The Way Up // Pastor Aaron Chapman

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the most important thing in the kingdom of god is your heart the love you show to others you know jesus talks about this is how you will they will know you are my disciples the way you show love one to another and so our love walk the way we interact with the people around us it says a lot about our christian membership you know you can put a title you can put the wwjd bumper sticker on your car but what really comes down to it when the pedal hits the metal like it's how are you going to love those around you or how are you going to serve you know we even seen the life of jesus he said i did not come to be served but to serve you know the creator of the universe jesus comes down wraps himself in sinful flesh becomes like one of us becomes a man but doesn't come to be served but to serve to serve us and he wants to set the example and that's something we want to emulate here in our church you know our culture is to be christ-like and so we have an awesome awesome dream team we have so many people that come early stay late tirelessly give themselves to the work of the ministry so that others could come to know christ through their labor through their hard work i want to recognize a couple of them because i'd be remiss if i didn't and so the first person i want to call out is stephanie ricker now stephanie affectionately known as miss stephanie right some of you know her she serves over and alive kids now what some people don't know is miss stephanie she walks to church every morning rain or shine you know it doesn't matter whether she wants to be here and she is there over in the live kids bringing enthusiasm bringing excitement serving the children that are there pouring into the next generation you know we are she truly truly has a heart for the kids that she impacts and as a church i can say as a pastor i am blessed to have people like that here at this church making a difference but also we have tori barr now tori he's been a staple of this church for a while right some of you can clap your hands to that now i used to usher way way back long time ago tori and i used to usher together so i had seen his faithfulness firsthand and you know now he's serving on our setup team but he's also part of a live youth and so he's here early in the morning you know i was talking to him today even before i got here he was already here setting up tents and setting up signs just making a way for people to receive jesus like just playing his part but on with that he also comes on wednesday and he is able to serve with the youth there pouring into them you know he's an excellent husband he's a great father even a grandfather at that but most importantly he is a great servant he is a great servant thank you man give it up for him too he's an excellent excellent servant excellent servant and lastly i want to talk about samantha wright you know samantha she's a part of our online campus just as equally amazing and so what she does is she serves online on our online connection team she helps people from all around the nation all around the world get connected to this church people that are lost that are looking for community looking for a friend she can be the person on the other side of the computer praying with them welcoming them helping them feel at home but she doesn't just stop there she also goes above and beyond even to build up the people around her build up the people on her team you know she runs a group she helps women again all over the nation come to find a place of community you know she is truly special and she is truly making a difference here in our church actually let me give these to you and so we have we have so many excellent people here that are are serving and what i want to get into today is an invitation for you to become one of them for you to partner with us because like i was saying before serving it's the culture here at our church now culture you can define culture all different kinds of ways but you know a quick definition is culture is the values you know the beliefs the standards the tradition even the language of like an organization or like a people group like even in your organization where you work you have certain acronyms certain language that you could speak certain jargon other people know what you mean amongst your organization that's part of the culture but culture is also something you feel like culture is a difference when you walk into walmart versus when you walk into publix now i don't know if you've walked into walmart before and asked for customer service it is quite arduous it's a little tough to get what you're looking for all the time but publix on the other hand what do they do they will walk you to the place that you're asking about they will take you to that aisle and show you and so that's culture but culture is also the difference between you know like chick-fil-a and every other fast food restaurant that's out there right they have an excellent culture if you say thank you what do they say they say my pleasure that even comes down to the language that they speak you know i saw this one thing that was pretty funny this guy he was buying something from chick-fil-a and the total came to six dollars and 66 cents you know it's a little bit of a shocker right that shouldn't happen at chick-fil-a but what what the what the cashier did is he gave him a discount just so he wouldn't have to pay that amount and in the caption it read the devil is working hard but chick-fil-a employees are working harder and i was laughing at that like because that makes perfect sense but the reason why that joke makes sense us because we understand their culture we understand what