Ben and Holly‘s Little Kingdom Full Episodes 🔴A Blue Gaston? | HD Cartoons for Kids

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today's adventure starts at the great [Music] your blue have you got a cold or something you can speak he's saying he's not on his brother a brother has come here with his family this is these are their children [Laughter] we'll take you to visit well that's the king what does he want nanny plum I can't find my glasses have you tried looking on your head oh yes now where's my crown oh I'll have to go have fun you two and uncle Gaston looks a bit tired Gaston will play with the baby ladybirds for a bit let's play fetch okay [Music] [Music] [Music] and we know when my little sister doesn't have overtired how could we get them to sleep to make my little sister sleepy my mom reads her a story but Gaston Scott story books looks like he's eaten them all I've got lots of story ah lovely clean washing Gaston no I'm not having muddy footprints all over my washing today thank you Oh tired today hey Gaston at least that means you will be jumping up on me and licking my face goodness me baby ladybirds yes and well well so Gaston is a girl Lady Bird after all no gasps Don's a boy Lady Bird he's their uncle he's looking after them for the day ah be house-trained I'm sorry Holly but it's cross take care I'm going to read a story to make the baby ladybirds sleepy oh but where are the baby ladybirds they've gone I'll go and get them no Ben Daisy and poppy can be a bit dangerous I'll go Daisy poppy they're not your dollies they're baby lady Birds how many baby lady Birds Oliver hmm this seemed to be full now Daisy poppy it's very naughty to turn your mother into a ladybird oh thank you darling oh dear it's alright King pixel they're just getting a bit tired right where are your storybooks Holly in my bedroom I love this storybook no Gaston it's not for eating rock-a-bye baby on the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock when the bough breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and Oh time will come baby cradle and all that's not very nice you're right uh what about this one it's about ladybirds ladybird ladybird fly away hi your house is on oh dear this one's even more scary how about this one once upon a time there were three little pigs can't you make it more about lady Birds Ben okay once upon a time there were three little lady birds and they each built a little house one was made of straw one was made of sticks and one was made of bricks what's happened next well one day a big bad wolf came along to the straw house and he huffed and he puffed and he does the story have a happy ending um let's see no I mean let's just say the three little piggies I mean lady birds lived happily ever after so the wolf didn't eat any of them not even one no no no of course not it was all happy the end Ben look they're all asleep oh yes we did it what time are their mommy and daddy coming to collect them oh I've just thought their mommy and daddy won't know where we are [Music] what is it Gaston he's heard something [Music] well done Gaston they found us they woken up already how come they've got so much energy again mmm might be something to do with them having a little sleep yes my little sister's always got tons of energy after she's had enough today's adventure starts at the meadow keep up children we don't want to be late for your magic test nanny plum why do we have to take a magic test all fairies take a magic test it's how you get your magic license this is mine no this is a grown-up license you'll be getting a children's license that's the magic test the elves do but elves don't like magic no but we do make the wall and elves do light tests good morning everyone have you come for your magic test yes until the test is finished I am NOT mrs. elf I am mrs. examiner yes mrs. examiner lift up these pebbles please [Music] stop excellent and finally one simple question magic must only be used for serious things or just for fun is the answer magic must only beautiful serious things correct you've all passed the magic test hey and I'm mrs. elf again you may now hug me will done everyone here are your licenses signed by me the chief examiner I knew they'd pass because I taught them that makes their success even more amazing thank you wise old elf perhaps we should have a little celebration oh yes can you have a party and what every party needs is magic jellies nanny I don't think that subtle cheek jelly looks and love what's a daisy use a bit too much magic their nanny plum do you even have a magic license of course I do oh dear it's expired what does that mean it means it's worthless no it's against the law no grown-up fairy can do magic without a license what I'm taking away your wand you can't do that I just did it's an outrage the king will be very angry no funny you're right it's not funny nanny does not have a license she must not do magic yes yes wise old elf but maybe we could overlook it just this once as its nanny it's because it is nanny we shouldn't overlook it she's dangerous wise old elf I am your king and I'm nauseous is your license up to date your majesty my license well I'm sure I mean III maybe I should take a look no need for that the wise old elf is right nanny plum rules are rules what so I can never do magic again of course you can can she she will have to go back to magic