BENDY AND FRIENDS | Bendy And The Ink Machine - Chapter 2

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*WAPOOSH* Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome back to Bendy and the Ink Machine! Chapter two is out! It's called "The Old Song" The-the other one was called "Moving Pictures" And I really like this! Cause now Bendy is out in the open and Out in the wild and ready to kill us! Before we had to find all the stuff and bring Bendy to life And turn on the ink machine, so now *hopefully* It's gonna chase us around and we get a bit more scared I'm gonna just- I'm gonna skip over first one AGAIN! I don't know if anything changed, I'm pretty sure it's just the same thing. Umm... But I got a download link for Chapter Two and it had both of them in it. So I don't know! I'm just gonna kick up into Chapter Two. "The Old Song" *Breathes in* Okay...? Are you gonna scare me Bendy? I hope so! I wanna be spooked :D He says - sarcastically - and regretably. *Opening Music* (Jack expresses his regrets quietly) Oh yeah, we fell. Oh, there's the axe. Henry: *Grunt* You know's it's bad when you wake up in a pentagram. That's not good. Can I-What things can I break? Can I break everything? "The Dancing Demon"' Oh god that's not good D: Bendy- AND HE HAS NO HEAD! *Nervous chuckling* Alright, it's only 5¢ to go see him it though! That's a steal. That's a bargain if ever I've seen one! *Swoosh Swoosh* 'Kay -- What? *Swoosh* *Swoosh* Get out of my way you damn boards! Can I crouch? *Swoosh Swoosh* Oookay that's not the way I go? Oh door. *Swoosh* Why are there coffins here?! What's going on? *SMASH* Ahhh... This is the one! See those other boards They have uhh... AXE immunity! "Utility Shaft?" Okay *Reads* He will set us free. Will he? I don't know if he will. Bendy kind of seems like a piece of shit. I'm getting wary of him *Beautiful Banjo Strumming* Oh :D! *Beautiful Banjo Strumming Continues* ♪ It was warm today~ ♪ *Strums* ♪ It was warm yesterday ♪ ♪ was even warmer today ♪ *Adorable Jackaboy giggle* *Swoosh* Nice! "He will set us free" Right! Jesus Christ -- *Laughter* Your voice scared me! That's a good sign! (nervous laughter) Ok! Let's listen. Tape Recorder (Sammy Lawrence): He appears from the shadows Tape Recorder: To rain his sweet blessings upon me Tape Recorder: The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. Tape Recorder: I see you Tape Recorder: My savior, I pray. You hear me Tape Recorder: Those old songs Tape Recorder: Yes! Tape Recorder: I still sing them Tape Recorder: For I know you are coming to save me. Tape Recorder: And I will be swept into your final loving embrace Tape Recorder: But, love requires sacrifice. Tape Recorder: Can I get an amen? Amen! Hallelujah! Sammy (creepily): "I said can I get an amen?" Whoooo? Wherrre? Bendy is that you? *Giggles* Uh oh... Dude there's fucking pentagrams everywhere *Swoosh* Ok. I don't like this! And That's-That's also a bad omen! Everything in this place sucks! oohhh... *Splish Splosh* *Splish Splosh* That's a lot of ink... *Splish Splosh* Go go go go GO GO GO GO! Who is that?! *Splish Splosh* Is that Sammy? Mr. Lawrence...? Henry: Where the hell did he go? And now you've go to teleport up in this? I don't like the teleport! And I don't like that every time you show up there's a pentagram behind you! But I would love some bacon soup! (yum) Biar... L-Labe? Briar Label! Ok Bacon Soup I want Bacon Soup. *Swoosh* Can I have some Bacon Soup? What is this? "Just the way... the Little... Devil... likes it!" Ok. I don't like that. That is a bunch of No-Nos! Henry: Need to get power to this gate somehow *SMASH* Maybe you can. Also are-are you Far-Sighted? Near Sighted? Som- You need glasses dude! As soon as you get close to anything you just focus on the axe! It's like "Hmm WOAHH look at this shiny!! :DD" *Swoosh* Ok... But I didn't see anything I do not want to go back through that *Brutally murders and realizes what he did* HO HO! TAKE THAT YOU CARDBOARD DEMON! *Swoosh* *Le Swoosh* Maybe that was a bad idea. *Splish* *Swoosh* * Splish Splosh* (cute Jackaboy voice) I JUST WANNA FEEL STRONG! *Sploshing* I WANNA FEEL LIKE A BRAVE BOY! *Splishing* Always be wary. Always stay vigilant *Murders another Bendy Cutout* Fuck the Bendys! But I didn't see no switches (Quietly) What? *Swoosh* *Swoosh Swoosh* This isn't an- I'm clicking like all the buttons by the way when I go up to these things. Ok, maybe I can go a different way back here now. Did I miss something? *Faint Echoing Step* Oh! Oh wait that door was