they're about but even us as a church like our culture in values you know our culture even as christians is to serve you know serving it's giving your time or your talent for others you know it can happen on sunday morning people are coming here early staying late to serve or you happen during the week we have people that come in and just help with arranging things or helping out around the building but serving it's like volunteering but better and what makes it better is it's for a spiritual purpose that when you help out here at your local church you're hoping for lives to be changed you know when you serve here it's not just volunteering because what you're doing has an eternal reward it makes an eternal difference in people's lives you know whether you're smiling you're you're greeting somebody you're holding a door you're parking cars you're hosting the chat online all of that fits together to bring people closer to god to have a relationship with him and at that church it's so amazing you know here at this place we can destroy depression we're pulling people out of perversion you know we're restoring hope we're changing futures and when you serve you get to truly be a part of that you know for example last week we saw 24 people give their heart to jesus christ like to raise their hand for the appeal to make jesus their lord and savior but know that everybody that served that day played a part in it like for example when an organization when a team wins a championship whether it's football hockey basketball everybody in the organization gets a ring the trainers get a ring the security team gets a ring you know all the coaches get a ring because they understand while they may not have been on the field they've all made a difference and to make that championship happen and so no it's the same way when you see 24 people give their heart to christ know that if you served you had you played a part in that you may not be in the field man you may not be on the stage but know that you played a part that if it was a championship you would have a ring too so whether you're holding the door you're serving in production you're over there the live kids are taking care of somebody's children so they can receive the word that all makes a difference we all play a part of what god is doing here in this church and in our in our nation in our generation and so we believe that we are all called by god to serve that you know people even positions of authority outside of church come to serve in the church there's a scripture in psalm 84 that talks about i'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the lord than the dwell in tents of the wicked simply saying i rather take any position even the low position at church than to be highly exalted outside a church but to be in wickedness like i'm not going to put the world system over the system of god over the kingdom of god i rather be here and so the vision of our church is simple it's we change lives we change lives but i want to break that down everybody understands we get on the same page of what exactly that means so we we is us coming together partnering together and partnering with god you know like it says in second corinthians 5 and 1 corinthians 3 that we are co-laborers together in christ jesus that we are ministers of reconciliation meaning that we come together to help reconcile or bring people back to god that's what it means to partner up that's the we and to change means to see people's lives change see people formed into the image and the likeness of christ to grow closer to him to have a deeper relationship with god and life is just to have eternal life in christ jesus we change lives and so what i want to do over the next few weeks the purpose of this series the way up is to invite you to become part of we to be part of the we you to be part of the we you know if this church has changed your life if this church has done anything for you made a positive impact on you be part of changing somebody else's life be a positive impact for somebody else you know our goal like pastor kim was talking about in that video is to add a hundred new dream team members here to our church but that that doesn't happen if we all just sit and listen like no there comes a place where you have to do you have to get out of your chairs not just coming to sit you know i used to teach the last step of growth track and i would tell people that there was a transition that you make when you come to church where you're coming to receive and then it flips and you're coming to give instead of coming to just receive and have somebody speak to you you know you're walking around who can i speak to who can i encourage who can i build up who can i disciple that's a change that we all have to consider at some point in our spiritual walk because god did not save us just for us he saved us for a purpose and for a calling and that includes serving others and seeing others to come to know him and so serving is simply where culture and vision come together it's where the culture to be christ-like here at our church and the vision to change lives meet it's where they come that we see heaven on earth you know that we are able to accomplish the will of god to see people saved serving is where culture and vision meet the culture is meant to accomplish the vision the culture of serving coming together being here early staying late inviting people all of that is meant to accomplish the vision of changing others lives and so god he is doing something here in us church that's why we want to take a pause of our at midnight series because we wanted to come together and talk about it get everybody on the same page you know our church is growing people are inviting people i want to say