing us to those depths as Paul declares the unsearchable riches of Christ your unsearchable riches Lord not surface knowledge we've known that Lord taps unsearchable depths give me the prize law bring every one in this room everyone watching across the world to that place where they'll be hungry for it give them their hunger only you can give us their hunger only you can place their hunger in our hearts [Music] for you [Music] to the west Ravana lifter insane said tell him how much I love him ask him to increase that Lavinia ask him from your heart he hears that whisper of the heart to the we are scratch [Music] the US cry [Music] to the west scribe power [Music] and majesty holy holy is the Lord [Music] to thee we ascribe glory we ascribe [Music] yes [Music] so lift up on her [Music] I can be file come glorify Christ Jesus again the glory majesty Jesus who died [Music] [Music] so [Music] we my [Music] this is the majesty [Music] to God be the glory for he said I will not share my glory and tonight we promise with our life we will give you all the glory for what you're doing our lives and in this service and to go [Music] [Music] our God [Music] for the things [Music] with his blood he has saved [Music] where this power he has made [Music] to our God be the glory [Music] deeply tonight affect our life please deeply so your word in our hearts we cannot trust our own hearts we trust you that you'll do a work in us so mighty that we will see results we will see fruit in Jesus mighty name God's people said one more time once again before you sit down just look at someone and say it's so wonderful being a Christian now you maybe see that why do you love the Lord I'm asking you a question why what is it that causes you and I to love the Lord is it the fact that he came to earth and died for you is it that you've been deeply moved and touched by his word or is it the work of the Holy Spirit that's it you gave me the right answer without the Holy Spirit you cannot love one you've not seen but the Holy Spirit has made the Lord so real in your life in my life that we love him with intensity having not seen him yet we love him now 2,000 years is a long time yet he's more real to us tonight then he was two people who saw him 2,000 years ago they saw him and did not love him we have not seen him and we love him that is only and can only be done by the work of the Holy Spirit in your life in my life so I pray to that the Holy Spirit will make the message I'm gonna preach so real to each one of us because this is the last message on the subject because I'm determined to get this through to you because the Christian life the longer you live it the more the enemy will fight the more he will raise a mighty battle against you so narrow is the way that leads to life narrow is the way now when you read the parable and you read it in the gospel the sword went out to sow and some seed fell on the wayside and the birds picked it up so those who hear the word will not necessarily hear it if their hearts are not in the right place because those people who lost the word were on the side outside the Fellowship of the believers outside what I believe are the called and so Satan came and stole the word before the word can have a residence in their hearts it was gone then you have the second group well the seat fell too close to the wall and there was no depth if you go to the Holy Land as I have myself many times looked at these things in ancient times they wouldn't they didn't have any fences they just had rocks as a fence and that's what the Lord meant by a rock the seat fell on the rock meaning the seat fell on the fence because they made a fence with little rocks all around the forum but right close to the rocks they did not cultivate that was too close so as rocks underneath so the Lord said there was no depth the seat fell too close to the fence and hit the rock below this soil it was it was too close there was not enough depth and of course you know what that means there was no depth in their life they received it with joy and then because of temptation they lost and the third group little further away from the wall that area wasn't cleansed either because still too close to the wall the stones there the farmers didn't care to clean that and so the thorns grew up and choked the life of the world that's persecution the love of this life the pleasures of life took the world and then you have the center where the real growth happens and he said now that is what matters but few there be they'll find it now this is amazing that he would say that that those who are planted in the center are not many not many well it's probably reasons I can go into why that is the case but I will say this that I believe that the longer you live the Christian life the heavier is the battle and the heavier the battle the greater must become the commitment to live the Christian life and the Christian life the Word of God is clear it's not difficult that's what we read in the Word of God it's not a difficult life it's difficult without the Holy Spirit it's easy with the Holy Spirit because it's all about surrender its surrender the simplicity of the gospel the simplicity of the gospel belongs to children if we are not as children we can't enter in is what the Lord said so the more complicated you make it the more difficult it's going to be for you to find it so the Christian life is simple the closer life has to do as I'll show tonight with absolute death and death means surrender death means I cannot do it there's no dependance there's this when when there's no dependent people failed because all what people want is independence but when you have dependence on the Lord that's surrender that's the key right there and today you don't see dependence today when you look around is not or not much about that now tonight I'll probably get myself in trouble and I almost don't care I am shocked I was talking to someone today about my first of all first of all about what I see happening with some ministries the name of Jesus is mentioned less and less less and less not much boldness about the name Jesus so that's why I may get in trouble it's okay have you met Christ they say and I like to ask when they say have you met Christ I'd like to say which one what which one do you mean did you come to Christ which one Christ is the title why can they not say Jesus notice nobody is angry with you if you say Christ they get really angry of you say Jesus because it's the name of Jesus it's at that name every knee shall bow and that name every tongue will confess he's Lord and Peter said this same Jesus is Lord and Christ he wasn't ashamed or afraid to say to the whole house of Israel this same Jesus so they just are afraid I suppose of mentioning his name in case they loose crowds or many or more they don't want to lose something I don't know what is going on in their head but the Lord said if you're ashamed of me I will be ashamed of you the angel said thou shalt call his name Jesus I don't know why they don't get that message thou will call his name Jesus I don't know repeat Christ is the title the title Jesus is the name so when when you read at the name of Jesus he didn't say the name of Christ he said at the name of Jesus every knee will bow every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord he is Messiah and it's troubling to me when I have to listen to and sometimes I can't even finish I just can't stand even going on I just shut the thing off is why don't they say Jesus what's wrong with that name it's the name God has highly exalted it's the only name through which we find salvation it's the only name that can drive demons away it's his name what's his name now I'm talking to you like this because out there there's a lot of confusion and a lot of competition for who has the biggest ministry when it comes to many not Souls many so they get on TV and they never talk about Jesus I don't want to get myself in any more trouble and get a little specific give you names of individuals that are ashamed of the name that that have a platform they have a platform and they just will not use the platform to promote his name others have gone into politics they've become too political the gospel has taken on a political tone in their ministry called your congressman called this call that let's fight this and let's fight that Jesus didn't ask us to fight the government never one time do you see in the Bible then fighting the Roman authorities under great persecution nobody ever fought the Roman Emperor nobody went out protesting against Rome and the cruelty of Rome cannot be described even today they were cruel people their persecution was beyond cruel well the Lord just said very clearly let your light shine to love your enemies do good to them who despitefully use you and abuse you that's what he told us to do now that's a hard message I know that but only by the spirit can we live that life it's not easy to love your enemies I assure you I've had many but something happens to you when the Lord becomes reality you begin to love enemies you did not want to love I will never forget the story of Maggie heart nur Maggie heart who worked with Kathryn Kuhlman for many years and there was a lady in church in Youngstown Ohio because Kathryn had a church in Youngstown miss gurmann Hara was that was a pastor of a great church and in that church was a lady it was very nasty too Maggie Maggie was Catherine's right-hand lady and there was a lady in the church that was up just a bad woman and Maggie went to her one Sunday morning they had not talked for a long time there's a lot of anger and hatred in such things between them and Maggie walked up to the lady on a Sunday morning it was Easter Sunday and she said to the lady what a lovely dress you have on today happy Easter to you may the Lord bless you today and Katharine just happened to be walking by and she said what happened to you I thought you hated the lady she said it's amazing what happens in the presence of the Lord it's amazing what happens in the presence of the Lord when Jesus became real to Maggie she began to love a woman that was not that nice to her so you see we can't love our enemies without the Lord it's impossible really so the gospel now has got to be preached with such power and clarity and I honor Franklin Graham I honor that man I sent him a message today I saw I'm so proud of him that every time he is interviewed he gives the gospel every every time it doesn't matter if it's 5 minutes or 10 minutes and interview he gives the gospel it's really the time the time has come we have to stand up and declare the name of Jesus to America and declare his name with power and not be afraid of what the crowd will do what the people will say I love Pat Robertson it's my friend I love Gordon the family I'll be I'll be with them on the 27th of August on the club and pray for me that day because I really want to talk to the whole nation about this right on the 700 club to talk about Jesus and what the Lord has done in my life especially lately has been precious to me because it's like a new love it's like a a new walk it's like a new fresh day spring you know the day dawn sunlight is shining early in the morning on my life and and when I talk to two people I love dearly my children my son Michael Jessica I talk to them I think every day now at least twice a day and Michael was telling me a few days ago oh the devil showed up in his bedroom I said well it finally happened he was shaken up you know I I don't know if I ever told told you this and maybe it doesn't really matter but still his his his majesty sean has shown up in my bedroom twice trying to stop me you know Martin Luther threw a bottle of ink at him one time the devil showed up and the Martin Luther you know Martin Luther was the reformer the German priest in Germany he threw the get out of here he showed up to Lester Sumrall in the Philippines and the bed moved less force Emeril's bed moved from the wall to the middle of the of the room and the devil left room and samuel said get back in here and put the back put the bed right back what it was get back in here and put that bed back bold man of God I asked him about this I said did you really see that oh yeah sir you told the devil to put put up yes hurry up he said that bed moved and I put don't put it put it back when the enemy showed up in my room and in the 70s the hate I will never forget the hate the hate strong beyond description the hate and the blesser Holy Spirit came between here and I like a blanket of warmth protecting me he came to destroy I will never forget the one time there was a fella