school first magic school yes mrs. figs magic school Oh [Music] hello Vicki my name is mrs. big you remember me don't you how could I forget and all my years of teaching I never had another pupil like you thank you I was her best pupil the wise old elf has taken away many plums one very sensible entire sent her back to your Magic School what yes I'm back you lucky old thing good luck nanny oh I'm the one that'll need the luck the first thing to know about magic is magic always leads to trouble so for our first lesson you will not have a real wand you will have this stick what do they do nothing oh why can't I have a real wand you need to learn how to use magic sensibly but I'll use magic for lots of sensible things now I'm in the Kings underpants or dusting the fridge or polishing the carpets Oh miss plum I am the teacher if you want to pass your magic test I suggest you stop listening to me let's see how you hold your wand no no no all wrong you're making magic not stirring soup is that better it'll do for the moment No a few questions all we do is smile instead how do you stop a squirrel nesting on your roof Oh turn them into a frog how did you get a mouse out of your kitchen Oh turn them into a frog how do you rescue an elf who is stuck up a tree oh I know this one turn them into a frog is that your answer to everything nanny plum turn them into a frog yes Oh Deary me this is going to be a long day how was your lesson today money really good I got a couple of things wrong at the start but I got better and better all day that's great I'm all ready for my test tomorrow ask me any question you like okay how do you stop a mole from digging up your lawn turn them into a frog no that's not the answer in the book are you sure maybe you're reading it wrong I don't think so oh I find the answer to most things they turn them into a frog money don't keep saying turn them into a frog that will never be the answer oh all right I'll try and remember that morning nanny plum have you come to take your magic test yes mrs. elf until the test is finished I am NOT mrs. elf I am mrs. examiner right you are mrs. elf Oh take this one yes mr. chief examiner now quiet please the test has begun here is your wand back Oh nice to see you again please lift this rock up in the air but it's really big I know plants I use a pebble the pebbles are for the children's test why can't say the children's test because you're a grown-up or you're supposed to be oh right mm-hmm now four words please just be careful okay reverse please sorry your majesty now forwards again and when I clap my hands you must stop no problemo stop stop stop stop bring the rock back here now I want you to magic this rock into something else a frog no I can do frogs and egg what do you want an egg for oh just do it please oh I said an egg not a chicken one egg to the poles the practical test is over but you still have to answer one question how would you help a tadpole become a grown-up your favorite the test is over and it's bad news did I fail it's worse than that you passed you may now do magic again we're back in business oh dear magic always leads to trouble Luna's awesome show me one piece of sensible magic okay there's one piece of magic I've been wanting to do all day what's that turn you into a frog you can't do that oh yes I can here's my license or dear time like I said magic always leads to trouble [Music] today's adventure starts at the Elphaba [Music] now as you can see then the cabbages are ready to eat yes dad fascinating things cabbages yes dad today we'll be harvesting them then we can have cabbage soup every night yes dad we can have cabbage soup Monday cabbage soup Tuesday cabbage soup Wednesday cabbage soup oh hi Holly we're off to miss Johnny snail riding club snails horrible things [Music] snails are not lovely they eat up my cabbages but they're safe fun to ride would you boys like to come along whining krub suds a bit girly to me it's not girly the snails can go pretty fast I suppose we could try it yes Cowboys rides don't they we could wear our cowboy hats all right let's go just keep those snails away from my cabbages [Music] but where's miss charlie trigger steady boy hello everyone are you ready for a good day's riding yes spring I see we have some Cowboys here today yeah one thing to remember sneels don't like loud noises they're quite shy yes miss jolly don't worry trigger the cowboy is your friend Johnny gourd let's go and meet your snails here are Dobbin muffin cupcake is so adorable toffee of a speedy Robin Hood Samson Samson doesn't seem to have a show that's because he's a slug now children you must never walk behind a snail why not it might give you a jolly good cake that's why whoa Speedy's got a bit of spirit you need to get to know your snails who taught your hand so they can sniff it the snails will be shy until they get to know you give Bobby a pass on the shell come on Bobby don't be frightened well done now she is your friend can we ride them now first there's jobs to be done like mucking out the stables cleaning up snail pool everyone take a bucket and spade off you go next it's grooming what screaming cleaning and polishing everyone take a brush and give the shells a jolly good scrub well groom speedy we just want to polish your shell whoa steady boy he's a bit frisky this one good boy well done now before we ride the blighters they need