I made the MEAN GIRLS as mad as possible

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scenario you've run away from home you don't know where to go and a really rich girl picks you up and goes listen come and live with me in my mansion it's gorgeous my dad is really rich and it's all great and good but then her stepbrother is really really really hot you did that to me what yeah my house got robbed and you really worked out didn't that I was like you how come live with me I don't bite I buy it yeah you buy yeah I guess like lock your doors because I'm not to be trusted this is crossing the line you guys would not let me not finish it so here we go I'm in the brother's bathroom in a little towel Bentley I need to use your shower hello hmm I guess he's not around I've never used the shower before oh I don't really know how these nozzles work these dawes's these these rich people's showers that just well don't mind if I do stripping down ready to go holy crap what are you doing oh wow I totally didn't mean to do this uh-huh I totally this wasn't on purpose I didn't actually see you in the room and did this on purpose I'm a good girl oh I'm so sorry probably was using the shower even though I called dibs first so I went to use yours because you know how long puppy takes to get ready and she said I could use yours and and and I called you and you didn't answer and then I was like oh pretty shower and a girl chill take a deep breath you're rambling ha ha ha it's not funny oh yes it is seeing y'all frazzled like this is great if you wanted to make a move on me you could have just said so oh I can understate you wish I was or I wasn't I'm gonna say you wish I was just cuz I want to these are both very like I'm not coming on to you moves and I'm not a big fan of that maybe you wish I was cuz then he'll be like well mm-hmm it gives him an opening you know make a move on you ha ha trust me Bentley when I make a move you'll know I don't keep it a secret okay I'm a flirt I flirt for sport it's Who I am take it or leave it Oh what I now and what would that look like wouldn't you like to know I mean I could show you you I I should be going this is getting a little awkward don't think about it too much as I pull myself together I get distracted by this shirtless Bentley who stands before me yep this guy must live at the gym his shoulders glisten from sweat he must have been working out and God does it show his perfectly sculpted body makes my knees weak hmm now who's checking who out oh please don't flatter yourself I was just looking at here you're ugly I mean there's nothing ugly about you I hate boys like this cuz you can't bully them you know what I mean like when I was in grade school there was this guy who like bullying me all the time for things that were weird about me especially like before my go up there a lot of things too bullying me for and I couldn't bully him back because he was perfect I'm just gonna go wait for papi to get done I'm asleep want me to use your shower it's fine you can use my shower I'll be in my room oh wait um we're planning to go to this beach party tonight and pop you wanted me to let you know because you are looking after us yeah a few old friends heard I was in town and invited me the problem is though is that papi my friend is trying to set me up with this like trust fund kid here but I want her brother so I'll be going too huh Oh have fun hey I'm I need your opinion on something I'll bring to your room after you shower Oh what what what could he want my opinion on come in hey I saw you doesn't have any kids swimsuits you can have one of mine even though I'm trying to steal her brother she's such a good friend like yeah she's got a few loose ends yeah she's super spoiled but like she's got a good heart you know I don't remember buying it though I buy stuff all the time and I keep track maybe someone left it from a party anyway it's all yours thanks papi okay oh it's a hand-me-down situation it's one of your other rich friends left it at your house and now I'm wearing it that's huh why am I always getting stuck with Poppy leftovers oh my goodness I'm so spoiled down like you've got money buy me the stuff papi come on knock knock have these people let me get to rest papi I think I have another Oh Bentley Hey sorry for barging in I just saw papi basically skipping down the hall I'm a little uncomfortable going these sorts of things aren't really my suit like the bonfire I'm saying it's just I'm like a really chill laid-back introverted you know book reader kind of dream guy and like these parties not really my thing I have a pair of swim trunks and they're a bit stylish but I don't want to stand out what do you think okay well I mean you're really standing out with those very very green leaf trunks no way I mean they look cute on you that's for sure I have a bathing suit that matches that turn around but I've already seen you without any okay Bentley freaking banks look at the wall right now this isn't an all-you-can-eat buffet it will be later but not right now it was worth a shot your pig okay turn around what do you think oh whoa you look amazing and we match yeah we kind of look like a couple I know cute hey look at that shrimp show ah matching Bentley at this party would be the cutest okay this would be a really really good way to like let poppy knows that I'm interested in her brother I mean I've been very very upfront but she's a little slow so she doesn't really get it so I'm gonna spend your remaining gems I have and match with Bentley we're gonna look so cute he's excited about it hey what are you doing eating some leftover pizza before we head out and want some I can say yeah pizza is life or no thanks I'm not hungry I don't want to have like a food baby for the party tonight um I'm gonna go with eating pizza with him because you know what we're just trying to have a good time together of course I can never