Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Lucy's School | Cartoon for Kids

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Lucy's school I knew this shortcut through the meadow wasn't a good idea you'll be late for school Lucy but I love going this way we might meet my little elf and fairy friends again Lucy the other day when we thought we saw elves and fairies it was a very hot day and I'm afraid we let our imaginations run away with us there really aren't any such things as fairies and elves good morning Lucy good morning come on Lucy you'll be late for school bye little people I'm going to school its nature day can we come it should be a brilliant adventure yes no no I forbid it remember we mustn't be seen by big people but I've seen you and so has my dad but you're nice it's just other big people we can't trust oh don't worry I'll go with them and we'll keep well-hidden okay but if you do get seen pretend to be a toy like this I'm a toy yes yes whatever come on Lucy say goodbye to your little friends [Music] bye Lucy pick you up later this is my school Wow so many big children stay hidden we mustn't be seen good morning children today we are learning about wonderful things in nature like fluffy our hamster who knows what kind of animal fluffy is a hamster yes but what sort of animal is a hamster oh he's a mammal is he a mammal yes well done Lucy its proper name is mess Oh crickey to us our artists its proper name is mess Oh creepy tiss our artists goodness I think we'll just stick with fluffy Oh No yes don't smelt the bananas he likes bananas Gaston here boy stop come back nature is all around us like this pretty little insect does anyone know what she's called Gaston and he's a boy very funny Lucy is it a ladybird yes or you could call her a ladybug and what does she eat Gaston likes pie and spaghetti bolognaise pies and spaghetti bolognaise no lady birds eat things like green flies let's keep the Lady Bird in this jar I know Gaston's trapped we'll let her go later I hope Gaston will be all right don't worry I'll get him out of the jar but you'll be saved it's all right then I'll be very careful miss cookie there's a fairy world here across my desk a fairy let's have a look nanny the teachers coming pretend to be of toy oh yes I'm a tall Oh little fairy godmother whose toy is this um it's mine do you remember what our rule is that's right I'll pop the dolly in my drawer and you can have it back at the end of the lesson all right yes miss cookie pie miss cookie it was a real fairy Thank You Katie let's carry on shall we she's got nanny's wand sparkly that girl doesn't know she's doing magic what oh where did he spring from well well can anyone tell me what kind of animal a frog is it's not a kitten oh my goodness it is a kitten yeah I didn't mean to lift her as well miss cookie Katie's out of her seat sit down please Katie good she's dropped the wand I'll go and get it wait for me quick pretend to be toys what a pretty fairy doll and a handsome elf are they're yours as well Lucy yes miss cookie I think I'll put these toys in the drawer as well what are you two doing here we tried to get your warrant but a boy saw us did you pretend to be toys yes honey good well I think we've been very clever so far no one knows we're not toys but we shot in the teachers draw and we haven't got our wands yeah I think we'll have to call for a little help elf rescue hello well if it isn't nanny plum let me guess the big children have seen you you've lost your wand and you've been locked in a cupboard No you've got it all wrong we've been locked in a drawer oh all right I suppose I better rescue you I'm on my way sit tight and don't do any magic he's on his way [Music] Lucy Lucy oh hello wise old owl are you here to rescue Ben Lally yes watch an elf ninja at work Oh bother miss cookie there's an owl on a string ah this is an odd-looking doll yours as well Lucy ah yes miss cookie I'll put this funny-looking goblin in the drawer with the rest of the toys funny looking goblin funny goblin ah it's the wise old elf here to rescue us yay yes hello I never thought I'd be so glad to see you what's the rescue plan uh will you make a hole in the drawer with a special elf rescue drill there no getting locked in the drawer was not part of my plan it wasn't no it's all right Lacey's teacher will let us out at the end of the lesson home time children Oh Lucy let me give you your toys back I said it was risky but oh no you don't listen oh it's all right the whole thing we're toys guys oh I must have imagined it right here are your toys back Lucy the pretty fairy the handsome elf the fairy godmother and the strange old goblin madam for your information I am NOT a goblin I'm an elf well done wise old elf so much for not being seen by big people now miss cookie knows about us don't worry I'll sort it out hello miss cookie you must promise not to tell any of your friends that you've been seeing elves and fairies no I promise I won't tell anyone any of my friends that I've been seeing elves and fairies thank you so much bye can I have my ladybird back your ladybird okay welcome away he's a boy and