thank you so much if you've been inviting your friends and your co-workers i see so many new faces every time i'm up here i know that god wants to do something with this church but it's going to start with us the members of this church we don't just come to church we are part of the church and so i want to talk real quick to the current dream team members you know if you're here and you're part of the volunteer team you're part of the dream team thank you thank you think i cannot thank you enough heaven thanks you for your labor of love and serving the people that have come to alive but know that it doesn't stop there that god is going to continue to send people and so over this series i don't want you to get lost saying oh i already served oh this is this isn't for me no this is for you because the hope is that you get some additional revelation on serving and what it is and why we do it but not just that i want to give you two instructions as well is to pray and recruit pray and recruit you know the bible talks about in luke 10 that the harvest is ready it says the harvest is ready but the laborers are few and we break that down for you that simply means that there are lost people all around us that are ready to be found there are people that are hurt and that are broken that are ready to have a relationship with jesus but it says the laborers are few meaning that they need somebody to reach them they need somebody to find them it's almost like if we're playing hide-and-go-seek people are hiding we don't have enough seekers those that are seeking out the lost seeking those that need prayer that need somebody to encourage them it says the laborers are few but then it goes on to say to pray to the lord of the harvest that he would send laborers pray to the so i know we've been praying these past couple weeks we've been building you up in prayer just because we put a pause in the series don't put a pause on your prayer life but maybe add to it god send dream team members send laborers send people that are coming to our church ready and equipped to reach the lost ready to help us accomplish the vision but even for some of us let's step up and even how we serve you know sometimes you see leadership things that could be helped or you know god has put on your heart to do something to get involved in a certain area don't let that just be something that's a thought in your mind put that thought to action i believe that the lord is going to speak to you guys over these next few weeks on how exactly you can involve to make a difference but where this all starts and where everything starts in our church is with jesus in the example that he set and so the the place in the bible we're going to be over the next few weeks is john 13. and so i want to go there with you i'm going to read verses 4 through 5 and then i'm going to read verses 12-15 verse four says so he got up from the meal he took off his outer clothing and wrapped a towel around his waist this is talking about jesus after that he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples feet drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him verse 12 when he had finished washing their feet he put on his clothes and returned to his place do you understand what i have done for you he asked them you call me teacher and lord and rightly so for that is what i am now that i your lord and teacher have washed your feet you should also wash one another's feet verse 15 i have set an example that you should do as i have done for you now i know the first thing you might get from reading this scripture why is jesus washing feet right like some people they don't wash their own feet they just let them let the water run on the bottom of the shower but why is jesus wash your feet he was setting an example here you have to understand at that time it was the jewish custom for the lowest servant in the house to wash the feet of the others and so jesus he became the servant he became the lowest servant and so people back then everybody wore sandals so they would step in a lot of stuff you know dirt mud stagnant water animal feces whatever you would track all that into the house and now typically they would wash their feet before the meal and the reason for that is they would sit at a low table their feet would either be off to the side or to behind them but if your feet smell bad you had all that stuff in there you would have to smell that through the entire meal so they washed their feet before but we see in this scripture the meal was already going on at the time jesus got up to wash their feet what does that mean that means that nobody else in the house was willing to bend the knee willing to serve the others nobody there him amongst the disciples was willing to wash the other's feet because what's not mentioned in this part of the scripture is just before then the disciples were arguing about who's the greatest they're like jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom who amongst us is the greatest they all wanted to be great they all wanted to exalt themselves in jesus he answered them in a couple different books in matthew luke and mark like in matthew 18 he says he who humbles himself is greatest in the kingdom or in luke 9 he who is least among you all is the one who is greatest or he also said if anyone would be first he must be last of all and servant of all in mark 9. and so jesus was telling them which way was up he was saying the way up is down that in the kingdom of god it's counter to the world's culture that you should not exalt yourself and said you should humble yourself and the kingdom is the way down the servant is the greatest and so he had been telling them but they still hadn't got it and i can he knows they