Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Birthday for a King! (Triple Episode 37 to 39) | Kids Cartoon Shows

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today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] big bad barry [Music] i say i'm getting a little hungry me too i think i fancy fishing chips you don't have any fish your majesty what no fish but i can magic up some fish fingers yum yum i like fish fingers no no i want fresh fish fresh from the lake with chips i know ben's dad has a fishing bite then we shall go and see ben's dad [Music] it's time we put the boat away for the winter ben i'm pleased bunty has made it through the summer with no accidents what kind of accidents the kind where the boat gets eaten eaten yes have i never told you the story of big bad barry the fish no it was a dark and stormy night i was sailing in my favorite boat when suddenly a fish a fish mr elf what's that i want a fish for dinner with chips oh so we'd like you to take us out on the lake to catch one i was just putting bunty away for the winter who's bunty my boat well one more trip won't do any harm will it i'd rather not um she might get wet mr elf your king commands you okay climb aboard you'll have to leave your wands here magic isn't allowed on elf boats and where else [Music] let's get going i'll do the steering hang on a minute you might be king on land your majesty but on this boat i'm the captain so i'm in charge all right captain as long as i get a fish holly and ben wind the engine aye aye take the wheel okey-dokey captain [Music] this is fun turn ship to starboard what turn right why didn't you say so at sea we don't say left and right we say port and starboard isn't that a bit silly we'll fish from the stern where's that huh the back of the boat come with me fishing is a tricky business you must have the right type of bait what kind of bait are we using today stale bread stale bread who likes stale bread should we put some butter on it dad and jam yes we're not gonna catch anything with stale bread old boy stick a bit of jam on it stop i'm the captain so while we're aboard bunty we do what i say aye aye captain now be quiet fish don't like noise very bossy isn't he this is so exciting shh everybody now we wait are you sure this is right of course i'm sure come on let me have a go fine you'll see it takes time to catch a fish i've caught a fish holly grab the net get ready to catch it well done daddy wow it's big it's a whopper all right and i caught it it's only a little tiddler it must be the biggest fish in the lake it's too small that was the biggest fish i've ever seen i've seen bigger much much bigger really really it was many years ago when i first met big bad buddy big bad barry who's that only the biggest hugest most giganticist fish the world has ever seen no it was a dark and stormy night i was out sailing in my favorite boat hilda when i first saw big bad barry i knew straight away i had to catch him i had to be the fisherman who took him home for the biggest fish dinner in history i tried several different baits before i found what barry liked cheese cheese cheese i put a bit of cheese on the line and barry was hooked straight away the only thing was he was stronger than my old boat hilda was bad buddy tracked my poor boat hilda all over the lake and when he'd finished that he ate her he ate hilda it sounds horrid it was so you built bunty to replace hilda no first there was doris then peggy there was abigail fifi and trixie bell not forgetting sabrina vicki and miss boo-boo barry ate them all i tried to catch barry so many times but he was always too strong so that's where all the cheese went in the end i gave up big bad barry he's still out there somewhere incredible i have come to a royal decision we must catch big bad barry and have him with chips hey no we mustn't i don't want to lose another boat not bunty anyway there's no cheese on the boat i won't allow it barry can smell cheese a mile away even a mild cheddar good i've got some cheese in my picnic hamper we can use that ah geez on board quick get rid of it before it's too late what did you do that for i told you it's dangerous to have cheese on board luckily i also brought a nice stilton cheese we can tempt barry with no i refuse to help then we'll do it without you i'm taking charge hooray ah it's mutiny mutiny on the bunty we'll catch this barry and have him with chips ben take the wheel aye aye captain holly hold the net aye aye here barry berry barry come on barry where are you it's not working here barry come on boy uh if we're going to catch big bad barry let's do it properly yes you must do what i say as soon as i say it big bad barry is too big for that rod we'll use this one wow you wanted to meet big bad barry here's your chance excellent now we wait but not for long it's him it's big bad buddy what a fish we'll be eating him for weeks he's got the cheese start the engine cool we're not going anywhere yes we are bad barry is pulling us backwards hang on we've got him we got him i think he's got us daddy holly's right we should never have tried to catch bad barry he's too big he's too bad [Music] we have to let him go never aha he's given up i don't think so he's eating the lime ah then he can have it i give it sorry we tried to catch you barry no hard feelings eh he's eating burnty launch the lifeboat abandon ship women children and kings first oh bounty hello everyone the chips are ready where's the fish oh what's going on big bad barry is eating bunty yum