already open. *Swoosh* No Ok now I'm feeling slightly silly. *Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh* (We see a Confused Jack in his natural habitat.) (Jack contemplates his existence momentarily, wondering how to go about the rest of this satanic journey.) *Skillfully strums the banjo for encouragement* *Swoosh* Oh! *Click* There's one! Ok now I know what I'm looking for OHHH THEY'RE BACK! (saying that the Bendys regenerate when he turns his back on them) I thought- I thought I destroyed you, Bendy! Wait is this another switch? *Click* Woah! I see your game... game! I see what you're playing at! Now there could be- ah this is like an Easter Egg Hunt, this shit could be hidden anywhere! *Happily Strums Banjo* I like the banjo :) Banjo's a solid instrument Ok so we have two, I need a third (Sing-Song) Don't come alive now demon~! *Smashes for Vengence* Or I will DESTROY YOU! *Splish Sploshes* I hate this hallway! *Splish Sploshing Continues* This is where bad stuff happens! *Splishing* Okay, last switch... I've probably seen it already now and passed it by.. Just click "E" on everything *Eats Expired 30 y/o Bacon Soup* Oh! OH! You can be full of Bacon Soup now, I didn't know I could drink it! Nice! That makes me happy. Now you have a full belly to handle the demons. *Flips Switch* He's back again! *Pipe Rattles and Door Opens* Did you smear those pentagrams? Don't leave them, like, up? And good day to you too? *SMASH x1* *SMASH x2* *SMASH x3* *SMASH x4* *SMASH x5* Dude I'm regular old Gordon Freeman "The Music Department" Ok he mentioned something about a song Sammy Lawrence on Tape Recorder: "So first, Joey installs this Ink Machine over our heads. Then it begins to leak." 'Three times last month we couldn't even get our of our department because the Ink had flooded the stairwell. Joey's solution? An Ink pump to drain it periodically. Now I have this ugly pump switch right in my office. People in and out all day. Thanks, Joey. Just what I needed. More distractions! These stupid cartoon songs don't write themselves you know." *Click/Pop* Ok, so we need to find an Ink Pump Switch in his office? Oh god. He's Everywhere! That's a cool one though! :D I really like the design of Bendy Like it is very old school Disney, but very identifiable immediately! And I think a strong character like that really... Like inspires artists and everybody to make stuff "The Lighter Side of... Hell"? That's not a very inspiring song-- Oh god, this place is big... Oh, it's cool though! It's like a little studio! Is this where the magic happened? Is this where you make joy? *Strumming* Oh god, I actually have to play a song, don't I? *bangs on drum* *shudders, then slightly laughs* I like the drums, but that one sounded ominous... *starts playing the bass for a bit* Oh, yeah! *continues to play the bass* Just kick your feet up, cat, and I'm-a play you some jazz... Do ya like JAZZ? I don't... Well, actually, I do. I like... lots of music. Heh heh. Okay, so, do I have to find an order to play these in? *starts playing the violin* ♪ SPI-DER-MAN, SPI-DER-MAN, DOES WHAT-EV-ER A SPI-DER CAN... ♪ Isn't that in the movie? the Sam Raimi Spider-Man? It's when there's somebody outside, like... playing... one of them, like plucking them? *Swoosh* Okay... ah, here. *plays the piano for a bit* *plays tape* Susie Campbell on Recorder: "It may only be my second month working for Joey Drew, but I can already tell I'm going to love it here! People really seem to enjoy my Alice Angel voice! Sammy says she may be as popular as Bendy some day. These past few weeks I have voiced everything from talking chairs to dancing chickens. But this is the first character I have really felt a connection with. Like she's a part of me. Alice and I, we're going places." (tape ends) Aw, that's nice. Can I- Can I get in? *Swoosh* Jack want in! *Swoosh* Jack want in right now! Why is this segregated? Is this the voice actress' booth? Alright, I might have to come back around and I think- OHH HI... BUDDY! heh How's it going? You just creeping on me Spy vs Spy style Um I might have to turn on this projector and then it'll show something... then I'll have to match it up Also you see all the mics hanging down It's just like room... audio There's normally, like these days, when you're recording big stuff like this You-you still do it in an orchestra room like that. If well- If you're recording like a band or something Like any bands that are around today that make music You can record everything separate and you have like