Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Frog Burp | 1Hour | Kids Videos

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serve all we need a frog burp hmm this could be tricky oh good morning mr. frog burp into this jar please run relax that's it we haven't got all day to make babies bar here uh bar box okay I'll Rob the frogs back to the kitchen now [Music] let's mix all the ingredients black free sugar do you drop flash lime finally frogburt and now the magic words sugar and spice glug glug glug burp of a frog lime of a slag that's going to taste horrible no bad remember it's a potion to rub on the fields not to drink nobody would drink this oh my that is bad did taste disgusting daddy you shouldn't have drunk it you should have rubbed it on your feet what I wonder what will happen now let's see what the book says blah blah blah oh dear what is it silly me it's not a recipe for cold medicine after all it's a cure for baldness it's not an earthquake it's worse than at earthquake it's a woodpecker it's smashing the tree it's made a hole it's not in my flat phew it's not in my flat here son let me try I believe we have found the bird everybody keep calm and don't panic yes I saw it first it's a woodpecker that's correct I didn't realize your Majesty was interested in birds oh yes I'm a bird spotter here's my badge and then it's very good you turned up we need all the help we can get take me to the bird thank goodness you're here your majesty the woodpecker is in our home it's building up nice and soon there'll be eggs and baby woodpecker chicks are extremely rare to spot fantastic when they hatch I can come back and tick them off in my book it's got to go now before it lays its eggs it can't go I want to spot the chicks this tree is for elves not for woodpeckers no we're making so much lower we're run another sacks nanni played up is this ghastly whether you're doing oh stop fussing it'll get better in a moment it can't get any worse the Middle's going crazy that's making too much power [Applause] too fast the mill is out of control it's filling up with flour if not what it's supposed to do we have to slow the bill down oh all right I'll just do some more magic to stop the wind no thank you nan if alum we've had quite enough of fairy magic now it's time for some Elvis ill what's your plan wise old elf we simply lassu the sails and stop the wind bill take hold of this rope else [Music] are you sure this is a good idea we know what we're doing stand back everyone he's got it well done why though down told you it did work oh I hope they're okay [Applause] they don't look very happy elves are never happy I can pretend to fish moles don't like it when I pretend to fish no quick before the mole comes back one bucket of tea needs attention and the fishing rod quickly so he can pretend to fish oh dear I thought this might happen we have flattened all the hills so goodbye thank you boys all else or you will also believe in a windmill what a working windmill is a very difficult thing to build oh it mustn't actually work no just pretend but with sails the ground [Music] [Music] we're building a pretend windmill for the gnome yes it mustn't actually work it's just silly can I help you oh yes please [Music] now we can fix the sails what do we say [Applause] the elves are here what's the emergency it's the twins is that you mrs. elf where are you mr. elf goodness me mrs. elf I thought you were invisible it's very quiet in the castle I hope everything's all right hello my little ones mommy mommy my goodness you look tired have you been playing with Holly Ben and Daddy all day yes mummy what is daddy why are you so tiny Daisy and poppy have been a bit naughty [Music] I see and where is nanny plum I see and where is your mum up here your majesty oh I'm afraid the twins have done something to all the other elves - what other elves where are they [Applause] right and all this is Daisy and Papi's doing yes okay let's put everything right again make this magic oh I'm done can we build castle big enough for us to go inside we need a huge bucket to make a sandcastle that big ah like that one that's a very huge bucket it must have been left by big children there aren't any big people here now good thing big people have big feet and you never know where they're going to step look they've left some space let's build a big sandcastle for princess Holly it could be our thank you for lunch good idea mr. elf can I help no no please just relax and enjoy watching elves doing what elves do best what do else do best elves are best at making things [Music] Reince s holly would you do the honors by tapping the bucket there isn't a door I'll soon sort that out there's your door this is a very own castle I've decided I'm not princess Holly anymore I'm queen Holland and I am king bed king and queen marigold I delightful to see your little kingdom again Queen this it's always such a pleasure to experience your simple country life yeah we can't wait to hear some genuine elf music oh yes you must hear it Oh King thistle didn't tell me you were a conductor I take a special interest in the sound of this band [Applause] I must say this is not at all what I expected elf music the sound like they have been practicing very hard of these Arabs play well but the tune is a little herb bath and their instrument signed the head ordinary I assumed elf music folks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] farik's