down here in Los Angeles he was a producer-director guy who used to come to OCC and he had done a big movie big movie and he came he was quite famous he said you know I'm gonna make you a movie star sir I'm not interested in your movie star he cussed me out and everything you can imagine so the devil appeared to me in a dream he said I'll give you anything you want if you leave the ministry and ice and ice cream back at him now and when I said no I'll never forget this I'll never forget this I saw the arm of the Lord just his arm and just a part of his robe right behind there like he was ready to do whatever necessarily you know because the devil showed up and said I'll give you anything you want just leave the ministry and at that time is that boy showed up there from from LA from Beverly Hills whatever it was Hollywood you remember that guy yeah yeah Sam the guy yeah don't say his last name he would take me on a yacht and just would just try to butter us all up and wanted me to do a movie with him and I just said no to him I'm not interested he cussed me out and I just walked out of the room right there by Disney World I just point out at the same time that devil came and said I'll give you anything you want so when Michael said he saw the devil I said well it looks like you know you're doing some damage he said what do i do baba so just keep reaching keep reaching and I'm very proud of him I want the whole world to know I'm proud of him when you start to go in opposition to the devil he'll try to stop you you know he's not very smart the more he shows up the more will run to Jesus every time he she she shows up will run to Jesus I say back backfires on him now listen to me we are in a battle for the soul of this country we are in a battle for the souls of your children without the gospel this nation will collapse without the message of the cross that Billy Graham so mightily preached this nation will collapse the power of the cross the power of the cross so mighty true or not I don't know but queen helaena the mother of Constantine it's written in history went to Jerusalem looking for the real cross and there was a lot of garbage around according to history and she found three crosses covered by garbage she did not know which one was the real cross and so she called her people and she said let's clean the garbage and get all those crosses out they said well they all look alike how can he tell the difference she said bring the sick and lame down history says that she bring the sick and just lay him on the street and she laid the first cross and nothing happened she said that's the wrong one she laid the second nothing happened she said that's another wrong one but according to history when she laid the third cross everyone was healed and that's how she knew is the real cross now if the part of God rested on that wood to heal multitudes like that that's a miracle for me but today we and I mean we Pentecostals we charismatic s' are not preaching the gospel like we used to if you really want to hear the gospel then tune in to a Baptist preacher the Baptist preachers are preaching it J Graham I honor J Graham from Preston wood in Dallas because that man of God is preaching the gospel there's many men like just so many of them and some of them are my secret friends and it's a fact by the way they love me and I love them they are men of God with power power Charles Stanley is one of them Charles Stanley is a mighty man of God he loves the Lord beyond words I honor that man Jerry Falwell was my friend Jerry Falwell came to my 25th anniversary and he sometimes he would say to me now Benny when you preach it's no different than Thomas Road Baptist Church when you lead in worship it's no different than Thomas Road Baptist Church but when those healings begin it's downhill from there brother so why why do you disagree with the healings he said well why do you have to touch them for why do they fall I said I don't know why they fall he said you don't know I said I really don't know why they fall he said maybe you touched something on the no I said I don't touch nothing I said sometimes I wave he said yeah you know that puzzles me then you wave they fall I said sometimes I blow on them they fall too he said yeah I don't like that part he said but it doesn't matter it's a it's a disagreement on the part of God but when it comes to the gospel we are in one heart and so today I I would recommend you sweet people start watching Baptist preachers they really will give you the Word of God real truth and real power now listen pray that God will restore the gospel to America I want to hear a better amen now we're we're doing what we can do and I'm gonna do everything I can was I here let us see there I go to Taipei after I was here before I was here the last time the last time so was after was after all I gotta tell you what happened then I forgot 14,000 people packed the stadium and 2000 came from China hundreds of pastors from China the most moving moment in my life was when those pastors met with me the next morning the power of I have it all on video I cannot show their faces because they would put him in trouble that was something that was something I never seen people pray like those pastors when I said pray Wham a part of God hit like this and you could feel the atmosphere charged the glory of God you were there guru she want to take that mic and talk it was powerful tremendous services you and Jim were there with me yes yeah marvelous time in the presence of the Lord really grow tell him about that well what they sang and they worshiped beautifully I mean it was just absolutely well first the crowd was a - night - yes tonight who said in the beautiful new arena they have Taipei arena beautiful and the crowds came from everywhere but I was amazed when I they they told me there's 2,000 people from China that had flown in from China so the next when the crusade was over the day after in the morning we went to hotel about a thousand one one bottom they can see it a thousand and you and dear marito mean I thought it was luggage everywhere they had to move the luggage out because many of them come here Marie come here come here dear she's the best man I got I tell it I said you're the best man I have she likes that part well you are the best man I got my pleasure now they had all their luggage there because they flew in wanted to fly out of two they had to fly out right after the service many of them from China yes many many of them from China came secretly tell the people about that experience we had with them it was unbelievable first of all the expectation the hunger of the people they were there hours the first day of the first day of the event it was pouring outside and already at 1:30 p.m. lines of people outside under the rain waiting for us to open the door lines and now 7 o'clock service yes for 7:00 p.m. service and some of them came from China and others came from other parts all over all over the world really people came people some of her partners came from Australia but those Chinese there but the Chinese people were amazing you know when when I saw thank you very when I saw the hunger Bruce it did you see that guy at pasture on the front row the thin gentleman when he hit the floor when we began to pray very elegantly dressed and others a lot of women a lot of women preachers in China strong women preachers thank God for them I'm telling you the gospel is shaking China that's what we heard you know like listen I'm gonna tell you something China will soon become the the more Christians will be in China than any nation on earth it will be the number one Christian nation on earth soon with all the others who live there Christianity is growing mmm amazingly and I'm doing my I'm doing my part in in going to the world and to ladies to ladies paid for the whole thing they came in said here right on this year this was a few months ago so dr. Margaret is the lady named she comes up and she says the Lord told us you're coming to to Taipei and the Lord said July 2 3 4 she said you need to cancel what you have and come I said dr. Margaret III I don't know if I can come oh no she said God said you're coming she said we paid for the stadium you have to come now the stadium is paid for and you're coming well I mean I don't know what to say she said well we expect you to come pull it on your calendar what can he say so I fly to Taipei well first Marie flew to Taipei to meet with the preachers then I flew to Taipei a few days ago a hundred and fifty churches were a part of the lake and now they want me next year again but that the young people are shocked when I said all you young people come down I think the whole stadium was almost empty they all ran down I don't know how many young people there was a lot of young people what percentage would you say 50 60 % ran from up and down the part of God hit those kids thank you Jesus somebody say thank you Jesus and and a lot of them watch on social media there's no Christian TV there they're probably watching now in those in our part of the world and we start something very exciting oh I'm so thrilled about it the 29th of this month that's two weeks from now put it down on your calendar we have our first youth meeting here and we're getting all the biggest coming on Monday my son-in-law is going to be here the musicians the music they're all coming all these kids are going to be here I don't know what I'm gonna do I don't know how I'm gonna handle the music there will be no Alleluia that night I'm gonna let them do their their music they can wear their sandals Clipper slippers whatever ripped jeans I don't care what they have on as long as they come covered and my son alone Michael is gonna be ministering but I want to do this a little part just to talk about life I'm gonna sit down and talk to them then let them loose we're gonna put it on TV and social media for the world to see and that'll be the first one is in two weeks and I did not announce it till tonight and Michael my son-in-law is going to announce it to his crowd so this place will be jam-packed I think it'll be gone in a few days because all the weimar is down here are gonna come down and it's a lot of different groups are gonna come and be a part of this so you sweet people you need to send your kids or bring them and if you're older than young why don't you wear some sunglasses and disguise yourself and get in here with a hat and maybe you were some jeans and kind of look young again and come sit down somewhere and hide it will be a powerful night and Michael is gonna be here Jessica will be here there people are gonna be here they're bringing that top musician fella that I don't know his name I'm sorry but there's a lot of them coming next week in two weeks so tell your friends tell your people everybody watching Monday July 29th at 7 p.m. is the youth meeting here and only god knows what's gonna happen my my son what Michael said can I lay hands on them I said you can do anything you want lay hands on them pray for them do whatever you want to do I'm gonna just sit down and enjoy it I'll do a little part and talk about life and this and that and I'm going to sit down hmm and I will not wear my jeans I'll be I'll be of course more more casual than now but listen to me I'm asking you tonight to do something for the Lord before I minister the world because the the job in front of us is massive people God and I am I'm doing something that I want you all to know about I am so excited about this one we start meetings in Dallas in September and their pastor Chris is here again from Dallas brought his wife and you're quite famous right she's quite famous now used by God like aren't you from Brazil yeah I want to hear you sing tonight is that okay you're gonna play for her okay great and he's quite something I hear on the instrument your your you're not into then sings my soul you're more contemporary right oh you know some of them maybe I'll teach you something well anyways impact TV impact Network it's a big Network we started on impact first Monday in July the response has been amazing were on daily now with this is your day daily on impact and it's the response has been fabulous absolutely fabulous we're on twice a day and they're on every cable system in the country they're on on dish and direct they are bigger now than than the word network there are very wonderful people I'm gonna be with Bishop Jackson in a few days up in Detroit and so I called his people I said listen I want to go live from Dallas and Bishop Jackson said say yes so we're gonna we're gonna show the power of God monthly from Dallas all over