How to Make Furniture with Marvelous Designer - Beginner Tutorial

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the interior design world is changing everyday new building materials colours and furnishing styles this means no matter how large your asset library is you'll always be missing some of the latest trends that's why as art as artists I think it's very important to learn how to make these things yourself I'm Mason Menzies for polygon comm and today I'm going to show you how to create furniture using beginner techniques in Marvelous Designer and polygons new upholstery generator so I'm going to start off in marvellous design just to show you some of the basics of the tools in here on the left-hand side we have a three workspace and on the right hand side we have a 2d workspace now everything you create in Marvelous Designer will be created in the 2d workspace first and then you'll manipulate it in 3d space I'll show you what I mean here I mean create a basic square which I can do by coming up to our pattern creation tools here which by default is set to a polygon tool but I can click on it and drag down to a rectangle tool to create a square to do that I can just click and drag in the background to drag out any side square I want before I can just click in the background and it will open up a window that will allow me to enter in custom measurements for the width and height and when I've created that square you can see it appears in 3d space so to simulate this I can come up to the top left and press this down arrow or it can hit spacebar on my keyboard and that will drop our fabric down to the ground like so and now you can see we've got this little piece of fabric you can manipulate it by clicking and dragging it and that will allow you to make adjustments in real time Marvelous Designer works really fast as it uses the cpu as well as the GPU for simulations so that's pretty much how you make everything in marvelous design you'll make something in 2d space and then you'll make it in 3d space so let's take a look at how we can create a pillow to do that I'm going to select this first pattern piece that we made here I'm gonna right click on it and come over to reset 3d arrangement you can see that I will reset it to its initial state like so so a pillow isn't just one piece of fabric it's two pieces sewn together so I'm going to select this first pattern that we made here and I'm going to duplicate it over to create the other side to do that with it selected I can hit ctrl C and then control V which will allow me to make a copy of it and in 3d space you can see we now have that duplication over here as well I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna spin it around and that will allow me to put these two pieces back-to-back like so now I want to sew these two pieces together which is one of the best tools within Marvelous Designer is being able to sew stuff it's sort of the whole the whole idea with Marvelous Designer but there's a couple ways to do it you can either do it in the 2d workspace or you can do it in the 3d workspace just so I'm gonna select this tool here it's called the segment sewing tool it just looks like a little sewing machine with a dotted line below it and what this will let us do is come into our pattern here and it'll allow us to highlight edges on our pattern so this will let me select an edge and then select another edge and it will stitch those two edges together you can see that with these relationship lines that's show that these two pieces have been stitched together and that's how you can do it in the 3d viewport but you can also do it the exact same way in the 2d space by hovering over and highlighting an edge and stitching that edge to another edge like so you can see now I've got that edge sewn in 3d space so I'm just gonna sew these guys together here like so and now that they're stitched I can simulate this so let's press spacebar to stimulate it and how you can see that we've got a bit of a problem this doesn't really look like a pillow does it's sort of having a having a rough day so I'm going to stop my simulation and I can undo my simulation by hitting ctrl Z a few times and let's just take a look at what might have gone wrong here so looking around my asset here I can see that yeah on the bottom here I've got this this these two edges that have been sewn together but they've been crossed and that's something that you want to look out for when you're sewing in Marvelous Designer so into these space I can see that these two edges that were sewn together are crossed I can see that by just selecting this edge here and we don't want that so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna undo this seam that I sewed just like so so now it's gone and how we accidentally cross them is by sewing it the wrong ends together so we can highlight these edges like I mentioned and sell them together but you can see when we're highlighting we have another line here that shows as I move my cursor across this edge you can see this line changes which side it's on and this is something that you want to pay attention to when sewing together what I had done is I had sewed the outside of this pattern to the outside of this pattern like that and that created this crossed seam so what I want to do is instead I want to sew the opposite ends to each other like so and now you can see that we've got these straight sewing lines so if I come out here and press spacebar to simulate now our pillow looks a little bit less shaky but it doesn't really look like a pillow right now it's very flat and so what I want to do is I want to add in some stuffing to this pillow so to do that I'm gonna select both pieces of my pattern here and in our simulation properties we can add in some pressure so if I wish to set the pressure to something like 20 you can see in our 3d workspace our pillow puffs right up now we've got something here this is looking much closer to what we're looking for and that's how you create everything Marvelous Designer you'll basically start in 2d workspace and then stitch things together in 3d and then play around with it with your simulation but one thing to note about Marvelous Designer is it is certainly not a modeling tool Marvelous Designer is a simulation tool and it allows you to create just fabric and garments which means if we want to make something like a chair which we want to do today we have to do some of the modeling beforehand for