A Special Presentation Today with Pastor Benny Hinn!

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well how are you doing [Music] you're ready you're ready for the lord to touch you tonight can we stand and let's thank him for his mercy lord god i thank you today oh i thank you today for your awesome grace for your awesome grace to you by the glory dear jesus lift your hands and thank him for his mercy we thank you lord for your mercy where would we be without it and i pray today you'll bless this wonderful people your people bless michael and jessica bless their ministry and move mightily tonight among us hallelujah let's just lift our voices and thank him for his goodness come on lift your voices and thank him for his mercy and his goodness blessed be the lord god hallelujah blessed be the lord god almighty who was in his and is to come blessed be the lord god almighty who raised [Music] blessed be the lord oh lift your voice in to come blessed be the lord [Music] almighty who raised forevermore blessed be the lord [Music] blessed be the lord [Music] father in heaven how we love you we lift your name in all the earth may your kingdom be established in our praises as you people declare your mighty word blessed be the lord god almighty [Music] blessed be the lord [Music] foreign [Music] glorify your name glorify your name in all [Music] we love you we praise you we are adore you [Music] glorify your name in all the earth lift your voices saying glorify your name glorify your name your name in all the earth dear jesus we love you we praise you we adore you [Music] glorify your name in all of the earth [Music] tonight lord glorify your name glorify your name [Music] glorify [Music] holy spirit we love you we pray and adore you glorify your name in all the earth tonight lord touch our hearts glorify your name [Music] glorify your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our lord touches afresh i pray tonight [Music] quicken our minds [Music] quicken our hearts [Music] to receive your word and lord i ask you today to cook in my mind that i may deliver this word with clarity that your people will receive it we live the kind of life you want us to live pleasing to you we do not trust our hearts we trust you and only you [Music] we have no confidence in our own self our confidence is in you so touch us renew us empower us for the coming days in jesus name amen you may be seated all right i want you all to go to romans chapter six i'm doing good baby thanks so let's talk about something very important tonight you know when michael and jessica and i were talking last night we were kind of talking about what to bring to you today and jesse said well dad you know michael has been teaching on the holy spirit maybe something you can talk about i said well let the lord talk to me and finally last night i thought lord what would you have the people here what is it you want to talk to them about i can i'm not boasting i can preach a million messages you know got them all over about 49 years of minister i should have him there but the lord gave me a word for you that i really want to minister but can i please give you back the tea first yeah thank you just in case i move my hand when i'm you know a little excited and that tea will be flying all over the place oh bruce bless you all right i want to talk to you first about how do you enjoy how to really enjoy spiritual food spiritual nourishment how do you get the bible into your life in a way you're gonna really enjoy it now what i want to talk to you about tonight is not something you're going to hear a lot and that is how to chew the cud like the cow you know the word of god cannot be received unless we meditate upon the word now i don't expect you young people a lot of you are young people how many are between let's say 20 and 30. not the whole congregation almost how many feel 20 or 30. oh good when i was your age when i was young i didn't think the way i think today about the bible today i see the bible in a whole different way i'll give you a little example and i don't want you to all think oh my god i don't think i can do that yeah you can and you will i've just read see i read my bible one time like once through every four months so how do you do that simplicito is it i just began reading the word today is june what 13 13. so i began reading genesis 1 on june 2nd i'm already in leviticus so i've gone through all of genesis all of exodus and i can give you every chapter from memory i don't expect you to be there right now but you need to get there quick here's why the days ahead are very dark and very dangerous and i really i worry more about my children and my grandchildren and myself about the future because now things are getting real bad i've lived through three wars in my life think about that you sweet people in america haven't lived through one yet three wars in my lifetime i'm 69. when i was four i still remember the 1956 war in israel i was only four then 1967 the 67 when we were digging ditches we are thinking we're gonna all die you know in israel and then next war was called the war of attrition where the egyptians were attacking the israelis on the source and then my daddy said we've had enough of this we're going to immigrate thank god i am more worried about the future of my children than i was worried about the wars when i was a kid than a young man teenager because the world we fight today is nothing like the one in the past the one in the in the past you knew who your enemy was today you don't know who your enemy is he may be your next-door neighbor see we knew who we were fighting we were fighting whatever the the israelis were fighting the egyptians and jordanians and syrians and all that today in today's war it has become so demonic see yes it's spiritual of course all wars are spiritual the source is spiritual no matter what they are but the future war that is coming which i think has begun is so so demonic i mean satan's plan is to destroy the work of god on earth of course he can't and he won't he'll never succeed he's he's he's a loser anyways believe me he's a he's a big loser and i don't want you i don't want you to be afraid of the devil look i don't want to scare you i've seen his majesty twice i used to be scared of him i don't anymore because i saw the power of god the first time the devil came at me i saw his face like i see yours 1973 when the power of the holy spirit was so rich in my life and i saw him come like this like rise out of the ground like this hate i never saw in my life like that the feeling in my in my bedroom i i couldn't describe it to you and suddenly be between he and i the most beautiful cloud showed up and i went to sleep right away it was like a cover came over me like a beautiful blanket and and and i could still see the devil's face but i did not care i went right to sleep right to sleep he is still there with all the hate the lord came between he and i oh the power of god is so great there's nothing the devil can do to you nothing as long as you're walking with the lord i'm going to tell you something and and and the reason i'm talking like this is is because i i believe and i think i'm right some of you are going to have some challenges in the future and unless you prepare today today not tomorrow through the scriptures that i'm going to share with you and how to receive the scriptures in your life not just reading so you can just say well i read it that's not good enough so but i share this with you to just show you how strong the lord is so before i begin preaching i said lord now look i began preaching when i was 21 i'm 69 now so 21 years old i said lord i don't know if i want to preach i think the lord was really laughing when i said that to him you know god has an amazing sense of humor so i said lord i don't know that i want to preach because i don't want the devil to become real i'm not really