turn down pizza look at that big flimsy cheesy slice yeah let me guess papi still getting ready yeah we'll be lucky if we get out of here in the next hour I have a friend who's just like this just like getting ready and she tastes like actually like she makes us so late to everything but she always looks on point so it's worth the wait listen I just wanted to say thanks for deciding to match me how could I not we look at the door and fall and don't think I didn't notice how you were looking at me and this um well I was a nice save Benny you were drooling you're obsessed with me just go ahead and say say you love me just say it Benny I usually cringe when poppy calls me Benny but it's not so bad coming from her beautiful pair I should go check on papi hopefully she's almost done I can't flirt too much Japan plane I'm playing hard to get dang I do hate to see her go but I love to watch her leave okay that is the most cliche horrendous thing I hate when guys say that but whatever I'll forgive it cuz he's cute gluten come on I see Preston I don't like Preston before you go there's a two-drink maximum for you both and how many shots poppy no shots two drinks that's it whatever I'll just make sure they're extra strong oh no she's gonna get us the strongest drinks there ever were aren't you coming yeah these sorts of things usually aren't my scene like if it's an inside party usually they're because there's a bog or something and I can just like pet the dog in the corner but this is very hi Marissa oh my god poppy you didn't tell me your brother was going to be here he is such a snack well may the best woman win Victoria a snack he's a whole meal do you think you could introduce me hmm maybe later so what are you going to talk to Preston globe hopefully never he's not really my type puppy but you guys have made the cutest couple plus marrying into that family would guarantee social status for life yeah I know another family that I want to get involved with too I'm gonna get a drink hmm you guys see that girl who just walked off we're so gonna get it all in denying Preston is the last guy I think blue would be into what makes you think that pop he's been trying to get us together for a while I think tonight's the night dude brah I'm Chad you're either blind or just dumb she's not into you that's a relief wait why am i relieved you asked her out like five times and she turns it down every time Oh surfs up get the hit bro nah she'll come around if a girl turns you down that many times you should just respect her and leave her alone Preston has always been a dog and she deserves better you guys must have forgotten who I ever go wants me and I've got looks and the money I'm too bad he just never prayed I'm all right I hate that I have to pretend to drink around Papi's friends if I tell them I don't drink they want to know why and like I hate the situation I hate the way it smells the way tastes the way it makes me feel I come from a background where you know it was very present and I just don't I just don't want to be involved with it most of all I hate the way my mind floods with the flashbacks and my parents every time I'm around it hey alcohol I hate everything about it hey pretty girl I hear a deep voice behind me and I turn around only to be disappointed by the face attached oh it's you Preston Todd sounds so down were you expecting someone else actually yes anyone would be better than Preston I was hoping to see a certain someone though what do you want oh come on smile buttercup who this guy is he's disgusting pop he said you'd be happy to see me be up front and turn this jerk down or sugarcoat it even though he doesn't deserve it I'm turning him down being upfront I am yes a girl codebreaker but I am honest look I'm not in the mood to deal with you today I don't know what Poppy's been telling you but I'm not interested we're too different and I'm not into guys like you sorry but like it's the truth so if you could take the hint and stop pushing yourself on me that'd be great who do you think you are turn me down all this do you even know who I am unfortunately I do I could ruin you Oh what's going on here now this is who I wanted to see dude we're fine I wasn't speaking to you gloom are you okay no I was telling person that I'm not interested in he got really upset and started saying like who do you think you are and Do You Know Who I am I think it's best you leave bro she's crazy and teased oh I hate when guys call you a tease just for existing like it's what makes me so mad like just because you're smiling and being friendly does not mean you're a tease excuse me I'm throwing water and presents face bang how's this for crazy what ciao see you later damn girl okay okay I'm sorry clearly we misunderstood each other clearly now get out of my sight okay good job whoo I impressed Bentley are you okay yeah thank you for backing me up maybe I should have used my words and not my water are you kidding me that was the coolest thing I've ever seen I mean it did feel amazing and I'm glad that you liked it hopefully he stays away now well if not I'll just kick his little behind seeing him so protective made my skin tingle all over looks like the party's winding down it's a shame I love this beach but we didn't get to see my favorite part sunset view on that Ridge is Perth taken well I mean we could go now what do you mean let's ditch this party and get you that sunset it'd be a good chance to get to know each other it would be nice to get away from everyone even if it's just for a bit I don't think they'd miss us and I don't want to miss this kind of opportunity go you there sorry I was thinking I was daydreaming I'd love to watch the sunset with me I'm game if you are Terry yeah any gems somebody commented on the last video was like when your fiance calls you over so she can buy gems saying it was some virtual guy and I was like yeah what the free yeah you know