he loves spaghetti bolognaise don't you guys know by now I've seen everything cheerio hi dad hi Lucy good day great so what did you do at school today do you again soon cheerio Lucy's dad cheerio you're never in a million years guess what I saw today an elf in a helicopter don't tell me you've seen them too um yes maybe we should just keep this between ourselves eh yeah good idea I think we got away with that only a couple of people Soares and her teacher thanks to the wise old owl yes maybe we should just keep this between ourselves yeah what's it worth [Music] miss cookies nature trail Oh panic over everyone it's Lucy we thought it might be someone dangerous big people have big feet yes and we don't like being stepped on oops sorry for stepping on you mr. mayor I didn't see you there it's fine dad it's just you but it's not just me my teacher miss cookie is bringing my whole class here today on the nature trail lots of big children and a big teacher they mustn't see us fairies Oh us Oh mrs. wait all the dwarfs all red beard the health pirate yes yes yes the whole of the little kingdom is meant to be secret did I just say little windows in the topes toes all right gather round children yes miss Maggie here are some toad stools tick toad stools off on your lists miss cookie the toasters have little windows in them Oh No that was close yes but I think we got away with it next on the list is an oak tree let's go and find one oh no bearing towards the great oak tree we have to get there first people-people everyone into the tree good it looks like a normal tree look a little person ah here we are you can tell an oak tree by the shape of the leaves do oak trees have little people living in them what of course not tick oak tree on your lists everyone phew that was close you're telling me right next on the list is insects this way children are oh they're heading straight for the little castle we have to get there first wait for me [Music] now we're completely hidden but what about the castle perhaps they won't notice it well notice it whoa notice it a little fairy castle with a flag on top I know I'll just magic the castle invisible brilliant nanny invisible invisible castle disappear invisible invisible disappear a castle this field is a perfect place for insects to live I think I just saw a castle then it went invisible Oh what fantastic imaginations you children have what that does seem to be something here I can feel a tower with a flag on top oh oh yes insect that's what we're looking for okay I found an insect lovely now does anyone know what this insect is called just on what oh I mean a ladybird Wow all right children tick insect on your lists easy and now on to the lake I think it's this way thank goodness they're moving away from the little castle but they're going right towards mrs. witch's house no time to lose how can we hide mrs. witch she's huge maybe she could pretend she's not Oh a good idea Ben listen there's no time to explain but you have to pretend you're not a witch okay Who am I then you're just a nice old lady okay here they come remember you're just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly okay hello I'm not a witch I'm just nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly well I'm pleased to hear it my name is Miss cookie I'm mrs. witch your name is mrs. witch yes but I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't eat a fly that's good can you tell us the way to the lake yes straight down the path and through the trees you can't miss it is that a weak cheese hat you're wearing yes but I'm not a witch but you are called mrs. witch yes and you're called miss cookie but you're not a biscuit so kind of cookies if anyone would like a snack take their gingerbread never suspected a thing but now they're going to the lake and that's where red beard the elf pirate sails his boat we have to warn him hello red beard the elf pirate speaking listen carefully big people are coming your way I hear them and I have no time to hide Britain to be a toy okey-dokey I'm a toy here's the lake I found a toy boat there's a doll on it oh that's red beard who's I mean the dolls got two red beard some poor child must have lost it let's put it here where they'll find it lovely tic-tac poles off your list and that's the end of today's nature trail come on children back to school yes well done red beard they never suspected a thing it was a close call and no mistake they've been all live in the Little Kingdom now but we haven't been discovered yes well done everyone the big people have no idea us little people live here they didn't see the great elf tree or the little castle and they didn't find out mrs. Witt is a witch all I can say is it's a good thing they didn't bump into the no Dumpty don't you dude [Music] du-du-duh hello evening all hello are you going to a fancy dress party party is there party food there boy like food we're just on a nature trail oh yes what have you seen on this nature trial we've seen tight stools and insects and tadpoles toad stools insects tadpoles but there's loads more stuff really there's the elves and the fairies what that