Benny Hinn LIVE Youth Service in Aliso Viejo, CA

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fourth rises to your for your name and we give glory to your name we give to you for your head and glories you'll hold is great and good to be somebody say hallelujah remain standing I wanna welcome all of you that have just joined us on love world and around the world and on social media ehm social media can we give them all a big God bless you come on let's go Thank You Nick take a seat here this is our first youth meeting are you are you guys happy about that so we are we are seen now literally this is live all over the United Kingdom South Africa West Africa other parts of Africa and on Direct TV here in the US so we want to welcome everybody and all of those watching on the beach em social media you know the last time by the way will hear two weeks ago our stunned what the numbers were for that Monday night alone was 150,000 on Facebook just Facebook alone and by the time was all put together we hit 300,000 people yeah thank the Lord I I think tonight I think tonight will go I think tonight will do a little a little higher now listen John it's all yours I'm going to sit down and I want to right now to do all the new stuff that I don't know okay and and your last name is and you are from Daytona Beach Florida well you you are we're with a big church and then cavalry and now you're working with my with with my children yes sir okay all right this is John you want them to stand up I'm sure right oh absolutely let's go guys come on it's all yours John take it from here while we worship You Jesus we lived on the chest we feel this relays see we sing it see Oh see with me see Oh we'll see with so great so great Azhar yes nothing of the sweetest where my heart becomes free that machine is so we lift our boys we see it's your and I've tasted it see say coalesce you'll visit every person in this studio and every person watching around the world in the name of Jesus God's people said please be seated I'm gonna have John continue in worship in a few minutes what an anointing on you brother Wow this is Jessica say hi to her and it's my oldest daughter Mara - Michael will be out shortly with you just told him to wait okay baby what would you like me to do yeah this is um this is just so neat I God's just been doing such amazing things right now and how many of you guys just hungry for more of Jesus right yeah in my own life I've grown up in church as you know well oh my goodness Salib tell him how bad you were and how good you are today yes sir he's still the boss I guess he's still the boss to not go all into my story but I grew up in ministry as I'm sure you guys know with my dad who I love but I had all the formula but I didn't have the person of Jesus I didn't know Jesus for myself I knew Benny Hinn's Jesus I knew my husband's Jesus I knew our well-known friends are in a ministry they're shaking their world on you they're Jesus but I didn't know my Jesus and that can happen sometimes we can go through the motions and just go through every day and just get almost religious and do repetition and that's not what God is doing he's really calling a generation right now to really fall in love with Jesus the person of Jesus not just to talk about him and walk the walk and say all the right things but you really need to know him he's wanting to encounter you in a deep and intimate way and I was searching years ago and I was feeling so empty inside and I got to a really really low a point where I had a nervous breakdown I was at my wits and I had nothing and I was ready to just give up on life and everything and I said God I know you're real and I know what I read in the Bible is real and I know what I've seen in my life but this is not working out the way I thought it was I'm I'm dead inside and I need you and it was as simple as well just turn to me then turn to me and I'm here and that's what I did I turned to Jesus I turned to him all over again you know we have to go back to the beginning sometimes we have to go back to the first love the time that we fell in love with Jesus and that's what I went to as a child I loved him but then life got hard and I got all messed up because life was rough but I just went back to the beginning it's not complicated he's just looking for a people that love him he's just looking to be loved and needing to be wanted and he's so available I love what my husband says he says he's so available it should drive you crazy like it you have you have the choice that you keep you can have as much of Jesus as you want it's your decision and he's really wanting to be loved and he's looking for a generation for you older people in here season if you're alive you're part of this generation okay so God is still wanting to do something with you too right it's where all if you're living and breathing you are a part of this generation and he's looking for people that will just love him and give their all to him like he is the Lord of our life which means Jesus give I give you everything take all of me I don't want to hold any part of it I don't want it I don't want to get in the way I just want I just want you to know I love you I just want to love you all the stuff doesn't matter you know I grew up in it and I'm in ministry now but I can promise you that that does not fill the void that won't fill the void your friends won't fill the void your family won't fill the void your ministries will not fill the void money won't feel the void recognition and fame and notoriety everyone's looking to be known right now but that won't feed your soul only Jesus will feed your soul only Jesus feed yourself so yeah I just want to close it up with with prayer but he's looking to for people that will surrender it's time to take up our cross again and follow him it's time to really surrender and lay it all down and just go after Jesus and he doesn't promise that you won't have a perfect day but he promises to never leave you or forsake you he promises to give you rest yeah so let's just pray right now lord I just thank you I thank you Lord for your goodness God and I thank you for who you are Jesus and Lord we need more of you God ignite the hunger again in our heart Jesus ignite the hunger God for those that have grown cold Jesus ignite that first love again that fire Jesus Lord I think you know we want you to be happy Lord we want to love you we want to finish right God we want to finish this race right God we want to be more in love with you God at the end of our life than at the beginning Jesus we want to love you more yeah I really feel strength or just saying that let's say that in her heart lower you want to love you more in the end then when we first fell in love God deep in the love in our heart Jesus increase the fire in our life Holy Spirit show us show us show us your love Jesus we need you we can't do it without you Holy Spirit we need your comfort we need your friendship we need your friendship back in our hearts tonight Jesus touch us Jesus Lord I think you father that everyone watching right now everyone in this room God that they won't leave the same Jesus God that we won't grow cold God anyone that's lukewarm or gray God that you'll light us on fire tonight and you'll burn up everything that's not a view Jesus in Jesus mighty name amen and I love this guy I'm so glad to be with you tonight dad this is so much fun she's my baby she's my first baby too I told her to die I have loved you the longest wait wait wait you're not you're not leaving yet come here get the kids over here all the kids I don't care that they begged me not to come out go get your kids and you go get your kids wait wait wait why don't you guys just stay here and let someone get them come on let's go come here I have four children and Jesse right here you can stop playing as none of this is spiritual Jesse right here sorry guys hey guys come here come on Theo I saw you come on baby that's her that's her boy he's getting taller than his mother and where is Benny come on get Benny over here get Sophie over here ya little Abby over here get little Nathaniel you want to go get him just drag him if you have to and say dad I said you have to be out when little when little Jessica was little you look just like me by the way oh my god see when I was younger when I was it there's a little bitty thank god that's he is something else I can this is Theo and this is Benny and Theo is quiet and Benny is loud ah lucky like me yes so he he looks like me and he acts like me yes something else well can I tell him a little bit about you I mean come on because you you see when when people hear you honey and when I even heard you now I'm thinking you know the Lord has done so much with you it almost made me cry but I remember the one time when you threw the phone at me she did yes I did yeah and she wasn't that nice I when when when she was 14 boy she was tough and we had a big church in Orlando and I would always want to show my kids so you know every Sunday she would come down and one Sunday I said Jesse come down and in front of 3,000 I am NOT coming I said Jess you come down I am NOT coming come on girls come on yes that's this is the first under all together in a long time yeah that's all my grandkids all the grandkids so this is Abby and this is Sophia Theo and Benny and this is little Nathaniel he is he is - my sister's kid oh yeah I told him to give me a hug yesterday and he did not you know yesterday today today today but but then he came on his own and uh-huh he'll said he'll do it for Legos okay whatever gorgeous and little Abby she's very very gorgeous and spiritual and little Sophia Oh sometimes they come jumping on my bed it's quite fun anyways these are the kiddies and you don't want to say anything you want to say something please come on I gave you money today so it's not nice and where's where's bill bill Johnson's grandkids oh no you tell them to come out come on get bill bill Johnson's grandkids over here no no you talk come on come on guys come on they they all drove down from ready so you know who Bill Johnson is right well that's his grandson Brendon Brayden Brayden and that's Diego Diego and they're all staying at the house it's quite exciting everybody's at the house so the house is like anyways it's fun so I just want to just you don't want to say hi how about youth Sophia ah come on you can do it well Benny you want to sing a song you want at least like sing How Great Thou art for them like you do with with us I'll give you 50 bucks sorry guys okay it's not gonna work right okay but he often will do it for free hey you guys just went to the mall got something I guess oh you just looked around okay whatever all right I'll tell what kids you can go now and you stay and why don't you come here with her yes your sister the lord has done a lot for our family and Susanne did a great job raising these kids when they were little and beyond and she's watching now and we all love you baby give her a big god bless a man and but I remember and I'm 10 omona gone with the service I want to have Michael come out and minister to you when you were 14 you were tough now she has never given me holiday any problems except one time when she took off with Kyle Cole birth and nobody knew where you were you remember that one time and you are you were how old were you 15 and boy I let her have it when she came back because nobody knew what she was for like an hour but anyways you know I'm very picky with my kids I want to know where they are at all times and it drives them crazy that girl is laughing over here she thinks it's funny I've always been like that I'm the guy that once you know where my kids are 24 hours a day seven days a week I'm just old-fashioned anyways and so she took off and didn't tell nobody oh she huh yeah you are in the woods whatever but Jessica honey you you game is such a tough time that's what I you tell him that's how we got all his grades was from me it looks good well anyways I still I think you you still have that note that I wrote you when you were kid yeah I got in trouble and he wrote me a note apologizing you went to Africa and said I love you I love you but I love you I love you I love you I love you because you got in a fight before you left and it was like a three page fax I love you I love you my baby my baby my baby my baby I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry so I forgave you yeah thank you very much are you still and you still have it but sometimes we cannot we parents cannot help our kids so but God will always send someone to help us help our kids and what what happened with with Jesse is Cesar Castellano from Colombia a preacher was with me and he said let me have her I said you can have her for as long as you want and you went to Bogota for two weeks two weeks yeah so I was really bad so I went to a Christian University I don't how to say the name and I got myself kicked out of there and so I was kind of at rock bottom I was at rock bottom and they were taping here at the studio with you and I was in the green room and just probably crying I was at a very low point and they took one look at me and said you need to come be with us and I was really guarded and to myself and didn't go around people I didn't know very well but I knew everything in my heart said you have to go this is your moment and so I said okay and they don't even speak English they had a translator with them and I don't speak Spanish but I said okay and I went and I got free of unforgiveness at that event because I dealt with us so much unforgiveness and I went down for prayer for that and I felt like something lifted off of me and all that weight of unforgiveness and bitterness that I carried since childhood was completely gone oh gosh that could take a while yeah for many things I I think I had a very hard time as a child understanding