Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | That's Not Holly... | 1 Hour Episode Compilation

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] I'm afraid I've got some bad news watch that darling we've been invited to visit king and queen marigold this evening oh dear King and Queen Mary goat a boring and snooty they always make me feel like a country bumpkin so why are we visiting them because they invited us and I didn't know how to say no I'm good at that sort of thing leave it with me Queen marigold King yeah I'm terribly sorry but Queen thistle and I can't come tonight oh no we were say looking forward to seeing you yes sorry about that but tonight we're going to a music concert what kind of music elf music oh I don't believe I've heard of elf music oh yes it's rather good actually Oh King marigold and I love good music I know will you come to you oh oh everything all right darling there's good news and bad news what's the good news we're not visiting king and queen marigold so what's the bad news they're coming to see ours instead Oh No and they're expecting a concert of elf music what and Ivan tell them at elf music sounds good oh but the elf band sounds terrible they're the only elf music we've got they're an embarrassment they don't sound that the last time they played you said it was disgusting well maybe they've got better nanny summon the elf band yes your majesty [Music] the elf band at your service your majesty wise old elf we have some very important guests coming to visit King and Queen marigold are very boring and snooty and they want to hear some elf music have you been practicing no your majesty you told us to never ever play music again I see well you can play for us now oh it would be an honor your majesty one two three four [Music] interesting that was awful I thought it was good you might like it Holly but I'm sure king and queen marigold will not if I might make a suggestion Your Majesty what is it panty plum princess Holly could play her recorder for the guests yes nanny has been teaching me and Holly has been practicing what a charming little tune king and queen marigold would like that there is one problem you've promised elf music and Holly is not an elf I could magic some elf ears for Holly no Thank You nanny I know nanny can teach the elf band how to play Holly's tune that's that sorted see you later [Music] everybody on right home they've got funny names as well this is called a throttle Warbler and this is the blotto horn delightful they all sound silly ah that's because you don't have sensitive elf earring [Applause] princess Holly could you remind us what your tune sounded like please I don't suppose you la can read music well I haven't seen this particular piece before played that perfectly' perfect for you maybe but it's not elf music elf music has oompah oompah like this just remember you are playing for king and queen marigold and they are very snooty we like all power music but king and queen my regards don't quite so play Holly's tune please Holly do the elf band sound any better practice Oh - okay let's hear them play [Music] that's much better yes it's charming but I still don't think king and queen marigold will like it why mummy King and Queen Mary girls don't like country things and the instruments sound so a rock I can fix that how I'll just use magic to make the instruments sound more normal play me a tune mr. elf fantastic that sounds exactly the sort of music king and queen marigold would like problem solved [Music] king and queen marigold I delightful to see your little kingdom again Queen thistle it's always such a pleasure to experience your simple country life yeah we can't wait to hear some genuine elf music oh yes you must hear it Oh King thistle didn't tell me you were a conductor I take a special interest in the sound of this band [Applause] I must say this is not at all what I expected elf music the sound like they have been practicing very hard of these errors play well but the tool is a little herb bath and their instrument signed the head ordinary I assume death news it could be more folksy is that [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] farik's hiding full tribe king's castle have you ever considered teaching newzik well [Music] [Music] [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm been [Music] [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] what a lovely day for a royal ferry picnic nanny plum get the magic picnic basket ready I can't your majesty why not the magic picnic basket has disappeared you mean you lost it things don't just disappear Oh where's my chair gone I can't find my wand there one piano to deliver to the king then are you ready coming dad come on then we've got this piano to deliver to the little castle I don't want to be late that's right then elves are never late where's my yarn Ben you must look after your things a good elf never loses their things Oh where's my piano gone what's happening boy that's our TV why are the ants taking all our stuff I don't know an outrageous nanny pom do something okay [Music] probably to the queen ant queen ants is she pretty like mommy Oh does she have lovely dresses and a sparkly crown no the queen ant is a different sort of queen we're taking it down to the Queen and nanny I command you to have a word with this queen ant what word would that be your majesty ah tell her to stop taking our stuff I would Your Majesty but I can't speak and it's one of the more difficult insect languages along with centipede what we need is someone who can speak and good lady birds can speak and so Gaston can be your aunt translator down you go nany and I go to yes but stay close to nanny plum so she can keep you safe I'll go to to keep nanny plum safe and I'll go to to keep mr. elf safe yeah these tunnels could go very deep you know [Music] howdy-doo they go to the center of the earth I hope not my feet it's hard enough already this way it would be very easy to get lost in these tunnels it's a maze I hope they remember how to be don't worry I know how