the drums all mic-ed up, super close and the guitar amps all mic-ed up super close things like that. And then you can put it all together in the end. But this old school method of having like, ambient room mics? You can see them in the corners up here as well, because... Bass frequencies get captured in the corners of the rooms. Which is really cool. So those are nice attention to details. Um, cause the low frequencies go into the corners of rooms, and like, and like, reverberate, and that's why sometimes you'll see foam inserts in the corners of rooms, So uh, it'll cancel out those. It can be a bit boom-y but it's nice to have like, a whole surrounding scenario so you get the sound of the room, instead of just the instruments. It's very cool! Alright. I....came from there, didn't I? Yeah. Stairs? Okay, I won't go that way yet. Ah, there is where I need. Hi! Fuck you. Oh there she is! "Alice Angel." Aww, she cute! She's...oh, she has devil horns but she has an angel top as well. "Sent From Above" Just like Justice! That rains from above! Ohhhh Hi Bendy! Oh, he moved.... Ohhh That's a freaky one. Norman Polk on Tape: Every day the same strange thing happens. I'll be up here in my booth, the band will be swinging, and suddenly Sammy Lawrence just comes marching in and shuts the whole thing down. Tells us all to wait in the hall. Then I hear him. He starts up my projector, and he dashes from the projection booth and down to the recording studio like the little devil himself was chasing behind. A few seconds later, the projector turns off. But Sammy? Aw no, he don't come out for a long time. This man is weird. Crazy weird. I've got half a mind to talk to Mr. Drew about all this, I really do. But then again, I have to admit. Mr. Drew has his own peculiarities." (tape ends) Hmm. So Joey Drew is the guy who made the whole thing. He's the Walt Disney. And the Sammy Lawrence, I don't know. Do we got anything? I don't have to change reels or anything, do I? *Swoosh* No. And I can't turn it off or interact with it again, so...down we go. I'm waitin' for stuff to happen. Everything's been a bit too calm so far but I like that Bendy moves around, that's a nice touch. 'Cause it's something that isn't in your face, like when you see him It doesn't go like dun dun Dun DUN or anything. It just lets you feel that yourself. *loud click sound* Which is good. Did you turn off? Oh God there's a time restraint on it. Okay, ah look, there's another Bendy. See that kinda stuff, it let's your imagination go to work, which is what a good horror-game should do Ok, maybe I have to do this... Go faster, faster, faster please. ugh, now they're gone. oh sh!t *note plays* *thump thump* Wait. *loud click* Oh now they're up there! Oh god it's freaky! Ok what am I supposed to do? Imagine you actually had to learn the sheet music and play it . *two notes* I thought that when i came down and started playing the instruments something would show up. But i guess not :( Um, Right. There might be something else to do that i'm not getting yet. Let's mosey on. Wait, if I go up here, will another one appear? Yup, now there's three of them. *click* If I keep going back and forth will i just keep making more bendys? Is that what i'm supposed to do? Or maybe I'm doing something horribly wrong right now. Okay, now there's only 3 of them again... Actually, that is how it would work, it's going back up again, then more of them would show up, right? maybe i have to get another reel downstairs. I just want to check this again. (Ominous click; Jack jumps) God, every time! Yup! Now there's four of them. Ah Don't tell me i have to keep doing this until they fill up the whole auditorium Ugh, that would be annoying! *click* I'm going to go down the stairs. Uh, okay, so I have to do this. Fair enough Oh wait! Power. *three clicks* Ooooo! DUAH! FUCK!! Wha-What the fuck are those!? Jesus Christ! NOO! NO! GO AWAY YOU BASTARDS! What the f*ck this is new! Ok, Maybe i wasn't supposed to turn on the power, OK! My fucking bad. Go away you bitches!! *exhale* CHRIST! Ok the music's still playing, Hello four bendys, haha their so cute, but also terrifying Those were not bendys that attacked me Ok, Ok, can i fight you? *splat* Oh i can, HA, take that you bastard! GO GO GO GO GO! What's happening? What's that sound? *Click* Okay... *music plays* Oh i don't like this... Hey, this is open. What is happening man? Hi Bendy... Oh, I hate this He's everywhere I go. *notes play* (Agonized moan) "...Nooo......" *Loud click* *whispers* Oh Jesus. *more