that some people that in the name of being Christians can be very nasty and I didn't understand that Jesus wasn't that way so we got picked on a lot when I was a kid we had picketers outside her house every Saturday 40 of them and 40 of them at the church around 40 30 to 40 years I can't really remember two years yeah and we were just picked on can you imagine growing up because there are my kids we had people protestors at our house every Saturday for two years calling me every name you can imagine and they can de you know these kids had to see that and they thought this is Christianity and it's not and they're Christians are beautiful and wonderful people at the time I was too young to understand the difference and I wasn't mature and then I had a dad who did the best he could but traveled a lot and you know just all of it got the best of me I just couldn't handle any more so it broke me eventually but again the key was I wasn't staying close to Jesus so you cannot do life without having a relationship with Jesus it just isn't possible you really can't so I had no Jesus for my own life I just knew his Jesus at that time I had no relationship I just knew his Jesus that's the problem exactly I didn't know my own Jesus I had no relationship and that Jesus is not just something is he's he's a person and he's looking to be loved and we have to have a relationship with him and I just wasn't mature enough to understand that and know that so I was looking for love and all the wrong places what would you tell PK's who are watching I'm sure and maybe some of you what would you tell them to do with their life because many preachers kids probably are bitter because of whatever they saw with their parents or someone who was nasty to the mom and dad when they were preaching so what would you tell them well the first thing I say is don't give up it will get better God will only give you what you can handle we know that so he will give you strength and understanding and love in your heart I would always now now especially I say God teach me to love the people I don't understand please teach me to have forgiveness and not get hurt like let me not throw that you know I just want to have love and compassion to everybody even if they're really nasty to my family and to me that's okay I still need to love but I again I would say get to know the Word of God you're very important and talk to Jesus and and and don't don't isolate yourself know that you're not alone there's always there's always someone to talk to that will understand and I didn't understand that at the time so I thought nobody would understand and I got I just put myself in a box and pushed everybody else away and to the parents I would say keep knocking on that door keep loving don't give up keep praying many times my mom and dad would pray for me they'd go in my bed and lay there when I was out partying and doing all kinds of crazy stuff and they say but God you said this is what your word says we're not giving up on her and I believe with all my heart those prayers carried me through I really do yeah I wanna I want to just say one more thing baby that is so important and that is that you looked for the Lord without me and you looked for the Lord without your mom and without the heritage you had from your grandparents her grandfather Roy my wife's dad he used to play piano guys for Smith Wigglesworth they're one of the greatest Bible teachers that ever lived is our grandpa and but you know we've we've all had to find the Lord for ourselves now sorry I just wanted to add this to the thing that really got me was at my lowest when I cried out to Jesus he was there and that that messed me up forever that he's just so available to love you at your deepest darkest pit doesn't matter how far you've turned from him or I used to actually say I hate you two got it I'd hate God and I I'll never be a Christian I'll never be in ministry go figure now we're in full-time ministry but everything III was so nasty and the moment I was broken and said Jesus forgive me I miss you I felt his presence so strong and he was so there and that that messed me up forever that he loves me that he loves me and my worse guys can I say something to the parents love is powerful you cannot cut them out that's old-fashioned and it doesn't work did you hear that if your children mess up love them love them love them and you'll win them but if you are legalistic you will lose them if you say to your kids I am NOT gonna do this because you won't obey me you're gonna lose those kids and one thing my daddy always said to me love always wins even if they're doing drugs love them if they're doing alcohol love them do not throw them out are you listening because the second you throw them out someone else would take hold of our mind keep that influence as a parent and that's one thing if I would say I always showed and your mom too but after I got kicked out of that University you took me on the road with you and you said it's time for me to just love you and you and mom gave me unconditional love in that season and you spoke truth to me you told me this is what the word says this is what Jesus you know you didn't like you didn't okay the way I was living but used to loves me through it and stuck by me and I'm forever grateful for that yes she tells me I love you I think like ten times a day and now Tosh come here baby and you say her - we're not gonna talk about details but you've gone through challenges tough ones so without giving details it's not right how did you handle that okay first I mean my dad said I I was that child I've always been very close to the Lord but I think the difference for me and my walk personally is at a very young age I had a real encounter with Jesus and now it's like a lot of the confidence are very different that I see but at 12 years old I mean the Holy Spirit was just all over us I mean we were like you couldn't even get off the ground God was more real to me than you to standing here and we came back and I was never the same I was 12 years old when the Holy Spirit like really just changed my life forever and when you have a real encounter and I'm like you said you knew Jesus through dad and I feel like that's the problem today with a lot of our Millennials is so many people and young people are walking away from God in the church and they're completely just going into the sinful lifestyle and I've had people ask me well why is that they were so on fire well if you're meeting Jesus through a pastor then you're not meeting him for yourself when you have a real encounter like I mean you meet Jesus face-to-face you cannot walk away from him it doesn't matter what you go through in your life what I call them my tsunamis of life those things that just come and knock you over and you just don't know what's up down sideways all around and you're just like what is happening right now this is not my life but God is always there to get you out of it and what he's talking about and yes I will share what the Lord will out me but I just went through a divorce and it just got finalized last month and yes it's tough anybody that's been through a divorce even a child or if you are the one going through it and have children it is like a day it is very tough for my situation it was more Lord I fasted and I prayed really hard for six months because the Lord told me for six months I want you to fast and pray and seek my face with everything you have inside of me and I did and I told the Lord I need a miracle or I need the grace to walk away we didn't have a healthy marriage and I'll just leave it at that but nobody wants divorce you know that God is a God of restoration and I've seen God do in your life with mom and you see it in so many other people's life and you're like okay Lord I know that you hate divorce but God also hates bondage and you can't make somebody be the husband or the wife that God gives us the tools to be I can't force a husband to love me the way Christ loves a church and nobody can force me to submit and be the helpmate that I need to be it has to be a choice love is a choice you are choosing to love someone through death and only God can really teach you how to love that person till you die and if God is not in the midst of it then it's just chaos and I tried to talk to you back then yes I had a long talk with you all night long yes you did and I tried to change your mind and just you won't listen but but but well you gave me your side too but but at the end your mom and I stood with you and we're still with you because we we understand what life is all about we're not stupid about that you know divorces are wrong we all know that from the Bible but you know we knew that you knew what you were doing and then not I want to get to do details yeah sadly it is the last resort and God has been so good you know I mean forget that it's just we've all been through things in our life like she said those pits of darkness and God is so good to take the ugly in those ashes and just turn it around for good when you just focus on him and I'm excited for my future I'm excited for what's God's gonna do my children are my focus and it's just about and and I want to say to the parents stand with them you may not understand why you may not even like it but I've learned one thing being from Israel stick together we stick together guys that's our culture the eastern culture is you never forsake your family you never forsake people who are in your family because if you do you lose them right we don't understand why this and that whatever but we as a family are together your mom and I are completely behind you nobody can ever unplug me from you okay you're my flesh and bone that's all this to it and and your children are my children they're my grandkids yeah and your kids are my kids and that's all there is to it you know she says to me now dad when you grow old we're gonna take care of you I said no I'm gonna take care of myself but you know the Lord has done wonderful things and I adore both of you and now you can go sit down anyway no no no you're staying here can you go out and come back with Michael fine fine fine and you can put your jacket back on if you want to but you look great all right now listen before I bring Michael out I want to ask you and all of you to give the Lord an offering okay so we're gonna pass the offering envelopes in a minute and let's get this out of the way so we don't have to think about it later because I want Michael to just be free to minister and after the offering you're gonna go back into this beautiful worship their God your so I know that I may hire you and steal you now brother I won't do that to my kids okay even though you're good I get guys who are wonderful too but man you really are anointed there's a wonderful anointing on him all right now listen all of you watching in love world I want you to send your donations to love world because they're airing it free of charge all of you watching on BHM website and social media you can send your donation to BH em all of you here are gonna give it to be hm because they're sponsoring the event so I would like it to give you kids probably don't have a whole lot of money so I I get that but you are the parents or a little older you can give more than the young people but whatever you can give it will help so we can pay the expenses really that's all I care about I don't want to have anything extra except let's pay the expenses of this and Anne APRA the Lord will bless all of you and reward you for your giving let me hear an amen you that are watching on social media and on love world it's time we support the gospel because giving has one reason the gospel if you look at Corinthians the Word of God is clear and and everyone likes to focus on the prosperity part nobody well I should say nobody but very few focus on the gospel part why are we giving we are giving for one reason because we adore Jesus we love the Lord but when someone gives because they are greedy something is wrong so they give to get stuff forget it God will bless you because you love him let me hear an amen so it's it's just give me a minute huh it's loving the Lord that care that that matters when it comes to giving and I'm a little you know a little tired to be honest with you with people thinking I believe stuff that I really do not believe because what I really believe is do you give because we love the Lord and there's a lot of stuff out there maybe in the past I and others went a little too far but you always come back when the Lord talks to you then you come back okay this is the Bible let's stick with it and the older I'm getting the more Bible I'm becoming did you hear what I said the older I get the more Bible I become because when you read the Bible for yourself you see for for for example in 2nd Corinthians 8 the church in Macedonia was poor so let's not ignore that part it's in the Bible 2nd Corinthians 9 Corinth was not as poor but what sometimes offends me and at this point is what I have I have come to the to to watch where I'm sorry to say but some preachers are preaching that things are not in the Bible to give to get it's not in the Bible give a thousand to get back whatever is not in the Bible you don't sell the blessings of God you give because you love his gospel and if you focus on 2nd Corinthians 9 you have to focus on verse 13 that's the key of a whole chapter it says it's because of the gospel it's the gospel that matters to all of us and we want to reach these kids and I'm going to have more events for these kids in this studio and we're building a brand new one in Dallas that will seat 1500 people in the studio we only see it here like 450 max that's about all we can see it 450 people the one in Texas will seat 1500 and we will go live from that studio which will be nicer than this one it's gonna be elegant and right on the 121 highway