Setting Up Reaper DAW with the X32

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[Music] so [Music] hey hey hey what's going on guys uh this is gonna be a real quick tutorial in the reaper on how to uh set up your routing for the x32 from what i understand uh you should be able to do uh the m32 the same way so i tried doing all this from memory so hopefully this video goes pretty well we're going to go to options preferences here on the audio system you want to select asio now in order to do this you've got to have the proper drivers and you've got to have the x32 turned on because if it's not turned on you're not going to see this up here okay so here you've got your first channel in which is going to be uh the one and then the last one which is 32. uh the outs are the same way uh i i've never messed with anything other than putting the driver in i've never had a problem with it leave everything at default and just simply say okay so here is the first one as you can see input right there is number one i'm going to go ahead and just arm this to record it i've got a akg p120 uh condenser microphone sitting probably about three foot away from me but uh i don't want to get ahead of myself here so we're going to go ahead and just delete this track okay remove the tracks now if you're setting this up for the first time what i recommend is when you get to this point you've selected the asio as yo okay and then selected uh the x32 and down here where it says project templates you're going to say save project as template okay and as you can see i've already got one named here behringer x32 rack 32 and 32 out so uh i'm just going to call this 32 okay and we'll click save now at this point i'm simply going to make 32 tracks okay one two you're just going to keep double clicking until you get uh your you know your 32 tracks up and then again once you get to 32 you're going to come up here and you're going to do the same thing okay you're going to come to file uh project templates save project as template uh i've got the 32 here it's going to ask you if you want to override it you're going to say yes replace it okay so you know once you get your your 32 tracks in here and then at this point i'm going to go ahead and bring up uh my project template which is the 32 and 32 out we don't need to save that as you can see here now here's all my tracks okay guys now like i said once you have this saved you know your 32 track saves is your project template then you're going to come up to view and you're going to come down to rating or routing matrix now as you can see over here uh here's the master output you've got 1 through 32 okay and then you've got the n 1 through 32 and that's what you want you want to check this box then two then three then four then five these are your inputs and as you can see it goes all the way down to 32 okay now over here is your outputs you're going to do the same thing out one out two out three out four out five and so on and so on all the way down once you do that okay you're going to come up the file and you're going to go to project templates and you're going to say save project as template okay and then i'm not going to do this here but that's what you do okay guys so at this point you're going to come up here where it says input and as you can see when you click down uh the mono i now have 32 channels that i can select okay so that's what you're gonna do the first channel is input one second channel input two so on so on so on it doesn't matter what channel i click on okay if i come up here as you can see it says input 15 and here it is track 15. so now i'm going to go ahead and arm channels one three and uh four these two i have linked these are my room mics these are behringer c5s and then like i said i've got the akg p120 here and uh that way the ec is it's armed so now when i do any recording it's going to come into the x32 in the reaper being recorded out of reaper going back into the x32 and then going out over the pa system okay if you're doing this in the studio and let's say that the channel one's always going to be your your vox you know just type in vox uh one uh main you know whatever you want you want to put in here and then uh the very last thing the very last thing that you're going to do is come up here and you're going to save that project template okay so if you're always going to record with this you can you can arm every single channel to record whether you're tied into it or not and that way when you go to set it up for your next session it doesn't matter okay if you've got an input coming in there then you're going to see uh you know the meters come up all right and uh that's basically it okay take care god bless and we are outta here
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 6,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcasting with Reaper, Reaper DAW, Podcasting, Free Podcasting Course, Audio Books, ACX Training, ACX, Home Studio, Home Recording, Remote Recording
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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