Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Full Episode 🌟Holly's New Wand | Cartoons for Kids

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today's adventure starts at the meadow wants to play the steak okay magic up a stick and dry umbrella do one whoops it sounds like your ones got a cold no it's because she got all wet I'd better call the wand doctor hello is that the wand doctor yes we've got a sick wand thank you goodbye the doctor says you have to put one day to bed and he'll be right over the once doctor is here hello but that's just the wise old owl I'll have you know I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a fully qualified one doctor oh we elves make the ones remember yes why is that you hate magic we make ones but we don't use them magic always leads to trouble now where is my patient here that's loud turn out please as I thought a comb I suggest plenty of rest the wand needs to stay in bed and keep nice and warm will 1d be able to do magic oh no no no there'll be no waving wand around for a while Oh what shall I do without a wand funny you should ask I've been working on a brand new wand maybe you'd like to try it out wow it's been top secret until now I call it the wise wand 3000 even I didn't know about it gosh thanks wise old elf it's so pretty and it talks incredible amazing that's not all this wand has a very special feature no other wand has what special feature oh you'll find out soon enough I have to say ones don't get any better than this what did he mean by that what does he ever mean I always lose interest halfway through I can't wait to do some magic with my Wise Ones 3000 well you will have to wait till tomorrow because it's nearly bedtime bye ollie bye Ben bye guests don't see tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] morning daddy morning Holly the new wand how is it it's amazing good news princess Holly 1d is better the ones doctor was right she just needed a bit of rest oh that's nice so you can take that new ones back to the wise old elf if you like I think I might like to keep it for a bit I haven't even tried doing magic with it yet oh well what should we do with this um I don't really need it anymore can you put it with my baby toys okay oh wow there you go Holly's got a new ones now [Music] yes it's called the wise one 3000 Wow yes it's very very new and top secrets oh let's play a game yes what shall we play let's say princesses knights and nor sea witches yes I'll be the princess because I am a princess and I'll be the brave knight okay Wow Rio over and I'll be the naughty waste what do we do now the brave knight has to rescue the princess from a tower roof tower Wow how am I going to rescue you from that in the stories the princess grows her hair really long and the night kinds opens oh yes climbing up hair oh we can easily get down not if I put bars on the window that's my mom I've got to go bye ok bye Fleur how are we going to get down don't worry I've got my wise one 3000 okay let's get out of here oh it didn't work it's not doing anything what happens the last time you used it nothing I haven't done any magic with it yet [Music] useless I wish I had my old one it's Gaston Gaston could fetch hell yes Gaston darling one day you're in a hurry today to be a very special wand but it doesn't do anything maybe it's broken it doesn't look broken that's it's actually a bit annoying yes my old ones never talked it just [Music] oh one day I'm so glad to see you now let's get down for this tower yes indeed [Music] I think I'll use my old wound from now on ah princess Holly how are you getting on with a wise wand 3000 it's broken is it it looks perfectly fine to me but it doesn't do magic yes that's the special feature I was talking about no magic wands that doesn't do magic correct you see magic always leads to trouble and also that's the one that doesn't do magic is not a wand it's just a stick so you're saying that the wise one 3000 is good for absolutely nothing yes yes I know one thing it's good for yes hey Gaston Cystic and I love you one day you're my best friend [Music] today's adventure starts at the great elf dream [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hi Ben hi Holly I've got a new toy what is it it's a telescope you can see things that are really far away Wow can I have a guy okay I can't see anything try twisting it a bit it still doesn't work it's a joke telescope it gives you a black ring around your eyes it makes you look really silly look today is elf joke day what's elf joke day it's a special day when all the elves play jokes on each other hey that sounds fun it is fun would you like one of my tree sweets yes please sorry here have this flower no thanks I've had enough of your silly jokes it's okay Holly it won't jump out or make your face dirty promise I promise that's my flower it's not princess Holly is this your doing it was Ben's fault he was playing jokes on me never use magic in anger it can be very dangerous sorry many play Holly put Ben down sorry phew that's better now what's all this about jokes Ben itself joke day I love jokes I don't sing they're very funny you should learn to have a sense of humor Holly come on Holly let's