looking for that because i knew the second you pray for the sick the minute you become a minister of the gospel in the in the way where the supernatural flows through you the demonic will become real it's a very powerful world out there and i said lord i don't think i want that let me just you know do something for you and kind of simple you know so i'm asleep and suddenly in my room before god almighty i'm telling you the truth okay because god will judge me if i add anything to this to it or take away anything in front of me i i woke up i was wide awake i woke up i see this massive being in front of me with a black hood black robe i didn't see his face nails that were quite long and kind of curly and he came at me to choke me this spirit of death is really what it was so i cried dear jesus and suddenly to my shark i came out of my body only half of me came out of my body i'm sitting up my legs are still in from the waist i'm up i look back i see myself motionless did i die i don't know frankly i don't care at all because i was alive but that thing behind me was completely motionless dead or not it doesn't matter i'm sitting up and suddenly an angel before the lord may strike me that if i'm telling you that anything that's that is not true an angel rushes in takes that big thing and shoves him towards the wall and that angel was a little bit shorter than that big guy it didn't matter though he held him and then another angel comes in and stands right next to me beautiful angel blonde hair you'll see when we get to heaven i'm going to show them to you blonde hair curly blond hair wide beautiful eyes blue eyes on his chest was a belt of gold massive shoulders he stood maybe seven foot i don't know how tall he was i'm staring at him in awe complete awe never seen anyone like that in my life and he just stared at me he didn't say a word he didn't even smile he just stood there now that black robed angel was still there fighting trying to come my way and choke me [Laughter] he couldn't even move that man or that devil whatever he was and the third angel comes in and says and says to the beautiful angel in front of me he called him michael he said michael twice he said he had michael michael someone else is in trouble and he says to him with this deep voice comes out of me says you look after him and gone the second he's gone i'm back in my body singing hallelujah [Music] that actually happened i'm back in my body hallelujah and that thing i could still see him by the by the by the wall i didn't see the angels at all i just saw him stuck there i had no fear whatsoever when i woke up in the morning i was scared to death like the lord shut my emotions off while all this is going on and in the in the morning oh my god i pray it'll never happen again all that but i saw the power of god and from there on i had one thought about the devil not one time the other time he came brother you remember that guy from hollywood who came and offered me a position in hollywood oh brother there's a big big man walk like that he was a big famous guy he would he would he would come in his limo to our church and sit there and cry but he was of the devil that guy and he did some big movies and he invited all of us on his yacht you came with us one time i think well jim came anyway but you remember the dear boy there so he says listen he says once you come see me down by disney he had a massive suite so i went over there and didn't know what the guy wanted he looked at me he said he's sitting on this picture he says i'm going to make you a movie star i'm like whoa okay he says you got a gift it needs to be on the screen i said i am not interested i don't want it he cussed me out with the filthiest words out of his mouth he was such a nice guy when he came to church he sit and cry and we all thought maybe we would you know get him saved he came with a with a with a purpose to make me some big movie star and when i said no to him he just went crazy on me and i walked out that hotel is still there right there by disney every time i go by they say oh that's where that boy came that night i have a dream the devil shows up he says i'll give you anything you want just say yes to him to that man i screamed no and here's something i think is so sweet when when the devil came in that dream and said i'll give you anything you want just say yes to that and he gave me his name so i don't want to say his name that boy's name the lord was standing right in the shadows just in case oh that made me feel so good i saw his arm and his robe just standing there just waiting like in case benny needs me i'm here what can we throw him a kiss jesus is so sweet the lord is always there for you don't ever be afraid of that devil did you hear that now listen listen wait wait i used to always tell tell people that if you have a message for the devil write it on the bottom of your shoe say that say it come on if you have a message for the devil what smash his face be done with it now all of you say i was born to win i was born to succeed i will succeed in jesus amen now for for you to succeed and you know like i just been saying to you you have nothing to fear do not be afraid of the devil but you do have to fear another enemy that's more uh how shall i say he's more difficult to deal with that's the flesh you know the bible says resist the devil and he'll flee right you cannot resist the flesh that flesh is with you in bed nowhere in the bible does it say resist the flesh and the flesh will flee no it says resist the devil and he'll flee so you can you can resist the devil and he'll run every time like a coward but the flesh has to be crucified big difference between the flesh and the devil you have to say new to that flesh but you cannot and will not have the authority without the word in you so i'm going to talk to you about how to digest i mean digest the scriptures and i'll give you an example in just a little bit but let's begin reading romans 6 okay i'm going to read about 14 verses because that kind of explains our life as god sees us today what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound see you and i have been born again it's not god's will for you to continue in sin god forbid he said in verse 2 how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein now what does it mean by debt to sin it means that jesus already overcame sin cannot control your life all you have to do is say yes to jesus and no to sin quite simple every true christian has the power to say no to sin i won't do it i just won't i won't look at that thing i won't let those friends in my life we all have that power know ye not verse 3 that so many of us as were baptized into jesus christ were baptized into his death and he's talking here about the flesh dying to self the flesh dying to the things of the world we are buried with him by baptism into death that like as christ was raised up was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of life so he's talking about a baptism into death this is not water baptism here water baptism is simply the declaration that i'm really dead already to sin but when i become a christian i so surrender to the lord i die to the things i want and i live to the things that are his will for me i don't live for myself i live for him and we all have that power to actually do that to surrender to the lord like that verse 5 for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection so anyone who says yes to the lord and no to the flesh one day we'll see a mighty resurrection of the new life and then the resurrection of the body of course knowing this verse 6 that our old man the flesh is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed the minute we say no to the flesh sin has no place to go that the it says that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin verse 7 for he that is dead is freed from sin now what does it mean by free from