America now this one here is live of course on the love world networks that's us plus you ka+ Africa but we need to reach this country say Amen on every cable system in this nation there on all of them every cable system carries impact dish direct all of them so I want you to help me tonight because we really need to do this right for the Lord and Dallas what is so exciting about the meetings in the US which will like here because we do one among here will do one among there and I like doing the studio because we can reach the world through that if we take this cameras to a place it'll be the cars will go crazy there's no need for that but we will reach tonight alone as we have almost every time we've done a meaning from here social media alone 200,000 people are our numbers on social media when I do Monday Monday nights go over sometimes 200,000 just social media without TV so this will continue but I'm going to ask you to give listen we need to to get the name of Jesus mightily shout it from the housetops I want to hear you alright and this is for our children and then in two weeks we we launched the youth and kids don't give their parents give I'm really hoping that care the parents will will come under disguise in two weeks as hi then it's okay so I'm gonna pass an envelope and I want you to help us tonight and help and think about those kids in two weeks that are coming and we're gonna go nationwide and worldwide to to reach the kids we need to touch their hearts let me hear an amen all right so you're gonna get an envelope and you you make your checks payable to Benny Hinn ministries and those of you that are watching on social media the same thing those watching love world you make your checks be able to love world because they are caring us live for free so let's support love world for putting this on the air so people can be blessed hearing the word of God there's a number on the screen for those watching love well Dave eight five five three seven eight nine nine nine three those of you social media the information is on the screen for you for BHM and those of you here will give to BHM through this envelope you're gonna receive tonight it's just some music and i thank you and this is this is this is I think sacred to the Lord tonight as it's a new launch it's a new beginning for those young people I'm so thrilled the fact we're doing it in beginning in two weeks I'm so happy that we're gonna do that for these young people hallelujah so you make a checks payable and we're gonna collect the offering and then I'll minister the words and then let's just believe God tonight for miracles there's eighteen people who came from out of the state here tonight that came for for a reason I don't know if anyone came from some country I haven't looked at the list but if you're here expect the Lord someone came from another country from where stand up you came from Austria the one behind you from your husband from Austria Ghana Rwanda and those is this it up there Chile let's read the lady from back there pardon Holland Netherland yeah Holland and way up there Canada there's people here from other countries they hear about this they just show up Dubai bless your heart are you a pastor you should look like when you're dressed like one all right let's give to the Lord's work in that precious they fly in here like that thank you Lord Father bless your sweet people magnify your name Lord as the gift tonight bless them greatly in Jesus mighty name and God's people said amen all right let's go ahead and pass the the the offering bag what a wonderful Lord we serve a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord a wonderful Savior to me he wanted to do the pipe he hide with my soul in the cleft of the rock boy you know I love leave the old hymns I I hope you all can can learn them he hided my soul in the cleft of that shadows a dry thirsty let see now Nancy sing it with me he hive is my life in the depth of his love [Music] with his head and covers me there with his head transformed in his likeness transported I rise to meet him in clouds of the sky his perfect salvation his wonderful love I'll shout with the millions on high he hide if my soul in the cleft of that shadows are dry thirsty lay he hide with my life listen in the depth of his love offers me there with his head and [Music] with his I'm gonna have you love the old hymns don't you like her now yeah he gave her the more grace when the burdens grow greater he sendeth more strength when the labors increase to added afflictions he addeth his mercy thank God to multiply trials his multiplied peace his love has no limit his Grace has no matter his power has no boundaries no um two men for [Music] of His infinite riches in Jesus he giveth and giveth and giveth again when we have exhausted our store of endurance you know when our strength is gone and the day is not even half done tonight the Lord is going to do something very special in you you want that once you lift hands and ask him God's gonna give you a revelation tonight truly a revelation his love has no limit His grace has no mention his power has no boundaries snown unto men for out of His infinite riches in Jesus he giveth and giveth and giveth again father I ask you tonight by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to do a mighty work in the hearts of your people here and throughout the world let among us stand help me deliver the word help me explain the world help me speak out of depths tonight please Lord and the process of illness and the presence of the Lord is in this place [Music] you'll receive it now the presence of the more is in this place I can feel his glory I sense his majesty for the presence of the Lord is in this place I pray his presence our sweet Lord is in this place and I don't mean the building I'm in your heart I pray his presence our sweetest Lord is in your place that you'll feel his glory you'll sense his majesty and sober presence of the Lord will abide in your place [Music] they came to the Lord in John 12 verse 20 there were certain Greeks among them came up to worship at the feast the same came therefore to Philip which was of Bethsaida of Galilee and desired him saying sir we would see Jesus Philip cometh and telleth Andrew again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus and jesus answered them saying the hour is come the son of man should be glorified verily verily I say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit he that loveth his life shall lose it he that hated his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal If any man serve me let him follow me and where I am there shall also my servant be if any man serve me him will my father Oh No may the Holy Spirit bring this to life in our life and hearts in a powerful way anyone who serves God anyone who serves the Lord will discover sooner or later we'll discover that the greatest hindrance to God's work to God's power to God's presence in that life is not others the greatest hindrance to the part of God to the presence of God is self self is the greatest hindrance to the part of God in our life self is the greatest hindrance to his presence in our life self is the greatest hindrance to the glory of God in our life and you will soon discover that your spirit man your inward man and your outward man are going in opposite directions as you live the Christian life you'll discover that your spirit man is going one way and the flesh is going another and then you'll discover that the spirit man and the flesh are at war you'll not discover that early in the Christian life because early in the Christian life there's too much flesh and not enough spirit for you to tell the difference as the spirit man grows in you then the battle begins because the spirit man will not fight as an infant he fights as he is grown as he matures in the Lord so we have to staying that the God we serve does not dwell in our body our body is the house our bodies the temple but where is God dwelling he is dwelling in our spirit 1st Corinthians 6:17 clearly states that our spirit and the Holy Spirit are one the Holy Spirit dwells in your spirit in our hearts as we say the Lord is in my heart and we don't mean the pump we simply mean our spirit as the heart in our inner being and the inner being is very real very alive and in John 4:24 the Lord Jesus made it very clear that God is spirit God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and when they and you and I worship in spirit truth comes to life in us now you have to understand that your spirit is clothed with your soul your soul is clothed with your body the spirit is clothed with the soul the soul is the cover over the spirit man and the soul is the personality that comes through the body the soul is what I think the soul is what I feel the soul is what I want the soul is my intellect that's how the world can hear me through my intellect the soul is my emotional life my feelings are expressed through my body and people can tell he's hurt his feelings are hurt or he's joyful today he's happy today because it's all soulish it's the soulless realm the personality expresses through the body the soul is round and then you have the will express through the body so my intellect emotion and will or the clothing or the cover over my spirit and what covers my soul is what we call the tent the tabernacle Paul called it the body flesh bone and so forth and that's the only part that will die that's the only part in you that's dust the Spirit is eternal the soul is eternal now you have to understand John 4:24 declares God is a spirit now in John 12 which we read earlier there's a very powerful revelation they're given to us by the Lord Himself and so we go back to verse 20 of John 12 there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast now these Greeks were Jewish people not Gentiles that's why they were in the temple Gentiles were not allowed to worship in the temple the same came therefore to Philip which was of Bethsaida in Galilee desired him saying sir we would see Jesus Philip cometh and says to enter into off Andrew Peters brother and Andrew and Philip tell the Lord Jesus in an amazing revelation comes through the Lord and jesus answered them saying the hour has come that the son of man should be glorified verily verily I say to you except a corn of wheat here's the truth that's so powerful except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die fall and die fall and die it abideth alone notice that the dying follows the falling the letting go of the seed from the hand of the sower it abides alone but if it die life now explodes through it it bringeth forth much fruit and now he explains what he means in the next verse how do I fall into the ground what must I do it says he that loveth his life will lose it he that hated his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal so now I have to begin rejecting self Jesus says hate your life in this world and then he says if any man serve me let him follow me let the death process begin and one that man allows death and the process of death to begin in the flesh then he begins to experience the part of God for where I am there shall also my servant be and that is the only person God will honor the dead to self If any man serve me him will my father honor now life we know is in the seed but before that life can break forth the shell must be broken the shell is broken when it is buried the shell is broken when it is sown so now you let go you deny self now you have to let the process begin don't take the seed back and as you let the process begin the life of the seed begins to break the shell begins to flow through the shell and the shell now disappears the shell is broken the minute the shell is broken we begin to experience something powerful the Lord said something powerful he that hated his life in this world shall keep it keep it unto life eternal there is a hidden treasure inside of you and that hidden treasure cannot come to life till the seed is in the ground until the shell is broken allow I beg of you tonight allow the process to begin and allow God to finish it now the Lord explains to us beautifully he explains to us what this all means I wanted to know years ago what is death what is death what is that I hear the co-written booms and the bacilli ash links and Nicole Kathryn Kuhlman's and it du plessis and direct princes and all the great Bible teachers of the 70s they all talked about that that's all they talk about surrender Andrew Murray in his book surrender a great pastors that shook the world Spurgeon and others talked about death and surrender why was such power