Believing Big - Big Faith | Pastor Ken Claytor

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if you have a Bible go with me over to Matthew chapter number 17 and we want to get into this thing called believing big Matthew chapter 17 and we're gonna look at verse number 14 and my hope is as we read the Bible today you don't just read it but you literally walk through it on the canvas of your imagination and kind of feel the story you got it you got to read it and you got to feel the story Matthew 17 verse 14 it says when they came to a crowd a man approached Jesus and he knelt before him and I think there's something so powerful about us approaching Jesus meaning that you go towards Jesus that's why you're in church today and it's something powerful about us kneeling before him that's why we have music at the beginning of our services it's not an interlude before the word it's not something an intermission before the word it's literally our time to honor God before he honors us and that's why it's so important that you get to the church early and you come with the expectation because when we honor God God will always honor him and when we come in kneel before him great things happen and he says this he says lord have mercy on my son I love mercy the definition is when God prevents punishment that we receive from being ours grace is when God gives us something we don't deserve it's it's favor that we can't earn we don't deserve it he gives it to us and so our God has mercy and he also has grace he has grace and he also has mercy and this man know that he needed mercy and he says lord have mercy on my son because he's been dealing with Caesar's seizures and he's suffering greatly and I don't know who you are today maybe you're a person and you've been suffering greatly physically emotionally you feel lonely you felt people have abandoned you maybe you've went through a divorce maybe you've been dealing with an addiction or depression the good news is that God can give you victory and he can heal you and he has good news the gospel is good news for people that are suffering greatly and this guy here the Bible says that he often fell into the fire into the waters and so he had a suicidal demon and if you're that person that's been dealing with thoughts of suicide or giving up I want you to know that that spiritual warfare that the devil comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus came so that you could have life because he wants you to live and this is what it says in verse 16 I brought him to your disciples and they couldn't heal him and this is what Jesus says in 17 he kind of says it and he says it with a little bit of like he's perturbed like you unbelieving and perverse generation jesus replied how long am I gonna be with you how long am I gonna put him up you know what just bring them to me I like the the edge of Jesus sometimes we have this flowery Jesus and maybe that is one side of Jesus where everything is okay but there's a side of Jesus that tosses over tables of the money exchangers and there's a side of Jesus that you know it's just this edgy side of Jesus like you know what how long am I gonna be with you guys you don't see me through all of these miracles you didn't see me turn to fish and feed 5,000 you didn't see me raise the dead you know and seeing all of this happen and you can't cast the devil out of a person what Jesus is saying is don't you know who you are don't you understand the authority that I've given you don't you understand that what I've done I've done out of my humanity being filled with God to give you an example of what you could do in my name don't you get this by now and I know there's somebody who's here today you've been in church for a long time and you've been saved for a long time and Jesus is like don't you understand by now that I want to heal you and bless you and set you free ask your neighbor don't you get this by now and so Jesus is perturbed in verse 18 Jesus says whatever yharnam ready yet so he rebuked the demon and that's what you do what Devils you ain't got to get scared of the devil you can rebuke it and the Bible says this and it came out of the boy and he was healed at that moment does anybody believe in suddenly moment still come on church if anybody believe that you can come in sick and still leave out he'll come in depressed and leave out with the joy I believe in suddenly moments I believe in right now moments I believe in miracle moments I believe the miracle is in motion I believe that God can do whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it especially if our faith is in him and the boy was healed at that moment that means that from that day forward his life was never the same again in a moment and then the disciples they came to Jesus privately can you imagine this I got a question for you why couldn't we cast them out you know and it reminds me of a question that we would ask Jesus like why am I still dealing with the same things I've been in church for a long time why am I still dealing it's like everybody else got tears in their eyes and everybody else is worshiping God why am I still dealing with the same demons and the same strongholds in the same curses I don't know if you've ever been there where it's like you're struggling but you see somebody else with the victory and you go to God like God want me why am I still dealing with this and say like why couldn't we drive it out and Jesus gives them what I call the answer for the ages are y'all ready for this because I believe a lot of what you've been asking God for and been questioning about your Christianity and your spiritual life is found in verse number 20 the answer for the ages when they said why couldn't we cast them out jesus says this because you have so little faith today's message is entitled big