These Celebrities Are Truly A##Holes (r/AskReddit)

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hey ridet what are some butthole celebrity encounters you or someone you know have experienced donald rumsfeld once farted in front of me at an airport in DC not really and butthole move as its natural but involves in [ __ ] I'm kind of disappointed this is my only celebrity encounter just wait till you hear what else he's done bill I met him after a speech he gave at the University I was attending he was a dong the entire time yep I grew up in Seattle and when I was six I saw him when I was out walking with my mom he was gardening in his front lawn I ran up to him and told him how excited I was to see him I was maybe one step off of the sidewalk onto his lawn he screamed at me to get off his lawn and then turned his back my mom still talks about how much of an butthole he was 20 plus years later worked at an entertainment venue during high school as an usher teenage Justin Bieber was a huge butthole to his crew but actually really Pleasant and nice even to the workers at the venue he took the time to go around the concourse and take pictures with some of the girls that worked concessions he dated one of my good friends in high school before he got famous he randomly dumped her one day and told her that she has an Adam's apple and he couldn't date someone like that she is still sensitive about it Ali Army drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket a few months ago he was doing a promotion for Glock and signing autographs I'm an Army veteran who went to with a Marine veteran buddy of mine he would take a good two three minutes to chitchat with everyone in line as far as I could tell all marine vets when my friend and his daughter were done he said the next guys with us but he's army army responded with you have a frickin friend in the army and had a disgusted look on his face I went up he signed a blue-ray I had bought smiled for a photo and he immediately called next as I walked away he said you know kid for a solid a you almost look half normal not even mad I expected nothing less from that old Marine Frick take that as a joke he's a really humble marine vet I know cause my dad who is retired Air Force went to one of the Glock promotions he was wearing an shirt Gunny just looked at my dad straight in the eyes and called him a P my dad called him a crayon eater it got really tense but then Gunny and my dad broke down laughing hard so yeh not an butthole but a jokester back in the late 80s my friend joy and I were shopping at the Tower Records on Sunset late one Saturday night it was the night I bought an LP copy of the singer cubes life's too good anyway this guy started making a scene he was obviously coked out of his mind and he was roaming up and down the aisles grabbing merchandise right and left he was knocking things over and looming over the other customers he was real twitchy and sweaty too he kept shouting it's all right my fat wife will pay for it she's got money coming out her ass his wife had a scarf and glasses on and was trying to hide her face well she backed into me and my friend she gave us an embarrassed smile and we realized it was Roseanne the guy on the shopping rampage was Tom Arnold I met Mickey Mouse he walked away from me though my first rejection it might have been time for him to go on break smoke a button call to make sure his child-support check got credited Bill Murray drunkenly hit on my mom's then 14 year old stepsister in the 80s apparently I met Jerry Seinfeld after a show he did once I told him he did a great job he said he was aware in his defense that his sawed-off funny used to live near Chevy Chase I was at borders with a friend and the line was huge in walks Chevy Chase he went right to the front of the line someone said excuse me there's a line and he actually said don't you know who I am and turned his back on the guy I've always heard he was a dog and i 100% believe it a friend of mine was walking down the street when he sees a rather handsome fellow in sunglasses with an immaculate chin coming his way he recognizes this God among men as the great Bruce Campbell as Bruce gets closer my friend nervously exclaims hey you're bruce campbell and without breaking stride bruce lured his sunglasses and in his cool collected delivery replied somebody's gotta be and walking proving once and for all Bruce Campbell is in butthole wait I meant awesome Bruce Campbell is awesome when I was 7 2006 me and my dad got really good seats to watch the Mets there was some man wearing a suit with a beautiful woman next to him sitting in the row next to us my dad insisted that I walk up and ask for an autograph I was too shy so we headed toward him together I was standing in arm's length away from Donald Trump I was waving at him but he purposely decided to not acknowledge me even when Millenia elbowed him to try to get into wave he just continued to glare at the field after a few seconds she stopped trying and me and my dad headed back to our seats Bill Murray took some of my french fries ones well he wasn't in butthole but when I was working customer service for a satellite TV company I talked to Weird Al he was trying to get free equipment