have some fun yes today's lesson can be how to have fun off you go it's only a toy spider dad gets it out every year oh happy elf joke day mr. elf I'm terribly sorry princess Holly I hope we didn't startle you it's okay it's funny are you having a merry elf she loves jokes who I didn't know nanny plum like such things yes nanny's got a really good sense of humor really then maybe we should go and show her some jokes to the elf struck [Music] princess Holly a joke should be a surprise it'll be fun I'm really busy who can that be hello what do you want hello what do you want what what why are you copying everything I say why are you copying everything I say I haven't got time for this I haven't got time for this silly old fool fool I don't think nanny found that funny I thought you said she liked jokes she does let's try another one very well this is my favorite it's a little toy mouse like this one it's funny [Music] Ready Steady dee da da da doo da dee da da da la la da da [Music] what was that laughing let's go and join in the fun happy elf joke day that was not funny wise old elf I'm terribly sorry nanny plum may I say how lovely you are looking today what is this another silly joke no oh you are so pretty may I take your photograph yeah well I suppose so oh you are most guy see jeez [Music] its smelly elf jeez it's really smell yes it's top-quality smelly elf cheese that was not funny at all mister old Alf oh yes it was I'm going to turn you into a snail nanny you said never use magic in anger I'm not angry now where's my wand it was just a joke yes and here's another joke oh now naughty nanny you said never use magic when you're angry yes happy elf joke day wise old snail hahaha what's that snail doing here the wise old elf play jokes on any palm and she got angry and did a spell on him the wise old elf was just having fun don't you have a sense of humor nanny plum yes your majesty nanny plum why did you turn him into a snail um it was meant to be a funny joke and was it funny no your majesty he doesn't look very happy I'm not surprised turn him back into the wise old elf peas nanny plum very well your majesty silly old girl that's yourself Your Majesty thank you so much we are help oh that's all right I must say you are looking most handsome today Your Majesty may I take your photograph of course um Your Majesty not now nanny plum I'm having my picture taken say cheese jeez I god help playing jokes it's elf joke day and I meant most amusing happy elf joke day today's adventure starts at the little castle oh good they've gone quiet quiet isn't good it means they're up to something you better go up and see yes your majesty Daisy [Music] hello none is taking a long time should we have a look you know what the twins are like naughty very naughty I didn't know the twins had a nanny plum doll hmm they don't I think that is nanny plum that's right it sees me can you please turn me back poor nanny oh thank you not all this noise again couldn't you be a dummy for a while just to keep them quiet no way I have a lot of work to get on with is the washing in the peace and quiet carry on Danny what's am I going to do I won't get any work done if I stay like this don't worry nanny I can turn you back oh thanks Holly I know the elves could make a nanny plum doll elves are good at making things can you make any plum doll it's for the twins well now what does this doll look like it looks like that oh I see Davey yes I think we can make a copy of this come along please if I press your tummy will you sing a song don't you even think of pressing my tummy you are indeed you are indeed so pony don't copy me we'll use this copying machine this is how it works if we take this tennis ball and put it right here an exact copy now for dolly plumb Thank You nanny you just have no you majesty what's that sound like me it does a bit Manny don't leave now it's a perfect copy yes and now that we've copied nanny we can make as many as we want let's take someone just to keep the twins happy I quite agree one nanny plum is quite enough fine now will someone please magic me back again ok nanny oh that's better now I can get on with my work they wanted on EE we'd only make one one more wouldn't hurt just to keep the twins happy where did you get her she's really funny can I have one me too me too ooh what only supposed to make one and I've already made two well I suppose it's alright to make a few more Oh what's this whatever these are rather good are we making them they're just a one-off of ten but they seem to be rather popular indeed perhaps we should make more careful with that Daisy it's the only dolly of its kind in the world it seems that they were two of them I'm going to have a word with that wise old elf ah nanny plum don't you nanny plum me I said make only one tawny and you've made - yes sorry in any plum yes well don't let it happen again [Music] thousands actually but they are very popular let me show you one in its gift box box from Daisy papi don't you even think about me papi here we are Oh where's nanny gone Oh have you fallen off the production line [Music] she was here but she seems to have vanished hey did you magic nanny into a Donny again no nanny must be in