Ben and Holly‘s Little Kingdom Full Episodes | Granny and Grandpapa | HD Cartoons for Kids

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today's adventure starts at the little castle hello everyone Wow oh talking card who sent you granny thistle my mother and I am here to invite you all to a magical party you'll need to capture it's a magic burst oh dear I'm always a bit worried when we go there Grammy's house is so full of magic but don't you fairies like magic yes but granny and Grandpa pas like dangerous magic so their house isn't very child-friendly that's one way of putting it in the elf tree shoo you're invited to a magical party me there must be some mistake you are the wise old elf yes you're invited to granny scissors bhakti you need to catch the Magic Bus oh this magic bus is very late hello wise old elf are you coming to granny's party yes I seem to have been invited I was at college with your granny and Grandpa bar a long long time ago typical you wait ages for magic bus then three come at once all old I do like this there's no driver I don't need a driver I'm a Magic Bus Oh next stop granny and Grandpa bars when we get to granny and Grandpa paws don't touch anything that looks magical yes mummy remember granny's magic can be a bit strong yes Daddy what about grandpapa Cecil grump up a thistle oh he's completely bonkers whatever you do don't ask him about his hobbies Wow a castle in the clouds let's ring the bell no Ben don't touch it don't touch anything I'll ring the bell it seems to be an ordinary Bell this time usually something jumps here I am surprised are the spider oh you guessed it was me hey darlings darlings dolly is hello granny thistle how you been welcome to my party Oh Cedric hello Millicent come along inside darlings we're going to have such fun inside your house rainbows are so much better than stairs and yes the weather changes [Music] looks like a stone maybe you should think about getting some ordinary stairs one day mother Oh stairs would be like a fairy cake these cakes are amazing [Music] delicious of course they are magical fairy cake mommy why can't we have magic cakes like this we don't need to do everything by magic darling honestly it's as if your parents think the magic will run out if they use it too much Cedric no not eating will you have a fairy cake well alright put me down oh well if you insist ah magic always leads to trouble but you used to love magic that was a long time ago thank goodness none of you could see me then oh I think I've got some old pictures somewhere [Applause] [Music] in those days I wasn't the wise old elf I was a foolish young girl we had such fun you simply saw magic yes but that was before the incident of the monkey kittens happened I think I've got a picture of that too No well another time now for the party games we still have to finish hide-and-seek from last time we never found grandpa paw he's been hiding for a year hiding oh yeah yes he does take the game very seriously we'll find him it's the twins you found me at last and holy my dear did I win the game hello dad have you really been hiding there all year if a game is worth playing it's worth playing right hello victor Cedric old bean this is my best friend Ben delighted to meet you Ben don't ask him about his hobbies what's that hobbies you want to hear about my hobbies well did you know I've been doing some inventing yes last year you showed us your jam trousers did I what about my custard shoes those two oh I've taken up lots of new hobbies like woodwork sounds quite harmless here's a wooden chair I mean it looks surprisingly like an old wheelchair yes but then I asked myself why should a chair have legs and not be able to walk here boy yes indeed it doesn't like being sat on no that's the problem with walking chairs and also I've been doing some gardening gardening that sounds relatively safe I asked myself why should a tulip have leaves why not hands or even feet and I gave it a brain and a voice what do you think of my gardening Cedric this isn't gardening this is an abomination what's an abomination that chulip I do like my hobbies frogs I asked myself why should a frog have just two eyes why not 10 or 23 oh that's enough yeah they don't care about your silly old hobbies yes I'm forgetting myself it's your party darling and I've arranged a fantastic surprise what's the surprise I dread to think to the top of the tower ready thistle loves looking at the stars oh yes stars are very pretty so I asked myself why do we have to look at the stars from down here why not up there in the sky [Music] Wow was turned into a rocket are the stars beautiful granny they suddenly are darling very nice dad how'd you land this thing no idea son this is magic I don't have to know what I'm doing I may not know much about magic but I do know how to land a rocket [Music] look we're back home home we survives the party thank you for landing the rocket surgery my pleasure Millicent no let's head to the Sun and see what it's made of groovy today's adventure starts at little Casa de Zeeuw papi I'm taking your ones away and putting them in the cupboard mummy is right no more ones until you learn to use them properly ah finally a bit of peace and quiet Oh who's that um granny thistle is here Oh my mother granny granny darlings darlings darlings marvelous to see you Holly your granny a hugger fee hello granny thistle Oh young Ben elf always a pleasure to see you what's wrong with the twins