to get through mazes you take every first turning down and every third turning up and that gets you through any maze oh it's a dead end or is it every second turn to the left oh are we lost mr. elf what's that sound that's lucky they can show us where the Queen antes Gaston say take us to your leader what did they say Gaston says the ants will give us a lift cool [Music] this must be where the queen ant lives yes she's big isn't she hmm Gaston can you translate for us please greetings your aunt nurse I am nanny plum and I'm hi I'm a pretty fairy princess I'm mr. elf I'm mrs. elf and I'm Ben elf and you've got my horn and yes my one there's the Kings piano and our TV and my magic picnic basket Gaston asked if we can have our stuff back I think that means No why won't you let us have our stuff back nanny oh goodness knows what do you want all this stuff for she says it's for eating even though it tastes horrible why is she eating it if it tastes horrible this isn't food you know queen aunt says they used to collect food leftover from big people's picnics but the big people haven't had a picnic for ages well so the ants have to eat any old rubbish they can find that's not rubbish it's a fine musical instrument I'm delivering it to the king it's not good to eat musical instruments yes ban she's obviously very stupid don't translate that when I said you are very stupid I meant you are very clever she doesn't seem very pleased if you want food I can make some with my magic it make basket she likes sweet things what kind of sweet things Oh chilly oh I can do jelly careful nanny plum we don't want a jelly flood don't worry I know what I'm doing magic basket please jelly jelly but I love one more no problem careful nanny plum Oh mr. elf stop fussing jelly jelly a little bit more be healthy I just have to make a lot more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] daddy is showing us the way I can hear something what's that what are they shouting Jerry fat watts Jerry Furth [Music] and the ants have got all the jelly taken eight channels taken a bit about bashing I'm glad that's not my piano actually your majesty it is your piano I was just delivering it to you oh it's okay daddy it sounds lovely as long as we play tunes with high notes [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very [Music] Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom today's adventure starts at the meadow pilot hello hello nanny plum hi Barnaby hi Ben something very exciting is happening what my uncle red bird is returning from the sea today he's an elf pirates well a pirate we're going to meet him at the river do you want to come along Holly nanny plum can we go meet the elf pirates why not hi dad oh hello Barnaby he's on great pity [Music] my friends been unholy hello pleasure me hearties and I'm nanny plum a plum is a sweet fruit indeed the honor is all mine at Missy hello Fred I'm Nigel uncle what was it like being a pirate son to say it were a strange life for an elf long days staring at the sea looking for boats no one to keep me company except Polly oh yes me faithful parrot this is Polly she alone was my companion as we sailed through the endless waters the conversation must have been riveting were you an evil nasty bad pirate well no the thing is it's quite hard to be a pirate when you're as small as an elf all the other folks are so big so you didn't there any pirates see things a soul of course I did what would any self-respecting pirate be without treasure and here's me treasure map Wow now then somewhere on this map is the hidden treasure Little Kingdom all right but that's just a start my shipmates there'll be a big search with lots of clues there's no need for a big search and a lot of old fast I can magic you some treasure rides here Oh No that's cheating yes that's true nanny plum it's not as exciting all right just trying to save a bit of time there's an accent meadow is that where the treasure is there's only one way to find out tada wait we may need a strained pirate treasure is often buried in the ground [Music] we hard ease I'm red beard to the elf pirate and this is my friend Polly looking for hidden treasure Wow aha there's a riddle on the back of the map what does it say roses are large the sky's big mix them together and you'll know where to dig Oh hmm that's confusing roses are large and the sky is big but how do you mix them together it can't be done it's silly that's why it's a riddle me lovely it's a puzzle you have to solve roses are red and the sky is blue mix them together and you get purple it must be buried under the purple flower aha very good very clever come on Ben let's take for the treasure yes elves are very good at digging and dig dig dig dig Oh what's not it's another map that's right you can't just find the treasure with one clue why not that wouldn't be fun a little mermaid oh the X is marked on gasps Tom's K hello Gaston well we think there might be some pirate treasure in your cave ah I used to live here myself many moons ago probably before you were even born Gaston I like what you've done with the place Gaston mister what does the riddle say I little I'm easily spotted and where I lay you'll find the clue to show you the way easily spotted what's that Gaston has spots on his backhand Gaston's bed is way it's another map the X shows the little castle impossible I've dusted every nook and cranny of the little castle I would have found it maybe it's well hidden hey sweetheart [Music] hello everybody oh goodness me daddy we're searching for pirate treasure my uncle is red beard the elf pirates your Majesties a pirate Hey not a nasty pirate your majesty a good pirate for I am red beard the pirate well that's all right then so where's this treasure hmm up above the castle I point to the sky and hidden underneath me is where the clue lies well that's just nonsense I know the roof is above the castle and it points to the sky very clever your Majesties but that's ridiculous I've dusted on top of the roof a hundred times maybe it'd be under the roof I have an idea take