what that's not the not the best look but it'll do Terry to get jealous when I ask for gems where's Fiona here the nice thing about me and Terry is we don't really get jealous and that's why I don't really believe in girl code is because like if something girl wants a break girl code on me like go ahead and try let's go for it race you there oh that's so cute no hey you want a head start you've longer legs than me we're running through the beach oh yeah feeling the wind through my hair yeah yeah I've got a house with the windows and doors I'll show you mine you show me yours no way you can beat me oh yeah watch me I'm the fastest in the world actually fastest kid like ever since I first grade I just knew as fast as I got them fast twitch muscles boy huh yeah well that's what you get for being lanky try a little harder oh no she didn't all right you're asking for I was just going easy because you're a girl but here we go quarterback sneak oh oh she's fast oh I fell oh my head Oh oh good you're back looks like you hit the ground pretty hard are you okay do you have brain damage must have tripped over a turtle or something am I in heaven I must be because I'm looking at an angel he looks good even waking up from a coma ha ha very funny you got up you silly goose but I like it down here maybe you should join me okay but you're gonna miss the sunset Wow wait wow he's back Oh I mean by the sunset of course he really can't beat those California sunsets I agree and I hold my hand idiot oh can I ask you something yeah sure what's up I don't know much about your past and I didn't ask papi yet I'd rather hear it from you oh oh so cute oh my goodness don't you hate when people like Google you before they know you I hate that because then it's like it's so unfair you know what I mean like I suppose you're hearing you two were like it's so unfair that somebody can just like Google you know everything about you and it's so cute when people are like you know like I you know didn't Google you there's one I want to hear it from you it's just it's such a nice thing even if you're lying about it it's a nice thing to say maybe not now but someday but however you ended up here I'm glad and I'm glad I got to share that sunset with you oh that's really sweet family usually know exactly what to say I'm glad to be here too the last few years our family has struggled not financially or anything like that put it keeping together with me and my dad always working mom doing Country Club stuff like pop he's been on her own for a while and I'm glad she's a good friend like you to keep her company to make sure she's on the right path and all that your family has been incredibly kind to me I always feel welcome like I'm a part of it we should probably get back we don't want to miss the carpool back okay bro really we were just connecting I paid gems for this well whatever I'm following you you don't want to trip on any turtles or anything great I can't believe I paid for that I'm puking I should be keeping track of your drinks oh this is just soda I don't drink you're not drinking I'm gonna tell him the truth the half truth okay I mean it's better than no truth no I don't like to drink you never drink no is that something so insane that no one can seem to comprehend like no I can have just as much fun without it in fact I have more fun and like I don't feel sick at the end of the night not at all but coffee drinks like a fish so I just assumed poppy and I are nothing alike I believe you're the one who said that remember Oh irony is this our first fight Matt Lee takes a deep breath and looks behind me toward the sunset I love being home the beach makes everything better it's just so beautiful the last part he says while looking directly into my eyes he intensely stares for just a second and then looks away quickly back into the sunset Aloha hi Ben I was wondering if we could talk hey girl he just ruined my moment I paid gems for well I'm not jealous so I'll leave you to it as I start leave but Lee grabs my wrist and whispers is that a hint of jealousy I just saw um the exact opposite get out of my face but before I go I can either say something flirty to Bentley say something sassy to Victoria or just leave I've got the Jemez girl I've got 231 I'm saying something flirty the Bentley bang don't seem too excited for me to go I'm only excited when I get to see you Oh Victoria I'm sorry you were getting owned right in front of your face I'm literally standing here well don't be too long now I'll be counting seconds is this an act but oh she's no idea what she does to me I wish she didn't leave me with this girl hello earth to Bentley I've been trying to get your attention all night too handsome okay he didn't like that oh I wish I could just stay in bed today Oh Bentley um you should knock you know I could've been changing well it's nothing I haven't seen already okay will you stop rubbing that in my face are you gonna make me live that down forever no but since I've met her I can't get her out of my mind Bentley hello what do you want oh I was just wondering what time I have to take you guys to class Papias class at 12 and I've won at one but I'm meeting a friend of the library beforehand a friend like oh my goodness what was that I actually just asked for that oh my goodness is the mr. Bentley banks jealous was I is what jealousy feels like I've never guy like me never felt that before I don't like it no in fact I was wondering if you could give me Victoria's number she wanted to meet up with me after the party sometime Oh family are you trying to make me jealous wow I felt a pain go through my heart is her name left his lip ah I just didn't think he was that kind of guy why did I say that now she's gonna think I'm interested in Victoria but I have to keep my distance I'm here to keep these two out of trouble um you should ask papi she knows her better than I do right we'll leave