Behringer X32 - X-UF - Reaper DAW Multi Track Setup

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hi guys my name is drew brashley I'm with North Ridge Community Church today I wanted to teach you how to set up the x32 for recording into Reaper which is a multitrack recording program so the first thing that we want to do is get the x32 connected into the computer via USB cable you can also do it firewire but I'm going to be teaching you guys USB today so once you get that set up you'll want to click on the setup button right here at the top and let me zoom in on this up here and then you will want to go over to card which is all the way over on the right-hand side and we have these configuration options we can either set up the interface with the firewire or the USB and this is the xef card which comes standard with most of the pretty much all of the extra 2s and so we have this configuration so we have 32 in 32 out the next one is 16 in 16 out the next one is 32 n 8 out or 8 in and 32 out so depending on what you're wanting to do with this or how many channels you're wanting to record at one time you can set it up with that way when I'm using the board I'm wanting to be recording pretty much all 32 channels say you wanted to record a Sunday service that way you could take it over and on a different day have a guest a new sound tech come in and practice mixing a Sunday service say on a Thursday and then you wouldn't have to worry about if he messed up or you know wanted to change some things and make things sound terrible how to give some different different avenues for learning there so we're going to go ahead and set it up with 32 and 32 out and then we'll press set now we're going to go jump over to the computer and start looking at this side of things so this is Reaper this is the first thing that you'll come unto usually there would probably be a track on in here if you just selected it open but we want to set up Reaper to see the x32 so we'll want to go to bérenger and to the x32 page and then we'll go down and click downloads and then we'll scroll all all the way down until we see the USB driver and so that's currently 6.1 3.0 you want to download this install it um and it will ask you to disconnect and connect your x32 and basically that is sitting down here in the control panel right here and we can open this up and say we can see that we're connected to the X u F with that serial number we see our input devices which we can change these names if we want to output channels and then we have some synchronization and some options here I'm not going to get really into this much pretty much the way that it comes and installs on your computer is going to be default and will work with the settings that you were wanting to do so we're going to go ahead and close that now the first time that we set up Reaper it's going to take a long time and then what we're going to do is we're going to save that as a default and that way you can come back and open up a brand new session load the default x32 settings which is what I'm going to teach you today and then it'll have all 32 channels there on the screen ready to go and already synced to be able to record the different channels on the x32 so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to go to options and preferences now in here this is all of our preferences that we have inside of Reaper and we'll want to go to audio and then device so it's right here and then audio system device settings we're going to want to change this from direct sound to ASIO and then depending on if you have a couple different ASIO devices installed on your computer you'll want to go ahead and click this down and select the behringer x UF USB ASIO and what you do once you do that you want to make sure enable inputs is selected your first input is going to be input number 1 your last input is going to be input number 32 and then on the output range your first is going to be output 1 and then your last is going to be 32 if they're doing a 16 channel version of this you'll want to do 1 as your first and your last is 16 and basically you're wanting to carry the same settings here on the screen as you had in the setup menu on the on the x32 over here so if that's set to 16 and 16 out back over here you're wanting to have this - 1 through 16 make sense um sample request rate um we don't want to change this we're wanting to be recording in the program at the same sample rate that the x32 was on to change that I'll show you guys back over here on the on the sound board we would go to setup and then over to config and we have our sample rate right here so we either have 48 kilohertz or 44.1 kilohertz um and so depending on how you do your recording you can set that accordingly and let me switch over here once my focus gets there we go alright so now we're back over here so once we have those things set up we can press ok and now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and add 30 I add 32 channels so we can go insert new track and insert new track or basically press ctrl T so I'm going to go ahead and press ctrl T until we get to 32 32 there we go alright so now we have all 32 channels sitting here so what we're wanting to do now is we're going to go to view and then routing matrix and then this big huge routing matrix pops up which I really wish the x32 had internally some other boards like some of the Yamahas and what not have these where you can go click and route all your channels but anyway so what we have here is we have all of our inputs on the top and here so this is all the channels that we have so channel 1 is channel track 1 and then we have our inputs and our output so our outputs is sitting right here and our inputs is going to be over here on the left-hand side so what we're wanting to do now is we're wanting to select track1 to be on input one and so we can do we basically just click and so we move these down so then we can see that for is going to be going to input four five six seven eight basically do this all the way down and if you click this again you'll notice that it actually enables the record mode so you can recruit enable all of the channels to be recorded from the screen if you would like but you'll notice if you have one clicked it will be enabled record so don't double click them if you don't want to okay now we're wanting to route the output so now we can see our track 1 through 32 and we're going to go scroll over until we see output 1 now this is a stereo pair um you don't want that if you're wanting to set this up for basically the virtual soundcheck so you can see that one is going to output one now and you'll go down now if you accidentally click on another one you can make this channel go to multiple outputs so if you accidentally do do that you can click it and then press delete and so click and I'm click left clipping and I'm not right-clicking but you can right click and it will open it up as well so just make sure that you're hitting the right things as you're going down the nice thing is we're going to be able to save this as a default and that way you don't have to do this every time a band comes in to start recording so now we can see that output one on our x32 is being from track one and so as we go down we'll see that all of the outputs are set and we have all of the inputs