by the airport by the dallas-fort Worth Airport ten minutes away from the airport so it's it's a great location and we own the building so I'm not gonna be renting anything it's my building it's our building just like this one so but I want to have youth meetings in Dallas not just here and invite the upper room and all those people no no we're gonna do all that or more because I want to see the young people blessed let me hear an amen yeah so if you'll help me if you'll give to the Lord's work we can do that so let's just pass the the buckets for those who are here for those who are in their homes again you who are watching a loved world can give you a donation to love wool since they're airing this free of charge and I thank pastor Chris and the staff they are thank God for all of you love you dearly Pastor Chris that's a fact and then all of you that are watching the VHM website you give to the website okay so right after this I'm gonna give it back to John you can administer I'm gonna get Michael to come and it's all his he's an administer and do whatever the Lord will lead him to do and I think we've said enough about what we want to say and now it's time for the Lord to just move and I don't want to I'm just gonna go and sit down because I want those kids my kids to minister to the Lord and minister to you and the Lord has mightily anointed Michael mightily no to you and but while you are giving I want all the young people to know something the young man you're about to hear Minister I love him dearly I love him like a son he is my son I don't even believe in sons-in-law and we're really close may be closer than you people realize I saw that young man when he was 12 years old they used to come to our church in Orlando he and his cousin would come and I would always say where are my boys what are my boys and they'd come running down and Michael the one you're gonna see used to wear a white suit he did when he was a little kitty he would wear a white suit in church just to show me it's white suit and the Lord has raised him and I want to say little more to you when he comes on about things that God is doing with them that I think you need to be a part of but I'll leave that for them okay so let's all stand and John it's in your hands now again just lead us to the throne again my dear brother and you sweet people lift your hands and let's begin to bless the Lord whom we love so much come on you are the word the began one with you hidden glory and creation now oh Christ what a beautiful name what a beautiful name is the main Jesus Christ Mikey what a beautiful name nothing complex jeez Jesus here similar scrape you lie wonderful me the main Jesus Christ Mikey nothing compares to the what a woman me Jesus gee surprise what nothing compares to this of Jesus gee the name that we worship there's no sweeter Jesus the praise of your glory oh you you have the maid Jesus can you what a powerful me what a time Jesus yes jeez the name of Jesus all we praise Jesus we worship the name Jesus we love you we love your name there's no sweeter name I know there's no sweeter name I'm sweet a name see to me to so to know that Jesus is a man while we won will remain standing John I just heard something very precious about you from Michael you are homeless lived in a car how old were you 12 13 you were 13 years old and you taught yourself I think yes sir how to play yes sir tell the people what the Lord did for you because I mean I did not know that that's quite a very moving thing to hear about a young man who is so anointed that's I'm I'm just getting blessed listening to you there you were homeless just how long probably about a year one year lived in your car we lived in the car and then we were on a waiting list for a shelter and then we finally got into a shelter in Tampa when you say we you mean who my mother my little brother myself what City Tampa Tampa and how did all this begin with you I mean to you you got saved when you were young yes sir I grew up in church and just had really tough times mom did the best that she could but ran into really difficult times and couldn't afford housing anymore and and so we went to different places and slept with family after family and then ended up you know in a shell now you're a ministry now I'm in ministry for you would you look at that camera and talk to somebody who may be in real trouble because there's a lot of people watching you around the world yes sir please to that person who's struggling you feel like God has left you he has never left you he's never forsaken you and he never will and you can trust in the Lord if you will grab ahold of him and every word that he speaks over you sometimes we begin to speak doubt because of the things that we see around us but if you will speak faith God will move in your life I'm a living witness that he can do anything and if he did it for me he can do it for anyone anyone John before I before I bring Michael on can you do one more song for us you should just leave us with one more song please strip it all away strip it all away all that tries to steal my heart's affection I don't need it anyway if it leads my eyes astray cuz only you deserve all of my attention strip it all away giving it she is a size surrender breaking free everything just to be with you the time - what can to satisfy so strip it all all away strip it all all the tries to steal it's affection I don't need it leads my eyes astray you deserve Oh attention so strip you be the my take me for every imposter till all that's left you stupid you be the kid Only You Jesus away take me far from every impostor till all that's left is you strip it all strip it all away strip it all away all the tries to steal my heart's affection I don't need it anyway is a strain cuz only you deserve all of my attention only you deserve all of my affection it's only you dissin all of my devotion subscribe Asura neurology I sir in the wrong nothing else will do Oh something else mine father I ask you today to change the lives these amazing young people and whoever is watching whether they be young or not so young ministered to them in Jesus precious name I hear from Michael you wrote that song thank you for writing this and you released it just yesterday yes sir so brand-new amazing really would you please welcome my amazing children come on give them both a big big end now I'm gonna give the mic to Michael in a moment take your seats in just in a minute in fact let me get another mic here and you and I blew Mike please no you keep that oh you got one I want to talk about Michael a little bit and about what God is doing with him and Jessica and I of course you all know how proud I am of my children and of what the Lord has done I'm deeply deeply touched tonight I almost cried just standing there just to see the faces and to see the beauty of the Lord in this studio and to see the tears and some of your faces on camera one precious lady down over there and the Lord has a lot to say to all of us the ninth row Michael but just before he takes it in fact I want to talk about your school first and about the amazing events that are coming up before you minister to us so let's just show that clip quickly Jeff before Michael talks about about the school you've got the one about the school so let's show that quickly and let me know Rick when it'll be ready will you come stand here so I could see you all right it's ready okay can we can we see it now our heart is to see people burst from Jesus school to impact the nations of the world that they would be released to the nations they'd be released to homes maybe it's the lead of family maybe the business maybe it's to preach the gospel success to us is his present success to us is pleasing alone since I've been here he's taking everything out that is of me and he's filled me back with him to be attached to the Heart of Jesus we are so powerful and the fact that were actually being stripped as vessels every single day here at school we're literally being emptied out to the Lord people are small with himself yes Lord you have my yet I'm going I encounter him on a daily basis encountering real joy and real peace they were worshiping whether we're listening to the word Jesus always shows up and so Jesus school has one main ambition that is to love him and see if Jesus people raised up that will shake the earth for the glory of God and I'm gonna ask many of you that are watching around the world to look it up because I speak at that school often and I love being there with them because those kids just put it right out of me and you began school how long ago the school last fall okay yeah in fact we have I think we have pictures of all the instructors that I think they can throw up but obviously you're a huge part of that well can we please show that they should have it okay yes you've got well yeah I mean that's me and Jess Daniel kolenda pastor Benny Todd Lou Steph not everybody speaks at the school yeah these are our contributors we call them Ben Fitzgerald for those of you guys who follow awakening Europe and Eric Johnson banding sister Pena yeah one of the sisters of Mary there and just so many more our heart was to immerse people initially we thought it would be young people that but then I think we accepted our first yeah we loved it and she drove an hour and a half each way I said are you really gonna do that she said of course I'm gonna do that for Jesus so our heart is to get people in the presence of God teach them this how can they join you can go to Jesus school TV and I promise you you will be radically Cheng's it changed my life it changed mine when I spoke to those kids they're amazing yeah in the video on the floor in the last scene I had a face-to-face in what happened to you baby oh man so it was right after the sin you guys know about the sin that happened in our land Oh so Jesus image is so honored that we are one of the collaborators of the sin so that was after the sin we had Jesus school we had some of TOD white school lifestyle Christianity and Bill Johnson school BSS and we all gathered together right after the sin and we were just send there we go so yeah I was just hungry too it's really important as leaders and pastors that we do not lose our hunger we should always stay hungry so I was really hungry and I think I ran after Todd and Michael and Steph and I said pray for me I want more I want more of Jesus and they started praying for me and next thing I know I'm on the floor and I had a vision I had a faced if my first face-to-face encounter where I saw the Lord's face and I saw the heavenly place and I saw the Holy Spirit it's it was deep and it would take too long to get into it but I've never had any your almost when I'm gonna cry now it's very special Stephanie and our other friend Ben were on the floor just praying for me I was down for probably an hour and they said we couldn't even look at you it was just so holy and it was something that marked my life forever but it's cuz I was hungry and when a bunch of hungry people get together and seek Jesus he always shows up it's impossible so it's changed my life and new parents listen to me now okay and I'm look I'm gonna be as raw and bold as I could be okay you need to send your kids to that school I'm serious because I've seen it with my own eyes when I go speak and I'm spoken in that school probably what six seven - six seven times already and I love it because those kids are just so hungry they pull it right out of me yeah you have got to send your kids they are because God will truly truly change their hearts and it's not just kids we have mom's married business I want the kids yeah we want to you won the moment dad's on the kids yeah the kids need to come because the young people are the future of this country and my biggest worry right now is the future of this country and the world so we need to get them there so God can touch them like he's touched you and others that I've seen totally transformed now one other thing before I'm done I'm gonna sit down and that's the event coming up in December Jesus 19 is we're actually doing that through the new year this year this is our first time breaking in the new year in the presence of God and for those of you who don't know in 2014 the Lord spoke to me he said I want you to pull different streams together in different generations fathers and mothers get them all together under the banner of Jesus and we started with about 400 maybe the first year you came obviously and I think this year we'll have about 10,000 people in in Orlando and they will bombard the streets between sessions by the thousands with the gospel praying for the sick thousands are born again and the power and presence of God is just I mean I'm biased but I don't think there's and when he says thousands are born again he means on the streets yeah right yeah they go out and they witness train them yeah so they're not just getting saved in the conference people are getting saved on the streets is what he means by many and get healed I mean they go out and lay hands on the sick yeah in Orlando so I think we have that clip yeah all right so ready go it's irresistible the Lord okay that's irresistible that will beckon him to come that will give us an audience with God because when Jesus comes everything changes this room changes your life changes your bondage just change your change fall off sickness falls off all of that stuff depression anxiety it just goes when Jesus comes in the room I don't know about you but I came for a head-on collision with the son of son of God a Jesus Movement is already here and this will be in Orlando the speakers are you and her she and me and who else Lou Engel help me out Claudio phrase ends coming Randy Clark Daniel kolenda Todd white staff grad singers speaking we're actually giving Steph they speaking oh brother Yoona heavenly man who was imprisoned