faith somebody say big faith and big faith is the opposite of little faith you know if you look through the Scriptures it talks about oh ye of little faith over here o ye of little faith over there so the contrast to that is big faith everybody said big faith what does a little faith it's a little focus on God but more focused on your abilities it's little confidence in God but more confidence in what you've seen experienced and studied it is a little focus on the promises of God but more focused on your problems your pain in your past it's if you put it all together it's what we call a little faith everybody said go to faith and so for many of us the devil has been telling you that there's something wrong with your Christianity maybe there's something wrong with your Bible maybe there's something wrong with the Jesus himself but I want you to know that the problem that we have is probably not on God's side of the equation you know you know I'm not God that I like I think in equations I don't know why I'm like this you know you can take it or leave it I think in equations a lot of times like a couple of months ago God gave me this equation because I was asking the Lord this question I was like why is it that some people come to our church and spiritually they just take off and then there's other people they come to our church and they kind of go a little bit but then they struggle in like five years later they're still struggling and he gave me this equation and it makes sense to me he says it's because they lived their life on the surface and on the top he gave me this equation that on the surface if you live your life on the surface then the birds and the the things that are in the world will come and take the seat of the word that's been sown in your heart but what everybody needs is what I call a season of separation from the secular because once you go through a season of separation from the secular now the Word of God is being being sewn into substance because everything gets fruitful from substance I don't know if y'all following this equation you know I'm saying it's like it's like a mathematical equation that means on the top you have the surface everybody just say the surface but then when you when you when you buckle down and you get all in there is a season of separation from the secular that I believe every believer needs now I'm not giving you a law I'm just giving you good discipline for me this is the way it works for me so when I first read edited my life to the Lord and I got spirit-filled what I did is I took about two years that I didn't miss church on on a Sunday I just didn't miss church everything my church did I was there the other thing that I did is I'm an old-school hip-hop head I used to be a rapper a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away right but what I had was all this collection of all this different kind of music with perversion and profanity all laced in it hundreds of dollars of young members CDs we used to have CDs compact discs for those of you all who have no clue what I'm talking about but they cost a lot of money and so I threw a lot of them away I gave some away matter of fact I sold some of them I wanted to make some money at least a little bit but but but I didn't have any more of them all right and I did that because I know that what enters into my ear will affect my heart and if I wanted to live a holy life that was filled with faith and pleasing for God I could not continue to sow in the ground that would take me back to what God had delivered me from so what I had to do is I had to take it and as painful as it was I had to create a season of separation from that which was secular so that I could be rooted in some substance now I'm not tell you what to do cuz truthfully you can do whatever you want to do listen or whatever you want to listen to I'm not the police of the body of Christ but if you're looking for an answer of what stuff ain't working for you and why you still got so much doubt and so much fear in so much unbelief you might want to you might want to pull up under some of them old ancient cows and ancient rocks and clean out that closet a little bit and see what you're sowing when you go home and so every once in a while there has to be a season of separation and so I did that I begin to separate my thing myself and it was a season it's not forever it's just so that I can get some substance for some of you all it might be a relationship maybe there's a toxic relationship you know how it is you start wanting to live for the Lord and come to church you got that one person that you know they love you they've been with you forever but they feel with the devil and you don't know they feel with the devil because they smile and they do nice things for you but the words they say affect your faith and if you're not serious about Gordon your ears and your eyes and guarding your hearts you'll have that Britney Spears moment oops I did it again and again and you'll want to know why do I keep falling back into sin it's cause that toxic relationship God moves through people but the devil also moves through people and what do you do there's a season of separation from the secular when I say secular I'm not just talking about anything that's outside of church I'm talking about things that go against what you believe in things that go against your faith things that were poison the direction that you're trying to go so whatever you can take the equation throw it out whatever okay listen but a God gave me like last week might have been this week as I was preparing for this a different kind of equation he gave it to me this way and this is just this might make no sense to you but this is how I think he gave me an equation and it says this is this is this is how miracles happen okay this is I think