the hard surface parts of our chair the same goes for something like a couch couches although they look like fabric from the outside within the couch there's a lot of wood and cardboard construction going on so if you wanted to make a couch you'll have to model that base structure beforehand as well now I've gone ahead and I've already modelled the base for my chair here and if you want to model something like this I do have reference material linked in the description below and you can use this to go ahead and model your own husky chair but if you just want to do the Marvelous Designer section and learn that you can also download this base model and import that into Marvelous Designer so I'm going to import mine into Marvelous Designer and I'm going to go to file export here in blender I'm gonna get export it as an FBX you can use obj if you want to and that's what you used to you I like to you fbx because if you've set up your scale properly within blender when you import an FBX into Marvelous Designer it'll automatically set up that scale for you so let's go to file import in Marvelous Designer here and import an FBX I'm just gonna select my model here and under import FBX window we have an option called Auto scale and that's what I want to check here that will make sure that my scale is correct for my chair now you might get this information window pop-up and that's just because Marvelous Designer is expecting you to load in a human avatar but we're loading in a chair so we don't need to worry about that and now you can see in Marvelous Designer we've got our chair in here so we can go about creating the cushions and upholstery for this chair now if we look at our reference material again you can see that this chair is basically made out of a bunch of pillows stitched together which is perfect we already know how to make a pillow but we do have a bit of an issue here and that if we look at the pillow in our reference there's lots of these nice big creases and wrinkles and just generally more detailed to these pillows and if we look at our cushion in Marvelous Designer here we're not really getting those details it's it's kind of just this square looking puffy thing so we want to get some more wrinkles out of this guy and to do that I like to think about creating stuff and Marvelous Designer the same way you would create it in the real world because most of the stuff you'll create Marvelous Designer is something that you can create in real life so in the case of a pillow pillows have pillow cases and right now we just have two layers here we have this upper half in this lower half and then within that we have stuffing but we can create a pillow case which will allow us to get a lot more detail to create a pillow case I just like selecting the pillow that we've already created and I can duplicate it with control C and control V and that I'll place it in the 3d space and now I'm gonna select you select all my pillows here just like this I'm going to move them up in the 3d spaces so I can see stuff better so with this pillow case that we've just generated I'm gonna select the bottom half I'm going to move that below our original pillow now I'm going to select the top half and move it just above the original pillow like that and now you can see that these two pieces are already sewn together but can be duplicated from the original but we also want the pillowcase to be sewn to the original pillow which I'll refer to as the liner it's it's the liner that contains this stuffing so I want to stitch the pillowcase to the liner I can do that really easily in my 2d space with the segment sewing tool I'll just sew these guys together like this there we go and now we've got our pillow case sewn to the pillow liner if I was to hit simulate here you can see we've got a pillow with a pillow case but it looks really no different than it did before and the reason it looks no different than it did before is because we took our original pillow and we duplicated it to create our pillow case but the pillow case and the original pillow liner are the exact same size so to get some more wrinkles out of our pillow case we want to change some of the dimensions of it so I'm going to select both my pillow case pieces here and I'm going to come over to my property editor and this is where we can start making adjustments first of all in the stimulation properties you can see we still have pressure which I don't really want I just want the liners to have pressure and stuffing inside of them so with the pillowcases selected I'm just gonna remove the pressure you see our pillow dropped down a little bit and now what we can do is start adjusting the dimensions of these pillowcases to create some more wrinkles so we have two options here called shrinkage weft and shrinkage warp and it's sort of a mouthful and it's kind of technical terms that are used in the real world of pattern creation but don't worry about that basically it's just a percentage adjustment for the width and height of your selected pattern so with the Swink shrinkage weft and shrinkage warp at a hundred percent there's no change to the pattern at all but I've if I was to increase these values to something like a hundred and ten it would increase the width and height of the pattern so let's do that here I can select my shrink as your weft put that to something like 110 and same for the warp now you can see if we look at our pillow we have some wrinkles happening here but they kind of just look like a bunch of lumps and the reason it looks like that is because we don't have a lot of resolution with our scene here with our if I look at a mesh view here you can see it's really low poly just barely any detail here we can adjust that by selecting our patterns and in our stimulation properties we can adjust the particle distance then the particle distance again is another mouthful term it's kind of weird the way they've named it in Marvelous Designer but basically the lower your particle distances at the higher poly your pattern is going to be and the higher your particle distance is the lower partly your pattern is going to be so if I was to decrease this to something like 10 we'll get a lot more detail out of our simulation here I can simulate and you can see we're getting some of those wrinkles now I think it's a little bit too strong though so I'm going to select this these pillow cases here and I'm going to decrease this to 105 percent for the weft and the warp like