My Older Sister Looks Young and Stole My Life

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happy day i'm glad i'm and welcome back to my story animated okay if these guys bait me one more time last week i reacted to the older i become the prettier i look and it had nothing to do with getting older and i wanted it to be like this whole narrative this week they have my older sister looks younger than me and i know why if this is click bait i'm going to scream i'm going to throw my monitor into my toilet and flush it for the rest of eternity until the monitor disintegrates and actually will flush down thy toilet here we go i grew up with two loving parents and an amazing sister patti she was two years older than me two years older than you okay so growing up i had a sister right and i thought that we looked very very similar she was younger than me but everybody thought that i was the younger sister and it was a lot based on like my mannerisms i just kind of was a lot more shy a lot less like of a deep thinker than she was i was a lot less like socially like hey everyone like how are you oh how are you like i was a lot less like that i was just like so i wonder if it's gonna be the same here i just bought popsicles from an ice cream truck when suddenly a tall boy blocked my way and knocked them out of my hand uh-oh toxicity do that for jerk i just felt like it what you gonna do go cry to your mommy she doesn't need to because she has me she's making me the popsicles dirty yes and rubbed it all over his face patty was awesome oh i would look up to her so much something i think about all the time that like really breaks my heart is like how much the younger sister often looks up to the older sister and that's like that's really hard shoes to fill how are you going to grow up and look older than her because she's a lot bigger than you right now life was good until the fifth grade when everything changed why had climbed onto the roof one day and she ended up having a terrible fall my parents rushed her to the hospital but a few hours later we found out that she'd gone into a coma we were completely devastated it wouldn't be my story animated if someone wasn't in a coma hahaha classic that really explains like the stunted growth like the brine of the body in the face and to make things worse my parents became super protective about me from that moment every time i got the slightest injury mom freaked out oh my god my baby she's bleeding mom rushed me off to the clinic like i'd cut my hand off you understand where she's coming from right like i i feel like the doctor would understand too and things kept getting crazier once when i was 14 i had to beg my parents to let me go on a school trip to an amusement park they finally agreed and i was so excited until i fell off the roller coaster my parents were like and now they keep me in a cage my teacher came flying and pulled me away teacher oh no your parents made me sign an agreement that i wouldn't let you go on any ride no teacher would ever put up with that like a teacher would rather say your daughter can't come i cannot be responsible for what she does at this part i just sat on the bench like a the whole day while everyone else had crazy fun guys you have to stop you're sucking all the fun out of my life we're only looking out for you why don't you understand well what do you mean i don't understand like guys this is the age of the internet mom and dad hello do you know what tiger parenting is this girl's gonna go crazy she's gonna go on a bender and she's gonna look 12 years older than her older sister if you're not careful why don't you understand i do understand mom dad i really miss patty too and i wish she'd never been hurt but you can't always stop bad things from happening well we're sure as heck gonna try oh a friend had a slumber party at her place one night and i knew my parents would never let me stay over they're gonna like peek their little heads in and you're gonna be having a pillow fight and they're gonna be like stop in the name of the law stop you violated the law this is way too dangerous so once they were asleep i climbed out the window i'd be back before they woke up this is what i'm saying really really strict parents all it does is create a liar i was having an amazing time with my friends when suddenly we heard loud screams from downstairs no to my horror i saw my mom attacking lizzy's mom and yelling where's my i know you're holding her here i can track her phone location boundaries just then dad came running in looking pale as a ghost what i just got a phone call from the hospital what is awake oh let's go you know what it's that sister timing right when you're in trouble she's like i'ma wake up from this coma i got you sis and we found patty sitting up in bed smiling at us it was unbelievable you still look younger luckily patty's head injury hadn't affected her memory but it took her a month of physical therapy just to be able to walk again when she finally came home we had her room all newly decorated for her i miss you so much adorable me too lizzy patty was now 16 but her mind still seems like that of a 12 year old i felt like the older sister now so this is really interesting right because like i was saying earlier like everybody thought that i was the younger sister because i was emotionally like less mature and i feel like even though she still kind of looks older in the animation like i feel like people are going to be like are you the older sister oh any new songs by one direction oh no patty they broke up soon after your accident oh yeah sorry a lot of bad news how about we make a youtube video of how to make slime um no one really does that girl sis you you need