that's what it is keep it up there's two sides to every miracle two sides there is God's side or I'll say God's not and then there's our side everybody our side don't miss this it's God's side say God side and then there's our side everybody say our side when it comes to a miracle many times we want God to do what only work we can do and sometimes we're over here and we're not doing our part and we expect God to invade our space and do what he's expecting us to do and God is like no I'm gonna do a thing until you do what I last told you to do because - every miracle there's a God side and there's an an hour side are y'all with me today and sow sow sow sow our God is big he's bigger than the earth he's bigger than the galaxy he's bigger than the universe matter of fact our God made everything the Bible says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and by him he made all things for himself everything that you see has been made by God okay God doesn't even he doesn't even exist in time here's the Alpha and the Omega he lives an eternity that means that there's no he lives in a big fat right now it's always present with God okay so he is bigger than time he is bigger than our universe matter of fact if you want to define the character of God you can do in these words these Oh words he's omniscient that means that he's all-knowing he's um I'm not present that means that he's all over the place all at the same time and he's also um nipa ting you all know what that that means that he's all-powerful that means that our God is a miracle worker he can do what he wants to do when he wants to do it he's a miracle worker so here's the thing people ask this question like pastor Ken well why don't we see more miracles that we read about in the Bible does anybody have that desire to see more of what we read about like I read my Bible and then I look around and I say okay there's something that's wrong here I see God doing this over here but then I look around and I don't see him doing as much as I read about okay could the answer be because miracles have ceased okay there are a group of people they call themselves see Satan sensationalist they believe that miracles have ceased well that's not true because I see miracles happening all around the world I've happened to preach in different parts Africa in India and Australia in different places miracles are still happening today miracles are happening right now you might not see it on CNN and Fox baby but I want you to know that our God is a God of miracles and miracles are busting out all over the place matter of fact you sitting by a miracle go ahead and tell your neighbor you don't know what I've been through you sitting by a miracle some of y'all the fact that you in church right now it's a miracle the fact that you in your right mind right now is a miracle the fact that you had that baby when they say you couldn't have kids it's a miracle the fact you got married and you still married is a miracle the fact you can lift up your hands and praise a God that you ain't believing a few months ago is a miracle tell your neighbor you are sitting by miracles so if you want to see a son we are your son if you want to see proof we are your proof we are your evidence that my God is real I'm about to get hype up in this church I hope I ain't going by myself all right so our God is a miracle worker so people say well is it that God has changed well the Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever more so it's not that miracles have ceased and it's not that our God has changed maybe the reason we don't see miracles ain't on God's out of the equation maybe the reason we don't see miracles is on our side of the equation maybe the reason we don't see what we want to see and got nothing to do with God at all it has everything to do with our little faith so we have a big God say a big God that wants to do big things say big things but he requires big faith somebody say big faith my job over the next several months go ahead and tell your neighbor and this is why you need to be in church this is why you better get you better counsel you better ask somebody to shift shift your schedule around take your shift do whatever you got to do to get to the house of the Lord because my job is to make sure that you develop you develop this big faith the faith to do the impossible the faith to be who God's called you to be the faith to break out of your past to walk into your purposes everybody shot big faith so what is faith I'm glad you asked let's break it down everybody say break it down get out your notebooks your phones for this one what is faith Hebrews 11:1 it says now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and it's the assurance about what we do not see don't miss that faith is confidence in what you hope for hope is simply an outstretched neck I have expectation start to get up in the morning that I believe this is gonna be the best day of my life if you get up in the morning you're like oh here we go another day that ain't faith you got to get up in the morning and have hope watch this confidence it's it's it's it's faith is confidence in the things that you hope for so it's a confidence that I know that I know that I know that what God has promised me is yes in a man that he is not a man that shall I or the son of man that needs to repent if he have spoken it I can take it to the bank I can count on it my God is faithful he will do exactly what he said he's gonna do matter of fact the Bible says that all heaven and earth will pass away before one jot or two of his work shall fail listen all of heaven and earth as you see it right now will be changed but his word is for eternity my god is not a liar and you can have confidence in that all right and so it says it is faith is confidence and what you hope