one of these boxes but there are thousands of them how are we going to find her we'll have to open up everyone we'd better get started - nice friendly Thank You wise old elf - polite no new you're a dolly no yes you are I know you're just a very clever doll I know I made you okay smarty-pants by just a doll I won't be able to do much it would I of course not Dolly's can't do magic Holly one please I'm going to turn you into a slug ah just you try okay you are nanny plum oh that's better Danny can you turn me back to please okay silly old Oh back to yourself you promised you'd only make one doll and you've made thousands but nanny it's an honor to have a toy that looks like you oh is it well let's see how you like it I'm a grumpy old elf very amusing if you're quite finished nearly [Applause] [Music] now I'm finished oh dear how undignified what are we going to do with all these well Daisy and poppy like them look you know I think fairies a rather last year this year elf dollies will be the thing I old and wise between eyes hmm you are a handsome little fellow I can see why the children like you and you've got yeah Suzanne now yes thousands else like to King their horns and we are Oh No cover your ears [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow [Music] what's the little kingdom there isn't house live now Lucy we've talked about this fairies and elves don't exist daddy yes darling you've met them yourself oh it's a charming idea and I've joined in the game before but let's not be silly that's like saying talking animals exists talking animal it's me Ben elf oh hello Ben why are you a rabbit Holly magicked me into one by accident was that a talking animal [Music] have you seen a talking rabbit anywhere yes he was here just now Here I am naughty bad when we magic you into things you shouldn't run away can you change me back of cool you that's better now let's play a sensible game let's play catch I wish I could playing your games but I'm too big no problem I can just shrink you down you're one of the little people now Lucy no I need to tell them or you'll be big again tomorrow [Music] well he know you can do all the things we do right on Gaston okay hold on taze felis push forward to start [Music] of course would you like to see inside the great elf tree or the little castle or come to my house where his soul house story me and violet live in a fairy village to live inside mushrooms for the big people catfishing Ram no one needs titles yes there is it's a magic door you have to tap three times and spin around Daddy my dad's the fairy mare yes and you're here just in time for the meeting what meeting as your mayor I have called an emergency meeting because there are big people in the middle two grown-ups one little go and a dork having a picnic now as you all know the big people are dangerous oil say they stepped on my granddad and they ate my house so we must be very careful and if anyone sees any big people I've seen a big person what where who me I'm a big person don't like me don't worry Lacey it's not your fault you're a big person you're a little person now anyway Lucy is our friend yes look at her feet they're far too small to step on anyone yes she does seem a bit small for a big person Holy Smoke me down oh I see but Lucy's our friends whether she is big or small in that case we are forgetting our manners Lucy would you like to join us for lunch as our special guest lunch sorry I just remembered I'm having a picnic with mum and dad we'll take you back come on it's true darling there really are elves and fairies and talking rabbits well that's a new one on me but obviously there are no I can't believe it we must have imagined it all oh that's nice isn't it darling hmm don't worry she won't be little forever just until the morning I know you could stay for a sleepover tonight oh of course there's lots of room in the little castle I think that would be fine have a nice time hmm talking rabbits elves fairies shrunken daughter come on darling let's get you home [Music] Lucy who's Lucy you know Lucy do hi she's normally a bit bigger Oh Lucy the big person hello normally a lot bigger I'd say I shrank her down Lucy's come to join us for a sleepover well what will happen when she grows big in the morning the castle will explode don't worry we'll make sure Lucy is out of the castle before the morning all right then and Gaston and Rex can sleep in the kitchen yes you have to have a midnight feast at a sleepover it's the law [Music] gosh I'm tired me too ma oh is it midnight yet no midnight is still hours away but I'm so sleepy oh we've got to stay up until midnight or it's not a real midnight feast [Music] dum dee dum dee doo dee doo dee dee oh my goodness rag what you doing here it's moaning you could grow big again any second Oh what's all the noise about you woke us up only where's Lucy Shh she's still asleep what my girl gets run from the castle [Music] Oh too late go that's a funny way to wake up Lucy are you all right I'm fine thank you morning all is Lucy around yes I just wanted to say sorry about smashing our houses and stepping on us that's quite all right I couldn't have been stepped on by a person there you are hi Lucy did you