hadn't got it because he could smell it he could smell it in the room like he's still in a room full of dirty stinky feet even though he's been talking to them about serving and about humility but honestly i wonder what that room smelled like that they're trying to eat dinner what did that smell like everybody's feet there was 12 of them that's a lot of people 13 including jesus it probably smelled a lot like pride like i wonder how our pride smells to god when we know how we could help but we're not humble enough to do it when holy spirit has been tugging on us and leading us for years to do something to say i'm sorry to make amends to serve that other person to serve our spouse even to serve our children our children to serve our parents i wonder what that smells like to god like i think about the times in my life where i fell short of what god was calling me to do simply because i didn't have the humility to do it but let's keep going because what does jesus do in this example he does it himself he washes their feet he says i've been telling you for so long and you don't have it yet i'm just gonna do it i'm gonna show you so verse 12 after he washes their feet he sits back down he says do you understand what i have done for you verse 14 now that i your lord and teacher have washed your feet you should also wash one another's feet i have set you an example i have set you an example that you should do as i have done for you and so know that as christians jesus christ is the example to be christian is to be christ-like and we have to strive to be like him now jesus was obviously a servant so what we have to do in our life is to is to do what he did now i'm not saying you need to find people and start washing their feet that'd be a little weird that was the jewish custom at that point but the principle is this is that we should look to serve one another even the lowly jobs even the unflattering jobs we should be there as servants we should submit one to another as servants serve god's kingdom serve god's people but serving it isn't something we do necessarily out of our own ability but god instead has given us gifts and the bible instructs us to use those gifts to serve others you know god made each one of us special each one of us unique you know whether you know it or not you are gifted god has placed something special in you and he is going to lead you down a path to unlock that gift to unlock what is special to develop that thing in you and so i want to show it to you here in the scripture it's first peter 4 verses 8 through 11 and they'll have it up on the screen or if you're online they have it at the bottom of the screen it says above all have fervent and unfailing love for one another because love covers a multitude of sins it overlooks unkindness and unselfishly seeks the best for others now we can almost pause right there because if you're going to serve others you're not going to do it without this unfailing love the bible talks about like you have to set yourself to overlook unkindness i feel like even marriage counsel you can do that overlook unkindness but even unselfishly seek the best for others i like how this scripture starts because that's what it's required to serve and then number nine is just as challenging it says be hospitable to one another without complaint you ever been hospitable and then complained about it i do everything for you but no the scripture wants us to take a step further not just to do it but to do it without complaint verse 10 it says just as each one of you has received a special gift a spiritual talent and ability graciously given by god employ it in serving one another as is appropriate for good stewards over god's multifaceted grace faithfully using the diverse varied gifts and abilities granted to christians by god's unmerited favor it's not something we've done it's not because we're special in ourselves is because god made us that way verse 11 whoever speaks to the congregation right now that's me is to do so as one who speaks the oracles or utterance of very words of god whoever serves the congregation that's you is to do so as one who serves by the strength which god abundantly supplies so that in all things god may be glorified honored and magnified through jesus christ to whom belongs to glory and dominion forever and ever now out of that last verse i want to pull out it says with the strength which god so abundantly supplies know that you reach a place in your life in your walk with god where you cannot do it without him now you cannot get out here and say i'm going to serve others i'm going to love others i'm going to forgive others and not do it with the strength that god gives you that's what pushes you into god's presence every morning is god i can't do this without you like me in my current life my current lifestyle what i do i could not do this without a strong or deep relationship with god it would fall apart i could not be a husband without god i could not be a father without a friend a pastor any of that and so know that when you're doing life without the strength that god so abundantly supplies your your strength will fail your own strength will fail but god's strength will never fail you just have to learn how to wait on the lord how to do things in god's timing how it talks about seeking first the kingdom of god and all these other things will be added to you to not to chase things but just to chase god to seek god with your whole heart he says if you seek me you will find me if you seek me with your whole heart so we have to come to that place where we're living off god's strength and not of our strength and that's what the scripture is saying but no doubt as i was reading about gifts and talking about it some people