Beginners Guide to How to Use a Big Green Egg

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[Music] hey hey time to dirt man here and we're talking about the big green egg and actually how to use it and I'm gonna show you in detail everything you need to know about how to use the big green egg a lot of videos out there with different pieces here and there on how to use it I am gonna show you and the guy has used this for many many many years I have a lot of experience the things that I wish I knew when I first bought this alright let's talk about charcoal what kind of charcoal do you need to use so there's a lot of confusion on why you have to use hardwood and not respect so being in the fact that this big green egg you do not want to use briskets because there's a lot of chemicals of things they can get inside and it will stay you'll never ever use letter for it first of all I don't believe in lighter fluid in the first place just make your food taste nasty you don't want that kind of flavor in there anyways but this one is made to use for hardwood so hardwood is basically just wood that's been cooked into making a charcoal and there's a whole bunch of different kinds so these are two main kinds that I really strongly suggest always with the big green egg big green egg is fantastic it's really nice charcoal my only problem is is the price point on here it can be very expensive the price point doesn't matter to you then who cares and sometimes it's hard to find so maybe you don't have a store that's near you that actually has a big green egg your local store hardware store doesn't have it but most of the stories you can always find wall I got this at Home Depot it's easily fine you can find it at Walmart this stuff is really great too and the price point is past the point of the Big Green Egg quite as good as us but it's good so you can decide which ones there's a lot of other good ones out there there's some good videos that are out there talking about different kind of hardwoods and which ones to use there's some better ones you're definitely going to pay for it but these are my two favorites all right so now we're gonna dump this so we're gonna talk about two different cooks we're gonna talk about smoking or whether you're doing grilling I pretty much foot to sing them out it really depends upon just like cook you can fill it up more for a long cook for a shorter cook for a grill you don't need to blow up at high we're gonna throw some of these in here I already have charcoal here I said now we're gonna light up the grill there's two different ways to have a light at the grill you need one of these little lighter cubes whoever it has these which I really like a lot they're very clean when open when starting the fire also green egg has some - made with wood great I wouldn't like these kind of looks like a hair dryer but you're not really using it a hair dryer because you're gonna connect it to your electrical source and then you're gonna get clothes right over here I would look for a big piece and I just turn this one on [Music] was a hot heat brilliant here he'll take probably about two minutes isn't this enough [Music] [Music] take it all the way in [Music] there we go don't let that thing go look hi I've created fire I put this over to the side and an area where it can handle some heat a little bit that's gonna take probably about five to ten minutes just to cool down a little bit so you don't want to play any and put it in a spot which could pop the catch on fire or melt something which I have done before we started a fire I want to make sure you know you want to leave this thing that wide open right here and then we're gonna leave this up for about ten minutes but you can also see I took this off right here and when we close that up we're gonna want that airflow to keep blowing right in here to keep this fire going so we're gonna leave this open for ten minutes and you'll see you this nice little fire that's gonna get started on here all right the fire is going just a little bit so I'm gonna clean up my rack at the same time so willing things I like to do it for the rack on there while the fire is burning so we can burn off anything that was remaining from the last cook there's the Heat's getting on here I'm just clownin cleaning this off a little bit getting ready for the cook pretty good we can pull this thing right off all right I'm pulling off the rack here you got your little rack tool to pull this thing off that would be good to have I strongly suggest a good pair of gloves when you're using a green egg it definitely helps all right so it's been about ten minutes now and you can see the ad she's gotten really around here that it's really darn hot at this point I'm gonna close up the top we're gonna still leave this open right over here to the airflow so this is wide open down below here wide open here so we got plenty of airflow to really get this thing going and then we're gonna check back on this in about five minutes all right so you can see the temperature is rising it's well above 500 degrees so now I'm gonna put the Daisy wheel on here so one of the things the key on the Daisy wheel is you see where it says beatnik green eggs right on here so it looks like you should put it in this way right well here's the problem is when you lift up the top this part just slips and falls and you lose your settings so what you should always do is turn it the opposite way like this and then once you set it and you lift at the top it's gonna stay right there if you turn it around the other way this whole part starts moving and you gotta reset it so just a little tidbit that you want to remember [Music] now let's talk about safety if I open this thing up right now at 500 degrees and lifting it up there's a possibility this whole thing is gonna blow up right on them okay you can shoot up if you left this off so there's a part called burping so as we very well know what the airflow you got the air flow going through here it's circulating through here it's coming out and this point right here so right now the air is all contained right inside here so now we want to burn so what burping is gonna do is gonna release allow the air to slowly kind of come in and control it and you'll see what's gonna happen here so what things was safety you can do this or not do this I was strong if you're gonna do grilling at a high heat make sure you have a glove on just in case the burping doesn't really help and there's a little fire that comes up at least your seconds so here we go let's do let's do the burping so what I always do is three burps one two three and lift that up and you're safe really highly important so whether you have a glove on or not closing it up even if you're barbecuing I strongly suggest that you always for the grill just make it a habit if you make it a habit every time you open this up you'll never have a problem the first time I went with a buddy of mine who's had one for 10 years you get a cook you got the grill all ready to go and he said open it up and go ahead and cook and didn't tell me about the burping and I lifted this bad boy up and I can tell you right now a fire came right over the top of my hair was singed my eyebrows uh since we're never here with singe that's a learning experience you don't need to learn take it from the dirt man ok so now we're getting this thing ready to smoke so we're gonna put this on top on top you can see the indentations from where the plate setter goes in so we're gonna put that right in there now we're gonna put the water pan right inside you do not need a water pan but I really think it helps with the moisture and things like that now before I put in there I failed to mention you should also put in all your your wood in there if you're gonna put in there if you're gonna