why are you so sad oh well ah your once I've taken them away for now but how will they do magic without moons maybe it's better if Daisy and poppy don't do magic well they're your children darling and the last thing I want to do is interfere at least Holly has a wall oh yes Holly's having magic lessons from me what have you learned Holly I can turn people into frogs Oh Roberts frogs you're still on frog I love it but that's baby magic what about the hard stuff like putting pink spots in the skull or making the trees we don't have much need for singing trees or pink spots in the sky okay you're the boss anyway I brought presents presents for the children Holly I brought you this beautiful ring thank you is it magical um maybe a little just don't drop it okay okay and for Daisy and poppy mundi mundi but we've just taken their ones away yes it's lucky I came when I did these melons belonged to your great aunt and last the powerful and Sharon the totally insane not dangerous are they early as dangerous as the person who waves them I think we'd better put these straight in the cupboard well of course you know best and it's past your bedtime come on up to bed now for your bedtime story little bunny bunting darling do you mind awfully if I read the twins the story oh yes of course how kind but try not to get them too excited they're meant to be going to sleep of course leave it to me once upon a time there lived a rabbit called little bunny bunting sounds a bit boring to me this is the book that I had when I was a little girl crazy spells for the under-fives geeky spell number one how to make a storm what a day where's granny now uh she's with the twins oh is that such a good idea new ones no of course mummy and daddy knew best and took your wands away never mind how's mine I wonder if that had something to do with granny it's Holi coming out to play hello then she'll be down in a minute did you read a storm last night hear it it was in our bedroom a storm in a bedroom cool it was a magical storm good morning mother I already know the answer to this but who showed them how to make a magical storm me what a surprise only a little indoor weather darling nothing to worry about what else did you teach them oh just a few harmless little spells [Music] why are there two Holies Daisy and poppy did a spell on me we asked them not to what's they did it anyway this is what happens when Daisy and poppy do magic so it's a little doubling spell no harm done it's not like there's ten Hollies and if there were wouldn't that be nice [Music] oh it seems to be my wall [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this is all a big fuss over nothing oh yes the twins are out there somewhere and they've got your wand what other spells did you teach them oh I did mention something about walking trees I don't want to hear it it's like a bad dream I suppose this is your doing nanny plum I might have known it's been a long time Cedric not long enough Millicent you always were a troublemaker Yes Mother you started this now you have to sort it out okay you're the boss I just think children should have a bit of fun that's all there's good fun and bad fun this is bad fun my goodness Daisy and poppy you're a long way from home Daisy and poppy are going bananas I see you've been doing lots of bad magic wonderful I'm a hedgehog you've turned me to stern maybe not so good holder I think it's time for you to Robert Jack ring no what's she saying moon right third room I think she's saying the ring but didn't you say not to up the ring I've changed my mind it's not good fun anymore Bergeron all right here we go hey what happened we're back in a little castle and everything's back to normal no walking trees or spots in the sky yes holy rub the magic ring it turned everything back as it was that is some powerful ring yes the ring belonged to your great grandfather Neville the naughty oh look at the little darlings they're all tired out like a story of course my darlings dangerous magic for toddlers how long is my mother staying for two weeks chapter one how to turn mice into dragons today's adventure starts at the great elf tree Oh your boo have you got a cold or something nanny you can speak Lady Bird what's Gaston saying oh he's saying he's not Gaston he's gasps Dawn's brother Tony I didn't know Gaston had a brother me neither hahahaha and Tony has come here with his family this is Pam and these are their children okay [Laughter] hello they've come to visit Gaston but they're lost we'll take you to Gaston come on this way Gaston your brother tiny has come to visit what is it what are they saying well they wrote Gaston a left at asking if he could look after their children for a day so Gaston yes that's the king what does he want nanny plum I can't find my glasses have you tried looking on your hat oh yes now where's my crown oh I'll have to go have fun you two and uncle Gaston [Laughter] [Music] Gaston looks a bit tired have a little rest Gaston will play with the baby ladybirds for a bit let's place a road and key and just on sir uncle we know they need when my little sister doesn't have a map she gets overtired he cries [Music] how could we get them to make my little sister sleepy my mom reads her a story but Gaston Scott story books looks like he's eaten them all I've got lots of lovely clean washing Gaston no I'm not having muddy footprints all over my washing today thank you tired today hey Gaston at least that means you will be