sin it doesn't mean that you'll never sin again because we all stumble here and there it means sin will not control you dead to sin means sin is no longer your boss you are the boss now sin has no power to love to control your life i love this verse 8 now if we be dead with christ we believe that we shall also live with him knowing that christ being raised from the dead diet no more death hath no more dominion over him for in that he died he died unto sin once or meaning for sin and that he liveth he liveth unto god likewise this is the whole key reckon ye also yourselves and the word reckon is an old english word means consider yourselves to be dead to be dead i should say indeed unto sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord and that's really as simple as it can be really said we just consider ourselves dead to the flesh to the things of the flesh we can say no to it i don't want it what did job say i have made a covenant with mine eyes not to look upon a woman i have told desires not to look and that's all that is to it simplicito but you can't do that if the world is not in you and then he says in verse 12 let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that ye should obey it in the last thereof meaning you can say no otherwise you would not say let not sin reign in your body because we we we all have the authority to say no neither yield ye your members as instruments of our unrighteousness unto sin because you can say no to the body don't yield your body as an instrument for sin but yield yourselves unto god as those that are alive from the dead meaning that jesus gave you the power of life within you to say no to the sins of the world you're alive now and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god for sin and this is the promise sin shall not have dominion over you meaning it's been taken away that dominion is no longer running your life but if you decide well i love my sin too much then it will become your boss again if you yield to sin sin will control you again and destroy you at the end yet you have the power when you come and say jesus come into my heart save my soul you don't feel it but the power of god comes into your being and you walk away with a new amazing part to say no devil i don't want you and there's nothing he can do yeah he may tempt you but you still have power to say no quite simple all right now let me talk about how all this beauty can come your way as you begin to live the christian life so the minute you say yes to jesus and no to sin god requires something of every one of us in the scriptures in exodus chapter 16 and verse 4 please try not to move about when i'm teaching the word please i'm really nice to you tonight thank you now god said to israel he said now and i'm going to paraphrase he said i'm going to send you food every morning and i'm not sending it to your tent i'm going to put it in the desert somewhere and you have to go find it every day every day you need to leave your tent and go look for it and come back with it into the tent and cook it and cook it and eat it it was called manna god gave them a responsibility he said i am not going to put that manna in the tent i'm going to put it in the desert so you have to go find it and they did it every day for 40 years it took discipline and obedience to go out to the desert every morning looking for the manna in fact i think it'll be nice to read that verse don't you think let's go to exodus chapter 16. we're going to look at verse 4. then said the lord unto moses behold i will reign bread from heaven for you and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day why that i may prove them and the word prove them here test them whether they will walk in my law or no how many of you have read the whole bible wave good beautiful i'm not going to ask how many have not i don't want to embarrass you but every single day those dear people the israelites had to go look for it and god said i want to test you are you going to obey me by going out to look for it and eat it so we believers have a responsibility we too have got to go and find it somewhere it's called the word of god manna from heaven now jesus said let's go to john chapter 6. jesus said in john 6 and verse 32 verily verily i say unto you moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven for the bread of god is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world then said they unto him lord evermore ever more give us this bread and jesus said unto them i am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger he that believeth on me shall never thirst now here we have a picture of god's word and don't ever forget we feed upon the lord jesus himself as we feed upon his word feeding on god's word is feeding on christ the lord god's word is the lord so i wanna i wanna just say something here real fast i don't think anyone is young enough in the lord to go out and find the manna i think anyone if you were if you're one day old in the faith it's your responsibility to go look for it god's word let's let's go to uh deuteronomy chapter eight because you know some people say well you know i'm still very young in the spirit and i don't understand some parts of the bible and maybe i should wait till i'm older no no no everyone is responsible no matter how young you are in the lord you begin to read the scriptures even if you don't understand them because you will eventually understand them i'll give you some examples that happen in my life just keep listening but look at deuteronomy 8 verse 3 and he humbled now this is moses speaking to the newer generation of israel whose families her moms and dads had died already in the wilderness most of them and this is the new generation of young people who did not remember egypt some of them were born in the desert and the and and the name deuteronomy means second law it's the second time around to give the law basically and so he says this and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with manna which thou knowest not neither did thy fathers know why that he might make thee know that man does not live by bread only but by every word say every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the lord doth man live how beautiful now let me say a few things to you quick some people have questioned the bible is it really god's word is it truly accurate i've seen some contradictions therefore i don't know if i believe it like i used to all that stuff well first of all there are no contradictions in the bible it's a matter of translation and i know it from experience because i have also thought that when i was young oh it says something different here than here i am today a student of hebrew university i've been in that amazing university for about three years now every monday at 5pm i'm in class and i'm really good at it i'm the and i'm the only student in the class because i paid enough money to be the only student in the class and i have an amazing professor seagal zohar is her name it's an older lady a boy she is tough like nails we've become good good friends now for the last three years and every monday at five on social media she comes on and i'm ready for her and she is brilliant with hebrew and knows the history of the bible and so as we've kind of you know gotten to know each other in the hebrew language it's not exactly like i thought it was it's very difficult but it's amazing to honestly just so deep so i said why is there some contradictions here and i showed it to her ah she said she said when they wrote the bible the original of the originals [Music] there were nothing in it like that later it was translated into greek called the septuagint and she said all english translations are translations of the greek the old testament in greek and this is what the problem is so she said but i'm going to send you through email the original old testament and she did and the