hiding full tribe king's missile have you ever considered teaching music well [Music] [Music] hi olli hi strawberry do you want to play football we can't we have to do what practice it's okay ones are very strong don't want to break them don't be silly show him honey hit your one on that rock okay oh dear holy s--t Aubree has ones practice going not very well Holly's broken how ones how did that happen I was waving it and she bashed it on a rock that wasn't very clever sorry Manny not to worry we'll just get it mended with magic Manny oh no I can't mend it why not ones make magic but magic can't make ones it's like chickens and eggs chickens make eggs but eggs don't make chickens but ads do make chickens whatever the important thing is I can't mend ones by magic so who can mend it the elves that made it of course they do everyone knows that elves are very good at making ones [Music] but learning one's a magic and magic elves don't use the ones honey they just make them good morning it would be very easy to get lost in these tunnels it's a maze I hardly remember how to get out don't worry I know how to get through mazes you take every first turning down and every third turning up and that gets you through any maze oh it's a dead end or is it every second turn to the left Oh are we lost mr. elf what's that sound that's lucky they can show us where the Queen antes Gaston say take us to your leader what did they say well Gaston says the ants will give us a lift cool [Music] this must be where the queen ant lives yes geez hmm Gaston can you translate for us please well greetings your aunt nurse I am nanny plum and I'm Holly I'm a pretty fairy princess I'm mr. elf I'm mrs. elf and I'm Ben elf and you've got my horn I'm sure the wheel is strong enough it'll be fine hamsters don't run very fast oh you've got a fast hamster haven't you [Music] we'll have to warn the elves yes dear their sweet little fluffy creatures um yes well don't panic but there's a hamster coming your way in an enormous wind it's heading back to the little castle there's good news and bad news what's the good news the wheel hit the elf tree but everyone is okay what's the bad news the wheel is coming back Oh believe it yes King Cecil wonderful isn't it your hamster is back home there's a present for her hmm why do people always have such small chimneys we could deliver the presents for you Yeah right what these presents in Lucy's Christmas stocking don't forget the tangerine keep still pretend to be a statue that's odd some of the decorations have fallen off the tree this little elf must go here and this pretty fairy should be at the top of the tree let's deliver Lucy's presents [Music] you're supposed to be asleep I'm too excited about Christmas what are you doing here we're delivering your Christmas present slow to elves and fairies get presents as well no but tonight we have the elf and fairy feast there's lovely music and lanterns and the trees that sounds nice it's beautiful we'd better go Santa's waiting on your roof this is gas Tom's cave and what sort of insect is Gaston he's a ladybird oh yes now let's think what's ladybird for hello hmm doors open we better take a look inside gasps Don's not here he's gone off somewhere to be sad yeah no wonder Gaston is sad no one could be happy in such a messy smelly cave chop chop we need to clean this cave up before the ladybird returns yes that will be a nice surprise and Dustin will be happy again first we need my cleaning thing abracada applicator brush see that's the soap and oh honey you dust the cobwebs yes bang you clean the floor yes nanny plum and all right we'll talk about so not a good room for toddlers to be in then I hear the sound of excited little ones and something else we must not enter honestly what a lot of fuss about a terrible magical force of unimaginable power all handle base good luck we brave little pumpkin what can you say terrible things Blackbeard's to the rescue [Music] you're safe now my plum pudding I've seen many a terrible thing at sea but nothing nothing as bad as what I saw in fact room that's why we tend to keep the door locked good the party's over no word rather well I thought but what about the journey we haven't had much eat jelly yet all right nanny but please don't make too much this time magic jelly that's good the party must be almost over talk with say thank you for having me it was a pleasure goodbye Nettles oh it's raspberries birthday next we hear you've got a children's entertainer who's good with toddlers yes serious the great wizard oh and I wonderful see you all at raspberries party then [Music] that's the last deliveries done yes lots of it enough snow to last me a lifetime now you finished your work mr. Ralph are you on holiday holiday good gracious no it's Christmas Eve there's work to be done preparing tonight's Elford oh yes [Music] yes and those lanterns don't hang themselves up to work stop mr. elf it's about time you had a rest Hey rest you've been working hard all year just sit down and relax for five minutes I can give you three you weren't too hard elves like working hard and I'm an elf oh dear you really must relax just say I'm on holiday well alright I'm on holiday oh that's nice hello wise old elf speaking father Christmas yeah mr. Christmas toys I can't find box five seven one box five seven one I need those toys before tonight Oh some children will not get their Christmas presents