jumping up on me and licking my face goodness me baby ladybirds yes emerald and Keith well well so Gaston is a girl ladybird after all no gas Don's a boy ladybird he's their uncle he's looking after them for the day ah be house-trained I'm sorry Holly but it's cause they care I'm going to read the story but to make the baby ladybirds sleepy oh but where are the baby ladybirds they've gone I'll go and get them no Ben Daisy and poppy can be a bit dangerous I'll go Daisy poppy they're not your dollies they're baby lady Birds how many baby lady Birds Oliver hmm this seemed to be full now Daisy poppy it's very naughty to turn your mother into a ladybird oh thank you darling oh dear it's alright King pixel dad just getting a bit tired right where are your storybooks Holly in my bedroom I love this storybook no Gaston it's not for eating rock-a-bye baby on the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock when the bough breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and Oh time will come baby cradle and all that's not very nice you're right what about this one it's about ladybirds ladybird ladybird fly away hi your house is on oh dear this one's even more scary how about this one once upon a time there were three little pigs can't you make it more about lady Birds Ben okay once upon a time there were three little lady birds and they each built a little house one was made of straw one was made of sticks and one was made of bricks what's happened next well one day a big bad wolf came along to the straw house and he huffed and he puffed and he does the story have a happy ending um let's see no I mean let's just say the three little piggies I mean ladybirds lived happily ever after so the wolf didn't eat any of them not even one no no no of course not it was all happy the end Ben look they're all asleep oh yes we did it what time are their mommy and daddy coming to collect them oh I've just thought their mommy and daddy won't know where we are [Music] what is it Gaston he's heard something [Music] well done Gaston they found us working up already how come they've got so much energy again mmm there might be something to do with them having a little sleep yes my little sister's always got tons of energy after she's had enough today's adventure starts at mrs. witch's house mrs. witch's spring clean mrs. witch are you in here I'm here to spring clean your cottage and these are my helpers burn and Haleh right spring cleaning time yes I'm a terrible one for keeping things I just can't throw anything away hey never mind I'll throw things away for you yes the problem is everything in here is magical and dangerous so someone has to look after it what feed a miss dishcloth that's a little magic carpet from a magic doghouse well where is this doll's house huh I'm not sure so you don't need it then do you what about this old mirror that's my magic mirror hmm this that's my magic lamp there's a genie in it you know of course there is oh dear I'm not sure I want to spring clean what's this horrid stuff much logjam slug Jam we'll get rid of that for you good job Dan thanks you're really very kind nanny plum are these things really magical no it's just a load of old junk now we've got to get rid of it all starting with the slug jam slug jam Oh disgusting neither do you want to eat that I know I'll put it safely in the back of the cupboard where no one can find it I wonder if mummy would like this mirror my mum might like is pretty long and maybe someone would want the old carpet it'd have to be someone with very bad taste that's a nice carpet mrs. which is throwing it away oh it's not magical is it no nanny plum said it's just junk do you want it yes I would like it thank you ah very nice very cozy a tropical paradise I wish I was there it is a magic carpet now listen here you naughty magic carpet take me back at once I've got a present for mommy oh where is mommy she's been locked in the bathroom for ages getting ready to go out and I'm hungry I've got something for you oh thank you my dear it's a magic mirror mrs. witch didn't want it anymore so what does the magic mirror do I tell the truth oh how exciting mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all you are queen thistle oh how wonderful well you normally are the fairest of them all Oh what do you mean well it's a bit of a bad hair day today isn't it oh dear now I'll have to start all over again [Laughter] what did you say that for just telling the truth your majesty now we'll be eating even later and I'm starving I've got a present for you mrs. which had a spring clean and she threw this out a lamp isn't it nice Oh lovely very brassy I'll just give it a Polish [Music] oh-oh-oh-oh he's very manly wash we wish for why don't you dance for us wish I wish for loud music xxx we wish we had a big party with all of us dancing what is your third and final wish [Music] but you have used up your three wishes bye-bye let's go and see King missile he can sort it out how are you doing in there darling I'm hungry I'm ready mummy you look super yes you look lovely right let's go eat I'll just ask the mirror what it thinks mirror mirror on the wall how does my hair look now honestly not good oh dear I don't know what to do let me help I am a magic mirror after all salted that's horrid change my hair back no it looks great hazel do something nobody will notice your hair come on let's go to dinner no no I can't go up like this I'm going to get a snack now then what