in 20 minutes okay you were like super cool saying all the right stuff I was fully willing to break girl code for you but like this is a little immature thinking horse Bentley would be interested in a girl like me so how is living with Bentley been this is leyla a free-spirited bright girl than him at last semester and we've been friends ever since love her tattoos as well I don't get to spend too much time with her out of school because poppy and her don't get along Layla is the only other person besides papi who knows about my family our friendship is very different from poppy and eyes we have a lot more in common and her fake freckles are gorgeous oh did I say fake freckles cuz I like try to do them Layla is very supportive and she never judges and has the sweetest soul Papi's been handling it better than I thought I remember you saying you thought she would lock herself in a room until he left Bakley it hasn't been that bad Bentley's actually been sweet he totally saved me from Preston at a bonfire he's not like the pretentious jerks papi usually hangs out with he gets a little bit jealous yeah but like hopefully he'll grow out of it wait hold up a second you're totally crushing on um I'm just gonna come right out and tell her bang I'm crushing yeah I want him so bad he's so cute see I knew it your eyes light up when you talk about him it doesn't matter though he's not into me okay girl all right are you stupid you got to be stupid are you sure this isn't you getting into your own head how could he not be she's right that's why she's my friend and I accused him of being jealous this morning and in turn he asked me for a girl's number he met at the bonfire girl come on he was so trying to make you jealous I don't think so he's one of those guys are gonna have any girls who'd want well maybe you're the girl he wants I've never seen you talk like this about a guy before I say get your man girl Thank You Layla for enabling my bad behavior well I have to get to class me too we'll talk see love you Layla hey girl how was glit guess what what shad asked me out Oh papi you totally would be with Chad we're going to dinner tonight Papa gets asked out by guys all the time but her standards are so incredibly high that they never even stand a chance well I'm happy for you good because you and Victoria are helping me get ready tonight me and Victoria yeah I normally wouldn't even allow her over but Marissa is busy and I need all the girl power I can get so she's only your friend out of convenience pretty much we hate papi but at least she's honest Bentley asked me for her number this morning Oh gross out of all the girls Victoria would be the one he goes for what do you mean by that Victoria's a maneater she runs through guys uses them for what she can and then moves on to the next look she's like me but like not as good at it you know she's no good and that's coming from me oh okay maybe she is a little protective of her brother after all she's probably only after his money well don't you think you should warn him he is your brother step-brother and he's a big boy he can make his own decisions plus he only really wants her for you know so really he's just as bad as her I think I see his car hurry I have to start getting ready you know what I am NOT going to get in the way a Victoria one bit and if he chooses me he chooses me because despite the fact that I don't follow girl code that doesn't mean that I'm like I have to be consistent because if I don't follow girl code I should let other girls do what they want to its Bentley just as bad as Victoria is he the type of guy that's only after one thing I don't think so if you changed your hair is perfectly straight yeah it looks amazing no it's not good enough more hairspray I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom oh she's going to belly's room fun something right girl I hate I hate I do this too or you're like uh it feels like something's like missing from my face and then you keep putting more on to the point where you ruin your face like that's me everyday mascara I need more mascara Victoria's been gone a while I should go check on her bring me back some water I need to stay hydrated and I'm just like I can't wear orange a totally clashes in my eyes so she had to special-order it in turquoise and that took like three weeks and one time I tried to microwave my own soup and the maid had to clean up the big mess well she sounds lovely oh thank god if I had to listen to this girl talk for one more minute I'd have lost my mind I mean what have you been up to I'm just helping poppy I came to find Victoria you said you were just going to the bathroom I saw Bentley on the way I must have gotten distracted right well pop he's leaving soon and she needs us to help with the finishing touches fine I'll see you later Beni please don't call me that Oh what talk to you later Oh he only lets me call him that what's so funny I think you hurt your girlfriend's feelings girlfriend are you crazy oh wait let me guess you're one of those guys who doesn't do relationships no it's not like that Victoria's just not my type but I thought you wanted her number this morning like come on okay so it's not that I'm jealous it's just that something isn't adding up oh no I just said that to mess with you oh he's honest so you were trying to make me jealous maybe looks like it worked though you really flattered yourself too much poppy said Victoria is after your money I just thought I'd warn you I know exactly the type of girl Victoria is unfortunately most of the girls I meet her like that you know LA well is that why you don't have a girlfriend partially I also work a lot and have yet to meet a woman who makes me feel anything special you've never been in love no have you in love no I have a hard time trusting men if my own father could treat me in such a terrible way I don't want to think about what a stranger can put