so so now you can see we're getting some nice fine or ankles here another thing that you can do to adjust the look and style of your wrinkles is changing the type of fabric so if I select all my pillow cases here in my object browser you can see they have this default fabric material if I select that our property editor will update with the properties for our fabric and how I like to use this is just select a preset so under physical properties we can select a different preset here and I'm going to select from this huge menu of different options we have everything from wool silk leather down to different types of cotton so I'm gonna select a cotton twill for my pillow here and you can see right away we're getting much different wrinkles out of this and that's a really fun way to adjust what kind of results you're getting I like to think about my chair before head and looking at my reference for this chair I can see that this is a cotton twill texture here something like this and so I'm gonna select cotton twill for my cushion here like I did but if your chair was made out of something like leather in your reference or it was made out of a silk then you can select one of those options from your fabric drop-down and that's it that's how you create a nice detailed pillow so we're basically gonna do this a handful of times to create this chair here so basically we'll create a bunch of pillows and stitch those pillows together so let's take a look how we can stitch pillows together if I select this first pillow we have I'm just gonna duplicate it to make my second pillow here and I'm gonna move it up in the 3d space just to get it positioned like so and now we can stitch these two guys together so in my 2d space I now have my pillow liners here and then I also have these pillow cases so I'm going to move my liners out of the way and I'm just gonna put my pillow cases next to them so now up in this top bar I have one pillow liners and then cases and then same on the bottom row I want to sew the pillow cases to each other not the liners so I'm going to select my segment sewing tool and I'm gonna go over here and I want to stitch these two together I can do that by just referencing my 3d window here you can see as I move my cursor over these edges and they highlight in the 2d space they also highlight in the 3d space so I want to sew this end here to this end over here so I'm going to find that in the 2d space and that looks like it'll do there we go so these guys have been stitched together and there's no crossing so if I had space to simulate now these two pillows will stitch together and that's how we're going to go about doing the rest of the pillows so I'm going to create the rest of the pillows here and I'll just speed up through the process because they're all made the same way that we did the first two pillows you all right so with all my pillows done here I'm ready to set it up for exporting so to do that I just want a little bit more detail out of these pillows because right now they're fairly low poly and I also want them to be generated out of quads right now if I go into mesh view you can see that these are all generated out of triangles I would like quads for my personal workflow so to do that I'm gonna select all my pillow cases because just to note I'm not gonna be exporting the pillow liners seen as we're not gonna actually see them I just want to export the pillow cases so with these guys selected I'm gonna come on down to miscellaneous and there's a remesh option called remesh bata now because it's bata I do recommend that you save your file here just in case it crashes but I haven't cracked I haven't had a crash on my end at all so I'm gonna select remesh and now if I go over to my mesh view here you can see it's made of the quads it does still look like it's made out of triangles and that's just because we can also see our liners which we didn't change so I'm going to right click on my liners here and select hide 3d pattern but now you can see that our pillow cases here are all made out of quads really nice clean topology but it's not high-resolution enough for me so I'm going to select these pillow cases here and I'm gonna change my particle distance down to something really low like 8 and that'll give me a lot of detail once that's updated you can see it looks kind of kind of strange here we've got all these artifacts and bumps everywhere and so what we want to do is just simulate it for a second or two to let it settle down and there we go now it's settle down just a little bit here so with that we were ready to export these cushions out to our 3d software I'm using blender for rendering so I'm going to export into that and to do it I'm just gonna select my pillowcases and come up to file export and I'm again gonna export as an FBX so in the same folder here I'm just gonna call it us chair cushions like so I can press save it'll export it out and open up an export FBX window and just like importing the only thing we want to check is Auto scale then we can press ok it'll export it out and we can jump back into under so in blender here I'm gonna go to file import import FBX and you're gonna find the file that I just exported from Marvelous Designer and we can press import FBX and now we've got our cushions it's also given us a duplicate of our base model here so I'm just gonna select that and delete it and now we've got our cushions in blender so with that I'm ready to move on to texturing my chair for the legs I'm gonna be using this texture from polygon it's the would find veneer walnut two zero zero five I really like this texture so that's what I'm gonna go with for the legs and then for the base of my chair I want to go with the metal graphite pitted 0:01 texture from polygon this again is one of my favorite textures and I think it looks like a nice powder coat which is going to work for our chair today and so if the materials for the base of my chair done now I want to move on to doing the materials for my cushions themselves so for the cushions I'm going to be using polygons new upholstery generator if you haven't seen that yet I highly recommend you check it out it allows you to pretty much generate whatever type of fabric material you want to fit your specific asset so I'm going to be using that now I'm using blender and because blender doesn't have a built in substance plug-in we're gonna be using the free substance player app this will allow us to open our texture and then