THE GARFIELD SHOW - 30 min - New Compilation #03

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[Music] [Applause] well come on in i don't care who it is even normal as annoying as he is couldn't budge me from this bed garfield guess what it's my twin cousins driscilla and minerva what do you mean it can't be that bad it can be look here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man that was close why doesn't john warn us when drusilla and minerva are visiting this half of the country well we can't go home let's eat i happen to know that one of our neighbors is barbecuing this afternoon well the ribs will be ready soon hon could you bring me more barbecue sauce [Music] i have to do everything myself heavenly [Music] hey i was here first those are my ribs oh those ribs are mine i've been planning to steal those ribs for days i thought of stealing them first guys guys there's only one way to settle this let's divide them up good idea i cannot wait to eat these delicious smelling ribs they look great or the one i just had was perfect [Applause] the ribs were calling to me up on that hilltop [Music] you want that let's get some of the ones that have meat on them huh my ribs you stole my ribs ribs i haven't seen any ribs have you seen any ribs already i'm not letting you get away with this [Music] hello get me the animal control board [Music] okay calm down sir give me a description of the cat and dog sure i know that cat the fat orange one you took your ribs [Music] he usually goes after lasagna okay i'll find him in the dog i'm not used to being falsely accused of taking food hey that was easy usually i'm guilty [Music] hey what's the big fat hairy idea you're under arrest cat rib stealing in the first degree hey what's going on [Music] hey it's been lovely but uh bye [Music] that won't stop him this calls for more extreme measures [Music] i'll have to try the old fake tail connector to the beehive trick oh [Music] first we take our fake tail then we connect it to a beehive [Music] perfect [Music] hey nice try cat but i'm a little too observant for you [Music] we're gonna go to the one place he won't be able to chase us boom [Music] he's not gonna give up not unless i can prove i didn't steal the ribs but in order to prove it i'd have to go out and investigate oh well at least we're safe in here [Music] either but uh i'll bet you a year's worth of lasagna will hate it [Music] [Music] come on let's make a break for it [Music] excuse me ladies have you seen a fat orange cat and a real stupid-looking dog around here yeah you're no male model yourself thanks you know this disguise thing isn't a bad idea you don't have to be a girl for very long only until we find out who stole those ribs i just hope we don't run into anyone we know hello ladies especially him so i haven't seen you two before i'm normal the cutest and coolest kitty cat on the planet oh hello my name is uh glenda and this is my friend odessa oh you're kind of cute nermo i bet you're not as cute as that orange cat who lives down the street what's his name you don't mean garfield oh yes garfield cutest handsomest cat in the world are we talking about the same garfield all he does is eat all day i'm surprised he's not down at the old railroad yard with harry hercules and rottweiler they're lying around eating barbecued ribs stay away from those guys they're bad [Music] you're heading for the railroad yard delicious simply delicious i thought we were gonna save some of these for later it is laid out i know how we can clear our names we'll put our disguises to use yo could you uh help a couple of lost ladies how can we be of assistance to two lovely ladies care for a barbecued rib i'd like you to take those spoons to someone hey uh come this way [Music] silly hairdo of mine it's garfield oh he looks so pretty in this cute little dress that's such a good shade of lipstick for him and this must be odie oh he looks so adorable hmm were spying on us coming here interrupting our rib eating guys you wouldn't hit a lady with traps where'd this come from ow looks like i caught the culprits who stole that man's barbecued ribs never thought he'd be happy to see the dog catcher show up right guess i was wrong about that orange cat in the mutt doing it these guys owners will have to bail them out and pay for the ribs i thought you two ladies might need help so i brought the dog catcher never thought i'd be glad to see nermal show up either sure am i cooler than garfield or what if you like you can reward me with a kiss oh why sure nermal close your eyes [Music] come on odessa this jackie railroad yard is no place for a lady [Music] i didn't want to say anything but that cat lady is almost as fat as garfield [Music] hey i smell something terrific this smells something baked and terrific john is baking pies no bread no cake no pies oh bread and cake and pies [Music] no maybe muffins [Music] muffins tarts rolls maybe cookies i'm baking dough balls garfield maybe danish maybe prune danish maybe doubles we're driving to the cove to go fishing today dough balls make great bait to catch fish [Music] what a cool thing to do to a fish hi pupster going fishing with john no not me you won't catch me out in that leaky boat of his getting seasick i know no no i don't care about the beautiful scenery the only beautiful scenery i want to see is right here [Music] if you're looking for food garfield i packed everything to take on the fishing trip [Music] ah fishing the most glorious sport in all the world ah fishing the most glorious sport in all the world yeah i don't care about the fish but i'll do anything for lunch the water's so peaceful in this little cove you know guys catching fish isn't the important part it's the peace and the serenity and just being out in nature that matters fishermen always say that when they've been out three hours and haven't caught so much as a sardine i don't care if i catch a fish it doesn't matter to me one bit if i catch a fish i've got a fish on my line i did it i did it john did it john did it alert the media hey there he is oh he's a beaut he's an order there we go i knew my dough balls were the perfect bait i'll put an even bigger one on and catch a bigger fish [Music] hmm [Music] leave me alone i'm dreaming about paneer pasta and alfredo sauce [Music] i don't care if you are thirsty hey we're surrounded by water try some [Music] [Music] mama said i gotta find food gotta find food [Music] oh that was close chomper almost spotted me now what was i doing oh yeah yeah looking for dinner hey there's something yeah a dough ball no fish in his right mind would fight onto one of those things [Music] i won mama's favorite food [Music] mama will be so happy with this worm [Music] julia you can't keep a dog down here a dog oh that's funny i thought it was a warning what's wrong with your mama [Music] hi mom hi junior hey i know that dog he needs air he sure does hey bernie bernie blew fish that dog he saved my life a little while ago now