blabbermouth is giving everything away can we stop him yes the elves live in a tree and oak tree yes it's got tiny windows in it I thought I saw a castle you saw it all right because it's there the post fairies live in a little castle made of tiny brick cities is there work of course she's called mrs. witch living these toes yes this is a secret fairy village what's that Kingdom oh yes of course leave this to me now then you know how I was talking about toadstools insects and tadpoles yes right everything I talked about after that forget it forget it yes and there's no magic twelves dragons or goblins in these woods neither okay come on class let's go home good boy I think we just about got away with it bye everyone that was close close you told them everything but I also told them to forget it all anyway the Little Kingdom is safe again yes and it's all thanks to me [Music] honeybees I do love a good picnic yes nothing beats eating in the great outdoors sandwich mrs. elf Thank You Queen fissile sandwich darling mmm yummy honey sandwiches my favorite [Music] well I don't like them they're good for nothing good for nothing the honey in your sandwich comes from bees no it doesn't honey comes from a jar didn't you go to school dear yes King school we learned to waive bends right King thistle please do make honey how it all starts with a flower the bees eat sweet nectar from the flower Thank You mrs. elf when they eat lots of nectar they take it back to make honey in the Beehive I'd love to see the beehive I'll take you there if you like good idea mr. elf and while you're at it can you get me some more honey of course your majesty we'll bring you back a nice fresh jar of honey thousands of bees in a hive thousand famous makeup light old records oh yes get ready for the load buzzing it will be very noisy indeed oh it's very quiet wise old elf where are all the bees they've gone yes flown off we're waiting to see if they come back there that's the queen bee the rest of them always follow huh [Music] good she's led them all back into the hi [Music] everyone relax all's back to normal now then Ben and Holly what can we do for you we've come to see how bees make honey well you've come to the right place this is the bee hive and I'm the beekeeper we need a jar of honey for the king no problem so I suppose we go in and get some where's the door hang on nanny plum you can't just walk into the hive there's thousands of bees in there with thousands of STIs and they wouldn't be too pleased if we try to take away their honey Oh so what do we do first we make the bees sleepy Wow well it involves magic but now I thought you didn't like magic I don't but when I'm about to walk into a nest of angry bees I'm prepared to bend the rules who does the magic Oh any old fairy will do nanny plum can you do a sleep spell for me all right then Oh nanny not the wise old elf please why didn't he say what'd he mean what happened right so just to be clear you want me to magic the bees to sleep if you wouldn't mind yes [Music] they're all asleep good now it will be much safer so now do you come in and get the honey not quite yet we need a fail-safe a fail-safe what's that extra safety in case our first safety measure fails watch this it's very clever what's he doing goodness knows it'll probably be stupid but funny told you he's dressed as a bee yes so if the bees do wake up they'll think I'm a beam and not sting me your failsafe yes Ben now I simply fly into the hive but you can't fly that's where the elf le copter comes in bees asleep check bee costume on check jar for honey go go go now watch a beekeeper at work calm safe and sensible I'm a bee buzz buzz buzz noemi in I am inside take me down oh all of this for a jar of honey yes it's very exciting [Music] Papa Beach now left to pick the peas will wake up soon if he doesn't get a move on I need a position quick wise all down [Music] boys old elf there we are John come safe and sensible nice bees just for doing a bit of honey and I'm a bee buzz buzz old Mia [Music] mission accomplished Tom safe and sensible what are those bees doing that hey they seem to be following head ah bee swarm get me out of here follow and maybe they think he's the queen bee hold on we're almost at the little castle thank goodness the windows open hmm but if it draft in here let's close the window yeah goodness me wise old elf what are you ah my jar of honey what an amazing delivery service your even dress does it be yes let me in what are you playing at what's going on bees bees ah yes I used to be frightened of bees too but it turns out they're quite useful sure who switched the lights out [Music] follow me quietly your majesty where are we going wise old elf there better be a good reason for this oh god please what are those bees doing the bees have decided that the little castle is their new home Your Majesty what's but looking on the bright side you can have all the honey you can eat why are they all come here they followed me because they think I'm the queen bee well I don't want them on my castle if the bees notices they'll follow me again oh I see well why didn't you say so hello