difference you see it so beautiful that there's nothing there that is out of place the translators just kind of messed up a little bit and then when the king james was translated they just missed some words in fact it's the closest to the hebrew that you can you you can read the king james bible is the safest in my opinion still though the hebrew language is not very very easy to translate it's very difficult because of all the vowels and the little things you see that look like you know upside down commas and all that i don't want to get into that to mess your head up but it's quite interesting like one little dot in a letter can change the whole meaning of the word just a little dot so i don't want to get into that right now but the word of god is remarkably amazing i'm going to give you just a little example here to show you how amazing the bible is are you ready for this if you read genesis chapter 5 don't do it now don't don't just just listen man and you translate the names from adam to noah you have the entire gospel of jesus did you know that how many did oh good because i told you how many had no idea put your hands up high okay if you translate the names from adam to noah it says man appointed the name seth means appointed man adam means man his son is set appointed man appointed mortal these are the translations of them of the names okay just the names if you translate them may and this is all in genesis 5. man appointed mortal sorrow but the blessed god shall come down declaring that his death will bring the despairing rest the name methuselah means his death will bring and noah means rest the whole gospel is in the names and people question the bible how can they question the bible now one other thing you don't know if you look at the names of the sons of jacob it's your life in jesus did you know that oh brother i'm gonna send you all the lists so you can have it for yourself stick it on your fridge i'll tell you what i'll do baby i'll send you the list and you and michael send it to the whole church and they can and they can show it to their they can show it to their friends and say see how can the bible not be the bible come on please it's no way like reuben means behold the sun you knew that come on simeon means hear him levy means be be attached to him follow him judah means praise him every name in the bible has to do with your walk with god right to benjamin we are seated in heavenly places it's amazing to me now prophecy is the proof the bible is god's word think about this 332 prophecies fulfilled in details when jesus came to earth in details and hundreds more will be fulfilled when he returns every prophecy concerning the jewish people returning to their homeland fulfilled in details in 1948 details almost mind-boggling how many of you uh your forefathers came from another country sweden norway whatever wave okay now think about this think about this you don't speak swedish or norwegian or whatever language your great great grandpa passpoke god said to the jews he said when you come back you you'll still speak hebrew and that's after two thousand years two thousand years how can a language survive for two thousand years my children don't speak hebrew or arabic or french i spoke all three languages smart little me i had to i went to a french school and that was the way it was my kids don't speak arabic and they don't speak it's only one generation and they don't speak it think about two thousand years only god can do that it's in the bible so anyone who questions the bible is not a believer now we believers need to understand how to receive it so i've seen cows by the way grazing i remember going to a place called bizac center that's where i learned all the hymns i would sit on a rock with a hymnal and and i memorized all well many of the hymns looking at cows this far away from me chewing their food over and over and over and over and over and i didn't think much about it back back back then a bunch of cows all all around me and i'm and i'm thinking i'm in heaven singing all hail the part of jesus name with that cow listening it was a glorious glorious years in my life back back then so many of you have have most likely seen a cow grazing and most of the time they are they are nibbling or as they say you know endlessly munching and they call that chewing the cud where they chew the grass over and over to get all the nutrition out of it this is what the bible means by meditation so when i read the word i begin to meditate i'm going to give you a wonderful example that happened to me yesterday just yesterday i have read exodus many times where god gave can you people handle a little meat are you sure lift your hand say lord help me now i've always wondered about god's uh instructions to moses about the tabernacle and the order he gave him the order so he begins with the ark he said build the ark then he says the table of show bread then he said the lamb stand then he talks about the covers then he talks about the structure then he talks about the altar of sacrifice then the labor then the altar of incense and then the priesthood's garment i've always wondered why that order why that order and i began to think about it yesterday i thought over and over and i went through every piece in my head ark of the covenant table of show bread lamp stand the four covers the linen and the goat's hair and the rem skin dyed red and the badger skin and i'm going through that in my head 57 poles or pillars i'm going through all that in my head five boards going through them to hold them together all that i know this may sound boring to you it's marvelous it's exciting god was revealing the beauty of jesus from his descent to earth his miracle ministry his crucifixion his resurrection his ascension and present ministry in that just in that order he goes the ark glory that came down became the bread of life whoa forgive me i'm just that became the light of the world that became a man took upon him our sin down on a cross no butane that should be seen in the in just in the covers died and bled on calvary the altar of sacrifice wash the church with his word the labor ascended back to heaven the altar of incense his priesthood and then the ministry of the high priest forever in that order did you listen to that it blew me away i began crying i'm thinking god is revealing every step of jesus by giving that order it happened when i was doing chewing the word are you people listening the bible is so exciting when you begin to meditate i think about the bible when i'm laying in bed even in the shower believe me i have the most amazing times in my shower because i'm thinking about all that i've read oh the lord is so amazing so amazing but the most amazing times i have is when i'm laying down quietly and i go through it in my head that nourishment comes into your being who wants to watch cnn forget it who wants to watch fox news enough of that who wants to watch all the stuff on tv that messes your head get the bible in and have marvelous feasts but see it's not about reading you can read that list of god giving to moses this and mean nothing to you oh it's boring i don't know about that you know it's jesus amazing you know those 60 poles outside that made the fence can i give you a little secret can you really handle this yes or no okay now one pole made out of wood called acacia you know what a case you would is symbolic of ryan stand right here it's symbolic of flesh and the case you would is like olive wood that has a long life meaning eternal flesh yeah and god said on every pole and i don't have time to go through why 60 there was 60 of them around he said on every pole put a silver cap why a redeemer on the bottom brass savior because brass is symbolic of suffering silver redemption and then he said turn around and and then he said i want you to tie a rope to it made out of goat's hair goat's hair why goat's hair is