in their life because of that that's why but what I want to know I myself wanted to know how do I experience this process what must I do to experience the process and for many years I did not really want it I started in it then I fought and I stopped the process that's when all my troubles began but God in His great love and mercy creates situations to force us back into that place of surrender because you begin to realize you begin to see the wars you begin to see the challenges and battles you will face unnecessarily in life he begins to chastise you for he loves you has to send you back into the furnace to teach you there's only one place of peace only one place you'll find peace on the cross but most of us don't know how to find the cross well I'll explain that tonight because God has made my life now a whole different life than it was and it's changing it daily and I'm so happy with it and I don't want to lose this never now yesterday I'm reading my Bible on my iPad I'm reading Luke and I stopped on my other iPad much bigger than this it Scrolls you know I decide aside the speed of the scroll and so I said scrawled was going up I stopped it with my finger as you can and there was the beautiful portion if any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross daily and follow me and I with tears flowing down my face I said lord please make it happen please make this reality in my life sweet Holy Spirit I need your help don't let me fail with this don't let me fail in this don't let me fail because how quickly we can fail I am teaching tonight my life to be honest with you if you really want to know what Scott was what God is doing now is so precious because I'm finding every discipline every work of discipline that the Holy Spirit does in your life and my life has one purpose the brokenness of the shell every work everything he allows has one purpose to break the shell to break self that's his purpose every time he brings you into discipline I has just told you send you back to the fire every work every time he'll discipline every time he'll correct you there's only one purpose behind it break the shell Kathlyn cumin was a mighty one of God in her younger days God used her mightily and one day she fell in love with a mr. Waltrip and the process of death stopped in her the presence of God began to diminish and the Lord dealt with her as he always does with all of us sent her back into the fire to bring that brokenness and out of that brokenness was born a ministry that shook the world sometimes things happen to each one of us when were younger as it was in my case and sometimes things come back sometimes you entertain things that you should not entertain because of challenges or need in your life we look for acceptance from people because of rejection as children while the one who will heal our rejection is the Lord we are looking for that emptiness to be filled as human beings there are six needs in each one of you and only Jesus can really meet them there's a need for love there's a need for recognition you can write them down help you there's a need for security these are basic human needs we all need to be loved we all want to be recognized nobody wants to be called a you we all want security feel like we belong every one of us has a need to express yourself expression is a need and all of us we want to talk let me say what I want to say let me express myself number five we all have a need for self esteem I am important don't put me down and every person here and throughout the world has a need for new experiences in life something new something fresh something different these needs are in every human being I repeat them for you just in case you miss them love we all need it recognition we all want it security we star for it expression let me talk self-esteem don't insult me I have my my dignity my importance and please don't bore me to death it's a need when people lack one of them they look to fill it through humanity that's the biggest mistake they make they look for love elsewhere that's why you see people sleeping around looking for love from some stranger it's happening all the time needing recognition security and they are in trouble quick why they're looking at the wrong place they're in the wrong place we all sadly have been there the Lord is the only one who can meet every one of these needs in you but he's waiting for the shell to be broken he will not meet one need if the shell is still on the shell must break self has to die before his power begins to heal you 80% of the people in OCC had rejection problems when I taught on rejection 80% of the crowd put their hands up they were rejected by someone parents teachers friends and that rejection produced such pain when I was young all I heard is give it to Jesus let the Lord deal with it don't handle it yourself today you don't hear that today you can make it you'll do it go take your pill whatever that's what you hear today how to deal with your emotions now don't deal with them let the Lord deal with them how to bring healing to your life you'll never bring healing to your life you'll just make a bigger mess you have to die before the healing process begins the cross must become reality see how did I do it I'm talking about it Jesus told us what to do in Matthew 10 he hits it hard because the treasure is inside the vessel is inside the earthen vessel but the vessel must be broken first for the treasure to even show up in Matthew 10 and verse 37 he says something really hard but how needed he that loves father mother more than me is not worthy of me he that loves son daughter more than me is not worthy of me that stuff he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me he that finds his life will lose it he that loses his life for my sake will find it I want to explain something to you the most difficult portion of the Bible for any parent for any child is verse 37 he that loves father mother more than me is not worthy of me he that loves the son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and I'll show you a portion all the Lord is asking us to hate our parents but what does he mean by that that's a good answer now I'll give it to you there is a place in your relationship with the Lord and I have not known any human being reached that place when they're younger it's a process it's a process of elimination it's a process of death you have to come to the place where you allow the Holy Spirit to enflame you with love for Jesus first that takes denial denial of the things of the world first you begin to deny things that you can manage family you're not ready for that yet but you begin to take off the weight that's on you and slowly your love for the Lord increases and then you stumble and have to pick yourself back up and start again but the Lord has to deal with you and he always deals with all of us so beautifully so gently he never rushes the process never in my case I was in my 20s when I began to experience what I'm talking about tonight I'm sitting in a Chevy Pontiac Sariah long Chevy with Jim pointer in the back in Canada jim was the saint of God he was the man of God I still have not met anyone like him that may love Jesus beyond words he had a foster home kids everywhere that man the peace of God in him and his wife Mary Ann was so heavenly I'd walk into their home and just feel the mighty peace of God with kids running everywhere young people everywhere he was holy ghost' chaos in their house he would sit there at dinner and start playing his accordion and cry singing with audience the president of CBN was one of those kids I knew Dave Garson he was the president of Regent in CB n I grew up with him and I still remember those young people in that house and I would come in and just a glory of God was always there and I had my own struggles with my family because my family was not saved in those days and I would talk to Jim he would minister to me the Word of God with such power with such power Wow today I asked someone I said give me the greatest book outside the Bible what's the greatest book that has to do with doctrine and scripture he said Bonhoeffer go read Bonhoeffer a man who was killed by the Nazis I'm getting that book CS Lewis yeah Bunyan great but novels I said I want the Bible I want doctrine I want scripture I said the cost today I don't see people other that can really minister to me I gotta go back to those who've been dead a long time to find out well he said Bonhoeffer the German pastor that the Nazis killed for his faith okay I'm sitting in the back of the car with that amazing saint of God driving Jim pointer who was a free Methodist preacher boy that men were solid in the Bible no no he wasn't charismatic like charismatic s' no none of that today you wonder if tongues is really tongues they go crazy on you and call that the Holy Ghost Catherine used to say the Holy Ghost is not an imbecile they present him in the way you think the Holy Ghost lost it his class the Holy Spirit is class magnificence and beauty perfection and that was Jim pointer Jim was perfection he was a pastor for a Methodist pastor who received the Holy Spirit up in Timmins Ontario up north what a life he lived I'm sitting in the back of the car and he and he influenced me more than any human being on the planet thank God I'm sitting in the car and I just was so in love with a girl named Michelle and the Lord said to me in the car so clearly said give her up I wouldn't do it I said Lord you can't ask me for that I'll do anything you want but not that give her up today she's married to some pastor in England lost contact with her years ago but back then we kids were always you know looking at someone to get connected with emotionally God said give her up oh I had a I had a I had a fight with that one but when I said yes there was a tough yes that was my first experience with death saying no to the flesh and the presence of the Lord hit me in that car and two or three weeks later the Kathryn Kuhlman foundation called me to have a service in Pittsburgh God changed my life the ministry was almost like like a de spring you know they dawn the Sun was shining that pointing after now the reason people refuse to be broken is because they cannot see the hand of God in it they don't understand why is God asking me to do this they don't see his hand or they want to escape the workings of the cross they want to escape the shame of the cross they want to escape the challenges that come with that in life losing friends losing this or that I'm in my 60s now I see life all differently today I tell the Lord Lord I want you to be first ahead of Jessica ahead of Natasha ahead of Joshua and Elisha and the grandchildren when Jesse was born I was holding her just enjoying the moment I wasn't even praying I'm just enjoying my little baby and the Lord spoke to me just out of the blue I mean I wasn't even thinking about the Lord talking to me he said one of these days she'll be mine all of you will be mine you all will be mine meaning me all of me will be his all of you will be mine I support I'm already or as he said no right now your earth I will never forget that I've shared that in the past people love horses you remember me telling them that he said now you're hers one day you'll be all mine that day's come people but the thing is you have to let go you have to cut the emotional tie you have to you young people the process has to begin it's a great future for you kiddo I don't know who you are I don't know your name all I know is God's hand is on you and that's a great tomorrow for you if you do what I'm talking to you about tonight just let go of this stuff and God will lead you slowly gently and surely into that life of surrender abandonment giving up things that don't matter in life that's what the cross is all about and the cross you know in Matthew 16 when when you look at verse 24 you see something powerful jesus said unto his disc and to his disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me now that is something we have to do daily where we're told to lose our life then he said to us in verse 26 for what is a man profited if he will gain the whole world and lose his own soul what shall a man give in exchange for his soul the cross I am finding out truly is the only pathway to power and authority there is no authority without it there is no power without it Karen the second you let go of that thing in your life whatever it is and it's a process it's a daily process power is released new power is released that's been held back from your life new joy is released new peace is released that has been there waiting for you now