Behringer X32 Effects Tutorial Ultimo Compressor

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hey guys drew rash ler I am here today with another effects tutorial just for you now today we're going to be talking about the ultimo compressor and the ultimo compressor is an emulation of the 1176 made by Universal Audio now this thing is famous there's so many different things about this thing that's awesome one of the main things is really well known for is it's crazy fast attack now by crazy fast I mean 20 microseconds now microseconds is faster than millisecond so this thing is so incredibly fast now I did not make any time measurements as far as attack and release on this because it's so fast I imagine that it's going to be faster than the ability that I'm going to be able to measure in an accurate sense so hopefully behringer has taken the attack and release settings from the emulation of the 1176 and applied it to the ultimo compressor now let's go ahead and just hop in now I already have this assigned to effects rack 6 and I have this actually inserted on my overheads from my drums now there's two main things that I love using the 1176 4 now one thing is going to be using it for drum overheads and making them just shine and give a lot more activity and just a little bit more oomph to them and then the other thing that I love using this on is bass guitar because there's a certain setting inside the ultimo compressor that you can use to give it a lot of distortion and compression all in the same effect which is pretty awesome so let's go ahead and dive in and actually see the different controls that we have on this so this is the ultimo compressor this is the stereo version there's also a dual so we can go ahead and rotate the dual if you're going to be using a stereo source like drum overheads in my sense I'm going to be using the stereo version and we can also use the dual from multiple inputs so now that we're here we have our input gain right here and this is on DB scale now behringer did this great because 1 DB on the effect is actually 1 DB in reality so when you turn this up 1 DB you will expect to see a 1 DB increase now the input gain is not only the input game to the compressor but is also setting the threshold as well so if you take this and turn this to the right or a higher value you are going to be getting more compression if you turn this to the left you are going to be lowering the gain and getting less compression now equally we have our output gain the output gain is post compression so no matter how much you turn this up or down it will not affect the compression that's actually taking place this is only a makeup game now also 1 DB here on the effect is 1 DB in reality which is amazing so if we turn this up we're going to be getting more gain if we turn this down we're going to be getting less gain the next knob that we have here is attack now attack is going to be as how fast the compressor actually attacks a signal the settings here are different than normal compressors if you want to have a faster attack I'm going to take my attack knob and turn it to the right or a higher value and if I take my attack knob and turn it to the left it's going to result in a slower attack same thing with the release if I turn this to the right it's going to have a faster release if I turn this to the left it's going to have a slower release lastly we have a ratio now we have four different adjustments here and then also in all button mode so we can rotate this we have four eight twelve 20 and all now all is a pretty cool thing on the original 1176 it allowed you to choose multiple ratio buttons at the same time now when we set this to all it is going to have a ratio somewhere in between 12 to one and 20 to one it's basically just going to give a completely different sound and so if you're wanting to have a compression you'll want to have this ratio set in 4 to 8 if you're wanting to have this as a limiter you're when I want this on twelve to one twenty to one or all now one thing that I want to mention here is the input gain when we are talking about a full-strength signal we're talking about unity gain now unity gain on this console is somewhere between negative 18 and negative 15 DB full scale which is dbfs now on a normal signal at negative 15 DB FS which is two orange lights on your console if you have your input game to set to negative 33 and your output gain set to negative 21 you will have pretty much a unity gain on this effect with zero compression once your signal of your channel goes above negative 15 DB FS you will start compressing now once we have that set we can go ahead and start adjusting this up or down if we're wanting to have more compression on that channel you can start raising this or lowering it so as just kind of a default starting settings for using this compressor I would set to negative 33 on the input negative 21 on the output put your attack to 3 put your release to 5 and have a ratio of 4 those are going to be some very good starting settings if you're using this for the first time so let's go ahead and actually get my drums going into this thing and see how the sounds on some drum overheads to add a little bit of liveliness into them okay so now that we actually have some audio going through this I have my Ultimo compressor inserted on my stereo overhead so we're going to go ahead and solo my overheads here and now we're just listening to all of the stuff that's going into this channel including this effects that's inserted on it so if we go ahead and turn up our input gain well not only hear that it's going louder but we'll also hear that eventually our compression is going to start kicking in so I'm going to turn this up and on our output game down alright so we are already having a