I'M IN THE GAME | Bendy And The Ink Machine - Chapter 3 - Part 1

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*Whapish* Top of the Morning to ya Laddies!! My name is Jacksepticeye, and I'm back. I'm back playing games and I'm back from tour and back to play all the games I missed. Everything came out the day I left Which is super annoying. This and 'Cuphead' both came out and I was so annoyed so I wanted to play them as soon as they came out but Here I am, a little late, but just as enthusiastic about it as I would have been umm... I'm really excited about chapter three of this, because well.. Welcome back to Bendy and the Ink Machine. I guess I should say did I actually say that already? I don't know, I'm all confused It's been a while, but Chapter three! I'm really excited about this, and I was gonna leave it as a surprise Because it would have been fun to find out, but now the cats out of the bag! And I'm late to this. I'm in this! I'm in this chapter! They came to me a while ago after Chapter two and asked if I wanted to do a voice for chapter three, and I said hell yes, of course I would. I love voice acting, I love Bendy and the Ink Machine I love lots of things. So it made the most sense to do it I'm so appreciative of them For letting me do it and people have been sending me like the clip and saying that they heard me in the game which is Really cool. So, I don't know where I am. I know who I am I just don't know where I am in the game. So, we'll figure it out. So this is chapter three! Last time we.. we met um... was it Boris? Chapter Three 'Rise and Fall' Ooo-kay that's a cute clock! I want that clock! So- Oh god! I need a refresher course now because I forget what happened at the end of chapter two. Was it chapter two that we ended where Boris came out? It was like "Boris?", cuz we got away from the.. the Big Bad *clock ticking* I mean look at that cute ass clock! Yes cute, not creepy Oh wait, can I open this? No. Oh god. I thought that was somebody hang in there. It's just dungarees. I have no reflection. I am a vampire. EEEEHHHH... EUHHHHH This is what you don't drink Guinness all day every day, you get the Guinness shit's An actual thing! Guinness makes you get diarrhea real quick! Okay, easy does it. You're not gonna come to life and attack me, are you? Hey, hey Boris! Gawrsh! Do you talk? . . . *pulls a string* Buh- B- B-Boris? Hello? Boris and Henry. Am I Henry? Are you just here? Okay..? It's not.. Oh that's fucking cool!! Oh... It's like a glitchy bendy, it's an anti bendy.. An ANTI I meant to say Antdy like Ant-Dy. But it just came out as auntie. You know everyone's gonna freak out *laughs* Okay, I love drinking paint Yeah. Boris you wanna 'fess it up? Talk to Borris, okay I can talk to him. Hey B-man Ohh.. thats why I'm collecting stuff. So he doesn't talk? Find three soup cans. Okay. I have 2, where's the third one gonna be? ♪ It's gonna be May! ♪ Soup-can? Hello? It's also funny, how this and 'Cuphead' came out when I was away, and both of them share like a similar aesthetic Whats in here ? That's locked though! I can't go in there. Ahh. Okay.. Cool! Make Boris soup Hmm smells good, right? What do you eat Boris? This just ink soup? There you go Boris is fucking weird I appreciate it though. Thank you B-man. You helped me in a time when I needed it most So to me you're all right Boris But stay away from that bendy, okay? He's- -That Bendy's a weird one So you don't go near him! Are you sure you want to leave the safe house, you cannot go back. Let's see, what's out there. Don't wander off I mean.. yeah Gwars! Okay, what do we got here? Okay, I think you might be health and now I'm wasting this Delicious bacon soup! That does sound delicious Bendy in Little Devil Darlin' Oh Jesus Christ Boris, I don't like this. Ooooooo Badness! Oh God Boris Jesus Christ, you scared me! Don't do that! This place got up and got down with the inkness We're in this together forever Boris. Okay, you're kinda standin behind me all creepily But don't worry B-Man, I gotcha! *footsteps* The fuck was that? Eeeyup! Did you hear that? Yeah. Me either. I didn't hear the thing that I asked you if you heard? Oh bendy Bendaroo Ok.. apparently we.. we walk slow in darkness *door slams* That wasn't so bad? The vent! Boris has all the ideas. Boris is my dude! I can't follow him. Oh God, now I'm alone B-man? Oh, no Boris. I hope you're okay. I like you. What's up Bender? Woah... The freakin size of this bendy! And this Boris look how cute it is. I want one of them in my room! Imagine that he was just sitting in the corner. Gigantic, nine feet tall! Okay, I hope I'm not missing anything. Oh, noooo I hear singing Is that the girl one? I forget what her name is. Don't forget to punch in! It could save your job. Can't do anything to that Work hard, work happy. That is a fucking creepy poster, but man do they ever nail the aesthetic of this game. Her, the- the angelic voice one, whatever