the Bible tells me very clearly only through the cross is my service to God accepted and you read with me in John 12 him will my father honor if you die to self you will be honored God will accept your service and your life so now would we we begin to experience self-sacrifice self-sacrifice means daily I have to say no to the things I used to enjoy to the things I enjoyed seeing doing people things you have to give it up spending more time with the Lord less time with those things that you used to spend time with that at one time gave you something but nothing spiritual you have to give it up now I'm talking to a whole lot of you tonight about relationships that you have to give up that are draining you of the life of God give up your your love for things the things things that have taken hold of your life things possessions things that are destroying your life you're not gonna take him with you you can't you gotta let go of your love for money you'll love for wealth and such and such you see the Lord will give all that back to you and more if you're willing to let go of it he said to the man sell everything and follow me and he said no I can do this how hard it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle and they've tried to make the middle a gate is no such thing in the Bible or even in his story he meant needle and the disciple who who can be saved nothing is impossible with God Peter said we've given up everything to serve you no man that have given anything will not receive one would fall back in this life God looks at Abram and says give up Isaac take him to the mountains of Moriah and sacrifice him there was no fight there was no no I won't do it there was pure obedience the movies show you Abel I'm screaming at God never it's not in the Bible he gave up Isaac but God was very smart he didn't ask for Isaac till Isaac was thirty years old till Abram had enough time with him he knew Abram would not could not it would have been very painful for him if he said give him up when he's five and he needed a father in his life give him up when he's 10 there's too much attachment he was 30 years old God says it's time now he'll say yes for sure but even a miracle of Isaac he didn't fight his father he could have very easily said no I'm not gonna do it dad he tied him up and Isaac did not resist that's why God blessed Isaac it was at that moment Isaac died you have no idea I have no idea how painful the moment was in Gethsemane for the Son of God not my the victory of the Cross gentlemen happened in the garden the battle was won preachers in Gethsemane not my will the battle effaced what is the cross it's when our will and God's will cross each other that's the cross it's when the will dies my will it's not my way Lord Jesus came to that place in Gethsemane it's not my will if it be possible let this cup pass from me when James and John came to the Lord and said we have a request one of us wants to sit on your right one on your left I believe with all my heart Jesus was deeply grieved by that imagine the pain in his heart when he heard that and then he spoke I have a cup I must drink Gethsemane there's a cup are you able to drink the cup then he prophesied you will you will pay the price one day when you're ready just real gentle real gentle Julio Robles set in this very studio one of the greatest evangelists that shook South America is sitting here talking to me well pastor Benny I am going to Columbia I'm gonna preach the gospel to the drug lords and the Lord told me they will kill me and I looked at him said Julio and Julio was touched by Katherine's Minister down here at the Shrine Auditorium he shook Bolivia the president's wife got saved in his meetings the whole nation was shaken by that young man he sits here in this room tells me that I'm going to Colombia God told me they're gonna kill me I'm gonna preach to the drug lords they're gonna kill me I said Julio you have children you have a wife he looks at me says now come on pastor Banda what is this all about anyways what are we called to do anyways and I looked at a man ready to die and I said he's there he gave it all up he said goodbye to his wife and his children and they killed him and today his name is in foxes Book of Martyrs it made the book Wow huh there are men and women today who know what power is all about God is not calling every one of us to do what Julio rouble did but we have to be ready for it Ralph Wilkinson gave me a book years ago in his home that I treasure to this day I still have it foxes Book of Martyrs it's falling apart he said this was Catherine's copy I want to give it to you it's a pleasure sir I took the copy from his hand and I opened the first part of the book and gentleman i-i-i-i read what Katherine wrote and signed it on the book right inside the book foxes Book of Martyrs her copy was falling apart was an old book grant me to grant me the privilege to be one of them Katherine Kuhlman I looked at Ralph I said that's why God used her by that time she was dead to self when she wrote those words he already had died to the world she talks about it when she had gone up to the Northeast and God dealt with her and she gave up mister Waltrip walked away from she said later a man who would send her Christmas cards every Christmas every Christmas it's an accord she never saw me nor ever since the day when she said yes to Jesus but he would send out those cards every Christmas what does a dead love gone she'd say I have no talent there's nothing I can give you but my love Lord I thought that sit right there that's what he wants he's not looking for talent or gifts he's looking for your love when everything else is dead your love will come alive I promise you and now you begin to understand self-sacrifice is the law of heaven you see this truth throughout the Bible self sacrifice and victory self saving brings defeat self sacrifice brings victory self saving brings defeat the throne of heaven it's self sacrifice the cross the cross is the throne of heaven what did God ask men and women to do in the Old Testament surrender Abraham leave your father your mother your kindred and family and follow me to a land you have not seen about I've seen it and it's good for me and I'll just show to you later come on let's go you left it all Abraham take your son and offer him for a sacrifice sacrifice is the law of heaven same with Isaac same with Jacob same with Israel and the Lord repeats the same thing to all of us and Paul the Apostle tells us something so magnificent it's mind-blowing Romans 6:6 Galatians 2:20 in Romans 6:6 Paul tells me that the cross oh this is so marvelous and he discovered something himself about this knowing this that our old man is crucified with him we all share in the death of Jesus on Calvary we share in his death when we say no to the flesh we become a part of the cross of Calvary when we say no to the flesh knowing this that our old man is crucified with him the Lord that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin that's what I want that's what do you want I know it that's why you're sitting here tuned in and listening you are tired of fighting the same old sin there's only one way out crucifixion denial denial of self repeatedly daily because the Lord Jesus said to take your cross daily it's not a one-time experience it's a process in life and how I'm praying this for my life - Paul says I'm crucified collisions 2:20 I am crucified already there with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God now watch this watch this watch this when I look at Philippians I see something so marvelous so marvelous when I read this magnificent chapter and Paul talks about giving up everything for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus I want you all to pay attention please to Philippians 3 finally my brethren rejoice in the Lord to write the same things to you to me indeed is not Grievous but safe and necessary beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision meaning that Judaizers who want to bring you back into Judaism for we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit rejoice in Christ Jesus we have no confidence in the flesh though I might also have confidence in the flesh if any other man think that he has I have a lot to talk about when it comes to the flesh for Paul says I was circumcised on the eighth day from the tribe of Benjamin I'm a Hebrew of the Hebrews I'm if I was a Pharisee concerning zeal in verse six I persecuted the church touching the law I was blameless watch this now but what things were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ verse eight ye doubt this is death this is what I'm talking about here doubtless I count all things but loss all my past all my education all the things I was I can't but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through faith that I may know him Bruce just gently Bruce and the excellency the excellency of his knowledge that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable to be conformed unto his image I see something so powerful here there God in heaven Wow doubtless verse six verse eight I should say doubtless I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things to count them but dung that I may win Christ Wow that I may win the Lord we cannot win the Lord till we hate self and you wonder that he wrote this when he was in his fifties he was in prison when he wrote that gentlemen ladies he wanted to win the Lord and is this what it's all about Neven Lee Bruce pleased to win the Lord and the second you make a decision to win the Lord and to gain the Lord in to lose self and everything else that comes with it the world things the past family possessions everything the minute you decide that a great cry will be raised by Satan and all his hosts to try to prevent you from getting there and if you ever listen to the devil you will lose everything and so you have to bind the sacrifice your life to the altar please hear this this is so powerful I don't want you to miss it these are golden nuggets scriptures that come alive at such a time in your life when you begin to contemplate that this decision like Paul in Philippians I'm going to give it all up that's real that's real there that I may win the Lord that's all I want and when you read this amazing verse psalm 118 27 god is the lord which has showed us light buying the sacrifice with cords even to the horns of the altar you know what that means that means do not remove it from that altar that's the only place that ever cannot touch you on the altar and when you're on that altar you will begin to understand the words you read and maybe did not understand yourself in Romans I like to read for you who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness peril sword as it is written for thy sake were killed all the day long were counted as she for the slaughter you know what Paul is saying you look at me all of us Paul is saying that when I experienced death I will be free I will not be affected by tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword wait a minute I'm sitting today reading this in my home and it just flew out of the page of the Bible I saw it the death denial of self because he says he says these words in connection to it as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long were counted as you for the slaughter Patroclus this is powerful what can separate us from the love of Christ can tribulation prosecution's sword peril trouble nakedness poverty no you know why I'm dead to these things they can't affect me if persecution comes I'm dead to it if nakedness comes I'm dead to it if peril comes I'm dead to that if somebody talks against me I'm dead to that it doesn't affect my emotions I don't want to retaliate you know I wasn't like that a few years ago now when they attack and say how the Lord will deal with him it doesn't affect me one young mentor my philosophy said when he saw the way I responded to a thing that he told me that my children told me is going on I said ah don't worry about it he said I'm not there yet so what he said I'm not there yet I'm not there yet he said for me I wanted to fight I said it doesn't work brother when you die it doesn't affect you they can say the nastiest things and you just I'm gonna get it put your hands up high because you're dead to those things that's what Paul meant shall tribulation who can separate us from the love of Christ can tribulation separate me can persecution pull me away can war pull me away can peril or sword or if I don't have enough money to buy clothes would that stop me loving Jesus no and then he adds in all these things