little bit of compression here going on now let's go ahead and listen to the attack times and release times here so my attack I'm not wanting to have too fast because if I have it too fast is going to just clamp down on that hi-hat like so okay and so if I have this down to slow there's not going to be enough compression happening for this so I'm going to want to have this set to the point where I have attack happening but still all of my transients coming through now that sounds pretty great now let's go ahead and hit the release time now so if I have my release too fast or if I have my release too slow it's not going to come back up as fast as I want it to so I'm going to want to set this to the point where it's going to be releasing before the next hit that also not creating a pumping sound and the pumping sound is where you can definitely hear the compression happening so let's go ahead and actually check out the ratio now so if I have it to set it for it's just going to be mild compression if I turn this to eight it's going to have more compression and then when I hit twelve and twenty it's going to be in limiting mode and then my all mode so the all button mode is actually going to gain one decibel on the effect so just FYI if you decide to use all button mode it is going to add one DB that just sounds crazy so the one thing that I love this for is adding a little bit of liveliness into my drum overhead so I'm going to go ahead and start playing this and unsolo my drum overhead so you can hear the entire thing I'm going to activate and deactivate this effect here okay so we have the full drums kind of going on in here and we can hear that there's not a lot of room sound but if I turn this up it's just going to overdrive my signal by adding in a whole lot too many symbols so what we're going to do is we're just going to add in the ultimo compressor here [Music] now the place that I hear this the most is in the kick drum if you'll hear the room sound with the kick drum on this you'll really hear that just open up with the overheads now remember my input gain my output gain are to the point where I'm not adding much signal but I am getting a very big increase in the amount for my overheads now the other place that I love using this is bass guitar so I'm going to go ahead and pull up some bass guitar and we can insert this and get some really awesome sounds going from that so I have my music going through the board now here and I have my Ultimo compressor inserted on my bass guitar so let's go ahead and just solo the bass guitar here and I have my bass settings that I have set here we can see that my signal is about negative 15 DB FS and so I have my input gain set to negative 33 my output gain set to negative 21 my attack my release my ratio here and so we can see that if it gets really loud here in a portion of the song that I'll start seeing some compression happening every now and then now if I wanted to have more compression basically I would just start turning this up and we can see that we are starting to get a little bit of compression here now once you have that set we'll want to turn down our output gain to the point where we're keeping our input and our output about the same now the best way to chell to tell this is by pressing the active button and we can see that that's very very even now with the bass guitar what I'm wanting to do is I'm wanting to give it that really good awesome grit that the ultimo and the 1176 are really well known for so to do that I'm basically going to take my attack and turn this up to seven and my release and turn that to seven and so that is creating that really good fuzz bass sound that some people really really love now this is even with a ratio of four to one and we're not doing a whole mess of compression on this signal so if we now go and turn this all the way up to all it is not only giving a lot of compression and a lot of that grit from the attack and release but also the ratio from the all is giving it a little bit more of that grit that we want and so if I go ahead and deactivate this here [Music] you [Music] so we can really hear that coming through now we're not adding a lot of signal we're not compressing a whole lot on this but we are adding that grit sound thank you so much for watching this video on the ultimo compressor is a really great tool for being able to add a little bit of liveliness to the drum overheads a little bit of grit to the bass guitar now you can also use this for snare drums or acoustic guitars or electric guitars it's a very useful tool for kind of all over the board just remember that if you are starting out on set your attack to 3 your release to 5 and have your ratio set to 4 to 1 and that's going to be a really good basis to kind of start sculpting your sound with this effect if you have any questions feel free to post below also make sure to check out my blog post which you can see right here that goes along with this video and lastly if you haven't already make sure you subscribe to my channel down below you will be getting the most up-to-date videos that I'm releasing on the x32 thank you so much
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 69,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer X32 Effects Tutorials, behringer x32 effects tutorial, behringer x32 effect tutorials, behringer x32 effect tutorial, midas m32 effects tutorials, midas m32 effects tutorial, midas m32 effect tutorials, midas m32 effect tutorial, Ultimo Compressor, Behringer X32, x32, behringer, compressor, X32 compressor effects, x32 effects tutorials, x32 effect tutorials, 1176, 1176 tutorial, x32 effect tutorial, x32 effects tutorial
Id: -_s1bxKs4L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2016
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