Ben Shapiro fires back at late-night hosts on gun control

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the late-night talk-show host talking about gun control we have Steve Doocy that's in Las Vegas live anchoring the show from out there we also want to bring in ben shapiro he's from The Daily wire comma syndicated columnist and host with Ben Shapiro show to talk about this very issue with the late-night host Steve you have a question for Ben absolutely Ben I got a question for you you know many as we just saw the late-night host talking about how there needs to be more gun control but when you look at what they found in the car of this guy that ammonium nitrate you just had the fuel oil to it you got an Oklahoma City bomb there as well what gun control law would have stopped that guy from doing what he did back there I mean even the guns that he was using I'm not sure that there's any evidence that that gun control would have done anything I mean he obtained apparently these weapons legally he had gone through federal background checks there's no evidence of significant mental illness to this point so all this seems like is people shouting do something while they have no particular solutions and no expertise on guns or gun control I mean the suggestion that gun control is going to put an end to incidents like this again that is an evidence list proposition based on nothing but emotional response I was looking at Jimmy Kimmel last night and he said well for those of you on television all day that tell me not to the not to talk about gun control my First Amendment is just important as your second Amendment Ben what's your reaction to that I mean no one is talking about stopping him from from talking I mean I wouldn't I would never try to ban Jimmy Kimmel from talking on television he should stop trying to ban me from owning a firearm and again noting that the late night hosts are saying has any sort of relationship to reality if they want to call for an outright gun ban if they want to call for all guns in the United States to be removed then we can at least get an honest assessment of what it is they believe but when they say things like a little bit of common-sense gun control would stop all of this that's that's just a chimera it's not true they're making things up because this is all about the moral disapproval of people who own guns and that that's what it drips from a lot of these folks is this idea that if you oppose them on policy it's because you don't care enough about what happened in Las Vegas and that really is that that's quite disgusting I mean the idea that if we disagree on politics it's because my heart isn't big enough but your heart is just big enough so you understand Jimmy Kimmel or Stephen Colbert or Seth Meyers you understand truly what America needs because you care so much yeah that's that's pretty nasty stuff so what is the issue here what do we need to be talking about well I mean I think we don't have enough information yet to know what sort of policy proposals would would be on the table this is one of the things that drives me nuts about this mass shootings are actually a pretty terrible way of determining policy because the sample size is so low because it tends to be non representative of deaths involving guns in the United States overall for a variety of reasons I mean if we actually want to talk about gun violence across the United States we'd actually have to start talking about if you're gonna talk to uncontrol then let's talk about democratic areas in major cities because that's where virtually all of the murder this is a huge percentage of the murder is taking place in the United States even that though it would be I think false premise because the fact is that the number of guns in the United States has gone up as the murder rate has gone down per capita there now one point four or five guns per American in the United States there were less than one gun per Americans in the in the United States in 1993 and the murder rate has declined markedly since that time so the idea that more guns equals more crime or more guns invariably equals more mass shooting the evidence is really weak on this stuff yeah so what does that tell you does that tell you that more people owning guns with murder rates going down is it because we feel like using a gun we can protect ourselves more owning a gun I mean I think there's a case to be made for that the truth is that correlation in these cases doesn't always equal causation so saying more guns less crime it may be just as wrong as saying less guns more crime but by the same token to suggest that if we just remove guns that's going to send the crime rate down it's not true people keep talking about things like Australia where there's a big gun buyback and the fact is that in Australia they only removed 1/3 to 1/5 of guns the gun crime rate was declining markedly before that in the United States not the same as Australia try going to Texas and telling everybody they need to hand their guns over to the federal government and see how the gun rate right it doesn't death rate goes oh yeah I also tell the people in England how safe they are when they've had five attacks over the last year when they have very few guns over there as well as long doesn't carry guns as well as Spain true good point Ainsley and finally I didn't know I'm not a gun guy don't pretend to be but now I'm finding about these bump fire these bump fire stocks that allow us semi automatic to be automatic and the fact is according to the ATF it was actually legal to do would you as a pro-gun guy entertain the fact that we get rid of some of that conversion yeah I think I would I mean the fact is that the machine guns have been illegal for sale since 1986 in the United States devices that can convert a semi-auto to fire like an auto I think there's pretty widespread support for getting rid of some of these devices that said a bump stock is very easy to make yourself to imitate firing a semi-auto at a high rate is not particularly difficult to train to do so I think that we can do it I just I wouldn't use it as this sort of the this Peniche I don't think that you can use it as a cure-all and the idea that that would cure these problems the vast majority of mass shootings have not taken place with automatic weapons or even semi autos being fired like autos they've been with semi-automatic rifles or mostly with handguns okay Ben Shapiro thank you for joining us
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,325,608
Rating: 4.7403207 out of 5
Keywords: Ainsley Earhardt, Brian Kilmeade, Steve Doocy, Fox Friends, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Primary Opinion, Fox News, News
Id: JOEF5m6GaGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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