Behringer X32 FX Series Tutorial - XTEC EQ1

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hi guys drew brash Lehrer dbb audio today I am here again with the behringer x32 and we're going to be looking at the X Tech EQ one which is in effect inside the effects rack at the behringer x32 now this is an emulation of the pull tech eqp 1a which is a program equaliser that was made back in 1951 by a company called pulse technologies now when they made it it was a 3-band tube amplified program equalizer now what I mean by program equalizer is this is an EQ that we would insert on a bus or the main bus as more of a polishing tool for the final mix now let's go ahead and hop in on on the screen here and check out what we can do with this thing ok so first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and hit the effects button and I'm gonna go ahead and place this on effects rack 8 so we're gonna use our right rotary knob and rotate this until we get the selector down to FX 8 we're gonna go ahead and use this rotary knob here to turn this until we find video EQ 1 which is gonna be right here now I'm going to use the stereo 1 because I am going to insert this on my main left/right bus for this demonstration so once we have this selected what I'm going to go ahead and press set so once you depress that then this is saved into this effect rack now we use the insert rotary knobs on the left hand side and we're gonna go ahead and select main left right so we're gonna scroll this all the way until we get main LR so once we select that then we can go ahead and insert this now one thing to note check out the blog post on dbv about this because there is a slight delay 0.71 millisecond which is really small but there's also a slight EQ curve that's applied when you insert this even with all the settings flat it rolls off the low end back down in like the 20 30 hertz area and it also rolls off the high end up in like the 20 to 18 kilohertz area as well but over the entire band there is a slight boos of 0.85 DB when you just insert this eq so go check that out and i have some smart um some smart measurements that i went ahead and posted up on there so once we've inserted this we can go ahead and press edit there is a 1 and a 2 down here so to get to the second layer we go ahead and use the layer button to kind of hop between these so on our first layer we have our gain knob which is right here now we can adjust the gain up and down by 12 decibels and it goes in half decibel increments on this the second set of knobs is our load boost and low attenuation now the low boost and the low attenuation are dependent on what the low frequency is set to so we have four settings on the low frequency twenty thirty sixty and a hundred Hertz now it is suggested not to boost and attenuate at the same time however the low attenuation actually affects a different range of frequencies than low boost so you can use the boost and the attenuation at the same time to kind of sculpt an interesting EQ curve the low boost I found that if you set this down about thirty Hertz that you can get a nice little boost in the low-end but then the attenuation is right where the money 'no siz in the mix so we'll go ahead and show that to you here a little bit later but these three knobs right here are dedicated to this now transformer basically is an emulation of what the original sounded like if you disengage the transformer the low-end will come back by a little bit the low-end rolls off just a smidge when the transformer is turned on you can check out the smart measurements on my blog now let's go ahead and hop over to layer two so layer two gives us our high width high boost high frequency and high attenuation and an attenuation select so with these knobs I'm going to show you in just a triangle so right here our high boost high bandwidth and high frequency are all dedicated to one adjustment so the high boost is dependent on the high frequency the high bandwidth is just able to have a scope how wide or how narrow we want our high frequency boost to be the high attenuation is selected between a by the attenuation selector and there's three adjustments so we have 20 kilohertz 10 kilohertz and 5 kilohertz on the high frequency adjustment we have 3 all the way to 16 now the original pultec EQ p1a was really known for bringing an airiness into the mix and that's up in the 16 K so if we go to high frequency immed I London to 16 K and put in a nice high boost in here that was kind of what this this EQ is really known for is just adding that really nice eeriness into it now the high boost and the high attenuation they can be used together and some people will often use those together it's a cool kind of scope that sound that they really want so you can do a very high boost and a little bit of an attenuation on this so make sure you check out the smart measurements to kind of see what those different things do so let's go ahead and play some music through this and actually hear what this thing can do so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you guys the low boosts and the low attenuation together first so go ahead and get some music going here now I am going to keep this at 30 Hertz if you check out the smart measurements you'll notice that 100 the actual curve has much higher unlike the 700 Hertz rather than lower so we're gonna keep this nice and low generous boost here and we're gonna go ahead and attenuate so it's really interesting and sorry I'm clipping up here it's really interesting listening to how we can boost and the attenuation at the same time and kind of give a little bit of an interesting EQ curve on this now let's go ahead and check out the Aryan aside up in the trouble so we're gonna go ahead and hit layer two and we have our high boost and our high attenuation so let's go ahead and check those out right now alright so we're gonna go ahead and attenuate a 5 kilohertz just let you hear this okay and our high-frequency we have our boost here and then our method is right here to give us a wider lift mr. alright let's go ahead and turn this on and turn no transformer button look at the measurements so another thing that we can do is we can actually make a high end boost by using the low attenuation so let's go ahead and zero this out here real quick and we are going to go back to the first layer here and we're going to have our low frequency set at 100 which is actually a very significant cut out of all of the low and mid frequencies and then we're just going to go ahead and attenuate this as we're listening to it and as I'm attenuating I'm also going to bring the gain up to kind of compensate for that low-end roll-off now this is just a normal EQ so you can boost or cut the frequencies that you want to as long as they're within the low boost or low cut area or the high boost or high attenuation area that you have in this in this effect there isn't much difference to using our EQ one versus the standard EQ that's built into the board but it's just another way of getting a slightly different sound as there is a sound to this that's a little bit more quote-unquote vintage sounding than using the standard EQ but you could use the standard EQ to replicate something like this by rolling off the highs rolling off the lows a little bit and then doing your EQ from there but this is just a little bit easier way of getting to that sound than using the standard EQ hey guys thanks for tuning in on this tutorial on the extech EQ 1 it's just another tool that we can use in our arsenal of stuff to really sculpt that sound that we're wanting to get out of the behringer x32 now make sure you check out the blog post that I put up on my blog dbb audio comm I went ahead and did some smart measurements of the EQ 1 and posted those up there thank you so much
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 25,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: behringer X32, Behringer X32, Behringer X32 Effects, Behringer X32 FX, X32 Effects, X32 FX, X32 Effects Rack, X32 FX Rack, Behringer X32 Effects Rack, Behringer X32 Effect Rack, Effects Rack, Effect Rack, FX Rack, XTEC EQ1, Xtec EQ1, EQ1, Xtec, Dual Xtec, Stereo Xtec, Dual EQ1, Stereo EQ1, Dual Xtec EQ1, Stereo Xtec EQ1
Id: qBKnoW8MRxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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