have a nice time it was the best [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle time to go home no Holly it's your bedtime is it your bedtime to nanny plum goodness me no I have to work all night you have to work all night I'm a tooth fairy your taste yes when a child loses a baby tooth they put it under the pillow before going to sleep then I take it away and leave a coin in its place Wow when your tooth falls out for whom do you shout the tooth fairy fighting I have to collect a little girl's tooth tonight can we can we me hmm only if you're very quiet we mustn't wake the little girl up we can be quiet can't we been hell's very good at being quiet and I'm an elf hush dear me this is why there are no mm Li tooth fairies it's very late to be making so much noise shouldn't you be getting home then we want to see nanny be the tooth fairy but you've got school tomorrow Holi it's the school holidays but it's very dark outside princess Holly could do with some night flying practice but being a tooth fairy can be very dangerous work will be very careful but please can we go okay as long as you stay close to nanny there are lots of things you need to be careful of when you're flying at night like cobwebs for instance good evening madam spider sorry for damaging your web but the young very experienced at night flying well done honey you found the little girl's house and that's the little girl she doesn't look very little Wow look at that big girl shush she's also got big ears to hear us wings so be very quiet follow me [Music] she's very freaky too close princess Holly beats your wings as I said we must be very careful this is the tricky bit I have to get the tooth from under the pillow without waking the little girl [Music] gently pillow oh wow very tease right [Music] stock one two three four oh thanks Ben that's what I call a big baby tooth what about the coin nanny here it is no no what's wrong yeah the little girls witness and letter what a nuisance I love getting letters but the children always want to reply now we'll have to come back again can I read it do you fairy what is it like to live in fairy land fairy land that makes it sound like some silly make-believe place did she ask about elves and nye then maybe there wasn't enough room on paper but she does say enough on Lucy that's a lovely name Josh remember princess Tommy we mustn't wake her nanny what happens to the teeth now we'll give it to the old they take care of the rest this way hopefully that we know one there then we can just leave our tooth and go good evening and I help you hello tooth delivery have you filled in your tooth report yes there appeared to be some details missing where was the tooth found under the pillow under the pillow dear me you haven't even put the little girl's name we know that her name is Lucy Lucy and she's written oscillator aa a letter they'll have to be a reply before morning it's very nice in the Little Kingdom there are lots of fairies and elves okay band and there are lots of elves too enough princess Holly and burnell's and then he'll kiss kiss kiss now we've got to take it back we'll have to be quick it's all those morning [Music] someone's coming eyes under the bed that must be Lucy's mummy the window shut how will we get out this is elf WA elves are good on opening windows and I am an L stop you're right Lucy sorry hmm I think the guys need more than one L I'll ring for more elves Oh where can I get a signal on my phone [Music] you're not supposed to see us who are you I'm Holly I'm a fairy princess a real fairy princess with wings under one and everything yes and this is Ben he's an elf hi Holly hi Ben oh I wrote you a letter thank you oh it's terrible signal wise old elf nanny plum don't you know what time it is I didn't call to RC the time we're in a big house and the windows closed I need some elves to rescue us I see how many else do you need oh um we came in through the window but now it's shot thanks Lucy it was nice meeting you Lucy but we weren't host away here it's okay I'll pretend to be asleep bye-bye hmm I see you wait the little girl up we didn't mean to me oh it's okay they always wake up now where's this window that needs opening you just came through it that's an open window yes we've done it ourselves does it need you anymore sorry sorry you just dragged every elf in the kingdom from their beds shush can you be quiet of course I can elves are very good at being quiet this is why elves can't be tooth fairies you're too noisy you're a Lucy we heard a noise it's okay she's asleep [Music] can we have a little bit too tired to fly today's adventure starts at the little Kozma spring time yes Holly it's the first day of spring Wow outside our window all the daffodils have come oh I love springtime [Music] I'll be right down have you seen all the flowers yes and oh it's coming little Hedgehog Gaston's fastened him he's rolled up into a pool sorry mr. Hedgehog Oh a hedgehog he's woken up for the spring woken up yes some creatures sleep all through the winter don't may get very hungry they make sure they have a big meal before going to sleep do 9 sleep through the winter - yes and when they wake up they're very hungry ah what's