Animal shelter ! Elsa and Anna toddlers adopting a pet ? Barbie and Stacie work there

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[Music] now girls remember we're just here to look we're not getting any pets all right thank you for bringing us here because because we we have the cold and pets will always make us feel better hey isn't that stacy elsia anya is this your dog yes this is cookie well he's not exactly my dog we're just taking care of him he's so cute and i love your dress oh thank you i really love puppies and take a look at all our other dogs they were all rescued oh really there's so many you even have cats bunnies and hedgehogs burnt just dogs so many animals are you here to adopt a pet um we're not here to adopt a pet we're just here to look because we have the cold and pets always make us feel better yeah i noticed that you were talking kind of funny so do you want a tour oh yep of course of course all right so this is our new little house we built for the puppies to play in whoa you built this yep oh man look at the cute puppies this one's even in a car come on coco let's show the girls how you slide that's so cute aren't you a cute boy oh you can push this cute little dog ready look at this cute little paw go inside [Applause] and close whoa elsa it's like a whole puppy paradise inside here the dogs can actually go on this elevator whoa we can actually go up oh that's kind of cool something's tickling me why was you little guy lost you're so cute do you want to go up on the elevator oh i think you want to up you go here he comes whoa good job are you having fun with spot yep oh his name's spot because yes yep here she goes swings push yep i can tell she likes it yes yes i know you want seeds skye and i'm going to feed the other budgies too elsa anna nice to see you we haven't seen each other in like a very long time oh yeah long time no see hi barbie so what brings you here to our animal shelter elsie and anya they just want to look around at the pets oh yeah kids always love to do that all right let's go back to the budgie tree wait a budgie tree yeah you want to see it let's go anna whoa that's so cute look at them just happily chirping over there and there are even some down there oh that one's taking a bath all right it's feeding time feeding time all right skye you can go back into the tree all right honey so have you chosen what animal you'd like a rabbit or a cat i'm gonna pick a cat can i can i adopt a cat yeah sure i don't really want this one because it's gray and it's such a plain dark color so i think i want but it could be fun and loving true but i don't like the colors so can i get this one that's rude she doesn't like the gray cat just to be because of its color all right if you say so but is it friendly let me see when i pet her she's not biting me i'm not sure if that's a if that's a good sound or bad because i never had a cat before oh i hear her purring i think she actually likes me all right so are you happy with this choice do you want to take her yeah oh i think she's hissing at me maybe she doesn't like us but i want this cat are you sure about that but it was hissing at us the gray one wasn't let me see about the gray one come here she's actually kind she's just meowing [Music] i would take it but i don't like its color i want to take this one all right if you say so excuse me uh we have a pet we would like to adopt okay i will be right there with you i have a new pet cat hmm i want to leave her lemony birdseed's coming to you little birdies look the parakeet is coming out of the bath to eat oh that's so cute look more birds are flying down to come eat [Music] oh look how many birds are eating oh they're so cute well i think one little bowl is not enough i should bring more yeah whoa feeding time is a fun time look at them they're all fighting they're not fighting anything they're just trying to eat as much as they can that bird looks like mango bird lego it's not mango he's at home yeah but what if it is what if he flew over here these birds are for sale anya it's not mango elsia look a hamster oh whoa look you'll see how he is actually running on the wheel whoa that's cool can i pet him oh i guess he's shy oh anya maybe you can pet a hedgehog oh no no you can't touch them they're spicy spicy i'm i mean spiky see they have spikes look closely you mean those white things yeah let me see [Music] ouch ouch so who was right uh you he told you told you but he's still cute too girls i think it's best if you don't pet every animal you see and look also the budgies finished eating not a seed is left there whoa they were very hungry these bunnies look like the ones we had as our class pets last year remember anya oh yeah and i think benjamin named this one rufus yeah oh yeah that's a funny name there's baby bunnies they're so cute and they're eating some lettuce elsia anya come i'm gonna show you something cool here i'll be first i'll be first yes so i wanted to show you this cool insect tree that we have whoa they're live insects yep whoa we just keep this tree here so we can make the air fresh in here wait a second is that a real beetle oh yes that's a real beetle but it's not dangerous don't worry benjamin would love that one yeah he loves who's benjamin it's a boy in our class and he loves bugs yeah well he should come here sometime so what what bug is your favorite i like the butterfly i like the bee because it gives us honey and there's even one up there that's called a beehive oh cool and what's that like brown egg in the middle of the tree this that's a cocoon a caterpillar was on this tree before and then it went inside a cocoon so it's gonna turn into a butterfly yeah but we don't know when it went there a few days ago wait a second what is that it's opening it's opening now could it come out whoa whoa wait oh on your butterfly yes it finally turned into a butterfly wow that's so cool well now i just realized i forgot to show you the most fun part come over here okay this is the playing area so how would you like to play with cat toys here with the cats whoa we'd love to yeah how do we bring them here do we just say meow oh no no no we use the special cat toy when this comes out they're gonna come here in seconds watch okay look see they're already here they're coming and then they just try to fight on whoever catches it and you can bring it up and then bring it down up and down who wants to try it come on catch it come on little kitty oh no you don't oh here it is and then you go round right now don't test be a good kitty good girl look