for years in communist China I'm gonna interview him live rodney howard-browne Nathan Morris Ben Fitzgerald Michael Miller it's basically a giant melee of the power of God the helzer's are coming lead worship Stephanie and Jeremy and it looks like Callie are coming to lead worship if you guys follow Bethel music and John Wilde is leading it's just it's gonna be phenomenal Michael Miller from the Upper Room Eric Gilmore who I think is the greatest teacher on the inner life from in my generation so well I'm glad that you have it and you switch people do you go this December 29th through the first what a way to yeah bring the New Year in fact well I don't think it's too much away but you'll like what I can't say you tell me later yeah okay listen it's all yours I would like to hear them one more time if you don't mind I'm really getting blessed by this kid well and then minister and you have all the time you want okay and I love you and you go back to me no you stay right here all right give them a bigger blessed dan come on let's all just stand i just wants you to begin but she just step out of your comfort zone right now lift your hands to the Lord and just begin ministering to him from your heart come on just lift your voice the Bible says we enter his gates with Thanksgiving in our hearts and it's courts with praise so just begin to thank him out loud right now fill the room with the praise of God Jesus we love you we love you I'll just begin to sing in the spirit all over this place forget about everything love you Jesus beloved she's you Oh we you to we are to we you to you to yeah your alpha I saw the Lord resulted hi it's sorted the Train of his robe and the trainer fills the temple two the angels and the no sir I saw seated on his throne clothing glory he was clothed in glory assaulted high-caloric um exalted trained as well and the Train juice Oh just lift your hands to heaven come on all over this place precious Lord you are wonderful and faithful and we recognize you here tonight and you're the reason we've come we have no other ambition we have no other place to go we are we're dependent tonight we've come to a fountain that never moves you're our only source of life bread from heaven so Holy Spirit you love Jesus more than any of us do I pray you'd fill I need you to agree with me here I pray you'd fill this room with the substance of your presence Lord that Jesus would be so real here that everything else would be forgotten everything even our needs Lord that they would that they would dissolve tonight in your presence Jesus we look to you how we need you again once you tell him that Jesus I need you I need you Lord I need you Jesus lord help us help us find every moment in perfect sync with you and we love you in Jesus name now here's what I want you to do I the Bible says the Lord inhabits our praise and that he's enthroned on our praise our praise becomes the house of God and then the Lord begins to rule and reign in our praise that's why he's enthroned there so everything that's not from him boughs it's need to him in an atmosphere of praise so I want you to lift your voice when I count to three and here's the deal you got to take your mask off the Lord cannot anoint your mask you got to be you you can't try to do anything other than you and Jesus right so I want it's gonna it's gotta cost you something it's a sacrifice so I want you man if you've got to do side even if you've got to make that neighbor that you brought here a little uncomfortable do it I want you when I count to three I want us to unleash a praise that flows from our heart that will beckon the Lord to come and move and power in a majesty okay John you're gonna help me on that all right one two three come on lift the praise not like in Jesus word is the lamp oh come on shout hallelujah come on Jesus Laurey all right grab a seat go ahead and grab a seat are you ready to meet with the Lord tonight it's such an honor to be here babe my aval water is Jess anywhere okay she left me thank you bro I want to take a moment and honor my father-in-law and gosh I don't even know where to start Bob how do you repay somebody who leads you to the Lord there's really not much you can do and gosh there's so many memories going through my head miss Ellen good to see you oh wow but I want to I just want to say that heaven and the world is indebted to the life of my father-in-law I certainly am but many more people including you are and I just want to take a moment and publicly honor the men that led me to the Lord the man that taught me that God was real and that I could know him I got healed in his meeting in 1989 I don't know if you guys know that from a condition called Epstein bars which is supposedly incurable but it it's not in careful it is definitely not incurable and oh wow he taught me how to pray which other than getting saved I'm not sure there's a better thing to learn than how to be with Jesus and to marry Jess he made me live in his house was part of the deal and I had to work for him for 90 days for no money but when you're in love and God's leading you you're really pretty pretty well pigeon-holed there and so I did it but every day he was up there with the Lord and it caused me to want to be with the Lord and he has these little buzzers in his house where he can buzz any room I have great memories too in the morning Mikey are the doors locked they're locked but how do you know I locked them check them again no but really I the miracles that we're seeing now are I you know I think as you look as you walk with the Lord you learn more and more that you really have nothing to do with it other than say yes to him he never taught me a system or method on how to see a miracle he just taught me to love the Lord taught me how to be with him and I remember being 12 years old reading good morning Holy Spirit it's not in this Bible I preach with a Bible for 10 years and then I put it aside for one of my children so I'm on my second Bible now but on my original Bible the first Bible I began preaching with I had written what I wrote when I first read good morning Holy Spirit and obviously we weren't as nearly connected as we are now but I wrote Lord if you could use pastor Benny we seem to be from the same upbringing he grew up Greek Orthodox I did too his dad has pretty well set in his ways my dad wasn't born again at the time so I wrote if you could save his dad would you save mine and I wrote all of these these these like requests to the Lord and they're all in my Bible and everyone has come true and I learned I'm gonna stay here I want to stay here I'm not trying to I'm not going for flattery here I've already got your daughter so I haven't know this is real you know he taught me things like this before you lean on your gift worship Jesus because it tells the heavens and tells the Lord that you love him more than the gift he gave you just all of these wonderful things taught me how to read my Bible how to look for Jesus there taught me how to prepare for meetings most of the Millennials that I run with now think I'm crazy I don't talk to people before I Minister I am immersed in the word I don't yeah and I learned all of that through him and it's interesting today people from around the world call me and say can you teach us how to surrender and flow in holy spirit I'm like I really can't that came through just really being around my father-in-law and listening to the Lord so I just want us to man I have so much more and then you know as I'm walking I know he doesn't want me to say more I can read I know I can read I can read your thoughts so I'm gonna continue to do it the ministry is very expensive I don't mean money I mean when God starts to answer your prayers to use you it costs you a lot and I've yet to figure myself out I'm kind of weird even to me and he's one of the few people in the world if not the only one who gets me and he pulls on my heartstrings like no one else so when I when I'm having a moment trying to figure myself out he seems to have me figured out and gives me advice and due season that I need it's I I'm with you to the end and I love you and it's my honor it's my own it's mom you've seen her but I want to let everyone know jess is here and I love her and she's amazing too my kids are here how are you ready do you seem like it can you just close your eyes for a moment and precious Lord Holy Spirit I need help tonight so much in my heart that needs to come out the right way so I yield to you Lord and trust you to glorify Jesus amen amen I want you to take your Bibles to Exodus 33 please also want to welcome everybody watching live right now and I want to encourage you to reach out to Jesus as this night continues trust the Lord to touch you just mark exodus 33 we'll start in verse seven and I'm gonna preface this this scripture with what's been burning in my heart I'm gonna need help tonight to get it out the right way do you know what I mean it always begins in your heart that requires an encounter with the Holy Spirit how many of you know that and then to be able to declare it properly requires encounter - so I'm trusting the Lord to help me get this help properly tonight we we are on the cusp of the greatest Jesus Movement the world has ever known it's actually beginning its hour we're here we're here and for those of you who saw the the school video you saw the footage of the stadium that was our local stadium in Orlando and Bob got to come and minister which was a dream come true for me to minister alongside of him in the city that I got saved and healed in and to see all how many of you watched that anybody watched this end did you see all the lights go up on the phones when the miracles started the Lord actually showed me that an hour before the meeting he said I want you to have the people hold their phones up when the miracles start and believe it or not as I was praying in the locker room I was laying on the floor before it was my time to go out I began to see that it would rain in the meeting I know it sounds weird but it happened publicly so clearly the Lord's not ashamed of it it was very hot that day it was 20 degrees hotter than usual in February and I just began to see into what the Lord wanted to do and he told me this tell them to stop crying out I've heard them now I want to refresh them and I thought it was spiritual rain he would send and it was but if you look at the radar report you just see a little green circle over the entire state hovering straight above this so the Lord said tell them to take a deep breath and gently worship me how many of you know the Lord is not learning anything when you're screaming at him telling him how he's how you're doing he knows how you're doing he's well aware of it so worship will take you much further than informing the Lord he doesn't learn from us he's well aware of everything so the Lord said tell them to gently worship and I did and then I said Lord send your rain and it started raining it was wild the first drop hit me right in the forehead the first one I felt and I thought I was a little dehydrated you know because it was so hot and people were dropping like flies in that meeting and so then another one hit and then I could see into the lights these drops falling and then the crowd starts singing let it rain and then Jeremy and Steph started singing it with him and the rain would pour very strongly but it was so refreshing I do not explain it was supernatural and it would it would pour very strongly when they would play powerfully on their instruments and as the pace of the song would kick up the rain would fall harder than they bring the song down then the rain was just a drizzle I thought what day are we living in this is amazing our mobilization team were unpaid why lemurs so there was no method to our madness it was God bringing fifty eight thousand people into a stadium in America for those of you who bought the lie that America is hard that is alive from the pit of hell there is nothing hard for Jesus nothing hard nothing hard for Jesus well we we were blown away that night it was a dream come true to be there with these fathers and mothers and just wonderful so we thought okay Lord do you want us to do another one and so we we said let's try Brazil okay we've got one Brazilian it's awesome we said let's try Brazil so we open registration in four hours four hours the first stadium sold out 85,000 people in four hours so we opened a second stadium the second one sold out in a few hours so now we have to full there's a hundred and forty thousand people on a waiting list we're gonna keep booking stadiums until they stop filling it's amazing I'm not telling you this to convince you that we know what we're doing because we're more convinced now that we don't we really don't you cannot plan these kind of things what I'm telling you this for is this reason it's time to get in time to get in the Bible says the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force nobody slips their way into the call of God God invites us but make no bones about it he's after you yes he's after you yes this is not the time to passively go by you will be lapped by those who are going after God I think as we walk with the Lord he whittles away every other ambition and convinces us that this whole thing is just about Jesus and and and you try to add to that in our immaturity we try to add to it well it's kind of about the ministry and it's kind of about faith and it's kind of about healing interestingly enough we see miracles everywhere we go but III have yet to find a sermon Jesus preached on the topic of miracles that's because he is healing so Jesus when when you want to follow Jesus he doesn't say here's my dry erase board here's my growth track he said Here I am follow me this is me me so what I'm believing the holy I feel the Lord already what I'm believing the Lord to do tonight is