to know the trends like i need to get you in on these trends i'm going to show you the world i'm going to show you what youtube's all about right now it's about uh [Music] actually let's go play outside huh she looked a bit bummed out so i introduced her to other things i knew she'd love there's tick tock my story animated oh yeah everybody goes in pajamas everywhere what wait what am i missing something if i wasn't wearing the scarf like i look like i could sleep in this so maybe a few weeks later patty started school again but she had to go back to seventh grade oh i was already in ninth grade she was struggling with studies so i would help her out during breaks in school i found dad standing in the driveway next to his car which had a large dent on the side and the headlights were smashed what happened to your car will you guys stop crashing why is he so mad all the time what's wrong with him you're asking me well let me remind you you took my car out last night hit it somewhere and brought it back like this what i don't think so i didn't do that the neighbors said they saw you driving off with it those neighbors snitching and it wasn't even me no pocket money for three months and i'm never allowing you to drive wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm never allowing you to drive you've got one kid with stunted growth and you're trying to stunt the other one like i really really don't like these parenting strategies the thing that cheered me up was i was meeting my boyfriend jonathan later that evening we'd been going out for a month not the best name but here we go i hadn't told my parents that evening while they were busy watching tv with patty i slipped out quietly and waited for jonathan at our meeting spot but when he didn't turn up after halfway i'm scared i'm scared what do you want um where are you i'm waiting for you at our spot oh do you have amnesia now you broke up with me over text yesterday okay who could this be what could be going on did the dad steal her phone and break up with him or did the sister do it because she doesn't want her younger sister to grow up and with that he hung up what the heck was he talking about when i looked at the messages i'd send i was shocked jonathan what was between us was nice but i'm kind of bored of you now so literally thanks bye that's the set thanks bye oh this seems like something mom would do no no that's a bait that's a bait my sir animate has been baiting us the whole time i think it's the parents it's the sister for sure i'd put money on it where are you coming from lizzy oh i went to meet my boyfriend yeah don't look so shocked mom you already know about him after all you're the one who broke up with him from my phone what rubbish wait i just realized that means the sister crashed the car i didn't know anything about a boyfriend before but thanks for telling me now you're grounded just then i saw patty behind my parents i knew it and she i knew it full smile on her face oh my god patty you did all this didn't you wrecked dad's car stole my phone it's oh my poor paddy has barely learned to walk again okay dad please the mushroom cuts too thick you've got brain rot you need you need to get your brain examined you're awful for trying to blame things on your sister lizzy don't you dare say another word about patty maybe you're just jealous she's been getting more attention since she's come back to her why would the daughter want your attention she's jealous that she's missed out which is actually really sad she completely denied it when i confronted her saying i was crazy and paranoid but she kept messing with me putting salt instead of sugar in my coffee breaking my things cutting up my clothes i never knew what she'd do next she was the best sister ever how would a coma make you into some so like her okay her memory wasn't interfered with how would it change a person's personality this much or did she like being the older sister and having that authority that much that like losing it is just kind of making her crazy when i saw her kissing someone in the school it better not be jonathan if it's jonathan boyfriend jonathan i marched up to her and pulled her away there are so many guys at the school kissing my boyfriend why are you jealous are you out of your mind jonathan since when have you been dating my sister not that it's any of your business but it just happened i like how mature she is for her age oh please i need to understand the justification for this i need to understand it it's just not adding up how she could wake up as the same person from a coma and then turn into this of course she's mature she's two years older than you she's a 16 year old dummy witch in seventh grade suddenly patty leapt forward that is so embarrassing like that is such an embarrassing thing to say about your sister you have to mention the coma if you're gonna mention that she got held back otherwise it's gonna seem like she's really stupid or slow or something i pushed her off me and her head hit the wall oh my god patty are you okay oh my head i don't know i feel dizzy as jonathan quickly carried her away to the school nurse she turned around and grew up oh no what is wrong with her the principal called my parents to take patty home and they found out i'd pushed her mom dad i didn't mean to oh there's no way to explain yourself out of this one girl actually if you think about it in the beginning like with the whole popsicles like the sister did overreact in a very like aggressive way to that kid so maybe the aggression was always there and she didn't want to take it out on her little baby sister but now the baby sister is an older sister in a way she attacked me first and she's fine i'm telling