for it is assurance about what you can't see and so if you can see it you no longer need faith people say I got to see it to believe it well that ain't the way that it works in the kingdom you got to believe it then you'll see it see it's believing first then you'll see it's well if God was real why don't he show himself up that ain't the way it works he worked that you believe in him and then he'll show himself up to you okay and so if you can see it you no longer need faith and so let me give you layman's terms of what faith is jot this down faith is confidence in God's Word that's what it is it is confidence everybody say confidence in God's Word it is a sho nuff is that I know it's like for real no now listen I almost wanted to I was gonna there's a part of our series that I might preach called cocky faith and I posted this on Instagram if he was like all I hear about cocky faith I don't even know what I was talking about but there is cockiness versus confidence cockiness is like this over focus on your ability Samson was cocky there was a time where he had this anointing of Mike and then the Spirit of the Lord came off of him and he still thought he had the stuff and he didn't he went out there and he got his eyes picked out and he was put in prison and chained up because he had cockiness but what you don't you don't want cockiness that's over dependence on you but confidence is this this dependency on God it almost seems the same you can see a person that's confident and think they're cocky but no my trust is in the Lord and I understand the greater is He that's in me than he that is in this world and the Bible says don't cast away your confidence for it has great recompense of reward so you need to get your faith swag on you need to walk around like if God said it I trusted I believe it that settles it if God has said it if he's promised me it in his book and don't matter how long it takes and don't matter how many knows I hear it don't matter how many red tape I face it don't matter what the stereotypes the standards and the statistics might say it doesn't matter what side of the tracks I've been born on it doesn't matter what men might say what does my God say there's just something about a person that's confident so it's confidence in the word so the Word of God is the foundation that we build our spiritual house home if you're that person who said we said what do you believe matter we said what do you get that from I don't know that's just how I feel please don't base your eternity on how you feel please get the most holy book that has been confirmed with signs following and if you want to know what to believe please go to the written logo so the Word of God and find out about eternity heaven hail demons and how you supposed to live right here because faith is confidence in the word let's move on faith is our title deed in the promises of God y'all with me if you with me saying with your pastor don't miss this it is our title deed to the property don't know what a title deed is so if you have the title deed to my house you own my house now even if I'm living there I have a lease hold on it or I'm just visiting but if you show up with the title deed you can evict me even if you've never been to the house if you have the title deed because you have ownership of miles if you have title deed of my car that means you own my car meaning that you could never have been in the car before the car could be in California right now but if you got the title deed that means you own my car so in the amplified version of Hebrews 11 it says that faith is a title deed that means that when you don't see the Prime of God maybe they're in California or maybe they're in the spirit arena if God has promised you healing before the healing shows up you got faith and your faith is ownership interest in the promises of God your faith is a title deed in the promises of God your faith is a guarantee with the signature of Christ Jesus on it in his blood that what he said and promised you is yes and amen I wish somebody to get excited about what I'm preaching today so faith is confidence in the Word of God faith is our title deed and the promises of God but faith is also a muscle everybody say a muscle let me get my help real quick I got a couple guys that are gonna come up here and help me with this illustration please give it up for them as they come you all know the campus pastor pastor air and stand right here we're gonna have Spencer come over here stand right here okay and y'all step back just a little bit so I can move between you guys I love these two guys this guy's served so wonderfully in our audio ministry tech team does it all plays the guitar plays the drums campus pastor the main man himself Aaron big muscles chapman there he goes all right so when I say faith is like a muscle what I mean by that is that we do this you guys point at your biceps ready go when it point at your triceps ready go point at your lap point at your lap okay the skinny man don't know where the lats on the skinny man go the skinny man does not care what a lat is now the muscle man is like oh yeah I've been working on these laughs but I've been waiting for somebody that's me about them lats I should've wore a different kind of shirts so skinny people they don't care okay and so what faith is is this the Bible says that we've been given the measure of faith so you have faith just like when you were born we all got the same amount of muscles we all got biceps right we all got triceps right we all got lats even though some people don't know where they last saw he still got the last even though he doesn't know they exist we all got muscles but the problem is is that once person's muscles is just not developed as the other person's muscles are same as it is with your faith we all got faith when