bees he's over here I've got you wait what about my honey [Music] they're getting closer try to shake them off aren't we a bit near these and there's the queen bee I mean the wise old elf [Music] come on here's your queen bee and that is how you get a jar of honey calm safe and sensible huh what's the matter haven't you ever seen a beekeeper in his underpants before come safe and sensible yes exactly it's all quite easy when you're an expert beekeeper like me a nutcase can you fetch me a jar of honey - no at least perhaps not today [Music] the witch competition thank you for helping tidy my house nanny plum no problem mrs. witch my goodness what a lot of cobwebs let's March Eve them away I don't know what I'll do without you nanny but mrs. witch why can't you just use your own magic to tidy your house the thing is I don't do much magic these days I am retired Wow still got your name Joe cat I don't feel good about muggy it's a cat but it's just a bag of fleas really please mrs. witch you've turned nanny to stone so you can do magic only if I'm boss nanny was being very rude about private cat can you turn nanny back if she says sorry sorry and say sorry Tamaki sorry Margot oh I forgot she's so touchy about her cat hello are you mrs. which that's me I'm Wendy witch hello Wendy witch I'm so excited to be standing here with you you're famous Emma I was brought up on stories of you doing the fastest spells in the West that was all a long time ago I'm retired now and what a lovely witchy house I can't believe I'll be living here huh what was that I'll be living in your house but this only room in this house for one witch yes now you're retired you'll be going to the old witch's home you'll be very happy there it's full of other old witches watching telly all day you know what I said I was retired I meant I'm not retired goodbye that was close and sorry to bother you again since there's only room for one which around here we'll have a witch competition the winner stays the loser goes oh yes of course a witch competition needs a judge someone important my daddy is a king is that important enough a king will do nicely let's go and meet this Daddy of yours hello your majesty oh I'm Wendy witch oh hello Wendy witch we're having a witch competition and we need someone important and wise to be the judge that'll be me I'm very important and wise if mrs. witch loses she'll have to leave her house daddy you have to make sure mrs. witch wins I'm sorry Holly but I'm the judge and I have to be fair and aboveboard I suppose there's a first time for everything when does the competition start at high noon I haven't got a chance against Wendy which I haven't been in a witch competition for years what happens in a witch competition there's a spell contest broomstick riding and jam-making Wow good job smells quite nice see I've lost my touch which dam is supposed to be horrible don't worry we'll help you make it horrible hey what if you put in some snail slime snail slime yes that could do it and some worm poo yes that would make it taste awful you see you can't win now let's tackle the broomstick riding I haven't ridden my broom in years it's forgotten all its training let's try spells misses wait you did the fastest spells in the West right mrs. witch turn these cans into frogs I'm afraid she's passed it passed it she can't even turn a can into a frog she might be good at magic once but now she's a bit of a husband has I'll show you you turn nanny into a frog that's because nanny got me annoyed hmm oh if you can do magic like that in the competition you'll be fine so just remember to get cross with Wendy witch but she's so friendly and nice it's your only chance to win okay I'll try to be cross which competitions the game you're making hmm why are they all staring at me you're the judge darling they're waiting for you to taste the witches Oh what's in it slog mostly with a hint of bat and spider eggs for crunch oh that's the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted thank you no my jam your majesty yes why should I have all the fun isn't it someone else's girl daddy you're the judge so you must taste both jabs of course I'm most lucky me oh they both taste equally revolting so the jam making is a draw and now broomstick flying [Music] I was really good [Music] now it's mrs. witch's time [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's rising the pros really I declare the broomstick riding true now for the smell contest mrs. wait where are you going to the old witch's home I can't win a spell contest yes you can you turned nanny to stone and she turned her into a frog well nanny plum makes me so close just remember to be cross when Wendy witch but she's so polite and charming she wants to put you in the old witch's home and live in your house you're right remember I'm cross remember I must let the spells begin the which returns the other two stone is the winner Oh improv mrs. witch it's been such a thrill to be in a competition with you remember Oh No thank you dear you're so nice she's the missus which to stymie the little kittens wait I'll really enjoy working with you King