completely demolish and invite you in to release everything you know of Christianity that you don't see in Jesus if you have embraced behavior thought pattern a life calling it Christianity that is not found in Jesus it's religion you need to let it go let it go if you don't see it in him it is not Christian Jesus is not into behavior modification Jesus doesn't improve us when we get born again he replaces us with him I I love the local church I have a church now thanks to Bob he came in and basically said this is a church and it is it's Sunday nights and you know you know it's amazing on our Sunday nights nobody knows who knows who's preaching one of our core values is we will not tell you because even if your favorite preacher is there there's another person in the room who's way more important way more important so it could be Bob it could be Reinhard it could be Bill Bill's been through he's coming through again but we don't tell our people who's preaching because we want people to learn to gather around the Lord gather around the Lord gather with him he has to become all and on that's what I'm gonna preach on tonight it's important that you that the Lord begin to build this foundation and you listen to me churches about Jesus do you know your Bible is about Jesus let me tell you what your Bible is not about it's not about your Bible it's about the Lord Himself it is only a church if Jesus is there if he's not there it is not a church it's a social gathering I don't care what's on the outside of the building or how the building is designed if the Lord is not there it is not a church are you with me now jesus said if two or three gather and my name I am there in the midst of them even in the midst of them actually him being there is wonderful but he takes it a step further and says I'm there by the way even in the midst of you what's the condition to gather in his name that means you can't gather in my name and be guaranteed the presence of God listen very closely there are a band of leaders being raised up who God is entrusting as leaders who have first learned to follow follow the Lord someone complements them they go I didn't do it it was him man you're a great teacher I have nothing out to preach put him oh what a powerful message it's his gospel there's the beautiful building he paid for it wow what a miracle they were his stripes oh I felt such power coming off him you didn't feel it for me you follow me that's who God is entrusting right now God is whittling away at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the preaching of morality outside of Christ is called the curse of the law the curse of the law is you trying to please Jesus without Jesus you cannot do it you can't do it so the Lord is taking this and he's destroying every Idol and that the sobriety is hitting the hearts of the church again and it's really because Jesus is coming back do you know that's really gonna happen when's the last time you heard a message on the judgment seat of Christ it's gonna happen whether you believe it or not it's gonna happen so this urgency this urgency is from the bridegroom he's plucking away at the heart of the bride he's he's yearning for the virgin heart of the bride for the saintliness that we have to see again a saintliness the divine presence resting in us on us literally coming out of our countenance nothing else matters guys nothing else matters but the presence of Jesus I my art team will tell you my and some of them are here my ambition is not to build the biggest ministry I want Jesus to live with us I leave the rest to him if I can have him that's everything that's everything so your Bible is about the Lord prayers about the Lord Himself it's about him so we've been very intentionally we'd even change our language I stopped saying Lord I'm going in to pray this is me personally I'm not telling you how to do this this is me personally I stopped saying I'm going to pray I start saying I'm coming to be with you because the mechanism of prayer outside of the presence of God will it's not the point the point is not to check off our devotionals the point is an exchange life on life his DNA in my DNA that's what he said if if you you abide in me my words in you what's he talking about a connection if any man be joined to the Lord he is one spirit with the Lord prayers about Jesus why am i chipping away at all this I want you to see that every spiritual ambition must be about him or he does not receive it nothing you can have a 40 million people crusade in Africa if your hearts not set on the Lord and all of them could get saved if your heart's not set on the Lord while you're the one preaching you don't get credit for it in eternity I'm not I'm not here to freak you out well actually I am I'm here to freak you out I I flew down here this morning to see you get completely blasted broken down built up again so you don't have to be young but God is targeting young people right now he's looking for Levites who don't just Minister the Lord but they have a sword in their hand to cut the jugular of idol worship it's got it to literally take the sword of the Lord and go this is the real Jesus right here you can't buy me you can't buy us you can't entice us these are the Jesus people they are they are possessed with his face they they've lost their mind in the most beautiful way some of you are going I've never I haven't heard this you've not heard the gospel haven't heard the gospel the whole thing is about him the word gospel Evangelion is the good news take him out it's not good it's not good news is it's only good news because of Jesus are you hearing me and then prayer is so much better when he takes over because you can't even glory in that I've never left the presence of God going I to be really great in there no you leave going he is amazing I can't believe he wants to be with me I cannot believe he loves me I can't oh my gosh he's so beautiful he did it all and I get rewarded for it I actually get a crown for what he accomplished oh how could this be prayers about him and you know when you know you're worshiping when you forget you are I'm chipping away at all these things these these things people so it's about the word it is about the word if you meet him it's about the church it is if he lives there it's about prayer it is about prayer if you find him while you're praying well it's about worship it's only worship when the Holy Spirit uses your body as an instrument if it's going to qualify in the heavens it has to be from him through him and back to him how much of that do you get to own none that's why those old songs still work today because they started way up there because they sing them up there your worship leaders get with Jesus long enough to where your heart is so lifted that you hear the sound of heaven you pull it down here they're not our songs they're not our songs john strip it all the ways beautiful book bro you didn't write it Jesus wrote it that's why we love it that's why it moves us so when when when you forget you're singing you're finally worshiping because the Lord the Lord has overshadowed it all that's the point that's the point so Jesus has to become all and all he has to become all in all in our preaching do you know what our mission statement is that Jesus image Jesus you know my 10 year plan more of Jesus my vision statement is him I want him to be my vision where do you want to be in like four years what what's your budgetary plan Jesus that rou him him you see EBEs first mistake is that she looked away the Lord calls turning aside or turning away going astray that's what he told the Prophet you have turned away and gone astray you don't go astray until you turn away you don't have to turn to pornography listen you can turn to your ministry if your ministry is him somebody when we first started Jesus image they said what's your what's your ministry all about him what else man I don't know he's just so beautiful I remember I did a very popular television show and I don't I don't follow much I have three kids so I don't have time to watch a whole lot of television so forgive me but it was 26 minutes and 30 seconds the typical TV show time and my host said what are you talk about I said man this was 2010 I just gotten started Jesus he said we have 26 minutes to fill I said and he said you didn't talk about how what how you gonna fill 26 minutes talking about Jesus I thought any other church of 15,000 people I thought 26 minutes Oh 26 years he's beautiful are you kidding me he's wonderful he's raised in the new resurrection body and he has holes we kept them as trophies his eyes are fire what are you talking about how can you not talk about him he's incredible he fills heaven with his very presence he was buried he died on the cross He shed his blood to save me he's buried in the ground he took captivity captive he conquered death with his own death and was raised again and shot through the ground as the firstborn among many brethren what you can't talk about that what do you mean he's phenomenal he's perfect he's a lamb he's a lion he's a bridegroom he's the savior as a friend he's the seeker what do you mean I could talk about him for days what what what else is there to talk about oh who else frightens hell you go toe-to-toe with the devil I promise you what you will not use to defend yourself is some topic trust me when I tell you if the devil comes to you and I don't mean some difficult day where you felt down because the stock market I mean a toe-to-toe confrontation with the devil what you will not pull out to defend you and your family as well here's the formula instantly you discover who your safeguard is that is the wounded Lamb of God who alone is worthy to open the scroll him and him alone when we first started Jesse what our office was a what's in my master bedroom and churches would call and they'd go would you like to talk to your assistant I didn't have one so I go yeah sure talk to my assistant they'd call back and I'd have to answer Michaels assistant here this sounds like Michael it is I'm my assistant to my office was our bedroom odd preach woman's of glow meetings I started preaching really women's the glow meetings here in Orange County and at Marie Callender's and they would give me pie for my honorarium but God bless him so Jeff's would say what you preach today I said Jesus a month later what did you preach Jesus again she goes babe bring something new like I got nothing else he's short circuited my heart he's wounded me he's wounded me so you can talk about prophecy or the chief prophet it's totally up to you it's totally up to you you get if you want to teach the topic that's fine but you disconnect the topic from present you'll raise up an idol so I can teach you the steps of deliverance or be clothed in the lion you can either fall in love or make it your life's ambition to learn how to get words of knowledge which are wonderful but you lose Jesus there you'll pollute it what's God doing breaking this thing open the ax is being laid to the roots now there's a Jesus generation arising well why why why are they arising why are they arising he's coming back listen to me Jesus is coming soon I know you'd think you heard it but he is coming back you know what John Wesley said he did pretty well wouldn't you say listen there's words I'll get to Exodus in a second simplicity is the loving intent upon Jesus Christ and nothing else he did pretty well he left an entire denomination behind him as a legacy simplicity is the loving intent upon Jesus Christ and nothing else so if you need help with your marriage fall in love with Jesus yeah you'll have to work through stuff but fall in love with Jesus and you'll be a much better husband when I get snippy just goes get back in the prayer room I come out way nicer we're all much nicer when were with the Lord you see in here's what happens when you fall in love with Jesus you don't have the luxury of of saying this is my prayer time and this is my me time because it's all abide in that means when I'm throwing a football or playing golf with Benny Theo Sophia whatever I'm doing I'm feasting there's a conversation going on that they have no idea about but they're Bennet they're benefiting from so I can throw a football in my heart it's filled with God because Jesus is he's there I have a stirred here Miss Ellen is here she will tell you our church went we started here we had 400 it grew to 75 in a month I said it grew to 75 it grew the wrong way and we moved all around I felt like the the Israelites we went to the theater here in aliso we went up to San Juan Capistrano we were in a basketball court in San Juan with this train would go right by every time preaching and the dome would shake the little tent would shake Here I am up in my room crying out send revival to Orange County send revival I started praying fasting my family thought I lost my mind when a Greek guy fast it's got to be God are you kidding me saying no to that food is tough fasting 40 day fast 21-day fast seven-day fast non-stop fasting and prayer I'm telling you and I would walk in pace in my office right here in this building and I'd I'd paced around God send revival to Orange County and I'd look out over the mountains there from my office and finally the Holy Spirit spoke after weeks of screaming he said are you done I said I think so this is what he told me you've been crying out for revival for weeks you forgot to tell me you love me let me let me help you out he is revival he is revival it's him that awakes the sleeper it's him Jesus is constantly revived he doesn't need revival we need revival I believe in it I'm a product of revival in a move of the Holy Spirit it's about him - it is good it'll completely set you free all right XS 33 are you ready verse seven Moses took his tent say his tent and pitched it outside the camp far from the camp and