we accept and when the Bible says o ye of little faith what is saying is that your faith is undeveloped your faith has not reached a maturity your faith and so what we're doing over the next several months with this believing big anybody excited about this with this belief in big series is we're trying to move you from here to here now we talked about this prince was okay he has great body confidence he don't care he married got kids he doing his thing but what we're trying to do spiritually is move you from here to here we're trying to move you from skinny to beefy scrawny come on somebody to Hercules Hercules come on somebody all right and watch this the crazy thing about spiritually is that you can look like this but you can look like that meaning that Spencer can look like this physically but he can look like this spiritually do you understand and don't matter if you're big or small or fat around or you rolled in here I don't care how you came up in this place that if you develop your faith muscle all demons get nervous when you show up you bring the glory of God into your workplace come on somebody y'all give it up for them as they're being seated come on somebody put your hands together did you know that's good so anyway that's funny so we want to get you from pee-wee Herman to the Wayne the rock Johnson over the next several months is that okay with you and so I'm gonna do my part is that okay so God's gonna do his part now my part is that I'm your coach the crazy thing about being the coach and said I can't get on the field and I can't get on the court I wish I could because I would have family meetings for you I would pray when you feel like giving up I would tithe when you want to be stingy and trust your trust your money then trust the Lord I will do all that but I can't do that all I can do is call a huddle Sunday morning all the children of God come together at every campus in every city because the coach has heard from the owner and I'm writing up a play for you to go out and win the championship as the coach can do a satin sit on the sidelines and say go go go you can do this but I cannot run the flame I'm gonna play my part so our vision come on say it with me is that we change lives and as a coach I got to come up with an offense to make sure that the vision comes to pass I've come up with an offense we have four pillars or systems our offense goes down like this four pillars number one is Sunday services and so Sunday services we expect you to come to the house of God we understand sometimes you're traveling or something comes up but for the most part your sunday should be your Sabbath day Sunday's is our fun day it is our Super Bowl where I'm saying notice some things I might take a job that's different than this job because I know I need to be in the house there are some things you can't get online there are some things that you just need to be with other believers crying together making the difference together there's some things that you just got to say I got to get to the house we got Sunday services my second pillar is small groups we got a thing here called a live groups they're happening right now and this is what we believe that real life change happens in the context of relationships and the way that we lead our church is through groups and team if you've been coming to our church for a while and you're not a part of a group or a team you're not being comfort spiritually like you need to be you're not doing what you need to do to be who God's called you to be I would encourage you find the tribe we believe that your life will be changed matter of fact some of y'all need to be small group leaders we're starting a whole new semester in February and you've been going to a group or God has something in your heart you want to make disciples you want to make a difference it's time for you to step up come on somebody I'm preaching better than you saying amen it's time for you to lead a group like go to pastor Aaron pastor Freeman or pastor Melanie or the connection center and say hey I want to lead a group and watch what God does my third pillar is growth track so every Sunday you'll hear us talking about growth track and it's not just from the pulpit we need everybody to cause this place Church home when you bring somebody to this church the front door the next step after salvation is growth track hearing if you give us four weeks we can help you know God find freedom discover purpose and make a difference today is step number one and at a certain place we have to step we got a step we got to do our side and say I'm going today in the last pillar that we have is the dream team and so in both cities both campuses we have hundreds of people serving today we live in an upside-down kingdom Jesus say the way to get is to give and the way up is down that the servant is the greatest I know people say well I just I served my community and I've served these kids in one neighborhood anyone I'm talking about I'm talking about you use your god-given gifts to serve in the house of God in the Bride of Christ and to build up something that is bigger than yourself you need that you have been created to just hold the door create it just to take care of a kid you've been created just to be on the prayer team find a place where you can serve now if you want the icing on the cake is your first 15 that's like the bonus track anybody here like the bonus track you get a DVD of the movie and you like the editors uncut version of stuff that wasn't in there the bonus track is that when you do those four things and you go home and you do your first 15 and you spend daily time with God worshipping and praying and timing the word and worshiping and praying in time of the word you will grow nobody can stop what God wants to do somebody say that's pastor's part