Microtech Dirac Delta Review - The Benchmade Slayer!

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[Music] hello friends tonight we're gonna take a look at the micro tech dirac-delta it's beautiful it's sexy it looks like the cypher and a channel changer had sex and made this crazy baby this knife is new and exciting it's very new in fact mine is one of the the proof run ones that are starting to pop up here and there the Dirac Delta is the larger version of the Dirac which was released earlier this year and it's closer in size to a UT x85 very very reasonably sized knife unfortunately don't have a Dirac but maybe it will change that I suspect that the direct Delta is named for the mathematical function which when graphed looks a bit like the blade of this knife most of the time though my math trivia is a little rusty I might be wrong and if I am I'm I'm sure someone out there will tell me so what is this knife why does it exist this knife exists to take on the benchmade infidel directly before we go any further I'm going to mercilessly mock the benchmate infidel in this review so if you own one and you have tender sensitive little ears you may want to watch something else right about now anyway Microtech knives have the button on the top right there yeah I find this position to be most natural meanwhile benchmade produce the infidel and OTF with the button on the side like a channel changer well or like the direct or direct Delta I find this position to be less natural but many people prefer the bench maids button position on the side I can't fault you for that and there was no micro tech option for these folks if your hand is shaped a certain way where this is more comfortable for you then well you kind of need to follow that comfort is important with the tools that we use in the last decade the popularity of OTF knives has exploded and for reasons unknown to me probably because the company helps them cut up perfectly good guns law enforcement officers have often chosen to carry bench maids over the superior micro Tech's or at least that's what I see and hear from folks many of the people that I've talked to have told me that they just like the button position better on the bench maids and hey like I said if that's if your hand shape works better with that button position you got to follow that I totally understand Microtech listened and now we have the die rack and direct Delta the die rack is just a bit smaller than the Troodon and the UTX 85 as we saw and the Delta is about the size of a combat Troodon or cipher and I have a handy cipher here to show you how close they are in size they're pretty close the the direct Delta is a little bit smaller which a lot of people will find appealing so in other words now we have a size for any application and occassion collect the whole set now regardless of your various preferences sexual or otherwise there's a micro Tech to suit you hooray you don't have to buy the tacky benchmade infidels anymore look at how gorgeously symmetrical this knife is it's beautiful it's also truly ambidextrous it looks like a million bucks but it doesn't cost a million bucks the the prices is very very right on these they tend to be a little bit cheaper than the infidels and that's for a proof run surely the production models will be a little bit less at least traditionally they are with micro tags with the simpler contour of the handle this knife looks a little bit like the classic Italian autos of decades past only done in micro Tech's futuristic Blade Runner aesthetic it's awesome and now a shameless plug if you like my videos please consider supporting me on patreon YouTube denied me monetization so I'm entirely viewer supported videos are expensive to make especially the endurance testing of firearms and your support will help me make better videos more often I'm sorry for the delay between videos lately but money is tight during the summer and I'm not gonna lower my testing standards I'm not gonna borrow a gun shoot it for a day and try to give you a good review it's it's just not possible so if you want to see more videos more often please support me on patreon you can also support me by subscribing to my channel though at the end of the day I'm honored that you would even want to watch my terrible videos in the first place truly thank you features the Dirac Delta is a double-action OTF or out the front knife slide the button forward and the blade deploys slide it backwards and the blade retracts the button on this one is extremely stiff it probably requires two or three times the force of a standard Microtech let's take a look at that so the ultra tech is a breeze the cipher is a breeze and the UTX 85 is a breeze but it's a feature in this case because of where the button is and I'll show you what I mean later you don't want this one to be easy to retract because your thumb is covering it when you hold the knife you can see the problem there so they gave it the the right amount of force and it's it's easy to deploy it it's just tough to get the blade back in there and I wouldn't have it any other way so the blade is 3.5 inches long the handle is five point seven five inches long and with the blade deployed we have