It Takes 3 | Pastor Ken Claytor

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hey what's up everybody this is pastor Ken and Tabitha Hey so glad you're tuning in today I know that this message that you are about to watch right now has something on the inside of it that will transform your life that is so true God always has something to say whenever his word is going forward so let's enjoy the word today and so we want you to grab a pen grab a notebook matter of fact share this message with somebody else sit back and enjoy are you guys ready for the Word of God today if are you ready ready somebody say I was born ready I was born ready how many I'll believe that you was born ready let's let's pray and we're gonna get into it Lord we love you we thank you for who you are Holy Spirit I asked for you to use my experiences everything that I've studied not to give a word that was like the last service but to give a word that's specifically geared to the people that you've and you've thrown to the 11 o'clock service today those who are watching online those who are here I pray that those who come in with heaviness will leave out with just a garment of praise they will leave out understanding that their best days are still out in front of them that there's not one person here that will quit on you that we're throwing a towel just because things get hard but actually will begin to access your grace because your grace is significantly sufficient for us so God have your way in our hearts and minds we want to leave out of this building today speaking differently thinking differently behaving differently and walking with you differently and we thank you for everything that's going to be accomplished today in Jesus wonderful name somebody say Amen if you have a Bible go with me over to Romans chapter 1 and verse number 18 today is part number two of our Holy Spirit series and it's entitled it takes three it takes three and I'm inspired from a song from 1988 with Rob base and DJ EZ rock I don't know if you know this song or not but it goes it takes two to make a thing go right how many y'all know what I'm talking about and then it goes on it says it takes two to make it okay so some of y'all have heard that song you're kind of dating yourself if you know what that song is and I believe it does take two naturally you know the Bible says the two are better than one and thank God that I've to be 20 years on July 3rd and I can admit that thank God I am with this woman two is better than one but in the supernatural or in the spiritual I believe it takes three it takes the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit to really access the fullness of God and the truth today is that in churches around the world in most of our beliefs we've really been taught about the father and we've been taught about the son but the Holy Spirit has been like this third person this distant third cousin this stepchild to the Trinity and I want you to know that's not true you don't know God in his fullness until you know him as Father Son and the Holy Spirit and so today I want to talk to you about understanding the Trinity that where Trinity is not a biblical word that the triune nature of God can be seen from Genesis to revelations and so years ago I was in Bible School this was 15 years ago guys I can't believe it's been that long and I don't know if it was year 1 year 2 or year three someplace we got an assignment to read this book it's by Kevin Connor and for those of you all who want good Christian foundation you want great theology I would get on Amazon and get this book it's called the foundations of Christian doctrine by Kevin Connor and it lays out everything that Christians believe I mean and so some of it I'm gonna be resourcing I mean I kind of always went to this book for 15 years and I'm gonna be quoting some principles from the book as we go through today so I just wanted to make sure that I sourced that but Romans chapter number 1 verse number 18 or y'all there it says for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness now let me set the stage one more thing today's gonna be a teaching you know okay with that last week was an impartation and we jumped around and sweated I sweated out all my shirts this week is gonna be teaching because this is what we need we need good foundation on the Holy Spirit some of you all have been scared of the Holy Spirit and you have resisted him subconsciously because you've been taught wrong but we should embrace the Holy Spirit and go after Holy Spirit so I want to lay a foundation of great biblical teaching and you're not gonna get everything that I teach today you're gonna have to download the app get the podcast I know we got a podcast too right you're gonna have to get my notes offline and dig in when you go home but I'll do the best that I can today if you're ready saying for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and the unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness you know what it means to suppress truth that means that we know what we should do but we push it down has anybody ever been there before you know that God is calling you to stop a certain thing or to start a certain thing but you suppress that truth you say not right now you say well I'm running from God and I don't know what that means because you can't run from God he's everywhere but in your