a look under the roof nanny plum oh are you sure your majesty aye come on bit I meant take a look through the attic we're back where we started where is the treasure uncle what does the riddle say up and down and side-to-side it's inside this thing oh really hide down and it goes side to side yes time that's where the treasure is that's right you've worked it out here it is me hearties thanks for your help in finding me treasure but we're back where we started and the treasure was here all the time but didn't we have fun I certainly enjoyed it I suppose it was fun in a way fun is what it's all about when you're an elf pirate and I'm and now we must return to the distant waters Barnaby goodbye everyone hoist the mainsail pony weigh anchor scrub the decks let's get the ship under way when I grow up I want to be a pirate aha me too [Music] you'll be seeing me again don't forget the name red beard yell [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben princess Holly [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the Frog Pond for two days nature class we shall be studying the pond some creatures live on land like elves some creatures live in water like fish others live in water and on land like good Ben who can tell me what frogs like to eat ice cream for no princess Holly does anyone else know correct Barbie frogs eat flies would you like to see where frogs come from yes yes very well here we are frogs lay eggs called frog spawn they don't look like frogs Oh we'll have to wait a few days to see now who's going to look after our frog spawn really princess Holly yes please very well I'll help you take them home to the little castle [Music] da da dum dee da hello princess Holly how did your lesson go it was great we learned all about frog spawn and I've got some homework today that's very nice hello nanny plum where do you want the frogs for goodness me frog spawn you always said I should learn more about nature Manny yes but I didn't expect it to be in my kitchen it was great today mummy we learned all about France and I've got some homework to do that's nice darling good night good night mummy Oh where did those little fish come from these aren't fish Holly they're tadpoles hello tadpoles what are tadpoles nanny they're baby frogs they hatched from the frog spawn Wow I'm a bit of an expert on frogs by tomorrow they'll have changed again they start off as frog spawn and then I get little fishy tails and they're called tadpoles uh-oh you seem to know an awful lot about frogs mommy's teaching me all about them do you like frogs daddy of course as long as they keep to their pond and don't bother anyone they can be a bit slimy and disgusting daddy good night [Music] wow that's amazing yes Holly but it'll be even more amazing later whew [Music] I want to show you something what is it Holly come and see I can't see my tadpoles anymore tadpoles I must be invisible Maddie did you know honey oh dear I think the King has found them [Music] from such a little creature your tadpoles have turned into frogs princess Holly tadpoles frogs what an earth is going on daddy I did tell you I had some homework let's play another game mani say hello to my friends fluffy Tiddles Mopsy and Ben um hello goodnight Froggy's morning are you coming out to play Holi I'm a bit busy ban I'm playing with my frogs frogs this one's very good at running and jumping I've called him then Oh see you later okay do something about these throbs lady seems we getting bigger and noisier smaller touch they'll be quieter why me easy to fly shrink to half your size maybe knocks along in water [Music] daddy says frogs belong in water sorry let's magic the courtyard into a paddling pool hmm we won't be needing that door bye bye [Music] good now we can fill the courtyard with water daddy will be pleased that's odd where's the door gone it was there earlier no problem our magic it back did you do this yes Daddy you said the frogs needed water so I made them a paddling pool that's enough the frogs must go okay no daddy says I've got to save my frogs back to the pond but they won't bow hmm what we need is a clever plan to move them elves very good at clever plans and I'm an elf so what is your clever plan we'll play leapfrog you jump over my back and I'll jump over yours house is going to help [Music] [Music] well done there thank goodness they're not in the castle anymore but daddy I'll miss them don't worry princess Holly they'll come back to the castle one day frogs always return to the place where they hatched to lay their eggs somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm Ben [Music] [Music] and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the Elphaba house this way for the elf farm tour now children who can tell me where carrots come from carrots come from the elf um yes nanny plum does any child know where carrots come from very good hard hats on please and step this way now what animal gives us eggs a sheep no strawberry not a sheep a chicken yes Jake that's right so you see the elf farm gives us all the food we need what about milk milk comes from very big animals no not elephants milk comes from cows but we don't have any cows on the elf farm I want to see some cows no no no the big farm is far too dangerous for elves and fairies to visit really wise old elf you are making a fuss and what would a fairy know about animals fairies love animals don't we girls mmm especially fluffy little kittens hmm the big farm is full of big animals and big people with big feet I've been to the big farm and it was fine who wants to go righty-ho come along children mm yes today we'll be going to the big farm to learn about cows I'm not sure if the ladybird should come with us please wise old elf ooh very well as long as he behaves himself here we are the big farm what now remember everyone big people have very big feet never know where they're going to start with luck we won't meet any big people but if we do please keep calm no panicking wise old elf is that one of the big people toy bus me put us down it's okay it's Lucy she's