an overall length of nine point to five inches the handle is made of 6061-t6 aluminum and the knife weighs a scant 4.5 ounces though that's not the lightest knife ever that is light for a knife this size the blade is made of two o4p hopefully you can see that though there are some Lmax examples floating around though lmax is an awesome steel to o4p is an amazing steel and 204 P is the American equivalent of imported bohler m390 these proof run knives all have micro tech signature double edge I don't know if they will put out other boy shapes but I would assume they will they usually do and this gives an eyeful a lovely symmetry there the dagger Boyd very beautiful this one has a black handle and bronzed hardware the pocket clip is the deep carry style and it's it's very deep carry all the way to the edge we've got on the clip the knife serial number and birth date and the micro tech logo and the claw logo and you can see that mines marked as being part of the proof run at least I hope you can see that and at the back we've got the traditional micro tech glass breaker why should you choose a micro tech frankly the benchmade infidel isn't good enough I've discussed why more than a few times but it's worth saying again the fit and finish of the infidel doesn't compare to anything micro tech makes micro Tech's manufacturing process makes for very tight tolerances so there's very little play in the blade the switch feels great and they just feel nice to fire the benchmate and said I've seen or less consistent they don't feel as good to fire and the handles are awful fat choads that bulge in your pocket and that's not nearly as much fun as it sounds like it would be the infidel itself just just to look at and it's as tacky as its name look at that goddamn thing and yeah let's talk about the name for a second in addition to being downright distasteful the name caters to a certain crowd technical knuckle draggers and Mullen wah babe troglodytes who get the warm fuzzies when they Pat their pockets and feel the reassuring bulges of the benchmade and it's certainly the only reassuring bulge that they're gonna patent in their own pants anyway from a purely aesthetic standpoint the benchmade looks like a $100 knife from China and it feels like one too in fact if it were 100 bucks I wouldn't be complaining about it it would be a good bargain at that point but for 425 or whatever the hell they saw for holy [ __ ] yeah that's that's a lot so skip the benchmade get a micro tag why should you choose this particular micro tag the direct Delta is similar in size to the combat throw it on and the cipher the cipher is my favoritest and I've ever in the whole wide world in the history of knives it's my favorite so I don't have a combat trow it on here but we'll compare it to the cipher also let's just let's just have micro tech show-and-tell time let's just let's just get them all out okay so the cipher once more you can see they're pretty pretty close in size that's beautiful sight let me get it where you can kind of see it all okay so ciphers are rare odds are good that you're not considering a cipher if you're trying to choose between this and something else because odds are good that you can't even find a cipher if you want one there just aren't that many of them out in the wild so it's probably down to a direct Delta and the combat throw it on really it's gonna come down to whether you like the button on the top or the side the knives are pretty similar otherwise in impractical function but there's something else to take into account the Delta is about $100 cheaper than the combat throw it on that's that's a lot of cash you may also need to consider that the combat Troodon comes in other blade shapes some of which are more utilitarian and geared towards work tasks than the double-edged whichever you choose though you're getting an awesome OTF but I'll help let's just break out some of the other micro Tech's and just to put them near this thing so we can take away the halo I love the halo yeah that's a that's a pleasing side isn't it Wow let's look at the SOCOM - yeah you can see the the SOCOM's another kind of large one I like that I'm trying to like artfully arranged them here in the middle of this video like you don't have better [ __ ] to do then watch me line these up you know like I have terrifying OCD or something which I don't which I don't have that here's an ultra tag when I close it again all right yeah so there's kind of an array of different ones so you can kind of see how they're sized we looked at the ax at the UT X that was probably not in frame Oh what the hell I'll just scrunch them all up scratch them all to hell so yeah you kind of see there's a micro tech for every occasion and every size that you might need I think for for daily carry I mostly carry this cipher but I also carry if I'm having to do workshop stuff the SOCOM is a great great option for that too but you can see now where the were the direct Delta fits in with all the others how is the direct Delta perform this is a great knife it feels great to fire the blade moves smoothly in the handle is well-designed mine like every other micro tech I've ever owned was razor sharp from the factory