me through just look at Preston if that's what all guys are like I'd rather stay single I guess that means I repulse you too well sometimes you know when you act jealous and stuff but I'm just kidding you've actually been really good to me I catch a whiff of this strong expensive Cologne it makes me feel warm it makes me feel cozy like I can crawl up his chest and his arms wrapped around me and stay there forever well where are you oh uh I should get back okay I have some work to get to anyway see you later ah you look great girl yeah it's so gorgeous he's out front I better go have fun I expect you home by 12:00 so hey I was thinking you and I could order some food and watch movie even though I don't much plan on watching you know I'm not interested you should go home whoa Victoria I'm sure he didn't mean it oh shut up this is all your fault what's how I'm just I'm just doing my thing girl you should do your thing too I see the way he looks at you are you actually getting mad at me because he has feelings for me his whole mood is different around you I don't know you're talking about whatever you ruined everything what a jerk okay well I've got a few people who hate me now I went to bed right after poppy left because I didn't have anything better to do but now my stomach is waking me up oh I'm so hungry 11:03 shouldn't eat after 7:00 but you know me breaking rules all the time maybe Bentley's still up and he'll want to order food I'll go look for him Bentley Bentley no one's in his bed okay where did you go no one's here Bentley are you in your giant massive closet that's as big as my childhood home hello it's pretty dark in here and there's no Bentley what's going on where is this man oh shoot he's on the phone I don't know what to do I can't tell her I've never felt like this before it's killing me I should not be listening to this but I got it oh I'll call you back Oh AHA surprise you got caught well Bentley be upset let's find out oh crap hold on were you spying on me or something what no no no no no no no no I was hungry and I couldn't sleep so I came looking for you how much did you hear not much mmm good just that you can't tell someone something and it's killing you I'm really honest I thought you didn't hear much thanks much I don't know we were talking about so what exactly were you talking about don't you think you're being a little intrusive I thought you wanted me to be open with you I'm being inquisitive well if you must know it was about work crap now I have to think of an excuse one of my employees is cheating on his wife and I think it's wrong to not tell Oh how noble I think she bought I don't buy it but I guess it's none of my business so I'll just take my intrusive butts back to bed no wait I thought you were hurrying over a pizza I think they're still open he's headed you say hmm I guess we'll stay up together 30 minutes later we are fighting our big fat pepperoni pizzas I'm upset though cuz I told him I like basil pineapple and you won't do it but it's still good YUM well I'm looking forward to the country club event on Saturday oh I completely forgot about that what is this stupid country club event it's not just any stupid Country Club event well I don't get how that makes it any less stupid I'm competing on a t charity and giving back is something I'm really passionate about and I'm super competitive so I have to crush the competition how do you crush someone in golf it's so boring like you're such a rich kid boring Dolphus game about discipline and precision it may look boring as you said but it is far from a simple and easy game whoa okay calm down Tiger Woods I hope you'll be cheering me on so you want me to be your cheerleader oh yeah actually never mind that would be too distracting what's that supposed to mean you're distracting I mean look at you I've barely gotten any work done since I got here I can't focus around you for some reason I miss assassin a little maybe you should learn how to is that a little sass I can give you more sass if that'll help you focus less would be better so now you're saying you want to see less of me I didn't say that either I just think about you off well I'd rather you not think of me as a distraction that is so demeaning to call me a human being a distraction well what would you have any think of you guys then person maybe not just an object of desire I don't think of you that way you don't huh I mean I'm teasing you idiot I get it I'm distracting and about to start some serious drama at the Country Club you're distracting in a good way I take a second to study his beautiful bright eye is trying to figure out what exactly he means by that papi hey lizard you're back how was it well that's my cue to go good night anyway I'm so excited for my date with Chad I really like him mom so happy for you I totally think he could be the one the one or is this just your first date what are you saying nothing I just don't want you to get hurt I know what I'm doing just be happy for me for once I am I just want the best for you my goodness defensive whatever I'm going to bed okay unstable look at my outfit though girl that is nice oh you look amazing what do you think of my outfit I wore my best for you um I'm gonna be honest it's not my favorite I'm moving on they're fine if pop isn't ready in 20 minutes we're leaving without my team and I have to practice and I can't be late I'll go pressure along Royal Lakes Country Club and golf course look at all of these rich people you know it costs like $300,000 a year to have a membership here like this is hoity-toity oh and Victoria's here and we're wearing the same top in different colors oh can this thing start already where's Bentley he's getting ready to compete it so gloom are you excited for the next weekend excited for what gloom it's Marissa's birthday weekend remember oh yeah of course I didn't forget that I mean I'm definitely keeping track of