in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us so when I die to self I discover the power of God that can keep me from being affected by these things I live above them not in them may the Lord bring every one of us to that place that these things don't affect us they don't affect us because we were dead now it doesn't affect us emotionally it doesn't we don't allow it to because we will the process of death has begun now and will produce something beautiful will produce Luke 14 25 through 35 where now you're able to really live this life you're able to obey the Lord in this most precious in this most precious command of the scripture and that's what I want and I know that's what you want and here's what he says to me beginning at verse 26 if any man come to me and hate not his father mother wife children brethren sisters yea his own life he cannot be my disciple now I want to be a disciple with Alma how I want to be a disciple and the Lord says I cannot be a disciple if I put them first whoever does not bear his cross come after me cannot be my disciple but then he asks me one thing he says count count the cause see if you can do it maybe just before you see you you begin this journey which of you intending to build a tower will not sit down first and count the cost whether you can you have enough you have sufficient to finish it let's happily after you've laid the foundation you're not able to finish and then they're gonna say what this meant began to live the Christian life but wasn't able to finish the Christian life what King gone to war doesn't count the cost so likewise verse 33 whoever he be of you that will not forsake everything all he cannot cannot cannot be mine now that's quite clear every bit of it is quite clear and when I read Paul's writing to the college to the church in Galatia I see something quite powerful by this and I would like very much to read this I'm almost done but this is very important to you and to the Lord because he says in verse 24 and they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections with the feelings that those feelings are no longer important in your life this whatever affection you may have whatever emotional ties with people's soul ties they now they can die because he makes it very clear they that belonged to Jesus it's quite clear they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and the lusts if we live in the spirit let's walk in the spirit so it's time we make a decision I'm not gonna be a self pleaser I'm gonna be a Jesus pleaser so I have to deny self I have to take my cross daily because in Luke 9:23 says I have to do it daily and follow the Lord so now when I read in Luke 9 it's a daily death then every day presents me with a divine opportunity and what is my cross what is your cross well your cross is not family sickness husband job the cross is the world the cross is wild you're way less the cross the cross is not family job business or money the cross is my will when the will of God crosses my will that's the cross then I decide which way do I go when God and I cross when we come to a place where there's a cross God says I'm gonna go this way you say I want to go that way which way will you go so truly the cross is where your will and God's will meet and we have to understand that when we talk about the cross God promises health and peace well-being because these are the rights of the new creation health well-being peace joy in the Holy Ghost are the rights of the new creature the new creation the cross does not eliminate health does not eliminate joy does not eliminate peace does not eliminate victories in life in fact it makes those reality in my life the cross then when I say yes to the will of God victories right next door health is right next door joy is right next door peace is right around the corner and all I have to do is simply say yes to Israel and no to mine it's a place where you give up now please hear this before I close many times we have illegally appropriated Wow through the old man through the flesh his selfish purposes many times we called health peace well-being of sold the rights of the new creation we wanted to find them in the old life that's illegal in God's books so we have illegally appropriated these things or the life of the flesh meaning we've said if I can produce it why do I need God to give it if I find my own happiness my own prosperity my own health my own joy and so what well then the flesh can produce that too but you see that is imitation will not last just a minute there Bruce I have known people in my 40 so years of ministry and I've come into our ministry and saw the glory of God on the platform and walked away and said I don't want it I would rather go out and get myself some business some career not the ministry they tasted the glory of God and then they rejected it I know a young man I know a young man totally dedicated to ministry love the Lord till his parents began to put pressure to go back to school make something out of your life he obeyed his parents and lost with God and that's what Jesus meant if you don't hate father or mother are you listening to your parents or to me are you willing to follow me or follow family what they want you to do my grandmother flew all the way from Israel to tell me I was crazy for wanting to preach the gospel I said no grandma that's what I'm going if it means that I would lose the family I'm ready to pay that price and I was very serious and she could not believe that I had said that to her because to me serving the Lord was more important than bowing to my grandmother's desires and wishes when that man came to Orlando offering me Hollywood as a no I walked out of that room with him cussing at nor the most foul language brushed the rod off my shoulders and walked out I've offered been offered many business deals I said no I don't want to be in business it's not my call that's what the cross meets you see that's when things begin to come into your life and the devil comes often and use things that God never promised you you have to say no you have to say no to family to relationships to worldly affections that block the Lord of God from your life I'm talking now straight to you very clear and straight following Jesus is the greatest journey of life following the Lord and spending your whole life with him is the greatest joy of life it gives you such peace such satisfaction and slowly as your love for him grows you give up things that you really at one time were attached to and now you just walk away from and you walk away really easily doesn't bother you at all because your love for the Lord is now all that you're nurturing and you find such tranquility in such peace in that place and you're able to just walk away now I'm at the place in my life and God knows how serious I am I'm at the place in my life that IIIi I make two requests almost daily I want to be accepted and please you I want you to accept me and I want to please you that's all that's that's it that comes right down to it and Lord I don't care how you do it I don't care what you have to put me through to make it happen I just want these two things in my life I want to win with god that's me now maybe the Lord saw that when he said one of these days you'll be mine Oh Lord I'm yours oh no no no right now you're hers enjoy it he's a jealous god he wants every part of you now I'm gonna tell you something give me your hand don't wait till it's too late all right start now you're not too old to start now he'll understand Mary put your hand on my hand don't wait till it's too late darling he's calling you you know right and when Billy Graham before he died they asked him what would you have done different I would have spent more time with the Lord and told him how much I loved him what he said I would have spent more time with the Lord and told him how much that had a great impact on me to spend more time with the Lord I would have taken less invitations and spent more time with the Lord on everything because that is what prepares us to meet the Lord one day because what matters is what does he say and I have found ladies more women can pay that that price than men in my experience anyways women can pay it much quicker than men can some mania that in the Bible - but if you look at his story women are much quicker when it comes to that the Basilius Vesalius link and Woodworth actor and we keep going real surrender you know Anna in the Bible in the Book of Luke was in her 80s you know she did not remarry she she she lost her husband when she was a little young lady and she decided to fast and pray in the temple and came into the temple when the infant Christ was in the temple just at the right moment she came in and the Bible gives her a beautiful headline in the in the world forever now you you can remember their Anna the prophetess who gave up to be remarried again wanting to live for the Lord gave her life as a sacrificial offering to the Lord and said okay Lord I'm willing to carry my cross so now no and I don't want to go and find another husband I would rather sin in the temple and serve you Joshua was not a married man [Music] even though he said it's for me in my house we have no reliable information he was married with children because he spent his time in the tabernacle he paid a very heavy price to be a minister to Moses waiting for him to come down from that mountain twice for 40 days why am i preaching like this because this message can save your life and give you a new destiny because when I when I listen to to what's going on on TV give me your hand man and I hear all the self-help stuff it's troubling it's troubling because that's not the real gospel it is psychology now there's 60,000 people today in labor camps in North Korea try to tell them about self-help how can they find help if they did if they rely on self how can you tell a man now in North Korea who is being under heavy persecution in a hard labor camp okay you go find your own joy and God is with you so you're gonna win and he is under no no you have to preach this give it to Jesus you die let him live and then these things will have no effect on you lift her hands begin praying the Holy Ghost come on you also in your homes pray in the Holy Spirit great is thy faithfulness Bruce great is thy faithfulness O God my father there is no shadow of turning with the thou changest not thy Compassion's they fail mom as thou has been thou forever will be pardon for sin and a peace that endure a [Music] vine on dear presence Tucci and together you'll give us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow blessings all my with ten thousand join me now greatest I tell morning by morning [Music] new mercies [Music] all I have needed [Music] my hands have provided [Music] it is thy faith great [Music] morning by morning [Music] no mercy all I have neither law [Music] my hands [Music] [Music] I want y'all to stand now he that overcomes only Bruce Willis tan he that overcomes will stand stand before the heavenly King he that overcomes will stand he that overcomes will stare he that overcomes will stand stand before our heaven decayed he that overcomes instead [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus there is something about that [Music] past save Jesus like the fragrance [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] let all Heaven yeah locally Oh his presence is so wonderful now kings and kingdoms [Music] all pass away but there is something [Music] and kings and kingdoms they will all [Music] Angulo Horry [Music] to see him since Jesus Saviour [Music] for your glorious [Music] just a whisper [Music] for your glorious [Music] sweet Jesus one [Music] see that God's right hand right now highly exalted glorified majestically the son of the highest [Music] perfect in all his ways the lamb of heaven the Lamb of glory the sweetest Rose of Sharon right the money star the one who is all together lovely thank you a present thank you for your love now we worship you lord [Music] [Music] is failing you now [Music] is baptized in your flesh the flesh in feeling afresh I feel that Moore was anointed afresh in Philly refresh just a whisper a fresh infallible just receive that fresh invading [Music] the fresh infilling of the Spirit afresh in failing on your life young man my parents system [Music] that's a beautiful anointing here afresh in [Music] come here the Lord has not forgotten the promise he made you the promise is to lay my brother the promise is still there my sister the promise is still there [Music] lift your hands and ask him to fill you [Music] James give me that kid like there happen refreshing