are saying i'm not gifted you know that's not me there's nothing special about me and i want to tell you a principle that i learned it's like for one when you walk into a room you can see everybody else but yourself right now i can see everybody else but i can't see me but know that sometimes you can see everybody else is gifting but you can't see yours meaning simply it comes easy to you so you feel like it's not significant you know what you're gifted at you know to put a lot of effort into it's just easy for you but sometimes you see other people like oh they're so funny oh they're so smart they're so cool they're so good with people and you're comparing what they can do to what you can't do and you're belittling yourself and you have to come to a place where you understand that all of us are significant all of our gifts are significant but you almost say well if they're special and that special i'm not that i must not be special and that's almost what happens on like social media now i'm not a big fan of social media i almost wish they would drop the media part and call it what it is you know social comparison i feel like that's what you end up doing you end up comparing what you have what somebody else has comparing your gifting to theirs comparing your success to theirs but again when you compare you belittle as you start to look at which one's better one side gets belittled but god didn't call us to have gifts to belittle them he didn't give us gifts for us to sell them no he gave us gifts for us to serve others to serve others in love and so that's what we want to help you learn here at this church you know part of our growth track it's it's get connected discover your purpose and make a difference now get connected we want to get you connected to god connected to this church connected to other people through a group or a team but the middle one is very important discover your purpose we want to help you find your gifts that's why we have a gift assessment you know we help you find your personality type what you what you're good at what gifts has god put in you but then the last time to make a difference we give you an opportunity to use those gifts to serve others because when you do that god is developing something in you but he's also helping you change the people around you you see how it all works together god put gifts in you so that you can then use those gifts to serve others to come to know god so god the gifts that he put in them they could do the same and it just repeats but if we stop pursuing god we stop being obedient to his voice we stop that process we stop changing our society and so this church it is built on biblical principles and so even if you went through growth track before and say you you didn't understand your gifting you couldn't find a team whatever it is i would encourage you just to get in and be faithful over something be faithful as an usher working in production parking cars working in live kids whatever it is just be faithful over something that was the best advice pastor ken gave me was to get into something and be faithful when i was coming out of growth track and so for many years i ushered now when i used to usher this was a long time ago i used to wear these white gloves and the gloves said usher here on the side i don't know why we wore the gloves other than if somebody with gloves is pointing at you you know you tend to listen you know they mean business but i would during that time as i'm seating people i learned so many lessons i was learning how to improve my attitude how to be kind how to be friendly for some of us if we can just learn to be more friendly we can go even further in life but i had to learn that i had to develop and grow in that area almost develop the fruit of the spirit i had to learn the humility to follow instructions you know naturally for people when somebody comes with an instruction like well why are we doing it that way you almost want to give your opinion you almost posture as if you know better than they do but it takes humility to follow i remember on saturday what i would do is i would think through all the details for ushering like alright do we have all the connection cards we got the communion cups do we have the buckets because i wanted to be prepared because i was putting my all into it and so no you only get out of it what you put into it no matter what it is but what a lot of people do is they sit on their gifts you know they come to church and they sit they don't get involved they sit they're literally sitting on the gifting that god has given them for the purpose of our gifts isn't for us to sit is for us to serve god and serve god's people some of us you know we have the gift that administration and organization you know we would love that here at the church help us be more organized get involved help us with scheduling help us with the teams help us with checklists inform so many things some people they have the gift of craftsmanship now craftsmanship is good because we can use you to paint you know help with the facility here do repairs help put things together you know we have events sometimes we build things we build stages we do all of this stuff so craftsmanship would help other people it's just hospitality and kindness i mean you're just naturally sweet you're just naturally kind that's like my wife it's the first thing i notice about her is what i fell in love with but some people it comes easier she is so patient and kind she's helping me i can say over the almost seven years we've been married hoping to be more patient and kind i get to learn firsthand but for some people it just comes easy and so we would love to have you greet people you know pray with people be over there in the live