HOW I DEAL WITH FAME | DiCaprio, Chadwick Boseman, Aniston, Holland, Chalamet, Pattinson, Lively...

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I don't think anyone who's in the public eye can ever truly get used to it it's always a bit like a video game what is it like for you and when you meet people and they started crying look I'm just a regular guy I mean hopefully because I'm a regular guy and I've overcome quite a bit in my life so I mean if that could be an inspiration to people or you know the fact I was able to turn my life around as an inspiration then that's fantastic um it doesn't really I don't know it certainly doesn't get to my head I don't feel like oh yes I should be yeah let me touch you and make you feel better it's like I think people do assume that that it's all just like diamonds having laying around like Melanie it's like swimming pools I'm filled with tuna I think the important thing is just to take it one step at a time if I think if you rush into Fame then that's where it can be really affecting and if you take it for granted it can be really affecting but I love this job and I love working so much that I think I just I just I'll continue to work and won't sort of acknowledge the fame side of things really and just enjoy the working and the process I think the idea that people think that they know you I think because of how intrusive media is these days they there's people care so much more about your personal life than they do your work and if you aren't open with your personal life then they just make it up for you and share it for you do you remember your first impression of when it became a part of that world yourself and how what it felt like for you yeah I hated it strictly because I was like young as 17 and like insecure and like couldn't deal with the energy like being front of me and it's just like a visceral experience and now I can like really appreciate and enjoy it is that something that you can ever get used to you think I hope not you know if you didn't get you suit you probably sort of gone crazy a little bit so a part if you get used to that then some part of you died I think hopefully I would never become someone who thinks that that's a normal reaction it does feel strange on a daily basis but at the end of the day anyone that doesn't want to continue doing what they're doing and realizes that there's a bit of a sacrifice to being able to fulfill your dreams should go do something else that's my attitude you know when people say like oh well when you get into this business you have to know like that's the price you pay and I disagree with that entirely that's it's your job and it's what you do when you show up on set it's what we're doing right now and then after that I'm I'm not a jerk if I want to like have dinner with my family and I don't want to you know engage I mean you know I recognize there are certain realities of my life that I have to deal with that other people have to deal with it that's you know that are connected to my really good fortune friends from home come out and visit me and sometimes go man I would kill somebody you know if I had your life but it's it's a the American media is a a strange beast and sometimes it feels a little out of control you know I haven't had the time to really self examine in that regard and the truth is I'm not too keen on it either because I feel like I feel like who cares anyway if you like for me if I didn't have to be famous and I could do the same roles you know I would rather not be famous of course yeah of course because you can be anonymous you can watch people better which allows you to play rose better because you're in touch with people as opposed to like you have to separate yourself in order to in order to live like normally so what do you think is the biggest misconception people have about Fame I don't know I don't think they view it as real life it's like just always perfect or something like you know Fame is placed very high on the list of things that are important to our especially I mean the whole world but especially in the States you know like it's it's it's really above like wealth like it's above happiness it's just Fame pop up are you looking at me are you looking lookey meekly it's a constant it doesn't feel good all the time in case people think that that's like it - trust me you need a lot more I don't know what's happened recently that I just I I can just let everything just slide off me now but when I was younger I just kind of what people used to wait outside your house and sounds like they were driving really really really crazy I have been you know subject to analysis from the media that I thought was not a fair accurate I've been you know exposed to the way that it can become kind of a hysteria and the way in which you know a person becomes a commodity you know I guess that's par for the course you know people want to you know they they like to keep the fantasy alive whether it's good or bad or dramatic or you know more interesting than you actually are or perhaps nobody knows the real interesting you or whatever it is you know you you can be pigeonholed and labeled and you know torn apart and put up on the pedestal again and whatever and I think you just have to you know it's an adjustment so biggest misconception I see often is people feeling like they know someone that they don't because they know what the media has has created if someone and the disappointing thing is when you meet the people they're always so much more awesome and then then then they're portrayed to be I mean that's that's normally my experience and even people that are portrayed to be really great people they're just a lot more complicated and interesting and nuanced and caring and thoughtful and that's always that's always nice you know to