yum yum oh dear do you think barry would like some chips with that i think he's full alas poor bunty i knew her well right what should we have for dinner then i think i'd like fish fingers [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle king thistle's birthday happy birthday happy birthday daddy what is it darling i don't want a birthday you don't want a birthday no why on earth not i don't like my birthday every year we make a big song and dance about the fact that i'm getting older but we always celebrate your birthday the elves hold a big party with music dancing and fireworks it's so much fun yes well today is going to be different no birthday party happy birthday your majesty here's your cake shush danny plum sorry there aren't enough candles there should be one for every year but we'd need stop going on about how old i am but darling you're only and no cake take it away no cake i've baked loads of cakes for the party i don't care no cakes and no birthday oh i suppose i'll just have to eat all the cakes myself why doesn't daddy want a birthday he doesn't like getting older who does i do oh well i'd better cancel the fireworks i can't wait for the king's birthday party me too we've got a really big firework to let off yes it's as big as a carrot and there'll be music dancing and cakes everyone loves king thistle's birthday party firework delivery for king thistle's birthday party oh ben there's not going to be a party no party king thistle has decided he doesn't like getting older who does i do so there won't be any fireworks now or music or dancing we'd better take this delivery back to the elf tree can i stay here with holly okay bye dad see you later if we could cheer king thistle up then maybe he'd want a party good idea ben i could do a magic spell to cheer the king up really will that work of course but how do you cheer people up with magic i'll show you abracadabra abracadup mate queen thistle or cheered up [Music] oh i see easy-peasy look how happy the queen is [Laughter] that was horrible i'm not sure about that you were very happy yes a little too happy maybe we won't use magic to cheer the king up perhaps we could shake king's thistle up another way how my dad always likes talking about when he was a boy does he so if we ask your dad about when he was young that might cheer him up good idea ben [Music] hello daddy hello holly hello ben dad um what was it like when you were a boy why would you want to know that we're interested yes i can't remember it was a long time ago you must remember something well oh yes when i was a boy were there dinosaurs dinosaurs yes dinosaurs with big pointy teeth no how old do you think i am what was it like before the telephone was invented did you live in a cave daddy no i didn't and that's quite enough questions about when i was young thank you but we're interested well i'm not now please leave me alone huh all right daddy seems more sad than ever yes now we'll never have a party what about if we ask the wise old alpha advice yes he's very wise and he's old he'll know what to do [Applause] hello holly hello ben hello have you heard king thistles not having a birthday party ah yes after all our hard work arranging everything and the elf band had composed a special song too listen old king sizzle is a very old king and he's one year older today old king thistle he's old and grey happy happy happy birthday that's very nice but daddy doesn't want to have his birthday because he thinks he's too old king thistles not old i've got t-shirts older than him really i'm sure the king just needs cheering up we've tried that it didn't work so i suppose there won't be a party after all no music no dancing no fireworks hmm the king likes surprises doesn't he yes we can give the king a surprise party but he doesn't want a birthday party ah but it won't be a birthday party there'll be music and dancing and fireworks and no one will say the word birthday gosh that's very clever it's brilliant come on ben we need to get ready for the party calling all elves we need to arrange the king's party [Music] hello daddy i've got something for you what's this open it and see i said no birthday cards it's not a birthday card this is just a card to say what a lovely daddy you are oh thank you harley and here's a present it's not a birthday present is it no king thistle are you sure sure a toy robot thank you ben i made it myself [Music] and here's your cake it's not a birthday cake is it absolutely not this is just an ordinary cake the taste is completely different oh good delicious cards presents cake and this is nothing to do with my birthday no well i suppose it's not really a birthday then as long as the elf band doesn't turn up [Music] there's one more surprise daddy oh i love surprises you have to close your eyes okay you can open your eyes now [Music] i said no birthday party it's not a birthday party darling it's just a surprise party oh well then i suppose happy birth i mean congratulations your majesty on being such an excellent king well done oh thank you and now for the giant firework it's as big as a carrot i love fireworks and now your majesty the elf band will sing a special song in your honor old king sizzle is a very old king and he's one year older today old king thistle is old and gray happy happy happy birthday uh of course the song isn't actually about you it's about a different king your majesty i came far away from here whose birthday it is today in that case it was a very nice song [Music] thank you holly [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle the wand factory oh strawberry isn't it a lovely morning yes nanny plum hi holly hi strawberry have you come to join us for one's practice no i came to see if holly wanted to play but now you could join us for wands practice uh but i don't know where my wand is you're holding it oh yes so i am come along you know how much fun wand practice is right now you can practice lifting rocks with magic up and down up and down up and down down up and down down very good keep it going up and down down up and down hi ollie hi strawberry do you want to play football we can't we have to do one practice aren't you supposed to be gentle with your ones it's okay ones are very strong you don't want to break them don't be silly they never break show him holly hit your wand on that rock okay [Music] oh dear holly strawberry how's wand practice going uh not very well holly's broken her wand how did that happen i was waving it very gently and she bashed it on a rock that wasn't very clever sorry nanny not to worry we'll just get it mended are you going to mend it with magic nanny oh no i can't mend it why not ones make magic but magic can't make ones it's like chickens and eggs chickens make eggs but eggs don't make chickens but eggs do make chickens whatever the important thing is i can't mend ones by magic so who can mend it the elves that made it else do elves make ones of course they do everyone knows that elves are very good at making ones and where [Music] don't use the ones holly they just make them good morning can i help you um i've broken my wand she bashed it on a rock one moment please [Music] [Applause] immediately ah princess holly what can i do for you holly's broken her wand she bashed it on a rock i see not to worry we'll just mend it follow me you will need these hard hats we'll be taking the train all aboard hold tight everyone we're going deep down how deep down level 500 the one factory it's the deepest level there is why is the wand factory so deep underground because ones are magic and elves don't like magic so we built the one factory as deep underground as possible oh my tummy now what's wrong with your one it broke itself she bashed it on a rock yes yes but we need to find out exactly what's wrong with your wand the x-ray shows it needs a new stick and a cog service [Music] this way this is the stick house where we grow wooden sticks for wands but there are loads of sticks just lying around in the middle ah but the stick for a wand must be specially grown and made from the right type of tree correct nanny plum the wood for my wand comes from a plum tree because i am nanny plum the wood for your wand holly should come from a tree exactly so strawberry what tree does your wand come from um it must come from a strawberry tree oh let's see how that feels hmm it's a bit big it just needs a little trim this stage of wand repair is a mixture of woodwork and gardening is my wand mended now i'm not yet princess holly we need to mend the head follow me [Music] this is the clockwork room [Music] [Applause] [Music] it all looks very complicated bending a wand head is a mixture of surgery and watchmaking ah the fidget fudge rotter whistle stick whistle stick hmm interesting [Music] that doesn't sound right very good [Applause] can we go home now not yet nanny plum holly's wand needs testing to the testing room the wand testing room it is the safest place to do magic in the kingdom why do you need a special room to do magic we don't want the magic leaking out and causing trouble where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun safe and sensible magic is what we do here what's he doing he's setting up the testing robot to do a magic spell what's that lemonade we're going to test the wand by turning the lemonade into something else is it going to turn into a golden coach or a monster with a hundred eyes and three legs wait and see [Music] the lemonade has turned into water why would you want to do that that's not magic it's very sensible magic it's rubbish magic well what would you turn it into how about this [Music] you did magic outside the test room oh it's a lemon i meant to turn it into a frog nani palam my one's not working right it's rattling oh i see what you mean that doesn't sound right when did you last have this wand serviced ten years ago one should be serviced once a year here try that [Music] yes that's much better nanny you turn the wise old elf into a frog so i did are you going to turn him back again oh i suppose i'll have to silly old elf back to yourself [Music] very good your wand seems to be working perfectly don't wait 10 years before getting it serviced again yes wise old al sorry thank you for mending my wand wise old elf you're welcome princess ollie it's good to have you back again wand i promise to take special care of you from now on yes don't bash it on a rock i won't
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 3,308,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben, ben and holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly little kingdom, ben and holly triple episode, ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben holly, ben holly little kingdom, cartoon, holly, holly and ben, little kingdom, nanny plum, princess holly, triple episode, ben and holly triple episode 37 to 39, tripple episode, birthday for a king, king thistle's birthday, birthday
Id: Er5iTaRal9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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