some nosh-nosh food everybody take some vegetables and hold them out for the snails like vegetables now time for the writing everybody choose a snail can I write Papa please oh I'll ride muffin [Music] okay all right speeding ah the thing is speedy hasn't been broken in yet what do you mean I mean no one has ever ridden him he's too frisky yes he's a young one full of beans you know could I be the first to write speedy today you can have a go but you need to get on his back and he'll try and throw you off sounds like a job for an elf cowboy I like your spirit cowboy then easy now speedy steady boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's it speedy ye [Applause] [Music] I've never seen anything like it well done cowboy Ben [Music] so young Jake want it to be Dobbin Oh Samson it's strange isn't it Samson no one ever seems to want to ride you never mind you stay here and have a rest we go then yes tell them to trot on just around the middle I've got you up in a minute no there no not a slug you're not meant to be on the ride back to the stables with you keep up everyone hmm which way now miss Jolie said just round the meadow hmm this way then I suppose he's going all right elves let's get these cabbages loaded yes we managed to keep all the pests off them this year no greenfly no caterpillars and most important of all no snow [Music] [Applause] Hey [Music] these snails doing it's no [Music] snails stop oh you cheeky little snails cheeky cabbages well if you will grow such delicious cabbages what do you expect but but children did you all have a nice ride today it's a pleasure and we should also say a jolly big thank you to mr. elf for giving the snails such a lovely lunch it was my pleasure mind you if they're going to eat at your place again they really like lettuce the best grow a bit of that next time all right people think snails are a pest but they're adorable really today's adventure starts at the Middle Kingdom now Lucy we've talked about this fairies and elves don't exist yes darling you've met them yourself oh it's a charming idea and I've joined in the game before but let's not be silly that's like saying talking animals exists talking animal it's me Ben elf oh hello Ben why are you a rabbit Holly magicked me into one by accident was that a talking animal yes naughty bad when we magic you into things you shouldn't run away can you change me back of cool you that's better now let's play a sensible game let's play catch I wish I could playing your games but I'm too big no problem I can just shrink you down [Music] you're one of the little people now Lucy no I need to tell the morning you'll be big again tomorrow [Music] well he know you can do all the things we do right on Gaston okay hold on taste felis push forward to start [Music] of course would you like to see inside the great elf tree or the little castle or come to my house where is your house story me and violet live in a fairy village to live inside mushrooms for the fake people catfishing them no one eats tired stores yes there is it's a magic door you have to tap three times and spin around and say hello daddy my dad's the fairy mare yes and you're here just in time for the meeting what meeting as your mayor I have called an emergency meeting because there are big people in the middle two grown-ups one little go and a dog having a picnic now as you all know the big people are dangerous oil say they stepped on my granddad and they ate my house so we must be very careful and if anyone sees any big people I've seen a big person what where who me I'm a big person don't like me don't worry Lacey it's not your fault you're a big person you're a little person now anyway Lucy is our friend yes look at her feet they're far too small to step on anyone yes she does seem a bit small for a big person Polly me down oh I see but Lucy's our friends whether she is big or small in that case we are forgetting our manners Lucy would you like to join us for lunch as our special guest mum and dad will take you back come on it's true darling there really are elves and fairies and talking rabbits well that's a new one on me but obviously there are no I can't believe it we must have imagined it all oh that's nice isn't it darling hmm don't worry she won't be little forever just until the morning I know you could stay for a sleepover tonight Oh lots of room in the little castle I think that would be fine have a nice time hmm talking rabbits elves fairies shrunken daughter come on darling let's get you home Lucy who's Lucy you know Lucy do hi she's normally a bit bigger Oh Lucy the big person hello normally a lot bigger I'd say I shrank her down Lucy's come to join us for a sleepover well what will happen when she grows big in the morning the castle will explode don't worry we'll make sure Lucy is out of the castle before the morning all right then and Gaston and Rex can sleep in the kitchen yes you have to have a midnight feast at a sleepover it's the law [Music] gosh I'm tired me too ma huh is it midnight yet no midnight is still hours away but I'm so sleepy we've got to stay up until midnight or it's not a real midnight feast [Music] dum dee dum dee doo dee doo dee dee dee oh my goodness red what's she doing here it's moaning you could grow big again any second [Music] what's all the noise about you woke us up only where's Lucy Shh [Music] Oh too late ghost that's a funny