these rich people and all of their rich people events like this one I totally forgot though I can't wait I have so many fun things planned for the weekend would that leave you coming cut Victoria is that all you care about yeah ever since he's been back that's oh you talked about Bentley this but leave that just give it up girl he hasn't asked you out yet he's probably just not that into you like take a hint you guys don't have to be such jerks about it him and I have something special I'm not giving up on it she's delusional whatever Victoria do what you want to stop obsessing over him it makes you look desperate and I can't be seen hanging out around desperate people Oh speaking of boys I see Chad on the golf course and Harvey's here let's go wish them luck a little good these Ranch boys girl I see Harvey over there I'll be right back if she's a cutie I love Marissa I'm gonna go get an Arnold Palmer bye hey glue would you mind spotting me real quick spotting you I don't even know what golf is I need some help with my form maybe you can give me some pointers is he just doing this to make Victoria jealous she's right there I'd love to help sure but are you sure he won't be too distracting I don't wanna get in your head too much it's hard to find alone time with Bentley with papi around all the time I'd love to get some time away with him are you kidding me you keep my mind on the game you're contradicting yourself again I'm not the best player out here well I could give you a private lesson right now if you'd like you just asked me to spot you oh no golfing with the Bentley banks I can almost smell his Cologne imagine his chest bump up against my back oh girl his chin on my shoulder it was too much I used a caddy for my dad I could warm you up Bentley maybe you can show me parts of the club like the shaft of the head oh oh oh Victoria oh I'm an electric Toria heaven whatever we'll be will be I'm a girl code breaker and therefore I just can't hold other girls to this high standard if I don't hold it to myself he's free game if you win you win maybe I could take a stroke off my game all right Victoria come along hi poppy I see Preston over there goes hack to them I told you I'm not interested in Preston I told him at the bonfire it's never gonna happen listen I thought you could take a hint but you know you're not a part of this world right if you want to stay a part of this world you're gonna have to marry someone who can keep you here oh you can't live with me forever right now I'm the only thing keeping you from living in the streets total ouch but at the same time like poppy really cares for me it's very misguided for her to tell me to like marry a rich guy but like she wants me to stay here she wants to me to run in this circle forever of course like the girls and everyone loves you but they're not as generous as I am I'm just trying to help Preston is your best chance at keeping a life like this I know you like the lifestyle you got a taste of it and I want you to have it forever now you understand what I'm trying to do right my god great love you sweetie I'm gonna talk to Chad I mean she's so nice it's just such a good friend I'm not usually someone who cries but I used up all my tears when I left home I'm trying so hard to hold back from bursting right now I know Poppy's right I know I don't belong in this world and I know I can't look with her forever this is like a dream her words were so harsh so sharp and they cut me like butter and trying to dump me off onto some rich jerk is not something a real friend would do I disagree I just think she's not very smart and like this is her way of caring who said I want to be a part of this world anyway most of these people aren't even genuinely happy news flash being a wealthy socialite isn't everyone's endgame there's many more important things in life oh god it's you again hey gloom I was wondering if we could talk not now Preston I just want to apologize apologize I did not see that coming from you yeah I don't do this often so bear with me I'm so sorry for how I acted at the bonfire no one should ever act like that I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable I hope you can forgive me I appreciate that as somebody but it almost seems like you know bonfire Preston is like the true Preston and this is like the country club Preston who's trying to like smooth things over in a very artificial way maybe you can give me a second transfer for dinner Preston you and me are never gonna happen I appreciate your apology but maybe we can just try to be friends when he rolls his eyes Bentley if I were is Victoria what's going on here I I already told you to leave her alone it's not like that dude I'm just apologizing it's fine Bentley oh I'll see you around I mean I can't I'm on the fence I don't know if I buy it or not I thought it was really enough to kick his butt what's wrong did you hurt you it's not that then what you can tell me probably just said some not so nice things to me Oh do you want to know how I really feel [ __ ] screw oh I've never understood why you're friends with her papi and I've never been close she's a spoiled pretentious snob who doesn't care about anybody except herself her mother doesn't even love my father but that's a topic for a different time you're so amazing and funny and sweet and you have more heart in your left thumb than she has in her entire body she doesn't deserve a friend like you oh geez I can feel my eyes start to burn tears push themselves from my eyes his words hit me right in my chest right in my heart no one has ever stuck up for me before no one has ever protected me before yet here he is Bentley banks looking out for me giving me the pep talk I've always needed I can't help it I can't contain myself I can no longer hold back from bar stag I'm sorry wait I needed to get away from everyone I really wanted to watch the golf game for Bentley but I