her name was. Gotta be! Gotta be a way through Gotta be a way through without any sort of accidents or comeuppances or anything like that, right? Okay, can I not move these levers? Oh, God. You're creepy. You could squeeze through there. At least you would if you weren't just eating bacon soup all the time Okay, I have no idea what to do "I don't be seeing what the big deal is! Soo what if I went and painted some of those-" "-Bendy dolls with a crooked smile? That's sure no reason for Mr. Drew to be flying off the handle at me!" "And if he REALLY wants to be so helpful he can tell me what I have to be doin' with this-" "-warehouse I got full of that Angel Whatcha-ma-call-it!" "Not a scrap of that mess be a-sellin. Will probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all." It's me! We found me! I'm Mr. Shawn Flynn in the game. I don't be seeing what the big deal is. "I don't be seeing what the big deal is!" So what if I went and painted some of those Bendy dolls with a crooked smile? To be flying off the handle at me. That's awesome! Thank you guys again for asking me to be part of it. That was super fun It's just a small thing, but it means so much. Fix the toy machine. Unclog the belt wheels. Okay Toys stuck in all of 'em. Dagnabbit! I did it! I fixed up all the wheels! Okay ,that didn't help immensely. Now... what is this little thing? Now it's Boris Now, it's the girl and now it's... Now, it's something different. Looks like an engine Now it's Bendy I don't know. Okay, let's actually listen to this again and focus on what I'm saying cuz I forgot what was in it "I don't be seeing what the big deal is! Soo what if I went and painted some of those-" "-Bendy dolls with a crooked smile? That's sure no reason for Mr. Drew to be flying off the handle at me!" "And if he REALLY wants to be so helpful he can tell me what I have to be doin' with this-" "-warehouse I got full of that Angel Whatcha-ma-call-it!" "Not a scrap of that mess be a-sellin. Will probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all." So, the girl dolls not selling. I don't be seeing with the big deal is So what if I went and painted a crooked smile and a couple of those Bendy dolls? Yeah, she's quite a gal. I probably- I'm probably the originator of all the bad crap that happened. Not really but Alice angel. I knew angel was in her name. *Music* "Ah! Hehe" *Quiet singing* OOOO! Am I supposed to be doing something? Oh Jesus! Alice! Alice, calm down, okay? Alice has seen better days. Oh. Do I have to hide from her? Oh, that's cool She is- she has two voices. She has, like a high and low voice. She was awesome There's-I fucking love this game cuz, I love the aesthetic of it, because these types of old characters meant a lot back then. But these days they just kind of look creepy So they capitalized on that to make a horror game. The demon or the angel? Let's go with the demon. You know- I'm very fond of the demons. I want one of those. I want plushees from this game. I want the cardboard cut-out as well Probably just get it made "There's nothing wrong with dreaming. Wishing for the impossible is just human nature." "That's how I got started. Just a pencil and a dream. We all want everything-" "-without even having to lift a finger. They say you just have to believe." "Belief can make you succeed." "Belief can make you rich." "Belief can make you powerful." "Why with enough belief, you can even cheat death itself." "Now that... is a beautiful, and positively silly thought." I don't like him. He's weird. Everyone here is creepy Except Shawn Flynn of course. And yeah, they didn't spelll Sean the same way. It's just kind of like a little, a little nod Strange of a man. I remember an old Mickey Mouse cartoon with a train in it and it freaked me out. ♫ I'm Alice Angel ♫ Oh shit, there's a Heidi closet there. Aww, she's gonna show up, isn't she? The fuck! Bendy! Bendy? Oh jeeze Boris Thank you! Thanks Boris. Fuck you Bendy. Oh, God. What happened in here? I like you, Boris. You're cute, but you the way you follow along behind me and say nothing is getting kind of creepy. *Ticking clocks* He went that way, so maybe that's the way I'm supposed to go? I just want to look around for a little bit ♫ I'm Alice Angel ♫ Also because I cuz I did shows recently I'm trying to restore my voice So I'm not like screaming at things as much as I usually did so if you're wondering why I'm more quiet than normal You got this one, buddy? That's my boy, B-man. I'll get the other one that's half a mile away Bye Boris. The Butcher Gang. Ah, they're fucking cool! Look at this guy! Presented in silly vision The fuck? AH AH AH What is that?! Boris? Oh Boris is scared of it. Okay, you know what? Fuck you! Fuck you! Ow! Yeah, bash his fucking face in! What a fucking creep! I did it, Boris! We're safe Flip the switch Oh, God Can I open this yet? No Okay. Man, everything was going all nice and calm, and now I'm all tense! No, wait. Oh