thistle ah working with me oh yes I've got big plans for the Little Kingdom ooh dear she sounds like a bit of a bossy boots yeah and mrs. which his mangy old cat will have to go did you see mrs. which move she can't move given Turks time he really is a flea-bitten old thing he smells awful [Music] mrs. which turned the other witch to stone so I suppose mrs. witch is the winner [Music] [Applause] we shouldn't you turn when DeWitt's back now she was very rude about my but if she says sorry sorry and sorry Tamaki sorry doggie oh thanks you're just amazing mrs. which I've never seen anyone break out of a stone spell before and you're a very polite and clever young witch mostly well as they say this town ain't big enough for the both of us so I'll be moving along [Music] I'm glad mrs. witch won the Little Kingdom wouldn't be the same without mrs. witch yes mind you Wendy which did have a point about the cat it does rather smell and it's what were that it these are mostly lovely Pussycats Thank You King thistle I do love my mokey mystic [Music] Gaston's taking a while yes where is he that's nanny plum time and that's my mum bye everyone see you tomorrow [Music] hi everyone yes Gaston it's empty where is Gaston Gaston Gaston good morning children has anyone seen Gaston today has anyone seen the ladybug Gaston is lost [Music] Gaston no come to think of it I haven't seen him it's all today he usually comes in for his breakfast first thing in the morning but he hasn't touched his food Gaston his nose don't worry Haleh we can find Gaston by looking in a crystal ball let's use this one it's a snow globe with a little Eiffel Tower inside yes truth isn't it there you go Paris in the snow it's almost like you're there but how can a snow globe fun Gaston oh that's where we need a little magic [Music] that's gosh Dawn's house the crystal ball is showing us what Gaston did yesterday and then we can work out where he is not just a pretty face day where's she going that's me feeding Gaston yesterday where would you be without me to feed you [Music] morning Gaston that's my mum here's your breakfast I thought it was just me who fed him the great elf tree and that's the wise old elf I haven't forgotten you here's your breakfast that's another break fast again you can't eat any more breakfast and that's mrs. father in jail here's your porridge Susan Susan could Carol Susan by my reckoning that's for breakfast I think Gaston needs lots of food because he does lots of running about [Music] surprised after all that I know this bit can you skip past it okay our fast-forwards stop there yes forward a bit [Music] he jumps behind those clovers and disappears so that's where he must be come on we have to find him let's get the others to help you found him not exactly but we know where he was before he disappeared this is where Gaston was last seen and then he vanished behind some clovers which clovers there are lots here we'll have to search all of them Gaston Gaston where are you Gaston this is crazy how can anyone just disappear into thin air Oh where's my man gone mom where are you I can't see you I can't see a thing wand give me light it's a huge case whoo it's full of sparkly diamonds and gems ah looks like we've found a bit of the old dwarf mine yes the little kingdom is riddled with dwarf tunnels those Dwarfs certainly like to dig come on everyone we've got to Lady Bird to rescue what about me oh yes I forgot about you snoring let's climb down it's a good thing I brought the elf rescue so I can hear voices someone's coming hi everyone take the diamonds we take the gold it's the dwarves dinnertime good boy when you finish that just put in I don't believe it that's Dawn's only pin here inside and he's already got people facing him right lads back to work lucky that Ward's didn't spot us they don't like strangers in their minds yes that's why I took the precaution of hiding the elf rope if the dwarves had seen the rope hanging from the top of the cave they would have known someone was in here I'm not called the wise one for nothing forget to climb out don't worry the wise one will have thought of that he'll have a brilliant plan ah oh this is a bit embarrassing I am so the wise one pulled the rope down but forgot that we need to climb up it to get out yes that's about it no worries we'll just fly out first but us elves can't fly oh okay I'll magic the rope to the top [Music] come on everyone let's go up I am NOT climbing up a magic rope say yourself you can lift our knife forever okay okay I'll climb up the magic rope oh hello mrs. fathering Gil what are you doing here I came as quick as I could when I heard Susan was in trouble Susan Oh Susan Susan the ladybug there you are he won't answer if you call him Susan Susan I've brought you something to eat poor Susan I would look after you if I didn't I've got to failing season would manage just fine - the nicest Papa in the world oh sweet and no work for you today you get the day off that sounds good but what shall I do you can play who will I play with the other daddies of course it's Father's Day for every daddy card Ben it's a picture of me waving from the