called it the tabernacle of meeting and it came to pass that everyone who sought the Lord went out to the tabernacle of meeting which was outside the camp so it was whenever Moses went out to the tabernacle that all the people rose and each man stood at his tent door and watched Moses until he had gone into the tabernacle notice verse seven says this is Moses his tent Bezalel is not employed till a few chapters later side note God will never trust you with corporate glory until you find him in private verse nine it came to pass when Moses entered the tabernacle that the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle and the Lord talked with Moses all the people saw the pillar of clouds standing at the tabernacle of boards people rose and worshipped each man his tenth door so the Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaketh to his friend and he would return to the camp listen closely listen closely but his servant Joshua the son of nun a young man did not depart from the tabernacle all right well let me keep going and I'll go back to that verse 12 then Moses said to the Lord see you say to me bring up this people but you have not let me know whom you will send with me yet you have said I know you by name and you have also found grace in my sight now therefore I pray if I have found grace in your sight show me your way that I might know you and that I might find grace in your sight and consider that this nation is your people and he said my presence will go with you and I will give you rest is this too much Scripture while I'm preaching the word and he said to him if your presence does not go with us do not bring us up from here for how then will it be known that your people and I have found grace in your sight except you go with us so we shall be separate your people and I from all the people who are upon the face of the earth and so the Lord said to Moses I will also do this thing that you have spoken for you found grace in my sight and I know you by name verse 18 and he said please show me your glory and then he said I will make all my goodness pass before you and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you I'll be gracious to whom I will be gracious and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion but he said you cannot see my face for no man shall see my face and live and the Lord said here is a place by me and you shall stand on the rock so it shall be while my glory passes by that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and will cover you with my hand while I pass by then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back but my face shall not be seen say thank you Jesus now if you look back at verse 11 you see the life of Joshua listen closely young people please listen closely the bar has been set incredibly high by champions who've gone before us listen listen listen listen by champions who have gone before us I'll never forget sitting with Steve Hill a few months before he died how many of you know who's Steve Hill is have you heard of the Brownsville revival well he was the evangelist there he looked me in the eye and said don't you change the gospel I said okay myself and to my friends don't you dare change the gospel he was so urgent he said as for me I will not sit at the marriage supper of the Lamb and explained to Jesus why I changed his gospel wow that's a pretty heavy perspective I was just trying to start a ministry and then he said and I refused to face a martyr who was sawed in two and tried to give him an excuse of why I changed the gospel that he died for so that you don't think I'm making this up I just want you to look at Hebrews chapter 11 this is the Hall of Fame the great men of faith great women of faith and I don't want to read it the entirety of it for the sake of time but it would bless you at Jesus school one of the first reads of our students this year will be the foxes Book of Martyrs because we need to realize that this is not a game it's fun but it's not a game people bled and died to protect the scriptures something Bob would tell me when I was young he said never never never forget this when you go to preach something always ask yourself by whose authority are you preaching it does the Scriptures teach it and does the full breadth of the church stand behind this people died to protect the Word of God you can try to deconstruct whatever you want the Bible will be here when everybody's done deconstructing I promise you entire nations have come against the scriptures entire regimes the Nazis the Communists try to destroy the scriptures it's impossible it's impossible it's the Holy Word of God so so you need to live with that conviction live with that sense that's sobriety of the price paid so that we could stand here tonight verse 39 look at this at the speaking of all these champions listen and all these Hebrews 11 all these having obtained a good testimony through faith listen did not receive the promise God having provided something better for us are you looking at this that they should not be made perfect apart from us what is that saying there is reward there is breakthrough that the Saints of old cannot receive unless you fall into the destiny goddess for you that means we oh Jesus ultimately but we Oh Amy we we should live with an indebtedness to mother at her for driving a wagon across from America and sacrificing her life to bring the power of the Holy Spirit to a generation we live with an indebtedness to dr. Roberts and an indebtedness in our hearts to miss Coleman this is who we are this is your fraternity this is your family so Joshua finds a secret here in Exodus 33 he sees Moses in the glory but he says my only way into my destiny is to give God more time than Moses gave him you missed that see you missed that your only way in in this generation is to give more of yourself over than those in the prior generation why does it make you better it's the kingdom it's always multiplying it's always increasing the government is ever-increasing the church multiplied it began with addition and then it began to multiply this is the way of the kingdom so your hero's paid a price in the presence you're gonna have to pay more this is the system of God God God chooses Joshua here B or I should say a quality in Joshua that made it a delight for the Lord to choose him was this he loves my presence and healed stays there when Moses leaves so if you're insecure as a leader right now get it fixed because you need to raise up people who love Jesus more than you I'm living though I failed the Lord I'm living now with this amazing sobriety I think of John Wesley's tomb the man died but the work continues that's what it says on his tomb the man died but the works bigger than the man Jesus bled and died it it must go beyond me young people you look at the heroes you look at the pastor benning's you look at whoever you love whoever's touching your heart bill learn their history and say I'm going after more because that's your only way through the front door you won't just skip into it you can't just skip into it's too beautiful to skip into I'm living with this sense ah every decision every decision has the generations in mind here if it dies with me I built it around me if I make it about me it has this expiration date but I know somebody who's eternal pushing attention to Jesus non-stop oh great book thanks he gave it to me do you understand great message oh it's just about him the topic is so easy to preach about you don't understand you have a beautiful voice thank you so much singing about Jesus is such a privilege that's what he's doing he's he's he's he's poking at the hearts of the bride right now and and and they're going it's about him it's about him that's why when I wrote the Jesus book I go I have no where to go from here I've done this is everything I got Dean on the Bible says that he is all in all listen I have a question for you if he is everything why go after anything else well listen closely how can you have more than everything right talk how can you have more than everything he's everything that's why Paul writes you argue about being me or Apollo's don't you know that all things are yours because if don't you understand listen don't you understand there is a spring in you called the Holy Spirit that is in you forever that will never ever move so if I'm flipping burgers and in and out you might think success is Crusades so it's not crusade success is Jesus success is not Crusades success is he him I preached to more people in the last year than I thought I ever would my heart was no more full when I was done even though miracles will never feed your soul they'll never feed your soul only he feed you so so if you are called to flip burgers at in-and-out you can flip burgers and have the most glorious time oh Jesus I love you you are phenomenal your heart is stuck on him and when you get to the throne if you loved him with full obedience you'll have a mighty reward you see the life of Joshua God chose him I'll never forget catching at the crusade it was I was in Colorado was my first one and I knew bub was praying upstairs and I went to put on ESPN my first crusade nobody taught me how to catch people I wish they had because my back's paying for it still and I went to put on ESPN the Holy Spirit's clear as day he goes what are you doing it was it was the Thursday afternoon back then the Crusades would be on Thursday night Friday morning Friday night right the Lord said I literally just turned on he said what are you doing stop turning on the TV he said what what what's uh what's your father long doing I said he's with you I said well what are you doing how can you say you're serving him if he if you're not going after the Jesus she's going after it I think one of the greatest things people can leave a meeting with is hunger for Jesus I don't want to turn to the text you just gotta trust me this is all Bible okay I promise you this is in there the Bible says when Jesus came down the mountain for prayer the disciples looked at him and said Lord teach us to pray look at the progression he comes down from prayer they said teach us to pray you have two options as parents or leaders screaming your children and tell them to pray or get so bathed in God while you're praying that they will be yearning for the gm2 of my two of my three children got born again a foot from my prayer closet I walked out they said what's going on in there I said Jesus is in there they said we want him I said let's let come on let's let's give your heart to Jesus right now I said we want him we want him Jesus came down the mountain from prayer and they said Lord teach us to pray a life of being with Jesus will trigger desire and others around you you see there there's a possession God is after guys listen to me I feel like you guys are probably leaders there's a possession that God is after God is not impressed by our sermons he knows everything you're preaching he said I know that he's God never goes wow great point Michael phenomenal that one slipped my mind he never does that ever never once you know what the world needs people whose eyes flicker with the fire of God people whose faces provoke this tension in the heart these people that are fierce like they're like lions they're so focused that you they're their laser focus with zeal but they're subtle by nature their countenances gripped with this deep humility there's a lamb and a lion living right here it's unexplainable you don't you when you're with them there's a holy fear of the Lord but they're not prideful you're just Jesus is there so so you don't play with them you but but but they're very approachable they're not full of themselves and and and then the ministry is not a career choice it's a holy calling so they're no they're not studying to preach they're eating to stay alive I don't have a note here I don't have an outline I they're there they come to the Scriptures all God give me a good message that I can get a bigger crowd they're going if you don't feed me if you don't talk to me like David said if there'll be a silent unto me it's like I've gone into the pit you're my life I'm I'm addicted your bread that comes down from heaven that means 24/7 I can my heart can behold them and I can feasts and when you get persecuted the Holy Spirit says like hey you need them to do that if you want to be like Jesus you need them in your life oh oh they ain't there I don't like that they hate me but they hate me I needed so then your heart can say this father forgive them they don't know what they're doing but I need this I need to suffer I need to suffer I need to be wrongfully accused blessed are you when people revile you and person as Jesus gets on the inside of you you got to get with them if you don't get with him you have nothing to say have nothing to say you gotta get with and look I love corporate gatherings but they don't replace being with it you feel him gripping here I saw I need miracles I promise you if you hold hands with the miracle worker you you that will there will miracles will happen that will cause you to need counseling yourself you only have to go to a dream class he will invade your dreams do you ask my wife our house became like heaven I said lord I don't want III I want you to live here right here in my house people were it was so charged with the presence people didn't want to stay over like I don't want any dreams no I don't want gotta talk to me calling the bride he's calling the bride let me just say this before I start praying for you based on Exodus 33 Moses refused listen he refused to step into the Promised Land without the promise are you hearing me Moses said I don't want the land without the promise what was the promise Genesis 15 to one of his father's Abraham Abraham I am your exceeding and great reward Moses said if you're gone out going I don't want what you