edit it with in substance player so I'm gonna open the SBS AR file here and we can start customizing our own fabric now if you want to learn in more detail how you can use this generator we have a full video on our YouTube page which I'll link in the description below that goes over all the settings within this generator but for today what we're gonna try and do is replicate a specific type of fabric based from reference so I'm gonna open up a reference image here and a kind of fabric I'm gonna try and replicate here is a cotton twill texture I think this will fit with our asset really well so I'm gonna put that on my other monitor while I work in substance painter here the first things I want to look at are the output size by default it's set to 512 and that's just so it works really fast within your viewport here but I want to have a little bit more detail while I'm working seeing as my machine can handle it so I'm gonna up that to 1024 and now you can really see the detail coming through with this fabric texture later on when I go to export I'm gonna change that to 4k so I'm going to go into global parameters I want to make sure I'm using the correct workflow for my render engine in this case I'm using blender so I'm gonna use metallic and roughness and then I want to select my we've type so I'm gonna select from the drop-down one of these options here that we have like I said you can create a whole bunch of different types of fabric which is fantastic but today I want to do 12 cuz that's my reference and now I have this 12 texture setup right away this nice weave for twill so I can come down in here into threads and adjust some more options like maybe I want my thread diameter to be a bit larger and maybe I'd want a little more thread diameter variation something like this a little bit higher I can also choose the look of my thread so if I wanted a twisted thread or I untwisted thread I'm gonna leave it as twisted as most cotton tool textures have twisted threads and I'm gonna go over to thread color so within thread color I actually kind of like this gray texture that we have going on here but if you wanted something custom like maybe you wanted a blue chair or a green chair or a yellow chair you can go ahead and do that by selecting from the drop-down of color options or by going to the bottom and choosing your own custom color but I'm going to leave the colors by default for now because I like those and then the last thing that I really want to change here is the age category within the age you have lots of options for really giving your fabric a lot of character like dye fading which is really cool but my favorite option here is the stray fibers option I love this this just really helps to give your fabric a lot of use and age and character to it so I'm gonna change my resolution up to 2048 here just so I can see what I'm working on a bit better and I'm gonna increase my stray fiber frequency just to something a bit higher I'm gonna increase my fiber length and my fiber width just to get a lot of nice variation in here from these stray fibers I'll crease the size a little bit like that and then in here we also have option for pulled threads if you wanted that so I'm going to enable that just so I can have a couple of those in here somewhere and I'm going to increase the frequency just so we have some more and you can increase the pulled thread lightness as well so you can see as I drag that up the pulled threads get lighter you can see that up here really clearly that's pretty much all I want to change for the look I think this matches my reference really in terms of the weave so I'm gonna leave it there and then last thing I want to do is go to my adjustment so under adjustments we have a shading option here and within the shading option we have a normal format option and this is gonna vary depending on your render engine but because I'm using blender again I'm gonna set this to OpenGL as that's what blender prefers so I think I'm ready to export this texture out so I'm gonna change my resolution to 4096 and once that's done I can come up to export and we can export your textures so I'm gonna browse to where I want to save these I'm just gonna put it in a new folder because I've got a couple of fabrics that I've already exported out of here and select the folder and then I'm gonna change my format to PNG like so with that you can hit export it'll export all your Maps out and then we can move back on into blender so back in blender here I'm gonna select my cushions and I'm gonna add in a new material and I'm gonna call it cotton twill like so I'm gonna split my windows here and we're gonna open up this shader editor so by default we have this principal shader and if you have the node Wrangler add-on enabled you can just hit control shift T with that selected and select the base color of your fabric texture set as well as the metallic roughness and normal map and when you hit principle texture setup it will automatically load in all the textures for you there you go now you can see that we've already got our texture and material working right away it's definitely a bit too large though you see these threads are ginormous so I'm going to change my scale here to something like 20 let's see how that looks that might have been too much let's change it to 15 by 15 by 15 yeah I like how that looks so I'm going to go to my camera view here because I've set up a camera and a few lights just to check how my materials are looking in cycles and there we go I'm really happy with that and with that now we have our own custom asset for our library you can import this into any scene that you're working in and start set dressing I hope you guys learn something watching this video and I hope you guys can start making more stuff and Marvelous Designer if you have questions regarding Marvelous Designer please feel free to ask them in the comment section below and I'll do my best to get back to you regarding that if you have questions regarding upholstery generator from polygon please head over to polygon comm and you can use our support chatbox Paskus any questions for polygon this is Mason Menzies wishing you all happy sewing in marvelous designer Cheers
Channel: Poliigon
Views: 107,084
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Id: utOPDuyk1SM
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Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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