Behringer X32 Effects Tutorial - Leisure Compressor

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hey guys is Drew brash or dbb audio I am here today with another effects tutorial for you guys but today we are going to be talking about my favorite compressor and effect that's built into this board it's called the leisure compressor now that's an emulation of the la-2a compressor which is arguably the most popular affect and hardware compressor ever next to the 1176 the la-2a is perfect for vocals and also bass guitar so let's go ahead and dive in and check this thing out we're going to first hit the effects button we're going to insert this on effects rack v so we're going to rotate this until we get to 5 and then we're going to rotate this knob until we find the leisure compressor which is right there so we have two different versions we have the dual and then we also have the stereo so today we're going to be inserting the dual and so once we are there we want to go ahead and press sets so that go ahead and sets that and then I'm going to insert this on on channel 1 and channel 3 so we're going to use this knob put it on channel 1 and channel 3 and then let's make sure to insert that so now that we have this inserted let's go ahead and actually check out the effect so here's our control service so we have 2 layers we have a 1 and a 2 and we can use our layer button to go between the two layer one is going to be controlling a channel a and layer 2 is going to be controlling channel B so our first button that we have here is our active button this is our active or turning off the effect we can bypass it by using this our gain knob is here and we also have another gain knob over on the far right I'll explain those in a second lastly we have our peak reduction and then a compressor limiter button now let's go ahead and talk about our gain knobs we have a gain knob here and a gain knob here now both of these can be used independently of each other and they can be additive or subtractive to each other with that being said I consider the left gain being the main gain of the effect and the gain on the far right being an additional game that you can use selectively if you'd like now the gain is actually post compression so if you turn up or down the gain that has nothing to do with the actual compression portion of the compressor so if you turn this up it's not going to raise the level before the threshold and before the compressor and so when we're talking about this gain knob first we notice that it says 40 now 40 does not equal decibels consider this to be control number so we can actually have zero all the way up to a hundred and zero if we put it at zero this will not pass any audio through it and if we turn this up to 100 it actually has positive twenty-eight decibels of gain so that's a lot of gain that you can apply with this however with the compressor you can compress about 24 to 25 decibels so it's good that we have the ability of bringing up that gain so much now I have a graph on my blog post DB B audio comm that actually shows the control number versus the actual gain or reduction that's being applied so make sure you go check that out and I'll make sure to put a link at the end of the video for you now the gain over here we have the ability of going negative 18 all the way up to positive 6 so the only difference between these two is that this has a larger range and this is actually in decibels so you can use either one um doesn't matter it's up to you normally I have this set at zero and gain it forty is going to be unity gain so that there is no gain or reduction applied to your channel so let's go ahead and move over to peak reductions so peak reduction is going to be the setting for the threshold of this effect so if we turn this to the left it's in essence bringing the threshold up which is reducing the amount of compression that's taking place if we move this to the right it's going to bring the threshold down which is going to make more compression on your channel when we have the set about 36 it's going to be unity gain which is about negative 18 DB FS which is DB full-scale which is this meter here also on my blog I have the threshold readings with the control number here so make sure you check that out so you can see where this threshold is set here with this control number the last thing we need to talk about is the compressor and limiter in the original manual if the compression ratio was three to one on the compressor and the limiter is infinity to one now that was on the original la-2a now the the la-2a used a t for photo cell which was frequency dependent and program dependent for the actual compression that was being applied so those numbers on the ratio have to be taken very lightly because they're not an absolute number so there is a difference between compression and limiting I've noticed that limiting will give you about two to three decibels more compression than the compressor will and there is an audible difference between the two the basic settings that behringer brings up default is here so we have a gain set of 40 usually and a peak at 48 and the gain over here at positive 1 so when I am using this effect originally I usually take my gain right here down to 1 and take my peak limiting down to 36 and my gain over here is set to 40 I make sure it's active so I do that on both channels and then now this effect is in essence at Unity gain so it's not applying any gain and the compression is just going to be at the point where we're at a full-scale signal on our board at negative 15 and negative 18 so we're going to go ahead and use this compressor today to get those vocals sounding a lot more even together which will notice that we'll need to bring up the gain on the female quite a bit so let's go ahead and do that so we're going to start out with the male vocal and the first thing that I really want to do is get the peak down to the point where I'm going to be getting some compression now the nice thing about this compressor is you can really compress a channel a lot without it sounding terrible which is awesome the other thing I love about this compressor is it's really one knob and then making the gain up with the make up game so it's really easy to use so that's a pretty good amount of compression about seven decibels now this vu meter is accurate with the amount of compression that's being applied so when we see a number here we can relate it to the gain on this side or this side so now that we have that set I'm going to go ahead and turn this over see you try over there how do you so the input and the output if I activate this or deactivate this is pretty similar so we're not gaining a lot of volume by putting it through the compressor but the actual you signal of the singer is going to be routed telegrams already email yet mercy you try so you can see that I really have to bring that threshold down to the point where it starts compressing her vocal but you can't even hear in the mix yet so let's go ahead and bring this gang I'm lost you want me there we go wrong key Ritchie all right so let's my head in the other CD I give each other telling about you how do you owe the home for me and Rick okay so here let's go ahead and listen to it on this pass Jesus you will one me you're broken every chain love and mercy you trying to better you how the pub's love me and then on this pastor I'm gonna deactivate the effects ourselves you me her vowel has dropped completely average love never see you trying toward and telling you how worthy pump lorry so thank you so much for watching this video today on the leisure compressor it is a very awesome effect that I love to use on any of my vocals I'm pretty much always insert this when I have a vocalist that needs a little bit of compression on their microphone so if you have any questions feel free to post below also make sure you check out the blog posts that I have on this to check out those graphs and charts that I made showing you where the threshold is and where the gain is for those control numbers and lastly make sure you subscribe to my channel because that way you will be up to date on the most recent videos that I'm releasing from the behringer x32 series thank you so much
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 98,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: behringer x32, Behringer X32, Behringer X32 Effects, Behringer X32 FX, X32 Effects, X32 FX, x32 fx, X32 Effects Rack, X32 FX Rack, x32 fx rack, Behringer X32 Effects Rack, Behringer X32 Effect Rack, Effects Rack, Effect Rack, FX Rack, Leisure Compressor, Dual Leisure Compressor, Stereo Leisure Compressor, Leisure, Compressor, X32 LA2A Compressor, Behringer LA2A Compressor, LA-2A Compressor, LA2A Compressor, Behringer LA-2A Compressor, X32 LA-2A Compressor
Id: 9VpXm1hMhC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2016
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