and his account wasn't eligible at the time he wasn't a dong about it told him to call back in six months I didn't do the hey are you Weird Al thing I politely called him mr. Yankovic the whole time Whoopi Goldberg book signing I was 10 I told her I loved her movies dead face looks at me and says okay so Frick will be Goldberg she probably knew you were lying no one loves her movies Alice Cooper was 14 when me and a friend went to his gig did that thing you do as kids and waited outside the venue for four stroked five hours to meet him when he showed up he had his security pin us to the wall by the throat and walked past us without even a Hello sure looking back we have no right to get his attention but we were two kids there was no need to be so heavy-handed really soured me on my favorite singer at the time friend of a friend who was an extra for Suicide Squad she was told by some of the producers as a joke to bump into Jared Leto and so she did he was a complete butthole to her and wanted her off the set and fired for that even though it was just meant to be a joke he took the situation completely out of proportion he's notoriously a method actor to a fault I find it crazy to think any of the producers thought this was actually a good idea makes me think the producers were trying to cause some sort of drama on set and use your friend off a friend as a porn Emma Watson I was volunteering at Glastonbury Festival as an Oxfam steward oxfam get paid for my time I work three shifts and get into the festival for free had done it a few times and was placed on the hospitality gate it was mostly just folk who had bought hospitality tickets but we got a few celebrities too everyone was dead friendly and it was a great place to work I checked on emerged again and met Carol Vorderman who was out with the late Richard Whiteley's wife to celebrate his life as it was five years since he died at one point our supervisor is called away she's gone for about 30 minutes which was odd when she gets back she tells us all we ought to just let the next two people through no ticket checks no nothing a minute or so later Anna Watson stormed through the gate with I assume her boyfriend a few paces behind I'd been saying good morning to everyone who passed through because it passed the time but both of them utterly ignored me and stormed on him they'd been furious that they had to have tickets checked like the plebs and beam utterly horrible to our supervisor when she'd been called away I don't personally have any really bad ones but my friend has been a Chicago bartender for years and she has countless stories Billy Corgan getting upset because he'd try and pay for drinks in foreign currencies and she wouldn't accept them Vince Vaughn needed a ride back to his hotel after getting crap faced my friend offered to drive in sand his manager she put on a rap song and Vince immediately made a racist comment she claims to have pulled over and left them on the side of Lake Shore Drive jeremy piven basically being a human pose all the time he'd come into her bar and rack up huge tabs and never tip Buzz Aldrin my father is a pilot and Aldrin was on my dad's flight a TC a few months ago Aldrin took a pic with my dad and the planes captain but when a flight attendant asked for a photo or autograph Auld and laughed him off and said that's way above your pay grade and went to his seat he was my idol for the longest time it really sucked finding out he was a dong i binge done astronaut crap for a bit documentaries biographies everyone really freaking hate this dude he was legit one of the worst narcissists on earth so to preface his story my name is Fox my parents named me after Fox Mulder from the x-files I didn't really like my name when I was younger but my parents have always been excited about it when I was 13 or so my father surprised me with Comic Con tickets I'm not really into comics but I played MTG and have always been enthused by the Intel tech demos and such so I was excited he also told me that we were going to get it autographed by David Duchovny actor behind Fox Mulder and I though that was pretty dang cool my dad was super excited as he was a fan I'm not sure of the details but I do recall he had recently recovered from a pee addiction of some sort anyway we waited in line for a really long time spent $80 on a picture for him to sign we get up to him and introduce ourselves he's very unenthused my dad is so excited to tell him that I'm named after his character his response oh what's his last name to which my dad replied and then David goes well that works too I guess and then we were escorted out we weren't allowed to take a picture either seems like a nice guy my friend was an extra in the final Harry Potter movie and he said that and Watson was a huge B the entire time especially to the crew and the other extras on set my friend dated Michael Phelps he was a total douche tool carried his frickin medals around with him everywhere I was supposed to interview the band Chamorro years ago and they straight-up told me to freak off because I look too young Jason Momoa was at comic-con in Adelaide and he had dinner with my sister she paid extra for the experience less than half an hour later he didn't