mind I guess you think that's a smart thing to do all right and so they suppress the truth in unrighteousness because what may be known of God watch this is manifest in them for God has shown it to him and so God is always showing us how we should live he doesn't want us to be in the dark alright he's manifesting himself to us okay and so verse 20 says for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen oxymoron invisible but clearly seen will impact that in a moment being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead underline that circle that everybody say Godhead so that they are without excuse and so let me try to make this as simple as I can I love teaching practically kind of like in a 21st century kind of way there's three major points I want us to get out of this any note takers that are here you know what this series grab a note-taker we got new ones in the cafe put these things in your phone like me I love to write down that's the way that I learn but anyway if you're a note-taker write this down number one I got three points from this passage of Scripture number one the wrath of God will come upon all sinners that's what Romans means the wrath of God okay the wrath that word wrath means the anger of God and before you think that God is an angry god there's different kinds of anger there's an ungodly anger but then there's a godly anger you know how the Bible says that we can be angry and sin not and so there is a godly anger that will lead you to action okay and the truth is is somebody some of y'all y'all need to get angry you need to get angry at your addiction then you might break out of it come on somebody you need to get angry at your sin in your situation because then you might do something about it see if you get angry enough at human trafficking you'll start that nonprofit organization it doesn't matter what you got to do see so some anger is good the anger that leads us to action is a good thing and so you know right now I'm angry about what I see the devil doing in Christian marriages so next year we're starting a marriage podcast and we're gonna have a stuff about intimacy and finances and communication and we're gonna do everything we can to resource married couples now because I'm just angry about it and I don't like it and so God is the same way he has anger but it's a it's a holy anger it's that same anger that moved him to action to put his son on the cross so God in his anger at our sin decides to move and give up his son so that we could have eternal life now watch this the wrath of God comes on all unrighteousness the anger of God comes on all unrighteousness now some of us have been taught incorrectly and we kind of feel like well gods angry at me and he's gonna strike me with lightning well you don't know the love and the grace of God God loves you so much that he put the wrath of himself on the body of Jesus and what he took you don't have to take that's why it's so important that you accept Christ because Jesus who knew no sin paid for every lie that we've ever told every wrong thought that we've ever had every wrong thing we've ever done he paid the price for it now because God is love but he's also just the justice system would say well to be a just justice system somebody has to pay for the crime and so God since his only begotten Son who knew no sin and he paid the sin for you and I and the wrath and the anger of God comes on the body of Jesus and that's why he was crucified that's why he was beaten beyond recognition that's how much God hates sin but he loves us so much that he put it on Jesus so that we wouldn't have to take it I wish you would put your hands together and get a revelation on how much God is in love with us and how much His grace is powerful okay so that's the first thing that we want to get hold of or the wrath of God comes upon all sinners all right now number two write this down people we as people are without excuse some might say well how can someone who's never heard about God believe in God okay very simply pull up Romans chapter one verse 20 again it says for this for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen that means that if you look for God for real for real you'll find them for real for real I mean if you go out on the beach and you look around you'll know that ain't happened by no explosion come on somebody there has been some intelligent design I was I was on the beach um two days ago and I noticed how the birds at certain time we're going down and getting fish and coming back up and I was thinking there is no possible way that this was created by anything other than a creator who put us in perfect utopia the water would stand at a certain place it's the perfect temperature the sand is not cutting my feet he's created the sand to be like pillows so that I could walk on it and everything you know what I'm saying and so his invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are what are you all there when I say what you got to say the word like you read along with me let's try this again Lord Jesus don't make me work so hard a leaven o'clock being understood by the things that are what oh you got it now tell your neighbor thank you for paying attention even his eternal power and what God has so that they are what without excuse thank you class so the Bible says that we are without excuse you say pastor I didn't grow up in a