feeling long a fresh lesson touch of the Spirit of God tears are precious Jews in his bottle [Music] can you hear the sound of heaven Bruce heavenly heavenly Jordan beautiful piano for the Lord help him up lift her hands and ask him to just feel you fresh [Music] that's the mighty power of God on this game you resume for your glory as the chlorophyll on him just after Anson asked him to touch your life [Music] and new beginnings as the spirit of god and new beginning on your life says the Holy Ghost a new beginning a new beginning people join hands here there's a great anointing right here c'mere John hands quickly right there TouchSmart [Music] you hear John hands quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick John in touch lord if Koran just received as we see just received from the hand of the Living God you on the balconies was seen we see over here join your hands quickly come on as it only is strong tough law [Music] asking for anything you want lift her hands and ask him for any thing you desire [Music] just once again hardly do you Shh very gentle just receive your healing receive your deliverance [Music] a severe injury in someone the lake was healed a few minutes ago [Music] skin problem with skin problem on the balcony area is being healed now you feel a tingle like electricity just went through your body a bone disease is being healed people are feeling great intensity of the anointing on them some of you feel that intensity some of you in your homes are feeling that intensity that infection in the in the gums is healed now number of you are getting healed beautifully [Music] check out the problem you'll see it's gone whatever it is whether it's something to do with your legs or your arms or your chest or your neck whatever there's three healings up on the balcony that were healed in the last few minutes and you felt like heat one of you felt heat Anila and like an electric current came right after that and that the the problem is gone I don't have to call every yelling out there's no need for me to call every healing out those of you sick place your hand on your sickness now father I rebuke the disease I command that sickness to leave that body now I command that disease to leave that life now in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus now a number of you feel that are known and strong and those that do get your way down here and stand over there to the left everyone just begin to pray in the spirit come on if God is healing you you felt it you know it like that woman would they show blood in the Bible's just felt it she felt in her body that something different happens a change took place in her body and she felt it and if you feel the change in your body you you get down here but make sure God has healed you and you come stand there and tell me and there's no need for me to call every healing out now just lift her hair spray in this word because they're an awning is flowing real beautifully bring her here James begin to bring them Marie and I don't know if if David is with you there to help my son-in-law okay bring her here James what happened to her it's okay please Christian obscene infection infection through here and she felt him electricity go through your body father that infection goes now in Jesus name yeah take your seats take your seats everyone take your seats yeah there's a lot of people's looks like that have been healed or coming down from the upper area there take your seats up there take your seats make sure the Lord has healed you before you come down holy holy holy are you lord has a lesser call on this kiddo I don't know who he is but there's a beautiful future for him yeah James James you got the mic a breast tumor and she felt God's heat tonight Lord in the name of Jesus stretch your hands towards her we command that two more to leave in the mighty name of the Lord it goes now my dear that's a burning that there's a strong an awning on that man here what happened to him Tyrod cancer what do you feel on you brother what do you feel on here come here come here you feel a part of God on you this is your your your first huh who is this your your your your your first time here now stretch French towards him in the mighty name of the Lord Noriyuki the microphone so they could help me in the name of the Lord come on pray in this in the in the spectrum Lord that problem leaves right now it goes every bit of it keep praying people there's a beautiful unknown in here come on closer what happened to the girl there Marie she had the kidney disease help them back to their seats help these people back come come come darling come here they're all coming down crying feeling that a beautiful anointing what happened she sister she has a tumor on her jaw she feel it has gone small or now you bring her this way come here darling in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord someone help up this sweet lady here help her up if you don't mind yeah Marie what happened to him she had a car accident three weeks ago and now she feels much better no more pain in her back she can ran up and down god bless you Ben come here my dear come here Lord in Jesus name we'll give you the praise for that healing oh thanks and the gentleman helper up guys that's the way way way way to help her up that that's a strong and owning on her Lord in Jesus name every bet of that problem leaves her body every bed of it help her up again kids Lord every bet never to come back never never never never never somebody say praise the Lord help her up now listen listen we're going to pray for your loved ones in a minute to be saved you see there's a cross they were going to pray so don't leave me yet give me just a few more minutes yeah quickly come on that's another cancer that the Lord has touched prostate cancers here somebody help that kid up Lord in the name of Jesus can you stretch a wrench with this man and pray with me for him in the name of Jesus we command the cancer to go Lord wait help him up in the name of the Lord everybody of their cancer leaves everybody that cancer leaves in Jesus name burn it burn it out of him Lord yes she came in with crutches because she's praying her ankle and knee and now she's walking she's the one I saw earlier the Lord healed you first lady come here when we began to worship the Lord said I someone's a leg so what's wrong with your leg I sprained I fell hiking and I sprained both my knee and my weeks we never do and you left that crutch up there somewhere or well leave it up there father I thank you for that healing that anointing is all over you kiddo helper up thank you lord helper up sometimes it takes more than one time like Elijah and Amon and Purab move that leg a little higher she says Wow try it again come on well what what what happened oh my god she says you feel good you can point your toes now okay you go now you're fine now listen before you go I got I got something to tell you yeah quick she has scoliosis and she felt the pain going out and now she can move better she can stand better and walk better and she knows the Lord he's touching her bring a bring a bring her here I love the anointing when it flows like that come here both of you lord I thank you for this beautiful healing I thank you for your Holy Spirit on the life move my two little sweetest Jesus with a savior for your glory in Jesus name now listen wait my weight I want everyone here who was not here the last time to put the name of a loved one that needs to be saved on a piece of paper and I don't know if we have the paper but if we don't just give him an Vil opes I don't care what you give him and if you have your own paper just write it down I want to lay my hands on those papers now my faith is right right now my faith is high for this so let's don't give envelopes there's no need to be opposite we can give them the paper or you can get your own paper help the ladies please ease ease on them let ever want to go back to their seats Marie let everyone go back you know I don't want to keep the people to too long here tonight and I want you to send your prayer requests you're watching on TV for loved ones who need salvation who need the Lord to take hold of their life i won their names and I want to put their names at the cross that you see back there we have already a lot of names from the last time where they continued putting more names there because we want to believe God and pray for you and before we leave tonight I want to pray for the family that came from Europe I don't remember they came from somewhere that three family Oh Austria Austria so but you stay in your seat and let's just collect the paper with the with the offering bucket or the offering bag so people can can give a sorry can put their request in and our pam has got some extra papers extra cord she can give you to write the names of loved ones because my faith is high for this I'm believing God to heal your family to save your loved ones and I'm believing God to do it rapidly this can happen like this year in your in your home in your family and I want to have pastor Chris come with me and pray and we're going to bring the people with us and pray and maybe you can minister if you don't mind because I really want to have a time of Prayer right now and I'm gonna have there's a lot of Holy Ghost people right back here I can sense it I don't know who these kids are but I can feel that strength coming from them I don't know who this man is but there's something about him that's really strong so I'm gonna have you guys pray and you're going to lay lay lay hands on these names many of them came on the internet and we put them here and some of you can still send your names through the through the social media hundreds of them right now here that came through social media and we just want to pray that the Lord will save the loved ones we believe that God will do it so as soon as you can put that card in we're gonna pull it right there and we're gonna pray so go go ahead and get the get the names put them there now while I'm talking if you if you already have them let's go ahead and put them right there behind me on the cross right there on the cross come on yeah go go go brother come on you can do it and you and your or in your home's you can send it but stay with us till we pray please let's believe God together for your family for your loved ones and I and I gotta I got to I got to tell you a few things that you need to pray for for our nation that have come up and we really need to take time tonight to pray for Israel and what's going on there I want to fill you in on you know I don't want to keep you all night but these things can affect all of us if God does not intervene with the situation so thank you Bruce so go let's let's go ahead and put the prayer request down here but now you hear me now what while people are getting their prayer requests there this is can you all hear me now yeah please pay attention what I want to tell you this is a critical hour for America because I am convinced more than I've ever been convinced that persecution is coming to this land and we are seeing the beginning the preparation for it the preparation for it today what's happening in Washington is not good the confusion setting in is dangerous I believe that our President Trump God put him there I had a dream about him last night and it was actually early this morning I saw troubled me I saw under heavy attack sitting unshaven unshaven he looked very troubled and he was talking to me in the dream I woke up about 6:30 this morning after I had seen the dream and I've been puzzled all day about this I never seen a president so beaten and I told Don Price to desert I mean I must write him a letter to encourage him because he like anyone else is a human being he's fighting forces now that wanna bring him down and they're aiming at his emotional state that's what I saw this morning they're attacking his emotional life it's no longer about politics it's about bringing the man down break him and they want to break him but no man is that strong to withstand such attacks because we're not made out of Steel we all need support you may not agree I may not agree with everything he says and does frankly I wish some of the tweets he tweets would not be written but that's just him he doesn't care about what people think but now there's people out there who are attacking his personal emotional state now I didn't see that when I heard this and that I saw it this morning I've been very troubled all day I saw him sitting his he had not shaved he looked like someone beat him up and we have got to remember these are human beings