Grizelda Turns Into a Mermaid on Friendship Day! 🌈 FULL EPISODE 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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[Music] friendship day okay here we go with barley skillful serve friendship day slow wall showdown has begun oh and true returns it with a stunning spiral swoop excellent elevation i got it wait for it keep waiting i call this the slow-mo slow ball flip-flop tail chop [Music] great moves bartleby where'd it go okay not a problem i'll get the ball and stay completely dry while doing it [Music] come on ball come to bartleby [Music] sorry i grabbed your tailb but i thought it was an emergency it was i almost got wet but you would never let that happen would you true well not on friendship day griselda tada we're here to brighten your friendship day you brightened it all right you got a dimmer switch on that thing now that everyone's here i have something to show you come on [Music] so for friendship day i made you all friendship bracelets presents thanks drew that's so thoughtful of you cool we're all matchy matchy no one told me we give presents on friendship day i would have got you all really good presents you don't have to i just felt like making friendship bracelets for my friends and there are lots of different ways you can show you care on friendship day like baking normal berry cookies to share want one oh great now we're sharing too and friends look after each other like um um uh when when true saved me from getting wet here you go fooky but i didn't make gifts or bake cookies or save anyone i didn't do anything nice when do i get to be nice well we couldn't have friendship day without you you were there for us when we needed you well i am really good at showing up okay hold still and i'll grab it yikes okay give me a second there's gotta be a right way to remove a grippy grab hurry yikes it's a grippity-grab snack attack save the snacks [Music] look out griffity's after your pretty necklace hey the grippities are taking all our fashion accessories since when do grippity-grabs care about style they don't but they do like shiny things in fact legend has it there's a giant grippity grab in the scene with the whole cave full of shiny treasure so if the grippity grabs like shiny things here little grippity want this [Music] problem solved oh you saved me true you saved me and you gave up your bracelet to do it you're such a great friend it's no big deal i'm just glad you're okay i'm a great friend too just you wait and see i'm going to get your bracelet back stop come up with his bracelet yeah in my classes yeah number berry cookies don't work so well as sunglasses oh look it tastes great you come back here you little grippities you are ruining friendship day being a good friend is harder than i thought oh i'll just make true a new even better friendship bracelet out of extra special super sparkly seashells handpicked by me [Music] patience freaky kids we'll play as soon as i'm done being thoughtful ta-da all done isn't it irresistible of course it is hey you must be that giant grippity-grab who collects shiny things look i totally get liking pretty things but i'd like my bracelet back now please hey give it back that's not a toy you know i made that for a friend [Music] what no not you a princess can't be friends with someone so shellfish no fair i can't swim that far i'm not some of fish you know well what did you just do and why do my feet feel all floppy my perfect princess toes how am i supposed to try on your shoes [Music] i thought griselda would be back by now let's go find her oh that shouldn't be too hard just follow that bright light um that's the sun bartleby oops um hi mr sun happy friendship day we should be able to follow griselda's footprints in the sand good idea z let's go keep it back [Music] this day is not going like i planned oops sorry frookie i'm not used to having a floppy fish tail wait here freaky kittens i won't be long oh i just have to catch grippity get my friendship bracelet and make him turn me back into a whole princess so i don't have to spend the rest of my life in the sea big bang boom i'll be back soon look at that shine it's griselda with the giant grippity crab the legend is true what happened frookie isn't it obvious what happened griselda would rather spend friendship day with a giant grippity than with us don't worry fookie we'll take care of you the things we do for our friends yeah griselda would never leave frookie behind especially on friendship day i think griselda needs our help we have to go and save her wait what like go in the water yes but since we haven't been turned into fish we'll need wish help cue me low [Music] come on frookie you too do the wishing tree please [Music] happy friendship day to you too wishes but there's no time to chat our friend needs our help right let's sit and have a think [Music] [Applause] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we think a giant grippity grab turned griselda into uh an extra shiny fish girl so i need a wish to undo the spell and turn the zelda back into herself and since griselda is under the sea i need a wish that will allow me to travel underwater it's friendship day we should all go and help as long as i can stay completely dry all right i need a wish that will take us all underwater the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] wishing tree fishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] please [Music] [Music] what an inspiring combination of wishes i can't wait to see what the wikipedia says about their powers so this is summer hi saba [Music] saba is an underwater wish someone gets big enough to fit all your friends inside and keep them dry oh i like him best wish yet that's perfect supple will help us all travel underwater to find grizelda your next wish is undo well hello this is a reversing wish when it spins backwards over something it undoes it but undo can only be used once if this wish can turn griselda back into a two-legged princess then undo only has to work once and your last wish is shim shim shim shim has helped us once before it's a wish that's really good at wiggling hello again simpson [Music] i'm not sure how wiggling can help save griselda but i'll think of something you zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] [Applause] now