elf truck the truck I've got to make my food deliveries no mr. elf you've got the day off but but don't worry someone else is doing your deliveries oh really who [Music] coming guess what nanny plum I'm in charge of your deliveries today so you just sit back and relax sit back and relax with nanny doing my deliveries the brave breakfast in bed if only everyday could start like this but every day does start like this you always have breakfast in bed ah yes read your card daddy you're the best daddy in the universe and today you can do whatever you like yeah you're not the king today you're just my daddy marvelous now make sure mrs. figs egg is nice and fresh and don't forget the orange for mrs. peach right a peach for mrs. orange no an orange for mrs. peach yes yes hey hey you forgot the egg I'm not the King today I'm just a humble daddy like you lot and today all the daddies have to play yes to you your majesty to you oops which scurvy scoundrel be shooting cannonballs at me now that would be me Oh begging your pardon King Cecil that's quite all right I'm just a normal daddy today Oh the daddies have the day off because it's Father's Day ah ah I know and that's why I brought this your card I don't know it you hello Fred sing dad today hello I've come to join in the fun I'm sorry wise old elf but you have to be a daddy to have the day off actually Holley I am a daddy I have three sons three sons yes but I don't talk about it much it's a bits of embarrassing my eldest boy ran off to sea to make his fortune he has a big red beard and he's a pirate happy Father's Day dad thank you son and from me to that thank you you never said the wise old elf was your dad well pirates don't like to admit they have mommies and daddies true but they all do and that's a fact captain squid what are you doing here you scurvy old rogue keeping an eye on you you black out so you don't steal my treasure you AG scoundrel haha happy Father's Day dad thank you son what captain squared is your son too that's right Oh two of my sons pirates but at least I have one son who's sensible guess what Dad I have decided to pay our parking go tonight but I've got an orange I've got my orange sorry mrs. page just hours of oranges here's the Brooklyn Stan no right broccoli oh but it's good for you this is a lettuce but I ordered a cabbage oh for goodness sake also grumpy we're only grumpy because you muddled our delivery is know why we're mr. elf does it oh yeah you can help yourselves - you bet deal that let's see how high I can kick the ball did you kick this ball um no it was me oh dear this Father's Day game has got a bit silly hasn't it it's not as bad as last Mother's Day yes you mummies know how to party [Music] do you know what time it is maybe we did go a bit wild come on daddies let's play at the meadow let's play basketball we'll need two Nets we'll need a referee dum dee dum dee doo dee doo nanny we need a referee for our game okay what's the game basketball never ever one team has to throw the ball into this net and the other team has to throw the ball into that net and you can own okay catch I need to know all the little details let's start but I haven't finished telling you the rules yes yet [Music] [Applause] Nannie in basketball you don't say goal you say yes yes I'm awarding you five points but that's too many I decide the roles on the referee carry on remember daddy you mustn't take the ball oh I see I use magic then you can't use magic it's Father's Day what does magic got to do with Father's Day yellow card for being naughty but I'm the king red card for talking back [Music] no no that's too many points okay oh this is the ridiculous why don't you add some dragons for good measure oh that's a good idea ride those out [Music] that wise old elf for suggesting what school would you like can we have a hundred million okay a hundred million points to this thing a hundred million points tada oh that means it's a draw great father's day this has been it'll be hard getting back to my work tomorrow yes it'll be hard getting back to my food deliveries again Oh wrong today mrs. peach wanted an orange and nanny gave her broccoli and I think I gave mr. AG a page or was it the other way round it'll take weeks to sort this out I'm quite looking forward to it I really enjoyed Father's Day that's a shame it's over there's still a tiny bit of Father's Day left papa I'll read you a bedtime story Thank You strawberry ready once upon a time a big bad wolf came along to the straw house and he huffed and he puffed and then there was a loud knock on the door who could that be said the princess well yo ho ho the Pirates set sail across the deep blue sea does the story have to be about pirates not about pirates what else could a story be about how about Vikings oh okay Vikings then the Vikings set sail across the deep blue sea on the way they met a pirate it's not bad bigger father not bad at all [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 12,100,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: 7nl_3GiDN2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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