Christian home I know but we're still without excuse pastor I didn't come up in a Christian nation I know but we're still without excuse why because our God is big and smart enough to get the gospel to whoever he needs however he needs it our God can speak in dreams and in visions don't you think that anybody is too far from the Lord and so the Bible says that our God is so powerful that he literally put his laws in the heart of mankind I'm talking about unbelievers I'm talking about people who reject Christianity are not spiritual people still have a moral compass if I was to ask anybody in the world hey is it ok that people are sold in sex slavery it doesn't matter if you're an atheist agnostic doesn't matter oh yes that's so wrong well how do you know that's wrong because God has put a moral compass in our conscience that is convicting and convincing us of the things that he's created us to do or y'all hearing worthy now the problem that we have and why some of you all are suffering from depression and sadness is because God has created you to be one way but you push that truth down and you want to do something else and you say what everybody else is doing and that's what's popular but because it's popular don't make it right now the only person that can tell you how the creative has been created to function is going to the create or and the only way you know how the Creator has created you is by going to this holy word and then all of a sudden if God says this right is right if God says it's wrong it's wrong and it doesn't matter what we want we don't push it down it matters what he won't does anybody here with me come on clap to some of this y'all help me out today you know I preach better when you participate and so the Bible doesn't try to prove the existence of God the Bible declares it if you read the Bible and say God I need you to prove to me that your existing he would that won't happen it just declares who he is so as a pastor I don't get up and try to prove that God exists because the truth is even if God showed up right here and knocked the Apple you would say oh that was a trick how did they do that I don't know how they did that but don't know so you wouldn't believe see an entourage generation seeks for a sign but we've been called to walk by faith and not by sight and so if you're hearing you say well pastor I need I need proof well I am your proof I used to be unfaithful prideful and arrogant and God changed me I'm not saying that I'm perfect I'm saying that I'm changed anybody here been changed come on anybody here used to cuss all the time now you just cuss every once in a while you come on used to be in the club backing it up and now you just you know you back it up to your husband you know what I'm saying I'm just saying that somebody help me up in here but what I'm saying is that how many of you all here God has changed you used to have a bad attitude you used to couldn't be trusted but now you try to keep your word so come on lift your hand we are your proof come on unbeliever where are you you say I need proof we are your proof so here's the truth you don't have to see something to believe and that's all faith is it's believing in something that you cannot see that's how God has set up the system to function he doesn't want to show himself to you he wants to be invisible because he's a spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth because he wants us to walk by faith not by our five physical senses he wants us to trust them at his word and you know listen you you believe you got a brain but you never seen it think about it you never cracked open your skull to prove to yourself that it's in there you took somebody else's word and you just felt like okay I can move my arms and my limbs I must have a brain you ain't got to see it to believe it you go over to that wall and you hit that light switch and you just know that ceiling fans coming home you just know you got confidence you walk by faith no my lights coming on if you pay Joe bill come on soon you ain't got to see it to believe it you know you never see the wind but you know that the wind exists because you see the evidence of the wind you go outside and the leaves are blowing you go outside and and I love the Holy Spirit because the Bible talks about the Holy Spirit is wind have you ever been outside of you feel like there's no breeze it's not true the breeze is there you just can't fill it see and then you go outside and there's a hurricane that means that the breeze has picked up I believe there's a hurricane coming - some of you all listen to me - where you didn't even know that the Holy Spirit was walking with you day by day but now you're gonna see the effects of him in everything that you do does anybody believe what I'm telling you today right and so listen we are the proof you don't see the wind you don't see God but we are the proof that he exists come on lift up another hand if God has been good to you that's all the proof that I need all right and so somebody just sent me a text please wait until after service all right number three the Bible uses the term Godhead as a description of who God is right now okay did y'all catch that in Romans one eight it says the Godhead everybody said it Godhead whose the Godhead father son Holy Spirit all right this is what some commonly refer to as the Trinity and you know people will argue