God, the game glitched. I'm gonna string some bacon soup to give me back the health that I lack Hell in a handbasket, then you Boris go to hell in a handbasket, that's cool Level K Level mmK Ooow ♫ I'm Alice Angel ♫ Hell is this shit? What's it looking like Boris? Talk to me B-man. Are you going there? Okay, where are we- where are we-? Ooh Boris I got a date! Not hearing any screams... Boris, scream! Gooorsh! AHHOOHOOHOO Okay level number nine got it. I'mma just wait back here Boris, you go Wait, why are some of them called level K, 11, P, 9, 14? Okay... But if you scare me, I can't be held responsible for how much of your face I bash in B-man? Oh you're there Where we goin? "These blasted elevators... Sometimes they open... Sometimes they don't..." "Sometimes they come... Sometimes they keep on going to hell and back." "I keep telling these people, if Mr Joey drew keeps cutting corners like this-" "-someone's sure to end up falling to their death. And it sure ain't gonna be me." "I'm takin' the stairs." Good idea! She's quite a gal our Alice angel, ♫ our Alice angel ♫ Why did he run? Why-- why are you running? Boris? Is there a reason to run? B-man? Oh gosh, you're still here. Oooooh fuck! Oh Jesus, that's the other one that I thought was cool. That's the guy that I fought already Having a bit of an identity crisis there B-man? Not gonna lie, this is kind of fucked up. It's not worth looking at B-man, let's go She say "she made me"? "Who would've thought? Me having lunch with Joey Drew!" "Apparently times are tougher than I thought. For a moment there, I thought I'd be-" "-stuck with the check. But I gotta say, he wasn't at all what I expected." "Quite the charmer. He even called me Alice." "I liked it." *mocking* I liiiked it, he called me Alice and I liked it Okay, that's opening, but I can go this way and I want to know what's over here There's nothing over here, I didn't want to go this way anyway. Look at this fucking weirdo, what the fuck..? You're creepy as all hell, don't come alive now Are you torturing that poor man? What's that? Okay Not a fan of this Something's gonna come alive here Boris? Where'd you go B-man? Boris? He's in the elevator, okay Aw, what? Take the plunger? God damn it. I don't want to be an errand boy! Collect four valve cores, solve the valve panels I don't know what they are... Oh shit What what what the fuck? That was just out of nowhere! Go away! Go away you little demon bitch! Okay, that wasn't so bad "No", nuh-uh, I don't like the pac-man eyes Fucking hell. I don't have the crowbar thing anymore, the pipe wrench Okay, I'm okay. I'm still alive! Doing good The hell do these valve thingies look like? "Turn the little wheels" is what she said No fucking Jesus Okay- hup And a- hup hup nice Okay, you guys aren't that scary. You're gonna, just pop up out of nowhere. Don't really make sound Where the fuck am I? So many directions to go now, I'm not sure which one I should face first Well here's one of the valves right here, but I can't crouch! Okay, maybe not that way first let's... let's go in this one, this one seems important Oh god "I don't want to work here anymore." Yeah, I wouldn't either if I were you! I don't want to get killed by anything neither Don't fucking- Jesus now you're just coming out of the walls! That's unfair! Fucking creepy little weirdo Ugh- Christ Okay, they just vanished. Oookay, hi, how's it going? You're not making any sound which is fucking creepy! Am I able to beat your head in again? Okay, okay, okay, okay, let's- how about we do this. How about we just ruuuun away? Just ruuuun away, I don't know what that did but Okay Nice, okay! I'm gonna leave this part of Bendy and the Ink Machine here! Normally I just do these all in one but this chapter seems like it's a bit longer than the other ones and I- I don't want- to just pile it all in once, it might go on for a while but This is really cool, so far. I like it and I'm curious to see what the hell is going on But we'll get back into that next time but for now, thank you guys so much watching this episode! If you liked it PUNCH that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all around. *wapoosh wapoosh* Well thank you guys! and I'll see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! *Music* I will a-see all you du-uuu-des Ahhh dude!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,965,893
Rating: 4.9501438 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Bendy And The Ink Machine, Bendy And The Ink Machine Game, Bendy And The Ink Machine Gameplay, Bendy And The Ink Machine walkthrough, Bendy And The Ink Machine Playthrough, lets play, horror game, disney, disney horror game, walt disney, scary game, jumpscare, Bendy And The Ink Machine jacksepticeye, art style, chapter one, part 1, part 2, music, boris, Chapter 3, part 3, alice angel
Id: 1TaJMsuDbT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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