for breakfast mr. gnome wouldn't you like to sleep a bit more Hey what do you mean ah maybe it's not springtime yet we could still get some snow a nanny plan oh stop it it could snow at any moment couldn't it oh I don't think so it could snow if magic was used oh you want me to magic some snow so he'll think it's still winter why didn't you say so oh dear me it's snowing point me to go back to sleep sign on over here it's sunny and there's flowers you try to trick me ha ha ha I like a good joke shame I don't know any I've had some funny dreams though would you like to hear them no thank you yes there's nothing so boring as other people's dreams anyway I dreamt I was in this row boat and the oars were made of cheese then a lot of pigeons wearing pajamas started chasing me how interesting oh there's lots more to tell but first I need food I know where I mean hello mr. no this looks like a noise comfy house I wouldn't mind living here uh you can't live here I like a man who speaks his mind we'll have some good shots while I'm living here mr. gnome we'd really love to have you stay but the front door is too small for you well if you really want me to stay I'll try my best nearly there just my bottom to go I know everyone [Music] I'll just move this little stair kite what's for dessert mr. gnome you rather live somewhere with other gnomes Oh No gnomes don't like other gnomes gnomes tell very boring stories you never get to gnomes living within a hundred miles of each other hello nanny plum you must come back to the little castle at once sorry King thistle but we're having a problem with a know what but I've got a gnome at the castle toast no need to panic what do you mean you heard what the gnome said gnomes don't like other gnomes we just have to get them together when they see each other they'll run a mile problem solved we arrange for both gnomes to meet each other at big hill you seem to be empty food have you tried the breakfast tree on big hill breakfast tray never heard of it oh it's amazing isn't it nanny plum Oh what did you notice me for yes over on big hill there's a tree that grows sausages and eggs and bacon is that I've never seen it oh you don't even know you're doing it nanny he wants you to magic one Oh II see you want me to magic up a breakfast tray okay then [Music] hmm oh you couldn't smell breakfast from here three with eggs Vikon sausages and toast the most beautiful thing I've ever seen look they're about to meet and run a hundred miles from each other huh but Nome why you doing here I could ask you the same question go on then what are you doing here boy no breakfast would you like to know why No Oh take that as a yes it's because are you like Freud eggs and sausages and bacon and pancakes and well if you didn't talk so much you could do some eating right I'm going a hundred miles away from you I'm going a thousand miles away from you it worked they've both left the Little Kingdom what a brilliant plan well done nanny plum Thank You King thistle and it was my idea your majesty it wasn't I thought of getting them together I got the breakfast tray let's just say elf cleverness and fairy magic has saved the day she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me not she loves me we thought you'd gone far away oh it's royde but I just can't get her out of my head that lady gnomes beautiful isn't she do you like the way her eyes sort of sparkle for pity's sake can't we talk about something okay then don't you think she has pretty ears oh this is terrible he's in love with her that spring time for you he's a fine figure of a know Minnie oh yes that's Nikko a noise big tummy if you say so oh you've made up a song about him would you like to hear it No Oh take that as a yes oh look I think he's coming Oh is he I'm joy look he's my hat on straight oh it's you I thought you'd gone yes well boy just that is to say I that's the first time I've seen a gnome lost for words would you like to hear a song I've written yes for you take that as a yes oh my loyalty gnome eyes lot so lovely air and lots of fruity eyes blimey you're so fair know it I'm Gloria friends now Gloria will you be my own lady now and live with me forever in the Little Kingdom yes I will come my dear I'll show you your new house here we are this is where we'll be living Oh whose idea was it to get them together nanny plum your majesty it wasn't it was your idea well you made the breakfast tree you tell me to stop stop what are we going to do about it we can have a big wedding hello again I'm afraid we have some bad news what is it now we've had a look at the elf tree and Gloria feels it's a bit tiny I'm sorry we didn't design our elf tree for gnomes - living nice of you to apologize but it's still too small and your castle isn't really tore out taste to old-fashioned old-fashioned I'm drafty so I'm afraid we'll have to find somewhere else oh well goodbye it's a shame we won't see you ever again oh don't worry we'll be back for our holidays [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 31,981,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: rVPfDswevhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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