way to wake up Lucy are you all right I'm fine thank you morning all is Lucy around yes I just wanted to say sorry big people aren't all about smashing our houses and stepping on us I didn't mean to step on you that's quite all right I couldn't have been stepped on by a nicer person um oh my girls get up to the castle Oh magic we'll fix that for you thanks nanny plum Lucy time that's my mum next time we'll come to you there you are hi Lucy did you have a nice time it was the best [Music] today's adventure starts yes holy it's the first day of spring Wow flowers right outside our window all the daffodils have come love springtime I'll be right down flowers yes Gaston's fastened him he's rolled up into a ball sorry mr. Hedgehog Oh a hedgehog he's woken up for the spring woken up yes some creatures sleep all through the winter don't make out very hungry they make sure they have a big meal before going to sleep do you know I'm sleep through the winter too yes and when they wake up they're very hungry ah what's for breakfast mr. gnome wouldn't you like to sleep a bit more i what do you mean ah maybe it's not springtime yet we could still get some snow in any plan oh stop it it could snow at any moment couldn't it oh I don't think so it could snow if magic was used oh you want me to magic some snow so he'll think it's still winter why didn't you say so Oh dear me it's snowing I'd better go back to sleep hang on over here it's sunny and there's flowers you tried to trick me ha ha ha I like a good joke shame I don't know any I've had some funny dreams though would you like to hear them no thank you yes there's nothing so boring as other people's dreams anyway I dreamt I was in this row boat and the oars were made of cheese and a lot of pigeons wearing pajamas started chasing me how interesting oh there's lots more to tell but first I need food hello there I mean hello mister no this looks like a nice comfy house I wouldn't mind living here huh you can't live here I like a man who speaks his mind we'll have some good shots while I'm living here mr. gnome we'd really love to have you stay but the front door is too small for you well if you really want me to stay I'll try my best [Applause] just my bottom to go what's for dessert mr. no you rather live somewhere with other gnomes Oh No gnomes don't like other gnomes gnomes tell very boring stories you never get to gnomes living within a hundred miles of each other hello nanny plum you must come back to the little castle at once sorry King thistle but we're having a problem with a gnome what but I've got a gnome at the castle is there any more toast there must be to nose no need to panic what do you mean you heard what the gnome said gnomes don't like other gnomes we just have to get them together when they see each other they'll run a mile problem solved we'll arrange for both gnomes to meet each other at big hill you say to be empty food have you tried the breakfast tree on big hill breakfast tray never heard of it oh it's amazing isn't it nanny plum Oh what did you notice me for yes over on big hill there's a tree that grows sausages and eggs and bacon is that I've never seen it oh you don't even know you're doing it he wants you to magic one Oh II see you want me to magic up a breakfast tray okay then hmm oh you couldn't smell breakfast from here with eggs Vikon sausages and toast the most beautiful thing I've ever seen look they're about to meet and run a hundred miles from each other ah but no why you doing here I could ask you the same question go on then what are you doing here oh no breakfast would you like to know why no Oh take that as a yes it's because are you like Freud eggs and sausages and bacon and pancakes and well if you didn't talk so much you could do some eating right I'm going a hundred miles away for yo I'm going a thousand miles away from you it worked they've both left the Little Kingdom what a brilliant plan well done nanny plum Thank You King thistle and it was my idea Your Majesty it wasn't I thought of getting them together the breakfast tray let's just say elf cleverness and fairy magic has saved the day she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me not she loves me we thought you'd gone far away oh it's Royd but I just can't get her out of my head that lady gnomes beautiful isn't she do you like the way her eyes sort of sparkle for pity's sake can't we talk about something else okay then don't you think she has pretty ears oh this is terrible he's in love with her that spring time for you he's a fine figure of a no Minnie oh yes and I sneaked on a noise big tummy if you say so I've made up a song about him would you like to hear it no I'll take that as a yes oh look I think he's coming Oh is he I'm joy look he's my hat on straight oh it's you I thought you'd gone yes well boy just that is to say I that's the first time I've seen a gnome lost for words would you like to hear a song I've written yes for you type that as I yes all my loyalty gnome I thought so lovely err I'm not so pretty boys climb here so fair no I care I'm Gloria they're friends now Gloria will you be my own lady now and live with me forever in the Little Kingdom yes oh well come my dear I'll show you your new house here we are this is where we'll be living Oh whose idea was it to get them together nanny plum your majesty it wasn't it was your idea well you made the breakfast