just a little girl she's a very big little girl she's ginormous [Music] fairies I'll have you know I'm not a fairy I'm an elf hasn't got wings penny fly elves do not fly can you do magic spells elves don't do magic oh can you do elves do lots of things [Applause] [Music] one's away please there is a farm is no place for magic as you can see Lucy this is a rather bossy we see where the milk comes from yes we know and we know what chickens give us don't we children chickens are quite stupid creatures because they are so big yes sorry Lucy [Laughter] yes and who can tell me what sheep give us no no sheep give us wool means sheep are really very stupid indeed I'm sure the Sheep I'm taking them safe in that pen Gaston wants to have a go you're too little to round up sheep Gaston Wow what's that sound it's gone dark and who is Bessie now children what does the cow give us a big lick yes and what else well done but she hasn't brought any with her she has watch me I'll be very gentle and there you have it that's where milk comes from a cow another interesting thing about cows is they always sit down when it's going to rain Oh daddy plum that's just a silly fairy tale it's true cow sit down when it's going to rain yes yes what a superb example of a female bovine quadruped head I just felt a teeny drop of rain these are the cows udders only I could take it loose Endel oh dear it's raining and I haven't got my umbrella what about the wise old elf oh he's under a cow at least he's dry under there Lucy could you get busy to stand up I'm sorry cows never get up when it's raining daddy plum you may now use magic if you wish I didn't think you liked magic just get me out if you're sure I'm sure Africa go up you get cow now what was I saying the last thing you said was that's the sound you made when the cows sat on you Thank You strawberry oh no it's a thunder stone everyone back on the bar Lucy you'd better go indoors the site can't I have all the animals in the barn last rites could help it was about Messi and the chickens maybe I could try Magic Kingdom into the bar it's too wet for my work it's not bad it's [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben Ali [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] stay on da da dum da dee dee I'm going to visit my sister today will you be all right on your own yes mummy I'll be okay don't worry Queen thistle we'll be fine yes darling we'll all be fine you'll be fine but what about Daisy and poppy they need looking after Oh Daisy and poppy mommy when you're not here the twins are always so naughty yes they can be quite a handful fast about two tiny children just let them play but don't let them do any magic right yes and read them a story before they go to bed yes very well good bye everyone have fun so what are we going to do mommy's the only one who can handle the twins don't worry nanny we'll know what to do um I think I've got some important things to do in the kitchen nanny aren't you going to help us look after the twins I'm sure you Ben and King thistle can manage right we just need to keep the twins busy let's play a game with them it has to be something safe what about building blocks that car pellets who wrong okay watch daddy build a big Tower magic me a tower and make it big mommy said not to let the twins do magic oh don't worry Holly it's easy to make blocks little again little little you see Holly Daisy poppy give daddy your wands hey Wow they've made Kings this all really smooth Daisy poppy that wasn't funny or clever sighs I just need my wand maybe we should call nanny plum good idea da da doo da da da oh I wonder what they want typical they ring for me and then they wander off somewhere hey why are you so tiny honestly it's not hard to look after Daisy and poppy you just have to play with them but what Daisy like most is their baby now where is it where have you put your baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello mrs. elf speaking Oh Ben you sound different yes we need a bit of help please come quick right oh I wonder what the matter can be hello can you tell me where the big children are and we need a bit of help Your Majesty we do seem to have got ourselves in a bit of a pickle of course now now Daisy and poppy I'm sure you're not meant to fly so high in the side now girls put me down this instant [Music] hello mr. elf speaking we've got an emergency at the little castle bring the elves right halt calling all elves emergency at the little castle if there's a problem what do we say what are we the elves are here what's the emergency it's the twins is that you mrs. elf where are you mr. elf goodness me mrs. elf I thought you were invisible [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmmm it's very quiet in the castle I hope everything's all right hello my little ones mommy mommy my goodness you look tired have you been playing with Holly Ben and Daddy all day yes mummy what is daddy [Music] why are you so tiny Daisy and puppy have been a bit naughty [Music] I see and where is nanny plum I see but that didn't work out too well and where is your mum up here your majesty oh I'm afraid the twins have done something to all the other elves - what other elves where are they right and all this is Daisy and Poppy's doing yes okay let's put everything right again make this magic all undone good evening your majesty so are you telling me that I've gone away for just one day and the whole kingdom couldn't look after two little children yes we tried our best mummy but the twins really are a bit of a handful thinking about it they weren't that bad it was rather fun really oh yes I'm sure if you went away again Queen sizzle we'd manage just fine that's good because I'm going to visit my sister again next week [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 1,505,115
Rating: 4.3006849 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: HhDufsjmZKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 14sec (3854 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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