we got to save his you're full of air sure dang red i'll give him one of my big beautiful bubbles [Music] where's zodie odie that's funny we're out in the middle of the cove and there's no sign of him i guess he fell overboard [Music] fell overboard [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen i'm about to do my one heroic deed for the year huh [Music] where are you he must be a gunner he couldn't breathe down here [Music] thanks again for throwing me back dawg [Music] there's an orange cat running out of there over there friend of yours dog yeah come on [Music] there's a nice place you got here your friend here saved my life would you like a little tour of the bottom of the cove oh yeah sure we really like it down here it's wet but it's home well it looks like fresh shower this is the main underwater thoroughfare and there's our traffic cop does he ever give out traffic tickets uh only when he catches someone swimming over the speed limit [Music] this is one of those new fast food places that are popping up they have a swim through window anything tasty to eat i'm famished would you like a worm to go i'm not that famished that reminds me i promise to find mama a wine i'll see you later the seahorses are at the starting gate the track looks fast but a little wet oh it looks like some sort of uh race track it is and it looks like a race is just about to start [Music] biscuits [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's my brother [Music] leave it to me i think i know [Music] and fish food [Music] pure fella have a double [Music] huh i caught another fish [Applause] huh [Music] heading out of the coat and into the ocean you saved us again how can we show our appreciation well the air's getting a little thin in here so if you don't mind certainly barney at your service going up [Music] garfield odie they must have gotten knocked overboard along with most of my gear oh no no they were such wonderful friends so cute so adorable don't try to cheer me up garfield and odie i'm missing garfield and odie three two one garfield odie you're safe you're safe not if you keep hugging us like that let's celebrate we'll have lunch except that there's no lunch we're stuck here until somebody comes by and rescues us stuck out here with nothing to eat in the meantime uh doughball ah no thanks i've seen what those things do to fish don't worry someone will be along soon i'm sorry all we have to eat are these dough balls yeah real sorry uh could you press your mustard [Music] lunch will be ready in a few minutes guys i made beef stew [Applause] oh dee you left one of your doggy toys out again this is not the first time this has happened odie and if it isn't you leaving your doggy toys around it's garfield and his supper dishes [Music] like that one you know if you'd show them more often i wouldn't leave them out where you would trip over them guys you have got to learn to pick up after yourself oh now who could that be i sometimes feel like i spent half my life picking up after my pets [Music] yes good day sir do you feel like you spent half your life picking up after your pets i just said that well i have just the answer to your problem behold the all-new rechargeable digital drive robotic custodial marvel of the ages the tidy 7 000. it's a robot not just a robot sir a robot that can keep your home sparkling clean neat and immaculate [Music] john's right i know it doesn't happen often but john's right we're getting the house kind of messy he shouldn't be the one to pick up all this stuff right let me know when you get it done i'm gonna go make a sandwich let me give you a little demonstration i'll set the robot to clean up after a bath [Music] hmm [Music] ah this is gonna be a sandwich of historic proportions first the bread now i need something good to put between the two slices of bread like maybe everything ah there we go yeah that'll do it for a start no let's see wait that's funny i thought i had some bread out hmm all right you ever grown poster oven give me back my sandwich around one second fact you keep the sandwich i'm going out for a pizza [Music] hey hey put me down stop bring me around here i don't want to be in here i can't stand being in here here's my sandwich this is pretty good hi yori no you can't have any of my sandwich [Applause] do you have any idea what just happened to us no me neither let's find out so we can uh make it never happen again just sign here mr arbuckle and the tidy 7000 will be yours for just 7 000 easy payments first i want to see how it worked huh very nice very nice i can't recall my living room ever looking this good so is it a deal mr arbuckle just sign here the robot will be cleaning your house every hour of every day no please don't buy that robot please don't buy that robot please don't buy that robot did i say you shouldn't buy that robot well mr arbuckle you bought yourself a robot here's the instruction manual ugh it has a money back guarantee i'll check back with you later and see how it's working for you you two won't be messing up the house any longer yeah because we won't survive [Music] i never read instruction manuals [Music] huh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i don't suppose i could convince you i was a jar of raspberry preserves today in here again well maybe odie will get me out so much for that maybe audio we have to do something about this robot [Music] the question is what to do do you have any ideas ah no you never have any ideas why am i even asking [Music] that's the instruction manual for the robot maybe you did have an idea and didn't even know it all right okay i think i have it we just need someone to distract that bucket of bolts oh the old friend huh oh [Music] let's see reprogramming sequence yes [Music] okay i changed the programming instead of cleaning up after pets it's now gonna clean up after pet owners [Music] hey not me robot you're supposed to clean up after the cat the dog not me no you're not supposed to chase me i own you in my house i'm about to get a journey let's see how john likes it not me what do you think cody shall we uh turn it i'm off i'm clean honest i'm clean okay [Music] i'm sorry guys i didn't realize what it would do it's that salesman's fault he should have warned me about that thing well i have an idea about him mr arbuckle i'm here to see how things are going with the tidy 7000 hey where's this mug coming from this is awful how am i going to get clean stop no no i designed you you can't [Music] nice work garfield you reprogrammed it to clean sleazy sales people there are a lot of amino i'll get rid of that robot and get my money back and my money back i have to get mr sellers to give me my money back uh mr sellers robot come on let's go in and dirty up the place [Music] bye
Views: 9,595,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGarfieldShow, LazyCat, Garfield
Id: GsxsCef1zfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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