would be a lovely tasty snack Oh nanny always put the best stuff at the back of the cupboard oh yeah [Music] I wish for a big party and now I can't stop dancing oh really it was a genie from the witch's old lamp please help us King thistle witch's magic eh I can't help fairy magic doesn't work on which is magic sorry and all that this witch's carpet just flew me off to a tropical paradise well just keep the noise down there's a good fellow say how do I stop this thing well if you will all play around with witch's magic [Music] that's the most disgusting thing I've ever where did you get that gem from the back of nanny's cupboard oh you've just eaten the witch's slug gem and it's a bit worse than that it's magic slug Jam hello what's gonna happen to me now you might change into a slug this is outrageous magic mirrors flying carpets magic lamps slug jam mrs. witch can jolly well take all this stuff back [Music] mrs. witch mrs. witch oh hello who King thistle I see you tried my slug jab ah yes could you turn me back into myself please don't you like being us luck it's delightful I just feel a bit uh sticky oh very Bell oh that's better mrs. witch can you stop us dancing of course and can you magic my hair back to normal my pleasure and won't you mind taking all this stuff back I don't want it Hey what throwing out all those old things made me realize I needed up the spring mean anyone want a magic sauce pen now what do we do all this stuff is too dangerous to just leave lying around hmm this is King's work gosh what have you done to your house what do you mean I really liked it how you had it before much more witchy oh this lamp would look really good here that's where I had it this slug jam would look nice that's where it's always lived the carpet here and the mirror them you really have got good taste mrs. witch that's why you've got such a nice little house Oh lovely man oh well you know I do my best goodbye mrs. witch goodbye everyone thanks for all your help daddy did you really think that mrs. witch's house was nice of it all that stuff in it no it was a big smelly mess why didn't you say so then there's a time for telling someone their house is a big smelly mess and a time for being just nice [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow Gaston wants to play fetch the steak okay uh magic up a stick and dry umbrella do one whoops it sounds like your ones got a cold no poor one it's because she got all wet I better call the wand doctor hello is that the wand doctor yes we've got a sick wand thank you goodbye the doctor says you have to put one day to bed and he'll be right over the wands doctor is here hello but that's just the wise old owl I'll have you know I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a fully qualified one doctor Oh see we elves make the ones remember yes why is that you hate magic we make ones but we don't use them magic always leads to trouble now where is my patient here that's loud turn out please as I thought a code I suggest day of rest the wand needs to stay in bed and keep nice and warm will one day be able to do magic oh no no no there'll be no waving one day around for a while Oh what shall I do without a wound funny you should ask I've been working on a brand new wand maybe you'd like to try it out wow it's been top secret until now I call it the wise wand 3000 even I didn't know about it gosh thanks wise old elf it's so pretty and it talks incredible amazing that's not all this wand has a very special feature no other wand has what special feature oh you'll find out soon enough I have to say once don't get any better than this what did he mean by that what does he ever mean I always lose interest halfway through I can't wait to do some magic with my Wise Ones 3000 well you will have to wait till tomorrow because it's nearly bedtime by only by Ben by Gaston see tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] morning daddy morning Holly than you want how is it it's amazing good news princess Holly 1d is better the ones doctor was right she just needed a bit of rest oh that's nice so you can take that new ones back to the wise old elf if you like I think I might like to keep it for a bit I haven't even tried doing magic with it yet oh well what should we do with this um I don't really need it anymore can you put it with my baby toys okay oh wow there you go Holly's got a new ones now yes it's called the wise one 3000 Wow yes it's very very me and top secrets oh let's play a game yes what shall we play let's say princesses knights and nor sea witches yes I'll be the princess because I am a princess and I'll be the brave knight okay Wow Rio Alba and I'll be the naughty wait what do we do now the brave knight has to rescue the princess from a tower roof tower how am I going to rescue you from that in the stories the princess grows her hair really long and the night climbs up it oh yes easy elves good at climbing up hair and now you're both crap oh we can easily get down nuts if I put bars on the window [Music] Oh lunch time oh that's my mum I've got to go bye ok bye Fleur how are we going to get down don't worry I've got my wise one 3000 ok let's get out of here oh it didn't work it's not doing anything what happens the last time you used it nothing I haven't done any magic with it yet it's useless I wish I had my old one it's Gaston Gaston could fetch hell yes Gaston darling gets wounded on fish [Music] you're in a hurry today [Music] why are you