needed to be alone to clear my thoughts I was just so overwhelmed with Poppy's harsh words Preston's apology Bentley's pep talk it was a lot for me to take in but after taking a step back I feel a little better oh it looks like the golf game is over I wonder who won gratulations who the winning team they'll be done in two hundred thousand dollars to the charity of their choice oh that was a big stakes golf game oh great everyone's coming back now hi poppy okay so I know that our character in this game was really offended and hurt by what poppy did but I kind of see both sides I don't think that what she did was the morally right thing to do but I think that it's the best thing she was capable with her tiny brain of doing what's up with all the wedding decorations oh my goodness it's the only wedding of the year don't you know oh and also gloom you missed the game where have you been I'm gonna tell the truth you hurt my feelings you said some mean stuff I wouldn't call it mean but whatever it hurt my feelings the truth hurts sometimes Bentley's team won that's great I'm gonna get a drink I'm I'm gonna wait for Bentley so I can be the first congratulate him knock yourself out have fun with that congratulations Bentley you really golfed those balls Thanks have you seen blue I can smell no money it's over there Thanks excuse me Oh Bentley congratulations thank you but it was a bit hard for me to focus I couldn't stop thinking about how I made you cry I'm so sorry I shouldn't have Bentley you didn't make me cry I was just so overwhelmed with poppy and Preston and the things you said your words really touched me and I appreciate you being there for me you have no idea how much it means to me like really oh I thought you were upset with me seeing you cry really hurt my heart I'll always be there for you no matter what happens between you and poppy you will always have a place with me I know I need to slow down oh I don't want to scare her away well thank you Bentley always there you go Bentley short and sweet less is more right what's with all the tuxedos hey what are you two doing you excuse me the receptions almost starts aren't you two supposed to be no sis oh of course just give us a second whose wedding is this what do you say let's make up for it to have some fun dancing imagine it huh we could dress up fancy yeah we could eat delicious cake we can go all the way I mean we could dance our troubles away Frode insolate I could use a good dance to celebrate right now seeking it to the wedding with Bentley would be perfect yes of course our deepest apologies will you show us the way follow me I'll escort you to your seats but chance can you change into some formal wear there's a dressing room by the ballroom sounds great we're crashing a wedding yeah ooh better looks good this tux fits incredibly well of course sir this dress will look stunning on your bank I'm excited to see it oh ma it's not what I would choose but there's something natural she was pretty good oh she didn't get a pedicure what you look amazing let's hit over the turbidity DNA let's go perfect well let's go get it your seats sir and ma'am oh thank you well hello what a lovely young how do you know the bride and groom uh we're old friends from college he went to Oxford as well uh my husband teaches there he actually had Blake as one of the students did you ever take archaeology it 2:01 yes actually that's where me and my wife Laura Laura Laura Laura crafts yes Laura and I'm Jones Montana Jones crafts a pleasure to meet you Lauren Montana I'm Daisy like the flower and Blake's great arts I don't seem to know too many people here so it's a marvel to make new friends oh we're getting big trouble for going here Laura craft is the best I could come up with I mean Montana and I spent the next few minutes chatting with Daisy Bentley is such an easygoing way about him he fits in everywhere he's such a good faker makes me think you know like that's why serial killers get away with so much it's cause like I feel like Bentley couldn't lie about everything people like him the second they see him they feel like they can tell him anything and he'll hear them I don't know if I trust that to be honest but he makes me feel special it seems they're doing speeches in Montana would you care to make one for Blake oh I'll help you out just stand and start talking all right here we go Blake's gonna be like I don't know that guy thank you everyone for coming out today what a beautiful crowd haha Blake and I have been friends since college we met in our archeology class archaeology 201 with mr. Dukes although his lectures were long and boring his spending hours on end in that tiny room with you laughing over Old Kings and you kingdoms the class made all the difference Blake has been a great great friend to me over the years and I hope to continue our friendship and maybe have their kids play together one day and on that note cheers to Blake and Cheers the new couple well I have no idea who that guy is he have a heck of a speech I think it would have been better if like he just said like I'm Bentley banks and I'm an important dude and I'm here to eat cupcakes and whatever but we were just dancing the night away we're enjoying ourselves easy steps see you got it I can teach you how to dance cuz I can tell no one ever taught you hey you're not so bad yourself what do you think everyone's story is here this looks like a new couple he's trying to impress her but it looks like she's got eyes for someone else or just isn't enjoying it I think either way they're breaking up tonight yo we're people watching what do you think I think the one on the left is the brother and the other one is his friend that he just dragged along maybe the brother is excited that his sister is getting married I think maybe the friend is actually in love with the groom look at those jealous eyes and then of course is she the kindly aunt we