tree you told me to stop stop what are we going to do about it we can have a big wedding hello again oh I'm afraid we have some bad news what is it now we've had a look at the elf tree and Gloria feels it's a bit tiny I'm sorry we didn't design our elf tree for gnomes - living nice of you to apologize but it's still too small and your castle isn't really to old taste it's too old-fashioned old-fashioned I'm drafty so I'm afraid we'll have to find somewhere else oh well goodbye it's a shame we won't see you ever again oh don't worry we'll be back for our holidays [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle Daisy papi I'm taking your ones away and putting them in the cupboard mummy is right no more ones until you learn to use them properly ah finally a bit of peace and quiet who's that granny thistle is here darlings darlings marvellous to see you your granny a hug hello granny thistle Oh young Ben elf always a pleasure to see you what's wrong with the twins why are you so sad oh well ah you're once I've taken them away for now but how will they do magic without wounds maybe it's better if Daisy and poppy don't do magic well they're your children darling and the last thing I want to do is interfere at least Holly has a wall oh yes Holly's having magic lessons from me what have you learned Holly I can turn people into frogs Oh Roberts frogs you're still on frog I love it but that's baby magic what about the hard stuff like putting pink spots in the sky well making the trees sing thank you mother we don't have much need for singing trees or pink spots in the sky okay you're the boss anyway I brought presents presents for the children Holly I bought you this beautiful ring thank you is it magical um maybe a little just don't drop it okay okay and for Daisy and poppy to Bondi Wandy but we've just taken their ones away yes it's lucky I came when I did these mouths belonged to your great aunt and blood the powerful and Sharon the totally insane not dangerous are they nearly as dangerous as the person who waves them [Music] I think we'd better put these straight in the cupboard well of course you know best and it's past your bedtime come on up to bed now for your bedtime story little bunny bunting darling do you mind awfully if I read the twins the story oh yes of course how kind but try not to get them too excited they're meant to be going to sleep of course leave it to me once upon a time there lived a rabbit called little bunny bunting sounds a bit boring to me this is the book that I had when I was a little girl crazy spells for the under fives geeky spell number one how to make a storm what a day where's granny now uh she's with the twins oh is that such a good idea new ones oh of course mummy and daddy knew best and took your wands away never mind mine I wonder if that had something to do with granny is Holi coming out to play hello then she'll be down in a minute did you read a storm last night hear it it was in our bedroom a storm in a bedroom cool it was a magical storm good morning mother I already know the answer to this but who showed them how to make a magical storm me what a surprise only a little indoor weather darling nothing to worry about what else did you teach them oh just a few harmless little spells [Music] why are there two holy Sh Daisy and poppy did a spell on me we asked them not to what's they did it anyway this is what happens when Daisy and poppy do magic so it's a little toppling spell no harm done it's not like there's ten Hollies and if there were wouldn't that be nice where do they get the water from oh it seems to be my wall [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this is all a big fuss over nothing oh yes the twins are out there somewhere and they've got your wand what other spells did you teach them oh I did mention something about walking trees [Music] [Music] I don't want to hear it it's like a bad dream I suppose this is your doing nanny plum granny I might have known it's been a long time Cedric not long enough Millicent you always were a troublemaker Yes Mother you started this now you have to sort it out okay you're the boss I just think children should have a bit of fun that's all there's good fun and bad fun this is bad fun my goodness Daisy and poppy you're a long way from home Daisy and poppy are going bananas I see you've been doing lots of fab magic wonderful you've turned me to stern maybe not so good holder I think it's time for you to Robert Jack ring no what's she saying moon right the ring I think she's saying the ring but didn't you say not to up the ring I changed my mind it's not good fun anymore Bergeron all right here we go Hey what happened we're back in a little castle and everything's back to normal no walking trees or spots in the sky yes Holly rub the magic ring it turned everything back as it was that is some powerful ring yes the ring belonged to your great grandfather Neville the naughty oh look at the little darlings they're all tired out it's like a story of course my darlings dangerous magic for toddlers how long is my mother staying for two weeks chapter one how to turn mice into dragons [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 5,368,924
Rating: 3.8343403 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: qI7ZkIPbrDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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