Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Perilous Pies | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts at the great elf tree holy where are you all going it's harvest day can we today's the day we pick all our fruit on the farm to make fruit pies and tonight we have a harvest it's harvest time to the strawberry patch everyone it's been a good year the strawberries yes we've grown loads of them here we are the strawberry patch oh but where are all the strawberries they're gone all eaten but that's crazy incredible there were lots of strawberries here yesterday what could have eaten them I don't know I've never seen anything like it there's still the apples to the orchard mr. elf [Music] right pick the apples but there are no apples what it's impossible there were loads of apples here yesterday something very odd is going on no strawberries no apples what's eating them all it could be locusts yes stories tell of insects called locusts who arrive in their Millions swarming all over the fruit and eat it all up in seconds they eat and eat and eat and eat thank you mrs. elf we get the idea but locusts don't wear size 10 shoes what is it it's a footprint our fruit hasn't been eaten by a swarm of locusts this is the work of a swarm of gnomes how many know does it take to make a swarm just the one gnomes have a huge appetite they can't stop themselves eating if they see food they eat it that's right they eat and eat yes yes mrs. elf so does it mean no be no fruit harvest and no dancing yes no because there's always blackberries they grow in the wild mmm blackberries but we have to get to the blackberries before the gnome does well they used to say to scare off a gnome bring an orange from home yes we tried that once he ate the orange yes nose like all fruit the only thing they like more than fruit is pie thank goodness no time to waste begin the harvest everyone right picking blackberries is one of the most dangerous jobs for an elf why because elves are quite small and blackberry bushes are covered in big thorns and the best berries are very high up let me help that's tasty Oh No nice to see you well it's not nice to see you oh that's a shame normally I'm very popular are you uh no everyone hates me well I'm not surprised you've beaten our strawberries and our apples and now you're eating our blackberries - oh dear I'm terribly sorry oh we didn't realize they were your hmm dee-licious stop it stop it stop eating everything I can help it sorry he's really good at picking blackberries yes the thorns don't bother me oh you have a thick skin why don't me a Stan I'm if he'll pick blackberries for us clever Holly then we can still have a harvest and I'll harvest dance harvest dance boy dancing can I come no I'll type that as a yes what time does he start mr. 9 you can come to the dance if you pick some blackberries for us it's a deal we'd like this truck filled up with blackberries thank you no problem one blackberry coming up oh it's a nice one not in your mouth in the truck oh yes sorry don't worry this time I'll oh a blackberry oh no no no no no this isn't going to work if you keep eating them whoops-a-daisy oh to apologize this time I'll make sure I oh sorry oh yeah it again ah this is useless every time he has food in his hand he just eats it that's just what gnomes do they eat and eat and eat right it's time for Plan B what's plan B you'll see I'll be back in a moment [Music] no but if it's the wise old elf who's come up with it it's bound to be very clever oh very stupid as you see I am dressed as a pie why are you dressed as a pie gnomes love pie more than anything in the world so every time mr. gnome is about to eat a blackberry I will and in front of him dressed as a boy yes very that's why it's Plan B this time I promise I'm not gonna eat it oh look at that silly me I did it again focus mr. no right this is it no more Oh a black furry hey there mister No look over here I'm a PI oh boy oh sorry thought I saw a POI nevermind he is a lovely black berry for me hey wouldn't you rather eat a pie oh yes I would I talking pie that'll be tasty I'm not a pie I'm not a pie not a POI what are you then I'm the wise old elf Oh what are you doing here let's put you down again oh look a blackberry oh here we go again hey there mr. newm look down here I'm a pie oh boy [Music] this is going to be a long afternoon [Music] worth can maybe it's been ages and we can't start the harvest dance without them well it looks like we can't have a dance then here we are with a fruit harvest blackberry's what happened to the strawberries the gnome ate them the gnome oh no what about the apples the gnome ate them too well I'd like to give this no but talking to you can if you like he's here what's he doing here he helped pick the blackberries for us so he invited him to the dance he ate mm blackberries but we got 10 for us knowing oh I won on the way here sorry anyway there's still enough for a big pie excellent then let the harvest dance commence [Applause] [Music] this is a big boring let's get this party started take your honors please swing to the left step to the right wiggle your hips spin around and get it kitty it's traditional that the first slice of pie goes to the person who picked the most fruit Oh who's that then oh thank you very much today's adventure starts at the Great Tree seven o'clock time to get up breakfast ready let's get your new watch there now you're ready for school but none else school doesn't start for ages can I go and see Holly I want to show her my new watch okay but make sure you get to school on time of course I will elves are never late and I'm an elf you mr. elf mornings are such hard work hey you should say so [Music] that's the cockerel crows princess Holly time for fairies to get up breakfasts ready Holly let's get your hair brushed Holly all done mornings are such hard work hello nanny plum what is it Ben I haven't got time to be answering the daughter elves can Holly come out to play I'm afraid princess Holly is too busy - hi dad hi olli I've got a new watch Wow is it a real watch yes you can hear it ticking oh yes can you tell the time Ben not yet but we're going to learn how to tell the time at school today yes well I'm sure you don't want to be late I'm an elf elves and never late bye Holly I wish I had a watch what's over for princess Holly if I had to watch I could tell the time we fairies don't need watches we have different ways of telling the time like what money we have dandy-lion clocks here's a good one how can a dandelion tell the time we count how many puffs it takes to blow away all the seeds like this one two three it took three puffs that means three o clock that means one o'clock Wow so is it really one o'clock not really it's just a game but bends learning to tell the time properly can I go to his lesson oh all right but I'm sure it won't be much fun when the big hand and the little hand are pointing straight up it is 12 o clock hello good day nanny plum can we join you yes as long as you are quiet right young hmm now who can tell me how we know a watch is working yes Holly very good you see we fairies know all about time but you fairies don't have watches or clocks we have our own ways of telling the time hmm I'm sure you do now how do we know when to wake up in the morning the alarm clock rings correct I wake up when the call cries yes I see and how do we know when it's time to go to sleep when the clock says it's bedtime yes correct again I go to sleep when the owl hoots Twitter but without clocks how do you know what time it is we have dandelion clocks stop stop stop that's all fairy nonsense but it's fun fun has nothing to do with telling the time I don't suppose you fairies can tell me what time it is now it's me ah yes Holly well done Wow how did you know that because the Sun is high up in the sky and I know it's lunch time because my tummy is rumbling oh how silly excuse me my tummy is never wrong ooh it is lunch time school is finished for today Holly would you like to come over to play this afternoon yes okay see you later alligator in a while hmm it's almost 6 o'clock where's Holly hi Ben you're late fairies are always late and I'm a fairy hurry up I've got something to show you [Music] hello princess Holly this is the great elf clock Wow the most accurate clock of all it means it always tells the right time quite so then I set it every night by the distant bells they usually ring about now da da da da dee da da da la la da dum dee da oh my tummy's rumbling that means it's time for dinner the bells to the bells now I need to adjust the clock what do you mean many wings about every knot and how does nanny plum know it's dinner time what you mean I've been setting the great elf clock to a fairest tummy Rumble [Applause] the tummy does seem to be amazingly accurate it is dinner time see you tomorrow morning and the beautiful princess lived happily ever after the end time to sleep ani but daddy meow has a turtle yet there's the owl now and the fierce dragon ate the witch and everyone lived happily ever after the end time to sleep Ben for mum the clock hasn't joined yet oh it's chiming now good night Holly good night birds [Music]
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Views: 6,802,547
Rating: 3.9478722 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: Q-JM7z4proc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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