notes play* (Another pained moan) "....Nooo...!" Someone is mimicking this. *notes play * (Yet another moan) "Nooo....!!" Or not mimicking it, but responding to it Sammy Lawrence's office. ok.... *Gulp* Is that my health? the soup? I'd really love if bacon soup was my health oh it's all the things, Happy, Sad, Disgust, Angry, they're all the same. "Do not let Joey see this" This is fascinating as well because I want to find out what actually happened to all the people who were here. Ah but first off -- Ummm it's ink It's -- it's just water Wally Franks on the tape: "So I was going to get my dustpan from the hall closet the other day and guess what? I can't find my stupid keys." "It's like they just disappeared into thin air or somethin'." "All I can think of is they must have fallen into one of the garbage cans when I was making my rounds last week" "I just hope nobody tells Sammy, because if he finds out I lost my keys again, I'm outta here" Okay. It'd be cool if I left foot prints. Man really? "It's time to believe." Dude I was believin' all this time Believing that freaky shit was going on... Infirmary? Okay. Do I have to turn off the power? Ok I can't turn it off... Right. This is weird dude... There were trash cans everywhere, maybe the guy's keys are in these. He did say his keys fell into a trash can So let's check 'em all I have a bunch of Bendys up here now, there's a whole orchestra of them There they are. and they frickin suck! *clanging noise* Is that me making that noise? N'ohh, somethin's gonna happen.... :( There we go, what's in here that I can use? Sammy Lawrence on the tape: "Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his and I have got mine. To enter, you need only know my favorite song" Ok, here we go "The violin shudders with a piercing voice, the drum thunders in triumph, the piano delicately calls, the piano returns in graceful harmony" Violin, drum, piano, piano Sammy L continues: "sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you." (tape ends) Violin WAHHH! JESUS FUCK!! ooo that got me! OHHH NO, oh, you're going to come alive! Fuck you-- Fuck you!! Come on, come out again! You wanna go!? Okay -- fuck...! Violin, drum... and piano, piano right? WHAT? Maybe I actually have to have the projector on... Because when I hit the banjo before with the projector on, it cut out the projector. I like that the dudes when they come up out of the ground they actually use up all of the ink, that's cool.. :) Look at all these motherfuckers, that's the max that they can get as well. Okay, go go go go go... Fast now! How lucky is it we found this ax? So, violin, drum, and then go go go, go go go....!! *Loud click* Yeah! :D I didn't think it'd work there for a second! Okay, I can turn off the flow, and then we can get into that other room. Wait, this is your sanctuary? ooh, everything went kinda weirdly quiet- DUAH! FUCK! Bendy! You little scamp! <3 Wooaaah, OTHER Bendy! Ohhh, MEGA Bendy!! D: BE-E-ENDER~! (chuckle) Ooh no I don't like you. Oh fuck, oh fuck- D: oh fuck!! Fuck all y'all, fuck all y'all! go away! >:( ngaah, shit! SHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT- I'm gonna die! D: I'm gonna die!! DD: NOT gonna die, I'm amazing! Can I preemptively kill these fuckers? I need some more bacon soup! *splat* Got em! Got em. Got em- ohh fuck- fuck- Okay. Okay, okay. Oh, hi! :D I'm going to kill you as well. Come here-- or, you're going to attack me. that's fine. that also works... anything that gets you out of my fucking hair the better! 'nd you can go eff yourself too!! D:< Going this way, I'm not even attempting it, I'm not even going back, I'm not even trying... Yeah...! *click* ...Oh no.. Okay, so that should be the stairs to the exit right? What is this? "Main flow pressure, ink machine... somethin' 2." (instrumental version of "Build Our Machine" by DAGames plays, and Jackaboy dances along) It's a good tune! Maybe I have to keep that on to keep Bendy away from me. Oooh... this isn't going to go well.... (Henry thuds on the ground, hit by someone from behind) oh! ???: ...Rest your head, it's time for bed... Goddammit! I was almost out! (Jack: oh it's Sammy! O: ) Jack: Ohh what are you gonna do? (banging around above) (More footsteps from the upper floor) Jack: Dude you're messed up... Jack: So you're made of ink then? Jack: ...Ah, shit. So the- the Bendy dude was just...Sammy. Oh no... (groans in apprehension) Jack: Iwantout! D: (Jack: Aw, fuck) Ahhh nut sacks-! Let me out! LET ME OUT! Jack: it killed HIM! (More unsettling noises of Sammy being tortured by "Bendy the lord") "Escape bendy!" Ohohohoh- where is bendy? i didnt even see him ok im out regardless, regardless of that, im out Get out of my fuckin way Because I thought that THAT was Bendy, I thought that dude was Bendy, that that was as scary as it was gonna get but it sounds like it's much more than that. Oh I can't use the axe anymore, that's a terrible sign. DUAHG GOD OK THAT'S WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE, HEY BENDOSAURUS, HOW ARE YOU?!? THERE WAS A BENDY DOLL BACK THERE!! DO YOU LIKE THEM?! -- Is he chasing me? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! OKAY I'M SAFE! I don't know how I put that board up but thank Hallelujah Jesus!.... ... Uh oh.. Just get on the lift and go... oh. YEEEEE *Footsteps* Oh! Gwarsh! (Goofy impression) Nice. Oh that's cool now Boris AND Bendy are in it! Because when we saw Bendy at the other one, at least I... yeah I'm pretty sure that was him, that, like, came out of the ink machine, and now Boris has been added onto it. Kinda like a Five Nights at Freddy's thing, they had a whole cast of characters Um, and then I'm assuming we'll get Angel Voice or whatever her name was, Angel later on too Aw this is getting good! I like this game, I like the lore, I like the scenario, like the design of it because it can look really boring with just like the brown background and everything but it works! And I'm re -- I like the design of bendy, the 3D Bendy isn't as cool as the just the cardboard cut out of him because as I said, those are super identifiable they could actually be real characters, well they kind of are I guess um considering they're based on probably of Disney stuff, but I really like this Uh, this is really cool. I wanna know what going on with Sammy Lawrence and all the other people. Cause he seems to get turned into an ink... Ohh fan art contest winners, for Chapter 1. That's a cool ah-addition. Good on you, Developer. It was them who emailed me the new downlowad link for this version as well, so thanks to them for raising my awareness for it 'Cause otherwise I'd probably got this way after everybody else, so thanks! :3 Aww, I like it! I'm in to it! It's been awhile since I played a horror game that I've got into so quickly..."Bendy will return." Cause it's-like it's simplistic enough on its own but again the art style really sells it. The art style and the lore. That seems to have gone into it. 'Cause that's what uhh...That's what really sells good horror games. Hey Pac-Man eyes. 'Cause anyone can make a game where you just go around and do menial task and get jumpscared by it or whatever, and just have to fight your way through things but... If it doesn't have like a story or an interesting lore, or an interesting environment or anything like that to back it up then it's just not worth it. So I think that's why this one works really well and this-this game already has like an insane fan following online. There's lots of people drawing fan art. Again it's a testament to how well designed the characters look in the game already. Um...So that's really cool. I wi-I wish nothing but the best for this game. I like the idea of it. So I don't know when Chapter 3 is gonna come out, I didn't even know Chapter 2 was coming out today until I played-ur-until I got the email about it so. I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait to see what comes next. I'm hoping that we get to deal with Bendy and Boris next, and then Angel will come into it, and we might have another character by the end of it. We have like a whole cast of them. I like that. ANYWAY! Thank you guys so much for watching this episode, if you LIKED it, PUNCH that like button in the face ***LIKE A BOSS*** and high fives all around. *WAPSSH* *WAPSSH* But THANK you guys and I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO! *CUE THE OUTRO* My headphones fell off. WAS IT BENDY?
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,891,842
Rating: 4.9611554 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Bendy And The Ink Machine, Bendy And The Ink Machine Game, Bendy And The Ink Machine Gameplay, Bendy And The Ink Machine walkthrough, Bendy And The Ink Machine Playthrough, lets play, horror game, disney, disney horror game, walt disney, scary game, jumpscare, Bendy And The Ink Machine jacksepticeye, art style, chapter one, part 1, Chapter 2, part 2, music, boris
Id: UT-qRmOvTtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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