Big Green Egg 101 Basics

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[Music] hey guys welcome gold smokeless tea today we're going to be covering the basics of the Big Green Egg I know a lot of you may be thinking about getting one or maybe some of your newbies and just got one and don't know a whole lot about the Kamata or the big green egg or whatever and this video is just to help those people out and to figure out how it works and what to expect out of it and just to help you along with the process so we're going to go outside and take a look at the Big Green Egg and go through a few things for you okay guys let's start at the bottom and work our way up down here at the bottom is bottom damper and that opens up and lets air in and that's how we get the fire going the more it's open the more errors it's going to go in and how did that fire is going to be they have a little screen here you keep that closed to keep any hot ash from spilling out so when you first light it you want to have this all the way open see one as much air to get in there that's possible no one's smoking you generally smoke from 225 to 250 I like to smoke at 250 so what you'd like to close and it gets up near temperature you start dialing this back down a little bit then we're not to get to 50 and you're open only open button like that could vary depending on weather conditions and whatnot but let your bottom damper okay let's move on up okay let's go ahead and open her up and take a look inside okay hopefully you can see that down in there this this is all ceramic in here and this is what you call the firebox okay and this little groove right here that wants to be lined up with your bottom damper right in the middle of that and that will let your air in here and it comes in holes and what when you want chuckles in here these holes have to be pretty much clear and these holes along the side you know I'm all plugged up and stuff because you want your air to get in there and when putting your lump in I generally put it into almost the top of that firebox okay you may not use it all probably more likely you won't but there's no problem any excess that's left over after the cook you just shut down both dampers and those clothes go out and you can use them for the next cut now on top of this ring here that's where your great will go okay this would be for a seer maybe doing some steaks or burgers at four or five hundred degrees maybe six or seven hundred degrees or hot you want to get it but if you wanted to smoke you need to put the plate setter in there which I have here that's this thing here and that sets right down in there okay like so and that way that keeps that direct heat off of your food and all the heat comes up around the edges heat and the smoke and it kind of goes around the food and kind of like a convection of it keeps the food really moist and does a good job on top of that plate setter don't you great and that's where the food would go okay so pretty cut and dry I have a different setup here a little extra that I bought that even makes this more versatile and I'll be having a video on that and you can check that out [Music] okay these gaskets here you want to keep those in good shape these have just been replaced not too long ago and after you replace them or when you have your new egg you want to do two or three cooks at low temperatures maybe 250 300 degrees something like that you don't want to get it real hot right off the bat give these gaskets and time to cure at low temperatures and stuff that will help out a lot okay guys let's check out the top of this rascal on the top you have this little thermometer here which will give you a readout of your dome temperature and on the top this little guy is the rain cap you know we're not when you're not using it you want to keep the rain out you're going to keep this on there and I'll show you the damper top damper this baby is cast-iron so it does rust and well let me show you a little bit about it you just sit that right on there like that well you don't sit it on there like this but I just want to show you something okay let's say you have your damper set here and open the lid okay this opened up when you open the lid so this isn't in the right position that you want it I'd like to keep the screw right top like this some people put it over here on the left but I like it on the top so I have that doubt in it for a cook at 250 or whatever these are barely open then when you open the lid everything stays put it's not sliding around on you and you don't have to continually monitor it it's not gonna move on you so that's basically it now when you first light the fire you want that all the way open okay and you want the bottom all the way open that's gonna allow as much air as possible in there to get those coals going and get you up to temperature but you know after a few minutes after you like the fire you want to go ahead and close that and maybe open this one up all the way then as you get closer to temp you want to start dying on that in it's a lot easier to creep up on your set temperature then go over and try to bring it back down because it takes forever these guys retain the heat real really well so it's there to creep up on your temperatures so that that's about it on the basics oh one more thing this back here in the back there's a there's some bolts back here that tighten these two bands up there's one band for the lid and one band for the bottom if I can show you here it's these bolts right here okay now you want keep those tight if you don't there's possibility to this lid get fall out when you open it so you want to keep these bolts tight and actually these bolts should even be bent a little bit you want to give them that tight so a little bit of bends not going to hurt anything you can still take the nuts off and what-have-you so that's what you want to do there so guys be sure to subscribe and hit the bell for notifications we're gonna be having a lot of good stuff on here on the Big Green Egg I'm going to be going over low and slow cooks how to start your fire and set your dampers for low and slow and we're going to be doing some product reviews of accessories and stuff like that and not to mention a bunch of cooks and have recipes for good stuff to smoke up and grill so be sure subscribed give me a thumbs up and we'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: SmokinSteve
Views: 41,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ole SmokinSteve, SmokinSteve, Smokin Steve, Big Green Egg, Green Egg, Egg, Big Green egg Basics, Basics, Unserstanding the Egg, Big Green Egg 101, Egg Basics, Grren Egg Newbie, BGE
Id: 7qItCei9ZII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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