have the courtesy to even acknowledge her existence as he walked right next to her in the hotel bar overall the guy looked like now he has a movie of worth he thinks he is too awesome to be human it just gives off the overall jerk vibe Ted Nugent would frequent the archery shop my dad owned and would stare at me like a perv I was deaf under 14 years old and run his mouth like a crazy person while chewing gum like a cow and leaning all over the glass counters trying to school my father on the crap he was selling my father had a really good relationship with Frank Stallone he would swing by the shop and chat with my dad often Frank wrote us cards for holidays and always asked my dad about me one day Sylvester Stallone comes strolling in when I was pretty little I accidentally mistook him for Frank because I saw him at a glance from across the store I ran over to get a hug and when I got closer I saw it wasn't Franks Hill gave me the cold shoulder and made some remark about getting away from him and lastly I tried to bum a cigarette off of jared leto in Hollywood like eight years ago as he was smoking he said he didn't smoke he then proceeded to go into club Moscow which was eighteen plus and pick up young girls and leave I have friends who worked with him or for him and they say he has a stack of NDA's in his glove compartment dirt bag when I was younger touring bands would crash at my place frequently when they were an unknown band opening for a much better band Death Cab for Cutie crashed at my place I thought they were terrible but I still always spot a touring band shoot stuff the soon-to-be heartthrob lead singer broke my toilet I opened for Frankie Muniz rock band hung out in the green room with them Frankie just laid on the floor watching TV the whole time ignoring everyone I was waiting at a crosswalk at LAX I turned over and I found out that George Lopez was standing next to me I looked at him and said hey thanks for the laughs then reached out my hand for a handshake he simply said yeah ignoring my handshake and turned and walked away secondhand but two bad stories about Kanye surprise surprise one co-worker was on same flights as him but of course he screamed no pictures to everyone and when people were getting on the plane he was sitting in the front and covered his head with a blanket and was grumpy the whole time two sisters friend saw him at a store she was walking out and he was walking in and he was actually in the way but if she passed by hee glad her down the whole time like she was the one that was in the way Gary Ablett spelled my name wrong we have the same name friend of mine waited on Fred Schneider b-52's said he was the most arrogant and demanding prick he ever waited on and so badly wanted to punch the crap out of him so shocked at the fear 2 people said look at shaggy heard us he started just shouting no freakin autographs this was when he was still a Laker my friend screamed no wonder everyone likes Kobe more Shaq gave us a death stare and my friend flipped him off Ellen DeGeneres my cousin waited on her and her entourage and Ellen lost her crap when they got her order wrong yelling don't you understand who I am hated that be ever since you don't abuse servers and people in retail they are already being abused having to come into their jobs so when I was waiting on John Cougar Mellencamp I didn't recognize him some guests pointed it out to me he was fine but I got the distinct impression that he was trying to be noticed slowly looking around making eye contact with people at other tables upon leaving he decided to slowly stroll through the restaurant and coming up to a family with a child in a highchair said to them cute kid I'll buy him off your for 200 bucks now this is an exceedingly weird thing to say but to make matters worse the family was from Germany and has no idea who Johnny cougar is just a stranger offering to purchase their child looking back on it I think that as someone who used to be more famous than he is now he was craving some recognition my husband and I salute Dennis Rodman arriving at our hotel in New York my husband politely asked him for a quick photo and the rude prick put his hand up as you would when you want to silent someone from talking he was in a bad mood after attempting to flirt with an attractive african-american woman who would not give him the time of day I was fortunate enough to meet the members of Metallica a few years ago everyone was really cool except the lead singer James I was only about 15 at the time and the way he acted when meeting a young fan was as if he didn't have time for it really peeved me considering his fans are the only reason his ways at you've been visited by the banana galleon he will protect you and all of your bananas but only if you come and protect us mighty dojo if you are new to the channel you can 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Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 97,968
Rating: 4.9038901 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, celebrity, star, singer, movie star, celebrity encounters, encounter, encounters
Id: -KHNKcGhDts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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