let's go get our friend griselda thank you wishing tree happy friendship day [Music] how to fish swim with these floppy tails anyway excuse me coming through [Music] you can't get away from me that easy gravity oh this fishtail is supremely annoying uh thanks so you're giving me the bracelet back easy [Applause] i guess not [Music] poor little frookie you miss griselda don't you but don't worry we'll find her under all that water won't we true you bet time for my first wish you wake up hi saba we need to go under the sea to find priselda can you help us out all aboard okay suburb into the sea [Music] everybody keep an eye out for griselda she should be pretty easy to spot with that shiny tail oh oh i see it are you behind that rock [Music] hmm that's not her it's a school of fish all those fish are wearing the same tail as griselda she is not gonna be happy with that hey how are we gonna spot griselda if everything has a shiny tail don't worry frookie griselda is down here somewhere we'll find her but how it's not as easy as falling your tracks in the sand right she can't leave footprints if she doesn't have feet griselda may not be leaving tracks but giant grippity is good thinking true told you frookie true will find griselda in no time okay follow those tracks no fair you know i can't walk out of the water into this amazing cave your home was almost as nice as my palace so many pretty shiny things including me i'm not a half fish i'm an adorable glamorous unbelievably cute mermaid if only my friends could see me now [Music] i miss them you know especially my best friend frookie and z and bartleby and true she's the one who made the beautiful bracelet for you know how it is with friends uh-huh oh maybe not oh thank you i have to give this to true for friendship day to show what an amazing friend i am [Music] oh [Music] a pearl it's so beautiful i love shiny things wait a sec is this for me so you want to be friends [Music] all that chasing and hiding was just playing [Music] well of course the princess and a grippity can be friends we have so much in common we both love shiny things we both have beautifully decorated homes next time you can come to my house i'll have my grizmos build us a waterpark and we can decorate it together won't that be fun after you turn me back into a princess of course [Music] oh no where's your magic thingy the clam has it grippity you have to get it out and change me back oh no [Applause] [Music] can you use your pincers to cut yourself free [Music] if only my friend true were here she know what to do hmm maybe true that way server [Music] true i knew you'd come find me wow it is griselda and she really is a half fish i'm not a half fish i'm a whole mermaid thank you very much did the giant grippity do this to you yes but he can't turn me back no problem we'll undo his spell with my second wish [Music] this wish can reverse what grippity did to you really so you can use your wish to undo what he did to himself he was trying to help me and he got all tangled up he was trying to help you like a friend well yes he really is my friend a princess and a grippity can be friends you know zelda i can only use undo once if undo freeze grippity i don't have a wish to turn you back then use the wish to free grippity what we're friends now and friends are always there for you when you need them right but what about you griffity is the one who really needs help i'm fine um zelda you may not have noticed but you have a fish tail it's a mermaid tail and being a mermaid isn't so bad but you have to live in water not a problem i already have plans for a water park and i could give freaky swimming lessons she did not mean that griselda are you sure i'm sure let's do this okay undo do your thing [Music] [Music] nice work undo now back in the pack [Music] i knew you could do it true thanks b crisalda that was very generous of you are you sure you'll be okay being a half-ish uh i mean mermaid well it was nice having a super sparkly tail and i was starting to get the hang of swimming but i do love my fancy shoes and running around with my little freaky kittens sorry griselda i don't think my last wish can turn you back into a princess oh what's grippity doing now what's going on there oh grippity's magic thingy is inside that clam his trident the same one he used to turn you into a mermaid of course but that clam clammed up and won't give it back i think we can fix that time for my third wish zip zap do i choose you wake up [Music] [Applause] shim sham the wiggle wiggle-wish how will that help remember how shimsham tickled my arm in the wishing tree i bet a little tickle can get that grumpy glam to loosen up um i still don't get it see you can't laugh with your mouth closed oh my so if the clam laughs it'll open okay go away makes the first move the classic fast slow fast tickle oh clam blocks that move there'll be no laughing today shim shim is really upping her game time is having a hard time ignoring the tickles shim shim is tickling up down [Music] the climb is open folks the clam is open now it's all up to grippy to finish this here it comes you did it great job now back in the pack shoe [Music] it's all up to grippity [Music] now thank you grippity i knew you could do it good to have you back griselda it's good to be back with all my friends now can we get back to celebrating friendship day up on the beach i'm still a little nervous under the seat just a second grippity for you griffity you've earned it my friend [Music] thanks for the great ride sabbah [Music] what a great friendship day we all really stuck together like good friends do okay okay stop it now okay yeah we're friends i know cut it out now i think the best thing is that griselda started a new tradition for friendship day i did make a new friend yep i am pretty awesome [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 3,335,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, educational kids programming, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom songs, true and the rainbow kingdom theme song, true and the rainbow kingdom wishing tree song, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes trues birthday
Id: QP4W3DZe0xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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