and I'm gonna do my part have I been doing okay have I been doing okay and don't I it's been I've been 12 years running I'm gonna pee and we can go stop come on we ain't gonna stop like P Diddy ain't stop can't stop won't stop come on somebody I'm not stopping all right I'm gonna do my part and the crazy thing is y'all gonna do his part y'all know y'all know come on y'all know God's gonna do his part God's gonna be faithful God's gonna heal us God's gonna encourage us God's gonna refresh us God's gonna be a wave maker he's gonna be a miracle worker he's gonna be there in the midnight hour when everybody leaves you he says I'll never leave you or forsake you God's gonna be God but the question today is will you do your part coach is gonna do his part God's gonna do his part but will you do your part pastor and jump jump back up here with me for a moment I want to show you guys this because I believe that many Christians have a misconception of their faith sit here on the couch like your home yeah right there's good right there's good can y'all see I'll move this out of the way so everybody has the best view in the house this is what I call a misconception of faith there's so many of us that we are sitting on the proverbial couch of life and we want God to come through for us oh we want to see miracles oh I want to see my break out oh I want to start that business Oh Oh God to come through for me but the truth is spiritually we on the couch binge watching Netflix we just chilling out with some ice cream cup of Oreos a glass of milk and even though we go to work and we're busy at our kids school and we serve is on the PTA committee and we run all of our kids around to soccer and gymnastics and ballet and all this stuff the truth is spiritually we sitting on the couch and there's a misconception there really is that somehow God is going to like get in the gym for us there's this misconception that God if I pray he's gonna get in the gym from me and supernatural I'm gonna get muscles that ain't gonna happen there's this misconception that I'm gonna praying God's gonna get on the treadmill for me and I'm gonna lose weight and be in shape and then there's this misconception that if I pray God's gonna study the Bible for me and supernaturally i'ma get revelation knowledge I'm not doing nothing but I know that my God is a big God and he's a miracle worker and there's this misconception that God's gonna do my praying for me I ain't gonna pray I'm not gonna come to church I'm not gonna give but God somehow is gonna come through for me and the misconception is that God is on his side wondering if you gonna do your son and so the God that I serve he don't do what you supposed to do the God that I serve will stand on his side of the equation and look at your trifling ratchet self sitting on your couch doing nothing that his word has declared for you to do and he will sit there as long as you sit here but if you can take a stand and a step comb pastor Freeman if you can take us they know I didn't say you sit down if you can take a stand and a step god will take two towards you the God that we serve he will help you and he will come to you and he will say you've been made for more than Netflix but he will not go to the gym for you but he will go with you and he will say get that weight right there and he will say go ahead and start lifting it he won't lift it with you but what God would do is say you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you you got this my grace is sufficient for you you're the head and not to tell you're above only an ever beneath see God can't lift the weight for you he can't put muscle long but what he will do he'll be there with you as you do your side can you put that down for a moment God wants to take you over here to the Word of God and he can't have your first 15 for you he's just waiting on you to reorder your steps and your schedule and your priorities around his kingdom and he wants to whisper sweet revelation into your ear and illuminate the scripture but he needs you to get through the pain of the process where you get up at 5:00 a.m. or 6 a.m. and say God I want you more than I want breakfast god I need you to fill my day and if I give you the first you'll give me the best and he won't study for you and he won't pray for you but he'll be we're here with you when you do that's the God that we saw the crazy thing about us is that sometimes we think that God's gonna do what only we can do so we got God side and then we got our side you can be seated here's the thing Church 2020 is a year of big faith shall big faith shot it like you got a thing big faith and as I look through the Old Testament I love to see the people before Christ who had big faith people like get in the Bible talks about this this man named Gideon he had about 32,000 soldiers and he was coming up against 130 thousand plus people and his big faith God spoke to him and he says you know what I need you to break your army down and he went from thirty two thousand and ten thousand people and then God says you know what if you win the battle with ten thousand people you're going to get the glory and people are gonna think it's because of your mic and your strength and I want to get the glory I need you to break it down further and he went down from 32,000 to 10,000 people with big faith all the way down to let's say we ready can you imagine taking just one of our services there's more than 300 people in every one of our services can you imagine coming up against everybody who was in this city that's big faith everybody say big faith I love reading the Bible where there's people like Esther the Bible talks about how Esther was a queen and she heard the hearse people was about to be annihilated and she had one night with the king and-and-and-and and Mordecai gave her