going with one day meant to be a very special wand but it doesn't do anything maybe it's broken it doesn't look broken that's it's actually a bit annoying yes my old ones never talked it just I'm so glad to see you now let's get down this tower yes indeed [Music] I think I'll use my old wound from now on ah princess Holly how are you getting on with a wise wand 3000 it's broken is it it looks perfectly fine to me but it doesn't do magic yes that's the special feature I was talking about no magic wands that doesn't do magic correct you see magic always leads to trouble and also the one that doesn't do magic is not a wand it's just a stick so you're saying that the wise one 3000 is good for absolutely nothing yes I know one thing it's good for yes hey Gaston fetch the stick sticks and I love you one day you're my best friend [Music] today's adventure starts at the middle [Music] [Music] play football okay Oh magic the ball a bit bigger hang on I'm still holding it don't worry then I'll be very careful [Applause] we can't play together like this okay I'll make myself big turn great now we're both big big people are coming shall we hide I don't think we can with too big what shall we do hello Lucy it's a fen and Holly oh yes but you're so big I made us big with a spell wow that's great I'm here with my friends Katie and Yasmin do you want to meet them but big people are meant to know about little people like us but I know about you you're special don't worry you just like big people they'll never know okay but we mustn't tell them any of our elf and fairy secrets these are my friends Ben and Holly I'm Yasmin and I'm Katie I like your fairy out it Thanks where do you live in a fairy castle you live in a fairy castle Holly I mean I live in a house where do you live Ben I live in a tree actually I mean a block of flats we call it the tree I live in a block of flats too but we call it a block of flats I like your elf costume especially the ears are you going to a fancy dress party oh come on everyone let's play catch Katie really fast and jump really high that's because I'm an elf I mean that's because I keep fit can you one fast no but I can't sighs Holly remember you can't really fly oh yes I can do magic hmm I like magic trick show us a trick then are you sure you can do magic Holly of course are you really sure yes [Music] you'll give away that we're not normal big people oh sorry that's an amazing trick how is it done is this a trick ball it's a secret a magician never gives away their secrets Lucy home time that's my dad we have to go now it was nice to meet you Fallon Holly should ice rink us back to normal size no I like being big I never want to be small again you're big holy magic dust big and we're going to stay big that's very nice but would you mind lifting your foot up oh sorry that's quite all right princess Holly but if you're going to stay big you'll need to watch those feet of yours [Music] by everyone sometime and that's my mum see you tomorrow feet feet feet oops that was close sorry it's okay mom it's me Oh Ben how did you get so big holy magic to me bigger well you can't come inside like that could Holly make you small again I don't want her to I've decided to stay big forever oh well it's your life I suppose do you want some dinner yes please you've got a lovely large pie for dinner today there you go haven't you got anything bigger what are you talking about that's a huge pie oh I think my tummy is a bit bigger than it was well your tummy might have to go without I'm used to feeding Ben the elf not Ben Vijayan [Music] hello I'm hi daddy it's me my goodness holy what happened to you I magic myself baked and I want to stay big forever ah watch where you put those big faith honey you almost stepped on nanny oops sorry nanny Holly are you really sure you want to stay big forever yes it's almost bedtime how are you going to fit in your little bed I know mommy I'll sleep outside okay but you'll need to keep warm how about my magic you up a giant sleeping bag yes please Manny this is cozy I hope Ben has found somewhere nice to sleep as well calling all elves stop making toys we need a giant sleeping bag who is this enormous sleep impact football fan else he's a giant person now oh they grow up so fast these days grab hold of this and pull Wow a giant sleeping bag it's great thanks everyone our pleasure elves are good at making giant sleeping bags maybe don't toot your horn when you're so big now sleep well good night good night it is fun being big I can't wait till morning [Music] princess Holly time to get up oh where are you I'm here a spell must have worn off and now I'm little again oh never mind Holly big is overrated in my opinion I'm going to see if Ben has shrunk okay Ben where are you I'm here the spell wore off in the night oh now we're little again well at least you'll be able to have breakfast yes breakfast thanks mom hmm I didn't realize how hungry I was I do like being small me that's Lucy do you want to play morning Lucy oh you're tiny again yes we are we decided we liked being little after all actually I think I like you being little too just the right size for an elf and a fairy and you're just the right size for a big person [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 3,777,573
Rating: 4.0429449 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: kjxztRpC5UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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