have to give me because you make everything you give beautiful and special hmm I'm not stumped here I'm just waiting so don't don't get nervous until we see the presence of God as God Himself we will never value him properly listen very closely until we see the presence of God as being God himself we will never value him properly when I say I feel the Lord's presence that is God awakening you this is this place this John 15 this abiding in the vine it's the secret place of the Most High which by the way the entire Psalm anyone is conditional the condition is he who dwells he who dwells shall abide the abiding life itself is a product of you being alone with Jesus it's the birth place it's the womb some people say why I don't spend time with God I don't do that I just abide that's not what the Bible says abiding depends on the secret place you living in the shadow and doesn't say he who visits it he who lives there if you grip your quiet place more tightly than the public place you will never lose the public place never lose it and it's there it's there where you're all alone help me John just very softly it's there when you're all alone we're the Holy Spirit alone can teach you and it's his pleasure to do it it's just pleasure just pleasure are you going there just like I did you go like this Lord I don't know what I'm doing here I have no clue I don't know what I'm doing but Holy Spirit you told me you'd remind me of everything he said the you jesus said of you that you would bear witness of him and so on Monday you go in and you wait in silence and you feel the Lord you so encouraged you he fills your soul there all the cares the worries the budgets the pressures attack it's just gone it's just Jesus and you leave and you have a joy unspeakable and full of glory you do have peace that doesn't make sense so it passes surpasses all understanding that all happens Mondays you walk it on Tuesday you go I'm just gonna wait in stillness dry as a bone nothing nada you thought the Lord was a system so we think of it I worked on Monday certainly it'll work on Tuesday but Jesus is a person he's a person so he has feelings and he has a personality and so what worked on Monday didn't work on Tuesday because the Lord's are romantic you got to get this about him he's not keeping himself from you to deplete you he enjoys your seeking and it takes you two hours to figure out he doesn't want my waiting he wants a song and so you give him the song then whoa here comes Jesus oh wow again all your burdens are lifted because he still takes your heavy burden still takes your cares heals your body gives you faith by the way faith starts system he's the spirit of faith he's our faith he's the author and the finisher of in Jesus comes and all the burdens lift Wednesday comes around I'm gonna sing again in tongues and you sing again in tongues nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing and so you're waiting waiting you're singing you're singing and this time you're singing isn't working you're just getting really tired and the Lord just sits there and sometimes he just enjoys watching us he'll they he'll get that all out of his system now once he gets it all out I'll just barely whisper to him open your Bible and you read a genealogy and Jesus touches you you don't even understand the genealogy and your underlining it Paris oh my god you don't even know what they do you have no clue what's happening what's happening is word is spirit in life that's on Wednesday Thursday comes along you open that genealogy and you say Lord I don't get this one at all genealogy didn't work he refuses to be patterned because he is not a system and is not a method he is a person that you're married - married - and if you're married the bio is important but you've got to get past the bio I didn't marry Jesse because of her bio that's a great bio I married her for her and so there's Thursday that genealogy isn't doing a whole lot and the Lord says I'd like you to give me a dance a dance I'm from Nebraska I can't dance I'm not gonna dance Lord says I want to dance how bad do you want me oh I don't know Lord I have my limits he said I'm not wait oh wait now you go check the door make sure it's locked he locked the door do you know why because the Lord calls children not experts I don't mean just Naturals I mean the childlike heart how long were you with him the lower you go when you're first starting why is God using I'll tell you why he's using me because I read my Bible mmm I'm gonna do this and I do that I went to that come it took out an impartation I'm gonna study so hard 20 years later you wise guys you I don't know he's so good he's so merciful I'm stuck in the mystery of it all myself so he says I want to dance you locked that door you double lock it make sure I do not want my wife or my husband to walk in and you let it go and you lose your dignity oh oh here comes Jesus again skipping on the hills like the Mighty's husband that he is like the stag that he is skipping on the hills he responds to your childlike violent undignified worship that listen that the flesh hates just like David's wife said how could you dance that way David said you're just upset that God chose me I will not listen never ever turn your fire down to make an icy heart comfortable don't you dare do it though if somebody comes in the name of balance and says you need to be balanced no that sounds like death Jesus is not balanced he's firing his love he's fired have you ever seen someone gets set free of a devil and go I feel so balanced right now or get out of a wheelchair this is such a balanced response that's just an excuse to be dead it's just an excuse to be dead what we call balanced meetings or oftentimes funeral services there's another which God is not balanced he's extreme on every front therefore he's safe he's extreme on every front so children children just do what he wants do you know why because they'd rather dies and go a day without him Oh they'd rather die they they they they left their father's house for a better husband where can I go I have no where to go Lord I'm stuck here if you need a dance you're getting a dance so Jesus comes you try to dance on Friday no now you're just sweaty and tired new way to dance you sprained your ankle he waits but because you've been faithful Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday all of the sudden he starts to reward you he said this you go into your closet shut the door pray to your father who is in secret your father is in secret begin to reward you openly how does he reward you with him sneak-attack visits really I'm not joking I've had many a layover where I just wanted to go home and I'm whining all by myself London Heathrow I'd never connect there anymore like United Nations at the it's just packed I I'm not going there anymore but I'll never forget I was going 26 days whining I had my my carry-on just just wanting to get through I didn't have any status back then on the airlines I'm waiting this long line I just want to go home have you ever just wanted to go home on a long trip and I'm whining the Lord said you're whining huh I thought you asked for this I did Lord stop whining thank me for it and this is what happened I discovered something it might be stressful out there but in here he never changes never changes it might be a long line here but I can close my eyes and feast on the Lord and that's what I started doing with my carry-on thank you Jesus you're wonderful this isn't just for meetings thank you thank you Lord that I get to do this thank you for your blood thank you for dying literally I'm doing this thank you Jesus thank you for the wonder of your name your name is amazing if you don't believe me say Darrell or Doug does nothing from your heart you say Jesus Oh something happens it because it's the name above every name it's amazing so you're the oh Jesus thank you for the nails in your hands the thorns on your brow thank you Jesus for the presence of the Holy Spirit thank you that your word you honor above your own name that you never change Lord Jesus that you never sleep that I started thinking next thing I know I'm having the greatest time of my life in the customs line he'll reward you openly once you slip your hands to heaven come on just begin praying in the spirit all over this place that's right out loud just begin blessing the Lord in the spirit for about a minute for about a minute here it's about him the whole thing the whole thing it's about Jesus for from him and through him and to him are all things to him be glory for ever and ever I'm in he who ascended also descended so he might fill all things I worship your Lord come on out loud just begin to pray just speaking the prayer just begin to pray hey Julian you want to help me buddy Raoul come help me being praying out loud come on just trust me calm Holy Spirit calm holy spirit calm calm Holy Spirit and glorify glorify Jesus here that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right until father Lama mama Montel Farah llama holy holy holy holy holy holy just give yourself away right now give yourself away that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right give yourself away right now bring me that young man there right there we worship your Lord just begin to bless the Lord bless the Lord bless the Lord oh I know you father Phil Phil Manti I'll bring me that girl Montel Fed mmmm-mmm and keep singing in the Holy Ghost singing the Holy Ghost John singing the Holy go coming your fire Lord Jesus but your Bridal fire come and your Bridal fire come and your Bridal fire awaken them with love tonight Oh fill the room with the praise of the Lord that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right Phil Phil tonight filling filling filling IG filled tonight precious Lord fill tonight filled tonight tonight Phil tonight yeah that's the sound right there I need to hear you John I can't hear you one just forget about everything right now and worship the Lord they can feel Jesus use and touch fill with the love of Jesus fill with the love of Jesus keep Minister and the Lord is touching these young people fill with the love of Jesus seen Johnson come on fill with the love of God touch touch touch touch touch Phil fill with holy fire filled with holy fire girl filled with holy fill with holy holy hole only fire holy fire worthy are you lord forever and ever and ever and ever ever only holy holy holy holy holy holy is the Lord holy is the Lord with the love of Jesus Phil bring her to me bring her to me Julian get her up get her I take authority now over your destiny the name of Jesus Lord make the waste straight prepare the weigh-in Nadia Phil stretch your hands come Holy Spirit Phil your power present if singing John can singing it see love to him I yell father chameleon man standing right there in the middle come on come on you yeah come on fast fast fast fast a blessing a blessing it's a blessing to us come Holy Spirit come glorify the Son of God enough singing the holy ghost Phil come only go receive see the Lord keep blessing him don't stop going deep into his presence deep into his breast keep blessing the Lord he worshippers we're almost there we're all we steward this moment properly the Lord will take us deeper that's his name advocate here wonderful righteous and all your ways there's none like you Playa John want that girl to cream put on the green full of wonder you're full of wonder fill with your redeeming love great get off my break off every lie Jesus Lee who is like oh it's like you head to toe Phil head Jesus raise them up come on pray with me raise up these young people to burn with holy fire wonder the wonder of your name wonder of your name wonder of your name wonder of your name keep right stretch with your hands father come and power on Seth break him into this new season Seth was at Bethel for years now he's down here in LA Jesus arise Jesus the Evangelist a rice Jesus this man of presence and carry your weight this generation holy fear precious lord use him that girl use them use them to usher in the presence of God chantara llama Chantal Chantal Ella come Chantell Allah fill with fire fill with fire holy holy holy we need Lord keep blessing and keep blessing in Java what do you want from the lawyer Jesus Phil Phil film at the top just just ask the Lord don't ask don't ask me just just lift your hands lift your head they touch me Jesus father I release the power and presence of your spirit on every hungry heart every hungry heart young man in the hat' come here come on you're ready to win souls I see the Office of the Evangelist written all over your destiny keep playing goodbye st. john everyon minister of the Lord he doesn't need me he needs the Lord oh you're the one who doesn't common power now Phil use give himself themselves come quick it's not my mind by power it's by my spirits show her the love of God Holy Spirit shed it abroad he's so real so real he's so real he's so real be so real it's so real he's so real you are wonderful me he goes deal the moment Lord come and steal the moment praise You Lord wander of the Lord you're worthy of praise a lady in the back with dark hair behind you tiger yeah bring her precious lord breaker open breaker open again and soften that heart again teacher to forgive wound or with your love now closer law breaker opening here holy presence what a wonderful present your wonderful glory you're wonderful glory c'mere Todd right there right there he don't need me come precious father come Lord we need voices when he lovers many lovers strike strike strike the fallow ground strike it is your word not a hammer breaks the rock breaks it break us up you're watching in your home I just want you to lift your hands to Jesus right just lift and Holy Spirit come and fill every home every car every office every family he'll every sick body save every child every