believe what did she and murder her husband for money I think that's the husband he's given a weird look hey man great speech how do I know you again college honey would you look at the time we gotta go we'll skip let's dip dip dip dip dip different we got to get out of here as quick as we can oh we got away with it oh that was fun looks like we didn't miss too much oh crap what my father's here oh I get to meet the dad oh he's gorgeous I don't know how many codes I'm about to break but dang this one's getting broken hello blue hi mr. banks how are you I'm well thank you for asking can I speak to my son for a moment of course Oh is he gonna mess everything on congratulations on the win Thanks I didn't know you'd be here it was a lot a decision I need to speak with you about you perform and see been slacking lately I know I should be listening to my father but I can't focus on anything but her her citrus scented shampoo is that Hubble essences oh I can't fight it anymore she's perfect absolutely perfect are you even listening to me son yeah sorry dad I've just been distracted it's her you have a crush on Poppy's friend you can't take your eyes off of her your mother told me there was someone you talked to mom we have to keep in contact so what is it how far is it gone have you done it attraction more whoa dad we haven't done anything she doesn't even know I don't think well she's a bit young for you but she's a good girl hasn't been in any trouble at all what do you know about her where her parents why is she been living with poppy I don't know much poppy refused to tell me all I know is that she came from a rough place see this is what I'm saying poppy is a good friend she just doesn't have enough brain cells to be the caring friend that I would need when she first moved in she had bruises all over her body and she couldn't sleep because of night terrors I guess she's much better now bruises from what I don't know I was reluctant to let her move in at first I thought she was bad news and the wrong crowd or something but it turns out she's been a good influence for little poppy when poppy was arrested gloom didn't have any alcohol in her system and was trying to help the cops get poppy under control anyway I want you to be happy son but you can't forget your responsibilities I know I'll focus on this good I'm gonna greet some people I'll see you later Oh what a good dad bruises Knight here what happened to her oh it's Victor what are you doing in the house Bentley I was wondering if you wanted to get out of here maybe grab a bite to eat movie Victoria you me never gonna happen Oh better see yourself out well not you know Hey I've been looking for you I just needed some air Marissa and pop he won't stop talking about next weekend right Marissa's birthday weekend extravaganza I can see I really hope you're going but I'm gonna have you home to me chill though I guess you know since I have to look after poppy and I don't think I'd be able to spend a weekend away from you he's still bothering you well he apologized but right after he asked me to dinner Oh Victoria isn't getting the hint either well then make me your girlfriend otherwise I'm definitely gonna you know entertain my options mm-hmm I have an idea what let's pretend that you and I are together no why would we pretend are you crazy a Victorian Preston think that we're together and maybe they'll leave us alone why don't you just ask me to be your girlfriend then what about poppy she'll know we're lying we don't have to tell her it'll just be in front of Preston in Victoria until they look this alone but like let's do it oh my goodness these are not the decisions I would me badly leans forward his mouth barely an inch away from mine what are you doing oh she's about to kiss my girlfriend fake girlfriend it's just in front of Victoria and Preston you're not gonna take advantage of the situation oh right idiots come on can't be mad at a guy for trying it shut up idiot I hate you oh crap they're coming hey glue I was hoping I could talk to you Oh Preston hates him alone can I talk to you alone anything you need to say to my girlfriend you can say it in front of me girlfriend oh yeah we're together now you can't be serious oh we're very serious right babe yep so you can leave us alone now we're happily taken spoken for whatever something's fishy here not the slightest oh my goodness do you see Victoria's face I think she might murder us in our sleep Oh Preston Preston wait what something's up I don't believe that I've been trying to get with her for a year but he rolls in a few weeks ago and they're already dating how is this possible I've never been turned down before I love Bentley and that little dog that little female dog will not get between him and I Victoria you say that about every guy family is different we belong together we need to keep them away from each other will lead back call Chanel should you don't want to call Chanel that's a mess right there Chanel she's trouble well that was episode two and three of crossing line with my brother with my friend's brother I hope that you guys enjoyed it let me know if you'd like me to continue it I don't know I think it's kind of simmered down you don't I mean I feel like it's simmered down since the first time we played it that being said I wasn't gonna continue it you guys talked me into it here we are if you'd like to see you again make sure you push notifications and I'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 4,046,206
Rating: 4.9517407 out of 5
Keywords: episode, episode game, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, 2020, gloomykassie, episode app, reality show answers, episode reality show, phone app, mobile app game, iphone game, android game, android app, girl code, breaking girl code, mean girls
Id: J40-Q35pW4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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