about the Trinity the Trinity is not a biblical word but the triune nature of God is very biblical and I'ma show it to you in a moment okay from Genesis to revelations our God is three and one and he's one and three now this word Trinity there was an early church father his name was Tudor lien and he came up with the word Trinity that simply meant God foud and he came up with the word simply to try to describe in a contemporary way the Godhead all right but God is as three as he is one and he's as one as he is three and this is where you need great great biblical balance because if you get off too far to the right you'll get into multiple gods if you get too far over to this way you'll get into unitarianism where you say that the father and the Holy Spirit are just titles and that's not true they are the three persons of the one God so our God is one God that manifests himself in three distinct persons the Father the Son the Holy Spirit now let's look at the Pearl orality of God in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 so y'all okay with this Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 God he calls himself something very interesting God said let us ever I say us like Lord who are you talking to here plural make man in our everybody say our plural word image in an hour everybody say our likeness so that he may rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky over the last stock the wild animals over all the creatures the creeper on the earth y'all get it Genesis chapter 3 verse 22 watch the plurality of God here and the Lord God said the man has now become like one of what ever I say us knowing good and evil he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take from the from the tree of life and eat and live forever and so he's speaking of himself in a plurality kind of sense and in first John 5:7 kind of brings it all together watch this for there are three that bear witness in heaven y'all ready the father the word who's the word Jesus Jesus was the word made flesh and who the Holy Spirit so you have the father you have the word you have the Holy Spirit and the Bible says in these three are one another translation says these three agree as one which actually might be a little bit more closer to the biblical sense of what the word one means and so the problem is is that God doesn't look at one that's how we look at oneness how many of you all know that there's some things that we look at it this way but God looks at it a different way cuz his ways are not necessarily our ways and his thoughts are not necessarily our thoughts until our thoughts have been covered by his thoughts in his ways are y'all with me and so when God talks about oneness in the Bible there are two kinds of oneness all right right this now we have absolute oneness and we have compounding oneness okay now absolute oneness is numerical oneness it's just it's mathematical it makes sense it's one plus one is what come on class two plus two is what four plus four is what eight plus eight is what 16 plus 16 is what thirty-two plus thirty-two as well all right I was ain't got time to keep going doesn't that make sense to us that makes sense that one plus one is one that is what we call absolute numerical oneness but when God speaks of oneness he doesn't speak of it simply that way now let me give you an example of absolute oneness Genesis 22 and 2 it says that Abraham offered his only son to Isaac his only son Isaac on the altar now this is a Hebrew word y'all kid is how you pronounce it why a chid and what it means is absolute numerical oneness Abraham didn't put multiple sons on the altar he put his only son on the altar but when the Bible talks about the oneness of God it never uses the Hebrew word yo keed it always uses a Hebrew word Akkad all right ec h ad all right now what this means is a compounding oneness unity meaning that it's indivisible but still unique all right an example of this is in Genesis 2:20 four men must leave his father a mother and the two shall be one your Cod all right indivisible but one one entity two distinctions Ezra chapter 3 verse 1 the people of Israel gathered together as one ever I say one that's a cod what is that it's unity compounding unity it's one entity with two different distinctions my favorite one is Deuteronomy 6:4 cuz this is actually the tenant of the Jewish faith here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one once again that's a god that's talking about so you never see it being used an absolute oneness when it talks about God it's always talking about compounding oneness stick with me in the in the Old Testament the first name that God gives himself is Elohim or Elohim okay and that word in its nature is uniform okay it is the Old Testament equivalent to the New Testament father son Holy Spirit so from Genesis to Revelation God has always talked about himself as three and one and is one and three all right now years ago this was a problem for me I had a friend of mine in college that converted over to being Muslim and he used to just debate with me man and come back with me about how could God become a man it just could not believe that and also when it comes to three and one he says well there's three gods and you know when you're young and you don't know you you get into these debates and you know stuff in your heart but you don't know how to explain it but at 