a word of the Lord before she was going with the king because she could lose her life going before the king and he says perhaps you've been born for such a time as this and I need to prophesy over some pie Oh women that are in the house today that you are not a mistake perhaps everything you've been through has made you who you are today perhaps you're here right now because God knew exactly what he was doing to bring you into another level of grace another level of his glory another level maybe just maybe the mess produced the message just maybe you've been made for this moment created for this cause in position for this purpose just maybe and Esther with big faith says if I die I die and all of the people were saved and there's a person in the Bible that I really love we call him a man after God's own heart and his name was David and the Bible says this about David he went up against the giant named Goliath eight plus feet tall David was a small man and it was like how you gonna defeat Goliath and David was like I killed the bear with the hands I killed the lion with the hands that means that I've had faith experience meaning that I've seen God do it before and the same God who did it before can there's anybody here who've seen God do it before you've seen God heal before you've seen God saved before you've seen God give you a download before well the same God that did it before will also do it again and David with big faith he said who is this uncircumcised philistine that defies the armies of the Living God what David was saying is who is this giant that don't have a covenant like I have a covenant with to say I don't care how stand how tall you stand I don't care how big the enemy is if he does not have a covenant he's coming down and I love this about the story because it wasn't because he was a master I'm slingshot thrower it wasn't because the five smooth stones that David that Goliath fell down shoot David could have slapped Goliath and Goliath would have died Dave Goliath fell down because David was a man of big faith and he knew his big face and a big God was going to do a big things he could have blown uncle I think alive would have fell down because our God is a big guy come on somebody and he wants to do some big things if you give them some big faith and I need to declare over you today that that depression is uncircumcised that addiction is uncircumcised that divorce is uncircumcised that low self-esteem is uncircumcised every enemy that you face does not have a covenant like you have a covenant with God and it's time for you over the next few months to get in the Word of God and to stand there in the face of the enemy and take off the head of every giant and go around with the victory with somebody give him right Oh glory to God and so I'm high and I'm sweating but I hope you guys received that today apply the Word of God if this message has been a blessing to you at all share your story the email address testimony at my life church work get on social media let me know one of the greatest things that you could do is when you hear something that's life-changing and communicate all good things with your teacher all right and so I want to pray for you today every head bowed every eye closed all over the sanctuary even online let this be a moment with you and God let us still ourself and just say God have your way if you're here today and you can admit that you've ever sinned in your life the Bible calls you a sinner and because you've sinned in your life you can't not eternally be with a God who is holy because his holiness cannot be in the presence of sin but the good news everybody say the good news is that Jesus paid the price for your sin so that you could be made righteous and know now no matter how many mistakes you've made how many failures you've had or even what you've done last night now when you stand before God and you accept Jesus your faultless blameless meaning that the Ransom in court and the courtroom of heaven has been paid and now you're guilt-free now you can go about with peace and joy but it all starts with the day that you surrender your will to his if you're here today with every head bowed and every eye closed and you're like pastor Ken I want to be saved today I want a relationship with God I have sinned and I want to be forgiven I want to be right with God I won't you know what I want big faith and big faith starts with saving faith and if you're here today and you say pastor pray with me I want to be saved today I want to ask you between you and God just to lift your hand right where you are on the count of three hold on one two three lift it up right now all over the building if actually lift it up and just wave at me wave at me wave him and let God know Here I am God I surrender my life to you I give my heart to you I want to be saved God I want you more than I want anything in this world hands are going up all over the sanctuary God sees your hand the Bible says that when you call on the name of the Lord you shall be saved if you did not lift your hand but you should have it's not too late to pray this matter of fact we're all gonna pray together nobody prays alone repeat this after me say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins I come to you just like I am I'm in need of you I'm in need of forgiveness I'm in need of salvation so today I trust you with me you are my Lord and my Savior helped me serve you for the rest of my life I am yours you are mine in Jesus name Amen come on church would you put your hands together don't pity cat come on in let's give God praise
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 1,864
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: J_XtXq4dfx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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