let's talk about aesthetics as visual design is a big part of why we buy micro tags the body is smooth on the top and back while the sides taper in twice your fingers fit right in there it looks almost like an Egyptian column or something yeah that feels good and we've got this jimping at the top and bottom of the sides it doesn't look like much but it works really really well the pocket clip really settles into your hand kind of helps me index my grip it sort of fits in between those two fingers there I really like it and it doesn't get in the way the knife just feels great in the hand so let's talk about the color because it's very interesting the black blade is the standard black coating like all my micro tags let me see if I've got a black blade nearby yeah so it's the same the same black that you see on on all G spite the handle color is different it's supposed to be black but it almost looks like a navy blue and it is very very beautiful there's definitely a blue tint there for comparison the the cipher is more blackest black the halo is sort of a gray black same goes for the for the ultra tech although it seems to almost have a bluish tint but anyway no it's a small thing I just thought it was a cool color I really like it and then we've also got our beautiful bronze Hardware here which also looks a little bit darker on this model to me than some of the others but that could just be the the color of the body I don't know the knife fires very very smoothly if i de liken it to another micro tech I'd compared to the cipher again they sound pretty similar to come and throw it on sounds and feels different when it's actually firing so why is it so hard to retract the Dirac Delta you want it to be difficult that is definitely intentional because of where the button is look at this when you grip this knife your thumb is going right on the button either on top of it in front of it across it it's going on the button and if you're using this knife hard you're gonna be applying pressure to the button just to put into perspective how hard it is I'm going to put my thumb on the switch and bear down on my desk yeah that's tough but with two hands it's no big deal it's really easy and a lot of the time I can get it with one hand if my hands are sweaty and I'm not holding the knife you know all the way out with my arms fully extended but to put in comparison look at how much easier even the cipher is and the cipher has a reputation for being difficult to fire so with the button being on top of the ultra tag or any of these your finger your thumb is to the side you're not when you're using the knife hard you're not running the risk of your hand moving back and closing the blade in fact let's what's let's do this again very little pressure and the knife closes I was bearing down so hard with this one that there's actually a pretty big divot in my desk from the glass breaker one more time look at that that's a noticeable dimple so you want it to be hard because it's gonna keep the blade open if you're doing something difficult with it where your hand is under a lot of pressure it's really great in fact when I first saw this knife I had wondered one of my concerns was under hard use am I gonna accidentally close it but no there's there's no danger of that so what's it like to carry this thing well first we need to discuss what this knife is for really the double-edged Microtech blade shape is for defense this shape just doesn't work for tool tasks for a variety of reasons but to defend myself there's no other boy shape that I would rather have for defense I'm usually carrying on my cypher but for the last few weeks for the purposes of this review I've been carrying this thing and as a defensive knife it excels the pocket clip lets it ride very deep in your pocket but this raised bit here you can grip that and pull it out really quickly the clip is also very very secure for us a spring steel one I thought that the extra thickness from the button was going to be noticeable it's really not um like many other instances just a little more thickness it's not as important as people say it is and most of the time they don't even know just even after they've made a really big deal about it it just doesn't it doesn't really matter it's not important I get the direct Delta out of my pocket and about the same speed as an ultra Tec it's pretty quick it's really quick it's not as quick as the cypher though which has this titanium clip but it's quicker to get this out because of all the the grip on the clip and also because this just doesn't care is low in your pocket so it's all a trade-off titanium clips are also a pain in the ass with thicker fabrics because they're not as flexible and like I said you don't get that deep of a carry so anyway I've come to think of the Delta as my dress OTF the cipher is for trips out into the big scary world by that I mean to whole foods while the direct Delta is for trips to the symphony and restaurants to serve steamed mussels or you know whatever the [ __ ] rich white people do I don't know but uh you know the times when you have to wear a tie or something you know like if you go to church or something like that I don't go to church because I'm