kids work on production whatever it may be we can use that here at our church but speaking of a lot of kids some people they're just great with children they're just like little kid whisperers like you can stop a kid from crying you can stop a kid from throwing their cheerios and we would love love to have you over there in the live kids i feel like you should be over there with wendy and travail helping shape the next generation serving with the youth some people they're just a jack of all trades they got this go wherever needed kind of mentality like i could get into anything that the church needs if you need this i can be this if you need that i can do that and so for some people right now we need more people on the parking team you know for whatever reason during the summer you know people don't want to park cars here in the heat but i don't get it because i was a long time parking team person and even during the summer and i loved it because you get to be the first you know impression of joy that that person feels when they come to church you know like studies say a lot of people decide in the first five to six minutes of coming to a church whether or not they're going to come back but understand that in five to six minutes you haven't met me you haven't heard the awesome worship you know you haven't even really come in and sit down yet but the the people you have met are the people in the parking lot and the people holding the door the greeters those welcoming you so know that for me as a pastor it's very important that we have the right people there that we have people there showing the love of god and so that anywhere you are in this church whether it's parking lot whether it's holding a door production no matter where it is know that you make a difference like you play a part in us winning the championship like i was talking about before and so for some people it's getting in wherever you're needed but we want to add 100 people to our dream team that is our goal and so we're doing it because we want you to be part of we and that we change lives you know there are people in our society that are looking for purpose they're looking for fulfillment even but know that purpose and fulfillment only come from doing what you've been created to do and the scripture is clear god has created us to serve he's given us gifts to serve not to sell the gift not to just use that gift to make money or to charm people no he wants you to use the gifts he has given you some people you're gifted when it comes to touching an instrument playing the guitar playing the drums let's use that gift to serve god we have that opportunity here and so i want to encourage you if you're here and you're listening and you're not part of the dream team to consider being a part you know to consider going through growth track discovering what your gifts are making a difference making a difference in this church you know things like serve saturday are so big because we get to impact the world around us impact our society impact our city and so you get to be a part of that here of this church so i have some next steps for you guys and so the first next step is growth track to get into growth track and then commit to serving for at least six months just try it give it a really good try give it the old college try as they say at least six months get into it to see if you like it and you know if you reach a team and you don't like that team come talk to us we'll help you find another team that you can better fit into but know that you're going to be building friendships in that time god is going to be developing you as you use the gifts he has given you you know you're going to be part of this church i really believe in god's development through us serving him and serving his people because there's a vision that i have for our church and it's for the people that come to our church not to just come but to be a part and not to just be a part but to be impacted to be changed by it you know i see families serving together i see fathers and mothers serving with their children i see spouses serving with each other and that you guys can have this community that you're a part of where your only community isn't just found at work at your day job at nine to five like no you can have a community of spiritual encouragement where you can come when you're burdened or when you're heavy we need somebody to support you to pray with you when you know your marriage is going through tough times but there's another married couple you serve with that you can pour into and open up to there are so many things that god can do through community but it starts with us being obedient and us taking steps not to just come but to be a part and so no we can have that vision for our life that you can come here you can make friends i've made some lifelong friends here serving pastor freeman and i very close you know we bought houses the same time had kids at the same time got married around this within a month or so of each other pastor freeman and i met ushering i was the usher team leader he was the no good usher showing up late don't tell him i said that he's not here he's probably watching it though but no it started we we made we were friends while we were ushering together while we were serving together you know i remember when he had his first child i called him i talked to him when i had my friend he called me he talked to me if he's going through a challenge i pray with him if i'm going through a challenge he prays with me and so there are things that god wants to do in your life but it starts with you making steps so you got to take these next steps because i'm not overstating it to say that serving changed my life again i talked about it i