at that the gray cat is so playful it's kind of sad that that girl didn't get this one yeah look at how high she can jump come on kitties come on kitties [Music] you're so cute let's play tug of work no little kitty i won oh no she's coming oh you're so cute i actually like the color of her fur hmm is there a cat fur on my back i feel something tickling it's probably just cat fur elsia yeah um there's a spider on your back come on anya it's not a spider elsia i'm knocking there's a spider on your back what what no no no what do i do mommy help help help spider spider what happened no no spider spiders spiders please get it off wait let me see oh that's not a spider what is it that's a stick bug a stick bug yep it kind of looks like a spider but it also looks like sticks that's why it's called a stick yeah it does so it's not a spider else yeah don't worry oh okay i can camouflage your sticks right yep it just probably like the color of your dress nothing to worry about oh i think it escaped better bring it back did it come from the bug tree yeah we need to bring it back whoa you're not scared to hold it nope because it doesn't do anything to you oh okay oh of you so i didn't touch a spider okay that's good there you go back on the tree where you belong you were afraid of a stick bug but you were afraid of it at first too you were afraid more yeah right tanya scaredy cat scaredy cat oh look there's also some cats here mommy i really like this a kitty over here she is so nice oh she is yeah she pets her oh she's so soft i wish we could adopt all of the pets here yeah that would be nice but we can't because then our house will be like a zoo yeah and we'll hear tons of animal noises if we adopt all the animals this is what you will hear me yup you'll hear that all day long i'm sure stacy wouldn't mind if i give the puppies a treat look at this big boat puppies i have a treat oops i think they all noticed oh i didn't think so many dogs would come no i think they all want the treat elsia the dogs are scaring the cats [Music] elsia go somewhere else so they don't see the bone anymore okay what about here elsia they're still coming they're still coming oh no i'll go this way i'll go this way over here over here where should i hide or should i hide what they're still coming mommy they're never gonna stop following me elsia you have to drop the bone that's what they want not you are you sure um well maybe if i go up here it's safe over here they can't reach me what else yeah look it's coming after you what no no no another one is here oh no no no no what do i do drop fine i'm pretty sure it's not gonna work but whatever and look at them they really wanted to eat it oh they're not coming oh so it was the bone thanks mommy of course elsia that's why they were even following you they saw you with the bone and they know it's treat time [Music] what is that a dog a dog oh it's the gray kitty did you miss me oh you're so cute it's so fluffy girls i think it's time to go now i think we looked at every single animal but mommy i want to keep playing with this cute kitty me too oh come on girls but you know we were just here to look we're not adopting anything and yep it's nice you had a good time playing with the cat but now it's time to go but aunt anna what if it's a really small one like a cockroach can we adopt that ew well see i know it's gonna crawl all over the house we're not adopting bugs why not benjamin would do it and we can name it crawly i used to be afraid of the stick bug but now i think it's cool so can we adopt that it's not a cockroach oh come on elsia don't be silly we're not getting bugs and i don't even think those are for adopting i don't know why i just love every pet and i want to adopt them all well since we're here i just remembered we need to buy some more seeds for mango and more dog food for tracy i'll go there and then we leave all right well i guess we have to say goodbye bye little kitty [Music] oh she's still coming to me she really likes me mommy she really misses me i can't let her go anya come on it's time to go but mommy look at her my heart is broken she'll be sad without me anya you have to understand lots of animals will be cute you can't adopt them all but it's not every animal is just one and i can tell that she's a special cat i just can't let her go but it's true she actually got attached to us mommy elsie i'm scared what are they talking about over there i don't know i think they're just trying to find another reason why we shouldn't get her yeah she's just so cute girls girls we have something to say yeah yeah i know we won't get the cat kitty let's just go home wait before we go yes let's make a deal if if we do good in school yeah and also if and if we eat all of our food correct and and if we listen to you only in that case we decided to go over our rule and adopt the cat wait wait what did you just say really really really really yes really but plus we're not just gonna come anytime soon again to the pet store and get attached to cats and dogs in any animal okay we're just gonna come get food next time yes yes yes yes pet cat we'll do anything for the kitty guess yeah i can't believe this is happening me neither yes but do we have this deal yes deal deal deal and i already know which bed i want this on this one and i want this unicorn blanket for her so she can be cozy at night oh and now i need to find a cat bowl for her i'll pick it i want this one purple nice and cute and she also needs a little toy this cute fish chew toy and cat food she'll love this flavor do you like all your new stuff you're gonna be our cat i can't believe it what should i name you oh i like the name smokey that's actually a cute name [Music] i think she likes it okay girl so we just did the paperwork with stacy and barbie and we're good to go let's introduce her to our home can i hold her to the car yeah if you can you know i'll get the best there's smokey yep can't wait to play with her thanks barbie thanks stacy thanks for adopting the cat hope you have fun with her bye stacy it was fun seeing you again i love you little smokey you're so cute you're my new pet cat for more videos go to our channel and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 61,987,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, animal, shelter, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, barbie, dog, cat, pet, bird, parakeet, budgie, budgerigar, adopt, food, feeding
Id: r4qIaIAv7Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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