symbolic of sin and deception in the bible you should know that well you will and then he said make sure it has 11 strips on it why because 11 is the number of destruction in the bible didn't you didn't you know that i'll give it to you number one speaks of oneness to witness three trinity for the world five come on you should know this grace six men seven perfection eight new beginnings nine power ten responsibility 11 destruction 12 administration 13 witchcraft that's in the bible nimrod was the 13th from noah witchcraft wow won't you learn your own bible so i don't have to tell you this no no i'd love to come back and tell you this and then he said i want you to attach a brass nail to it on the when it goes in the ground and make sure it only goes halfway in so here's the message the man jesus eternal redeemer savior took upon him my sin destroyed it died the nail going in but he said half of it needs to be singing and rose from the dead all in a pole in silver brass a rope and a nail how anybody cannot enjoy the bible is beyond and that's just a little a little uh a little appetizer the old covenant is full of glory if you really read it with the eyes of the holy spirit so are you enjoying this keep listening so this this chewing this meditating is when you consider it's and it's it's more than a mental thing you know it's more a mental meditation in the spirit is spiritual not mental yes of course the mind is you know involved and all that but it's the holy spirit who takes over and so bible study and bible meditation over often overlap you go from study to meditation but there is a a very big difference between bible study and meditation because bible study it's the mind that's involved intellectually while meditation it's the spirit that becomes active rather than the mind because meditation focuses on the heart even though the mind is used it still focuses on the on the heart now let's go to psalm 19 verse 7 please all of us and i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna give you some examples in just a second because my purpose tonight is one thing to cause you to fall in love with the bible like you never have in your life because that's the thing that will guarantee your longevity as a christian that nothing can shake you no devil can knock you down say amen so it says in psalm 19 verse 7 the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul meaning if you read the word of god it will have an impact on your soul that will last for the rest of your life the testimony of the lord is sure is sure making wise the simple making so many simple men and women wise in the spirit i read a story about a an old farmer who went to speak at a conference and a young man looked at his friend he said who's the speaker he said is that it's that farmer up there and the young man kind of groaned and said oh i'm gonna have to endure this one but when that farmer got up to speak the power of god hit that room and he and his friend this guy was sitting there and his friend came up and asked that dear farmer he said how come the power of god came on so strong when you came up on that platform he said well every morning i read the word of god and then i go out to my forum and i meditate wow so uh the process of meditation and this is the key here okay the process of meditation uh has uh three different phases your answer now just literally and say lord help me get all this in jesus name so it it has three different phases phase number one when you read the bible first apprehension apprehension is found in psalm 119 because i want you to really see this the minute you you begin to meditate upon the word something happens to you okay and i'm going to read uh let me go back here psalm 119 verse 99 psalm 119 and verse 99 i'll be ministering to you in just a little bit i believe the power of god is going to start flowing here but i have got to get this through to you i have more understanding than all my teachers it says for thy testimonies are my meditations look at me all of you please i was sharing with chad last night the whole book of exodus and he was like it was glued like glue and i said it's really quite simple it's a love story in exodus 1 joseph dies that generation dies and new king comes on the throne doesn't know moses persecution begins for the jewish people god calls moses he reveals himself to moses in chapter three he sends him to egypt in chapter four the plagues begin all 11 of them 11 plagues from the rod being turned into a serpent to the death of the firstborn so by that time you're in chapter 12. not now god takes them out of egypt splits the red sea for them they come to a place called mara later and he proves them will they obey or not and then god has an amazing announcement he says moses i think it's time we all have a family gathering get the whole country together make sure they clean up themselves and show up by morning and god comes from heaven with a mighty fire oh my and the trumpet sounds and god has a meeting with his people amazing and he says and i'm going to kind of paraphrase i have no other gods you worship me only no grieving image don't ever bow to a statue don't ever use my name in vain under the sabbath honor your mom and dad don't kill don't commit adultery don't steal don't bear false witness don't covet don't be greedy and the meeting is over quick paraphrase what a mighty act of love god wanting a big meeting a big gathering with his people then he says moses come up and bring all the elders with you let's have lunch they eat with god then god says you come by yourself i have a plan i don't want to come up here anymore i'm coming down build me a tent gives him the whole plan he builds that marvelous place called the tabernacle and god comes and dwells and from chapter 25 to the end that's all we read is about the tabernacle basically that's the whole book and you think about every major headline in that book and you're odd what a god what a god and we all know that right after he gave those ten commandments they built a calf and worshipped it god didn't change his promise he was still there for them i want to know that god i want to know his mind i want to know his nature i'm falling in love with him every time i read that book the more i see his love the more i want to love him life has no meaning without knowing jesus i was born and you were born our parents made the decision without knowing that we were born for one reason not to know them but to know the lord the whole reason for life is to know one person jesus that's it yeah mom dad brought me into the world thank god for that but they're gone now they're not my mom and my dad anymore [Music] you say how's that they're not the bible is clear when my mom and my father forsake me meaning when they die the lord will raise me and take me up david said who do i have in heaven but you lord not mommy and daddy and papa and mama and grandma i'm not going to go to heaven to see my mom and my dad i'm going to heaven to see jesus they'll be there with me but i'm going for him not for them are you listening the more you read the bible the more that loving you just like blows up like a volcano inside of you and it secures you from the devils of hell tomorrow it look hell is real and i don't want you going there did you hear me not only does the bible tell us hell is real i've seen it did i ever tell you that how many have heard me tell about that how many have not put your hands up high i want to shake you i stood in my bedroom one day and i looked up i said dear jesus this is april of 74. dear jesus why are you doing all this in my life and i was having the most amazing experiences you could ever dream a human being appeared in my room as well as i see that girl right there on fire lit up flames coming out of his body and he wasn't even touching the floor and he was making a sound i can still hear gnashing his teeth just like