smoke go ahead and put that already in there put the plates that are in close this thing up like so and now our goal is to get this thing set at 225 let me show you how to do the best ok so now we're gonna close the screen so if I was gonna smoke I want to 25 I would start at about a quarter of an inch right here that'll handle that and we'll shut down some of the air here if you need less you need to turn it down a little bit more you can close it up even more like so but I think right at that point is a good start and let's show you up top so now I'm going to set this temperature and if you look at the Daisy wheel right here just the way you see it right there the good way to get this thing started at 2:25 okay you can see it's already set at 2:25 it's been about 10 minutes this is set now we're gonna put the meat in here now once you put the meat in here it may drop in temperature a little bit that's okay don't panic put it in there let it set wait around for about 10-15 minutes or so you might even need 20 or 30 and just to make sure your temperature is correct once it is you can pretty much set it and forget it [Music] okay now we're going to talk about grilling and getting the heat up so one of the first things you want to do is you want to come down below with the vent see how wide open that is just kind of close up the vent right there just close it up a little bit we want to get maximum amount of airflow here now if you really want to get this thing hot I mean you want to hack this thing to 700 degrees leave this thing wide open I'm telling ya it's gonna be really hot you have to really worry about burping you're looking to do some steaks you want to be around 500 degrees take your Daisy wheel here a big green egg get onto the back close that up and then you're gonna open that up fully right here we got that thing set we're gonna get this thing up to 500 degrees 600 degrees it'll take us another 10 more minutes to actually do that and it'll be nice and hot alright let me show you some other things to do what you'll need to do when you're setting the temperature alright so we were gonna set this temperature to around 400 degrees you maneuver by just turning this thing around like so okay that will get you probably around 400 degrees or so but you know you only constantly want to keep moving it around until you get the exact temperature most green eggs are close to being the same width they're a little bit different on the temperatures so you kind of play with it by down below if you want more airflow you've opened that up and if you want to set your temperature for higher you kind of moving the Daisy wheel round to set the temperature the way you want to do it okay we just got done grilling or barbecuing we're done with the grill we're not going to use it anymore so how did we stop the fire so one of the things we're gonna do is I'm going to close up the top we're gonna take the Daisy wheel off we're gonna birth this one I like to put this in here so I know exactly where to find it you can put it wherever you want to close that up and then put your ceramic cup right on there are you done someone easy [Music] all right let's talk about cleaning out the big green egg this is probably the number one part that you really need to focus on because without good airflow in here this thing is just not gonna work properly so I've done a previous cook so let's just take everything apart we're taking great off we're gonna put it down below and then we're gonna take the plate setter I'm just gonna put this back on the back rack so these little side racks really work really really well when you're putting things on here because it gives you another place to put things so now we're gonna go in here we're gonna use the ash tool we're gonna get deep inside that little hole right there you just let all that just clean that one out okay we just got done cleaning out here now we're gonna work our way down to the lower vent here now we're gonna clean this part out put your tool right in here apart to put the bucket right underneath here now I don't I'm not using a little ass told you can put right next to it and then you're gonna dump it I can I like it this way just already having a dump bucket very good way to go in for your ass since they're pulling this up out again your airflow is coming through here and out and about so you want to make sure this is clear they're giving one side pull it out turn this the other way pulling all this stuff out all right so now we've cleaned everything out you can kind of see it's kind of a dirt dirty job being a dirty dirty job kind of funny but so now we've got a point where everything is clear down below there's plenty of air flow for everything to flow through here we know that the holes are all cleared out and now when you get started with the cup one thing you definitely need is an ash tool definitely go it's a long one not the small one unless you've got a little tiny grill if you've got a larger bigger you definitely need this oh it's draw legit yeah that's an ash bucket to put this in there double use that wrongly suggest investing in some gloves some barbecue gloves the ones that that one can really handle a lot of heat now I love this igniter you don't really need to have this thing day/night there's this starter things little starter cube that you can use by either Weber or by green egg that comes with it this works really easy ten fifteen minutes you're up and ready to go it's very nice of you and get it for Christmas or you can afford it I definitely start to by suggest to buy it and then lastly is a really good thermometer digital thermometer this is really good if you're doing some smoking and grilling has off the side and if you really have the ability to use an infant thermometer that works great but you really don't need it and you also need a plate setter okay one thing I also forgot to talk about that I think for me is extremely important to have but you don't need it to get started there's definitely invest in some tables here unless you already have a table you put your egg into a table and you already have it's already there with some space oh it strongly suggests these these things are probably a little less than a hundred bucks I believe it works really great and now you have a lot of space to be able to move things around and it's very important when you're grill that's it when you're barbecuing just want to be clear I am NOT sponsored by Big Green Egg I'm not sponsored by thermo works I'm not sponsored by all the little things that I've shown you and things that you need I'm just after six or seven years and doing this thing of using the Big Green Egg these are things that I strongly suggest you use just it's made my life easier can make your life a lot easier and I just I think overall you'll like it and the dirt man suggests it can't be half bad this thing is awesome I love it and it will be a part of you for the next decade to twenty to thirty years after you take care of it just do some basic maintenance that you find out about it always put a cover on there put things where you can find it and you're just gonna love this and this is gonna be an enjoyment for you for many many many years I love this thing I love Big Green Egg remember it's always a good time to get dirty [Music]
Channel: Todd's DIRT Seasonings and Marinades
Views: 91,637
Rating: 4.8447609 out of 5
Keywords: Big Green Egg, guide to Big Green Egg, beginners guide to Big Green Egg, Green Egg, Todd's DIRT, Todd's DIRT seasonings, todd's dirt, Todd the dirt man, grilling, BBQ, Sam the cooking guy, food network, eggnator, plate setter, how to grill, todd, kamado grill, how to use a kamado grill
Id: 4ZYRqkWy4Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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