banned for most churches but but if I did if I did manage to not set on fire when going into a house of worship I would probably I would probably get carried this sort of knife with me also I want to give you a second opinion here a lady friend of mine has used this knife and she took an instant liking to it though I've compared it primarily to the cypher this is only because I've extensively carried the cypher most of you will be comparing it to the combat troodon and that's her favorite knife one of them but she finds them to be very very thick for her the direct Delta just feels magical it's nice and thin and and spelt and she really likes it she doesn't have to alter her grip either because of how it contours to her hand or rather I should say how the contours fit her hand she just loves that knife and she really likes the the side button it works really really well for and she does she doesn't have to alter her grip at all to to fire this thing she loves the knife the only problem she's found is that she cannot close the knife without great effort I think she actually was like pushing it on like a table or something to try and to try and close it but again closing the knife isn't as important as opening it and she didn't have any trouble opening it this is a knife let me tell you I've had a couple of people try to try to close it as it's a [ __ ] it's a real [ __ ] this thing is is tough but this is one of her favorite micro Tech's and I think she's going to end up with the smaller die rack soon by the way I'd like to think might get southern edges for helping me get this knife southern edges is my local knife store and more than that mike has the coolest selection of knives I've ever seen and his customer service is the best in the industry really check out southern edges online mic seems to only carry stuff that I think is cool and that makes a visit to the store overwhelmingly fun if you want a micro tech that's the guy to order from what would I change about the Dirac Delta whether or not you like this knife is going to come down to personal preference for the button location that's it micro techs are hard for me to criticize in any objective way because they do what they're supposed to do they're made of good materials they're more reliable than competing designs they're more comfortable they do what they're supposed to they do what it says on the box so any criticism I can offer it's just gonna come down to feel I don't like the side button as much I really prefer the button to be on top to me just feels more natural I don't know why I don't have to adjust my grip as much it's a personal preference when I pull the knife out of my pocket my thumb is just instantly on the top button it's it's great but I'm getting used to this maybe I just need more time with it and it's just a matter of personal preference I have no real criticism of the Dirac Delta it's super cool and I carry it often I highly recommend it even though the review is done I've enjoyed it so much it's still gonna be in my rotation if you need a side button get one of these if you prefer the top button just get a different model whichever you choose you're getting an amazing knife there is one thing that I would like to see Microtech add though and they surely will as time passes and the model proves to be popular but I'd like to see it sooner rather than later because I want one I want to see some crazy handle and hardware colors help blade colors - I love the colored cipher blades my lovely green one don't be surprised if you see a red one before too terribly long so we need to see different blade shapes to know the double edge is my personal preference lots of people don't view it as very useful and for them micro tech needs to produce some single edged blades and a tanto or two and I wouldn't mind a tanto myself the only problem is I and I suspect this is why we haven't seen them already those blade shapes would ruin the beautiful symmetry still it did sell more knives and I'd please even more folks than the side button already does final thoughts this is a great knife what more can I say if you've always wanted a micro tech but the button bothered you well here's your knife if you collect micro tax here's your knife something I haven't touched on is the price usually microtext this size are about 500 bucks give or take this one even the proof run is just under $400 the standard model will probably be 350 or 360 the infidel is usually just over $400 is the direct Delta expensive yeah I mean that's still a lot of money but it's one of the best values in the OTF world good OTF SAR always [ __ ] expensive but this is a lot of knife for your money thanks for watching and I hope you all have a wonderful evening I'll talk to you soon good night [Music]
Channel: thegunpenguin
Views: 20,059
Rating: 4.6555023 out of 5
Keywords: dirac delta, microtech dirac, microtech dirac review, dirac delta review, microtech otf, john wick, john wick knife, microtech review, otf review, microtech knife, microtech knives, otf knife, otf knives, microtech, switchblade, switch blade
Id: 1ubq238uHRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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