you she's literally you've been wearing that same shirt for two weeks i can't believe you'd hurt your sister after everything she's been through after everything we've been through i don't know what we'll do with you lizzy i can't even trust you to be around her anymore my parents left and i looked back at patty lying in bed smiling at me like a witch why it's better for you to give up and understand that i'm in control here no matter what you say or do no one will believe you okay maybe she was just born a big sister and like wants to be the oldest and wants to be the leader and if you take that away from her she goes nuts i decided i have no choice now but to just leave i packed a bag took my savings you're running away that night i crashed at a friend's place but the next day she said if i was staying any longer i had to go sleep in the garage oh you have plenty of rooms yes wait who says that to a friend who's letting if a friend is letting you crash at their house and they said like hey you can keep staying here but if you keep saying like you have to be in the garage you wouldn't turn to them and say but you have plenty of room like you just wouldn't that's so entitled that would kick her out i was talking to patty and she said you have a fungus on your feet it's contagious no why are you talking to patty we're really good friends actually she's pretty cool she's a big fat liar i'll just show you my feet but she shrieked and ran out of no no nobody wants to see your feet girl come on this was a perfect lie for the sister to do because i need to prove i'm innocent look at my feet no no one's gonna react well to that that is never gonna be well received this was a great play ah i packed my stuff and left angrily i moved on to stay with another friend but it turned out she was also friends with paddy hey i need to know why she's doing this just fell asleep god knows for how many hours finally the bus conductor woke me up bus conductor who calls it that where am i you actually just came to chicago what did i just make a complete detour to the same place okay she's stuck in chicago now what pouring rain when suddenly i spotted patty standing on the other side of the road in chicago why are you still in chicago oh okay wait she tried to run away from home she fell asleep on the bus the bus took her all the way back to chicago and that's why your sister's here i thought chicago was like far away i was like why is this sister in chicago she started walking over to me yelling making your life miserable is my business why you stole my life and i don't have what guilt what what what are you talking about you really don't remember you threw the ball on the roof you started climbing up to get it and i told you to stop but you didn't listen to me so i climbed after you and that's when i fell that's a bit of a stretch girl i mean i i know like even though this is probably true i wouldn't blame that on my sister but uh maybe the shock of paddy's fall had made me forget all these details but now i remembered patty i was just a kid i didn't mean for you to fall paddy looked even angrier as she walked closer i don't care what you meant because of you i lost four years of my life and during this time you grew and studied and made friends and a boyfriend and what about me i just can't seem to catch up and i just want you to go away oh why would you okay um [Music] um i'm having a hard time buying it the justification here i suddenly saw a bus was traveling fast in her dreams [Applause] when i woke up i saw that i was in the hospital my parents hugged me tight and said i'd woken up after two days we're so sorry we didn't believe you and caused you so much pain honey turns out after my accident patty broke down in front of my parents and confessed what if that accident never happened this is so convenient this accident together they decided to get her psychiatric treatment to help her get better just then they left the room and patty walked in i'm i'm so glad you're okay lizzy oh no problem i've been blaming you and hating you for an accident oh girl i know you risked your life to save me i know i've been so horrible please please say you'll forgive me of course i forgive you i'd be like well you know what let's talk in like a few months like see where you're at like all that stuff i don't know right now like that's a little crazy i still don't quite understand why you did that i would do anything for you i'm so sorry for what you lost and you're back with us now you can have anything and and do anything you want paddy and i will always be by your side how sweet the big little sister and the little big sister taking on the world okay i mean on the bright side this one wasn't complete click bait i wish that the title and thumbnail were a little bit more related to the subject matter but this is a lot better than last time because last time if you were there oh my goodness we got baited i hope that you guys enjoyed this video though please check out my story animated and if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications i'll see on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,233,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, young adult, story animated, my story animated, my story animated reaction, life experience stories, personal experience stories, animated stories, gloom reacts, story reaction, teen drama reaction, younger sister looks older, actually happened, share my story, animated story, storytime, true story, fake animated stories, real animated stories, short animation, react to, weird story, fake story time
Id: rx81usNCS74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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