Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Pet Dragon! | Kids Videos

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[Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow [Music] [Music] Tommy being tickled Gaston is the best pet in the world ever okay girls playtime is over time for your magic lesson oh do we have to yes strawberry now who can show me some magic I can make an egg appear eggs can be quite tricky but have a go hmm it looks like you've magic Tupper tokens AG oh that's the King what does he want nanny plum I can't find my crown have you tried looking on your hat oh yes now where's my wand mommy oh I'll have to go Dragon's egg is hatching my dance is dragons dangerous and they breathe fire oh I'm scared let's run away oh it's so sweet yes Don be nice to the baby dragon ladybird what shall we call it how about cuddles no he should be called bang yeah fine I like snuggle bunny fire claw what's about Dave Dave the dragon yay Dave that's your new name dave has got really big paws Zak shows he'll grow much bigger what do you want Gaston oh all right that's the stick Wow aren't you clever day he wants his tummy tickled the best pet in the world ever [Music] where's Gaston gone oh I don't know oh well it doesn't matter we've got Dave [Music] princess Holly oh I've got to go now bye Holly the Dragons following you no day you have to go home now but where is his home you magicked him up I guess he hasn't got one never mind he can come home with me dee dee da dum dee dum dee dee hello you two baby dragon his name's Dave he's going to live here I'm sorry Holly there's no way the Kings going to let you keep a dragon look a baby dragon oh of course whyever not on second thoughts get that dragon out of here Oh Dave can live in my house I'm sure my parents won't mind good that's sorted come on Dave then are you sure your parents won't minds they'll be fine but maybe Dave should stay out of sight at first all right Dave stay good boy dad remember you said I could have a pet in my room one day yes maybe it is time you had a pet of your own something small to start with what about an aunt or a goldfish yes Oh what about dragon sorry pen we missed all whoo looks like everything is under control anyway back to your pet Ben what was it you wanted uh it was the dragon you can't have a dragon in your room he could burn the house down it's the most dangerous pet you could have in a tree a pal from woodworm it's okay everyone my son is taking the dragon away where can Dave live how about gaston's house yes it'll be nice for Gaston to have a friend to stay we've got a visitor for you he's sleeping in Gaston's bed he's making himself at home Oh Ben you don't think Gaston mind sharing his home do you know I think he's pleased to have a new friend Dave got bigger Oh professor gets him out of here while we still can [Music] I see the baby dragon is getting bigger yes mani and it's impossible to find anywhere for him to live he needs to go home but where is his home dragon land of course mind you it's a long long way away my dad can fly Saren the elf plane he'll be happy to take us what take a fire-breathing dragon an aeroplane never the dragons back get that dragon out of here alright then okay dragon ready for takeoff [Music] who's the dragon not breathing any fire is it guys not silly mr. L he knows not to do it in a plane everything okay back there ah yes dad don't do it again de nanny plum where is dragon land dragon land is advance on any marks it's the only place the Dragons can get some peace and quiet nowadays here we are dragon land I'll open the back of the plane get ready to chuck him out chuck him out dad he can fly can't he oh all right I'll land but we mustn't stay long [Music] it's so hot here and everything's burns yes Dave feels right at home marvelous huh let's get going then shall we nanny how big is a grown-up dragon think of the biggest thing that you can think of and it's bigger than that bigger than us much bigger bigger than an elephant yeah you're getting that Wow a grown-up dragon is ginormous right then home time we said goodbye today okay weakly goodbye days this is where you belong this is your home oh well don't worry guests done maybe Dave can come and visit you lovely well maybe we should be thinking about leaving can't we stay a bit longer No [Music] fast seatbelts I thought we go who looks like we got away with that one nice dragon could be fire now to retire nice dragon it's a bit warm in here let's open the door and get some fresh air well Gaston wants to play hey boy the snake Tom's the best bet in the world today's adventure starts at the little castle King thistle is not well I can't help it Holly I'm very ill you've just got a cold that's all no it's not just a cold it feels worse than that daddy's a bit grumpy that is always grumpy when he's ill why don't you use a little fairy magic to make me better darling you know fairy magic can kill everything except the common cold it's not a common cold it's something serious and it needs sorting all right I'll try a little magic Abra Cadabra [Music] now I'm sneezing and I've got a stuffed-up nose sorry but I told you magic wouldn't work perhaps you should see the elf doctor is that the elf doctor yes the king is ill sneezing under stuffed-up nose I know but he thinks it's serious thank you goodbye you rest in bed darling and wait for the doctor hmm the doctor is here that's just the wise old elf I'm not just to the wise old elf I'm also a qualified doctor oh I see well doctor I am NOT well I keep sneezing my toes is blocked up and by head aches I see could you open your mouth and stick your tongue out ah now look up look down and wiggle your feet hmm now flap your arms like a bird and whistle into the sea at last a thorough medical examination by a qualified doctor what you have is a case of acute viral nasopharyngitis aha you see it is something bad otherwise known as the common cold is that all no you're grumpy as well well doctor can you make me better let me see what I've got ah this should do the trick does it taste bad let's just say it doesn't taste good I'm not having it daddy we all have to have medicine interesting I wasn't expecting that well he does say cough mixture I know a recipe that can cure all kinds of cold whether they be common or not expanding hands it she ears parry teeth smelly noses bornus ah clear it is the common cold I just need to find the right ingredients can we help you in any plan of course Daddy plum what's in this medicine of yours oh just blackberry juice lemon and sugar and a few other things what other things do we need let's see a dew drop from a spider's web the slime from a slug and I knew e frog burp you'll never get daddy to drink perhaps oh no it would be most unfortunate if anyone were to drink this this is a potion for rubbing on his feet right first we need a dew drop on a spider's web look I do John stop Holly it's not a good idea to fly around madam spider why man the flutter of our fairy wings is like a fly and she likes to eat flies eat flies yes that's just what spiders do you like to eat ice cream spiders like sweet flies they have very smelly breath ah excuse me madam spider could we possibly collect a G drop from your lovely web here it is to make some medicine for the king madam spider says yes I'll get the Dew Drop nanny elves are very good at climbing and I'm an elf [Music] very good now we need the slime from a slug Holly perhaps you could do the asking this time you might have to shout a little though because slugs cannot hear very well why is that Manny because they have no ears can't we just take some slime from the ground you can't go around collecting someone else's slime without asking them first it's not polite hello mister slug louder my daddy the king isn't well we need some of your time to make his medicine can we collect some in this jar please I [Music] think that means yes thank you ever so much well done Holly let's check our list a dewdrop slug slime hey many plan last of all we need a frog burp hmm this could be tricky oh good morning mr. frog you just burp into this jar please and family hacks that's it we haven't got all day to make babies back here uh bar box okay I'll rub the frogs back now let's mix all the ingredients blackberry sugar lime finally frogburt [Music] and now the magic words sugar and spice glug glug glug burp of a frog lime of a slab that's going to taste horrible no bear remember it's a potion to rub on the field not to drink nobody would drink this oh my that is bad it tastes disgusting daddy you shouldn't have drunk it you should have rubbed it on your feet what I wonder what will happen now let's see what the book says blah blah blah oh dear what is it silly me it's not a recipe for cold medicine after all it's a cure for baldness but I must say your majesty long hair really does suit you nanny plum I think my cold is gone what you oh I seem to have caught the Kings cold oh poor nanny plum now I'm going to take personal charge of getting you better of course you can the more the merrier please that's not necessary your majesty oh but it is true [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 5,299,826
Rating: 3.7515385 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: fDK3qZGkzRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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