19 years old I was smart enough to set up a meeting with a pastor at the time we were going to a little smaller traditional Church and but they taught me the Word of God there my wife had gotten saved and gotten baptized at this church and so I just followed her come on ladies that's why you got to live for God your man and just follow you if you keep on living right so I just heard of Church and after my roommate was kind of giving me the beers I set up a meeting with the pastor and I said pastor what is this whole three god thing how can we say we got one god but his Father Son and Holy Spirit and I don't know where this man got an apple from but he pulled out an apple and he says young man how many apples is this come on class how many apples is this how many apples is this but he said this one Apple has skin it has meat and it has seed and this apple is three and one just like our God is three in one father son and holy spirit some of y'all clapping you get some of the other I'm still confused it's okay because the truth is is that this is a revelation that the Holy Spirit has to unfold to you it makes no sense that's why you have to put your faith in what God has said in his word and to me it doesn't make sense it makes faith and I understand that our God is three and one it's just like an egg it has a shell it has a yoke it has two white it's three and one you can see it every single we're all over the place okay and so for me at 19 years old I was like oh that's cool and now I'm 40 so for the last 21 years I've been cool with that you know no need no need to press it too much I like you know how you can hear it explanation okay I'm good thank you for answering that but let me show you something else Romans 1:20 again watch this y'all are y'all with me you enjoying this come on we got to move quickly for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes of what how can he be invisible but clearly seen oxymoron okay being understood by the things that are made so God is showing us that he's real by what he makes okay his eternal power and what so you can see the Godhead in creation y'all stick with me so when it comes to believing in God all we have to do is open up our eyes and we'll see things like light it's one thing but it has three distinctions it has golden yellow scarlet red heavenly blue but it's all light these are the major three colors of light he made things like water one thing three distinctions a liquid ice steam it's all age - whoa are y'all with me today he made things like eternity one thing three things past present future we can see it all over the place you know but my favorite one I could go on and on with the triune nature of the things that God has made and actually three is the number of completion and so God wouldn't be complete if he was not three and one I could go on and on with these three and one examples but my best one is you and I mankind because man is what male/female of course man con but we are spirit have a soul and live in a body so the truth is we've been made in His image and in his likeness just like God gods three and one and so are we and so the trick of the matter is that most of us think that we're just our body but the truth is that from the dust you came to the dust you're going to return and you the real you is not your body because you're going to get a new body in the New Jerusalem the real you is your spirit and your soul that are so closely intertwined that only the Word of God can separate it but you are spirit you have a soul and you live in a body you're three and one you're one in three just like God does anybody receive what I'm saying today now to really know the God of the Bible you have to know the Holy Spirit you can't resist them you can't just sit around and you know I know the father and son those are titles that we use for our fathers and our sons and the Holy Spirit that's a little bit different the Holy Ghost that's real different but the Holy Spirit is a person and he's Co powerful Co eternal and co-equal with God the Father and God the Son that's important because in the beginning he was hovering over the face of the waters okay and each person in the Godhead has certain characteristics here some of them the father he's the Covenant maker of the Covenant keeper the architect the designer the control of the sustainer he's like his life he's loved he's omnipotent he's omnipresent he's eternal that's just some of the characteristics of the father the son he's the Eternal Word the mediator between father and man he's the god man Jesus was a hundred percent God and 100 percent man all at the same time and when Jesus walked the earth he put aside his divinity and he walked as a man filled with the Holy Spirit so we can understand what it means to be men and women filled with the Holy Spirit he is God in the flesh emanuelle he's the Redeemer he paid the price for our sins he's our Savior He is the expressed image of God the Bible says that no man could see God and live but we've seen Jesus who is the Express image of God we call him Lord meaning master ruler and controller but I want to park on the Holy Spirit if you don't mind and some of his characteristics of this he is the inspirer he births new books in you new songs in you you know that last song that we sang I don't know the words yet our church wrote that song and on Easter we're releasing our