child awaken every heart come and convict us convinced us with your presence come welcome Phil every family every life you're watching right now Jesus can touch you right where you are stretch your hands to Jess I saw the Lord touch you in your deep spirit the Lord would awaken true heartbreak Father give her to feel it if deep deep deep groans can't be uttered - holy trust her with your joy and grief teach her to break her box not if I can do Michael Martha Canty at Makkah maude fecund it's just about Jesus Tosh that's all this is all about it's just about him he's too beautiful to look away from dear peeling you heal the brokenhearted ones you bind up our wounds to heal us deep within Jesus come you could and awaken memories awaken memories that you never forgot what words you've spoken to her awaken them now awakens it's too beautiful to turn away whoosh praise you Father praise or it's all stand defense let's can say before so much log let's say before the presence of the Lord is so rich and I do not feel that Michael is done ministering because there's such a beautiful flow here and I just want you all to pray just a little longer in the spirit so the Lord can continue ministering to us like this so would you all lift your hands and pray in the spirit Michael come stand with me honey please and Jessica come with me please baby Tasha come here there are people watching all over the world the response it's incredible I've been following the response tonight it's been quite strong and I won't tell Michael because the the anointing is very very strong on it I want you to pray that we will see thousands of children young people saved because many of the parents who are here not many of them anyways but I'm sure many are watching are all praying that their their children their loved ones be saved and wallet and only that anointing is still on you just let's go ahead and keep praying come over here in the studio and you're believing for a child to be safe with you Adrienne okay for those of you who are watching we're agreeing with you now okay if somebody's next to you with their hand up I'm gonna ask you to put your hand just on their shoulder come into agreement okay father you desire that none should perish but that they would be saved and so Holy Spirit I pray now that your power and presence what would grip grip these children that that you would touch their hearts and Lord I declare over them what dr. Roberts declared over my children that they would know their destiny from a young age Lord that the things of God would become the only things they care about that Holy Spirit a deep sense of the fear of the Lord would come that those on drugs those who are addicted those are on alcohol or those who are running who those are running from your love that that what they're doing would actually nauseating that they would feel sick inside that that they would feel completely dissatisfied only you satisfy Lord so right now I want you to right now release their name release their name out loud release their name do it by faith and say lord save so-and-so say it fathers save them save them Jesus new word says that is for us in our house we will serve the Lord I plead the blood I apply the blood over every home over every house in the name of Jesus come on come free doing them what you did in all of us your mercy prevail Lord Jesus name Jesus name say man say man thank you Jesus lift your hand seven cents come on you praise what you deserve the glory and the honor Lord we lift our hands in worship come on John yes there is no you for the next few minutes I want you all to take your seats Michael you still with me Jesse Tasha stairs I asked Jeff to extend broadcast another half-hour I think there's a reason for it so we have about 18 minutes left this has been very touching very moving and let the Lord lead you you don't have to just let God just guide you on the instrument I was telling Michael on the way but I believe now more than ever that what God is looking for is our brokenness we were talking about in the Gospel of John when the Greeks came and said we would see Jesus and as I said to Mike the Lord responds guys with two things now will the Son of Man be glorified and then he makes another statement he said if a seed if a corn of wheat does not fall into the ground and die it abides alone in other words it does not multiply it abides as a single seed but if it die it will produce so if we want to see Jesus we have to die is what he's saying if we want to see his glory and to glorify him we have to die because what he's looking for is the broken shell the seeds shell has to break before the life in it is seen now every one of us has a treasure in our vessel but the vessel has got to be broken for the treasure to be seen did you hear that so we have the treasure but the world cannot see it our family cannot see it we cannot see it in our lives until the shell is bro so now I'm 67 I've lived a great life and what I was saying to Michael I said I'm going back to my beginnings because when I started as a Christian I was 19 years old and when I got saved and I just turned 19 in fact when I got saved it was the early early 70 to February and the message the first message I ever heard was by lone Cunningham how he had to give up the ship they had bought a ship for why Wham and he had a dream in the dream the Lord was disappearing and the ship was getting more visible because he was so focused on the actual boat that why I am bought for the ministry but Jesus was becoming less important than the ministry and how had he had to give it up and what you set around was powerful it's all about Jesus not ministry it's it's it's the Lord so when you when you hear that for the first time after you're saved it has an impact on you and all the messages after that four years following was the same theme the Holy Spirit was saying the same thing to the church through Katherine Corrie ten Boom and all the rest of them Vesalius link do plessy they are a prince well now that message has got to come back and it in fact it is coming back and it's coming back surprisingly through the Baptist preachers not charismatic s' that's what that's what changed America through Billy Graham because all he preached is the cross and now Franklin is preaching Macross America is not hearing the cross what we're hearing today is self-help that's what what is weakening the church because it's not about Jesus anymore it's about you it's about the flesh and what you can do for yourself because God is with you well they're just inventing that God is with you because God cannot be with the flesh because no flesh can glory in its presence no flesh has a place in its presence so the flesh the shell has to die so I I gave your husband tonight and of a divine order in the car and I said preach the cross because that's what I believe these young people need that's what changed so many of us in the early days Johnny or not and and and I when we started we actually began together Johnny was my assistant for things people don't know that but it's true and that's all we heard that's what touched our lives he and I used to sing in Kathryn Kuhlman's choir come on please and when Kathryn would minister we will be sitting there crying because we wanted what she was talking about and we did not join the choir because we could sing we join the choir so we can get in into the service and we wanted to be close enough we want to sit way up in the you know back seats back there but the cross is all she preached and all of them did that so today Michael before the world I give you that order again as your father-in-law that you preach the cross this in my opinion what I heard tonight is the greatest thing I ever heard you say Oh preach Minister on that it's Jesus it's all over Jesus and the longer you live the more you fall in love with him because we have none other to please and I can tell you from experience your friends one day will betray you there is no such thing in this world today as friends really theirs interests you will have maybe one or two and if you have one or two you are rich so be careful of giving your time away to people who are not worth your time natsu and don't give your time to things you know didn't you tell me in the car I think you told me tonight that many young people because of Instagram or what committee one huh what did you say to me BBC he won't you tell him yeah Eric Johnson said yesterday and the day before we spoke about it BBC did a study think in Europe the number one reason for depression found according to their study is Instagram literally in the lives of young people and not that Instagram itself is inherently bad we all have it but it's it's um it's finding value in what you think of me and I began to live for men really and that's what our young generation is facing instead of living before the Lord and finding our value in him and in his presence and in his voice and word and now that danger is what's coming across our screens yesterday they released a report about the danger on what is being shown today on some of the social media platforms on TV and I don't want to name names because it's not really right but a lot of the secular platforms are showing things so demonic that people cannot sleep after they see them now that's a fact guys the demonic is becoming more visible on television and and on many of the channels that people download so I beg of you be careful of what is happening out there your children will not have a peaceful tomorrow if you allow it as parents so I would advise you just shut it off this connect cancel the service from your home because you are in control of your home if you allow the demonic in you will be in trouble believe me Satan is looking for vacancy and Michael told you something true Satan is real I've seen his Majesty twice in my room and I'm not looking forward to seeing him again he's real he showed up to Michael not long ago and I said to Michael finally he showed up because you're doing damage that's why it's not something to rejoice about but if you are not doing damage why would he show up yeah so we're not afraid of him because we have the weapon against him it's called the Word of God so don't be afraid of that there's nothing to fear the person you really need to fear and be afraid of I should say is yourself yourself you are your biggest enemy period but Revere the Lord the Bible says we are to fear the Lord we're not afraid of law because he doesn't want us to be afraid of him he's always saying fear not but when when the Bible says fear the Lord the Hebrew says revere stand in awe of the Lord yeah anything the Lord spoke to me today he's got it yeah he said I want you to live for he said the only thing I want you to live for is what will matter at the throne and I want you I want you to live for that today I'm very proud of you dear Michael we're all very proud of you and the Lord has an amazing future for you and Jesse as I've told you many many times and we have to do this again here and the people said and and we have to do it soon soon or I will not give you peace she knows what I'm like because we how many of you would like Michael to come back okay so it's wonderful what God did just before we say goodbye to those watching and to those here we only have about five minutes left i I want you to all pray for Michael will you do that and pray for Jessica and pray for Theo and Benny and Sophia because they need protection I mean spiritual protection and pray for my precious Tashi in her future and my Lilly who's an amazing leader and al merito pastor God has blessed me now I got incredible kids and two of them married to preachers my oldest and my youngest not bad deal on Joshua he's coming if there's a holy girl out there call me yes did you hear what I said if there's a holy girl yeah there's not a whole lot of them left out there but you can still find them anyways it's okay guys I I lost my filter but but I want you I want you to pray for for Michael I want you to pray for Jesse because your future is awesome and just one more time those that heard about the school if you missed it earlier Jesus school starts in August 30th in Orlando the Lord gave my children an amazing new place now and a God willing soon a great property in Orlando and Orlando to us is special because that's what I built a church and there's a lot of history and now there in fact they already started a church last night was packed again and and if things are growing amazingly and Jesus school you are moms and dads you can send your children and they can find out more info by Jesus school dot TV and then the conference coming up yeah come on down come on down to Orlando and the eights one more time December 29th through January one and a lot of speakers are coming it's an amazing amazing event so listen I would like to close this beautiful night with everyone standing in this in the studio and and I'd like you in your homes to do something I want you to turn around and pray one for another so turn around join hands with each other make little circles and pray for each other pray for each other that's a command of a Bible and while we do that John is gonna sing a beautiful song let the Lord lead you this time again as we say goodbye to our people watching around the world but pray for each other yes John pray for each other in your in your homes as a bonus praying for each other here that's the way I wanna close tonight thank you for watching we're gonna stay with you till we're off there you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 43,820
Rating: 4.9038463 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer, 7/29/19, Aliso Viejo
Id: i3KdRMYeOco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 4sec (12484 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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