that are set so once that is done we can go back we can go view unclick routing matrix and now we have all of our channels here and so I am currently plugged into input number input number eight on the board so if we go down and find eight we can then hit record and we can see right here that I have volume check check check so as I'm talking here we can see that the the volume is being set now if we want to we can go view and then we can go to our mixer and then we can also see the the channel gain over here now if the x32 is peaking and distorting it will also be peaking and distorting here and so there is a little red box that will appear up here if we have a channel that it's going to be peaking and I'm not going to because I have the gain set correctly so if I'm talking really loud it's not going to be peaking on the x32 so when we're going to be recording we're going to want to enable the record on all the different channels that we're going to be recording and you can see that it's set by record by this turning on a red hue and then also this is going to be glowing in a record and then once we have that set we can press record and then it will start recording all the channels that you have enabled for record once we are done with this we can then play the channels back into the x32 but first I'm wanting to save this as AM as a default so we're going to save this project as a template so we're going to save project template right here and so look at that I already have it set up but we're going to create a new template here so n are see see x32 template just like that and so we can then press save now if we go in here and open a new project we are not going to save this I can then pull up a project template so I can go ahead and open up an RCC x32 template and then we'll reload and now we have all of our 32 channels sitting here and then if we go to view and routing matrix all of our outputs and all of our inputs are set so let me show that to you one more time so we're going to close all projects here and we're going to project templates and then select NRCC x32 template or whatever you have yours titled as and BAM so we can see our routing matrix has all of the outputs on the right-hand side and then all the inputs are routed as well and so now what I'm going to go ahead and do is I'm going to open up one of my recent projects and show you guys how to get the the audio from the computer back into the x32 so um when I recorded a Sunday and we get rid of this mixer window there we go so I have some tracks here basically I have titled them you can title them by double clicking or to double clicking in here and you can title it what you would like so this is my handheld one handheld two-handled 3 and the different inputs that I have and so we can see that we have a bunch of different audio here now the way to get this now if we press play it's going to play it back through the x32 card and so to get that set up let's go ahead and go back to the other back to the mixer here and I'll show you it on this end so what we'll want to do is we'll go on and click routing and then we can see our inputs 1 through 8 and we can select where we're having this come from and so we're wanting to scroll all the way down and see our card settings at the very bottom now I'm not going to route inputs one through eight because my microphone is coming in on input seven so I'm not going to route that today but right here so we have inputs nine through sixteen we're going to be pulling from card output nine through sixteen and so once we select that we'll want to press connect and then 17 through 24 we'll want to scroll up to 17 through 24 and press connect and then input 25 through 32 is going to be on Coward output 25 through 32 and then we press select we can also do an aux the oxes can also see the card so to say you're wanting to have a band that's playing through click track and some some backing tracks you can have them put that into their multitrack recording program and you can play it from their computer through the x32 I would definitely test this a lot before you know have the band practice to it and don't come in on a Sunday just thinking hey you know let's just do this first first try type of a thing but if you were wanting to route the oxes in you can select 1 through 2 1 through 4 or 1 through 6 depending on how many of the aux channels you're wanting to pull in so once 9 through 16 17 through 24 25 through 32 is set and we'd also want to do 1 through 8 but I'm not going to because I'm recording we can now press home and return back to the console the way that we'd like and then we go back to the computer and press play so let me go ahead and zoom out here not zoom in and I will show you here so back on the on the computer we would just press the spacebar or we can plus the play button so we're going to press play and we'll go back to the view of the console here and we can start pulling up the different things and so now what we can do is we can create the mix that we would like and so I'll start from from scratch here and so say we wanted to mix the drums which I have my drums on channel 17 through 32 on the second layer we have our drums here that we can start going into and then we can do everything that we want to on these channels so we can solo them we can affect the EQ basically everything that we want to do on the sound board normally in a live show we can do with the recorded version from our multitrack recording program in Reaper now with the programs this can also work with Cubase it can work with Pro Tools Reaper you know pretty much any of the multitrack recording programs this will work with I don't know of any that it won't work with at least so once we have that we can go in and create our mix and start training some sound guys on use of DCA's we can train them on use of compressors EQ everything like that now one thing that you will not be able to record is you won't be able to record any of the effects built into the board so effects one all of these won't be able to be routed back into into our Reaper one way that you can do that is take a XLR cord on the back of the board on one of the outputs and plug it back into an input that would be one way but so you won't be able to record the effects channels unless you route it back into one of the inputs so if you have any questions feel free to let me know you can feel free to post below or send me an email or whatnot but I hope that this kind of answered all your guys's questions on just a simple setup for getting the x32 to record 32 tracks into a recording software and getting those 32 channels to play back into the console so you can do some virtual soundtracks thank you
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 211,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REAPER (Software), Digital Audio Workstation, Sound, Behringer X32, X32, Behringer X32 Reaper, X32 Reaper, Behringer X32 Multi Track, Behringer X32 Multitrack, X32 Multi Track, X32 Multitrack, X32 Daw, X32 DAW, Behringer X32 DAW, Multitrack Recording (Invention), X32 Digital Sound Check, Behringer X32 Digital Sound Check, X32 Protools, X32 Logic, X32 Recording, Behringer X32 Recording
Id: v6a1VvOQoVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 12 2014
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