first alive Church project a five-part EP you see where is the inspiration of those songs coming from that's the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will give you witty ideas and inventions come on business owners he will give you business plans he will show you where to invest who invest with the Holy Spirit is the inspirer he is the revealer he reveals God's words and plans to us have you ever read the Bible and it made no sense before I received the Holy Spirit I read the Bible that started in the book of begats and it was so boring but when I received the Holy Spirit it was like he was speaking to me from the Holy Word of God and all of a sudden it was applicable to my everyday life right now have you gotten there yet here's the communicator see it doesn't matter what men say when you come and you hear somebody preaching don't listen to the words that come from the man listen for the words from God that's inside of the words from that man so encapsulated in every word that is preached from his kingdom Jesus says my words are spirit and they are life and they are imparting the spirit of faith and grace and love as things are being spoken that's why you got to lean in go ahead and tell your neighbor because you ain't talk to them in a way I'll say that's why you got to lean in the Holy Spirit is the teacher he teaches us what's right and wrong he draws he leads he comforts if you ever lose a loved one people might not be around with the Holy Spirit will you know we believe in community here we believe that you should be a part of an alive group that you yourself should lead one of our live groups we believe that's how discipleship happens but the truth is is that sometimes you're small group leader ain't gonna call you back and you need to know how to call on the name of the Lord sometimes it midnight see sometimes we wait on men to do something that only God can do and I want you to know quit being upset with people because they be in people and ain't none of us perfect and take your request to God because he's the only one that says yes and a man to it y'all hear what I'm telling you and so he's the comforter he's our helper and he's the goddess with us in the earth the father and the son is in heaven man the Holy Spirit is here with us right now you know when you got that thing and it's like you said man something told me I shouldn't have dated him now wasn't sudden let's give it that something a name that was the Holy Ghost Holy Spirit not to spook you out you hear what I'm saying you say well I just knew I shoulda took that job that was the Holy Spirit you know hey I just got goosebumps I mean I know that ain't the air that ain't the air conditioned sweetheart that is the presence of our God and I watch this Holy Spirit is not a it sometimes we refer to him as it it no jesus said he prefer he referred to the Holy Spirit and personal pronouns he him Holy Spirit because he is a person just like we are a person he is a person without a body or y'all hearing what I'm saying so he feels all things and if you want to do life with anybody do life with the Holy Spirit you're gonna have to get the download of this very quickly I'll finish up what does the Holy Spirit do he can Vic's man you ever done something wrong and you feel bad about it I'm not talking about condemnation but I'm talking about conviction I pray that the conviction of the Holy Spirit begins to be stronger in your life to win you're on Instagram and you get jealous and envious you're here voice put that down I pray that when you're about to do something that's wrong on the internet and when nobody else is around your since the presence of God you're saying stop that you've been creative for more you need the convicting voice of God and everything you do the Holy Spirit converts man and so when you say yes to Jesus you know who makes your spirit man alive your spirit man is dead because of sin the Holy Spirit is the one that regenerates your spirit and you're born again that term in the Greek means born from above the Holy Spirit empowers you and so if you walk around with a with a gun without bullets in it and you're getting beat up by the devil and you feel lonely and you're filled with worry and unbelief you need to stand up on the Word of God and be empowered by the Holy Spirit and say thus saith the Lord and speak to them their dry bones till they come alive again the Holy Spirit he always glorifies Jesus why don't we preach a lot about the Holy Spirit it's because he's a perfect gentleman he always glorifies the father he's not he's not a distant third cousin to the Trinity but he's a servant by heart and what he does he drew you to church today so he could bring you to Jesus He loves to draw in illuminate Scripture and illuminate the need for the Son of God the Holy Spirit is always with us he directs us okay he's our helper he's our guide I love the Holy Spirit because he doesn't force himself on anybody you know I know some of you are you're so scared of the Holy Spirit I don't know why I just feel like maybe you've got hold of bad teaching back in the day or maybe something happening but I just believe God's turning that around those of you all who have been resisting the Holy Spirit in the last season now you gonna start running towards him because the Holy Spirit is a perfect gentleman he will never make you do something you don't want