see that your idea of someone isn't always who they actually are being known at any at any cost who cares that can't be good for us and plus there's no culture in celebrity culture zero those TMZ shows that horseshit People magazine it's crap there's no art in it it's all terrible yeah I mean I see people read People magazine and say you're gonna read a magazine where someone's hiding in the bushes to take picture of someone's children you're gonna endorse that and today everyone else can take pictures oh and it's completely legal and the Internet's the Wild West sort of an epidemic in our society today is that everybody thinks that if they become famous somehow either on vine or Twitter or YouTube or any of these talent shows or if they become famous they're finally going to be happy I don't care what my job is there's nothing that should make that okay to anyone's children and and then I think every you know when you see those men it's like those just know those pictures come hard you can't just always have the water off a duck's back like let it just slide you know I'm sometimes you do get affected by certain things and things are frustrating and you go you want to comment but you don't want to you want to engage and you know I think you just kind of it's it's a like a learning curve and I still adjust I'm still in the adjustment phase of you know figuring out how to kind of you know dodge the effects of the media glare but um you know it's so I think you just have to kind of try to stay grounded as much as possible you know if I love what I do I look at it as a gift and I know that there's you know there's things that come with that and I fully accept it and you adapt you adapt just there's there's a lot of wonderful positive aspects to it mm-hmm being able to do good with it being able to be heard have a platform bringing joy to people bringing awareness to to two issues no I think um I don't know I mean some people yes some people have a tendency to look down on regular people and some people have a tendency to feel like well they're just kind of there the weird and awkward and different and they live in a fishbowl and they can't be normal I think it depends some for some people's ego and some people it's kind of neuroses I think but yeah for me I just just happens to be my job you know I know that there are pros and cons that come with it I'm not complaining I'm very appreciative I have been very fortunate very blessed so do you like the attention or is that yeah I mean it's nice and it's and I do appreciate it when I get recognized now because it's so it's so rare and it's lovely to be recognized by people because they've obviously seen your work and they've appreciated it and they want to say hello and it's really lovely I can see though if you're like Justin Bieber and you can't go anywhere would be quite tough and cumbersome really but uh especially with all the selfies that people want these days and now the thing is with everyone with a cellphone the press are everywhere you know you can't really go anywhere without being watched so it's just about being careful don't do anything silly and I'm quite sensible and I'm well very sensible well yeah I mean I think it's always different I mean I think with Twilight I was sort of it was literally from one month there's nothing I mean the next month it's like fully massive and and I think that was a sort of it's a strange learning curve but then everything comes in like absent flows and also like I think when you're older though people people just this is everyone only cared about young people nowadays young people with instagrams as long as you don't have Instagram and find so are people recognizing you when you go I'm getting a little bit more I'm not gonna lie it was a bit weird I went for a little shopping sort of trip just to grab some like essentials and and they're kind of like you know like staring and kind of like talking I was like I found somewhere oh like how do you prepare yourself for something like that he must feel like I don't know I must feel like just what you're saying in the beginning I think I don't think there is a way of preparing I think I think really it's it's taking an industry I'm not getting carried away with that being firmly planted in reality it's so easy to sort of like just read through all these messages and like just circuital and get a massive ego but you know when you're walking on the street having a dinner in a restaurant can you do that kind of stuff yeah yeah totally especially in New York I Love New York I'm from LA and it's a little bit more self-conscious it's a lot more self-conscious um I feel I come a I when I walk outside here I feel so alive so yeah definitely I'm you know I can eat dinner and stuff do you think so too that people think that there will be happy as soon as they're famous we're so happy um famous you should see how this thing work [Laughter] hi there thanks for watching my channel if you liked that video maybe there's other videos you like to hear on my channel so please subscribe share comment do whatever you like you have to be nice to people I hope I see you again soon
Channel: Kjersti Flaa
Views: 40,110
Rating: 4.9505663 out of 5
Keywords: fame, leonardo dicaprio, jennifer aniston, Timothée Chalamet, celebrity interview, best of, best of dicaprio, blake lively interview, kristen stewart interview, kristen stewart, being famous, changed by fame, how to become famous, fame and hollywood, actors talk about fame, facebook, twitter, instagram, trending youtube, best celeb compilation, celeb compilation, leonardo dicaprio news, tik tok, get famous, dicaprio interview, chadwick boseman, chadwick boseman interview
Id: p-dgLceWqtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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