never fear mr. Christmas we will get the box to you I will deliver it personally hi Olli that was the last delivery now we can play you might have finished been but I'm still working hey it's time for your speech good show Johnny what happens now now comes the hard bit we have to sit still and not fall asleep in honor of your majesty we will now do a dance how often [Music] watch [Music] very good very good come on daddy let's dance what but I fell all right could you play something a little bit more modern right Oh [Music] oh you're right Holly Kings work is fun [Music] oh that was a busy day yes it was right mr. elf next on the list a delivery of food for the little castle right ho mrs. elf gosh water busy day yes like being busy is this true wise old elf I'm afraid so but I've got an urgent delivery of food for the little castle I suggest you come back tomorrow righty-ho no one has made any food everyone's on holiday Oh Queen Holly if you would allow the elves back to work we could make everyone lunch [Music] oh now what do you eat on holiday ice cream yes that's it [Music] do you want to come and play I'd like to play Ben but I can't we're going to visit king and queen marigold snow tea I'm glad I'm not going I wish I wasn't going maybe your mum will let you stay and play with me mummy can i play with Ben today what a good idea hey em can come too oh that's all right isn't it mr. elf oh yes go off and enjoy yourself Ben see you later bye oh you're coming too are you ha ha okay magic car drive on this is fun a magic car yes it eases fairy dust to make it go cool I want you all on your best behavior today yes Queen King and Queen Mary calls home will be full of very precious things horrible but precious so you mustn't touch anything visiting King and Queen marigold sounds like hard work it'll be exhausting [Music] here we are king and queen marigolds castle oh what a horrible building such bad taste it's beautiful cool castle hello and welcome Holly you remember king and queen marigold hello hello and this is my best friend Ben you've met him before of course the charming little Goblin I'm not a goblin I'm an elf it's very high up and I'm not allowed to fly hi no problem Oh climb up don't worry Holly elves are very good at climbing and I'm an elf nice birdie can we have our wand back please Wow been tricky magic door to open its mouth I would never have thought of that uh yes elves are very good at that sort of thing we should go for the jack door works out what to do next okay [Music] money then found my wand that's very nice but you really shouldn't have lost it in the first place yes nanny plum now Ben I understand we have you to thank for finding Holly's wand it was nothing really I think a reward is in order here you want a new magic hat yes it can be my thank-you to Ben monk please don't bother stay very still burn and Holly wave the wand gently yes nanny plum it worked it's all down to one control it's collecting eggs that's dangerous how do you collect an egg an elf must run very quickly to the egg pick it up and run away with it as quick as they can what happens if they're not quick enough they get sat on now you see how important it is that the gate is locked at all times a chicken's escaped touch that chicken to the end follow that chicken [Music] [Music] ah we've stopped Oh No the clockwork is wound down quick Olli let's wind it up will somebody give me an egg no honey bum I told you not to magic a chicken that's not my chicken Shh okay how about tag I like tag all right but you must play fair no magic okay your catch me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not using magic I'm just letting my ferry win let's play a new game yes hide-and-seek okay we'll play hide-and-seek upe I love hide-and-seek but no flying okay knife lying [Music] Oh nanny plum you smell horrible well at least no one else was here to see all that my goodness is that you nanny plum oh yes Queen thistle I'm just teaching the children a few fairy rolls excellent and what fairy rules are you teaching whoa Sammy's must always look nice lovely clothes stylish scheme beautifully clean yes I've been showing the children what not to do rule 2 fairies must never ever be without their ones yes yes strawberry pink this who doesn't want to know all the little details quite right you seem to have everything under control nanny plum please carry on thank you your royal mess did you notice that nanny plum seemed a bit smelly I thought it was the Lady Bird you had just shouted that's the sound you made as you landed in the mud Thank You strawberry actually that brings today's lesson to a close that was a brilliant lesson especially the adventure I'm pleased you enjoyed it Ben and thank you for rescuing me ah it's nice to have you back happy lovely clothes have style skin beautiful I didn't call to ask you the time we're in a big house and the window is closed I need some elves to rescue us I see how many else do you need all of them we came in through the window but now it's shot thanks Lucy it was nice meeting you Lucy but we weren't supposed awake here it's ok I'll pretend to be asleep bye-bye hmm I see you wait the little girl up we didn't mean oh it's ok they always wake up Fusco now where's this window that needs opening you just came through it that's an open window yes we've done it ourselves does that need you anymore sorry sorry you just dragged every elf in the kingdom from their beds