developed hard work i developed faithfulness you know commitment grace i learned how to be a good leader because i first was a good follower you know we're all following somebody you get high enough up we all should be following christ so in order to be a good leader you need to learn how to be a good follower first you know my wife and i we serve together matter of fact i met her while i was serving while i was ushering so you know for you single people hint you know your treasures in the field you never know what god will send you away who's looking for a seat and about five nine real pretty but if you're ready to make that step and that's something that you wanna do you wanna be part of our dream team i would encourage you to sign up in the connection center you know we're going to have some lists there the the connection team members are going to be there to answer any questions you have you know when you write down your name and your number somebody can reach out to you talk to you about getting into growth track you've already been in grove track talk to you about finding a team that fits for you that fits your gifts or if you're one of those people again were you willing to go anywhere you go anywhere needed we could talk about where people are needed and you could jump right in and to know we have an easy on-ramp for you and there's no pressure you know try it out if you don't like it that's okay still be part of this church don't feel like you have to earn something as far as membership is concerned but no this is an opportunity it's not what you have to do it's what you get to do by the grace of god and the strength that he provides and so if you're online and you're watching know that you too can be a part of this all you have to do is fill out our online connection card hit that little box that says i want to be part of the dream team or i want to go to growth track and we can reach out to you as well and talk about your next steps but you know i would be remiss if i ended our time together and i didn't talk about what started my life change you know serving was great serving changed everything in me but it all started at a particular place it was when i decided to give my life to jesus christ when i stopped trying to be perfect and i surrendered my life to him when i stopped living in guilt and condemnation of my past and the things that i had done wrong and the mistakes that i had made and i took god's invitation where he says come to me come to me all you have burdened and heavy laden he says i will give you rest he's ready to give us forgiveness that repentance is a gift repentance is a i turn from my ways that were wrong and god i turn to you he's saying repent times of refreshing come from the presence of the lord he's ready to refresh us this morning he's ready to give us what we've been needing what we've been looking for but it starts with our surrender uh surrendering our lives to the one who made us surrendering to the forgiveness that jesus christ brings and so if you're here this morning and you want to make jesus christ your lord and savior i simply want to pray with you the bible outlines how it's a prayer it's a belief and a confession if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth jesus christ is lord that god raised him from the dead that he died for your sins you shall be saved and so if you could please all heads bowed all eyes closed like i said if that's you and i've been speaking to you but more importantly god has been speaking to you i want to pray with you i just need to know who i'm praying for on the count of three i'm going to ask you to raise your hand or if you're watching online i'll have you put in the chat pray for me pray for me one don't let the devil steal this time from you now is a time of salvation now is the appropriate time now is the right time two three lift your hand i want to pray with you i see your hand i see your hands i see your hands amen i see your hands i see your hands on the side amen i see your hands in the back the lord sees your hands and so we all pray together nobody prays alone everybody repeat after me say lord jesus come into my heart forgive me of my sins i want to live for you god i make you my lord and savior alive church can you put your hands together let's celebrate all those people who gave their life to christ those people who made that decision know that this is just the beginning this is just the beginning of of a deep and meaningful relationship with god but don't do it alone be part of this church it's not too soon it's not too early to be part of the dream team it's not too soon to start growth track head by the connection center get signed up i believe that as we take steps closer to god he is going to take even more steps closer to us as we seek him with our whole heart we're going to find him we're going to find him it's going to be even more than we expected well i love you guys and i'll see you next week thank you so much for tuning in to a live online today hey if this message blessed you i just encourage you to share it with a friend because we believe in a live church that one invite can change a life and if you want to keep in contact with us and know what's going on be the first to know about it make sure you click on our subscribe button so that you can keep up with all of our latest content and hey guys if you love our church and just want to be a blessing and help support the ministry you can give at give we love you guys and we'll see you next time
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 402
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: hcSKvNZXrZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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