jesus said i began screaming no no no no and nobody heard me and our house is a small place i didn't i i was amazed my mom and my dad didn't come running up to say what's wrong with you nobody heard me and i heard a massive voice from all around me say preach the gospel as i'm screaming no no no because i was so frightened that night i have a dream before god i'm telling you the truth i see an angel he looks and said come with me suddenly i'm with him and he suddenly has a chain in his hand golden chain he i look up it's attached to the sky looks like a massive door he swings it open and i see people people people people everywhere as far as i can see he says again come with me now we're on top of the of that crowd looking down and i see crowds crowds masses walking towards this valley i look in shock i see this massive valley with liquid fire shooting out of it and then to my horror i see people in it their faces coming in going out coming in going out all of them making the same sounds with their teeth and i heard a voice preach the gospel if you do not everyone that falls is your responsibility and i woke up shaken i said lord if this is you talking to me have pastor jim tonight tell me that jim mcallister was my pastor back then in canada and i would go every sunday night and sunday morning to different churches so that was on saturday night sunday morning i am at pastor jim mcallister sunday night at maxwell white's and i said please tell pastor jim to tell me that that i know this is you a guest speaker that night is there instead of the pastor who was sitting back behind him and the guest speaker looks and says i can't preach till i say something to someone sitting right there was my face word for word if you don't preach every soul that will fall that that falls is your responsibility and i froze then i knew i had to preach the gospel why do you think i've been preaching it since i've been a 21 years old hell is real and i don't want you one of those faces going in and out of the fire god's word will keep you out of it and believe me it's real be glad you're alive tonight to still make a decision not to go there because anyone who goes there there's no way out no way out i heard of two preachers one of them was a healing evangelist that i knew personally when he died he was screaming they're coming to get me they're coming and he was frightened demons were coming to get him but i've seen saints pass one of them was my mom the joy of the lord on her face she was worshiping i have it on my phone my precious girl was there my mom was worshiping with tears in our eyes as she's worshiping jesus before she gave her last breath what a beautiful way to go home let me tell you something heaven is real and since heaven is real hell is real and yes there is a hell and i don't want you going there and you that don't know the bible you're in danger that your soul may be sifted away like this from you a pastor here in orlando florida had a big church used to work with us i took him to patmos greece i'm doing the book of revelation he sits there for four programs didn't say a word finally i said listen i paid your way your first class it's time for you to work he says i know nothing about the book i said what he said i know nothing about the book of revelation i've never read it i said what other books have you not read he gives me a list he said well i read genesis and i read exodus and i didn't read all of leviticus and he goes on and on i said you're in danger so what are you doing being a pastor what do you preach he he said sermons i said from where is that from books as a worker books oh come on pastor benny word for word you're dealing with god's agenda for the ages i have to deal with my people's troubles i don't have time to read the bible he said that i said listen here that devil will destroy you one day if you don't know the bible i said you can't be giving god's people some books some whatever some man has said he said i have no time to read the bible i said then you're in danger he went to new york got overdosed with drugs and died and that's a fact because his wife told my wife what happened to him people that don't know the bible are a target to the devil i don't want you to be one of them are you listening and start doing what the bible says read the word and now you have to apprehend it when you begin to think about what you read it's called apprehension and apprehension is quite simple i have more understanding than my teachers for your testimonies are my meditation you begin to understand what you've read there that's what apprehension means it doesn't just mean nothing to you when you read it number two number two is called assimilation assimilation it's is is more than understanding it's feeding the spirit it's not enough to take spiritual food you have to digest the food just like you do with the normal stuff you can chew all you want but your stomach has to digest it before it is nourishment to you the same with meditation first you understand it it's like when you pick up the food natural food and you taste it and you chew it okay but then you have to swallow it in the natural the same with the word you swallow the word into your spirit and that happens as you meditate over and over and over upon the scriptures you've just read you're chewing and you're swallowing you're chewing and you're swallowing you're chewing and you're swallowing and that word is getting into your spirit man drip by drip by drip by drip till your spirit man becomes just like jesus because he is the word and that assimilation is so powerful it's that holy ghost digestive system this is the real heart of meditation it's a process people can eat but they'll never be nourished if they throw it up they don't keep it in they can taste it they can chew it but if it doesn't digest they throw it up a lot of christians are throwing it up too they're not allowing the lord to give them that amazing digestive spiritually you know digestive system so you and i have to develop our spiritual digestive system because our spiritual food forms spiritual character in us like your physical food makes your body what it should be you know if you eat bad you're gonna live bad physically you're going to get sick if you nourish your spirit it begins to develop in you a character like the lord look at psalm 63 this is beautiful it's beautiful are you learning anything people you know i just wanted to not just come and really really encourage you to please never neglect the bible psalm 63 5 says my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fattiness and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips watch this when i remember thee upon my bed and meditate only in the night watches wow that's what i've been doing lately meditate on the in the night watches and that brings what satisfaction it says my soul shall be satisfied that happens because of assimilation and paul talks about this in colossians chapter 3 where he says in chapter 3 verse 16 he says this he said let the word of christ watch this let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the lord i used to go to a fellowship called saint matthew when i was your age we would sit on the floor with guitars and tambourines and we would just share what god was showing us and kids would pack that little hall on the floor sing in the beautiful praise songs of the 70s and all we did is talk about what did god show us through his word we didn't have a guest speaker we we didn't have anyone who came to minister rarely ever i remember one time in all those years that somebody came but it was always someone from the group that would share what god had showed them it was the most wonderful time i think in my life i never missed those meetings of friday nights why don't you people do that invite some friends from school and from church and sit and have a nice little cup of coffee with