shush can you be quiet of course I can elves are very good at being quiet and [Music] this is why elves can't be tooth fairies you're too noisy all right Lucy we heard a noise it's okay she's asleep can we have a lift a little bit too tired to fly [Music] Wow well done Betty how about Gaston showing us some tricks good ID then we can sister much ribbon I think she feels a bit left out I know oh good go on then then don't be sad Betty flying isn't everything elves can't fly and I am an out maybe I can make her fly by magic can you do that [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a lovely picnic what was that [Music] hello I am NOT a smelly little ferret I'm a smelly little dust on its Rex [Music] because you're smelly charmed I'm sure your friends this isn't fairyland it's the Little Kingdom load the elf trucks right ho why do we use it to make toys wow I love toys it makes lovely compost for the elf spa back to the Elstree let's get these down to the elf Factory here we are squeak why is the wise old elf dress there's a squirrel because squirrels copy other squirrels now if I move an acorn all the other squirrels will copy me and move their acorns too but don't the squirrels need to store their icons for the winter ha ha yes that's why I'll lead them to the dry hollow log on the top of the big hill your costume looks very heavy yes but it's perfectly balanced by the tail ready for checks ready tail check icon check squirrels watching King go go go squeak squeak squeak we'll see you at the hollow log wise old elf squeak [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a pity I missed a court date I see an acorn tidy up put me down what's happening robot is tidying up everything yes including us it's a monster how do we stop it only pen can stop it hello mrs. elf speaking sorry it is a bit late but this is an emergency we need Ben now right oh then there's an emergency at the little castle we have to go right away right Oh [Music] your wing but what could have caused the toy robot to act so strangely what have you got there Gaston it's the proper key well done Gaston [Music] then are you sure that's a good idea it'll be fine ah that's the toy robot I remember what fish will be eating him for weeks he's got the cheese yes we are bad berries pulling us backwards we've got him we got him I think Paulie is right we should never have tried to catch bad berry he's too [Music] we have to let him go never aha he's given up I don't think so then you can have it I give it sorry we try to catch you Barry no hard feelings hey Ichi women children at Kings first hello everyone the chips are ready where's the fish what's going on big fat Barry is eating bunting oh dear do you think Barry would like some chips with that I think he's full alas poor Bunty I knew her well right well should we have for dinner van I think I'd like fish fingers now we're safe next on the list collect sticks for the campfire okay that's enough sticks [Music] hello there a gnome mind if I join you well thank you I'll only stay for a week or two but we had an orange yes we wouldn't have found you if it weren't for the smell of this orange hate oranges normally yes but I'm on a balanced diet you see before he ten poised and 20 steamed puddings I need to balance that boy in fruit let's make a fire how do you make a fire mr. elf rub two sticks together really fast like this you have to rub the sticks a little bit faster would you like to hear the interesting thing I know about sticks sticks grow on trees that's because fire is hot I'm hungry me too what a surprise I hardly eaten anything today I've only had ten poiz skipped full of chips apple tart wow that's a sponge cake on grit sausages and that orange I thought you said um there are some things I don't eat like stones wood and television set I was with him I don't think you can play football with a bird bird yes violet turned Ben into a bird you changed him into a frog first well anyway now he's thrown away and we will never find him it's very annoying hmm that's living trees so we need to look up in the trees strange very high and we're not allowed to fly high that it's a lucky thing I'm around I was a very good at climbing now we just have to get Ben turn back into Ben again I've got a very good idea if we both do a spell together yes that would be fun that was disgusting I was a bird and I was eating worms I don't think I'll spell is quite finished now here hop off somewhere and we'll have to find him all over again huh we're not having a good day but Holly we haven't got to Bowie that's easy I command it one up abracadabra abracadabra you go Paul and make it blue [Music] hmm maybe not blue red it's a bit small shall I make it bigger it's fine come on let's play Holi have you magic the ball into this no that's not our ball look so watch this then it looks like an egg I wonder where it came from there's no trees here maybe it's me X don't fly holy magic eggs might fly hmm maybe it's a dragon shake do you know what I think that means no I know we can ask many plan good idea I can Jake come on we'll show you most interesting an egg [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 6,345,635
Rating: 3.7747905 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: RFxM3TT5fs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 43sec (3763 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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