to do he doesn't take your tongue out of your mouth and make you pray in time the Holy Spirit doesn't knock you over sometimes it's weird people that do weird things but the Holy Spirit is not weird he's powerful but the holy spirit is different than the personality of the father and the son the father's powerful no man can be around him and live the son is like he's kind of like us he's been touched with the feelings of our weaknesses and infirmities he knows what it's like to be a man but the Holy Spirit is the sensitive side of God he can be grieved the Bible says he can be vexed and the truth is is that there are times when we are living outside the will of God the Holy Spirit will back up from us and he will stay back there for 10 15 20 years unless you invited me he loves worship he loves holiness he loves to be invited in and when the Holy Spirit is invited in he'll come in and he'll move by his power but he's very sensitive I dare you not to reject and resist the Holy Spirit but to say holy spirit have your way in my life if it's praying in other tongues if it's the gifts of the Holy Spirit whatever it is if it's in the Bible I just fill me up with everything that you and I don't want to let what I think and the doctrine I've been taught to stop me from receiving Hall that you've come to give me Holy Spirit have your way in my life I believe if you get to that place you'll love that place hey watch this week after week we're gonna continue to unpack this and unfold to say man come on I want to pray for you guys if you don't mind I'm done father I thank you for every person that's here today the Holy Spirit you are the one that's kind of teaching us even as we sit in service today about the fullness of who you are I pray for that college student that's been so distracted with their studies that they've actually made that study in Idol and I pray that will will change that today their business owner has been chasing another deal and another dollar it's not that you don't want us to have nice things you just want to be first and I pray right now that there's revival that's being brought forth in us as we put first the kingdom of God and we seek your kingdom first if you hear today I want to give you an opportunity to accept Jesus listen you say pastor why are you talking about accepting Jesus when you just preached on the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit loves to first give you Jesus he wants to make the Son of God a necessity in your heart to where you understand that you can't pay the price of your own sin God wants nobody to go to hell hell is not the place that God sends people that he's mad at hell is the place that people go they want to pay for their own sin the wrath of God has already come on Jesus and all you have to do is accept it today and so if you're here and you're like me you can admit that you've sinned at any time in your life and you want forgiveness you want restoration you want eternal life you won't love I'm not asking for you to know everything they'll believe everything in the Bible or even be a perfect person you don't have to be a perfect person to be a forgiving one and if you're here today and you say pastor the Holy Spirit is leading me to put my faith in Jesus I want to know God today if that's you with every head bowed and every eye closed could you just lift up a hand right where you are so that I can pray for you come one lifted up high lifted up high right now now's your time don't let the devil steal it from you now is your time lifted up high kind of wave at me thank you I see your hand and your hand in your hand and your hand in your hand in your hand and your hand in your hand in your hand in your hand and you can put your hands down at this time and we're going to repeat this prayer let's just say this prayer together the Bible says anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved come on everybody join in say Lord Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins today I give you me I surrender my will my way of thinking my way of doing life for yours God you made me and you know better than I do so Lord Jesus I confess my sins I believe that you've died on the cross to save me to give me eternal life I surrender my life to you from this day forward I'm born again I'm in right standing I'm forgiving I'm saved in Jesus name Amen amen come on Church put your hands together I pray that that message bless you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside of you yeah if this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you got to go here to get that fried chicken and sweet potatoes man and so this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food if it's been like transformation for you do what's the favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our Channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you we'll see you soon
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 832
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Alive Church, Pastor, Faith, Christianity, welcome video, Alive Church pastors, Alive Church Gainesville, Alive Church Orlando, Take off your shoes, Church sermon, Ken Claytor, Welcome to alive church, Church, Church Sermon, HolySpirit, Holy Spirit Series, Ittakes3, It Takes 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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