your bible open and sit on the floor and talk about the word and what the lord showed you oh you'd have such a good time don't don't do anything else that the world does that's all empty it will enrich you it will stay with you for the rest of your life oh dear lord and that helps all of us and that's what it says here not only let the word of christ dwell within you but also teaching admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace go there and sit with your holy jeans on the floor i'll never wear them but you you you can wear them they have your tattoos and your earrings and your crazy looking hair just go there sit down enjoy the lord and then he'll fix you up you'll fix all the earrings and all the hair and you'll be delivered from holy pants and all the rest i'm just having fun with you okay don't worry about that my girl has holy pants and i don't care now finally finally there's application application so meditation requires number one apprehension number two assimilation number three you apply it this is that practical outworking of the process of meditation besides building your character in within you nourishing your faith now your life becomes adjusted to what you have been reading and meditating upon did you hear that the word of god takes hold of you just like food takes all of your body and makes your body what it is the word of god takes hold of your spirit and makes you what you ought to be and next thing you know you don't want to watch tv anymore you don't want to do this stuff anymore it's all empty you want to go to those whatever you go to just enjoy the lord life is too short to be full of madness madness no don't you dare look for a wife somewhere else don't look for a husband somewhere else get together on that floor and sit there and minister the world and god will tell you your husband is be that next boy sitting to you there a lot of the people i knew back then met each other in those meetings on the floor it would be sharing the word any young person who loves the word that much to come and talk about it is worthy of being honored and being known you sit in church all you sees somebody's neck unless they turn around say hi to you but you have no chance to talk you have no chance to get to know them how will you find a husband by looking at a neck all right you find out why by looking at a neck you sit on the floor and you have that nice circle and have your nice little guitar even if you can't play it just do it and sing unto the lord even if you're if you're if your voice is not that good who cares and share the word and god will do mighty things with you why don't you do it don't you have this in this church you have in the school i think it'll be wonderful to have them have them in their homes and marvelous i'm telling you why not have a beautiful get together every friday night and talk about the bible and see what god will do with you you will get a healing ministry like that that's what happened to a lot of these kids when i was growing up we began praying for the sick someone would come and say oh i'm feeling that or whatever well let's pray for them and the and god began healing them it was wonderful we didn't need the healing evangelist or the pastor god was doing it and amazing all of us okay so thank you bruce let's go to joshua chapter 1 verse 8 as i close we apply it i'm going to show you the three secrets all in one verse the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul that testimony of the lord is sure making wise this simple i love this part more to be desired are they than gold that's the word can i have your bible guys because i have mine on my ipad just let me let me have a real bible more to be desired are they than gold right here either much fine gold [Music] sweeter also than the honey there's honey in here you know that and the honeycomb listen the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul you want your soul fixed up right here that testimonies of the lord is sure there's no lies in it making wise the simple more to be desired are they than gold that's an old song it's from the psalms yet and much fine gold sweeter also than the honey and the honeycomb when i was a kid growing up in church they would sing before the pastor ever taught bless thy word unto our hearts and glorify thy name and the whole church would sing it bless thy word just before the before anybody preached the whole church would sing bless thy word unto our hearts and glorify thy name bless thy word unto our hearts and glorify thy name glorify thy name o lord glorify thy name bless thy word unto our hearts and glory find that name and then when when we're all done singing then he could preach i think you need to do that every sunday night your wife your your your daughter's your daughter i said your wife your daughter should learn that song and you should sing it before michael preaches bless thy word unto our hearts and glory find thy name come on let's learn it bless thy word unto our hearts and glorify thy name lisa come up here help me sing it glorify thy name o lord glorify thy name that's your mama mommy law bless thy word unto our hearts and glory by thy name glorify thy name glorify thy name o lord glory find thy name lift your hands and tell him bless thy words will you do that on sunday every so often i'll be so proud of you if you do i'll send you and michael an [Music] offering be a big offering lift your hands come on hallelujah for the lord our god the almighty [Music] you know i just feel i feel something amazing is about to happen here lift your hands let's bless of one glory to the lamb quickly lord that you will be done in jesus holy name glory come on with your mom-in-law glory glory to glory glory glory to them [Music] this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate that in day and night the dam is observed to do according to all that's written therein for them thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then shalt have good success this book of the law will not depart out of your mouth but you'll meditate that in day and night and when that happens it says now something will take place here a vision will happen the dam is observed you see what happens you receive information that becomes meditation and information and meditation produce vision vision i'm sharing that with chad lash not about the tabernacle and he said i can see it he began to imagine what i'm sharing with him and sometimes that's what happens a marvelous vision is born that you may observe and then he said something powerful for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then we'll have good success information meditation vision and after it becomes vision you don't have to worry about being blessed even in the natural and we all have read this beautiful psalm we know it by heart i used to sit with oral roberts and he would say it out of his heart blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of the sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law does he meditate day and night and what then he shall be like a tree a tree planted by the rivers of water someone who becomes stable unmovable fruitful it says fruitful [Music] planted like a tree that bringeth forth his fruit in his season and then there's a great promise of healing it says his leaf also shall not wither even sickness will disappear out of his life and whatsoever he do it shall prosper i give you a simple clear instruction tonight apprehended assimilated apply it lift your hands come on and glory let's worship glory [Music] glory glory [Applause] glory four years the [Music] is thank you ladies you can go to your [Music] seats let's worship him glory glory to the lamb wonderful jesus [Music] oh [Music] you're the lamb [Music] and [Music] holy holy holy holy lord god almighty and we lift our hearts before you [Music] [Music] just heavenly place gracious father gracious