that need prayer I don't know how that's going on because I'm not connected with that anymore like I used to be but when God gives me a dream like like this I don't take it lightly I don't ignore it so we really need to pray for his family for his children but especially for him and I'm writing in molarity just simply say I'm praying for you I support you and believe God and I bring you through and and and I pray this will this will touch his heart and I'm sure it will but something is happening in this country that's frightening forces in the Democratic Party that hate this nation hate America there are very troubling liberal individuals people that are saying the nastiest things about this country sweet people when I read the Constitution of the United States I was in awe I don't know if any of you read the Constitution I have I was tested when I became a citizen on my knowledge of the Constitution is a great country a great country this nation has affected the world the globe I think it would do you good to watch an amazing series about the history of this country about the story of America what a great nation we we we've just celebrated the 4th of July the the history of this land is most remarkable most remarkable and I want you to pray for this country because there are there are many that are attacking it from within George Washington had a vision that you need to read absolutely you can get it on the internet you can go to Christ for the nation's website and ask for George Washington's vision and George Washington had a vision from from God what he says that he saw the destruction of America from within and he said that that not no no power outside America can defeat this nation no power out there can destroy this nation that the nation will be destroyed from within when a woman will be president he said that in his vision he wrote that in his vision we don't know when how it doesn't say and we've begun to see the beginning in my opinion of the decline of this land I pray God will give us a season of grace say Amen to reach souls to see the loss come to the Lord there's a lot of people still in this nation and I believe the majority are believers the majority are Christians I think a lot of the research done is not accurate about the decline of America spiritually yeah maybe in some places but not all over the country no in many circles in this land the church is arising as a mighty army some places maybe it is so that there's a decline in some other parts but if you look at the nation good things are happening but the enemy will not rest those who hate America will not rest and now our president is under attack why'd you stand up and let's pray in the Holy Ghost our love come on I mean out loud father I come on behalf of Donald Trump the Lord I pray in the name of Jesus strengthen his hand strength in his heart strength and his mind give him strength from above in the name of your son Jesus silence the voices of the enemies put them to shame [Music] come our people pray visit America one more time [Music] visit destination one more time [Music] in the name of Jesus let there be another move of the Holy Spirit in this land blessed Franklin Graham bless the men you've raised today to speak in declare the gospel exalt your name in this nation bless Pat Robertson bless the men and women around this nation declaring the gospel in the mighty name of Jesus raise up new voices Lord raise up new voices in the name of the Lord [Music] blessed shalt Stanley in jackrel less mean of your servants around this nation in the name of the Lord your son hallelujah [Music] hallelujah every prophet every apostle every evangelist every pastor every teacher in every charge in the great african-american churches without those masters mightily declaring your world in the evangelical churches bless your servant mightily declare you are among the youth of America bless them Lord mightily increased them prayed the Lord in the mighty name of Jesus [Music] bringing a new fresh Holy Ghost move restoration in this nation in our young people's lives in the mighty name of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah ah [Music] thank you Jesus people I keep I keep playing keep playing keeper can you sing while we breath can you do that can you pray while we come on let's go all of you pray come on Massa Chris come on you take the back for me I pray all of you pray in the spirit people come on and you young young men and young women go lay hands on those requests back there come on that God will save souls [Music] I saw in my heart just a second ago that there are families there are parents today that the enemy has told you that you're a failure he's told you that you have gone too far he has told you that your kids are too far gone that you've made too many mistakes that you have made too many errors in your life and because of that it has crippled your voice into the life of your children and you need to know today that God wants to set you free from that demonic voice on the back of your heart Father in the name of Jesus I come against that demonic voice mom dad you need to understand today you are not what the devil says that you are you are who God says that you are you have a touch of God upon your life those are your children they are not his come on believe God with me everybody Father in the name of Jesus we pray that by the end of this summer god we claim our children and we call them back to you from the north the South the East in the West God I come against the demonic voice of the enemy that is said that you have gone too far as appearance and God I pray that they would begin to rise up once rise up man of God rise up woman of God rise up parents take authority over your home because God has given you your children Father we pray in the mighty name of Jesus we pray for the children that the world has given up on those that families have given up on and we pray Lord that you would produce and create radical salvations we pray God for such a generation as now for God the enemy thinks that he is one but we thank you that greater is He that is in us than he that is in this world come on greater is He that is in your family then he that is he knows the world greater is our new then he that and so Lord we bring him before you today we bring these beautiful children before you and we pray O God that their eyes would be open to the light in the Sunnah of the Living God we pray God that darkness knows in Jesus name and we thank you that at your name Oh God that's your name oh Jesus darkness has to tremble darkness has to go in Jesus - come on everybody come on Thank You Lord supper happen thank you thank you [Music] the darkness from oh geez Jesus take it young lady singer [Music] so there called Islam [Music] I will pray son [Music] make the darkness tremble it was on the warm side you silence me oh gee you'll make a darkness tremble [Music] that is channel scan tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] that's awesome here now pastor Chris come back a second tomorrow now listen before you go don't you feel the in honor here tomorrow we're doing a live broadcast for love world with its it's gonna go all over the nation Africa UK and so forth and my guests are these dear people here you're gonna sing again tomorrow and your husband is in a play and minister and you're gonna preach you know only God knows what else we'll do we're gonna be all together anyways tomorrow at at at 7:30 be there at 7:00 pleats in the next studio now come here this man Minister the word tomorrow and and tomorrow I want to do something I want you to lay hands on everyone there and prophesy destiny over them because that's what happened with you this young man can I have a microphone Pastor Chris Lindbergh used to be a volunteer in our Crusades he was he was the guy that worked with Charlie McEwan putting drapes up now he's a pastor one of the greatest churches in this country in Dallas yeah and and I'm growing to really love him he came with me to the Ukraine and we had a great time and this is his lovely wife very elegant they have beautiful children your son is 16 years old my daughter's 19 yeah and and his son likes to watch me on YouTube he does read good morning Holy Spirit yes he has yeah and tomorrow you see you you're a man of destiny there's destiny in you and I in fact tonight just before we even go would you mind laying hands on some people yes like these kids here yes pronounced destiny in them in Jesus name yes sir because he was a young man volunteering now he's got a massive Church in Dallas Texas and now you're expanding into more than one church yes sir soon hum well yeah whoo that hurt anyways but but but God is really blessing his life and and we're doing a monthly meeting in Dallas construction by the way began this morning oh yeah they told things up over there now we're increasing it to about over 1,200 seats will be in there we only see it about 400 something there is will be 1200 and we start in September and construction began this morning they're tearing a lot up so I like I'm gonna go and see the mess but some of you that have not given for that if you can give tonight you just come down put it in my hand I need money for the construction because will remake in their whole studio they're all building into a studio bigger than this and we'll be going monthly now with healing meetings all across America on impact somebody say hallelujah and he's he is offering all he's offering all of his people and some of his people to help and you know Dallas is like central so they can drive in from everywhere and now the first Monday of each month will be in Dallas starting September we we wouldn't want to start September 2nd and every first Monday were gonna be in Dallas the pastor can I say something here yeah thank you for always having a heart to reach into the young people I won that I was 17 years of age I had growing up meeting my church but I never really met God and I picked up the book good morning Holy Spirit my Sunday school teacher gave it to me and when I read that for the very first time it was almost like desert I had to read only one chapter a day I would go to school and I'd come back home and I'd run up the stairs and I'd read the first chapter and I'd never heard of a relationship with God that was so real so genuine and it births something on the inside of me that I've never been able to shake all of my days I'm 43 years of age and what I'm so thankful for in pastor Benny is you always see I've always heard you talk about your passion and your love for the young people and the way that you love us and the way that you pour into us the way that you believe in us we owe you so much we are so thankful for your heart in two weeks we begin something fresh here and the the the miracle of Dallas is God gave us a building years ago right on the 121 5 minutes or 10 minutes from the airport next today star we're on the main highways in fact you you are saying it's like real big there now they're doing some big stuff there's cranes everywhere because because it's the they're calling it the blue diamond corridor of Dallas because all of the business is coming to 1:21 it is the main thorough way in Dan things that our building sits ten minutes away from the airport so that's what we're gonna use now listen if you don't mind some of you who have not given and maybe those who gave one to give again get an envelope come down and give me something in my hand so I can use it in Dallas and while we do that ma'am I can my wife come with me well of course um Tatom come here sweetie I'm glad you both came now you're gonna pray for the kids or for the people in just a second right yes okay so take your seats come give me the offering and go home and then you just minister to them talk to them now well our young people were you all that come over there they're right there these rights are right behind us come on here guys come on over here and you just come can I get like there's some other people haha come on down come on down if there's some other young people come on down come on kids see come on come on pray destiny over your life you're James house and and as soon as you come the kids can come be brave for the others if you want to come give an offering a legend then you can go home
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 113,922
Rating: 4.8286657 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer, 7/15/19
Id: fc0IeXOpsyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 50sec (12650 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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