father we are so blessed that we are your children gracious father and we lift our hearts before you as a token of our love gracious father [Music] gracious father precious jesus o precious jesus we're so glad that you've redeemed us precious jesus and we lift our hearts before you as a token of our love precious jesus precious jesus [Music] just heavenly please holy spirit holy spirit come and fill our hearts you know that's god's power here our hearts before you as i told you holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] hallelujah that's right and we lift our hearts before you chad come here quick as a token lift your hands seven cents [Music] bring those guys here and we lift our hearts before you as a talking of our love great future for you i don't know you are but there's a great future for you [Music] that you are holy pick him up a second holy who's this kid it's a precious anointing on him is that holy what's his name christian christian i see a ministry being born in you is the lamb [Music] we give you lord the glory ever more holy and daniel the lord has not forgotten the prayers spoken over you by your family there's a lot coming your way my brother [Music] i see you pulling people i see you pulling them out of fire daniel i'm talking to you god is using you and will use you in a deliverance ministry deliverance ministry says the spirit you will be casting demons out of people you will pull them out of fire says the lord [Music] now lord do it in the next two years [Music] ah [Music] a young man with the head come here [Music] we give you [Music] the glory [Music] you've been baptized in prayer by some lady some ladies been baptized you in prayer when you were a kid i see a lot of holiness in your past pick him up a second there is a grandmother or maybe a mom or maybe an aunt they are called get ready brother i want to talk to him pick him up what's your name emmanuel what a name emmanuel someone played over you when you're a kid i see a lady praying over you every thing she asked god isn't a duel it's coming your way my brother and there's no running away from it the lord and we give you the glory [Music] lord don't forget the promise [Music] look him up come on help me you come on yeah yeah come here can you or not maybe you know you better stay there young man come here come on help me holy holy [Music] holy is the lord the premise [Music] you made the promise to me lord lord i establish emmanuel in ministry as his grandma or mom or some lady back there prayed him in establish him in ministry for the rest of his life no devil will steal that away from him in the name of jesus [Music] now you lift your hands and receive your healing from the lord you're holy i want that girl and that girl holy let joshua help you pick him up and help so he can work [Music] hallelujah that one right there lift your hands there just bless him now [Music] now lord you know what they need [Music] meet that need in their life [Music] look [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] oh now michael is with us through social media [Music] michael the lord is telling me to do something and you're with us now in the spirit here you're watching us in your home i'm glad you're home to rest you've been working so much [Music] but the lord just told me to declare the land is yours [Music] and i declare lord jesus the lamb belongs to michael and jessica in jesus image [Music] for your glory the land you've chosen [Music] the land you've chosen all [Music] lord i pray everything that must happen will happen [Music] all obstacles are removed negotiations will go well an agreement will be reached in the name of jesus quickly let there be no more delay let an agreement take place within weeks in jesus name i declare it i ask for it and i declare it in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah thank you lord [Music] now before i leave can you pick up these sweet people up before i leave ryan there's a great future for you brother come up here a second is this your wife where is where is your wife oh bring a bring a bringer bring it with you here the lord calls you a solid rock stand right here you've been called to stand by jesse and mike michael and jessica [Music] and the lord sees you as a rock he is the rock but you are our rock for this ministry i'm talking about for this ministry a great stable influence be blessed a great future is yours and your life great future great future greater than you can imagine in fact much greater than you can imagine and the darker things get out there the brighter you will get within both of you thank you lord for stability [Music] longevity and great blessings that they will be to this ministry your work give me the praise [Music] wow as i stand here and you just stay right where you are i'm going to ask every one of you that really wants to surrender to the lord because this is a new hour i can i can tell you with all my heart our time is running out this is an amazing amazing moment for all of us and i know that dear michael and jessica have alter calls but what i want to do right now is i want to ask every one of you who has not truly truly dedicated his life or her life to jesus don't don't wait don't wait the time is now to give him your life and for those who may feel like you've stumbled a little bit it's okay the lord will take care of that too [Music] and those who want to dedicate or rededicate their life won't you come from your seats and come stand here come here quickly just come out of your spot and just come stand down here let the lord do what he wants with you dedicate or rededicate [Music] just come start walking down here you know that beautiful song they sing that at the tabernacle uh brooklyn tabernacle thank you all for the cross thank you for the cross lord come come help us say it thank you for the price you paid taking all our sins and shame in love you came and gave amazing grace thank you for this love lord [Music] your forgiveness and [Music] embrace [Music] [Music] give me your hand that's your powerful with many crowds [Music] give me your hand brother [Music] oh the part of god is over this kid i don't know what's wrong with his leg is that his wife come here girl [Music] what's wrong with your is this your husband huh what's wrong with his leg huh well pick him up god god is healing him move it up and down brother [Music] pick him up a second that's glory on him where is the pain lord complete that healing in the name of jesus oh the lord's healing him for sure now lift your hands to lord i give you my life i surrender just as i am [Music] with all the things in my life that don't belong there i give you my life my heart my body my soul my all use me lord wash me now cleanse me now fill me now with your holy spirit establish me in your word establish your righteousness in my life oh dear jesus i want it now more than ever your word alive in me your righteousness your holiness alive in my life sin will not touch me sin will not dominate me you will rule my life forever now lord hear that prayer and i pray you will seal that in their hearts in the mighty name of jesus and god's people said amen let's give the lord a beautiful hand of god uh chad you pray with that kid some you know some of you guys that know how to pray lay hands on him that leg is he just needs a little a little exercise so i love you and i love michael and i thank you and i'll see you soon in fact next sunday we dedicate our grandbaby here little judah he is cute we're gonna all be here and suzanne will be here and we're going to dedicate our grandbaby sometimes next sunday shalom here's jessica you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 30,111
Rating: 4.9133759 out of 5
Id: y0jPMJMbEnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 53sec (7493 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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